@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
"FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordPlaceholder": "Enter a password",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageInvitedName": "invited %1$@",
"Stats.GroupShowMoreTopPosters_many": "Show %@ More",
"MutedForTime.Hours_any": "%@ hours",
"SharedMedia.Link_3_10": "%@ links",
"VoiceChat.MutePeer": "Mute",
"Notification.MessageLifetimeRemoved": "%1$@ disabled the self-destruct timer",
"VoiceChat.MutePeer": "Mute",
"MessagePoll.QuizCount_many": "%@ answered",
"MessageCalendar.DaysSelectedTitle_any": "%@ days selected",
"Undo.DeletedGroup": "Deleted group",
@ -67,10 +68,12 @@
"ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationText": "This will **delete all messages** in this chat.",
"OldChannels.GroupEmptyFormat": "group, ",
"Contacts.Sort": "Sort",
"CreateExternalStream.Title": "Stream With...",
"PUSH_PINNED_AUDIO": "%1$@|pinned a voice message",
"Passport.DiscardMessageAction": "Discard",
"VoiceChat.StopRecordingTitle": "Stop Recording?",
"PUSH_REACT_VIDEO": "%1$@|%2$@ to your video",
"PeerInfo.EnableSound": "Enable Sound",
"Passport.FieldOneOf.FinalDelimeter": " or ",
"Stickers.SuggestNone": "None",
"Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink": "%1$@ joined via invite link %2$@",
@ -103,6 +106,7 @@
"LiveStream.Watching.Members_3_10": "%@ watching",
"LastSeen.HoursAgo_many": "last seen %@ hours ago",
"Conversation.ClearSecretHistory": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat for both you and your chat partner.",
"CreateExternalStream.StreamKeyTitle": "Stream Key",
"Conversation.DeleteAllMessagesInChat": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages in %@?",
"Notification.CallFormat": "%1$@, %2$@",
"ChatListFolder.DiscardDiscard": "Discard",
@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
"AttachmentMenu.SendVideo_0": "Send %@ Videos",
"Time.HoursAgo_1": "%@ hour ago",
"Stickers.SuggestAll": "All Sets",
"MessageTimer.ShortYears_1": "%@y",
"EmptyGroupInfo.Line3": "Public links such as t.me/title",
"Login.InvalidPhoneError": "Invalid phone number. Please try again.",
"MediaPicker.GroupDescription": "Group media into one message",
@ -210,6 +215,7 @@
"ShareFileTip.CloseTip": "Close Tip",
"Attachment.LocationAccessText": "Share places or your live location.",
"ChatSettings.DownloadInBackgroundInfo": "The app will continue downloading media files for a limited time.",
"Translate.CopyTranslation": "Copy Translation",
"Channel.Moderator.AccessLevelRevoke": "Dismiss Admin",
"Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsDeletedMessages": "Deleted Messages",
"Passport.Language.fr": "French",
@ -260,6 +266,7 @@
"CreatePoll.TextPlaceholder": "Ask a question",
"Conversation.EditingMessagePanelTitle": "Edit Message",
"Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionBanUsers": "Ban Users",
"PeerInfo.AutoDeleteDisable": "Disable",
"OldChannels.NoticeCreateText": "Sorry, you are member of too many groups and channels.\nPlease leave some before creating a new one.",
"ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DoneAction": "Done",
"ProfilePhoto.MainVideo": "Main Video",
@ -269,6 +276,7 @@
"Map.Unknown": "Unknown location",
"Notifications.MessageNotificationsAlert": "Alert",
"Conversation.StopQuiz": "Stop Quiz",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertAdd": "Add as Member",
"Checkout.LiabilityAlertTitle": "Warning",
"Username.UsernameIsAvailable": "%@ is available.",
"CreatePoll.OptionPlaceholder": "Option",
@ -299,6 +307,7 @@
"Watch.Location.Access": "Allow Telegram to access location on your phone",
"WallpaperPreview.CustomColorTopText": "Use sliders to adjust color",
"Passport.Address.TypeBankStatement": "Bank Statement",
"PeerInfo.TooltipMutedForever": "Notifications are muted.",
"Group.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo": "You can revoke the link from one of your older groups or channels, or create a private group instead.",
"Conversation.ClearPrivateHistory": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud. Your chat partner will still have them.",
"Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins_0": "Show %@ More",
@ -365,6 +374,8 @@
"OldChannels.InactiveWeek_any": "inactive %@ weeks",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NOTEXT": "%1$@|posted a message",
"VoiceChat.InviteMemberToGroupFirstAdd": "Add",
"MuteFor.Minutes_many": "Mute for %@ minutes",
"MutedForTime.Minutes_any": "%@ minutes",
"Passport.Identity.Selfie": "Selfie",
"Privacy.ContactsTitle": "CONTACTS",
"Conversation.SelectedMessages_2": "%@ Selected",
@ -374,11 +385,13 @@
"Channel.AdminLog.UpdatedParticipantVolume": "%1$@ changed %2$@ volume to %3$@",
"ScheduledIn.Years_3_10": "%@ years",
"TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.SkipAlertAction": "Skip",
"Notifications.TelegramTones": "TELEGRAM TONES",
"Conversation.OpenFile": "Open File",
"Map.SetThisPlace": "Set This Place",
"Channel.Info.Management": "Admins",
"Passport.Language.hr": "Croatian",
"Conversation.UserSendMessage": "SEND MESSAGE",
"Conversation.DeleteTimer.SetupTitle": "Auto-Delete After...",
"VoiceChat.Title": "Voice Chat",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminBans_any": "%@ bans",
"VoiceChat.Panel.Members_any": "%@ participants",
@ -517,9 +530,11 @@
"QuickSend.Photos_2": "Send 2 Photos",
"PhotoEditor.ShadowsTint": "Shadows",
"GroupInfo.ChatAdmins": "Add Admins",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentAlreadyAddedError": "This bot is already added to your attachment menu.",
"ArchivedChats.IntroTitle2": "Muted Chats",
"Cache.LowDiskSpaceText": "Your phone has run out of available storage. Please free some space to download or upload media.",
"CreatePoll.Anonymous": "Anonymous Voting",
"PeerInfo.NotificationsCustomize": "Customize",
"Report.AdditionalDetailsText": "Please enter any additional details relevant for your report.",
"Checkout.PaymentMethod.New": "New Card...",
"Invitation.JoinGroup": "Join Group",
@ -545,8 +560,9 @@
"ApplyLanguage.ApplyLanguageAction": "Change",
"ForwardedPolls_any": "%@ forwarded polls",
"MessagePoll.LabelClosed": "Final Results",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardVisible": "%@ will see they were forwarded",
"Undo.ChatClearedForEveryone": "Chat cleared for everyone",
"AttachmentMenu.SendAsFiles": "Send as Files",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardVisible": "%@ will see they were forwarded",
"KeyCommand.FocusOnInputField": "Write Message",
"Conversation.ContextViewThread": "View Thread",
"ChatImport.SelectionErrorGroupGeneric": "Sorry, you can't import history to this group.",
@ -576,6 +592,7 @@
"Notifications.ChannelNotificationsPreview": "Message Preview",
"AttachmentMenu.SendItem_0": "Send %@ Items",
