Update content of files

This commit is contained in:
GitHub Action 2024-07-07 11:38:52 +00:00
parent 5df5e5aa65
commit 5c991b8caf
7 changed files with 287 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ To learn how to create…">
<p>Subscribe to <a href="https://t.me/botnews">@BotNews</a> to be the first to know about the latest updates and join the discussion in <a href="https://t.me/bottalk">@BotTalk</a></p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="2024" href="#2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>2024</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-7-2024" href="#july-7-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 7, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.7</strong></p>
<li>Added the class <a href="/bots/api#refundedpayment">RefundedPayment</a>, containing information about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>refunded_payment</em> to the class <a href="/bots/api#message">Message</a>, describing a service message about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>isVerticalSwipesEnabled</em> and the methods <em>enableVerticalSwipes</em>, <em>disableVerticalSwipes</em> to the class <a href="/bots/webapps#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<li>Added the <a href="/bots/webapps#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em> for Mini Apps.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-1-2024" href="#july-1-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 1, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.6</strong></p>

View file

@ -57,6 +57,12 @@
<h3><a class="anchor" name="recent-changes" href="#recent-changes"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Recent changes</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-7-2024" href="#july-7-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 7, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.7</strong></p>
<li>Added the field <em>isVerticalSwipesEnabled</em> and the methods <em>enableVerticalSwipes</em>, <em>disableVerticalSwipes</em> to the class <a href="#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<li>Added the event <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em>.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-1-2024" href="#july-1-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 1, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.6</strong></p>
@ -409,7 +415,7 @@
<td>showScanQrPopup(params[, callback])</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> A method that shows a native popup for scanning a QR code described by the <em>params</em> argument of the type <a href="#scanqrpopupparams">ScanQrPopupParams</a>. The Mini App will receive the <a href="#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>qrTextReceived</em> every time the scanner catches a code with text data. If an optional <em>callback</em> parameter was passed, the <em>callback</em> function will be called and the text from the QR code will be passed as the first argument. Returning <em>true</em> inside this callback function causes the popup to be closed.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> A method that shows a native popup for scanning a QR code described by the <em>params</em> argument of the type <a href="#scanqrpopupparams">ScanQrPopupParams</a>. The Mini App will receive the <a href="#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>qrTextReceived</em> every time the scanner catches a code with text data. If an optional <em>callback</em> parameter was passed, the <em>callback</em> function will be called and the text from the QR code will be passed as the first argument. Returning <em>true</em> inside this callback function causes the popup to be closed. Starting from <mark>Bot API 7.7</mark>, the Mini App will receive the <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em> event if the user closes the native popup for scanning a QR code.</td>
@ -446,6 +452,21 @@
<td>A method that closes the Mini App.</td>
<td><em>True</em>, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are enabled. <em>False</em>, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are disabled. In any case, the user will still be able to minimize and close the Mini App by swiping the Mini App&#39;s header.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> A method that enables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. For user convenience, it is recommended to always enable swipes unless they conflict with the Mini App&#39;s own gestures.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> A method that disables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. This method is useful if your Mini App uses swipe gestures that may conflict with the gestures for minimizing and closing the app.</td>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="themeparams" href="#themeparams"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>ThemeParams</h4>
@ -1184,6 +1205,10 @@ if (hex(HMAC_SHA256(data_check_string, secret_key)) == hash) {
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> Occurs when the QR code scanner catches a code with text data.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives an object with the single field <em>data</em> containing text data from the QR code.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> Occurs when the QR code scanner popup is closed by the user.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives no parameters.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> Occurrs when the <code>readTextFromClipboard</code> method is called.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives an object with the single field <em>data</em> containing text data from the clipboard. If the clipboard contains non-text data, the field <em>data</em> will be an empty string. If the Mini App has no access to the clipboard, the field <em>data</em> will be <em>null</em>.</td>

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@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ To learn how to create…">
<p>Subscribe to <a href="https://t.me/botnews">@BotNews</a> to be the first to know about the latest updates and join the discussion in <a href="https://t.me/bottalk">@BotTalk</a></p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="2024" href="#2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>2024</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-7-2024" href="#july-7-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 7, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.7</strong></p>
<li>Added the class <a href="/bots/api#refundedpayment">RefundedPayment</a>, containing information about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>refunded_payment</em> to the class <a href="/bots/api#message">Message</a>, describing a service message about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>isVerticalSwipesEnabled</em> and the methods <em>enableVerticalSwipes</em>, <em>disableVerticalSwipes</em> to the class <a href="/bots/webapps#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<li>Added the <a href="/bots/webapps#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em> for Mini Apps.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-1-2024" href="#july-1-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 1, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.6</strong></p>

