diff --git a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios.html b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios.html
index 5f64d188a5..6f742aaa4e 100644
--- a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios.html
+++ b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios.html
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
diff --git a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/camera_and_media.html b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/camera_and_media.html
index 9e26dfeeb6..7ec09d430b 100644
--- a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/camera_and_media.html
+++ b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/camera_and_media.html
@@ -1 +1,532 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ "AttachmentMenu.File": [
+ "File"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.PhotoOrVideo": [
+ "Photo or Video"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.Poll": [
+ "Poll"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.SendAsFile": [
+ "Send as File"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.SendGif": [
+ "Send 1 GIF",
+ "Send
%@ GIFs"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.SendItem": [
+ "Send 1 Item",
+ "Send
%@ Items"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.SendPhoto": [
+ "Send 1 Photo",
+ "Send
%@ Photos"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMenu.SendVideo": [
+ "Send 1 Video",
+ "Send
%@ Videos"
+ ],
+ "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanInstallInfo": [
+ "Go to [getdesktop.telegram.org](desktop) or [web.telegram.org](web) to get the QR code"
+ ],
+ "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanTitle": [
+ "Scan QR Code"
+ ],
+ "Camera.Discard": [
+ "Discard All"
+ ],
+ "Camera.FlashAuto": [
+ "Auto"
+ ],
+ "Camera.FlashOff": [
+ "Off"
+ ],
+ "Camera.FlashOn": [
+ "On"
+ ],
+ "Camera.PhotoMode": [
+ ],
+ "Camera.Retake": [
+ "Retake"
+ ],
+ "Camera.SquareMode": [
+ ],
+ "Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo": [
+ "Press and hold for video"
+ ],
+ "Camera.Title": [
+ "Take Photo or Video"
+ ],
+ "Camera.VideoMode": [
+ ],
+ "Chat.AttachmentLimitReached": [
+ "You can't select more items."
+ ],
+ "Clipboard.SendPhoto": [
+ "Send Photo"
+ ],
+ "Common.Back": [
+ "Back"
+ ],
+ "Common.Cancel": [
+ "Cancel"
+ ],
+ "Common.Search": [
+ "Search"
+ ],
+ "Common.Select": [
+ "Select"
+ ],
+ "Common.of": [
+ "of"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelSending": [
+ "Cancel Sending"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.Dice": [
+ "Send a
🎲 emoji to any chat to get a random number from Telegram."
+ ],
+ "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B3": [
+ "Send a bowling emoji to try your luck."
+ ],
+ "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaChange": [
+ "Change Photo or Video"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaEditCurrentPhoto": [
+ "Edit Current Photo"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaEditCurrentVideo": [
+ "Edit Current Video"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.EditingPhotoPanelTitle": [
+ "Edit Photo"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.EmptyGifPanelPlaceholder": [
+ "You have no saved GIFs yet.
Enter @gif to search."
+ ],
+ "Conversation.Processing": [
+ "Processing..."
+ ],
+ "Conversation.StopPoll": [
+ "Stop Poll"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.StopPollConfirmation": [
+ "Stop Poll"
+ ],
+ "Conversation.StopPollConfirmationTitle": [
+ "If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone."
+ ],
+ "Conversation.UnvotePoll": [
+ "Retract Vote"
+ ],
+ "ConversationMedia.Title": [
+ "Media"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions": [
+ "You can add 1 more option.",
+ "You can add
%@ more options."
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.AddOption": [
+ "Add an Option"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.AllOptionsAdded": [
+ "You have added the maximum number of options."
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation": [
+ "Do you want to discard this poll?"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.Create": [
+ "Send"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.OptionPlaceholder": [
+ "Option"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.OptionsHeader": [
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.TextHeader": [
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.TextPlaceholder": [
+ "Ask a question"
+ ],
+ "CreatePoll.Title": [
+ "New Poll"
+ ],
+ "DownloadingStatus": [
+ "downloading
%@ of
+ ],
+ "FeaturedStickers.OtherSection": [
+ ],
+ "FileSize.B": [
+ "
%@ B"
+ ],
+ "FileSize.GB": [
+ "
%@ GB"
+ ],
+ "FileSize.KB": [
+ "
%@ KB"
+ ],
+ "FileSize.MB": [
+ "
%@ MB"
+ ],
+ "Gif.NoGifsFound": [
+ "No GIFs Found"
+ ],
+ "Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder": [
+ "No Saved GIFs"
+ ],
+ "Gif.Search": [
+ "Search GIFs"
+ ],
+ "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete": [
+ "Remove Photo"
+ ],
+ "MaskStickerSettings.Title": [
+ "Masks"
+ ],
+ "Media.ShareItem": [
+ "1 Item",
+ "All
%@ Items"
+ ],
+ "Media.SharePhoto": [
+ "1 Photo",
+ "All
%@ Photos"
+ ],
+ "Media.ShareThisPhoto": [
+ "This Photo"
+ ],
+ "Media.ShareThisVideo": [
+ "This Video"
+ ],
+ "Media.ShareVideo": [
+ "1 Video",
+ "All
%@ Videos"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.AddCaption": [
+ "Add a caption..."
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.CameraRoll": [
+ "Camera Roll"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.GroupDescription": [
+ "Group media into one message"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.LivePhotoDescription": [
+ "The live photo will autoplay and loop like a GIF."
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.Send": [
+ "Send"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.TapToUngroupDescription": [
+ "Tap to send media separately"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.UngroupDescription": [
+ "Show media as separate messages"
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.VideoMuteDescription": [
+ "Sound is now muted, so the video will autoplay and loop like a GIF."
+ ],
+ "MediaPicker.Videos": [
+ "Videos"
+ ],
+ "Message.Photo": [
+ "Photo"
+ ],
+ "MessagePoll.LabelAnonymous": [
+ "Anonymous Poll"
+ ],
+ "MessagePoll.LabelClosed": [
+ "Final Results"
+ ],
+ "MessagePoll.NoVotes": [
+ "No votes"
+ ],
+ "MessagePoll.VotedCount": [
+ "1 vote",
+ "
%@ votes"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Arrow": [
+ "Arrow"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Clear": [
+ "Clear All"
+ ],
+ "Paint.ClearConfirm": [
+ "Clear Painting"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Delete": [
+ "Delete"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Duplicate": [
+ "Duplicate"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Edit": [
+ "Edit"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Framed": [
+ "Framed"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Marker": [
+ "Marker"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Masks": [
+ "Masks"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Neon": [
+ "Neon"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Outlined": [
+ "Outlined"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Pen": [
+ "Pen"
+ ],
+ "Paint.RecentStickers": [
+ "Recent"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Regular": [
+ "Regular"
+ ],
+ "Paint.Stickers": [
+ "Stickers"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.BlurToolLinear": [
+ "Linear"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.BlurToolOff": [
+ "Off"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.BlurToolRadial": [
+ "Radial"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.ContrastTool": [
+ "Contrast"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CropAspectRatioOriginal": [
+ "Original"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CropAspectRatioSquare": [
+ "Square"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CropAuto": [
+ "AUTO"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CropReset": [
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CurvesAll": [
+ "All"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CurvesBlue": [
+ "Blue"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CurvesGreen": [
+ "Green"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.CurvesRed": [
+ "Red"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.DiscardChanges": [
+ "Discard Changes"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.EnhanceTool": [
+ "Enhance"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.ExposureTool": [
+ "Brightness"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.FadeTool": [
+ "Fade"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.GrainTool": [
+ "Grain"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.HighlightsTint": [
+ "Highlights"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.HighlightsTool": [
+ "Highlights"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.Original": [
+ "Original"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.QualityTool": [
+ "Quality"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.SaturationTool": [
+ "Saturation"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrame": [
+ "Choose a cover for your profile video"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.ShadowsTint": [
+ "Shadows"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.ShadowsTool": [
+ "Shadows"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.SharpenTool": [
+ "Sharpen"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.SkinTool": [
+ "Soften Skin"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.TiltShift": [
+ "Tilt Shift"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.VignetteTool": [
+ "Vignette"
+ ],
+ "PhotoEditor.WarmthTool": [
+ "Warmth"
+ ],
+ "Preview.OpenInInstagram": [
+ "Open in Instagram"
+ ],
+ "Preview.SaveGif": [
+ "Save GIF"
+ ],
+ "ProfilePhoto.MainPhoto": [
+ "Main Photo"
+ ],
+ "ProfilePhoto.MainVideo": [
+ "Main Video"
+ ],
+ "ProfilePhoto.SetMainPhoto": [
+ "Set as Main Photo"
+ ],
+ "ProfilePhoto.SetMainVideo": [
+ "Set as Main Video"
+ ],
+ "QuickSend.Photos": [
+ "Send 1 Photo",
+ "Send
%@ Photos"
+ ],
+ "SearchImages.NoImagesFound": [
+ "No images found"
+ ],
+ "SearchImages.Title": [
+ "Albums"
+ ],
+ "Settings.RemoveVideo": [
+ "Remove Video"
+ ],
+ "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo": [
+ "Set New Photo or Video"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.CategoryDocs": [
+ "Docs"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.CategoryLinks": [
+ "Links"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.CategoryMedia": [
+ "Media"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.CategoryOther": [
+ "Music"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.DeleteItemsConfirmation": [
+ "Delete media file?",
+ "Delete
%@ media files?"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.EmptyFilesText": [
+ "You can send and receive
files of any type up to 2Â GB each
and access them anywhere."
