@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
"PeerInfo.Action.Share" = "Share";
"PeerInfo.Action.Share" = "Share";
"PeerInfo.Action.Report" = "Report";
"PeerInfo.Action.Report" = "Report";
"PeerInfo.Action.Statistics" = "Statistics";
"PeerInfo.Action.Statistics" = "Statistics";
"PeerInfo.Action.BoostGroup" = "Boost Group";
"PeerInfo.Action.Leave" = "Leave";
"PeerInfo.Action.Leave" = "Leave";
"PeerInfo.Action.DeleteGroup" = "Delete";
"PeerInfo.Action.DeleteGroup" = "Delete";
"PeerInfo.Action.AddMembers" = "Add";
"PeerInfo.Action.AddMembers" = "Add";
@ -2277,9 +2278,14 @@
"Telegram.GroupStickerSetController" = "Group Sticker Set";
"Telegram.GroupStickerSetController" = "Group Sticker Set";
"GroupStickers.CreateDescription" = "You can create your own custom sticker set using the @stickers bot.";
"GroupStickers.CreateDescription" = "You can create your own custom sticker set using the @stickers bot.";
"GroupStickers.ChooseHeader" = "CHOOSE FROM YOUR STICKERS";
"GroupStickers.ChooseHeader" = "CHOOSE FROM YOUR STICKERS";
"GroupStickers.EmptyHeader" = "No such sticker set found";
"GroupStickers.EmptyHeader" = "No such sticker set found";
"GroupStickers.EmptyDesc" = "Try again or choose from the list below";
"GroupStickers.EmptyDesc" = "Try again or choose from the list below";
"GroupStickers.EmptyHeader.Emoji" = "No such emoji set found";
"GroupStickers.EmptyDesc.Emoji" = "Try again or choose from the list below";
"AccountSettings.SetBio" = "Set a Bio";
"AccountSettings.SetBio" = "Set a Bio";
"AccountSettings.SetUsername" = "Set a Username";
"AccountSettings.SetUsername" = "Set a Username";
@ -3127,6 +3133,8 @@
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Confirm.ClearCloudDrafts" = "Are you sure you want to clear all cloud drafts?";
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Confirm.ClearCloudDrafts" = "Are you sure you want to clear all cloud drafts?";
"Location.Set.Location" = "Set This Location";
"Location.Send.MyLocation" = "Send My Current Location";
"Location.Send.MyLocation" = "Send My Current Location";
"Location.Send.ThisLocation" = "Send This Location";
"Location.Send.ThisLocation" = "Send This Location";
@ -7120,6 +7128,12 @@
"Premium.Boarding.SavedTags.Title" = "Tags for Messages";
"Premium.Boarding.SavedTags.Title" = "Tags for Messages";
"Premium.Boarding.SavedTags.Info" = "Organize your Saved Messages with tags for quicker access.";
"Premium.Boarding.SavedTags.Info" = "Organize your Saved Messages with tags for quicker access.";
"Premium.Boarding.LastSeen.Title" = "Last Seen Times";
"Premium.Boarding.LastSeen.Info" = "View the last seen and read times of others even if you hide yours.";
"Premium.Boarding.MessagePrivacy.Title" = "Message Privacy";
"Premium.Boarding.MessagePrivacy.Info" = "Restrict people you don't know from sending you messages.";
"Premium.Boarding.About.Title" = "About Telegram Premium";
"Premium.Boarding.About.Title" = "About Telegram Premium";
"Premium.Boarding.About.Text" = "While the free version of Telegram already gives its users more than any other messaging application, **Telegram Premium** pushes its capabilities even further.\n\n**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.";
"Premium.Boarding.About.Text" = "While the free version of Telegram already gives its users more than any other messaging application, **Telegram Premium** pushes its capabilities even further.\n\n**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone.";
@ -7632,6 +7646,7 @@
"Premium.Period.Annual" = "Annual";
"Premium.Period.Annual" = "Annual";
"Premium.Period.SixMonth" = "Six Month";
"Premium.Period.SixMonth" = "Six Month";
"Premium.Period.Price" = "%@/month";
"Premium.Period.Price" = "%@/month";
"Premium.Period.Price.Year" = "%@/year";
"Premium.Boarding.Subscribe.Month" = "Subscribe for %@ / month";
"Premium.Boarding.Subscribe.Month" = "Subscribe for %@ / month";
@ -8128,6 +8143,8 @@
"Story.Input.CantShare" = "You can't share this story";
"Story.Input.CantShare" = "You can't share this story";
"Story.Input.Placeholder" = "Reply Privately...";
"Story.Input.Placeholder" = "Reply Privately...";
"Story.Input.Group.Placeholder" = "Comment Story...";
"Story.Input.Attach" = "Photo or Video";
"Story.Input.Attach" = "Photo or Video";
"Story.Input.File" = "File";
"Story.Input.File" = "File";
@ -8197,6 +8214,8 @@
"Story.StealthMode.Placeholder" = "Stealth Mode - %@";