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@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ To learn how to create…">
<p>Subscribe to <a href="https://t.me/botnews">@BotNews</a> to be the first to know about the latest updates and join the discussion in <a href="https://t.me/bottalk">@BotTalk</a></p>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-7-2024" href="#july-7-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 7, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.7</strong></p>
<li>Added the class <a href="#refundedpayment">RefundedPayment</a>, containing information about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>refunded_payment</em> to the class <a href="#message">Message</a>, describing a service message about a refunded payment.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>isVerticalSwipesEnabled</em> and the methods <em>enableVerticalSwipes</em>, <em>disableVerticalSwipes</em> to the class <a href="/bots/webapps#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<li>Added the <a href="/bots/webapps#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em> for Mini Apps.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-1-2024" href="#july-1-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 1, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.6</strong></p>
@ -108,54 +116,6 @@ To learn how to create…">
<li>Added the field <em>max_reaction_count</em> to the class <a href="#chatfullinfo">ChatFullInfo</a>.</li>
<li>Documented that .MP3 and .M4A files can be used as voice messages.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="march-31-2024" href="#march-31-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>March 31, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.2</strong></p>
<p><strong>Integration with Business Accounts</strong></p>
<li>Added the class <a href="#businessconnection">BusinessConnection</a> and updates about the connection or disconnection of the bot to a business account, represented by the field <em>business_connection</em> in the class <a href="#update">Update</a>.</li>
<li>Added updates about new messages in a business account connected to the bot, represented by the field <em>business_message</em> in the class <a href="#update">Update</a>.</li>
<li>Added updates about message edits in a business account connected to the bot, represented by the field <em>edited_business_message</em> in the class <a href="#update">Update</a>.</li>
<li>Added updates about message deletion in a business account connected to the bot, represented by the class <a href="#businessmessagesdeleted">BusinessMessagesDeleted</a> and the field <em>deleted_business_messages</em> in the class <a href="#update">Update</a>.</li>
<li>Added the method <a href="#getbusinessconnection">getBusinessConnection</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Working on Behalf of Business Accounts</strong></p>
<li>Added the parameter <em>business_connection_id</em> to the methods <a href="#sendmessage">sendMessage</a>, <a href="#sendphoto">sendPhoto</a>, <a href="#sendvideo">sendVideo</a>, <a href="#sendanimation">sendAnimation</a>, <a href="#sendaudio">sendAudio</a>, <a href="#senddocument">sendDocument</a>, <a href="#sendsticker">sendSticker</a>, <a href="#sendvideonote">sendVideoNote</a>, <a href="#sendvoice">sendVoice</a>, <a href="#sendlocation">sendLocation</a>, <a href="#sendvenue">sendVenue</a>, <a href="#sendcontact">sendContact</a>, <a href="#sendpoll">sendPoll</a>, <a href="#senddice">sendDice</a>, <a href="#sendgame">sendGame</a>, and <a href="#sendmediagroup">sendMediaGroup</a>.</li>
<li>Added the parameter <em>business_connection_id</em> to the method <a href="#sendchataction">sendChatAction</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>business_connection_id</em> to the class <a href="#message">Message</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>sender_business_bot</em> to the class <a href="#message">Message</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Information about Business Accounts</strong></p>
<li>Added the class <a href="#businessintro">BusinessIntro</a> and the field <em>business_intro</em> to the class <a href="#chat">Chat</a>.</li>
<li>Added the class <a href="#businesslocation">BusinessLocation</a> and the field <em>business_location</em> to the class <a href="#chat">Chat</a>.</li>
<li>Added the classes <a href="#businessopeninghours">BusinessOpeningHours</a> and <a href="#businessopeninghoursinterval">BusinessOpeningHoursInterval</a> and the field <em>business_opening_hours</em> to the class <a href="#chat">Chat</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Mixed-Format Sticker Packs</strong></p>
<li>Removed the fields <em>is_animated</em> and <em>is_video</em> from the class <a href="#stickerset">StickerSet</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>format</em> to the class <a href="#inputsticker">InputSticker</a>.</li>
<li>Removed the parameter <em>sticker_format</em> from the method <a href="#createnewstickerset">createNewStickerSet</a>.</li>
<li>Added the parameter <em>format</em> to the method <a href="#setstickersetthumbnail">setStickerSetThumbnail</a>.</li>
<li>Increased the maximum number of stickers in any regular and mask sticker set to 120.</li>
<li>Allowed to upload WEBM stickers using <a href="#sendsticker">sendSticker</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Request Chat Improvements</strong></p>
<li>Added the fields <em>request_name</em>, <em>request_username</em>, and <em>request_photo</em> to the class <a href="#keyboardbuttonrequestusers">KeyboardButtonRequestUsers</a>.</li>
<li>Added the fields <em>request_title</em>, <em>request_username</em>, and <em>request_photo</em> to the class <a href="#keyboardbuttonrequestchat">KeyboardButtonRequestChat</a>.</li>
<li>Added the class <em>SharedUser</em> and replaced the field <em>user_ids</em> in the class <a href="#usersshared">UsersShared</a> with the field <em>users</em>.</li>
<li>Added the fields <em>title</em>, <em>username</em>, and <em>photo</em> to the class <a href="#chatshared">ChatShared</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Other Changes</strong></p>
<li>Added the field <em>is_from_offline</em> to the class <a href="#message">Message</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>can_connect_to_business</em> to the class <a href="#user">User</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>personal_chat</em> to the class <a href="#chat">Chat</a>.</li>
<li>Added the method <a href="#replacestickerinset">replaceStickerInSet</a>,</li>
<li>Added the class <a href="#birthdate">Birthdate</a> and the field <em>birthdate</em> to the class <a href="#chat">Chat</a>.</li>