"MemberRequests.PeopleRequestedShort_any": "%@ requested",
"CreateExternalStream.Text": "To stream video with a another app, enter\nthese Server URL and Stream Key in your\nsteaming app.",
"Notification.JoinedGroupByRequest": "%@ was accepted to the group chat",
"UserInfo.TelegramCall": "Telegram Call",
@ -599,10 +616,12 @@
"Watch.LastSeen.HoursAgo_3_10": "%@ hours ago",
"VoiceChat.TapToEditTitle": "Tap to edit title",
"ChannelInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation": "Add %@ to the channel?",
"Localization.ShowTranslateInfoExtended": "Show a 'Translate' button in the message context menu.\n\nGoogle may have access to message text you translate.",
"Group.EditAdmin.RankAdminPlaceholder": "admin",
"Calls.SubmitRating": "Submit",
"Location.LiveLocationRequired.ShareLocation": "Share Location",
"ChatList.AddedToFolderTooltip": "%1$@ has been added to folder %2$@",
"PeerInfo.LeaveChannelText": "Are you sure you want to leave the channel **%@**?",
"IntentsSettings.MainAccountInfo": "Choose an account for Siri and share suggestions.",
"ForwardedFiles_any": "%@ forwarded files",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT_any": "{author} forwarded %d messages",
@ -661,6 +680,7 @@
"Activity.UploadingPhoto": "sending photo",
"Intents.ErrorLockedTitle": "Locked",
"MessageTimer.Years_3_10": "%@ years",
"Attachment.MessagesPreview": "Messages Preview",
"Watch.UserInfo.Title": "Info",
"SocksProxySetup.ProxyTelegram": "MTProto",
"Appearance.ThemeDay": "Day",
@ -713,11 +733,12 @@
"Checkout.ErrorPrecheckoutFailed": "The bot couldn't process your payment. Your card has not been billed.",
"NotificationsSound.Popcorn": "Popcorn",
"FeatureDisabled.Oops": "Oops",
"PeerInfo.TooltipSoundDisabled": "You will receive silent notifications.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelAbout": "%@ edited channel description",
"Notification.PinnedMessage": "pinned message",
"Tour.Title4": "Secure",
"Notification.VoiceChatInvitationForYou": "%1$@ invited you to the voice chat",
"Watch.Suggestion.OK": "OK",
"Notification.VoiceChatInvitationForYou": "%1$@ invited you to the voice chat",
"Compose.TokenListPlaceholder": "Whom would you like to message?",
"InviteLink.PermanentLink": "Permanent Link",
"EditTheme.Edit.TopInfo": "Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link.\n\nTheme links must be at least **5** characters long and can use **a-z**, **0-9** and underscores.",
@ -751,6 +772,7 @@
"PrivacyLastSeenSettings.AlwaysShareWith.Placeholder": "Always share with users...",
"Login.PhoneAndCountryHelp": "Please confirm your country code and enter your phone number.",
"VoiceChat.Status.Members_0": "[%@]participants",
"Translate.ChangeLanguage": "Change Language",
"SaveIncomingPhotosSettings.From": "SAVE INCOMING PHOTOS FROM",
"Conversation.JumpToDate": "Jump To Date",
"Conversation.Theme.NoTheme": "No\nTheme",
@ -932,6 +954,7 @@
"ClearCache.StorageOtherApps": "Other Apps",
"ScheduleLiveStream.Title": "Schedule Live Stream",
"Conversation.ViewMessage": "VIEW MESSAGE",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextChannel": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as an admin in **%@**?",
"Map.ETAHours_many": "%@ h",
"GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd": "Add",
"Notification.RemovedGroupPhoto": "%@ removed group photo",
@ -939,10 +962,12 @@
"Conversation.BotInteractiveUrlAlert": "Allow %@ to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?",
"MessageTimer.Seconds_1": "%@ second",
"Chat.NextChannelFolderSwipeAction": "Release to go to the %@ folder",
"Bot.AddToChat.MyChannels": "CHANNELS I MANAGE",
"ForwardedGifs_3_10": "%@ forwarded GIFs",
"VoiceOver.Chat.ContactFrom": "Shared contact, from: %@",
"ChatList.DeleteConfirmation_many": "Delete %@ Chats",
"Login.ShortCallTitle": "Within a few seconds you should\nreceive a short call from:",
"PeerInfo.AdjustAutoDelete": "Adjust Auto-Delete",
"MessagePoll.VotedCount_2": "2 votes",
"PUSH_SENDER_YOU": "\ud83d\udcc5 You",
"Conversation.DeletedFromContacts": "**%@** deleted from your contacts",
@ -1032,6 +1057,7 @@
"MessageTimer.ShortHours_many": "%@h",
"MessageTimer.ShortMonths_1": "%@mo",
"VoiceChat.StatusStartsIn": "starts in %@",
"PeerInfo.LeaveGroupTitle": "Leave Group",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupHintTitle": "Password Hint",
"LogoutOptions.ContactSupportTitle": "Contact Support",
"MemberRequests.PeopleRequestedShort_2": "%@ requested",
@ -1056,9 +1082,10 @@
"Call.GroupFormat": "%1$@ (%2$@)",
"StickerPacksSettings.ArchivedPacks": "Archived Stickers",
"AttachmentMenu.SendVideo_2": "Send 2 Videos",
"Notification.VoiceChatInvitation": "%1$@ invited %2$@ to the voice chat",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT_any": "{author} sent %d files",
"Notification.VoiceChatInvitation": "%1$@ invited %2$@ to the voice chat",
"Appstore.Private.Chat.Name": "**Beatrice**",
"PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationUser": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages with %@?",
"Channel.Username.LinkHint": "This link opens your channel in Telegram:[\nhttps://t.me/%@]",
"Forward.ConfirmMultipleFiles_1": "Send 1 file to {target}?",
"PUSH_PINNED_CONTACT": "%1$@|pinned a %2$@ contact",
@ -1126,6 +1153,7 @@
"PUSH_MESSAGE_INVOICE": "%1$@|sent you an invoice for %2$@",
"MuteFor.Hours_3_10": "Mute for %@ hours",
"MuteFor.Days_1": "Mute for 1 day",
"Gallery.GifSaved": "GIF Saved",
"Notification.JoinedChannel": "%@ joined the channel",
"AutoDownloadSettings.DataUsageCustom": "Custom",
"Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmation": "This will send your current location to the bot.",
@ -1148,7 +1176,9 @@
"NotificationsSound.Glass": "Glass",
"StickerPack.RemoveStickerCount_2": "Remove 2 Stickers",
"AutoDownloadSettings.CellularTitle": "Using Cellular",
"Translate.Languages.Translation": "Translation",
"MessageTimer.Years_2": "%@ years",
"MutedForTime.Minutes_1": "1 minute",
"Notifications.PermissionsSuppressWarningTitle": "Keep notifications disabled?",
"ChatSearch.SearchPlaceholder": "Search",
"Passport.Identity.AddPassport": "Add Passport",
@ -1337,6 +1367,7 @@
"WallpaperSearch.ColorPink": "Pink",
"ContactInfo.PhoneNumberHidden": "Hidden",
"VoiceOver.Chat.ContactPhoneNumberCount_any": "%@ phone numbers",
"CreateExternalStream.ServerUrl": "server URL",
"Passport.Identity.IssueDate": "Issue Date",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GIF": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a GIF",
"ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText": "This will **delete all messages** in this channel for **all subscribers**.",
@ -1358,6 +1389,7 @@
"CancelResetAccount.Success": "The deletion process was cancelled for your account %@.",
"Stats.GroupTopPosterMessages_any": "%@ messages",