"Story.StealthMode.Placeholder" = "Stealth Mode - %@";
"Story.SlowMode.Placeholder" = "Slow Mode - %@";
"PremiumBoarding.Stories.PriorityOrder.Title" = "Priority Order";
"PremiumBoarding.Stories.PriorityOrder.Title" = "Priority Order";
"PremiumBoarding.Stories.PriorityOrder.Info" = "Get more views as your stories are always displayed first.";
"PremiumBoarding.Stories.PriorityOrder.Info" = "Get more views as your stories are always displayed first.";
@ -8344,14 +8363,20 @@
"ChannelBoost.Title.Channel" = "Boost Channel";
"ChannelBoost.Title.Group" = "Boost Group";
"ChannelBoost.Level" = "Level %@";
"ChannelBoost.Level" = "Level %@";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStories" = "Enable Stories";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStories" = "Enable Stories";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesText" = "Your channel needs %1$@ to enable posting stories.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesText" = "Your channel needs %1$@ to enable posting stories.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.IncreaseLimit" = "Increase Story Limit";
"ChannelBoost.ZeroLevelText.Channel" = "Your channel needs %1$@ to get access to features.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.IncreaseLimitText" = "Your channel needs %1$@ to post %2$@.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.ZeroLevelText.Group" = "Your group needs %1$@ to get access to features.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.IncreaseLimitText.Channel" = "Your channel needs %1$@ to get access to featrues.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.IncreaseLimitText.Group" = "Your group needs %1$@ to get access to featrues.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableColors" = "Enable Colors";
"ChannelBoost.EnableColors" = "Enable Colors";
@ -8362,22 +8387,36 @@
"ChannelBoost.ProfileColor" = "Set Cover Color";
"ChannelBoost.ProfileColor" = "Set Cover Color";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileColorLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to change channel cover color.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileColorLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to change channel cover color.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileColorLevelText.Group" = "Your group needs **Level %1$@** to change group cover color.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.ProfileIcon" = "Set Cover Icon";
"ChannelBoost.ProfileIcon" = "Set Cover Icon";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileIconLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to change channel cover icon.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileIconLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to change channel cover icon.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableProfileIconLevelText.Group" = "Your group needs **Level %1$@** to change channel cover icon.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EmojiStatus" = "Use Emoji Statuses";
"ChannelBoost.EmojiStatus" = "Use Emoji Statuses";
"ChannelBoost.EnableEmojiStatusLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to use emoji statuses.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableEmojiStatusLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to use emoji statuses.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableEmojiStatusLevelText.Group" = "Your group needs **Level %1$@** to use emoji statuses.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your grpup with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EmojiPack" = "Use Emoji Pack";
"ChannelBoost.EnableEmojiStatusLevelText.Group" = "Your group needs **Level %1$@** to use emoji pack.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableWallpapers" = "Enable Wallpapers";
"ChannelBoost.EnableWallpapers" = "Enable Wallpapers";
"ChannelBoost.EnableWallpapersText" = "Your channel needs **%1$@ level** to change wallpaper.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableWallpapersText" = "Your channel needs **%1$@ level** to change wallpaper.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableWallpapersText.Group" = "Your group needs **%1$@ level** to change wallpaper.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.UnblockText.Group" = "Boost the group **%1$@** times to remove messaging restrictions. Your boosts will help **%2$@** to unlock new features.";