<li>Added the field <em>BiometricManager</em> to the class <a href="/bots/webapps#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<p><strong><a href="/bots/api-changelog">See earlier changes »</a></strong></p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="authorizing-your-bot" href="#authorizing-your-bot"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Authorizing your bot</h3>
<p>Each bot is given a unique authentication token <a href="/bots/features#botfather">when it is created</a>. The token looks something like <code>123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11</code>, but we&#39;ll use simply <strong>&lt;token&gt;</strong> in this document instead. You can learn about obtaining tokens and generating new ones in <a href="/bots/features#botfather">this document</a>.</p>
@ -1178,6 +1138,11 @@ To learn how to create…">
<td><em>Optional</em>. Message is a service message about a successful payment, information about the payment. <a href="#payments">More about payments »</a></td>
<td><a href="#refundedpayment">RefundedPayment</a></td>
<td><em>Optional</em>. Message is a service message about a refunded payment, information about the payment. <a href="#payments">More about payments »</a></td>
<td><a href="#usersshared">UsersShared</a></td>
<td><em>Optional</em>. Service message: users were shared with the bot</td>
@ -13208,6 +13173,44 @@ pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the Python programming language
<h4><a class="anchor" name="refundedpayment" href="#refundedpayment"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>RefundedPayment</h4>
<p>This object contains basic information about a refunded payment.</p>
<table class="table">
<td>Three-letter ISO 4217 <a href="/bots/payments#supported-currencies">currency</a> code, or “XTR” for payments in <a href="https://t.me/BotNews/90">Telegram Stars</a>. Currently, always “XTR”</td>
<td>Total refunded price in the <em>smallest units</em> of the currency (integer, <strong>not</strong> float/double). For example, for a price of <code>US$ 1.45</code>, <code>total_amount = 145</code>. See the <em>exp</em> parameter in <a href="/bots/payments/currencies.json">currencies.json</a>, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).</td>
<td>Bot-specified invoice payload</td>
<td>Telegram payment identifier</td>
<td><em>Optional</em>. Provider payment identifier</td>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="shippingquery" href="#shippingquery"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>ShippingQuery</h4>
<p>This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.</p>
<table class="table">

View file

@ -57,6 +57,12 @@
<h3><a class="anchor" name="recent-changes" href="#recent-changes"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Recent changes</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-7-2024" href="#july-7-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 7, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.7</strong></p>
<li>Added the field <em>isVerticalSwipesEnabled</em> and the methods <em>enableVerticalSwipes</em>, <em>disableVerticalSwipes</em> to the class <a href="#initializing-mini-apps">WebApp</a>.</li>
<li>Added the event <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em>.</li>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="july-1-2024" href="#july-1-2024"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>July 1, 2024</h4>
<p><strong>Bot API 7.6</strong></p>
@ -409,7 +415,7 @@
<td>showScanQrPopup(params[, callback])</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> A method that shows a native popup for scanning a QR code described by the <em>params</em> argument of the type <a href="#scanqrpopupparams">ScanQrPopupParams</a>. The Mini App will receive the <a href="#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>qrTextReceived</em> every time the scanner catches a code with text data. If an optional <em>callback</em> parameter was passed, the <em>callback</em> function will be called and the text from the QR code will be passed as the first argument. Returning <em>true</em> inside this callback function causes the popup to be closed.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> A method that shows a native popup for scanning a QR code described by the <em>params</em> argument of the type <a href="#scanqrpopupparams">ScanQrPopupParams</a>. The Mini App will receive the <a href="#events-available-for-mini-apps">event</a> <em>qrTextReceived</em> every time the scanner catches a code with text data. If an optional <em>callback</em> parameter was passed, the <em>callback</em> function will be called and the text from the QR code will be passed as the first argument. Returning <em>true</em> inside this callback function causes the popup to be closed. Starting from <mark>Bot API 7.7</mark>, the Mini App will receive the <em>scanQrPopupClosed</em> event if the user closes the native popup for scanning a QR code.</td>
@ -446,6 +452,21 @@
<td>A method that closes the Mini App.</td>
<td><em>True</em>, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are enabled. <em>False</em>, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are disabled. In any case, the user will still be able to minimize and close the Mini App by swiping the Mini App&#39;s header.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> A method that enables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. For user convenience, it is recommended to always enable swipes unless they conflict with the Mini App&#39;s own gestures.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> A method that disables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. This method is useful if your Mini App uses swipe gestures that may conflict with the gestures for minimizing and closing the app.</td>
<h4><a class="anchor" name="themeparams" href="#themeparams"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>ThemeParams</h4>
@ -1184,6 +1205,10 @@ if (hex(HMAC_SHA256(data_check_string, secret_key)) == hash) {
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> Occurs when the QR code scanner catches a code with text data.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives an object with the single field <em>data</em> containing text data from the QR code.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 7.7+</mark> Occurs when the QR code scanner popup is closed by the user.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives no parameters.</td>
<td><mark>Bot API 6.4+</mark> Occurrs when the <code>readTextFromClipboard</code> method is called.<br><em>eventHandler</em> receives an object with the single field <em>data</em> containing text data from the clipboard. If the clipboard contains non-text data, the field <em>data</em> will be an empty string. If the Mini App has no access to the clipboard, the field <em>data</em> will be <em>null</em>.</td>

View file

@ -770,12 +770,12 @@ inputChatPhotoSticker sticker:chatPhotoSticker = InputChatPhoto;
