diff --git a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib.html b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib.html
index 0cdf9769ee..7d9955e851 100644
--- a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib.html
+++ b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib.html
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
Library documentation
List of available options
Notification API documentation
-Prebuilt library for Android
diff --git a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs.html b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs.html
index a6dad42d1a..745a215296 100644
--- a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs.html
+++ b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs.html
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ $(function() {
has many advantages. Notably TDLib
-- Cross-platform:
can be used on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, illumos, Windows Phone, WebAssembly, watchOS, tvOS, Tizen, Cygwin. It should also work on other *nix systems with or without minimal effort.
-- Multilanguage:
can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions. Additionally it already has native Java (using JNI
) bindings and .NET (using C++/CLI
and C++/CX
) bindings.
+- Cross-platform:
can be used on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, illumos, Windows Phone, WebAssembly, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS, Tizen, Cygwin. It should also work on other *nix systems with or without minimal effort.
+- Multilanguage:
can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions. Additionally, it already has native Java (using JNI
) bindings and .NET (using C++/CLI
and C++/CX
) bindings.
- Easy to use:
takes care of all network implementation details, encryption and local data storage.
- High-performance: in the Telegram Bot API, each
instance handles more than 24000 active bots simultaneously.
- Well-documented: all
API methods and public interfaces are fully documented.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ $(function() {
- Td::TdJson, Td::TdJsonStatic — dynamic and static version of a JSON interface. This has a simple C interface, so it can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions. See td_json_client documentation for more information.
- Td::TdStatic — static library with C++ interface for general usage. See ClientManager and Client documentation for more information.
-For example, part of your CMakeLists.txt may look like this:
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Td::TdStatic)
Or you could install TDLib
and then reference it in your CMakeLists.txt like this:
find_package(Td 1.8.0 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Td::TdStatic)
See example/cpp/CMakeLists.txt.
+For example, part of your CMakeLists.txt may look like this:
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Td::TdStatic)
Or you could install TDLib
and then reference it in your CMakeLists.txt like this:
find_package(Td 1.8.30 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Td::TdStatic)
See example/cpp/CMakeLists.txt.
Using in Java projects
provides native Java interface through JNI. To enable it, specify option -DTD_ENABLE_JNI=ON
to CMake.
See example/java for example of using TDLib
from Java and detailed build and usage instructions.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $(function() {
When TDLib
is built with TD_ENABLE_DOTNET
option enabled, C++
documentation is removed from some files. You need to checkout these files to return C++
documentation back:
git checkout td/telegram/Client.h td/telegram/Log.h td/tl/TlObject.h
Using from other programming languages
provides efficient native C++, Java, and .NET interfaces. But for most use cases we suggest to use the JSON interface, which can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions. See td_json_client documentation for detailed JSON interface description, the td_api.tl scheme or the automatically generated HTML documentation for a list of all available TDLib
methods and classes.
JSON interface adheres to semantic versioning and versions with the same major version number are binary and backward compatible, but the underlying TDLib
API can be different for different minor and even patch versions. If you need to support different TDLib
versions, then you can use a value of the version
option to find exact TDLib
version to use appropriate API methods.
-See example/python/tdjson_example.py for an example of such usage.
+See example/python/tdjson_example.py for an example of such usage.
is licensed under the terms of the Boost Software License. See LICENSE_1_0.txt for more information.
diff --git a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html
index fe0dbfe185..d801a1ae7c 100644
--- a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html
+++ b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html
@@ -95,8 +95,14 @@ Classes
class | Function |
+class | accentColor |
+ |
class | accountTtl |
+class | addedReaction |
+ |
+class | addedReactions |
+ |
class | address |
class | animatedChatPhoto |
@@ -107,6 +113,12 @@ Classes
class | animations |
+class | archiveChatListSettings |
+ |
+class | attachmentMenuBot |
+ |
+class | attachmentMenuBotColor |
+ |
class | audio |
class | authenticationCodeInfo |
@@ -117,20 +129,32 @@ Classes
class | authenticationCodeTypeSms |
+class | authenticationCodeTypeSmsWord |
+ |
+class | authenticationCodeTypeSmsPhrase |
+ |
class | authenticationCodeTypeCall |
class | authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall |
class | authenticationCodeTypeMissedCall |
+class | authenticationCodeTypeFragment |
+ |
+class | authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseAndroid |
+ |
+class | authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseIos |
+ |
class | AuthorizationState |
class | authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters |
-class | authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey |
- |
class | authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber |
+class | authorizationStateWaitEmailAddress |
+ |
+class | authorizationStateWaitEmailCode |
+ |
class | authorizationStateWaitCode |
class | authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation |
@@ -151,6 +175,24 @@ Classes
class | autoDownloadSettingsPresets |
+class | autosaveSettings |
+ |
+class | autosaveSettingsException |
+ |
+class | AutosaveSettingsScope |
+ |
+class | autosaveSettingsScopePrivateChats |
+ |
+class | autosaveSettingsScopeGroupChats |
+ |
+class | autosaveSettingsScopeChannelChats |
+ |
+class | autosaveSettingsScopeChat |
+ |
+class | availableReaction |
+ |
+class | availableReactions |
+ |
class | background |
class | BackgroundFill |
@@ -169,6 +211,8 @@ Classes
class | backgroundTypeFill |
+class | backgroundTypeChatTheme |
+ |
class | backgrounds |
class | bankCardActionOpenUrl |
@@ -179,6 +223,14 @@ Classes
class | basicGroupFullInfo |
+class | birthdate |
+ |
+class | BlockList |
+ |
+class | blockListMain |
+ |
+class | blockListStories |
+ |
class | botCommand |
class | BotCommandScope |
@@ -199,6 +251,88 @@ Classes
class | botCommands |
+class | botInfo |
+ |
+class | botMenuButton |
+ |
+class | BotWriteAccessAllowReason |
+ |
+class | botWriteAccessAllowReasonConnectedWebsite |
+ |
+class | botWriteAccessAllowReasonAddedToAttachmentMenu |
+ |
+class | botWriteAccessAllowReasonLaunchedWebApp |
+ |
+class | botWriteAccessAllowReasonAcceptedRequest |
+ |
+class | BusinessAwayMessageSchedule |
+ |
+class | businessAwayMessageScheduleAlways |
+ |
+class | businessAwayMessageScheduleOutsideOfOpeningHours |
+ |
+class | businessAwayMessageScheduleCustom |
+ |
+class | businessAwayMessageSettings |
+ |
+class | businessBotManageBar |
+ |
+class | businessChatLink |
+ |
+class | businessChatLinkInfo |
+ |
+class | businessChatLinks |
+ |
+class | businessConnectedBot |
+ |
+class | businessConnection |
+ |
+class | BusinessFeature |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureLocation |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureOpeningHours |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureQuickReplies |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureGreetingMessage |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureAwayMessage |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureAccountLinks |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureStartPage |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureBots |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureEmojiStatus |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureChatFolderTags |
+ |
+class | businessFeatureUpgradedStories |
+ |
+class | businessFeaturePromotionAnimation |
+ |
+class | businessFeatures |
+ |
+class | businessGreetingMessageSettings |
+ |
+class | businessInfo |
+ |
+class | businessLocation |
+ |
+class | businessMessage |
+ |
+class | businessMessages |
+ |
+class | businessOpeningHours |
+ |
+class | businessOpeningHoursInterval |
+ |
+class | businessRecipients |
+ |
+class | businessStartPage |
+ |
class | call |
class | CallDiscardReason |
@@ -269,6 +403,28 @@ Classes
class | callbackQueryPayloadGame |
+class | CanSendMessageToUserResult |
+ |
+class | canSendMessageToUserResultOk |
+ |
+class | canSendMessageToUserResultUserIsDeleted |
+ |
+class | canSendMessageToUserResultUserRestrictsNewChats |
+ |
+class | CanSendStoryResult |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultOk |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultPremiumNeeded |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultBoostNeeded |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultActiveStoryLimitExceeded |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultWeeklyLimitExceeded |
+ |
+class | canSendStoryResultMonthlyLimitExceeded |
+ |
class | CanTransferOwnershipResult |
class | canTransferOwnershipResultOk |
@@ -329,10 +485,46 @@ Classes
class | chatActionBarJoinRequest |
+class | chatActiveStories |
+ |
class | chatAdministrator |
+class | chatAdministratorRights |
+ |
class | chatAdministrators |
+class | ChatAvailableReactions |
+ |
+class | chatAvailableReactionsAll |
+ |
+class | chatAvailableReactionsSome |
+ |
+class | chatBackground |
+ |
+class | chatBoost |
+ |
+class | chatBoostFeatures |
+ |
+class | chatBoostLevelFeatures |
+ |
+class | chatBoostLink |
+ |
+class | chatBoostLinkInfo |