"Chat.MessageRangeDeleted.ForMe_any": "Messages for %@ days deleted.",
"PeerInfo.EnableAutoDelete": "Enable Auto-Delete",
"Watch.Contacts.NoResults": "No matching\ncontacts found",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCode": "Resend Code",
"Checkout.Phone": "Phone",
@ -1447,6 +1479,7 @@
"Map.GetDirections": "Get Directions",
"SharedMedia.Photo_2": "2 photos",
"Watch.Compose.AddContact": "Choose Contact",
"PeerInfo.DeleteToneTitle": "Delete Tone",
"Conversation.Dice.u26BD": "Send a football emoji to try your luck.",
"AccessDenied.PhotosRestricted": "Photo access is restricted for Telegram.\n\nPlease go to Settings > General > Restrictions > Photos and set Telegram to ON.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageRank": "changed custom title:\n%1$@",
@ -1462,6 +1495,7 @@
"LastSeen.MinutesAgo_3_10": "last seen %@ minutes ago",
"Username.TooManyPublicUsernamesError": "Sorry, you have reserved too many public usernames.",
"PUSH_PINNED_GAME": "%1$@|pinned a game",
"Notifications.UploadSound": "Upload Sound",
"Settings.PhoneNumber": "Change Number",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageTransferedName": "transferred ownership to %1$@",
"SharedMedia.Video_2": "2 videos",
@ -1472,7 +1506,9 @@
"DialogList.SingleUploadingFileSuffix": "%@ is sending file",
"Call.CameraConfirmationConfirm": "Switch",
"Notification.RenamedChannel": "Channel renamed",
"Notifications.SaveSuccess.Text": "You can now use this sound as a notification tone in your [custom notification settings]().",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnpinned": "%@ unpinned message",
"PeerInfo.LeaveGroupText": "Are you sure you want to leave the group **%@**?",
"Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAdmins": "New Admins",
"Notifications.ExceptionMuteExpires.Hours_0": "In %@ hours",
"IntentsSettings.Title": "Share Sheet",
@ -1486,10 +1522,12 @@
"GroupPermission.NoChangeInfo": "no info",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended_any": "You scored %@ in {game}",
"Channel.ErrorAccessDenied": "Sorry, this channel is private.",
"Bot.AddToChatInfo": "This bot is able to manage a group or channel.",
"ScheduledMessages.EmptyPlaceholder": "No scheduled messages here yet...",
"Message.StickerText": "Sticker %@",
"Gallery.SaveImage": "Save Image",
"AuthSessions.TerminateOtherSessionsHelp": "Logs out all devices except for this one.",
"PeerInfo.TooltipMutedFor": "Notifications are muted for %@.",
"StickerPacksSettings.AnimatedStickers": "Loop Animated Stickers",
"Month.ShortJanuary": "Jan",
"Conversation.UnreadMessages": "Unread Messages",
@ -1505,6 +1543,7 @@
"Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to share your phone number %1$@ with %2$@?",
"Widget.ApplicationLocked": "Unlock the app to use the widget",
"TextFormat.AddLinkText": "The link will be displayed as \"%@\".",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTitle": "Add Bot as Member?",
"Common.TakePhotoOrVideo": "Take Photo or Video",
"ScheduledIn.Days_3_10": "%@ days",
"Passport.Language.ru": "Russian",
@ -1594,8 +1633,10 @@
"OpenFile.PotentiallyDangerousContentAlert": "Previewing this file can potentially expose your IP address to its sender. Continue?",
"Settings.SetUsername": "Set Username",
"GroupInfo.ActionRestrict": "Restrict",
"Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertYes": "Yes",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.SavedMessages": " ",
"Time.PreciseDate_m2": "Feb %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@",
"PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationGroup": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages in %@?",
"VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages_2": "%@ unread messages",
"Notifications.DisplayNamesOnLockScreenInfoWithLink": "Display names in notifications when the device is locked. To disable, make sure that \"Show Previews\" is also set to \"When Unlocked\" or \"Never\" in [iOS Settings]",
"Notification.Exceptions.AlwaysOff": "Always Off",
@ -1686,6 +1727,7 @@
"Notification.InvitedMultiple": "%@ invited %@",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoStatePlaceholder": "State",
"Channel.LeaveChannel": "Leave Channel",
"MutedForTime.Days_any": "%@ days",
"Watch.Notification.Joined": "Joined Telegram",
"PeerInfo.ButtonMore": "More",
"Passport.FieldEmailHelp": "Provide your contact email address",
@ -1726,6 +1768,7 @@
"GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvertInfo": "Broadcast groups can have over %@ members, but only admins can send messages in them.",
"PUSH_CHAT_REACT_GEOLIVE": "%2$@|%1$@ %3$@ to your live location",
"GroupInfo.SetGroupPhoto": "Set Group Photo",
"Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Title": "Audio is too large",
"Watch.AppName": "Telegram",
"PUSH_PINNED_GAME_SCORE": "%1$@ pinned a game score",
"Channel.Username.CheckingUsername": "Checking name...",
@ -1869,6 +1912,7 @@
"InfoPlist.NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "We need this so that you can save photos and videos to your photo library.",
"SharedMedia.VoiceMessageCount_any": "%@ voice messages",
"Settings.KeepPassword": "Yes, definitely",
"Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Text": "Duration must be less than %@.",
"BlockedUsers.SelectUserTitle": "Block User",
"ChatSettings.Other": "OTHER",
"UserInfo.NotificationsEnabled": "Enabled",
@ -1929,6 +1973,7 @@
"MessagePoll.QuizNoUsers": "Nobody answered yet",
"Channel.AdminLog.MutedParticipant": "%1$@ muted %2$@",
"OldChannels.ChannelFormat": "channel, ",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsAdmin": "Add Bot as Admin",
"Watch.Message.Call": "Call",
"VoiceChat.OpenChannel": "Open Channel",
"Wallpaper.Title": "Chat Background",
@ -2004,9 +2049,11 @@
"Call.Seconds_1": "%@ second",
"Localization.DoNotTranslate": "Do Not Translate",
"Appearance.AppIconDefaultX": "Default X",
"Notifications.SystemTones": "SYSTEM TONES",
"EditProfile.NameAndPhotoOrVideoHelp": "Enter your name and add an optional profile photo or video.",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoPostcodePlaceholder": "Postcode",
"Notifications.GroupNotificationsHelp": "You can set custom notifications for specific groups on the Group Info page.",
"WebApp.OpenBot": "Open Bot",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a message to the group",
"ChatList.EmptyChatListEditFilter": "Edit Folder",
"MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForTheseDays": "Clear History For These Days",
@ -2034,8 +2081,10 @@
"Conversation.PeerNearbyText": "Send a message or tap on the greeting below to show that you are ready to chat.",
"Conversation.StopPollConfirmationTitle": "If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone.",