//@can_send_voice_notes True, if the user can send voice notes
//@can_send_polls True, if the user can send polls
//@can_send_other_messages True, if the user can send animations, games, stickers, and dice and use inline bots
//@can_add_web_page_previews True, if the user may add a web page preview to their messages
//@can_add_link_previews True, if the user may add a link preview to their messages
//@can_change_info True, if the user can change the chat title, photo, and other settings
//@can_invite_users True, if the user can invite new users to the chat
//@can_pin_messages True, if the user can pin messages
//@can_create_topics True, if the user can create topics
chatPermissions can_send_basic_messages:Bool can_send_audios:Bool can_send_documents:Bool can_send_photos:Bool can_send_videos:Bool can_send_video_notes:Bool can_send_voice_notes:Bool can_send_polls:Bool can_send_other_messages:Bool can_add_web_page_previews:Bool can_change_info:Bool can_invite_users:Bool can_pin_messages:Bool can_create_topics:Bool = ChatPermissions;
chatPermissions can_send_basic_messages:Bool can_send_audios:Bool can_send_documents:Bool can_send_photos:Bool can_send_videos:Bool can_send_video_notes:Bool can_send_voice_notes:Bool can_send_polls:Bool can_send_other_messages:Bool can_add_link_previews:Bool can_change_info:Bool can_invite_users:Bool can_pin_messages:Bool can_create_topics:Bool = ChatPermissions;
//@description Describes rights of the administrator
//@can_manage_chat True, if the administrator can access the chat event log, get boost list, see hidden supergroup and channel members, report supergroup spam messages and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other privilege; applicable to supergroups and channels only
@ -1307,6 +1307,7 @@ supergroup id:int53 usernames:usernames date:int32 status:ChatMemberStatus membe
//@can_set_location True, if the supergroup location can be changed
//@can_get_statistics True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available
//@can_get_revenue_statistics True, if the supergroup or channel revenue statistics are available
//@can_get_star_revenue_statistics True, if the supergroup or channel Telegram Star revenue statistics are available
//@can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam True, if aggressive anti-spam checks can be enabled or disabled in the supergroup
//@is_all_history_available True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public, discussion, of forum groups and all channels, old messages are always available,
//-so this option affects only private non-forum supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available to chat administrators
@ -1323,7 +1324,7 @@ supergroup id:int53 usernames:usernames date:int32 status:ChatMemberStatus membe
//@bot_commands List of commands of bots in the group
//@upgraded_from_basic_group_id Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none
//@upgraded_from_max_message_id Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none
supergroupFullInfo photo:chatPhoto description:string member_count:int32 administrator_count:int32 restricted_count:int32 banned_count:int32 linked_chat_id:int53 slow_mode_delay:int32 slow_mode_delay_expires_in:double can_get_members:Bool has_hidden_members:Bool can_hide_members:Bool can_set_sticker_set:Bool can_set_location:Bool can_get_statistics:Bool can_get_revenue_statistics:Bool can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam:Bool is_all_history_available:Bool can_have_sponsored_messages:Bool has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled:Bool has_paid_media_allowed:Bool has_pinned_stories:Bool my_boost_count:int32 unrestrict_boost_count:int32 sticker_set_id:int64 custom_emoji_sticker_set_id:int64 location:chatLocation invite_link:chatInviteLink bot_commands:vector<botCommands> upgraded_from_basic_group_id:int53 upgraded_from_max_message_id:int53 = SupergroupFullInfo;
supergroupFullInfo photo:chatPhoto description:string member_count:int32 administrator_count:int32 restricted_count:int32 banned_count:int32 linked_chat_id:int53 slow_mode_delay:int32 slow_mode_delay_expires_in:double can_get_members:Bool has_hidden_members:Bool can_hide_members:Bool can_set_sticker_set:Bool can_set_location:Bool can_get_statistics:Bool can_get_revenue_statistics:Bool can_get_star_revenue_statistics:Bool can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam:Bool is_all_history_available:Bool can_have_sponsored_messages:Bool has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled:Bool has_paid_media_allowed:Bool has_pinned_stories:Bool my_boost_count:int32 unrestrict_boost_count:int32 sticker_set_id:int64 custom_emoji_sticker_set_id:int64 location:chatLocation invite_link:chatInviteLink bot_commands:vector<botCommands> upgraded_from_basic_group_id:int53 upgraded_from_max_message_id:int53 = SupergroupFullInfo;
//@class SecretChatState @description Describes the current secret chat state
@ -1588,7 +1589,7 @@ factCheck text:formattedText country_code:string = FactCheck;
//@can_get_message_thread True, if information about the message thread is available through getMessageThread and getMessageThreadHistory
//@can_get_read_date True, if read date of the message can be received through getMessageReadDate
//@can_get_viewers True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers
//@can_get_media_timestamp_links True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or web page description through getMessageLink
//@can_get_media_timestamp_links True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or link preview description through getMessageLink
//@can_report_reactions True, if reactions on the message can be reported through reportMessageReactions
//@has_timestamped_media True, if media timestamp entities refers to a media in this message as opposed to a media in the replied message
//@is_channel_post True, if the message is a channel post. All messages to channels are channel posts, all other messages are not channel posts
@ -2292,7 +2293,16 @@ sharedUser user_id:int53 first_name:string last_name:string username:string phot
sharedChat chat_id:int53 title:string username:string photo:photo = SharedChat;
//@class RichText @description Describes a text object inside an instant-view web page
//@description Describes theme settings
//@accent_color Theme accent color in ARGB format
//@background The background to be used in chats; may be null
//@outgoing_message_fill The fill to be used as a background for outgoing messages
//@animate_outgoing_message_fill If true, the freeform gradient fill needs to be animated on every sent message
//@outgoing_message_accent_color Accent color of outgoing messages in ARGB format
themeSettings accent_color:int32 background:background outgoing_message_fill:BackgroundFill animate_outgoing_message_fill:Bool outgoing_message_accent_color:int32 = ThemeSettings;
//@class RichText @description Describes a formatted text object
//@description A plain text @text Text
richTextPlain text:string = RichText;
