@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
"PeerInfo.Action.Report" = "Report";
"PeerInfo.Action.Statistics" = "Statistics";
"PeerInfo.Action.BoostGroup" = "Boost Group";
"PeerInfo.Action.BoostChannel" = "Boost Channel";
"PeerInfo.Action.Leave" = "Leave";
"PeerInfo.Action.DeleteGroup" = "Delete";
"PeerInfo.Action.AddMembers" = "Add";
@ -661,6 +662,15 @@
"Weekday.ShortTuesday" = "Tue";
"Weekday.ShortWednesday" = "Wed";
"Weekday.Friday" = "Friday";
"Weekday.Monday" = "Monday";
"Weekday.Saturday" = "Saturday";
"Weekday.Sunday" = "Sunday";
"Weekday.Thursday" = "Thursday";
"Weekday.Tuesday" = "Tuesday";
"Weekday.Wednesday" = "Weddnesday";
"Time.at" = "at";
"Time.last_seen" = "last seen";
@ -4569,6 +4579,9 @@
"ChatList.Filter.Archive" = "Archive";
"ChatList.Filter.Share" = "Share";
"ChatList.Filter.ExistingChats" = "Existing Chats";
"ChatList.Filter.NewChats" = "New Chats";
"ChatList.Filter.List.Header" = "FOLDERS";
"ChatList.Filter.List.Desc" = "Drag and drop folders to change order. Right click to remove.";
"ChatList.Filter.List.Remove" = "Remove";
@ -9589,3 +9602,244 @@
"EmojiSection.GroupEmoji" = "GROUP EMOJI";
"ChatInput.Business.Away" = "Away Message...";
"ChatInput.Business.Greeting" = "Greeting Message...";
"ChatInput.Business.QuickReply" = "Quick Reply Message...";
"Chat.InputContext.EditQuickReply" = "Edit Quick Replies";
"Chat.Input.Attach.QuickReply" = "Quick Reply";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Opens24Hours" = "open 24 hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Closed" = "closed";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.local" = "local time";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.my" = "my time";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.Open" = "Open";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.Closed" = "Closed";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_countable" = "%d";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_zero" = "Opens in %d minutes";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_one" = "Opens in %d minute";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_two" = "Opens in %d minutes";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_few" = "Opens in %d minutes";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_many" = "Opens in %d minutes";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInMinutes_other" = "Opens in %d minutes";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_countable" = "%d";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_zero" = "Opens in %d hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_one" = "Opens in %d hour";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_two" = "Opens in %d hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_few" = "Opens in %d hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_many" = "Opens in %d hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenInHours_other" = "Opens in %d hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours.Current.OpenIn" = "Opens %@";
"PeerInfo.Business.Hours" = "business hours";
"PeerInfo.Business.Location" = "location";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Location" = "Location";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.OpeningHours" = "Opening Hours";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.QuickReplies" = "Quick Replies";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.GreetingMessages" = "Greeting Messages";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.AwayMessages" = "Away Messages";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.ChatBots" = "ChatBots";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness" = "Telegram Business";
"PremiumBoarding.TagFolders" = "Tag Your Chats";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Location.Info" = "Display the location of your business on your account.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.OpeningHours.Info" = "Show to your customers when you are open for business.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.QuickReplies.Info" = "Set up shortcuts with rich text and media to respond to messages faster.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.GreetingMessages.Info" = "Create greetings that will be automatically sent to new customers.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.AwayMessages.Info" = "Define messages that are automatically sent when you are off.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.ChatBots.Info" = "Add any third party chatbots that will process customer interactions.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness.Info" = "Upgrade your account with business features such as location, opening hours and quick replies.";
"PremiumBoarding.TagFolders.Info" = "Add colorful labels to chats for faster access in chat list.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness.HeaderInfo1" = "You have now unlocked these additional business features.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness.HeaderInfo2" = "Turn your account into a business page with these additional features.";
"ChatTitle.Business.GreetingMessages" = "Greeting Messages";
"ChatTitle.Business.AwayMessages" = "Away Messages";
"Chat.Empty.Business.GreetingMessage" = "New Greeting Message";
"Chat.Empty.Business.AwayMessage" = "New Away Message";
"Chat.Empty.Business.QuickReply" = "New Quick Reply";
"Chat.Empty.Business.GreetingMessage.Info" = "Create greetings that will be automatically sent to new customers.";
