diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
index 219dce45d3..9c2f3d793b 100644
--- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
+++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
@@ -13286,18 +13286,22 @@
+ "AccessDenied.LocationDisabled",
+ "AccessDenied.QrCode",
+ "AccessDenied.VideoCallCamera",
+ "AccessDenied.VideoMessageMicrophone",
@@ -13319,6 +13323,7 @@
+ "AdsInfo.Launch.Text_URL",
@@ -13342,30 +13347,42 @@
+ "Appearance.BubbleCorners.AdjustAdjacent",
+ "Appearance.CreateThemeInfo",
+ "Appearance.Preview",
+ "Appearance.Publish",
+ "Appearance.RemoveThemeColor",
+ "Appearance.RemoveThemeColorConfirmation",
+ "Appearance.ShareThemeColor",
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Apply",
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Automatic",
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Title",
+ "Appearance.TextSize.UseSystem",
+ "Appearance.TextSizeSetting",
@@ -13373,12 +13390,14 @@
+ "Appearance.ThemeDayClassic",
+ "Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.3.TextWithLink",
@@ -13406,12 +13425,15 @@
+ "Appearance.VoiceOver.Theme",
+ "Application.Update",
+ "ApplyLanguage.ApplySuccess",
@@ -13461,6 +13483,7 @@
+ "ArchiveInfo.TextKeepArchivedUnmuted",
@@ -13480,6 +13503,8 @@
+ "Attachment.BoostToUnlock",
+ "Attachment.Camera",
@@ -13489,7 +13514,10 @@
+ "Attachment.DisableSpoiler",
+ "Attachment.DiscardPasteboardAlertText",
+ "Attachment.EnableSpoiler",
@@ -13501,6 +13529,7 @@
+ "Attachment.MediaAccessStoryText",
@@ -13512,6 +13541,7 @@
+ "Attachment.Pasteboard",
@@ -13534,7 +13564,9 @@
+ "AuthCode.Alert",
+ "AuthSessions.AddDevice.InvalidQRCode",
@@ -13546,6 +13578,8 @@
+ "AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTerminate",
+ "AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTitle",
@@ -13561,6 +13595,7 @@
+ "AuthSessions.MessageApp",
@@ -13579,12 +13614,14 @@
+ "AuthSessions.View.Device",
+ "AuthSessions.View.OS",
@@ -13612,6 +13649,7 @@
+ "AutoDownloadSettings.OnForContacts",
@@ -13645,14 +13683,19 @@
+ "AutoNightTheme.NotAvailable",
+ "AutoNightTheme.System",
+ "Autoremove.OptionOff",
+ "Autoremove.SetCustomTime",
+ "AutoremoveSetup.AdditionalGlobalSettingsInfo",
@@ -13677,6 +13720,7 @@
+ "AvatarEditor.Suggest",
@@ -13691,6 +13735,7 @@
+ "BlockedUsers.SelectUserTitle",
@@ -13705,6 +13750,7 @@
+ "BoostGift.Channels.MaximumReached",
@@ -13713,9 +13759,11 @@
+ "BoostGift.ChannelsAndGroupsInfo",
+ "BoostGift.ChannelsOrGroups.MaximumReached",
@@ -13734,26 +13782,43 @@
+ "BoostGift.GiftPremium",
+ "BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Text",
+ "BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Title",
+ "BoostGift.Group.DateInfoMembers",
+ "BoostGift.Group.GiveawayCreated.Text",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Joined",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.MaximumReached",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Save",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Search",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.SectionTitle",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Subtitle",
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Title",
+ "BoostGift.Group.PremiumGifted.Text",
+ "BoostGift.GroupsOrChannels.MaximumReached",
+ "BoostGift.Members.MaximumReached",
+ "BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Text",
+ "BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Title",
@@ -13761,6 +13826,9 @@
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Reduce",
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Text",
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Title",
@@ -13768,6 +13836,7 @@
+ "BoostGift.Subscribers.MaximumReached",
@@ -13781,7 +13850,10 @@
+ "Bot.AcceptTermsInfo",
+ "Bot.Active",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsAdmin",
@@ -13789,6 +13861,15 @@
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminRights",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertAdd",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextChannel",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextGroup",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTitle",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.Title",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.MyChannels",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.MyGroups",
+ "Bot.AddToChat.OtherGroups",
@@ -13797,6 +13878,8 @@
+ "Bot.Inactive",
+ "Bot.Slow",
@@ -13810,6 +13893,7 @@
+ "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.SettingsTip",
@@ -13820,6 +13904,7 @@
+ "Business.Chatbots",
@@ -13854,6 +13939,8 @@
+ "Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoPhone",
+ "Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoUsername",
@@ -13880,6 +13967,8 @@
+ "BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.ResetAction",
+ "BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.Text",
@@ -13892,6 +13981,7 @@
+ "BusinessLocationSetup.ErrorAddressEmpty.ResetAction",
@@ -13956,6 +14046,7 @@
@@ -14003,16 +14094,19 @@
@@ -14022,21 +14116,27 @@
+ "Cache.ClearNone",
+ "Cache.LowDiskSpaceText",
@@ -14047,69 +14147,116 @@
+ "Calendar.ShortFriday",
+ "Calendar.ShortMonday",
+ "Calendar.ShortSaturday",
+ "Calendar.ShortSunday",
+ "Calendar.ShortThursday",
+ "Calendar.ShortTuesday",
+ "Calendar.ShortWednesday",
+ "Call.Audio",
+ "Call.AudioRouteMute",
+ "Call.BatteryLow",
+ "Call.Camera",
+ "Call.CameraConfirmationConfirm",