@ -2336,20 +2346,20 @@ richTextPhoneNumber text:RichText phone_number:string = RichText;
//@height Height of a bounding box in which the image must be shown; 0 if unknown
richTextIcon document:document width:int32 height:int32 = RichText;
//@description A reference to a richTexts object on the same web page @text The text @anchor_name The name of a richTextAnchor object, which is the first element of the target richTexts object @url An HTTP URL, opening the reference
//@description A reference to a richTexts object on the same page @text The text @anchor_name The name of a richTextAnchor object, which is the first element of the target richTexts object @url An HTTP URL, opening the reference
richTextReference text:RichText anchor_name:string url:string = RichText;
//@description An anchor @name Anchor name
richTextAnchor name:string = RichText;
//@description A link to an anchor on the same web page @text The link text @anchor_name The anchor name. If the name is empty, the link must bring back to top @url An HTTP URL, opening the anchor
//@description A link to an anchor on the same page @text The link text @anchor_name The anchor name. If the name is empty, the link must bring back to top @url An HTTP URL, opening the anchor
richTextAnchorLink text:RichText anchor_name:string url:string = RichText;
//@description A concatenation of rich texts @texts Texts
richTexts texts:vector<RichText> = RichText;
//@description Contains a caption of an instant view web page block, consisting of a text and a trailing credit @text Content of the caption @credit Block credit (like HTML tag <cite>)
//@description Contains a caption of another block @text Content of the caption @credit Block credit (like HTML tag <cite>)
pageBlockCaption text:RichText credit:RichText = PageBlockCaption;
//@description Describes an item of a list page block @label Item label @page_blocks Item blocks
@ -2396,7 +2406,7 @@ pageBlockTableCell text:RichText is_header:Bool colspan:int32 rowspan:int32 alig
pageBlockRelatedArticle url:string title:string description:string photo:photo author:string publish_date:int32 = PageBlockRelatedArticle;
//@class PageBlock @description Describes a block of an instant view web page
//@class PageBlock @description Describes a block of an instant view for a web page
//@description The title of a page @title Title
pageBlockTitle title:RichText = PageBlock;
@ -2478,7 +2488,7 @@ pageBlockVoiceNote voice_note:voiceNote caption:pageBlockCaption = PageBlock;
pageBlockCover cover:PageBlock = PageBlock;
//@description An embedded web page
//@url Web page URL, if available
//@url URL of the embedded page, if available
//@html HTML-markup of the embedded page
//@poster_photo Poster photo, if available; may be null
//@width Block width; 0 if unknown
@ -2489,7 +2499,7 @@ pageBlockCover cover:PageBlock = PageBlock;
pageBlockEmbedded url:string html:string poster_photo:photo width:int32 height:int32 caption:pageBlockCaption is_full_width:Bool allow_scrolling:Bool = PageBlock;
//@description An embedded post
//@url Web page URL
//@url URL of the embedded post
//@author Post author
//@author_photo Post author photo; may be null
//@date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the post was created; 0 if unknown
@ -2542,45 +2552,149 @@ pageBlockMap location:location zoom:int32 width:int32 height:int32 caption:pageB
//@description Describes an instant view page for a web page
//@page_blocks Content of the web page
//@page_blocks Content of the instant view page
//@view_count Number of the instant view views; 0 if unknown
//@version Version of the instant view; currently, can be 1 or 2
//@is_rtl True, if the instant view must be shown from right to left
//@is_full True, if the instant view contains the full page. A network request might be needed to get the full web page instant view
//@is_full True, if the instant view contains the full page. A network request might be needed to get the full instant view
//@feedback_link An internal link to be opened to leave feedback about the instant view
webPageInstantView page_blocks:vector<PageBlock> view_count:int32 version:int32 is_rtl:Bool is_full:Bool feedback_link:InternalLinkType = WebPageInstantView;
//@class LinkPreviewAlbumMedia @description Describes a media from a link preview album
//@description The media is a photo @photo Photo description
linkPreviewAlbumMediaPhoto photo:photo = LinkPreviewAlbumMedia;
//@description The media is a video @video Video description
linkPreviewAlbumMediaVideo video:video = LinkPreviewAlbumMedia;
//@class LinkPreviewType @description Describes type of link preview
//@description The link is a link to a media album consisting of photos and videos @media The list of album media @caption Album caption
linkPreviewTypeAlbum media:vector<LinkPreviewAlbumMedia> caption:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to an animation @animation The animation @author Author of the animation
linkPreviewTypeAnimation animation:animation author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to an app at App Store or Google Play @photo Photo for the app @author Author of the app
linkPreviewTypeApp photo:photo author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a web site @photo Article's main photo; may be null @author Author of the article
linkPreviewTypeArticle photo:photo author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to an audio
//@url URL of the audio; may be empty if none
//@mime_type MIME type of the audio file
//@audio The audio description; may be null if unknown
//@duration Duration of the audio, in seconds; 0 if unknown
//@author Author of the audio
linkPreviewTypeAudio url:string mime_type:string audio:audio duration:int32 author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a background. Link preview title and description are available only for filled backgrounds @document Document with the background; may be null for filled backgrounds
linkPreviewTypeBackground document:document = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to boost a channel chat @photo Photo of the chat; may be null
linkPreviewTypeChannelBoost photo:chatPhoto = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a chat
//@type Type of the chat
//@photo Photo of the chat; may be null
//@creates_join_request True, if the link only creates join request
linkPreviewTypeChat type:InviteLinkChatType photo:chatPhoto creates_join_request:Bool = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a general file @document The document description @author Author of the document
linkPreviewTypeDocument document:document author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to an audio player
//@url URL of the external audio player
//@duration Duration of the audio, in seconds
//@author Author of the audio
linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedAudioPlayer url:string duration:int32 author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a video player
//@url URL of the external video player
//@duration Duration of the video, in seconds
//@author Author of the video
