@ -466,6 +466,14 @@
"Compose.Popover.NewSecretChat" = "New Secret Chat";
"Gallery.Context.SaveVideo" = "Save Video";
"Gallery.Context.Original" = "Original";
"Gallery.Context.Alert.Downloaded" = "Downloaded. [Show in Finder](finder)";
"Gallery.Context.Alert.Downloading" = "Downloading. [Show in Manager](manager)";
"Chat.Cancel" = "Cancel";
"Gallery.Context.SaveAs" = "Save As...";
"Gallery.Context.ShowMessage" = "Show Message";
@ -2146,6 +2154,7 @@
"EventLog.Service.EditedCaption" = "%@ edited caption:";
"EventLog.Service.EditedMedia" = "%@ edited media:";
"EventLog.Service.AddedMedia" = "%@ added media:";
@ -3307,6 +3316,10 @@
"Chat.Copy.ProxyConfiguration" = "Copy Link to Proxy";
"Chat.MessageAction.ShowMessage" = "SHOW MESSAGE";
"Chat.MessageAction.RequestToJoin" = "REQUEST TO JOIN";
"ProxySettings.ShareProxyList" = "Share Proxy List";
"TermsOfService.Title" = "Terms of Service";
"TermsOfService.Accept" = "Agree & Continue";
@ -7982,13 +7995,15 @@
"ChatList.FolderUpdates.Info" = "Click here to view them";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Balance" = "Balance";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Username" = "Username";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Intro" = "Edit Intro";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Commands" = "Edit Commands";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Settings" = "Change Bot Settings";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.Info" = "Use [@BotFather]() to manage this bot.";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.StarsBalance" = "Balance";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.StarsBalance_New" = "Stars Balance";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.TonBalance" = "TON Balance";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.StarsCount_countable" = "%d";
"PeerInfo.BotEdit.StarsCount_zero" = "%d Stars";
@ -8722,6 +8737,7 @@
"Stats.Boosts" = "Boosts";
"Stats.Monetization" = "Monetization";
"Stats.Stars" = "Stars";
"Stats.Ton" = "TON";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersNone" = "BOOSTERS";
@ -10266,6 +10282,14 @@
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_many" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_other" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_countable" = "%d";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_zero" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_one" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_two" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_few" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_many" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfoNew_other" = "Send them a Gift.";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_countable" = "%d";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_zero" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
@ -10392,9 +10416,12 @@
"Business.Links.Name.Info" = "Add a name for this link that only you will see.";
"Monetization.Header.Bot" = "Telegram shares 50%@ of the revenue from ads displayed in your bot. [Learn More >]()";
"Monetization.Header" = "Telegram shares 50%@ of the revenue from ads displayed in your channel. [Learn More >]()";
"Monetization.ImpressionsTitle" = "AD IMPRESSIONS (BY HOURS)";
"Monetization.AdRevenueTitle" = "AD REVENUE";
"Monetization.OverviewTitle" = "PROCEEDS OVERVIEW";
@ -10437,6 +10464,12 @@
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Refund" = "Refund";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.ViewInExplorer" = "View in Blockchain Explorer";
"Monetization.IntroBot.Title" = "Earn From Your Bot";
"Monetization.IntroBot.Ads.Text" = "Telegram can display ads in your bot.";
"Monetization.Intro.Title" = "Earn From Your Channel";
"Monetization.Intro.Ads.Title" = "Telegram Ads";
@ -10789,6 +10822,8 @@
"PreviewSender.MoveTextUp" = "Move Caption Up";
"PreviewSender.MoveTextDown" = "Move Caption Down";
"PreviewSender.RemoveMedia" = "Remove Media";
"FactCheck.Placeholder" = "Add Fact Check";
"FactCheck.Title" = "Fact Check";
@ -10912,6 +10947,9 @@
"Star.Transaction.Availability" = "Availability";
"Star.Transaction.Availability.Of" = "%1$d of %2$@";
"Star.Transaction.Availability.OfLeft" = "%1$@ of %2$@ left";
"Star.Transaction.ReactionId" = "Message";
"Star.Transaction.Reason.Giveaway" = "Giveaway";
@ -11395,6 +11433,8 @@
"Star.Transaction.StarGift.ConvertTo" = "[Convert to %@](convert)";
"Star.Transaction.StarGift.SeeInProfile" = "The gift is visible on your page. [View >](view)";
"Star.Transaction.StarGift.ConvertToStars.Alert" = "You Successfully converted Gift to Stars";
"Star.Transaction.StarGift.DisplayOnPage.Alert" = "The gift is now displayed in your profile.";
@ -11442,9 +11482,19 @@
"Star.Transaction.ConvertAlert.Header" = "Convert Gift to Stars";