+ |
+class | chatBoostSlot |
+ |
+class | chatBoostSlots |
+ |
+class | ChatBoostSource |
+ |
+class | chatBoostSourceGiftCode |
+ |
+class | chatBoostSourceGiveaway |
+ |
+class | chatBoostSourcePremium |
+ |
+class | chatBoostStatus |
+ |
class | chatEvent |
class | ChatEventAction |
@@ -341,54 +533,70 @@ Classes
class | chatEventMessageDeleted |
-class | chatEventPollStopped |
- |
class | chatEventMessagePinned |
class | chatEventMessageUnpinned |
+class | chatEventPollStopped |
+ |
class | chatEventMemberJoined |
class | chatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink |
class | chatEventMemberJoinedByRequest |
-class | chatEventMemberLeft |
- |
class | chatEventMemberInvited |
+class | chatEventMemberLeft |
+ |
class | chatEventMemberPromoted |
class | chatEventMemberRestricted |
-class | chatEventTitleChanged |
+class | chatEventAvailableReactionsChanged |
-class | chatEventPermissionsChanged |
+class | chatEventBackgroundChanged |
class | chatEventDescriptionChanged |
-class | chatEventUsernameChanged |
- |
-class | chatEventPhotoChanged |
- |
-class | chatEventInvitesToggled |
+class | chatEventEmojiStatusChanged |
class | chatEventLinkedChatChanged |
+class | chatEventLocationChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventMessageAutoDeleteTimeChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventPermissionsChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventPhotoChanged |
+ |
class | chatEventSlowModeDelayChanged |
-class | chatEventMessageTtlChanged |
- |
-class | chatEventSignMessagesToggled |
- |
-class | chatEventHasProtectedContentToggled |
- |
class | chatEventStickerSetChanged |
-class | chatEventLocationChanged |
+class | chatEventCustomEmojiStickerSetChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventTitleChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventUsernameChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventActiveUsernamesChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventAccentColorChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventProfileAccentColorChanged |
+ |
+class | chatEventHasProtectedContentToggled |
+ |
+class | chatEventInvitesToggled |
class | chatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled |
+class | chatEventHasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabledToggled |
+ |
+class | chatEventSignMessagesToggled |
+ |
class | chatEventInviteLinkEdited |
class | chatEventInviteLinkRevoked |
@@ -399,19 +607,41 @@ Classes
class | chatEventVideoChatEnded |
+class | chatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled |
+ |
class | chatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled |
class | chatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged |
-class | chatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled |
+class | chatEventIsForumToggled |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicCreated |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicEdited |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicToggleIsClosed |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicToggleIsHidden |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicDeleted |
+ |
+class | chatEventForumTopicPinned |
class | chatEventLogFilters |
class | chatEvents |
-class | chatFilter |
+class | chatFolder |
-class | chatFilterInfo |
+class | chatFolderIcon |
+ |
+class | chatFolderInfo |
+ |
+class | chatFolderInviteLink |
+ |
+class | chatFolderInviteLinkInfo |
+ |
+class | chatFolderInviteLinks |
class | chatInviteLink |
@@ -439,7 +669,7 @@ Classes
class | chatListArchive |
-class | chatListFilter |
+class | chatListFolder |
class | chatLists |
@@ -479,6 +709,10 @@ Classes
class | chatMembersFilterBots |
+class | chatMessageSender |
+ |
+class | chatMessageSenders |
+ |
class | chatNearby |
class | chatNotificationSettings |
@@ -489,27 +723,41 @@ Classes
class | chatPhotoInfo |
+class | chatPhotoSticker |
+ |
+class | ChatPhotoStickerType |
+ |
+class | chatPhotoStickerTypeRegularOrMask |
+ |
+class | chatPhotoStickerTypeCustomEmoji |
+ |
class | chatPhotos |
class | chatPosition |
-class | ChatReportReason |
+class | chatRevenueAmount |
-class | chatReportReasonSpam |
+class | chatRevenueStatistics |
-class | chatReportReasonViolence |
+class | chatRevenueTransaction |
-class | chatReportReasonPornography |
+class | ChatRevenueTransactionType |
-class | chatReportReasonChildAbuse |
+class | chatRevenueTransactionTypeEarnings |
-class | chatReportReasonCopyright |
+class | chatRevenueTransactionTypeWithdrawal |
-class | chatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation |
+class | chatRevenueTransactionTypeRefund |
-class | chatReportReasonFake |
+class | chatRevenueTransactions |
-class | chatReportReasonCustom |
+class | ChatRevenueWithdrawalState |
+ |
+class | chatRevenueWithdrawalStatePending |
+ |
+class | chatRevenueWithdrawalStateCompleted |
+ |
+class | chatRevenueWithdrawalStateFailed |
class | ChatSource |
@@ -525,12 +773,18 @@ Classes
class | chatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo |
+class | chatStatisticsInteractionInfo |
+ |
class | chatStatisticsInviterInfo |
-class | chatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo |
- |
class | chatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo |
+class | ChatStatisticsObjectType |
+ |
+class | chatStatisticsObjectTypeMessage |
+ |
+class | chatStatisticsObjectTypeStory |
+ |
class | chatTheme |
class | ChatType |
@@ -555,7 +809,9 @@ Classes
class | checkChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied |
-class | checkChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch |
+class | checkChatUsernameResultUsernamePurchasable |
+ |
+class | checkChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMany |
class | checkChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable |
@@ -567,8 +823,18 @@ Classes
class | checkStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied |
+class | closeBirthdayUser |
+ |
class | closedVectorPath |
+class | collectibleItemInfo |
+ |
+class | CollectibleItemType |
+ |
+class | collectibleItemTypeUsername |
+ |
+class | collectibleItemTypePhoneNumber |
+ |
class | connectedWebsite |
class | connectedWebsites |
@@ -593,6 +859,8 @@ Classes
class | countryInfo |
+class | createdBasicGroupChat |
+ |
class | customRequestResult |
class | databaseStatistics |
@@ -629,6 +897,8 @@ Classes
class | deviceTokenTizenPush |
+class | deviceTokenHuaweiPush |
+ |
class | DiceStickers |
class | diceStickersRegular |
@@ -637,10 +907,56 @@ Classes
class | document |
+class | downloadedFileCounts |
+ |
class | draftMessage |
+class | EmailAddressAuthentication |
+ |
+class | emailAddressAuthenticationCode |
+ |
+class | emailAddressAuthenticationAppleId |
+ |
+class | emailAddressAuthenticationGoogleId |
+ |
class | emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo |
+class | EmailAddressResetState |
+ |
+class | emailAddressResetStateAvailable |
+ |
+class | emailAddressResetStatePending |
+ |
+class | emojiCategories |
+ |
+class | emojiCategory |
+ |
+class | EmojiCategorySource |
+ |
+class | emojiCategorySourceSearch |
+ |
+class | emojiCategorySourcePremium |
+ |
+class | EmojiCategoryType |
+ |
+class | emojiCategoryTypeDefault |
+ |
+class | emojiCategoryTypeRegularStickers |
+ |
+class | emojiCategoryTypeEmojiStatus |
+ |
+class | emojiCategoryTypeChatPhoto |
+ |
+class | emojiKeyword |
+ |
+class | emojiKeywords |
+ |
+class | emojiReaction |
+ |
+class | emojiStatus |
+ |
+class | emojiStatuses |
+ |
class | emojis |
class | encryptedCredentials |
@@ -649,8 +965,18 @@ Classes
class | error |
+class | factCheck |
+ |
+class | failedToAddMember |
+ |
+class | failedToAddMembers |
+ |
class | file |
+class | fileDownload |
+ |
+class | fileDownloadedPrefixSize |
+ |
class | filePart |
class | FileType |
@@ -663,8 +989,12 @@ Classes
class | fileTypeDocument |
+class | fileTypeNotificationSound |
+ |
class | fileTypePhoto |
+class | fileTypePhotoStory |
+ |
class | fileTypeProfilePhoto |
class | fileTypeSecret |
@@ -683,14 +1013,44 @@ Classes
class | fileTypeVideoNote |
+class | fileTypeVideoStory |
+ |
class | fileTypeVoiceNote |
class | fileTypeWallpaper |
+class | FirebaseAuthenticationSettings |
+ |
+class | firebaseAuthenticationSettingsAndroid |
+ |
+class | firebaseAuthenticationSettingsIos |
+ |
class | formattedText |
+class | forumTopic |
+ |
+class | forumTopicIcon |
+ |
+class | forumTopicInfo |
+ |
+class | forumTopics |
+ |
+class | forwardSource |
+ |
+class | foundChatBoosts |
+ |
+class | foundChatMessages |
+ |
+class | foundFileDownloads |
+ |
class | foundMessages |
+class | foundPosition |
+ |
+class | foundPositions |
+ |
+class | foundWebApp |
+ |
class | game |
class | gameHighScore |
@@ -707,6 +1067,10 @@ Classes
class | groupCallRecentSpeaker |
+class | groupCallStream |
+ |
+class | groupCallStreams |
+ |
class | GroupCallVideoQuality |
class | groupCallVideoQualityThumbnail |
@@ -733,6 +1097,8 @@ Classes
class | inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl |
+class | inlineKeyboardButtonTypeWebApp |
+ |
class | inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback |
class | inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword |
@@ -773,12 +1139,26 @@ Classes
class | inlineQueryResults |
+class | inlineQueryResultsButton |
+ |
+class | InlineQueryResultsButtonType |
+ |
+class | inlineQueryResultsButtonTypeStartBot |
+ |
+class | inlineQueryResultsButtonTypeWebApp |
+ |
class | InputBackground |
class | inputBackgroundLocal |
class | inputBackgroundRemote |
+class | inputBackgroundPrevious |
+ |
+class | inputBusinessChatLink |
+ |
+class | inputBusinessStartPage |
+ |
class | InputChatPhoto |
class | inputChatPhotoPrevious |
@@ -787,6 +1167,8 @@ Classes
class | inputChatPhotoAnimation |
+class | inputChatPhotoSticker |
+ |
class | InputCredentials |
class | inputCredentialsSaved |
@@ -835,6 +1217,14 @@ Classes
class | inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote |
+class | InputInvoice |
+ |
+class | inputInvoiceMessage |
+ |
+class | inputInvoiceName |
+ |
+class | inputInvoiceTelegram |
+ |
class | InputMessageContent |
class | inputMessageText |
@@ -869,8 +1259,16 @@ Classes
class | inputMessagePoll |
+class | inputMessageStory |
+ |
class | inputMessageForwarded |
+class | InputMessageReplyTo |
+ |
+class | inputMessageReplyToMessage |
+ |
+class | inputMessageReplyToStory |
+ |
class | InputPassportElement |