//@width Expected width of the preview
//@height Expected height of the preview
linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedVideoPlayer url:string duration:int32 author:string width:int32 height:int32 = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to an invoice
linkPreviewTypeInvoice = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a text or a poll Telegram message
linkPreviewTypeMessage = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a photo @photo The photo @author Author of the photo
linkPreviewTypePhoto photo:photo author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a Telegram Premium gift code
linkPreviewTypePremiumGiftCode = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a shareable chat folder
linkPreviewTypeShareableChatFolder = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a sticker message @sticker The sticker
linkPreviewTypeSticker sticker:sticker = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a sticker set @stickers Up to 4 stickers from the sticker set
linkPreviewTypeStickerSet stickers:vector<sticker> = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a story. Link preview description is unavailable @story_sender_chat_id The identifier of the chat that posted the story @story_id Story identifier
linkPreviewTypeStory story_sender_chat_id:int53 story_id:int32 = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to boost a supergroup chat @photo Photo of the chat; may be null
linkPreviewTypeSupergroupBoost photo:chatPhoto = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a cloud theme. TDLib has no theme support yet @documents The list of files with theme description @settings Settings for the cloud theme
linkPreviewTypeTheme documents:vector<document> settings:themeSettings = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link preview type is unsupported yet
linkPreviewTypeUnsupported = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a user @photo Photo of the user; may be null if none @is_bot True, if the user is a bot
linkPreviewTypeUser photo:chatPhoto is_bot:Bool = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a video
//@url URL of the video; may be empty if none
//@mime_type MIME type of the video file
//@video The video description; may be null if unknown
//@width Expected width of the preview
//@height Expected height of the preview
//@duration Duration of the video, in seconds; 0 if unknown
//@author Author of the video
linkPreviewTypeVideo url:string mime_type:string video:video width:int32 height:int32 duration:int32 author:string = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a video chat
//@photo Photo of the chat with the video chat; may be null if none
//@is_live_stream True, if the video chat is expected to be a live stream in a channel or a broadcast group
linkPreviewTypeVideoChat photo:chatPhoto is_live_stream:Bool = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a video note message @video_note The video note
linkPreviewTypeVideoNote video_note:videoNote = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a voice note message @voice_note The voice note
linkPreviewTypeVoiceNote voice_note:voiceNote = LinkPreviewType;
//@description The link is a link to a Web App @photo Web App photo
linkPreviewTypeWebApp photo:photo = LinkPreviewType;
//@description Describes a link preview
//@url Original URL of the link
//@display_url URL to display
//@type Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else
//@site_name Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store)
//@title Title of the content
//@param_description Description of the content
//@photo Image representing the content; may be null
//@embed_url URL to show in the embedded preview
//@embed_type MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4)
//@embed_width Width of the embedded preview
//@embed_height Height of the embedded preview
//@duration Duration of the content, in seconds
//@author Author of the content
//@type Type of the link preview
//@has_large_media True, if size of media in the preview can be changed
//@show_large_media True, if large media preview must be shown; otherwise, the media preview must be shown small and only the first frame must be shown for videos
//@skip_confirmation True, if there is no need to show an ordinary open URL confirmation, when opening the URL from the preview, because the URL is shown in the message text in clear
//@show_above_text True, if the link preview must be shown above message text; otherwise, the link preview must be shown below the message text
//@animation Preview of the content as an animation, if available; may be null
//@audio Preview of the content as an audio file, if available; may be null
//@document Preview of the content as a document, if available; may be null
//@sticker Preview of the content as a sticker for small WEBP files, if available; may be null
//@video Preview of the content as a video, if available; may be null
//@video_note Preview of the content as a video note, if available; may be null
//@voice_note Preview of the content as a voice note, if available; may be null
//@story_sender_chat_id The identifier of the sender of the previewed story; 0 if none
//@story_id The identifier of the previewed story; 0 if none
//@stickers Up to 4 stickers from the sticker set available via the link
//@instant_view_version Version of web page instant view (currently, can be 1 or 2); 0 if none
webPage url:string display_url:string type:string site_name:string title:string description:formattedText photo:photo embed_url:string embed_type:string embed_width:int32 embed_height:int32 duration:int32 author:string has_large_media:Bool show_large_media:Bool skip_confirmation:Bool show_above_text:Bool animation:animation audio:audio document:document sticker:sticker video:video video_note:videoNote voice_note:voiceNote story_sender_chat_id:int53 story_id:int32 stickers:vector<sticker> instant_view_version:int32 = WebPage;
//@instant_view_version Version of instant view (currently, can be 1 or 2) for the web page; 0 if none
linkPreview url:string display_url:string site_name:string title:string description:formattedText type:LinkPreviewType has_large_media:Bool show_large_media:Bool skip_confirmation:Bool show_above_text:Bool instant_view_version:int32 = LinkPreview;
//@description Contains information about a country
@ -3119,9 +3233,9 @@ inputPassportElementError type:PassportElementType message:string source:InputPa
//@description A text message
//@text Text of the message
//@web_page A link preview attached to the message; may be null
//@link_preview A link preview attached to the message; may be null
//@link_preview_options Options which were used for generation of the link preview; may be null if default options were used
messageText text:formattedText web_page:webPage link_preview_options:linkPreviewOptions = MessageContent;
messageText text:formattedText link_preview:linkPreview link_preview_options:linkPreviewOptions = MessageContent;
//@description An animation message (GIF-style).