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.EmptyLinksText": [
+ "All links shared in this chat will appear here"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.EmptyMusicText": [
+ "All music shared in this chat will appear here."
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.EmptyText": [
+ "Share photos and videos in this chat
— or this paperclip stays unhappy."
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.EmptyTitle": [
+ "No media files yet"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.File": [
+ "1 file",
+ "
%@ files"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.Generic": [
+ "1 media file",
+ "
%@ media files"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.Link": [
+ "1 link",
+ "
%@ links"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.Photo": [
+ "1 photo",
+ "
%@ photos"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.SearchNoResults": [
+ "No Results"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.SearchNoResultsDescription": [
+ "There were no results for \"
Try a new search."
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.TitleAll": [
+ "Shared Media"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.Video": [
+ "1 video",
+ "
%@ videos"
+ ],
+ "SharedMedia.ViewInChat": [
+ "View in Chat"
+ ],
+ "StickerPack.Add": [
+ "Add"
+ ],
+ "StickerPack.StickerCount": [
+ "1 sticker",
+ "
%@ stickers"
+ ],
+ "Stickers.ClearRecent": [
+ "Clear Recent Stickers"
+ ],
+ "Stickers.Install": [
+ "ADD"
+ ],
+ "Stickers.Installed": [
+ ],
+ "Stickers.NoStickersFound": [
+ "No Stickers Found"
+ ],
+ "Stickers.Search": [
+ "Search for stickers"
+ ],
+ "Time.TodayAt": [
+ "today at
+ ],
+ "Time.YesterdayAt": [
+ "yesterday at
+ ],
+ "Watch.Message.Poll": [
+ "Poll"
+ ],
+ "WebSearch.GIFs": [
+ "GIFs"
+ ],
+ "WebSearch.Images": [
+ "Images"
+ ],
+ "WebSearch.RecentClearConfirmation": [
+ "Are you sure you want to clear recent images?"
+ ],
+ "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear": [
+ "Clear"
+ ],
+ "WebSearch.RecentSectionTitle": [
+ "Recent"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/groups_and_channels.html b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/groups_and_channels.html
index ed2c0f3768..751518f61b 100644
--- a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/groups_and_channels.html
+++ b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/groups_and_channels.html
@@ -1704,6 +1704,12 @@
"Group.PublicLink.Title": [
"Public Link"
+ "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembers": [
+ "Approve New Members"
+ ],
+ "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembersInfo": [
+ "Turn this on if you want users to be able to send messages only after they are approved by an admin."
+ ],
"Group.Setup.BasicHistoryHiddenHelp": [
"New members won't see more than 100 previous messages."
@@ -1758,6 +1764,15 @@
"Group.Setup.TypePublicHelp": [
"Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join."
+ "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Everyone": [
+ "Everyone"
+ ],
+ "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.OnlyMembers": [
+ "Only Members"
+ ],
+ "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Title": [
+ ],
"Group.Status": [
@@ -2841,6 +2856,12 @@
"Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0": [
"Allow in Settings"
+ "Premium.MaxFavedStickersFinalText": [
+ "An older sticker was replaced with this one."
+ ],
+ "Premium.MaxFavedStickersTitle": [
+ "The Limit of
%@ Stickers Reached"
+ ],
"Presence.online": [
diff --git a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.html b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.html
index 7e11a98b5e..a4751e8791 100644
--- a/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.html
+++ b/data/web/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.html
@@ -966,27 +966,12 @@
"Group.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup": [
"You will be able to send messages once the admins approve your request."
- "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembers": [
- "Approve New Members"
- ],
- "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembersInfo": [
- "Turn this on if you want users to be able to send messages only after they are approved by an admin."
- ],
"Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfoDisabled": [
"Subscribers won't be able to copy, save and forward content from this channel."
"Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfoDisabled": [
"Members won't be able to copy, save or forward content from this group."
- "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Everyone": [
- "Everyone"
- ],
- "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.OnlyMembers": [
- "Only Members"
- ],
- "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Title": [
- ],
"Group.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore": [
"Group names can't end with an underscore."
@@ -1829,15 +1814,9 @@
"Premium.MaxChatsInFolderText": [
"Sorry, you can't add more than **
%1$@** chats to a folder. You can increase this limit to **
%2$@** by upgrading to **Telegram Premium**."
- "Premium.MaxFavedStickersFinalText": [
- "An older sticker was replaced with this one."
- ],
"Premium.MaxFavedStickersText": [
"An older sticker was replaced with this one. You can [increase the limit]() to
%@ stickers."
- "Premium.MaxFavedStickersTitle": [
- "The Limit of
%@ Stickers Reached"
- ],
"Premium.MaxFileSizeFinalText": [
"The document can't be sent, because it is larger than **