"PhotoEditor.Skip": "Skip",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextGroup": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as an admin in **%@**?",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Appearance.ChatBackground.SetColor": " ",
"ChatList.EmptyChatList": "You have no\nconversations yet.",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentAdd": "Add",
"Channel.BanUser.Unban": "Unban",
"Message.GenericForwardedPsa": "Public Service Announcement\nFrom: %@",
"Appearance.TextSize.Apply": "Set",
@ -2065,12 +2114,14 @@
"GroupRemoved.Title": "Removed Users",
"ImportStickerPack.RemoveFromImport": "Remove From Import",
"MuteFor.Hours_many": "Mute for %@ hours",
"PeerInfo.TooltipUnmuted": "Notifications are unmuted.",
"TwoStepAuth.EnterPasswordHelp": "You have enabled Two-Step Verification, so your account is protected with an additional password.",
"VoiceChat.Mute": "Tap to Mute",
"Paint.Marker": "Marker",
"LiveStream.StartRecordingTitle": "Start Recording",
"AddContact.ContactWillBeSharedAfterMutual": "Phone number will be visible once %1$@ adds you as a contact.",
"Widget.ChatsGalleryTitle": "Chats",
"Bot.AddToChat.Title": "Add to Group or Channel",
"SocksProxySetup.ShareProxyList": "Share Proxy List",
"GroupInfo.InvitationLinkDoesNotExist": "Sorry, this group does not seem to exist.",
"VoiceOver.Chat.Size": "Size: %@",
@ -2080,6 +2131,7 @@
"Settings.CheckPasswordTitle": "Your Password",
"Notifications.GroupNotificationsAlert": "Alert",
"SocksProxySetup.ShareQRCode": "Share QR Code",
"Conversation.DeleteTimer.Apply": "Set Auto-Delete",
"ImportStickerPack.StickerCount_any": "%@ Stickers",
"Compose.NewGroup": "New Group",
"Passport.Address.UploadOneOfScan": "Upload a scan of your %@",
@ -2118,6 +2170,7 @@
"Notifications.PrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"VoiceChat.EndConfirmationEnd": "End",
"Passport.Authorize": "Authorize",
"Bot.AddToChat.MyGroups": "GROUPS I MANAGE",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedLinkedChannel": "%1$@ linked this group to %2$@",
"GroupInfo.GroupHistoryVisible": "Visible",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEO": "%1$@|sent you a video",
@ -2197,12 +2250,14 @@
"Call.AudioRouteHide": "Hide",
"DialogList.SavedMessages": "Saved Messages",
"ChatList.Context.Mute": "Mute",
"PeerInfo.DeleteGroupText": "Are you sure you want to delete the group **%@** and all of its messages for all members of the group?",
"Conversation.StatusKickedFromChannel": "you were removed from the channel",
"Notification.Exceptions.MutedUntil": "Muted until %@",
"VoiceChat.StatusMutedForYou": "muted for you",
"Passport.Language.et": "Estonian",
"Conversation.MessageLeaveCommentShort": "Comment",
"PhotoEditor.CropReset": "RESET",
"LiveStream.NoSignalAdminText": "Oops! Telegram doesn't see any stream\ncoming from your streaming app.\n\nPlease make sure you entered the right Server\nURL and Stream Key in your app.",
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.AlwaysAllow": "Always Allow",
"SocksProxySetup.HostnamePlaceholder": "Server",
"CreateGroup.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch": "Sorry, you have too many location-based groups already. Please delete one of your existing ones first.",
@ -2270,6 +2325,7 @@
"AutoremoveSetup.TimerInfoChannel": "Automatically delete messages sent in this channel after a certain period of time.",
"Settings.ApplyProxyAlertEnable": "Enable",
"ScheduledMessages.ScheduledToday": "Scheduled for today",
"WebApp.Send": "Send",
"Channel.AdminLog.DefaultRestrictionsUpdated": "changed default permissions",
"VoiceChat.InviteMemberToChannelFirstText": "%1$@ isn't a subscriber of \"%2$@\" yet. Add them to the channel?",
"Call.ReportIncludeLogDescription": "This won't reveal the contents of your conversation, but will help us fix the issue sooner.",
@ -2384,6 +2440,7 @@
"SharedMedia.Video_1": "1 video",
"Stats.ViewsBySourceTitle": "VIEWS BY SOURCE",
"InviteLink.ContextShare": "Share",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertAdd": "Add as Admin",
"Appearance.AppIconClassic": "Classic",
"PhotoEditor.QualityTool": "Quality",
"ClearCache.ClearCache": "Clear Telegram Cache",
@ -2432,6 +2489,7 @@
"Call.RateCall": "Rate This Call",
"Contacts.AccessDeniedError": "Telegram does not have access to your contacts",
"Invite.ChannelsTooMuch": "Sorry, the target user is a member of too many groups and channels. Please ask them to leave some first.",
"PeerInfo.ButtonStop": "Stop",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoPostcode": "Postcode",
"Channel.BanUser.PermissionReadMessages": "Can Read Messages",
"InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitInfo": "You can make the link expire after a certain time.",
@ -2592,6 +2650,7 @@
"Time.PreciseDate_m12": "Dec %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@",
"InstantPage.Views_any": "%@ views",
"Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement": "Tenancy Agreement",
"Conversation.Mute.ApplyMuteUntil": "Mute until %@",
"Message.ImageExpired": "Photo has expired",
"Call.ConnectionErrorMessage": "Please check your internet connection and try again.",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminKicks_0": "%@ kicks",
@ -2695,6 +2754,7 @@
"EmptyGroupInfo.Title": "You have created a group",
"TwoFactorRemember.WrongPassword": "This password is incorrect.",
"AuthSessions.TerminateIfAwayTitle": "Automatically Terminate Old Sessions",
"PeerInfo.DeleteChannelText": "Are you sure you want to delete the channel **%@** and all of its messages for all subscribers of the channel?",
"Preview.SaveToCameraRoll": "Save to Camera Roll",
"VoiceChat.YouCanNowSpeakIn": "You can now speak in **%@**",
"LogoutOptions.SetPasscodeTitle": "Set a Passcode",
@ -2745,6 +2805,8 @@
"ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdminsOnHelp": "All members can add new members, edit name and photo of the group.",
"ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMedia": "Photos and videos from all your chats will be shown here.",
"Channel.Members.InviteLink": "Invite via Link",
"Conversation.Mute.SetupTitle": "Mute Until...",
"PeerInfo.DisableSound": "Disable Sound",
"Conversation.TapAndHoldToRecord": "Tap and hold to record",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT_1": "{author} sent a file",
"WatchRemote.AlertText": "Open the message here?",
@ -2829,6 +2891,7 @@
"VoiceChat.RemoveAndBanPeerConfirmation": "Do you want to remove %1$@ from the voice chat and ban them in %2$@?",
"Passport.Language.lt": "Lithuanian",
"Passport.DeleteDocument": "Delete Document",
"MutedForTime.Days_1": "1 day",
"GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoStop": "Stop",
"Location.ProximityNotification.NotifyLong": "Notify when %1$@ is within %2$@",