//@animation The animation description
@ -3345,6 +3459,15 @@ messagePaymentSuccessful invoice_chat_id:int53 invoice_message_id:int53 currency
//@provider_payment_charge_id Provider payment identifier
messagePaymentSuccessfulBot currency:string total_amount:int53 is_recurring:Bool is_first_recurring:Bool invoice_payload:bytes shipping_option_id:string order_info:orderInfo telegram_payment_charge_id:string provider_payment_charge_id:string = MessageContent;
//@description A payment has been refunded
//@owner_id Identifier of the previous owner of the Telegram stars that refunds them
//@currency Currency for the price of the product
//@total_amount Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency
//@invoice_payload Invoice payload; only for bots
//@telegram_payment_charge_id Telegram payment identifier
//@provider_payment_charge_id Provider payment identifier
messagePaymentRefunded owner_id:MessageSender currency:string total_amount:int53 invoice_payload:bytes telegram_payment_charge_id:string provider_payment_charge_id:string = MessageContent;
//@description Telegram Premium was gifted to the user
//@gifter_user_id The identifier of a user that gifted Telegram Premium; 0 if the gift was anonymous
//@currency Currency for the paid amount
@ -3494,7 +3617,7 @@ textEntityTypeMentionName user_id:int53 = TextEntityType;
//@description A custom emoji. The text behind a custom emoji must be an emoji. Only premium users can use premium custom emoji @custom_emoji_id Unique identifier of the custom emoji
textEntityTypeCustomEmoji custom_emoji_id:int64 = TextEntityType;
//@description A media timestamp @media_timestamp Timestamp from which a video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds. The media can be in the content or the web page preview of the current message, or in the same places in the replied message
//@description A media timestamp @media_timestamp Timestamp from which a video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds. The media can be in the content or the link preview of the current message, or in the same places in the replied message
textEntityTypeMediaTimestamp media_timestamp:int32 = TextEntityType;
@ -5566,15 +5689,6 @@ inputBackgroundRemote background_id:int64 = InputBackground;
inputBackgroundPrevious message_id:int53 = InputBackground;
//@description Describes theme settings
//@accent_color Theme accent color in ARGB format
//@background The background to be used in chats; may be null
//@outgoing_message_fill The fill to be used as a background for outgoing messages
//@animate_outgoing_message_fill If true, the freeform gradient fill needs to be animated on every sent message
//@outgoing_message_accent_color Accent color of outgoing messages in ARGB format
themeSettings accent_color:int32 background:background outgoing_message_fill:BackgroundFill animate_outgoing_message_fill:Bool outgoing_message_accent_color:int32 = ThemeSettings;
//@description Describes a chat theme
//@name Theme name
//@light_settings Theme settings for a light chat theme
@ -6381,7 +6495,7 @@ internalLinkTypeStickerSet sticker_set_name:string expect_custom_emoji:Bool = In
//@story_id Story identifier
internalLinkTypeStory story_sender_username:string story_id:int32 = InternalLinkType;
//@description The link is a link to a theme. TDLib has no theme support yet @theme_name Name of the theme
//@description The link is a link to a cloud theme. TDLib has no theme support yet @theme_name Name of the theme
internalLinkTypeTheme theme_name:string = InternalLinkType;
//@description The link is a link to the theme section of the app settings
@ -6429,7 +6543,7 @@ messageLink link:string is_public:Bool = MessageLink;
//@chat_id If found, identifier of the chat to which the link points, 0 otherwise
//@message_thread_id If found, identifier of the message thread in which to open the message, or a forum topic to open if the message is missing
//@message If found, the linked message; may be null
//@media_timestamp Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified. The media can be in the message content or in its web page preview
//@media_timestamp Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified. The media can be in the message content or in its link preview
//@for_album True, if the whole media album to which the message belongs is linked
messageLinkInfo is_public:Bool chat_id:int53 message_thread_id:int53 message:message media_timestamp:int32 for_album:Bool = MessageLinkInfo;
@ -8298,7 +8412,7 @@ removeNotificationGroup notification_group_id:int32 max_notification_id:int32 =
//@description Returns an HTTPS link to a message in a chat. Available only for already sent messages in supergroups and channels, or if message.can_get_media_timestamp_links and a media timestamp link is generated. This is an offline request
//@chat_id Identifier of the chat to which the message belongs
//@message_id Identifier of the message
//@media_timestamp If not 0, timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds. The media can be in the message content or in its web page preview
//@media_timestamp If not 0, timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds. The media can be in the message content or in its link preview
//@for_album Pass true to create a link for the whole media album
//@in_message_thread Pass true to create a link to the message as a channel post comment, in a message thread, or a forum topic
getMessageLink chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 media_timestamp:int32 for_album:Bool in_message_thread:Bool = MessageLink;
@ -9048,7 +9162,7 @@ getInternalLink type:InternalLinkType is_http:Bool = HttpUrl;
//@description Returns information about the type of internal link. Returns a 404 error if the link is not internal. Can be called before authorization @link The link
getInternalLinkType link:string = InternalLinkType;
//@description Returns information about an action to be done when the current user clicks an external link. Don't use this method for links from secret chats if web page preview is disabled in secret chats @link The link
//@description Returns information about an action to be done when the current user clicks an external link. Don't use this method for links from secret chats if link preview is disabled in secret chats @link The link
getExternalLinkInfo link:string = LoginUrlInfo;
//@description Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the current user on a website after clicking an HTTP link. Use the method getExternalLinkInfo to find whether a prior user confirmation is needed
@ -10221,7 +10335,7 @@ removeRecentHashtag hashtag:string = Ok;
//@description Returns a link preview by the text of a message. Do not call this function too often. Returns a 404 error if the text has no link preview