"ChannelBoost.UnblockText.Group.Full" = "Boost the group **%1$@** times to remove messaging restrictions.";
"ChannelBoost.UnblockSlowmode.Group" = "Boost the group **%1$@** times to remove slow mode restrictions. Your boosts will help **%2$@** to unlock new features.";
"ChannelBoost.UnblockSlowmode.Group.Full" = "Boost the group **%1$@** times to remove slow mode restrictions.";
"ChannelBoost.EnableReactions" = "Custom Reactions";
"ChannelBoost.EnableReactions" = "Custom Reactions";
"ChannelBoost.EnableReactionsText" = "Your channel needs to reach **%1$@ level** to add %2$@ custom emoji as reactions.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableReactionsText" = "Your channel needs to reach **%1$@ level** to add %2$@ custom emoji as reactions.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableReactionsText.Group" = "Your group needs to reach **%1$@ level** to add %2$@ custom emoji as reactions.\n\nAsk your **Premium** subscribers to boost your group with this link:";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesForChannel" = "Enable Stories for This Channel";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesForChannel" = "Enable Stories for This Channel";
@ -8388,14 +8427,20 @@
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesMoreRequired" = "This channel needs **%1$@** to enable stories.";
"ChannelBoost.EnableStoriesMoreRequired" = "This channel needs **%1$@** to enable stories.";
"ChannelBoost.HelpUpgradeChannel" = "Help Upgrade This Channel";
"ChannelBoost.HelpUpgradeChannel" = "Help Upgrade This Channel";
"ChannelBoost.HelpUpgradeGroup" = "Help Upgrade This Group";
"ChannelBoost.HelpUpgradeChannelText" = "**%1$@** needs %2$@ to be able to post %3$@.";
"ChannelBoost.HelpUpgradeChannelText" = "**%1$@** needs %2$@ to be able to post %3$@.";
"ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelReachedLevel" = "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and can now post %2$@.";
"ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelReachedLevel.Channel" = "This channel reached **Level %1$@**.";
"ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelMoreRequired" = "%1$@ needed to be able to post %2$@.";
"ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelReachedLevel.Group" = "This group reached **Level %1$@**.";
"ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelMoreRequired.New" = "%1$@ needed to unlock new features.";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReached" = "Maximum Level Reached";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReached" = "Maximum Level Reached";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText" = "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and can now post %2$@.";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText.Channel" = "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and have access to all features.";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedTextAuthor" = "%1$@ reached **Level %2$@** and can now post %3$@.";
"ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText.Group" = "This group reached **Level %1$@** and have access to all features.";
"ChannelBoost.YouBoostedChannel" = "You Boosted %1$@!";
"ChannelBoost.YouBoostedChannel" = "You Boosted %1$@!";
"ChannelBoost.YouBoostedOtherChannel" = "You Boosted The Channel";
"ChannelBoost.YouBoostedOtherChannel" = "You Boosted The Channel";
@ -8403,6 +8448,11 @@
"ChannelBoost.BoostChannel" = "Boost Channel";
"ChannelBoost.BoostChannel" = "Boost Channel";
"ChannelBoost.BoostGroup" = "Boost Group";
"ChannelBoost.AdditionalFeatures.Title" = "Additional Features";
"ChannelBoost.AdditionalFeatures.Text" = "By gaining boosts, your group levels and unlocks more features.";
"Stats.Statistics" = "Statistics";
"Stats.Statistics" = "Statistics";
@ -8410,13 +8460,21 @@
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersNone" = "BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersNone" = "BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.NoBoostersYet" = "No users currently boost your channel";
"Stats.Boosts.NoBoostersYet" = "No users currently boost your channel";
"Stats.Boosts.NoBoostersYet.Group" = "No users currently boost your group";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersInfo" = "Your channel is currently boosted by these users.";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersInfo" = "Your channel is currently boosted by these users.";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersInfo.Group" = "Your group is currently boosted by these users.";
"Stats.Boosts.ExpiresOn" = "Boost expires on %@";
"Stats.Boosts.ExpiresOn" = "Boost expires on %@";
"Stats.Boosts.OverviewHeader" = "OVERVIEW";
"Stats.Boosts.OverviewHeader" = "OVERVIEW";
"Stats.Boosts.LinkHeader" = "LINK FOR BOOSTING";
"Stats.Boosts.LinkHeader" = "LINK FOR BOOSTING";
"Stats.Boosts.LinkInfo" = "Share this link with your subscribers to get more boosts.";
"Stats.Boosts.LinkInfo" = "Share this link with your subscribers to get more boosts.";
"Stats.Boosts.LinkInfo.Group" = "Share this link with your group members to get more boosts.";
"Stats.Boosts.Action.Boost" = "Boost";
"Stats.Boosts.Action.Giveaway" = "Giveaway";
"Stats.Boosts.Action.Info" = "Features";
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_countable" = "%d";
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_countable" = "%d";
@ -8428,6 +8486,8 @@
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_other" = "%d BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_other" = "%d BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_ZeroValueHolder" = "NO BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.Boosters_ZeroValueHolder" = "NO BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.GroupInfo" = "Members of your group can **boost** it so that it **levels up** and gets **exclusive features**.";
"ChannelBoost.StoriesPerDay_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.StoriesPerDay_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.StoriesPerDay_zero" = "**%d** stories per day";
"ChannelBoost.StoriesPerDay_zero" = "**%d** stories per day";
@ -8525,8 +8585,9 @@
"SelectColor.Apply" = "Apply";
"SelectColor.Apply" = "Apply";
"SelectColor.Premium" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() to choose a custom color for your name.";
"SelectColor.Premium" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() to choose a custom color for your name.";
"SelectColor.Success.Channel" = "Your channel name color has been updated!";
"SelectColor.Success.Appearance.User" = "Your profile appearance has been updated!";
"SelectColor.Success.User" = "Your name color has been updated!";
"SelectColor.Success.Appearance.Channel" = "Your channel appearance has been updated!";
"SelectColor.Success.Appearance.Group" = "Your channel appearance has been updated!";
"SelectColor.Message1" = "Reply to your message";
"SelectColor.Message1" = "Reply to your message";
@ -8579,6 +8640,8 @@
"Channel.BoostsStats.GetBoostsViaGifts" = "Get Boosts Via Gifts";
"Channel.BoostsStats.GetBoostsViaGifts" = "Get Boosts Via Gifts";
"Channel.BoostsStats.GetBoostsViaGifts.Info" = "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting Premium to your subscribers.";
"Channel.BoostsStats.GetBoostsViaGifts.Info" = "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting Premium to your subscribers.";
"Channel.BoostsStats.GetBoostsViaGifts.Info.Group" = "Get more boosts for your group by gifting Premium to your subscribers.";
"Channel.BoostsStats.Prepaid.Title" = "PREPAID GIVEAWAYS";
"Channel.BoostsStats.Prepaid.Title" = "PREPAID GIVEAWAYS";
"Channel.BoostsStats.Prepaid.Info" = "Select a giveaway you already paid for to set it up.";
"Channel.BoostsStats.Prepaid.Info" = "Select a giveaway you already paid for to set it up.";
@ -8593,6 +8656,7 @@
"Giveaway.Header.Title" = "**Gift Telegram Premium**";
"Giveaway.Header.Title" = "**Gift Telegram Premium**";
"Giveaway.Header.Text" = "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting";
"Giveaway.Header.Text" = "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting";
"Giveaway.Header.Text.Group" = "Get more boosts for your group by gifting";
"Giveaway.Type.Random.Title" = "Create Giveaway";
"Giveaway.Type.Random.Title" = "Create Giveaway";
"Giveaway.Type.Specific.Title" = "Award Specific Users";
"Giveaway.Type.Specific.Title" = "Award Specific Users";
@ -8618,6 +8682,7 @@
"Giveaway.Channels.Header" = "CHANNELS INCLUDED IN THE GIVEAWAY";
"Giveaway.Channels.Header" = "CHANNELS INCLUDED IN THE GIVEAWAY";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_countable" = "%d";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_countable" = "%d";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_zero" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_zero" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
@ -8627,15 +8692,32 @@
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_many" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_many" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_other" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive_other" = "this channel will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_countable" = "%d";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_zero" = "this group will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_one" = "this group will receive %d boost";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_two" = "this group will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_few" = "this group will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_many" = "this group will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.BoostReceive.Group_other" = "this group will receive %d boosts";
"Giveaway.Channels.Context.Remove" = "Remove";
"Giveaway.Channels.Context.Remove" = "Remove";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add" = "Add Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add" = "Add Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Group" = "Add Group Or Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Header" = "Private Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Header" = "Private Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Text" = "Are you sure you want to add a private channel? Users won't be able to join it without an invite link.";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Text" = "Are you sure you want to add a private channel? Users won't be able to join it without an invite link.";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Ok" = "Add";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Ok" = "Add";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.SelectChannel" = "Select Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.SelectChannel" = "Select Channel";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Header.Group" = "Private Group";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Text.Group" = "Are you sure you want to add a private group? Users won't be able to join it without an invite link.";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.Private.Ok.Group" = "Add";
"Giveaway.Channels.Add.SelectChannel.Group" = "Select Group";
"Giveway.Channels.Info" = "Choose the channels users need to be subscribed to take part in the giveaway.";
"Giveway.Channels.Info" = "Choose the channels users need to be subscribed to take part in the giveaway.";
"Giveway.Channels.Info.Group" = "Choose the groups or channels users need to be subscribed to take part in the giveaway.";
"Giveaway.ReceiverType.Title" = "USERS ELIGIBLE FOR THE GIVEAWAY";
"Giveaway.ReceiverType.Title" = "USERS ELIGIBLE FOR THE GIVEAWAY";
@ -8663,6 +8745,7 @@
"Giveaway.Date.SelectDate.OK" = "OK";
"Giveaway.Date.SelectDate.OK" = "OK";
"Giveaway.Date.Info" = "Choose when subscribers of your channel will be randomly selected to receive Telegram Premium.";
"Giveaway.Date.Info" = "Choose when subscribers of your channel will be randomly selected to receive Telegram Premium.";
"Giveaway.Date.Info.Group" = "Choose when subscribers of your group will be randomly selected to receive Telegram Premium.";
"Giveaway.PaymentOptions.Title" = "DURATION OF PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTIONS";
"Giveaway.PaymentOptions.Title" = "DURATION OF PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTIONS";
"Giveaway.PaymentOptions.Info" = "You can review the list of features and terms of use for Telegram Premium [here](premium).";
"Giveaway.PaymentOptions.Info" = "You can review the list of features and terms of use for Telegram Premium [here](premium).";
@ -9215,6 +9298,15 @@
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor_many" = "%d Color for Channel Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor_many" = "%d Color for Channel Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor_other" = "%d Color for Channel Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor_other" = "%d Color for Channel Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_zero" = "%d Color for Group Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_one" = "%d Color for Group Cover";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_two" = "%d Color for Group Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_few" = "%d Color for Group Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_many" = "%d Color for Group Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileColor.Group_other" = "%d Color for Group Covers";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_zero" = "%d Style for Links and Quotes";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_zero" = "%d Style for Links and Quotes";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_one" = "%d Style for Links and Quotes";
"ChannelBoost.Table.StyleForHeaders_one" = "%d Style for Links and Quotes";
@ -9232,12 +9324,28 @@
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper_other" = "%d Channel Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper_other" = "%d Channel Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_countable" = "%d";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_zero" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_one" = "%d Group Background";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_two" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_few" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_many" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_other" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileLogo" = "Custom Logo for Channel Cover";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileLogo" = "Custom Logo for Channel Cover";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileLogo.Group" = "Custom Logo for Group Cover";
"ChannelBoost.Table.HeadersLogo" = "Custom Logo for Links and Quotes";
"ChannelBoost.Table.HeadersLogo" = "Custom Logo for Links and Quotes";
"ChannelBoost.Table.EmojiStatus" = "1000+ Emoji Statuses";
"ChannelBoost.Table.EmojiStatus" = "1000+ Emoji Statuses";
"ChannelBoost.Table.CustomWallpaper" = "Custom Channel Background";
"ChannelBoost.Table.CustomWallpaper" = "Custom Channel Background";
"ChannelBoost.Table.CustomWallpaper.Group" = "Custom Group Background";
"ChannelBoost.Table.AudioTranscription" = "Voice-To-Text Conversion";
"ChannelBoost.Table.EmojiPack" = "Custom Emoji Pack";
"PremiumBoarding.ActivateForFree" = "Activate For Free";
"PremiumBoarding.ActivateForFree" = "Activate For Free";
"PremiumBoarding.ActivateForFree.Already" = "You are already Telegram Premium subscriber.";
"PremiumBoarding.ActivateForFree.Already" = "You are already Telegram Premium subscriber.";
@ -9406,5 +9514,45 @@
"Group.EmojiPack.Title" = "Group Emoji Pack";
"Group.EmojiPack.Title" = "Group Emoji Pack";
"Group.EmojiPack.Header" = "CHOOSE EMOJI PACK";
"Group.EmojiPack.Header" = "CHOOSE EMOJI PACK";
"Group.EmojiPack.CreateInfo" = "All members will be able to use these emoji in the group, even if they don't have Telegram Premium.\n\nYou can create your own custom emoji set using the [@stickers](stickers) bot.";
"SavedMessages.Tags.Unlock" = "Unlock";
"SavedMessages.Tags.Unlock" = "Unlock";
"BoostGroup.ChatInput.Action" = "Boost this group to send messages";
"BoostGroup.ChatInput.SendMedia" = "Boost this group to send media.";
"BoostGroup.ChatInput.Boost" = "Boost";
//"BoostGroup.ChatInput.Slowmode" = "Boost this group to disable slow mode.";
"ChannelPermission.RestrictBoosters" = "Do Not Restrict Boosters";
"ChannelPermission.RestrictBoosters.Active" = "Choose how many boosts a user must give to the group to bypass restrictions on sending messages.";
"ChannelPermission.RestrictBoosters.NonActive" = "Turn this on to always allow users who boosted your group to send messages and media.";
"Notification.Boost.Times_countable" = "%d";
"Notification.Boost.Times_zero" = "%d times";
"Notification.Boost.Times_one" = "%@ time";
"Notification.Boost.Times_two" = "%@ times";
"Notification.Boost.Times_few" = "%@ times";
"Notification.Boost.Times_many" = "%@ times";
"Notification.Boost.Times_other" = "%@ times";
"Notification.Boost.Single" = "%1$@ boosted the group";
"Notification.Boost.Multiple" = "%1$@ boosted the group %2$@";
"Notification.Boost.SingleYou" = "You boosted the group";
"Notification.Boost.MultipleYou" = "You boosted the group %1$@";
"Chat.SendMessageErrorNonPremiumForbidden" = "Only Premium users can message %@";
"EmojiSection.GroupEmoji" = "GROUP EMOJI";