"AccessDenied.VideoMessageMicrophone": "Telegram needs access to your microphone to send video messages.\n\nPlease go to Settings > Privacy > Microphone and set Telegram to ON.",
@ -2906,6 +2969,7 @@
"State.connecting": "connecting...",
"Passport.Identity.Country": "Citizenship",
"Passport.PasswordDescription": "Please create a password to secure your personal data with end-to-end encryption.\n\nThis password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device.",
"Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertText": "Cancel selection?",
"ChatList.PsaLabel.covid": "Covid-19",
"PUSH_MESSAGE": "%1$@|sent you a message",
"Contacts.AddPeopleNearby": "Add People Nearby",
@ -2915,6 +2979,7 @@
"UserInfo.UnblockConfirmation": "Unblock %@?",
"Conversation.AddMembers": "Add Members",
"ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders": "Hold to organize your chats with folders.",
"PeerInfo.MuteForever": "Mute Forever",
"UserInfo.CreateNewContact": "Create New Contact",
"Call.Days_many": "%@ days",
"Channel.Stickers.NotFound": "No such sticker set found",
@ -2978,6 +3043,7 @@
"Appearance.PreviewReplyAuthor": "Lucio",
"Passport.Language.ja": "Japanese",
"ReportPeer.ReasonSpam": "Spam",
"WebApp.OpenWebViewAlertTitle": "Open Web App",
"Widget.GalleryDescription": "Select chats",
"Privacy.PaymentsClearInfoHelp": "You can delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards. Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data.",
"Stats.GroupShowMoreTopInviters_3_10": "Show %@ More",
@ -3049,6 +3115,7 @@
"Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannelProfile": "Open Profile",
"MessageTimer.ShortMinutes_1": "%@m",
"ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationAlertTitle": "Import Messages",
"PeerInfo.LeaveChannelTitle": "Leave Channel",
"InviteText.ContactsCountText_1": "Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat. Join me! Download it here: {url}",
"ScheduledMessages.ClearAllConfirmation": "Clear Scheduled Messages",
"DialogList.SearchSectionRecent": "Recent",
@ -3065,6 +3132,7 @@
"InviteLink.Create.LinkName": "Link Name (Optional)",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryFailed": "Your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.",
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword": "Enter Password",
"Notification.Exceptions.SoundCustom": "Sound: Custom",
"InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryTime": "Time",
"ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the channel using it.",
"Notification.ChannelChangedTheme": "Channel theme changed to %1$@",
@ -3235,6 +3303,7 @@
"Message.Photo": "Photo",
"VoiceOver.Chat.PollVotes_1": "%@ vote",
"Media.LimitedAccessManage": "Manage",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentUnavailableError": "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu.",
"MediaPicker.AddCaption": "Add a caption...",
"LogoutOptions.Title": "Log out",
"LiveStream.PeerJoinedText": "%@ joined the live stream",
@ -3263,6 +3332,7 @@
"DownloadList.ResumeAll": "Resume All",
"FastTwoStepSetup.Title": "Password & Email",
"Notifications.Badge.CountUnreadMessages.InfoOff": "Switch on to show the number of unread messages instead of chats.",
"PeerInfo.AutoDeleteInfo": "Automatically delete messages sent in this chat after a certain period of time.",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Privacy.Title": " ",
"InviteLink.PeopleRemaining_many": "%@ remaining",
"Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsToday": "Live stream starts today at %@",
@ -3369,6 +3439,7 @@
"Calls.CallTabDescription": "You can add a Calls Tab to the tab bar.",
"ChatImport.SelectionErrorNotAdmin": "You must to be an admin in the group to import messages to it.",
"Conversation.LargeEmojiEnable": "Enable Large Emoji",
"WebApp.MessagePreview": "Message Preview",
"PrivacyLastSeenSettings.AddUsers_3_10": "Add %@ users to this list?",
"SocksProxySetup.UseProxy": "Use Proxy",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Stickers.Title": " ",
@ -3449,6 +3520,7 @@
"Chat.TitlePinnedMessages_any": "%@ Pinned Messages",
"Share.MessagePreview": "Message Preview",
"VoiceOver.Chat.ForwardedFrom": "Forwarded from: %@",
"PeerInfo.MuteFor": "Mute for...",
"AttachmentMenu.SendVideo_1": "Send 1 Video",
"Call.ReportSend": "Send",
"PUSH_REACT_NOTEXT": "%1$@|%2$@ to your message",
@ -3473,11 +3545,13 @@
"DialogList.SearchSectionChats": "Chats",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminBans_many": "%@ bans",
"VoiceOver.MessageContextReport": "Report",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminRights": "Admin Rights",
"VoiceChat.RemovePeer": "Remove",
"ChatListFolder.ExcludeChatsTitle": "Exclude Chats",
"InviteLink.ContextCopy": "Copy",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminKicks_2": "%@ kicks",
"NotificationsSound.Tritone": "Tri-tone",
"LiveStream.ViewCredentials": "View Stream Key",
"ChatList.DeleteConfirmation_2": "Delete 2 Chats",
"DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertText_1": "Are you sure you want to remove this\ndocument from Downloads?\nIt will be deleted from your disk, but\nwill remain accessible in the cloud.",
"VoiceChat.YouAreSharingScreen": "You are sharing your screen",
@ -3642,6 +3716,7 @@
"MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForThisDay": "Clear History For This Day",
"CreatePoll.AllOptionsAdded": "You have added the maximum number of options.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryEmailTitle": "Recovery Email",
"LiveStream.NoSignalUserText": "%@ is currently not broadcasting live\nstream data to Telegram.",
"Call.IncomingVoiceCall": "Incoming Voice Call",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageTransferedNameUsername": "transferred ownership to %1$@ (%2$@)",
"Conversation.ScheduledLiveStream": "Scheduled Live Stream",
@ -3700,6 +3775,7 @@
"Call.ShortMinutes_1": "%@ min",
"Notification.ChannelInviter": "%@ invited you to this channel",
"Permissions.ContactsText.v0": "See who's on Telegram and switch seamlessly, without having to \"add\" your friends.",
"Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertNo": "No",
"PUSH_REACT_DOC": "%1$@|%2$@ to your file",
"Conversation.PinMessagesForMe": "Pin for me",
"VoiceChat.PanelJoin": "Join",
@ -3814,6 +3890,7 @@
"Channel.BanList.BlockedTitle": "BLOCKED",
"ScheduledIn.Minutes_3_10": "%@ minutes",
"Bot.DescriptionTitle": "What can this bot do?",
"WebApp.ReloadPage": "Reload Page",
"Map.LocationTitle": "Location",
"ChatListFolder.ExcludeSectionInfo": "Choose chats and types of chats that will never appear in this folder.",
"Conversation.HashtagCopied": "Hashtag copied to clipboard",
@ -4007,6 +4084,7 @@
"Passport.Identity.FrontSide": "Front Side",
"Stickers.GroupStickers": "Group Stickers",
"ChangePhoneNumberNumber.NumberPlaceholder": "Enter your new number",
"Translate.More": "more",
"Map.SearchNoResultsDescription": "There were no results for \"%@\".\nTry a new search.",
"VoiceOver.BotCommands": "Bot Commands",
"MuteExpires.Days_0": "in %@ days",
@ -4084,6 +4162,7 @@
"AccessDenied.Settings": "Settings",
"Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCardUploadScan": "Upload a scan of your identity card",
"AuthSessions.EmptyTitle": "No other sessions",
"PeerInfo.TooltipSoundEnabled": "You will receive notifications with sound.",
"TwoStepAuth.PasswordChangeSuccess": "Your password\nhas been changed.",
"GroupInfo.GroupType": "Group Type",
"Calls.Missed": "Missed",
@ -4111,13 +4190,14 @@
"Privacy.PaymentsClearInfo": "Clear payment & shipping info",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_POLL": "%1$@|sent you a poll",
"Notification.Exceptions.AlwaysOn": "Always On",
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.WhoCanAddMe": "WHO CAN ADD ME TO GROUP CHATS",
"MuteFor.Minutes_any": "Mute for %@ minutes",
"Conversation.MessageViewComments_1": "[%@]Comment",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended_1": "{name} scored %@ in {game}",
"AutoNightTheme.AutomaticSection": "BRIGHTNESS THRESHOLD",
"WallpaperSearch.ColorBrown": "Brown",
"Appearance.AppIconDefault": "Default",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended_2": "{name} scored %@ in {game}",
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.WhoCanAddMe": "WHO CAN ADD ME TO GROUP CHATS",
"Call.Seconds_2": "%@ seconds",
"Conversation.ContextMenuWatched_1": "1 Watched",
"StickerSettings.ContextInfo": "If you archive a sticker set, you can quickly restore it later from the Archived Stickers section.",
@ -4154,6 +4234,7 @@
"WallpaperSearch.ColorGreen": "Green",
"PhotoEditor.BlurToolOff": "Off",
"Conversation.AutoremoveOff": "Auto-Delete is now off.",
"Notifications.UploadSuccess.Text": "The sound **%@** was added to your Telegram tones.",
"SocksProxySetup.PortPlaceholder": "Port",
"Weekday.Saturday": "Saturday",
"DialogList.Unread": "Unread",
@ -4313,6 +4394,7 @@
"Stickers.ShowMore": "Show More",
"Conversation.PinMessageAlertPin": "Pin",
"Login.PhoneBannedEmailBody": "I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: %1$@\nBut Telegram says it's banned. Please help.\n\nApp version: %2$@\nOS version: %3$@\nLocale: %4$@\nMNC: %5$@",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsMember": "Add Bot as Member",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_FWD": "%1$@|forwarded you a message",
"Share.MultipleMessagesDisabled": "Slowmode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once.",
"TwoStepAuth.EmailInvalid": "Invalid e-mail address. Please try again.",
@ -4379,6 +4461,7 @@
"Time.MediumDate": "%1$@ at %2$@",
"ContactInfo.PhoneLabelHome": "home",
"CallFeedback.ReasonInterruption": "The other side kept disappearing",
"Chat.SaveForNotifications": "Save for Notifications",
"Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeDriversLicense": "driver's license",
"VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteListeners_any": "[%@] Invite Listeners",
"StickerPack.AddStickerCount_1": "Add 1 Sticker",
@ -4417,11 +4500,13 @@
"ForwardedStickers_many": "%@ forwarded stickers",
"Time.MonthOfYear_m10": "October %@",
"Message.PinnedAnimationMessage": "pinned GIF",
"Notifications.UploadSuccess.Title": "Sound Added",
"VoiceChat.TapToViewCameraVideo": "Tap to view camera video",
"Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave": "Report Spam and Leave",
"Preview.CopyAddress": "Copy Address",
"InviteLink.PeopleRemaining_1": "%@ remaining",
"MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack": "Unknown Track",
"MuteFor.Minutes_2": "Mute for 2 minutes",
"Login.CancelSignUpConfirmation": "Do you want to stop the registration process?",
"SharedMedia.ShowVideos": "Show Videos",
"Contacts.InviteContacts_any": "Invite %@ Contacts",
@ -4443,6 +4528,7 @@
"SharedMedia.Link_many": "%@ links",
"Notifications.ExceptionMuteExpires.Minutes_1": "In 1 minute",
"CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to discard this poll?",
"WebApp.OpenWebViewAlertText": "**%@** would like to open its web app to proceed.\n\nIt will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info.",
"Month.GenOctober": "October",
"Conversation.TitleCommentsEmpty": "Comments",
"Settings.Appearance": "Appearance",
@ -4495,8 +4581,9 @@
"ConversationProfile.UnknownAddMemberError": "An unexpected error has occurred. Our wizards have been notified and will fix the problem soon. Sorry.",
"ChatList.Search.ShowMore": "Show more",
"DialogList.EncryptionRejected": "Secret chat cancelled",
"VoiceChat.InviteLinkCopiedText": "Invite link copied to clipboard",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextGroup": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as a member in **%@**?",
"DialogList.DeleteBotConfirmation": "Delete",
"VoiceChat.InviteLinkCopiedText": "Invite link copied to clipboard",
"VoiceChat.StartRecordingText": "Do you want to start recording this chat and save the result into an audio file?\n\nOther members will see that the chat is being recorded.",
"Privacy.TopPeersDelete": "Delete",
"InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShort_many": "%@ joined",
@ -4529,6 +4616,7 @@
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.AlwaysAllow.Title": "Always Allow",
"Conversation.OpenBotLinkLogin": "Log in to **%1$@** as %2$@",
"Notification.CallIncomingShort": "Incoming",
"CreateExternalStream.StartStreamingInfo": "Once you start broadcasting in your streaming\napp, tap Start Streaming below.",
"ChatList.MessagePhotos_any": "%@ Photos",
"StickerPacks.DeleteStickerPacksConfirmation_3_10": "Delete %@ Sticker Sets",
"UserInfo.BotPrivacy": "Privacy Policy",
@ -4536,6 +4624,7 @@
"WebSearch.RecentClearConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to clear recent images?",
"InviteLink.InviteLinks_0": "%@ invite links",
"Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp": "Look Up",
"PeerInfo.DeleteChannelTitle": "Delete for All",
"Calls.RatingTitle": "Please rate the quality\nof your Telegram call",
"SecretImage.Title": "Disappearing Photo",
"Weekday.Monday": "Monday",
@ -4607,6 +4696,7 @@
"TwoStepAuth.GenericHelp": "You have enabled Two-Step verification.\nYou'll need the password you set up here to log in to your Telegram account.",
"TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.Skip": "Skip",
"TextFormat.Monospace": "Monospace",
"PeerInfo.TooltipMutedUntil": "Notifications are muted until %@.",
"MessageTimer.Minutes_3_10": "%@ minutes",
"VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackRateChange": "Double tap to change",
"Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe": "Delete for me",
