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synced 2025-03-27 02:08:53 +01:00
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2 changed files with 31 additions and 12 deletions
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ok = Ok;
//@length Length of the code
authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage length:int32 = AuthenticationCodeType;
//@description An authentication code is delivered via an SMS message to the specified phone number
//@description An authentication code is delivered via an SMS message to the specified phone number; applications may not receive this type of code
//@length Length of the code
authenticationCodeTypeSms length:int32 = AuthenticationCodeType;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ authenticationCodeTypeFragment url:string length:int32 = AuthenticationCodeType;
authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseAndroid nonce:bytes length:int32 = AuthenticationCodeType;
//@description An authentication code is delivered via Firebase Authentication to the official iOS application
//@receipt Receipt of successful applikation token validation to compare with receipt from push notification
//@receipt Receipt of successful application token validation to compare with receipt from push notification
//@push_timeout Time after the next authentication method is supposed to be used if verification push notification isn't received, in seconds
//@length Length of the code
authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseIos receipt:string push_timeout:int32 length:int32 = AuthenticationCodeType;
@ -87,6 +87,17 @@ emailAddressAuthenticationAppleId token:string = EmailAddressAuthentication;
emailAddressAuthenticationGoogleId token:string = EmailAddressAuthentication;
//@class EmailAddressResetState @description Describes reset state of a email address
//@description Email address can be reset after the given period. Call resetAuthenticationEmailAddress to reset it and allow the user to authorize with a code sent to the user's phone number
//@wait_period Time required to wait before the email address can be reset; 0 if the user is subscribed to Telegram Premium
emailAddressResetStateAvailable wait_period:int32 = EmailAddressResetState;
//@description Email address reset has already been requested. Call resetAuthenticationEmailAddress to check whether immediate reset is possible
//@reset_in Left time before the email address will be reset, in seconds. updateAuthorizationState is not sent when this field changes
emailAddressResetStatePending reset_in:int32 = EmailAddressResetState;
//@description Represents a part of the text that needs to be formatted in some unusual way @offset Offset of the entity, in UTF-16 code units @length Length of the entity, in UTF-16 code units @type Type of the entity
textEntity offset:int32 length:int32 type:TextEntityType = TextEntity;
@ -119,8 +130,8 @@ authorizationStateWaitEmailAddress allow_apple_id:Bool allow_google_id:Bool = Au
//@allow_apple_id True, if authorization through Apple ID is allowed
//@allow_google_id True, if authorization through Google ID is allowed
//@code_info Information about the sent authentication code
//@next_phone_number_authorization_date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user will be able to authorize with a code sent to the user's phone number; 0 if unknown
authorizationStateWaitEmailCode allow_apple_id:Bool allow_google_id:Bool code_info:emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo next_phone_number_authorization_date:int32 = AuthorizationState;
//@email_address_reset_state Reset state of the email address; may be null if the email address can't be reset
authorizationStateWaitEmailCode allow_apple_id:Bool allow_google_id:Bool code_info:emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo email_address_reset_state:EmailAddressResetState = AuthorizationState;
//@description TDLib needs the user's authentication code to authorize. Call checkAuthenticationCode to check the code @code_info Information about the authorization code that was sent
authorizationStateWaitCode code_info:authenticationCodeInfo = AuthorizationState;
@ -5521,7 +5532,7 @@ updateSelectedBackground for_dark_theme:Bool background:background = Update;
//@description The list of available chat themes has changed @chat_themes The new list of chat themes
updateChatThemes chat_themes:vector<chatTheme> = Update;
//@description Some language pack strings have been updated @localization_target Localization target to which the language pack belongs @language_pack_id Identifier of the updated language pack @strings List of changed language pack strings
//@description Some language pack strings have been updated @localization_target Localization target to which the language pack belongs @language_pack_id Identifier of the updated language pack @strings List of changed language pack strings; empty if all strings have changed
updateLanguagePackStrings localization_target:string language_pack_id:string strings:vector<languagePackString> = Update;
//@description The connection state has changed. This update must be used only to show a human-readable description of the connection state @state The new connection state
@ -5745,6 +5756,10 @@ requestQrCodeAuthentication other_user_ids:vector<int53> = Ok;
//@last_name The last name of the user; 0-64 characters
registerUser first_name:string last_name:string = Ok;
//@description Resets the login email address. May return an error with a message "TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS" if reset is still pending.
//-Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEmailCode and authorization_state.can_reset_email_address == true
resetAuthenticationEmailAddress = Ok;
//@description Checks the 2-step verification password for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword @password The 2-step verification password to check
checkAuthenticationPassword password:string = Ok;
@ -5801,8 +5816,8 @@ getPasswordState = PasswordState;
//@new_recovery_email_address New recovery email address; may be empty
setPassword old_password:string new_password:string new_hint:string set_recovery_email_address:Bool new_recovery_email_address:string = PasswordState;
//@description Changes the login email address of the user. The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with checkLoginEmailAddressCode.
//-To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call checkLoginEmailAddressCode directly
//@description Changes the login email address of the user. The email address can be changed only if the current user already has login email and passwordState.login_email_address_pattern is non-empty.
//-The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with checkLoginEmailAddressCode. To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call checkLoginEmailAddressCode directly
//@new_login_email_address New login email address
setLoginEmailAddress new_login_email_address:string = EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo;
@ -6579,7 +6594,7 @@ sendWebAppData bot_user_id:int53 button_text:string data:string = Ok;
//@description Informs TDLib that a Web App is being opened from attachment menu, a botMenuButton button, an internalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot link, or an inlineKeyboardButtonTypeWebApp button.
//-For each bot, a confirmation alert about data sent to the bot must be shown once
//@chat_id Identifier of the chat in which the Web App is opened
//@chat_id Identifier of the chat in which the Web App is opened. The Web App can't be opened in secret chats
//@bot_user_id Identifier of the bot, providing the Web App
//@url The URL from an inlineKeyboardButtonTypeWebApp button, a botMenuButton button, or an internalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot link, or an empty string otherwise
//@theme Preferred Web App theme; pass null to use the default theme
@ -6663,8 +6678,8 @@ closeChat chat_id:int53 = Ok;
//-Many useful activities depend on whether the messages are currently being viewed or not (e.g., marking messages as read, incrementing a view counter, updating a view counter, removing deleted messages in supergroups and channels)
//@chat_id Chat identifier
//@message_ids The identifiers of the messages being viewed
//@source Source of the message view
//@force_read Pass true to mark as read the specified messages even the chat is closed; pass null to guess the source based on chat open state
//@source Source of the message view; pass null to guess the source based on chat open state
//@force_read Pass true to mark as read the specified messages even the chat is closed
viewMessages chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector<int53> source:MessageSource force_read:Bool = Ok;
//@description Informs TDLib that the message content has been opened (e.g., the user has opened a photo, video, document, location or venue, or has listened to an audio file or voice note message).
@ -8202,7 +8217,7 @@ getDeepLinkInfo link:string = DeepLinkInfo;
//@description Returns application config, provided by the server. Can be called before authorization
getApplicationConfig = JsonValue;
//@description Adds server-provided application changelog as messages to the chat 777000 (Telegram); for official applications only @previous_application_version The previous application version
//@description Adds server-provided application changelog as messages to the chat 777000 (Telegram); for official applications only. Returns a 404 error if nothing changed @previous_application_version The previous application version
addApplicationChangelog previous_application_version:string = Ok;
//@description Saves application log event on the server. Can be called before authorization @type Event type @chat_id Optional chat identifier, associated with the event @data The log event data
@ -8283,6 +8298,9 @@ getUserSupportInfo user_id:int53 = UserSupportInfo;
//@description Sets support information for the given user; for Telegram support only @user_id User identifier @message New information message
setUserSupportInfo user_id:int53 message:formattedText = UserSupportInfo;
//@description Returns localized name of the Telegram support user; for Telegram support only
getSupportName = Text;
//@description Does nothing; for testing only. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization
testCallEmpty = Ok;
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeMissedCall#82006484 prefix:string length:int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeEmailCode#5a159841 flags:# apple_signin_allowed:flags.0?true google_signin_allowed:flags.1?true email_pattern:string length:int next_phone_login_date:flags.2?int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeEmailCode#f450f59b flags:# apple_signin_allowed:flags.0?true google_signin_allowed:flags.1?true email_pattern:string length:int reset_available_period:flags.3?int reset_pending_date:flags.4?int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired#a5491dea flags:# apple_signin_allowed:flags.0?true google_signin_allowed:flags.1?true = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeFragmentSms#d9565c39 url:string length:int = auth.SentCodeType;
auth.sentCodeTypeFirebaseSms#e57b1432 flags:# nonce:flags.0?bytes receipt:flags.1?string push_timeout:flags.1?int length:int = auth.SentCodeType;
@ -1546,6 +1546,7 @@ auth.acceptLoginToken#e894ad4d token:bytes = Authorization;
auth.checkRecoveryPassword#d36bf79 code:string = Bool;
auth.importWebTokenAuthorization#2db873a9 api_id:int api_hash:string web_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization;
auth.requestFirebaseSms#89464b50 flags:# phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string safety_net_token:flags.0?string ios_push_secret:flags.1?string = Bool;
auth.resetLoginEmail#7e960193 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode;
account.registerDevice#ec86017a flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector<long> = Bool;
account.unregisterDevice#6a0d3206 token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector<long> = Bool;
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