"Chat.Empty.Business.AwayMessage.Info" = "Add messages that are automatically sent when you are off.";
"Chat.Empty.Business.QuickReply.Info1" = "• Enter a message below that\nwill be sent in chats when you type **\"/%@\"**";
"Chat.Empty.Business.QuickReply.Info2" = "• You can access Quick Replies\nin any chat by typing \"/\" or using the Attach menu.";
"Peer.ReportStory" = "Repost Story";
"Business.Updated" = "Your Telegram Business has been updated";
"Business.SelectPeers.Limit" = "Limit Reached";
"Business.ScheduleStart" = "Schedule Start";
"Business.ScheduleEnd" = "Schedule End";
"Business.AwayMessage.Title" = "Away Message";
"Business.GreetingMessage.Title" = "Greeting Message";
"Business.AwayMessage.CreateMessage" = "Create an Away Message";
"Business.GreetingMessage.CreateMessage" = "Create an Greeting Message";
"Business.AwayMessage.Header" = "Automatically reply with a message when you are away.";
"Business.GreetingMessage.Header" = "Greet customers when they message you the first time or after a period of no activity.";
"Business.AwayMessage.Enable" = "Send Away Message";
"Business.GreetingMessage.Enable" = "Send Greeting Message";
"Business.GreetingMessage.NoActivity.Info" = "Choose how many days should pass after your last interaction with a recepient to send them the greeting in response to their message.";
"Business.GreetingMessage.NoActivity.Title" = "PERIOD OF NO ACTIVITY";
"Business.GreetingMessage.NoActivity.Days" = "%d Days";
"Business.Message.Contact" = "contact";
"Business.Message.NonContact" = "non contact";
"Business.Message.Schedule.Title" = "SCHEDULE";
"Business.Message.Schedule.AlwaysSend" = "Always Send";
"Business.Message.Schedule.OutsideHours" = "Outside of Business Hours";
"Business.Message.Schedule.Custom" = "Custom Schedule";
"Business.Message.Schedule.Custom.StartTime" = "Start Time";
"Business.Message.Schedule.Custom.EndTime" = "End Time";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Title" = "RECIPIENTS";
"Business.Message.Recepients.All" = "All 1-to-1 Chats Except...";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Selected" = "Only Selected Chats";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Exclude.Title" = "EXCLUDE CHATS";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Include.Title" = "INCLUDE CHATS";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Exclude" = "Exclude Chats...";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Include" = "Select Chats...";
"Business.Message.SelectPeers.ChatTypes" = "CHAT TYPES";
"Business.Message.SelectPeers.Chats" = "CHAT";
"Business.QuickReply.EditName" = "Edit Name";
"Business.QuickReply.More" = "+%d MORE";
"Business.QuickReply.Header" = "Set up shortcuts with rich text and media to respond to messages faster.";
"Business.QuickReply.Add" = "Add Quick Reply";
"Business.QuickReply.Title" = "Quick Replies";
"Business.QuickReply.Add.Info" = "Add a shortcut for your quick reply.";
"Business.QuickReply.Add.Title" = "New Quick Reply";
"Business.QuickReply.Edit.Title" = "Edit Quick Reply";
"Business.QuickReply.Edit.Info" = "Add a shortcut for your quick reply.";
"Business.QuickReply.Add.Placeholder" = "Enter name...";
"Business.QuickReply.Add.Error" = "Shortcut with that name already exists.";
"Business.Location.Title" = "Location";
"Business.Location.Remove" = "Remove Location";
"Business.Location.SetOnMap" = "Set Location on Map";
"Business.Location.EnterAddress" = "Enter Address";
"Business.Location.Header" = "Display the location of your business on your account.";
"Business.Hours.Title" = "Business Hours";
"Business.Hours.AddSet" = "Add a Set of Hours";
"Business.Hours.AddSet.Info" = "Specify your working hours during the day.";
"Business.Hours.Set.Remove" = "Remove";
"Business.Hours.Set.ClosingTime" = "Closing Time";
"Business.Hours.Set.OpeningTime" = "Opening Time";
"Business.Hours.Set.Title" = "Open On This Day";
"Business.Hours.Timezone" = "Timezone";
"Business.Hours.BusinessHours" = "BUSINESS HOURS";
"Business.Hours.ShowHours" = "Show Business Hours";
"Business.Hours.Header" = "Turn this on to show your opening hours schedule to your customers.";
"Business.Hours.UTC" = "UTC";
"Business.Chatbots.Header" = "Add a bot to your account to help you automatically process and respond to the messages you receive. [Learn More >](https://telegram.org)";
"Business.Chatbots.NotFound" = "No bots found";
"Business.Chatbots.ChatTypes" = "CHATS ACCESSIBLE FOR THE BOT";
"Business.Chatbots.Chats" = "CHATS";
"Business.Chatbots.Permission.Header" = "BOT PERMISSION";
"Business.Chatbots.Permission" = "Reply to Messages";
"Business.Chatbots.Permission.Info" = "The bot will be able to view all new incoming messages, but not the messages that had been sent before you added the bot.";
"Business.Chatbots.Permission.RemoveBot" = "Remove Bot";
"Business.Chatbots.Title" = "Chatbot";
"Business.Chatbots.Placeholder" = "Bot Username";
"Business.Chatbots.Add" = "ADD";
"ChatList.Folder.ColorTitle" = "FOLDER COLOR";
"ChatList.Folder.ColorReset" = "Reset Color";
"ChatList.Folder.ColorInfo" = "This color will be used for the folder's tag in the chat list.";
"ChatList.Folder.PremiumAlert" = "Subscribe to Telegram Premium to add colors for your folders.";
"ChatList.Folder.Tags" = "Show Folders Tags";
"ChatList.Folder.Tags.Info" = "Display folder names for each chat in the chat list.";
"Business.Away.OnlyOffline" = "Only if Offline";
"Business.Away.OnlyOffline.Info" = "Don't send the away message if you've recently been online.";
"Business.Hours.24Hours" = "24 hours";
"Business.Hours.Closed" = "Closed";