@ -4647,6 +4737,7 @@
"PUSH_PINNED_ROUND": "%1$@|pinned a video message",
"MessageTimer.ShortHours_2": "%@h",
"PollResults.Collapse": "COLLAPSE",
"MuteFor.Minutes_1": "Mute for 1 minute",
"Contacts.GlobalSearch": "Global Search",
"InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShort_1": "%@ joined",
"Conversation.EncryptionWaiting": "Waiting for %@ to get online...",
@ -4745,6 +4836,7 @@
"ChatList.Search.FilterVoice": "Voice",
"OldChannels.InactiveWeek_1": "inactive %@ week",
"Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo": "Tap and hold for video",
"Translate.Title": "Translate",
"Permissions.NotificationsAllowInSettings.v0": "Turn ON in Settings",
"Notification.LeftChannel": "%@ left the channel",
"Themes.Title": "Chat Themes",
@ -4754,6 +4846,7 @@
"StickerPack.AddMaskCount_many": "Add %@ Masks",
"Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassport": "Internal Passport",
"Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.4.Text": "For relaxing times, make it Suntory time. \ud83d\ude0e",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.Title": "Add Bot",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.EditProfile.Username": " ",
"Stickers.Installed": "ADDED",
"Notifications.PermissionsAllowInSettings": "Turn ON in Settings",
@ -4786,6 +4879,7 @@
"DialogList.NoMessagesTitle": "You have no conversations yet",
"GroupInfo.Title": "Group Info",
"ScheduleVoiceChat.ScheduleToday": "Start today at %@",
"Translate.Languages.Title": "Languages",
"UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One": "Contact forwarded to **Saved Messages**",
"Channel.AdminLog.CanBanUsers": "Ban Users",
"PhoneNumberHelp.Help": "You can change your Telegram number here. Your account and all your cloud data \u2014 messages, media, contacts, etc. will be moved to the new number.\n\n**Important:** all your Telegram contacts will get your **new number** added to their address book, provided they had your old number and you haven't blocked them in Telegram.",
@ -4850,6 +4944,7 @@
"DialogList.LiveLocationChatsCount_any": "sharing with %@ chats",
"VoiceChat.RemovePeerConfirmationChannel": "Are you sure you want to remove %@ from the channel?",
"Channel.AdminLog.CanInviteUsers": "Add Users",
"MuteFor.Minutes_0": "Mute for %@ minutes",
"Channel.MessageVideoUpdated": "Channel video updated",
"GroupInfo.Permissions.EditingDisabled": "You cannot edit this permission.",
"Conversation.StatusMembers_any": "%@ members",
@ -4879,6 +4974,7 @@
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageKickedNameUsername": "banned %1$@ (%2$@)",
"ChatList.EmptyChatListFilterTitle": "Folder is empty.",
"Checkout.PayNone": "Pay",
"PeerInfo.AlertLeaveAction": "Leave",
"NotificationsSound.Complete": "Complete",
"TwoStepAuth.ConfirmEmailCodePlaceholder": "Code",
"InviteLink.CreateInfo": "You can create additional invite links that have limited time or number of usages.",
@ -4912,9 +5008,11 @@
"VoiceChat.EditBio": "Edit Bio",
"MuteExpires.Hours_any": "in %@ hours",
"ChannelMembers.ChannelAdminsTitle": "CHANNEL ADMINS",
"MessageTimer.ShortYears_any": "%@y",
"ForwardedAudios_3_10": "%@ forwarded audios",
"ScheduledIn.Months_3_10": "%@ months",
"DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertTitle_1": "Remove Document?",
"CreateExternalStream.StartStreaming": "Start Streaming",
"VoiceChat.ShareScreen": "Share Screen",
"ScheduledMessages.Title": "Scheduled Messages",
"ForwardedGifs_2": "2 forwarded GIFs",
@ -4927,6 +5025,7 @@
"Conversation.ContextViewStats": "View Statistics",
"ScheduleLiveStream.ChannelText": "The members of the channel will be notified that the live stream will start in %@.",
"Channel.DiscussionGroup.SearchPlaceholder": "Search",
"PeerInfo.MuteForCustom": "Mute until...",
"PasscodeSettings.Title": "Passcode Lock",
"Notification.LiveStreamScheduledTomorrow": "Live stream scheduled for tomorrow at %@",
"Channel.AdminLog.SendPolls": "Send Polls",
@ -4939,6 +5038,7 @@
"Conversation.PinnedPreviousMessage": "Previous Message",
"PUSH_CHAT_REACT_PHOTO": "%2$@|%1$@ %3$@ to your photo",
"SocksProxySetup.AddProxyTitle": "Add Proxy",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTitle": "Add Bot as Admin?",
"Passport.Identity.AddInternalPassport": "Add Internal Passport",
"ChatList.RemovedFromFolderTooltip": "%1$@ has been removed from folder %2$@",
"Conversation.SetReminder.RemindToday": "Remind today at %@",
@ -4950,6 +5050,7 @@
"ConvertToSupergroup.HelpTitle": "**In supergroups:**",
"Message.ImportedDateFormat": "%1$@, %2$@ Imported %3$@",
"VoiceChat.Audio": "audio",
"Conversation.DeleteTimer.Disable": "Disable Auto-Delete",
"MemberRequests.Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"ChatList.ClearSearchHistory": "Are you sure you want to clear your search history?",
"SharedMedia.TitleAll": "Shared Media",
@ -4965,6 +5066,7 @@
"Conversation.LiveLocationYouAndOther": "**You** and %@",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminDeletions_2": "%@ deletions",
"ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationAlertImportAction": "Import",
"MutedForTime.Hours_1": "1 hour",
"Common.Cancel": "Cancel",
"LastSeen.MinutesAgo_0": "last seen %@ minutes ago",
"CallFeedback.Title": "Call Feedback",
@ -4973,6 +5075,7 @@
"Map.ETADays_1": "%@ day",
"VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteListeners_0": "[%@] Invite Listeners",
"SharedMedia.GifCount_1": "1 gif",
"ChannelInfo.CreateExternalStream": "Stream With...",
"Activity.UploadingVideoMessage": "sending video",
"MediaPicker.Send": "Send",
"PasscodeSettings.AutoLock.IfAwayFor_1minute": "If away for 1 min",
@ -4986,6 +5089,7 @@
"Notifications.ExceptionMuteExpires.Days_many": "In %@ days",
"ForwardedLocations_3_10": "%@ forwarded locations",
"ChatSettings.PrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"Bot.AddToChat": "Add to Group or Channel",
"Conversation.ErrorInaccessibleMessage": "Unfortunately, you can't access this message. You are not a member of the chat where it was posted.",
"BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.LearnMore": "Learn More",
"Appearance.ThemeNight": "Night",
@ -5042,6 +5146,7 @@
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSimple_many": "{name} scored %@",
"ChatList.Search.NoResultsFilter": "Nothing Yet",
"WallpaperSearch.ColorBlack": "Black",
"Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Text": "File is over %@.",
"ArchivedChats.IntroTitle3": "Pinned Chats",
"InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinksAlert.Action": "Delete All",
"VoiceChat.PeerJoinedText": "%@ joined the voice chat",
@ -5085,6 +5190,7 @@
"Channel.Members.AddMembersHelp": "Only channel admins can see this list.",
"Shortcut.SwitchAccount": "Switch Account",
