"StorageUsage.Limit.Desc" = "If your cache size exceeds this limit, the oldest media will be deleted.\n\nAll media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again.";
"StorageUsage.Limit.Desc" = "If your cache size exceeds this limit, the oldest media will be deleted.\n\nAll media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again.";
"StorageUsage.Limit.NoLimit" = "No Limit";
"StorageUsage.Limit.NoLimit" = "No Limit";
"StorageUsage.ClearChat.Info" = "Media files will be cleared from your disk, but will remain available for re-downloading if necessary.";
"StorageUsage.KeepMedia.Description1" = "Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.";
"StorageUsage.KeepMedia.Description1" = "Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.";
"StorageUsage.KeepMedia.Description" = "Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.\n\nAll media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again.";
"StorageUsage.KeepMedia.Description" = "Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.\n\nAll media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again.";
@ -1457,6 +1501,17 @@
"StorageUsage.CleaningProcess" = "Your local cache is being cleaned...";
"StorageUsage.CleaningProcess" = "Your local cache is being cleaned...";
"StorageUsage.CategoryText" = "All media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again.";
"Chat.Service.PeerRequested" = "You shared %1$@ with %2$@.";
"Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Plain" = "Are you sure you want to send %1$@ to %2$@?";
"Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Permission" = "Are you sure you want to send %1$@ to %2$@? This will also add %3$@ to %4$@ with the following rights: %5$@";
"VoiceChat.Settings.End.Confirm" = "Are you sure you want to end this voice chat?";
"VoiceChat.Settings.End.Confirm" = "Are you sure you want to end this voice chat?";
@ -6371,7 +6489,6 @@
"Translate.Language.pt" = "Portuguese";
"Translate.Language.pt" = "Portuguese";
"Translate.Language.ru" = "Russian";
"Translate.Language.ru" = "Russian";
"Translate.Language.es" = "Spanish";
"Translate.Language.es" = "Spanish";
"Translate.Language.Afrikaans" = "Afrikaans";
"Translate.Language.Afrikaans" = "Afrikaans";
"Translate.Language.Albanian" = "Albanian";
"Translate.Language.Albanian" = "Albanian";
"Translate.Language.Amharic" = "Amharic";
"Translate.Language.Amharic" = "Amharic";
@ -6482,6 +6599,16 @@
"Translate.Language.Zulu" = "Zulu";
"Translate.Language.Zulu" = "Zulu";
"Chat.Translate.To" = "Translate to %1$@";
"Chat.Translate.ShowOriginal" = "Show Original";
"Chat.Translate.Menu.Hide" = "Hide";
"Chat.Translate.Menu.Hide.Tooltip" = "Translation bar is now hidden for this channel. You can enable it in profile.";
"Chat.Translate.Menu.DoNotTranslate" = "Do Not Translate %@";
"ChatList.DownloadsTag" = "Downloads";
"ChatList.DownloadsTag" = "Downloads";
@ -7026,7 +7153,7 @@
"GlobalTimer.Block.Info" = "If enabled, all new messages in chats you start will be automatically deleted for everyone at some point after they have been sent. This will not affect your existing chats.";
"GlobalTimer.Block.Info" = "If enabled, all new messages in chats you start will be automatically deleted for everyone at some point after they have been sent. This will not affect your existing chats.";
"GlobalTimer.Block.Enabled.Info" = "All new messages in chats you started will be automatically deleted for everyone 1 week after they have been sent. You can also [apply this setting for your existing chats]().";
"GlobalTimer.Block.Enabled.Info" = "All new messages in chats you started will be automatically deleted for everyone %@ after they have been sent. You can also [apply this setting for your existing chats]().";
"GlobalTimer.SetCustomTime" = "Set Custom Time";
"GlobalTimer.SetCustomTime" = "Set Custom Time";
"GlobalTimer.Off" = "Off";
"GlobalTimer.Off" = "Off";
@ -7049,3 +7176,200 @@
"GlobalTimer.Select.StatusEnabled" = "auto-delete after %@";
"GlobalTimer.Select.StatusEnabled" = "auto-delete after %@";
"GlobalTimer.Select.Apply" = "Apply a %@ self-destruct timer";
"GlobalTimer.Select.Apply" = "Apply a %@ self-destruct timer";
"UserInfo.SuggestPhoto" = "Suggest Photo for %@";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto" = "Set Photo for %@";
"UserInfo.ResetPhoto" = "Reset to Original Photo";
"UserInfo.Suggest.Confirm" = "Do you want to suggest %@ to set this photo for his/her page?";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.Confirm" = "Do you want to set this photo for %@? Only you will see this photo and it will replace any photo %@ sets for themselves.";
"UserInfo.Suggest.Title" = "Suggest Photo";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.Title" = "Set Photo";
"UserInfo.Suggest.Confirm.OK" = "SUGGEST";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.Confirm.OK" = "SET";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.Info" = "Do you want to suggest a profile picture for %@?";
"UserInfo.SetByYou" = "photo set by you";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.Tooltip" = "You will now always see this photo for %@ account.";
"UserInfo.Suggest.Tooltip" = "You successfully suggested new photo for %@";
"UserInfo.ResetPhoto.Confirm" = "Are you sure you want to reset to %@ original photo?";
"UserInfo.ResetPhoto.Confirm.OK" = "Reset";
"UserInfo.SetPhoto.BlockInfo" = "You can replace %@'s photo with another photo that only you will see.";
"Gallery.Contact.PhotoByYou" = "Only you can see this photo.";
"bullet" = "•";
"Chat.Service.SuggestedPhoto" = "%@ suggests you profile photo";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.User.Premium" = "• User should have a Premium subscription.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.User.NonPremium" = "• User shouldn't have a Premium subscription.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Private" = "• The group should be private.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Public" = "• The group should be public.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.NonForum" = "• The group should have topics turned off.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Forum" = "• The group should have topics turned on.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Owner" = "• You should be the owner of the group.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.NonOwner" = "• You shouldn't be the owner of the group.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.AdminRights" = "• You have the admin rights to %1$@";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Create" = "Create a New Group for This";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Group.Empty" = "You don't have groups that meet the following requirements:";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.Private" = "• The channel should be private.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.Public" = "• The channel should be public.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.Owner" = "• You should be the owner of the channel.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.NonOwner" = "• You shouldn't be the owner of the channel.";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.AdminRights" = "• You have the admin rights to %1$@";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.Create" = "Create a New Channel for This";
"ChoosePeer.Requirements.Channel.Empty" = "You don't have channel that meet the following requirements:";
"CreateChannel.TooManyError.Title" = "Sorry, you have reserved too many public usernames. You can revoke the link from one of your older groups or channels.";