From 632fcb11b3030cdb316b8ca64f1074bab521da67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GitHub Action group_emoji_stickers_level_min
» config parameter, supergroups gain the ability to associate a custom emoji stickerset », which can be used by all users of the group (including non-Premium users!), for messages sent within the group.
This feature is the custom emoji stickerset counterpart of the supergroup stickerset feature, available through channels.setStickers.
-Invoke channels.setEmojiStickers to choose the custom emoji stickerset to associate to the supergroup, which will be available to users in channelFull.emojiset
, and should be prioritized when choosing a custom emoji; a channelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStickerSet will be emitted to the admin log after invoking that method.
Invoke channels.setEmojiStickers to choose the custom emoji stickerset to associate to the supergroup, which will be available to users in channelFull.emojiset
, and should be prioritized when choosing a custom emoji; a channelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStickerSet will be emitted to the admin log after invoking that method.
+channels.restrictSponsoredMessages#9ae91519 channel:InputChannel restricted:Bool = Updates;
+After reaching at least the boost level specified in the channel_restrict_sponsored_level_min
» config parameter, channels may reduce ads on the channel for all users using channels.restrictSponsoredMessages.
Reduce ads on the specified channel, for all users.
+Available only after reaching at least the boost level » specified in the channel_restrict_sponsored_level_min
» config parameter.