"Map.LiveLocationFor8Hours": "for 8 hours",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentText": "%@ requests your permission to be added as an option to your attachments menu, so you can access it from any chat.",
"AutoNightTheme.AutomaticHelp": "Switch to night theme when brightness is %@%% or less. Auto-brightness should be enabled for this feature to work correctly.",
"Compose.NewGroupTitle": "New Group",
"DialogList.You": "You",
@ -5135,6 +5241,7 @@
"PUSH_PINNED_GEOLIVE": "%1$@|pinned a live location",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT_any": "forwarded you %d messages",
"ChatList.MessagePhotos_1": "1 Photo",
"WebApp.RemoveBot": "Remove Bot",
"Passport.PasswordReset": "All documents uploaded to your Telegram Passport will be lost. You will be able to upload new documents.",
"LiveStream.DisplayAsSuccess": "Members of this live stream will now see your as **%@**.",
"Stats.MessageForwards_1": "%@ forward",
@ -5207,11 +5314,13 @@
"Stats.ViewsPerPost": "Views Per Post",
"Conversation.Theme.Title": "Select Theme",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCountry": "Country",
"Notification.WebAppSentData": "You have successfully transferred data from the \"%@\" button to the bot.",
"Passport.Identity.TranslationHelp": "Upload a translation of this document",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWD": "%1$@|posted a forwarded message",
"GroupInfo.Administrators.Title": "Administrators",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageRankName": "changed custom title for %1$@:\n%2$@",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_POLL": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a poll %3$@ to the group",
"CreateExternalStream.StreamKey": "stream key",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoState": "State",
"Stats.MessageForwards_3_10": "%@ forwards",
"Passport.Language.my": "Burmese",
@ -5260,6 +5369,7 @@
"Conversation.InputTextBroadcastPlaceholder": "Broadcast",
"Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrow": "%1$@ scheduled a voice chat for tomorrow at %2$@",
"Conversation.ContextMenuSelectAll_2": "Select All %@ Items",
"Notifications.MessageSoundInfo": "Press and hold a short voice note or mp3 file in any chat and select \"Save for Notifications\". It will appear here.",
"ChatList.DeleteConfirmation_any": "Delete %@ Chats",
"PrivacyPolicy.DeclineTitle": "Decline",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Privacy.PasscodeAndTouchId": " ",
@ -5309,6 +5419,7 @@
"Chat.OutgoingContextReactionCount_any": "%@ reacted",
"PrivacySettings.Passcode": "Passcode Lock",
"Call.EmojiDescription": "If these emoji are the same on %@'s screen, this call is 100%% secure.",
"MuteFor.Minutes_3_10": "Mute for %@ minutes",
"AutoNightTheme.NotAvailable": "N/A",
"Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound": "Press volume button\nto unmute the video",
"VoiceOver.Common.On": "On",
@ -5366,6 +5477,7 @@
"Conversation.ReportGroupLocation": "Group unrelated to location?",
"Passport.Scans.Upload": "Upload Scan",
"DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertText_any": "Are you sure you want to remove these\n%@ documents from Downloads?\nThey will be deleted from your disk, but\nwill remain accessible in the cloud.",
"Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Title": "%@ is too long.",
"Notification.GameScoreExtended_many": "scored %@ in {game}",
"Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionPinMessages": "Pin Messages",
"ChatList.UnarchiveAction": "Unarchive",
@ -5402,6 +5514,7 @@
"KeyCommand.SearchInChat": "Search in Chat",
"InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoChannel": "New users will be able to join the channel without being approved by the admins.",
"Appearance.ThemeCarouselNewNight": "Night",
"PeerInfo.ClearMessages": "Clear Messages",
"ChatList.Search.FilterMedia": "Media",
"Message.PinnedAudioMessage": "pinned voice message",
"VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteSpeakers_many": "[%@] Invite Speakers",
@ -5420,6 +5533,7 @@
"PhoneLabel.Title": "Label",
"OldChannels.InactiveMonth_1": "inactive %@ month",
"VoiceChat.EditPermissions": "Edit Permissions",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextChannel": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as a member in **%@**?",
"Group.Setup.HistoryHiddenHelp": "New members won't see earlier messages.",
"Privacy.ProfilePhoto.AlwaysShareWith.Title": "Always Share With",
"Login.PhoneGenericEmailBody": "I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: %1$@\nBut Telegram shows an error. Please help.\n\nError: %2$@\nApp version: %3$@\nOS version: %4$@\nLocale: %5$@\nMNC: %6$@",
@ -5431,6 +5545,7 @@
"ScheduledIn.Seconds_0": "%@ seconds",
"EditTheme.ChangeColors": "Change Colors",
"GroupRemoved.ViewUserInfo": "View User Info",
"Translate.Languages.Original": "Original",
"MessageTimer.ShortWeeks_many": "%@w",
"CallSettings.OnMobile": "On Mobile Network",
"Call.Minutes_any": "%@ minutes",
@ -5594,6 +5709,7 @@
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS": "%1$@ sent %3$@ videos to the group %2$@",
"PeerInfo.Reactions": "Reactions",
"StickerPacksSettings.ManagingHelp": "Artists are welcome to add their own sticker sets using our @stickers bot.\n\nTap on a sticker to view and add the whole set.",
"PeerInfo.DeleteGroupTitle": "Delete for All",
"VoiceOver.Chat.Video": "Video",
"Forward.ChannelReadOnly": "Sorry, you can't post to this channel.",
"Appstore.Public": "**Public**\nPublic channels, open groups,\nbots for integrations.",
@ -5602,6 +5718,7 @@
"Profile.BotInfo": "about",
"Document.TargetConfirmationFormat": "Send file ({size}) to {target}?",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardHidden": "%@ won't see they were forwarded",
"PeerInfo.AutoDeleteSettingOther": "Other...",
"GroupInfo.InviteByLink": "Invite to Group via Link",
"Channel.AdminLog.BanSendStickersAndGifs": "Send Stickers & GIFs",
"Watch.Stickers.RecentPlaceholder": "Your most frequently used stickers will appear here",
@ -5686,6 +5803,7 @@
"Location.ProximityGroupTip": "Alert when any group member is close",
"Map.ChooseAPlace": "Or choose a place",
"VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages_any": "%@ unread messages",
"Bot.AddToChat.OtherGroups": "GROUPS",
"GroupInfo.AddParticipantTitle": "Contacts",
"PUSH_CHAT_LIVESTREAM_START": "%2$@|%1$@ started a live stream",
"ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact": "user",
@ -5741,6 +5859,7 @@
"Conversation.AutoremoveActionEnable": "Enable Auto-Delete",
"Group.Info.AdminLog": "Recent Actions",
"ChatSettings.AutoPlayTitle": "AUTO-PLAY MEDIA",
"PeerInfo.DeleteToneText": "Are you sure you want to delete\n**%@** notification sound?",
"Appearance.Animations": "ANIMATIONS",
"Appearance.TextSizeSetting": "Text Size"