//@text Message text with formatting
//@link_preview_options Options to be used for generation of the link preview; pass null to use default link preview options
getWebPagePreview text:formattedText link_preview_options:linkPreviewOptions = WebPage;
getLinkPreview text:formattedText link_preview_options:linkPreviewOptions = LinkPreview;
//@description Returns an instant view version of a web page if available. Returns a 404 error if the web page has no instant view page @url The web page URL @force_full Pass true to get full instant view for the web page
getWebPageInstantView url:string force_full:Bool = WebPageInstantView;
@ -10802,7 +10916,7 @@ getChatRevenueTransactions chat_id:int53 offset:int32 limit:int32 = ChatRevenueT
//@description Returns detailed Telegram star revenue statistics
//@owner_id Identifier of the owner of the Telegram stars; can be identifier of an owned bot, or identifier of an owned channel chat
//@owner_id Identifier of the owner of the Telegram stars; can be identifier of an owned bot, or identifier of a channel chat with supergroupFullInfo.can_get_star_revenue_statistics == true
//@is_dark Pass true if a dark theme is used by the application
getStarRevenueStatistics owner_id:MessageSender is_dark:Bool = StarRevenueStatistics;
@ -11085,7 +11199,7 @@ getStarPaymentOptions = StarPaymentOptions;
//@description Returns the list of Telegram star transactions for the specified owner
//@owner_id Identifier of the owner of the Telegram stars; can be the identifier of the current user, identifier of an owned bot,
//-or identifier of a channel chat with supergroupFullInfo.can_get_revenue_statistics == true
//-or identifier of a channel chat with supergroupFullInfo.can_get_star_revenue_statistics == true
//@direction Direction of the transactions to receive; pass null to get all transactions
//@offset Offset of the first transaction to return as received from the previous request; use empty string to get the first chunk of results
//@limit The maximum number of transactions to return

View file

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ channel#aadfc8f flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5
channelForbidden#17d493d5 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:long access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat;
chatFull#2633421b flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.8?true translations_disabled:flags.19?true id:long about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:flags.13?ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector<BotInfo> pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int call:flags.12?InputGroupCall ttl_period:flags.14?int groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?Peer theme_emoticon:flags.16?string requests_pending:flags.17?int recent_requesters:flags.17?Vector<long> available_reactions:flags.18?ChatReactions reactions_limit:flags.20?int = ChatFull;
channelFull#bbab348d flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_set_location:flags.16?true has_scheduled:flags.19?true can_view_stats:flags.20?true blocked:flags.22?true flags2:# can_delete_channel:flags2.0?true antispam:flags2.1?true participants_hidden:flags2.2?true translations_disabled:flags2.3?true stories_pinned_available:flags2.5?true view_forum_as_messages:flags2.6?true restricted_sponsored:flags2.11?true can_view_revenue:flags2.12?true paid_media_allowed:flags2.14?true id:long about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:flags.23?ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?long migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?long location:flags.15?ChannelLocation slowmode_seconds:flags.17?int slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?int stats_dc:flags.12?int pts:int call:flags.21?InputGroupCall ttl_period:flags.24?int pending_suggestions:flags.25?Vector<string> groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?Peer theme_emoticon:flags.27?string requests_pending:flags.28?int recent_requesters:flags.28?Vector<long> default_send_as:flags.29?Peer available_reactions:flags.30?ChatReactions reactions_limit:flags2.13?int stories:flags2.4?PeerStories wallpaper:flags2.7?WallPaper boosts_applied:flags2.8?int boosts_unrestrict:flags2.9?int emojiset:flags2.10?StickerSet = ChatFull;
channelFull#bbab348d flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_set_location:flags.16?true has_scheduled:flags.19?true can_view_stats:flags.20?true blocked:flags.22?true flags2:# can_delete_channel:flags2.0?true antispam:flags2.1?true participants_hidden:flags2.2?true translations_disabled:flags2.3?true stories_pinned_available:flags2.5?true view_forum_as_messages:flags2.6?true restricted_sponsored:flags2.11?true can_view_revenue:flags2.12?true paid_media_allowed:flags2.14?true can_view_stars_revenue:flags2.15?true id:long about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:flags.23?ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?long migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?long location:flags.15?ChannelLocation slowmode_seconds:flags.17?int slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?int stats_dc:flags.12?int pts:int call:flags.21?InputGroupCall ttl_period:flags.24?int pending_suggestions:flags.25?Vector<string> groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?Peer theme_emoticon:flags.27?string requests_pending:flags.28?int recent_requesters:flags.28?Vector<long> default_send_as:flags.29?Peer available_reactions:flags.30?ChatReactions reactions_limit:flags2.13?int stories:flags2.4?PeerStories wallpaper:flags2.7?WallPaper boosts_applied:flags2.8?int boosts_unrestrict:flags2.9?int emojiset:flags2.10?StickerSet = ChatFull;
chatParticipant#c02d4007 user_id:long inviter_id:long date:int = ChatParticipant;
chatParticipantCreator#e46bcee4 user_id:long = ChatParticipant;
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ messageActionGiveawayLaunch#332ba9ed = MessageAction;
messageActionGiveawayResults#2a9fadc5 winners_count:int unclaimed_count:int = MessageAction;
messageActionBoostApply#cc02aa6d boosts:int = MessageAction;
messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe#93b31848 button_id:int peers:Vector<RequestedPeer> = MessageAction;
messageActionPaymentRefunded#41b3e202 flags:# peer:Peer currency:string total_amount:long payload:flags.0?bytes charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction;
dialog#d58a08c6 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true view_forum_as_messages:flags.6?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int unread_reactions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int ttl_period:flags.5?int = Dialog;
dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog;