Update content of files

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GitHub Action 2022-08-15 14:00:21 +00:00
parent bb92595b43
commit 488056a8c6

View file

@ -4550,6 +4550,10 @@ logVerbosityLevel verbosity_level:int32 = LogVerbosityLevel;
logTags tags:vector<string> = LogTags;
//@description Contains custom information about the user @message Information message @author Information author @date Information change date
userSupportInfo message:formattedText author:string date:int32 = UserSupportInfo;
//@description A simple object containing a number; for testing only @value Number
testInt value:int32 = TestInt;
//@description A simple object containing a string; for testing only @value String
@ -6584,6 +6588,13 @@ getLogTagVerbosityLevel tag:string = LogVerbosityLevel;
addLogMessage verbosity_level:int32 text:string = Ok;
//@description Returns support information for the given user; for Telegram support only @user_id User identifier
getUserSupportInfo user_id:int53 = UserSupportInfo;
//@description Sets support information for the given user; for Telegram support only @user_id User identifier @message New information message
setUserSupportInfo user_id:int53 message:formattedText = UserSupportInfo;
//@description Does nothing; for testing only. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization
testCallEmpty = Ok;
//@description Returns the received string; for testing only. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization @x String to return