+ "Call.CameraConfirmationText",
+ "Call.CameraOff",
+ "Call.CameraOrScreenTooltip",
+ "Call.CameraTooltip",
+ "Call.Days",
+ "Call.End",
+ "Call.ExternalCallInProgressMessage",
+ "Call.Flip",
+ "Call.IncomingVideoCall",
+ "Call.IncomingVoiceCall",
+ "Call.MicrophoneOff",
+ "Call.Mute",
+ "Call.RemoteVideoPaused",
+ "Call.ReportIncludeLog",
+ "Call.ReportSkip",
+ "Call.Speaker",
+ "Call.StatusDeclined",
+ "Call.StatusMissed",
+ "Call.StatusWeakSignal",
+ "Call.Video",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.Minimize",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallCanceled",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallIncoming",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallMissed",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallOutgoing",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallCanceled",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallIncoming",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallMissed",
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallOutgoing",
+ "Call.WaitingStatusConnecting",
+ "Call.WaitingStatusReconnecting",
+ "Call.WaitingStatusRequesting",
+ "Call.WaitingStatusRinging",
+ "Call.YourCameraOff",
+ "Call.YourMicrophoneOff",
@@ -14127,6 +14274,7 @@
+ "CallList.DeleteAll",
@@ -14136,6 +14284,7 @@
+ "CallSettings.Title",
@@ -14185,12 +14334,17 @@
+ "Channel.AddAdminKickedError",
+ "Channel.AddBotErrorNoRights",
+ "Channel.AddUserKickedError",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamDisabled",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamEnabled",
@@ -14204,18 +14358,36 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteMessagesOfOthers",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteStoriesOfOthers",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanEditMessagesOfOthers",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanEditStoriesOfOthers",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanManageTopics",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanPostStories",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameColorAndIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColor",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColorAndIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedWallpaper",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelEmptyText",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColor",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColorAndIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedWallpaper",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CreatedInviteLink",
@@ -14224,6 +14396,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyText",
@@ -14232,21 +14405,32 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaFolderInviteLink",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ManageTopics",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminName",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminNameUsername",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutRemove",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelUsernames",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupGeoLocation",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupUsernames",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeRemove",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeSet",
@@ -14268,12 +14452,15 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousLinks",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminName",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminNameUsername",
@@ -14284,6 +14471,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent",
@@ -14301,6 +14489,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsEnabled",
@@ -14310,6 +14499,21 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicChangedIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicClosed",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicCreated",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicDeleted",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicHidden",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicPinned",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRemovedIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamed",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithRemovedIcon",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicReopened",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnhidden",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnpinned",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsDisabled",
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsEnabled",
@@ -14318,6 +14522,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAll",
@@ -14335,6 +14540,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsTitle",
@@ -14344,6 +14550,7 @@
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.Title",
@@ -14370,6 +14577,7 @@
+ "Channel.BanUser.BlockFor",
@@ -14384,8 +14592,14 @@
+ "Channel.BanUser.PermissionsHeader",
+ "Channel.BanUser.Title",
+ "Channel.BanUser.Unban",
+ "Channel.BotDoesntSupportGroups",
+ "Channel.ChannelSubscribersHeader",
+ "Channel.CommentsGroup.Header",
@@ -14401,9 +14615,12 @@
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroup.PublicChannelLink",
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroup.SearchPlaceholder",