"Star.Transaction.ConvertAlert.Info" = "Do you want to convert this gift from **%1$@** to **%2$@**?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"Star.Transaction.ConvertAlert.Info.Until" = "Do you want to convert this gift from **%1$@** to **%2$@**?\n\nConversion option available until %3$@.\n\nThis action cannot be undone.";
"Star.Transaction.ConvertAlert.OK" = "Convert";
"Star.Transaction.ConvertAlert.TooLate" = "Sorry, you cant convert this gift to stars anymore.";
"Star.Transaction.Value" = "Value";
"Gifting.Title" = "Gift Premium or Stars";
@ -11469,3 +11519,102 @@
"Video.Quality.Auto" = "Auto";
"Gift.Premium.Header" = "%@ Premium";
"Gift.Premium.Text" = "Subscription for exclusive Telegram features";
"Gift.Premium.PreviewInfo" = "Only %@ will see your message.";
"Gallery.Translate" = "Translate";
"Gallery.HideTranslation" = "Hide Translatation";
"Gift.SoldOut" = "sold out";
"Gift.SoldOut.Error" = "This gift has sold out";
"Gift.Unavailable" = "Unavailable";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_countable" = "%d";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_zero" = "sell for %d stars";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_one" = "sell for %d star";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_two" = "sell for %d stars";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_few" = "sell for %d stars";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_many" = "sell for %d stars";
"Star.Transaction.SaleFor_other" = "sell for %d stars";
"Star.Transaction.SendGift" = "send a gift";
"Chat.Context.EditedAt" = "edited %@";
"Bot.AllowSendMessages" = "Allow **%@** to send me messages.";
"Bot.LaunchApp" = "Launch";
"Bot.MoreAbout" = "[More about this bot >](info)";
"Bot.Grossing.Disclaimer" = "Which apps are included here? [Learn >](grossing)";
"Bot.Grossing.Disclaimer.Alert.Header" = "Top Mini Apps";
"Bot.Grossing.Disclaimer.Alert.Text" = "This catalogue ranks mini apps based on their daily revenue, measured in Stars. To be listed, developers must set their main mini app in [@botfather](https://t.me/botfather) (as described [here](https://core.telegram.org/api/bots/webapps)), have over **1,000** daily users, and earn a daily revenue above **1,000** Stars, based on the weekly average.";
"Bot.Grossing.Disclaimer.Alert.ok" = "Understood";
"Chat.ToastQuoteChatUnavailbalePrivateChannel" = "This quote is from a private channel";
"Chat.ToastQuoteChatUnavailbalePrivateGroup" = "This quote is from a private group";
"Chat.ToastQuoteChatUnavailbalePrivateChat" = "This quote is from a private chat";
"InputContext.HashtashHelp.Use" = "Use %@";
"InputContext.HashtashHelp.Basic" = "searches posts from all channels";
"InputContext.HashtashHelp.Channel" = "searches only posts from this channel";
"Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramBotApi.Title" = "Paid Broadcast";
"Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramBotApi.Subtitle" = "Bot API";
"Chat.Bot.Ad" = "Ad";
"Chat.Bot.Remove" = "remove";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Context" = "The video will be published once converted and optimized.";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.MessageTime" = "appx. %@";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Tooltip" = "Processing video may take a few minutes.";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Service" = "The video will be published once converted and optimized";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Improving" = "Improving Video...";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Improving.Info" = "The video will be published after it's optimized for the best viewing experience.";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Published" = "Video published.";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Published.View" = "View";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.Improving.Info.Forward" = "The forwarded video will be published after it's optimized for the best viewing experience.";
"Chat.BotAd.Ad" = "Ad";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.SendNow.Header" = "Wait!";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.SendNow.Info" = "This video hasn't been converted and optimized yet. If you send it now, the viewers of the video may experience slow download speed.";
"Chat.VideoProccessing.SendNow.OK" = "Send Anyway";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_countable" = "%d";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_zero" = "%d Messages";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_one" = "%d Message";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_two" = "%d Messages";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_few" = "%d Messages";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_many" = "%d Messages";
"Star.Transaction.BroadcastMessages_other" = "%d Messages";