class | inputPassportElementPersonalDetails |
@@ -923,11 +1321,31 @@ Classes
class | inputPersonalDocument |
-class | InputSticker |
+class | inputSticker |
-class | inputStickerStatic |
+class | inputStoryArea |
-class | inputStickerAnimated |
+class | InputStoryAreaType |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreaTypeLocation |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreaTypeFoundVenue |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreaTypePreviousVenue |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreaTypeSuggestedReaction |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreaTypeMessage |
+ |
+class | inputStoryAreas |
+ |
+class | InputStoryContent |
+ |
+class | inputStoryContentPhoto |
+ |
+class | inputStoryContentVideo |
+ |
+class | inputTextQuote |
class | inputThumbnail |
@@ -935,24 +1353,44 @@ Classes
class | internalLinkTypeActiveSessions |
+class | internalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode |
class | internalLinkTypeBackground |
+class | internalLinkTypeBotAddToChannel |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeBotStart |
class | internalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup |
+class | internalLinkTypeBusinessChat |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber |
+class | internalLinkTypeChatBoost |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypeChatFolderInvite |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypeChatFolderSettings |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeChatInvite |
-class | internalLinkTypeFilterSettings |
+class | internalLinkTypeDefaultMessageAutoDeleteTimerSettings |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypeEditProfileSettings |
class | internalLinkTypeGame |
+class | internalLinkTypeInstantView |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypeInvoice |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeLanguagePack |
+class | internalLinkTypeLanguageSettings |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeMessage |
class | internalLinkTypeMessageDraft |
@@ -961,16 +1399,30 @@ Classes
class | internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation |
+class | internalLinkTypePremiumFeatures |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypePremiumGift |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypePremiumGiftCode |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypePrivacyAndSecuritySettings |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeProxy |
class | internalLinkTypePublicChat |
class | internalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication |
+class | internalLinkTypeRestorePurchases |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeSettings |
+class | internalLinkTypeSideMenuBot |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeStickerSet |
+class | internalLinkTypeStory |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeTheme |
class | internalLinkTypeThemeSettings |
@@ -979,8 +1431,22 @@ Classes
class | internalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy |
+class | internalLinkTypeUserPhoneNumber |
+ |
+class | internalLinkTypeUserToken |
+ |
class | internalLinkTypeVideoChat |
+class | internalLinkTypeWebApp |
+ |
+class | InviteLinkChatType |
+ |
+class | inviteLinkChatTypeBasicGroup |
+ |
+class | inviteLinkChatTypeSupergroup |
+ |
+class | inviteLinkChatTypeChannel |
+ |
class | invoice |
class | jsonObjectMember |
@@ -1011,6 +1477,12 @@ Classes
class | keyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll |
+class | keyboardButtonTypeRequestUsers |
+ |
+class | keyboardButtonTypeRequestChat |
+ |
+class | keyboardButtonTypeWebApp |
+ |
class | labeledPricePart |
class | languagePackInfo |
@@ -1027,6 +1499,8 @@ Classes
class | languagePackStrings |
+class | linkPreviewOptions |
+ |
class | localFile |
class | localizationTargetInfo |
@@ -1065,6 +1539,8 @@ Classes
class | message |
+class | messageAutoDeleteTime |
+ |
class | messageCalendar |
class | messageCalendarDay |
@@ -1081,18 +1557,22 @@ Classes
class | messagePhoto |
-class | messageExpiredPhoto |
- |
class | messageSticker |
class | messageVideo |
-class | messageExpiredVideo |
- |
class | messageVideoNote |
class | messageVoiceNote |
+class | messageExpiredPhoto |
+ |
+class | messageExpiredVideo |
+ |
+class | messageExpiredVideoNote |
+ |
+class | messageExpiredVoiceNote |
+ |
class | messageLocation |
class | messageVenue |
@@ -1107,6 +1587,8 @@ Classes
class | messagePoll |
+class | messageStory |
+ |
class | messageInvoice |
class | messageCall |
@@ -1145,9 +1627,23 @@ Classes
class | messageScreenshotTaken |
+class | messageChatSetBackground |
+ |
class | messageChatSetTheme |
-class | messageChatSetTtl |
+class | messageChatSetMessageAutoDeleteTime |
+ |
+class | messageChatBoost |
+ |
+class | messageForumTopicCreated |
+ |
+class | messageForumTopicEdited |
+ |
+class | messageForumTopicIsClosedToggled |
+ |
+class | messageForumTopicIsHiddenToggled |
+ |
+class | messageSuggestProfilePhoto |
class | messageCustomServiceAction |
@@ -1157,9 +1653,29 @@ Classes
class | messagePaymentSuccessfulBot |
+class | messageGiftedPremium |
+ |
+class | messagePremiumGiftCode |
+ |
+class | messagePremiumGiveawayCreated |
+ |
+class | messagePremiumGiveaway |
+ |
+class | messagePremiumGiveawayCompleted |
+ |
+class | messagePremiumGiveawayWinners |
+ |
class | messageContactRegistered |
-class | messageWebsiteConnected |
+class | messageUsersShared |
+ |
+class | messageChatShared |
+ |
+class | messageBotWriteAccessAllowed |
+ |
+class | messageWebAppDataSent |
+ |
+class | messageWebAppDataReceived |
class | messagePassportDataSent |
@@ -1171,6 +1687,24 @@ Classes
class | messageCopyOptions |
+class | messageEffect |
+ |
+class | MessageEffectType |
+ |
+class | messageEffectTypeEmojiReaction |
+ |
+class | messageEffectTypePremiumSticker |
+ |
+class | MessageExtendedMedia |
+ |
+class | messageExtendedMediaPreview |
+ |
+class | messageExtendedMediaPhoto |
+ |
+class | messageExtendedMediaVideo |
+ |
+class | messageExtendedMediaUnsupported |
+ |
class | MessageFileType |
class | messageFileTypePrivate |
@@ -1181,17 +1715,7 @@ Classes
class | messageForwardInfo |
-class | MessageForwardOrigin |
- |
-class | messageForwardOriginUser |
- |
-class | messageForwardOriginChat |
- |
-class | messageForwardOriginHiddenUser |
- |
-class | messageForwardOriginChannel |
- |
-class | messageForwardOriginMessageImport |
+class | messageImportInfo |
class | messageInteractionInfo |
@@ -1199,18 +1723,56 @@ Classes
class | messageLinkInfo |
+class | MessageOrigin |
+ |
+class | messageOriginUser |
+ |
+class | messageOriginHiddenUser |
+ |
+class | messageOriginChat |
+ |
+class | messageOriginChannel |
+ |
class | messagePosition |
class | messagePositions |
+class | messageReaction |
+ |
+class | messageReactions |
+ |
+class | MessageReadDate |
+ |
+class | messageReadDateRead |
+ |
+class | messageReadDateUnread |
+ |
+class | messageReadDateTooOld |
+ |
+class | messageReadDateUserPrivacyRestricted |
+ |
+class | messageReadDateMyPrivacyRestricted |
+ |
class | messageReplyInfo |
+class | MessageReplyTo |
+ |
+class | messageReplyToMessage |
+ |
+class | messageReplyToStory |
+ |
class | MessageSchedulingState |
class | messageSchedulingStateSendAtDate |
class | messageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline |
+class | MessageSelfDestructType |
+ |
+class | messageSelfDestructTypeTimer |
+ |
+class | messageSelfDestructTypeImmediately |
+ |
class | messageSendOptions |
class | MessageSender |
@@ -1227,10 +1789,38 @@ Classes
class | messageSendingStateFailed |
+class | MessageSource |
+ |
+class | messageSourceChatHistory |
+ |
+class | messageSourceMessageThreadHistory |
+ |
+class | messageSourceForumTopicHistory |
+ |
+class | messageSourceHistoryPreview |
+ |
+class | messageSourceChatList |
+ |
+class | messageSourceSearch |
+ |
+class | messageSourceChatEventLog |
+ |
+class | messageSourceNotification |
+ |
+class | messageSourceScreenshot |
+ |
+class | messageSourceOther |
+ |
+class | messageSponsor |
+ |
class | messageStatistics |
class | messageThreadInfo |
+class | messageViewer |
+ |
+class | messageViewers |
+ |
class | messages |
class | minithumbnail |
@@ -1255,6 +1845,8 @@ Classes
class | networkTypeOther |
+class | newChatPrivacySettings |
+ |
class | notification |
class | notificationGroup |
@@ -1277,6 +1869,10 @@ Classes
class | notificationSettingsScopeChannelChats |
+class | notificationSound |
+ |
+class | notificationSounds |
+ |
class | NotificationType |
class | notificationTypeNewMessage |
@@ -1477,13 +2073,31 @@ Classes
class | paymentForm |
-class | paymentFormTheme |
+class | PaymentFormType |
+ |
+class | paymentFormTypeRegular |
+ |
+class | paymentFormTypeStars |
+ |
+class | paymentOption |
+ |
+class | PaymentProvider |
+ |
+class | paymentProviderSmartGlocal |
+ |
+class | paymentProviderStripe |
+ |
+class | paymentProviderOther |
class | paymentReceipt |
-class | paymentResult |
+class | PaymentReceiptType |
-class | paymentsProviderStripe |
+class | paymentReceiptTypeRegular |
+ |
+class | paymentReceiptTypeStars |
+ |
+class | paymentResult |
class | personalDetails |
@@ -1491,6 +2105,14 @@ Classes
class | phoneNumberAuthenticationSettings |
+class | PhoneNumberCodeType |
+ |
+class | phoneNumberCodeTypeChange |
+ |
+class | phoneNumberCodeTypeVerify |
+ |
+class | phoneNumberCodeTypeConfirmOwnership |
+ |
class | phoneNumberInfo |
class | photo |
@@ -1509,6 +2131,170 @@ Classes
class | pollTypeQuiz |
+class | PremiumFeature |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureIncreasedLimits |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureIncreasedUploadFileSize |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureImprovedDownloadSpeed |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureVoiceRecognition |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureDisabledAds |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureUniqueReactions |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureUniqueStickers |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureCustomEmoji |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureAdvancedChatManagement |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureProfileBadge |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureEmojiStatus |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureAnimatedProfilePhoto |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureForumTopicIcon |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureAppIcons |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureRealTimeChatTranslation |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureUpgradedStories |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureChatBoost |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureAccentColor |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureBackgroundForBoth |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureSavedMessagesTags |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureMessagePrivacy |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureLastSeenTimes |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatureBusiness |
+ |
+class | premiumFeaturePromotionAnimation |
+ |
+class | premiumFeatures |
+ |
+class | premiumGiftCodeInfo |
+ |
+class | premiumGiftCodePaymentOption |
+ |
+class | premiumGiftCodePaymentOptions |
+ |
+class | PremiumGiveawayInfo |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayInfoOngoing |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayInfoCompleted |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParameters |
+ |
+class | PremiumGiveawayParticipantStatus |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParticipantStatusEligible |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParticipantStatusParticipating |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParticipantStatusAlreadyWasMember |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParticipantStatusAdministrator |
+ |
+class | premiumGiveawayParticipantStatusDisallowedCountry |
+ |
+class | premiumLimit |
+ |
+class | PremiumLimitType |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeSupergroupCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypePinnedChatCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeCreatedPublicChatCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeSavedAnimationCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeFavoriteStickerCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeChatFolderCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeChatFolderChosenChatCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypePinnedArchivedChatCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypePinnedSavedMessagesTopicCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeCaptionLength |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeBioLength |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeChatFolderInviteLinkCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeShareableChatFolderCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeActiveStoryCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeWeeklySentStoryCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeMonthlySentStoryCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeStoryCaptionLength |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeStorySuggestedReactionAreaCount |
+ |
+class | premiumLimitTypeSimilarChatCount |
+ |
+class | premiumPaymentOption |
+ |
+class | PremiumSource |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceLimitExceeded |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceFeature |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceBusinessFeature |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceStoryFeature |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceLink |
+ |
+class | premiumSourceSettings |
+ |
+class | premiumState |
+ |
+class | premiumStatePaymentOption |
+ |
+class | PremiumStoryFeature |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeaturePriorityOrder |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeatureStealthMode |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeaturePermanentViewsHistory |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeatureCustomExpirationDuration |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeatureSaveStories |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeatureLinksAndFormatting |
+ |
+class | premiumStoryFeatureVideoQuality |
+ |
+class | prepaidPremiumGiveaway |
+ |
+class | productInfo |
+ |
+class | profileAccentColor |
+ |
+class | profileAccentColors |
+ |
class | profilePhoto |
class | proxies |
@@ -1529,6 +2315,14 @@ Classes
class | publicChatTypeIsLocationBased |
+class | PublicForward |
+ |
+class | publicForwardMessage |
+ |
+class | publicForwardStory |
+ |
+class | publicForwards |
+ |
class | PushMessageContent |
class | pushMessageContentHidden |
@@ -1555,10 +2349,16 @@ Classes
class | pushMessageContentPoll |
+class | pushMessageContentPremiumGiftCode |
+ |
+class | pushMessageContentPremiumGiveaway |
+ |
class | pushMessageContentScreenshotTaken |
class | pushMessageContentSticker |
+class | pushMessageContentStory |
+ |
class | pushMessageContentText |
class | pushMessageContentVideo |
@@ -1575,6 +2375,8 @@ Classes
class | pushMessageContentChatChangeTitle |
+class | pushMessageContentChatSetBackground |
+ |
class | pushMessageContentChatSetTheme |
class | pushMessageContentChatDeleteMember |
@@ -1583,15 +2385,49 @@ Classes
class | pushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest |
+class | pushMessageContentRecurringPayment |
+ |
+class | pushMessageContentSuggestProfilePhoto |
+ |
class | pushMessageContentMessageForwards |
class | pushMessageContentMediaAlbum |
class | pushReceiverId |
-class | recommendedChatFilter |
+class | quickReplyMessage |
-class | recommendedChatFilters |
+class | quickReplyMessages |
+ |
+class | quickReplyShortcut |
+ |
+class | reactionNotificationSettings |
+ |
+class | ReactionNotificationSource |
+ |
+class | reactionNotificationSourceNone |
+ |
+class | reactionNotificationSourceContacts |
+ |
+class | reactionNotificationSourceAll |
+ |
+class | ReactionType |
+ |
+class | reactionTypeEmoji |
+ |
+class | reactionTypeCustomEmoji |
+ |
+class | ReactionUnavailabilityReason |
+ |
+class | reactionUnavailabilityReasonAnonymousAdministrator |
+ |
+class | reactionUnavailabilityReasonGuest |
+ |
+class | readDatePrivacySettings |
+ |
+class | recommendedChatFolder |
+ |
+class | recommendedChatFolders |
class | recoveryEmailAddress |
@@ -1607,6 +2443,48 @@ Classes
class | replyMarkupInlineKeyboard |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageOption |
+ |
+class | ReportChatSponsoredMessageResult |
+ |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageResultOk |
+ |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageResultFailed |
+ |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageResultOptionRequired |
+ |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageResultAdsHidden |
+ |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessageResultPremiumRequired |
+ |
+class | ReportReason |
+ |
+class | reportReasonSpam |
+ |
+class | reportReasonViolence |
+ |
+class | reportReasonPornography |
+ |
+class | reportReasonChildAbuse |
+ |
+class | reportReasonCopyright |
+ |
+class | reportReasonUnrelatedLocation |
+ |
+class | reportReasonFake |
+ |
+class | reportReasonIllegalDrugs |
+ |
+class | reportReasonPersonalDetails |
+ |
+class | reportReasonCustom |
+ |
+class | ResendCodeReason |
+ |
+class | resendCodeReasonUserRequest |
+ |
+class | resendCodeReasonVerificationFailed |
+ |
class | ResetPasswordResult |
class | resetPasswordResultOk |
@@ -1651,8 +2529,26 @@ Classes
class | richTexts |
+class | rtmpUrl |
+ |
class | savedCredentials |
+class | savedMessagesTag |
+ |
+class | savedMessagesTags |
+ |
+class | savedMessagesTopic |
+ |
+class | SavedMessagesTopicType |
+ |
+class | savedMessagesTopicTypeMyNotes |
+ |
+class | savedMessagesTopicTypeAuthorHidden |
+ |
+class | savedMessagesTopicTypeSavedFromChat |
+ |
+class | scopeAutosaveSettings |
+ |
class | scopeNotificationSettings |
class | SearchMessagesFilter |
@@ -1685,6 +2581,8 @@ Classes
class | searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention |
+class | searchMessagesFilterUnreadReaction |
+ |
class | searchMessagesFilterFailedToSend |
class | searchMessagesFilterPinned |
@@ -1701,14 +2599,94 @@ Classes
class | secretChatStateClosed |
+class | sentWebAppMessage |
+ |
class | session |
+class | SessionType |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeAndroid |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeApple |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeBrave |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeChrome |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeEdge |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeFirefox |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeIpad |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeIphone |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeLinux |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeMac |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeOpera |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeSafari |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeUbuntu |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeUnknown |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeVivaldi |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeWindows |
+ |
+class | sessionTypeXbox |
+ |
class | sessions |
+class | sharedChat |
+ |
+class | sharedUser |
+ |
class | shippingOption |
+class | SpeechRecognitionResult |
+ |
+class | speechRecognitionResultPending |
+ |
+class | speechRecognitionResultText |
+ |
+class | speechRecognitionResultError |
+ |
class | sponsoredMessage |
+class | sponsoredMessages |
+ |
+class | starPaymentOption |
+ |
+class | starPaymentOptions |
+ |
+class | starTransaction |
+ |
+class | StarTransactionDirection |
+ |
+class | starTransactionDirectionIncoming |
+ |
+class | starTransactionDirectionOutgoing |
+ |
+class | StarTransactionSource |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceTelegram |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceAppStore |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceGooglePlay |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceFragment |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceUser |
+ |
+class | starTransactionSourceUnsupported |
+ |
+class | starTransactions |
+ |
class | StatisticalGraph |
class | statisticalGraphData |
@@ -1721,12 +2699,36 @@ Classes
class | sticker |
+class | StickerFormat |
+ |
+class | stickerFormatWebp |
+ |
+class | stickerFormatTgs |
+ |
+class | stickerFormatWebm |
+ |
+class | StickerFullType |
+ |
+class | stickerFullTypeRegular |
+ |
+class | stickerFullTypeMask |
+ |
+class | stickerFullTypeCustomEmoji |
+ |
class | stickerSet |
class | stickerSetInfo |
class | stickerSets |
+class | StickerType |
+ |
+class | stickerTypeRegular |
+ |
+class | stickerTypeMask |
+ |
+class | stickerTypeCustomEmoji |
+ |
class | stickers |
class | storageStatistics |
@@ -1737,6 +2739,90 @@ Classes
class | storageStatisticsFast |
+class | StorePaymentPurpose |
+ |
+class | storePaymentPurposePremiumSubscription |
+ |
+class | storePaymentPurposeGiftedPremium |
+ |
+class | storePaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes |
+ |
+class | storePaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway |
+ |
+class | storePaymentPurposeStars |
+ |
+class | stories |
+ |
+class | story |
+ |
+class | storyArea |
+ |
+class | storyAreaPosition |
+ |
+class | StoryAreaType |
+ |
+class | storyAreaTypeLocation |
+ |
+class | storyAreaTypeVenue |
+ |
+class | storyAreaTypeSuggestedReaction |
+ |
+class | storyAreaTypeMessage |
+ |
+class | StoryContent |
+ |
+class | storyContentPhoto |
+ |
+class | storyContentVideo |
+ |
+class | storyContentUnsupported |
+ |
+class | storyFullId |
+ |
+class | storyInfo |
+ |
+class | storyInteraction |
+ |
+class | storyInteractionInfo |
+ |
+class | StoryInteractionType |
+ |
+class | storyInteractionTypeView |
+ |
+class | storyInteractionTypeForward |
+ |
+class | storyInteractionTypeRepost |
+ |
+class | storyInteractions |
+ |
+class | StoryList |
+ |
+class | storyListMain |
+ |
+class | storyListArchive |
+ |
+class | StoryOrigin |
+ |
+class | storyOriginPublicStory |
+ |
+class | storyOriginHiddenUser |
+ |
+class | StoryPrivacySettings |
+ |
+class | storyPrivacySettingsEveryone |
+ |
+class | storyPrivacySettingsContacts |
+ |
+class | storyPrivacySettingsCloseFriends |
+ |
+class | storyPrivacySettingsSelectedUsers |
+ |
+class | storyRepostInfo |
+ |
+class | storyStatistics |
+ |
+class | storyVideo |
+ |
class | SuggestedAction |
class | suggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats |
@@ -1751,6 +2837,18 @@ Classes
class | suggestedActionSetPassword |
+class | suggestedActionUpgradePremium |
+ |
+class | suggestedActionRestorePremium |
+ |
+class | suggestedActionSubscribeToAnnualPremium |
+ |
+class | suggestedActionGiftPremiumForChristmas |
+ |
+class | suggestedActionSetBirthdate |
+ |
+class | suggestedActionExtendPremium |
+ |
class | supergroup |
class | supergroupFullInfo |
@@ -1787,7 +2885,21 @@ Classes
class | tMeUrls |
-class | tdlibParameters |
+class | TargetChat |
+ |
+class | targetChatCurrent |
+ |
+class | targetChatChosen |
+ |
+class | targetChatInternalLink |
+ |
+class | TelegramPaymentPurpose |
+ |
+class | telegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes |
+ |
+class | telegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway |
+ |
+class | telegramPaymentPurposeStars |
class | temporaryPasswordState |
@@ -1839,16 +2951,24 @@ Classes
class | textEntityTypeStrikethrough |
+class | textEntityTypeSpoiler |
+ |
class | textEntityTypeCode |
class | textEntityTypePre |
class | textEntityTypePreCode |
+class | textEntityTypeBlockQuote |
+ |
+class | textEntityTypeExpandableBlockQuote |
+ |
class | textEntityTypeTextUrl |
class | textEntityTypeMentionName |
+class | textEntityTypeCustomEmoji |
+ |
class | textEntityTypeMediaTimestamp |
class | TextParseMode |
@@ -1857,6 +2977,10 @@ Classes
class | textParseModeHTML |
+class | textQuote |
+ |
+class | themeParameters |
+ |
class | themeSettings |
class | thumbnail |
@@ -1865,15 +2989,21 @@ Classes
class | thumbnailFormatJpeg |
-class | thumbnailFormatPng |
- |
-class | thumbnailFormatWebp |
- |
class | thumbnailFormatGif |
+class | thumbnailFormatMpeg4 |
+ |
+class | thumbnailFormatPng |
+ |
class | thumbnailFormatTgs |
-class | thumbnailFormatMpeg4 |
+class | thumbnailFormatWebm |
+ |
+class | thumbnailFormatWebp |
+ |
+class | timeZone |
+ |
+class | timeZones |
class | TopChatCategory |
@@ -1891,6 +3021,12 @@ Classes
class | topChatCategoryForwardChats |
+class | trendingStickerSets |
+ |
+class | unconfirmedSession |
+ |
+class | unreadReaction |
+ |
class | Update |
class | updateAuthorizationState |
@@ -1915,6 +3051,10 @@ Classes
class | updateMessageMentionRead |
+class | updateMessageUnreadReactions |
+ |
+class | updateMessageFactCheck |
+ |
class | updateMessageLiveLocationViewed |
class | updateNewChat |
@@ -1923,23 +3063,35 @@ Classes
class | updateChatPhoto |
+class | updateChatAccentColors |
+ |
class | updateChatPermissions |
class | updateChatLastMessage |
class | updateChatPosition |
+class | updateChatAddedToList |
+ |
+class | updateChatRemovedFromList |
+ |
class | updateChatReadInbox |
class | updateChatReadOutbox |
class | updateChatActionBar |
+class | updateChatBusinessBotManageBar |
+ |
+class | updateChatAvailableReactions |
+ |
class | updateChatDraftMessage |
+class | updateChatEmojiStatus |
+ |
class | updateChatMessageSender |
-class | updateChatMessageTtl |
+class | updateChatMessageAutoDeleteTime |
class | updateChatNotificationSettings |
@@ -1947,28 +3099,52 @@ Classes
class | updateChatReplyMarkup |
+class | updateChatBackground |
+ |
class | updateChatTheme |
class | updateChatUnreadMentionCount |
+class | updateChatUnreadReactionCount |
+ |
class | updateChatVideoChat |
class | updateChatDefaultDisableNotification |
class | updateChatHasProtectedContent |
-class | updateChatHasScheduledMessages |
- |
-class | updateChatIsBlocked |
+class | updateChatIsTranslatable |
class | updateChatIsMarkedAsUnread |
-class | updateChatFilters |
+class | updateChatViewAsTopics |
+ |
+class | updateChatBlockList |
+ |
+class | updateChatHasScheduledMessages |
+ |
+class | updateChatFolders |
class | updateChatOnlineMemberCount |
+class | updateSavedMessagesTopic |
+ |
+class | updateSavedMessagesTopicCount |
+ |
+class | updateQuickReplyShortcut |
+ |
+class | updateQuickReplyShortcutDeleted |
+ |
+class | updateQuickReplyShortcuts |
+ |
+class | updateQuickReplyShortcutMessages |
+ |
+class | updateForumTopicInfo |
+ |
class | updateScopeNotificationSettings |
+class | updateReactionNotificationSettings |
+ |
class | updateNotification |
class | updateNotificationGroup |
@@ -2005,6 +3181,16 @@ Classes
class | updateFileGenerationStop |
+class | updateFileDownloads |
+ |
+class | updateFileAddedToDownloads |
+ |
+class | updateFileDownload |
+ |
+class | updateFileRemovedFromDownloads |
+ |
+class | updateApplicationVerificationRequired |
+ |
class | updateCall |
class | updateGroupCall |
@@ -2019,6 +3205,20 @@ Classes
class | updateUnreadChatCount |
+class | updateStory |
+ |
+class | updateStoryDeleted |
+ |
+class | updateStorySendSucceeded |
+ |
+class | updateStorySendFailed |
+ |
+class | updateChatActiveStories |
+ |
+class | updateStoryListChatCount |
+ |
+class | updateStoryStealthMode |
+ |
class | updateOption |
class | updateStickerSet |
@@ -2033,10 +3233,16 @@ Classes
class | updateSavedAnimations |
-class | updateSelectedBackground |
+class | updateSavedNotificationSounds |
+ |
+class | updateDefaultBackground |
class | updateChatThemes |
+class | updateAccentColors |
+ |
+class | updateProfileAccentColors |
+ |
class | updateLanguagePackStrings |
class | updateConnectionState |
@@ -2045,6 +3251,26 @@ Classes
class | updateUsersNearby |
+class | updateUnconfirmedSession |
+ |
+class | updateAttachmentMenuBots |
+ |
+class | updateWebAppMessageSent |
+ |
+class | updateActiveEmojiReactions |
+ |
+class | updateAvailableMessageEffects |
+ |
+class | updateDefaultReactionType |
+ |
+class | updateSavedMessagesTags |
+ |
+class | updateOwnedStarCount |
+ |
+class | updateChatRevenueAmount |
+ |
+class | updateSpeechRecognitionTrial |
+ |
class | updateDiceEmojis |
class | updateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked |
@@ -2053,6 +3279,20 @@ Classes
class | updateSuggestedActions |
+class | updateSpeedLimitNotification |
+ |
+class | updateContactCloseBirthdays |
+ |
+class | updateAutosaveSettings |
+ |
+class | updateBusinessConnection |
+ |
+class | updateNewBusinessMessage |
+ |
+class | updateBusinessMessageEdited |
+ |
+class | updateBusinessMessagesDeleted |
+ |
class | updateNewInlineQuery |
class | updateNewChosenInlineResult |
@@ -2077,12 +3317,20 @@ Classes
class | updateNewChatJoinRequest |
+class | updateChatBoost |
+ |
+class | updateMessageReaction |
+ |
+class | updateMessageReactions |
+ |
class | updates |
class | user |
class | userFullInfo |
+class | userLink |
+ |
class | UserPrivacySetting |
class | userPrivacySettingShowStatus |
@@ -2093,6 +3341,10 @@ Classes
class | userPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber |
+class | userPrivacySettingShowBio |
+ |
+class | userPrivacySettingShowBirthdate |
+ |
class | userPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites |
class | userPrivacySettingAllowCalls |
@@ -2101,12 +3353,16 @@ Classes
class | userPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber |
+class | userPrivacySettingAllowPrivateVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages |
+ |
class | UserPrivacySettingRule |
class | userPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll |
class | userPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts |
+class | userPrivacySettingRuleAllowPremiumUsers |
+ |
class | userPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers |
class | userPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers |
@@ -2135,6 +3391,8 @@ Classes
class | userStatusLastMonth |
+class | userSupportInfo |
+ |
class | UserType |
class | userTypeRegular |
@@ -2145,6 +3403,8 @@ Classes
class | userTypeUnknown |
+class | usernames |
+ |
class | users |
class | validatedOrderInfo |
@@ -2165,6 +3425,10 @@ Classes
class | voiceNote |
+class | webApp |
+ |
+class | webAppInfo |
+ |
class | webPage |
class | webPageInstantView |
@@ -2173,6 +3437,10 @@ Classes
class | acceptTermsOfService |
+class | activateStoryStealthMode |
+ |
+class | addChatFolderByInviteLink |
+ |
class | addChatMember |
class | addChatMembers |
@@ -2185,22 +3453,36 @@ Classes
class | addFavoriteSticker |
+class | addFileToDownloads |
+ |
class | addLocalMessage |
class | addLogMessage |
+class | addMessageReaction |
+ |
class | addNetworkStatistics |
class | addProxy |
+class | addQuickReplyShortcutInlineQueryResultMessage |
+ |
+class | addQuickReplyShortcutMessage |
+ |
+class | addQuickReplyShortcutMessageAlbum |
+ |
class | addRecentSticker |
class | addRecentlyFoundChat |
class | addSavedAnimation |
+class | addSavedNotificationSound |
+ |
class | addStickerToSet |
+class | allowBotToSendMessages |
+ |
class | answerCallbackQuery |
class | answerCustomQuery |
@@ -2211,33 +3493,53 @@ Classes
class | answerShippingQuery |
+class | answerWebAppQuery |
+ |
+class | applyPremiumGiftCode |
+ |
+class | assignAppStoreTransaction |
+ |
+class | assignGooglePlayTransaction |
+ |
class | banChatMember |
class | blockMessageSenderFromReplies |
+class | boostChat |
+ |
+class | canBotSendMessages |
+ |
+class | canPurchaseFromStore |
+ |
+class | canSendMessageToUser |
+ |
+class | canSendStory |
+ |
class | canTransferOwnership |
class | cancelDownloadFile |
class | cancelPasswordReset |
-class | cancelUploadFile |
+class | cancelPreliminaryUploadFile |
+ |
+class | cancelRecoveryEmailAddressVerification |
class | changeImportedContacts |
-class | changePhoneNumber |
- |
class | changeStickerSet |
class | checkAuthenticationBotToken |
class | checkAuthenticationCode |
+class | checkAuthenticationEmailCode |
+ |
class | checkAuthenticationPassword |
class | checkAuthenticationPasswordRecoveryCode |
-class | checkChangePhoneNumberCode |
+class | checkChatFolderInviteLink |
class | checkChatInviteLink |
@@ -2245,15 +3547,17 @@ Classes
class | checkCreatedPublicChatsLimit |
-class | checkDatabaseEncryptionKey |
- |
class | checkEmailAddressVerificationCode |
+class | checkLoginEmailAddressCode |
+ |
class | checkPasswordRecoveryCode |
-class | checkPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
+class | checkPhoneNumberCode |
-class | checkPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
+class | checkPremiumGiftCode |
+ |
+class | checkQuickReplyShortcutName |
class | checkRecoveryEmailAddressCode |
@@ -2263,30 +3567,56 @@ Classes
class | clearAllDraftMessages |
+class | clearAutosaveSettingsExceptions |
+ |
class | clearImportedContacts |
+class | clearRecentEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | clearRecentReactions |
+ |
class | clearRecentStickers |
class | clearRecentlyFoundChats |
+class | clearSearchedForHashtags |
+ |
class | clickAnimatedEmojiMessage |
+class | clickChatSponsoredMessage |
+ |
+class | clickPremiumSubscriptionButton |
+ |
class | close |
class | closeChat |
class | closeSecretChat |
+class | closeStory |
+ |
+class | closeWebApp |
+ |
class | confirmQrCodeAuthentication |
+class | confirmSession |
+ |
class | createBasicGroupChat |
+class | createBusinessChatLink |
+ |
class | createCall |
-class | createChatFilter |
+class | createChatFolder |
+ |
+class | createChatFolderInviteLink |
class | createChatInviteLink |
+class | createForumTopic |
+ |
+class | createInvoiceLink |
+ |
class | createNewBasicGroupChat |
class | createNewSecretChat |
@@ -2311,9 +3641,17 @@ Classes
class | deleteAllRevokedChatInviteLinks |
+class | deleteBusinessChatLink |
+ |
+class | deleteBusinessConnectedBot |
+ |
class | deleteChat |
-class | deleteChatFilter |
+class | deleteChatBackground |
+ |
+class | deleteChatFolder |
+ |
+class | deleteChatFolderInviteLink |
class | deleteChatHistory |
@@ -2325,8 +3663,12 @@ Classes
class | deleteCommands |
+class | deleteDefaultBackground |
+ |
class | deleteFile |
+class | deleteForumTopic |
+ |
class | deleteLanguagePack |
class | deleteMessages |
@@ -2335,14 +3677,28 @@ Classes
class | deleteProfilePhoto |
+class | deleteQuickReplyShortcut |
+ |
+class | deleteQuickReplyShortcutMessages |
+ |
class | deleteRevokedChatInviteLink |
class | deleteSavedCredentials |
+class | deleteSavedMessagesTopicHistory |
+ |
+class | deleteSavedMessagesTopicMessagesByDate |
+ |
class | deleteSavedOrderInfo |
+class | deleteStickerSet |
+ |
+class | deleteStory |
+ |
class | destroy |
+class | disableAllSupergroupUsernames |
+ |
class | disableProxy |
class | discardCall |
@@ -2353,12 +3709,18 @@ Classes
class | downloadFile |
-class | editChatFilter |
+class | editBusinessChatLink |
+ |
+class | editChatFolder |
+ |
+class | editChatFolderInviteLink |
class | editChatInviteLink |
class | editCustomLanguagePackInfo |
+class | editForumTopic |
+ |
class | editInlineMessageCaption |
class | editInlineMessageLiveLocation |
@@ -2383,6 +3745,10 @@ Classes
class | editProxy |
+class | editQuickReplyMessage |
+ |
+class | editStory |
+ |
class | enableProxy |
class | endGroupCall |
@@ -2403,23 +3769,31 @@ Classes
class | getAllPassportElements |
+class | getAllStickerEmojis |
+ |
class | getAnimatedEmoji |
class | getApplicationConfig |
class | getApplicationDownloadLink |
+class | getArchiveChatListSettings |
+ |
class | getArchivedStickerSets |
class | getAttachedStickerSets |
+class | getAttachmentMenuBot |
+ |
class | getAuthorizationState |
class | getAutoDownloadSettingsPresets |
-class | getBackgroundUrl |
+class | getAutosaveSettings |
-class | getBackgrounds |
+class | getAvailableChatBoostSlots |
+ |
+class | getBackgroundUrl |
class | getBankCardInfo |
@@ -2429,21 +3803,61 @@ Classes
class | getBlockedMessageSenders |
+class | getBotInfoDescription |
+ |
+class | getBotInfoShortDescription |
+ |
+class | getBotName |
+ |
+class | getBusinessChatLinkInfo |
+ |
+class | getBusinessChatLinks |
+ |
+class | getBusinessConnectedBot |
+ |
+class | getBusinessConnection |
+ |
+class | getBusinessFeatures |
+ |
class | getCallbackQueryAnswer |
class | getCallbackQueryMessage |
class | getChat |
+class | getChatActiveStories |
+ |
class | getChatAdministrators |
+class | getChatArchivedStories |
+ |
class | getChatAvailableMessageSenders |
+class | getChatBoostFeatures |
+ |
+class | getChatBoostLevelFeatures |
+ |
+class | getChatBoostLink |
+ |
+class | getChatBoostLinkInfo |
+ |
+class | getChatBoostStatus |
+ |
+class | getChatBoosts |
+ |
class | getChatEventLog |
-class | getChatFilter |
+class | getChatFolder |
-class | getChatFilterDefaultIconName |
+class | getChatFolderChatCount |
+ |
+class | getChatFolderChatsToLeave |
+ |
+class | getChatFolderDefaultIconName |
+ |
+class | getChatFolderInviteLinks |
+ |
+class | getChatFolderNewChats |
class | getChatHistory |
@@ -2467,20 +3881,44 @@ Classes
class | getChatMessageCount |
+class | getChatMessagePosition |
+ |
class | getChatNotificationSettingsExceptions |
class | getChatPinnedMessage |
+class | getChatPostedToChatPageStories |
+ |
+class | getChatRevenueStatistics |
+ |
+class | getChatRevenueTransactions |
+ |
+class | getChatRevenueWithdrawalUrl |
+ |
class | getChatScheduledMessages |
+class | getChatSimilarChatCount |
+ |
+class | getChatSimilarChats |
+ |
class | getChatSparseMessagePositions |
-class | getChatSponsoredMessage |
+class | getChatSponsoredMessages |
class | getChatStatistics |
+class | getChatStoryInteractions |
+ |
class | getChats |
+class | getChatsForChatFolderInviteLink |
+ |
+class | getChatsToSendStories |
+ |
+class | getCloseFriends |
+ |
+class | getCollectibleItemInfo |
+ |
class | getCommands |
class | getConnectedWebsites |
@@ -2491,14 +3929,38 @@ Classes
class | getCountryCode |
+class | getCountryFlagEmoji |
+ |
class | getCreatedPublicChats |
class | getCurrentState |
+class | getCustomEmojiReactionAnimations |
+ |
+class | getCustomEmojiStickers |
+ |
class | getDatabaseStatistics |
class | getDeepLinkInfo |
+class | getDefaultBackgroundCustomEmojiStickers |
+ |
+class | getDefaultChatEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | getDefaultChatPhotoCustomEmojiStickers |
+ |
+class | getDefaultEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | getDefaultMessageAutoDeleteTime |
+ |
+class | getDefaultProfilePhotoCustomEmojiStickers |
+ |
+class | getDisallowedChatEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | getEmojiCategories |
+ |
+class | getEmojiReaction |
+ |
class | getEmojiSuggestionsUrl |
class | getExternalLink |
@@ -2515,14 +3977,26 @@ Classes
class | getFileMimeType |
+class | getForumTopic |
+ |
+class | getForumTopicDefaultIcons |
+ |
+class | getForumTopicLink |
+ |
+class | getForumTopics |
+ |
class | getGameHighScores |
+class | getGreetingStickers |
+ |
class | getGroupCall |
class | getGroupCallInviteLink |
class | getGroupCallStreamSegment |
+class | getGroupCallStreams |
+ |
class | getGroupsInCommon |
class | getImportedContactCount |
@@ -2533,14 +4007,20 @@ Classes
class | getInlineQueryResults |
+class | getInstalledBackgrounds |
+ |
class | getInstalledStickerSets |
+class | getInternalLink |
+ |
class | getInternalLinkType |
class | getJsonString |
class | getJsonValue |
+class | getKeywordEmojis |
+ |
class | getLanguagePackInfo |
class | getLanguagePackString |
@@ -2567,8 +4047,16 @@ Classes
class | getMe |
+class | getMenuButton |
+ |
class | getMessage |
+class | getMessageAddedReactions |
+ |
+class | getMessageAvailableReactions |
+ |
+class | getMessageEffect |
+ |
class | getMessageEmbeddingCode |
class | getMessageFileType |
@@ -2583,6 +4071,8 @@ Classes
class | getMessagePublicForwards |
+class | getMessageReadDate |
+ |
class | getMessageStatistics |
class | getMessageThread |
@@ -2595,8 +4085,12 @@ Classes
class | getNetworkStatistics |
+class | getNewChatPrivacySettings |
+ |
class | getOption |
+class | getOwnedStickerSets |
+ |
class | getPassportAuthorizationForm |
class | getPassportAuthorizationFormAvailableElements |
@@ -2617,12 +4111,30 @@ Classes
class | getPreferredCountryLanguage |
+class | getPremiumFeatures |
+ |
+class | getPremiumGiftCodePaymentOptions |
+ |
+class | getPremiumGiveawayInfo |
+ |
+class | getPremiumLimit |
+ |
+class | getPremiumState |
+ |
+class | getPremiumStickerExamples |
+ |
+class | getPremiumStickers |
+ |
class | getProxies |
class | getProxyLink |
class | getPushReceiverId |
+class | getReadDatePrivacySettings |
+ |
+class | getRecentEmojiStatuses |
+ |
class | getRecentInlineBots |
class | getRecentStickers |
@@ -2631,7 +4143,9 @@ Classes
class | getRecentlyVisitedTMeUrls |
-class | getRecommendedChatFilters |
+class | getRecommendedChatFolders |
+ |
+class | getRecommendedChats |
class | getRecoveryEmailAddress |
@@ -2641,12 +4155,28 @@ Classes
class | getSavedAnimations |
+class | getSavedMessagesTags |
+ |
+class | getSavedMessagesTopicHistory |
+ |
+class | getSavedMessagesTopicMessageByDate |
+ |
+class | getSavedNotificationSound |
+ |
+class | getSavedNotificationSounds |
+ |
class | getSavedOrderInfo |
class | getScopeNotificationSettings |
+class | getSearchedForHashtags |
+ |
class | getSecretChat |
+class | getStarPaymentOptions |
+ |
+class | getStarTransactions |
+ |
class | getStatisticalGraph |
class | getStickerEmojis |
@@ -2659,42 +4189,80 @@ Classes
class | getStorageStatisticsFast |
+class | getStory |
+ |
+class | getStoryAvailableReactions |
+ |
+class | getStoryInteractions |
+ |
+class | getStoryNotificationSettingsExceptions |
+ |
+class | getStoryPublicForwards |
+ |
+class | getStoryStatistics |
+ |
class | getSuggestedFileName |
class | getSuggestedStickerSetName |
class | getSuitableDiscussionChats |
+class | getSuitablePersonalChats |
+ |
class | getSupergroup |
class | getSupergroupFullInfo |
class | getSupergroupMembers |
+class | getSupportName |
+ |
class | getSupportUser |
class | getTemporaryPasswordState |
class | getTextEntities |
+class | getThemeParametersJsonString |
+ |
+class | getThemedChatEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | getThemedEmojiStatuses |
+ |
+class | getTimeZones |
+ |
class | getTopChats |
class | getTrendingStickerSets |
class | getUser |
+class | getUserChatBoosts |
+ |
class | getUserFullInfo |
+class | getUserLink |
+ |
class | getUserPrivacySettingRules |
class | getUserProfilePhotos |
+class | getUserSupportInfo |
+ |
class | getVideoChatAvailableParticipants |
+class | getVideoChatRtmpUrl |
+ |
+class | getWebAppLinkUrl |
+ |
+class | getWebAppUrl |
+ |
class | getWebPageInstantView |
class | getWebPagePreview |
+class | hideContactCloseBirthdays |
+ |
class | hideSuggestedAction |
class | importContacts |
@@ -2709,20 +4277,36 @@ Classes
class | joinGroupCall |
+class | launchPrepaidPremiumGiveaway |
+ |
class | leaveChat |
class | leaveGroupCall |
+class | loadActiveStories |
+ |
class | loadChats |
class | loadGroupCallParticipants |
+class | loadQuickReplyShortcutMessages |
+ |
+class | loadQuickReplyShortcuts |
+ |
+class | loadSavedMessagesTopics |
+ |
class | logOut |
class | openChat |
+class | openChatSimilarChat |
+ |
class | openMessageContent |
+class | openStory |
+ |
+class | openWebApp |
+ |
class | optimizeStorage |
class | parseMarkdown |
@@ -2733,25 +4317,47 @@ Classes
class | pingProxy |
+class | preliminaryUploadFile |
+ |
+class | processChatFolderNewChats |
+ |
class | processChatJoinRequest |
class | processChatJoinRequests |
class | processPushNotification |
+class | rateSpeechRecognition |
+ |
class | readAllChatMentions |
+class | readAllChatReactions |
+ |
+class | readAllMessageThreadMentions |
+ |
+class | readAllMessageThreadReactions |
+ |
+class | readChatList |
+ |
class | readFilePart |
+class | readdQuickReplyShortcutMessages |
+ |
+class | recognizeSpeech |
+ |
class | recoverAuthenticationPassword |
class | recoverPassword |
+class | refundStarPayment |
+ |
class | registerDevice |
class | registerUser |
-class | removeBackground |
+class | removeAllFilesFromDownloads |
+ |
+class | removeBusinessConnectedBotFromChat |
class | removeChatActionBar |
@@ -2759,6 +4365,12 @@ Classes
class | removeFavoriteSticker |
+class | removeFileFromDownloads |
+ |
+class | removeInstalledBackground |
+ |
+class | removeMessageReaction |
+ |
class | removeNotification |
class | removeNotificationGroup |
@@ -2773,20 +4385,48 @@ Classes
class | removeSavedAnimation |
+class | removeSavedNotificationSound |
+ |
+class | removeSearchedForHashtag |
+ |
class | removeStickerFromSet |
class | removeTopChat |
-class | reorderChatFilters |
+class | reorderActiveUsernames |
+ |
+class | reorderBotActiveUsernames |
+ |
+class | reorderChatFolders |
class | reorderInstalledStickerSets |
+class | reorderQuickReplyShortcuts |
+ |
+class | reorderSupergroupActiveUsernames |
+ |
class | replacePrimaryChatInviteLink |
+class | replaceStickerInSet |
+ |
+class | replaceVideoChatRtmpUrl |
+ |
+class | reportAuthenticationCodeMissing |
+ |
class | reportChat |
class | reportChatPhoto |
+class | reportChatSponsoredMessage |
+ |
+class | reportMessageReactions |
+ |
+class | reportPhoneNumberCodeMissing |
+ |
+class | reportStory |
+ |
+class | reportSupergroupAntiSpamFalsePositive |
+ |
class | reportSupergroupSpam |
class | requestAuthenticationPasswordRecovery |
@@ -2797,21 +4437,21 @@ Classes
class | resendAuthenticationCode |
-class | resendChangePhoneNumberCode |
- |
class | resendEmailAddressVerificationCode |
+class | resendLoginEmailAddressCode |
+ |
class | resendMessages |
-class | resendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
- |
-class | resendPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
+class | resendPhoneNumberCode |
class | resendRecoveryEmailAddressCode |
class | resetAllNotificationSettings |
-class | resetBackgrounds |
+class | resetAuthenticationEmailAddress |
+ |
+class | resetInstalledBackgrounds |
class | resetNetworkStatistics |
@@ -2843,16 +4483,28 @@ Classes
class | searchEmojis |
+class | searchFileDownloads |
+ |
class | searchHashtags |
class | searchInstalledStickerSets |
class | searchMessages |
+class | searchOutgoingDocumentMessages |
+ |
class | searchPublicChat |
class | searchPublicChats |
+class | searchPublicHashtagMessages |
+ |
+class | searchQuote |
+ |
+class | searchRecentlyFoundChats |
+ |
+class | searchSavedMessages |
+ |
class | searchSecretMessages |
class | searchStickerSet |
@@ -2861,18 +4513,32 @@ Classes
class | searchStickers |
+class | searchStringsByPrefix |
+ |
+class | searchUserByPhoneNumber |
+ |
+class | searchUserByToken |
+ |
+class | searchWebApp |
+ |
+class | sendAuthenticationFirebaseSms |
+ |
class | sendBotStartMessage |
+class | sendBusinessMessage |
+ |
+class | sendBusinessMessageAlbum |
+ |
class | sendCallDebugInformation |
+class | sendCallLog |
+ |
class | sendCallRating |
class | sendCallSignalingData |
class | sendChatAction |
-class | sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification |
- |
class | sendCustomRequest |
class | sendEmailAddressVerificationCode |
@@ -2887,24 +4553,70 @@ Classes
class | sendPaymentForm |
-class | sendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
+class | sendPhoneNumberCode |
-class | sendPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
+class | sendPhoneNumberFirebaseSms |
+ |
+class | sendQuickReplyShortcutMessages |
+ |
+class | sendStory |
+ |
+class | sendWebAppCustomRequest |
+ |
+class | sendWebAppData |
+ |
+class | setAccentColor |
class | setAccountTtl |
class | setAlarm |
+class | setApplicationVerificationToken |
+ |
+class | setArchiveChatListSettings |
+ |
+class | setAuthenticationEmailAddress |
+ |
class | setAuthenticationPhoneNumber |
class | setAutoDownloadSettings |
-class | setBackground |
+class | setAutosaveSettings |
class | setBio |
+class | setBirthdate |
+ |
+class | setBotInfoDescription |
+ |
+class | setBotInfoShortDescription |
+ |
+class | setBotName |
+ |
+class | setBotProfilePhoto |
+ |
class | setBotUpdatesStatus |
+class | setBusinessAwayMessageSettings |
+ |
+class | setBusinessConnectedBot |
+ |
+class | setBusinessGreetingMessageSettings |
+ |
+class | setBusinessLocation |
+ |
+class | setBusinessOpeningHours |
+ |
+class | setBusinessStartPage |
+ |
+class | setChatAccentColor |
+ |
+class | setChatActiveStoriesList |
+ |
+class | setChatAvailableReactions |
+ |
+class | setChatBackground |
+ |
class | setChatClientData |
class | setChatDescription |
@@ -2913,13 +4625,15 @@ Classes
class | setChatDraftMessage |
+class | setChatEmojiStatus |
+ |
class | setChatLocation |
class | setChatMemberStatus |
-class | setChatMessageSender |
+class | setChatMessageAutoDeleteTime |
-class | setChatMessageTtl |
+class | setChatMessageSender |
class | setChatNotificationSettings |
@@ -2927,22 +4641,44 @@ Classes
class | setChatPhoto |
+class | setChatPinnedStories |
+ |
+class | setChatProfileAccentColor |
+ |
class | setChatSlowModeDelay |
class | setChatTheme |
class | setChatTitle |
+class | setCloseFriends |
+ |
class | setCommands |
+class | setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail |
+ |
class | setCustomLanguagePack |
class | setCustomLanguagePackString |
class | setDatabaseEncryptionKey |
+class | setDefaultBackground |
+ |
+class | setDefaultChannelAdministratorRights |
+ |
+class | setDefaultGroupAdministratorRights |
+ |
+class | setDefaultMessageAutoDeleteTime |
+ |
+class | setDefaultReactionType |
+ |
+class | setEmojiStatus |
+ |
class | setFileGenerationProgress |
+class | setForumTopicNotificationSettings |
+ |
class | setGameScore |
class | setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking |
@@ -2963,10 +4699,22 @@ Classes
class | setLogVerbosityLevel |
+class | setLoginEmailAddress |
+ |
+class | setMenuButton |
+ |
+class | setMessageFactCheck |
+ |
+class | setMessageReactions |
+ |
+class | setMessageSenderBlockList |
+ |
class | setName |
class | setNetworkType |
+class | setNewChatPrivacySettings |
+ |
class | setOption |
class | setPassportElement |
@@ -2975,34 +4723,74 @@ Classes
class | setPassword |
+class | setPersonalChat |
+ |
class | setPinnedChats |
+class | setPinnedForumTopics |
+ |
+class | setPinnedSavedMessagesTopics |
+ |
class | setPollAnswer |
+class | setProfileAccentColor |
+ |
class | setProfilePhoto |
+class | setQuickReplyShortcutName |
+ |
+class | setReactionNotificationSettings |
+ |
+class | setReadDatePrivacySettings |
+ |
class | setRecoveryEmailAddress |
+class | setSavedMessagesTagLabel |
+ |
class | setScopeNotificationSettings |
+class | setStickerEmojis |
+ |
+class | setStickerKeywords |
+ |
+class | setStickerMaskPosition |
+ |
class | setStickerPositionInSet |
class | setStickerSetThumbnail |
+class | setStickerSetTitle |
+ |
+class | setStoryPrivacySettings |
+ |
+class | setStoryReaction |
+ |
+class | setSupergroupCustomEmojiStickerSet |
+ |
class | setSupergroupStickerSet |
+class | setSupergroupUnrestrictBoostCount |
+ |
class | setSupergroupUsername |
class | setTdlibParameters |
+class | setUserPersonalProfilePhoto |
+ |
class | setUserPrivacySettingRules |
+class | setUserSupportInfo |
+ |
class | setUsername |
class | setVideoChatDefaultParticipant |
+class | shareChatWithBot |
+ |
class | sharePhoneNumber |
+class | shareUsersWithBot |
+ |
class | startGroupCallRecording |
class | startGroupCallScreenSharing |
@@ -3011,6 +4799,8 @@ Classes
class | stopPoll |
+class | suggestUserProfilePhoto |
+ |
class | synchronizeLanguagePack |
class | terminateAllOtherSessions |
@@ -3043,14 +4833,36 @@ Classes
class | testUseUpdate |
+class | toggleAllDownloadsArePaused |
+ |
+class | toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu |
+ |
+class | toggleBotUsernameIsActive |
+ |
+class | toggleBusinessConnectedBotChatIsPaused |
+ |
class | toggleChatDefaultDisableNotification |
+class | toggleChatFolderTags |
+ |
class | toggleChatHasProtectedContent |
class | toggleChatIsMarkedAsUnread |
class | toggleChatIsPinned |
+class | toggleChatIsTranslatable |
+ |
+class | toggleChatViewAsTopics |
+ |
+class | toggleDownloadIsPaused |
+ |
+class | toggleForumTopicIsClosed |
+ |
+class | toggleForumTopicIsPinned |
+ |
+class | toggleGeneralForumTopicIsHidden |
+ |
class | toggleGroupCallEnabledStartNotification |
class | toggleGroupCallIsMyVideoEnabled |
@@ -3065,34 +4877,60 @@ Classes
class | toggleGroupCallScreenSharingIsPaused |
-class | toggleMessageSenderIsBlocked |
+class | toggleHasSponsoredMessagesEnabled |
+ |
+class | toggleSavedMessagesTopicIsPinned |
class | toggleSessionCanAcceptCalls |
class | toggleSessionCanAcceptSecretChats |
+class | toggleStoryIsPostedToChatPage |
+ |
+class | toggleSupergroupCanHaveSponsoredMessages |
+ |
+class | toggleSupergroupHasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled |
+ |
+class | toggleSupergroupHasHiddenMembers |
+ |
class | toggleSupergroupIsAllHistoryAvailable |
class | toggleSupergroupIsBroadcastGroup |
+class | toggleSupergroupIsForum |
+ |
+class | toggleSupergroupJoinByRequest |
+ |
+class | toggleSupergroupJoinToSendMessages |
+ |
class | toggleSupergroupSignMessages |
+class | toggleSupergroupUsernameIsActive |
+ |
+class | toggleUsernameIsActive |
+ |
class | transferChatOwnership |
+class | translateMessageText |
+ |
+class | translateText |
+ |
class | unpinAllChatMessages |
+class | unpinAllMessageThreadMessages |
+ |
class | unpinChatMessage |
class | upgradeBasicGroupChatToSupergroupChat |
-class | uploadFile |
- |
class | uploadStickerFile |
class | validateOrderInfo |
class | viewMessages |
+class | viewPremiumFeature |
+ |
class | viewTrendingStickerSets |
class | writeGeneratedFilePart |
@@ -3273,9 +5111,9 @@ Functions
A function to create a dynamically allocated TDLib API object. Can be treated as an analogue of std::make_unique. Usage example:
auto get_authorization_state_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::getAuthorizationState>();
auto message_text = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::formattedText>("Hello, world!!!",
auto send_message_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::sendMessage>(chat_id, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr,
td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::inputMessageText>(std::move(message_text), false, true));
- Template Parameters
A function to create a dynamically allocated TDLib API object. Can be treated as an analogue of std::make_unique. Usage example:
auto get_me_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::getMe>();
auto message_text = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::formattedText>("Hello, world!!!",
auto send_message_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::sendMessage>(chat_id, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::inputMessageText>(std::move(message_text), nullptr, true));
- Template Parameters
- Type | Type of an object to construct. |
+ Type | Type of object to construct. |
@@ -3306,8 +5144,8 @@ Functions
A function to cast a wrapped in td::td_api::object_ptr TDLib API object to its subclass or superclass. Casting an object to an incorrect type will lead to undefined behaviour. Usage example:
switch (call_state->get_id()) {
auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStatePending>(call_state);
auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateReady>(call_state);
auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateDiscarded>(call_state);
auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateError>(call_state);
- Template Parameters
- ToType | Type of a TDLib API object to move to. |
- FromType | Type of a TDLib API object to move from, this is auto-deduced. |
+ ToType | Type of TDLib API object to move to. |
+ FromType | Type of TDLib API object to move from, this is auto-deduced. |
diff --git a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html
index e3c9c656b8..9179c39d67 100644
--- a/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html
+++ b/data/web/core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ $(function() {
C interface for interaction with TDLib via JSON-serialized objects. Can be used to easily integrate TDLib with any programming language which supports calling C functions and is able to work with JSON.
The JSON serialization of TDLib API objects is straightforward: all API objects are represented as JSON objects with the same keys as the API object field names. The object type name is stored in the special field "@type" which is optional in places where type is uniquely determined by the context. Fields of Bool type are stored as Boolean, fields of int32, int53, and double types are stored as Number, fields of int64 and string types are stored as String, fields of bytes type are base64 encoded and then stored as String, fields of array type are stored as Array.
The main TDLib interface is asynchronous. To match requests with a corresponding response, the field "@extra" can be added to the request object. The corresponding response will have an "@extra" field with exactly the same value. Each returned object will have an "@client_id" field, containing the identifier of the client for which a response or an update was received.
A TDLib client instance can be created through td_create_client_id. Requests can be sent using td_send and the received client identifier. New updates and responses to requests can be received through td_receive from any thread after the first request has been sent to the client instance. This function must not be called simultaneously from two different threads. Also note that all updates and responses to requests must be applied in the order they were received for consistency. Some TDLib requests can be executed synchronously from any thread using td_execute. TDLib client instances are destroyed automatically after they are closed. All TDLib client instances must be closed before application termination to ensure data consistency.
A TDLib client instance can be created through td_create_client_id. Requests can be sent using td_send and the received client identifier. New updates and responses to requests can be received through td_receive from any thread after the first request has been sent to the client instance. This function must not be called simultaneously from two different threads. Also, note that all updates and responses to requests must be applied in the order they were received for consistency. Some TDLib requests can be executed synchronously from any thread using td_execute. TDLib client instances are destroyed automatically after they are closed. All TDLib client instances must be closed before application termination to ensure data consistency.
General pattern of usage:
const double WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10.0;
while (true) {
if (result) {
Alternatively, you can use old TDLib JSON interface, which will be removed in TDLib 2.0.0.
Objects and functions serialization to JSON is the same for both JSON interfaces.
The main TDLib interface is asynchronous. To match requests with a corresponding response a field "@extra" can be added to the request object. The corresponding response will have an "@extra" field with exactly the same value.
A TDLib client instance can be created through td_json_client_create. Requests then can be sent using td_json_client_send from any thread. New updates and request responses can be received through td_json_client_receive from any thread. This function must not be called simultaneously from two different threads. Also note that all updates and request responses must be applied in the order they were received to ensure consistency. Given this information, it's advisable to call this function from a dedicated thread. Some service TDLib requests can be executed synchronously from any thread by using td_json_client_execute. The TDLib client instance can be destroyed via td_json_client_destroy.
A TDLib client instance can be created through td_json_client_create. Requests then can be sent using td_json_client_send from any thread. New updates and request responses can be received through td_json_client_receive from any thread. This function must not be called simultaneously from two different threads. Also, note that all updates and request responses must be applied in the order they were received to ensure consistency. Given this information, it's advisable to call this function from a dedicated thread. Some service TDLib requests can be executed synchronously from any thread by using td_json_client_execute. The TDLib client instance can be destroyed via td_json_client_destroy.
General pattern of usage:
const double WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10.0;
int is_closed = 0;
while (!is_closed) {
if (result) {
Go to the source code of this file.
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ Functions
A type of callback function that will be called when a message is added to the internal TDLib log.
- Parameters
- verbosity_level | Log verbosity level with which the message was added (-1 - 1024). If 0, then TDLib will crash as soon as the callback returns. None of the TDLib methods can be called from the callback. |
- message | Null-terminated string with the logged message. |
+ verbosity_level | Log verbosity level with which the message was added from -1 up to 1024. If 0, then TDLib will crash as soon as the callback returns. None of the TDLib methods can be called from the callback. |
+ message | Null-terminated UTF-8-encoded string with the message added to the log. |
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ Functions
Synchronously executes TDLib request. May be called from any thread. Only a few requests can be executed synchronously. Returned pointer will be deallocated by TDLib during next call to td_json_client_receive or td_json_client_execute in the same thread, so it can't be used after that.
- Parameters
- [in] | client | The client. Currently ignored for all requests, so NULL can be passed. |
+ [in] | client | The client. Currently, ignored for all requests, so NULL can be passed. |
[in] | request | JSON-serialized null-terminated request to TDLib. |