diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/sponsored-messages.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/sponsored-messages.html index ea53ff8e30..8db1d4fda9 100644 --- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/sponsored-messages.html +++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/sponsored-messages.html @@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ sponsoredWebPage#3db8ec63 flags:# url:string site_name:string photo:flags.0?Phot
  • View Channel — if a channel is being promoted. Tapping the button must open the channel using the from_id or by importing the chat_invite_hash invitation link hash ».
  • View Post — if a channel is being promoted and channel_post is specified. Tapping the button must open the particular channel post.
  • Launch App — if the app flag is set, the specified Mini App should be opened when clicking on the button.
  • -
  • Open Website — If the webpage flag is set, clicking on the button should open the external website specified in webpage.url; a webpage preview must also be shown for the specified website in the message, using the specified webpage.site_name and webpage.photo.
  • +
  • Open Website — If the webpage flag is set, clicking on the button should open the external website specified in webpage.url.
  • The contents of the button_text field — if the button_text field is set.
  • The message should be marked as "Recommended" instead of "Sponsored" if the recommended flag is set.


    If the show_peer_photo flag is set, a profile photo bubble should be displayed for this message, like for messages sent in groups. The photo shown in the bubble is obtained either from the peer contained in from_id, or from chat_invite.


    If the show_peer_photo flag is set, a profile photo bubble should be displayed for this message, like for messages sent in groups. The photo shown in the bubble and the sender name are obtained either from the peer contained in from_id, or from chat_invite, or from the webpage constructor (webpage.photo as profile picture, webpage.site_name as sender name), whichever is set.

    If the sponsor_info or additional_info flags are set, an additional "Sponsor info" menu item must be present in the message context menu (the menu that pops up when clicking on a button), that when clicked, displays the contents of the flags.

    Counting sponsored message views

    Once the entire text is shown on the screen (excluding the button), channels.viewSponsoredMessage must be called with the random_id of the sponsored message.