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroupInfo",
@@ -14423,6 +14640,7 @@
+ "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEnabledByDefault",
@@ -14435,14 +14653,18 @@
+ "Channel.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership",
+ "Channel.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "Channel.Info.BoostLevelPlusBadge",
+ "Channel.Info.Description",
@@ -14457,6 +14679,7 @@
+ "Channel.Management.LabelEditor",
@@ -14483,14 +14706,27 @@
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPublicChannelsTooMuch",
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertText",
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "Channel.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "Channel.Setup.LinksOrder",
+ "Channel.Setup.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "Channel.Setup.PublicLink",
+ "Channel.Setup.TypeHeader",
@@ -14508,6 +14744,7 @@
+ "Channel.TooMuchBots",
@@ -14515,12 +14752,16 @@
+ "Channel.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "Channel.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo",
+ "Channel.Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable",
@@ -14531,6 +14772,7 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelMoreRequired",
@@ -14541,6 +14783,7 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.EnableColorsLevelText",
@@ -14559,6 +14802,8 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedText",
+ "ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedTitle",
@@ -14572,9 +14817,14 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReached.Text",
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText",
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedTextAuthor",
+ "ChannelBoost.MoreBoosts.Gift",
+ "ChannelBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text",
@@ -14583,6 +14833,7 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.PremiumUsersCanBoost",
@@ -14607,11 +14858,13 @@
+ "ChannelBoost.Title.Other",
+ "ChannelInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation",
@@ -14651,16 +14904,21 @@
+ "ChannelReactions.ToastMaxReactionsReached",
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTextMultiple",
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTitleSingle",
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastRestrictedText",
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.BanFooterMultiple",
@@ -14668,9 +14926,11 @@
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.PermissionsSectionHeaderMultiple",
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.RestrictMultiple",
@@ -14690,9 +14950,12 @@
+ "Chat.BusinessBotPanel.StatusHasAccess",
+ "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertAction",
+ "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertText",
@@ -14718,10 +14981,19 @@
+ "Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfo",
+ "Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfoCopied",
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailableBadge",
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailablePrefix",
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadFormat",
+ "Chat.ContextViewAsMessages",
+ "Chat.ContextViewAsTopics",
+ "Chat.CreateTopic",
+ "Chat.DeleteMessagesConfirmation",
@@ -14731,47 +15003,80 @@
+ "Chat.EmptyStateIntroFooterPremiumActionButton",
+ "Chat.EmptyStateMessagingRestrictedToPremiumDisabled.Text",
+ "Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Text",
+ "Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Title",
+ "Chat.ErrorCantBoost",
+ "Chat.ErrorInvoiceNotFound",
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedActionEdit",
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedText",
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedTitle",
+ "Chat.GenericPsaTooltip",
+ "Chat.Gifs.SavedSectionHeader",
+ "Chat.Gifs.TrendingSectionHeader",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.AlmostOver",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNew",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNewMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.Group.RandomMembers",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotAllowedJoinedEarly",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotQualified",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OngoingNewMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherChannelsAndGroups",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroups",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroupsAndChannels",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.ParticipatingMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.Subscriptions",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesDelimiter",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesLastDelimiter",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CustomPrizeQuantity",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.Participants",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsNewMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsMany",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsNewMany",
@@ -14786,21 +15091,38 @@
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.WithSubscriptions",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.AlmostOver",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.NotQualified",
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.Participating",
+ "Chat.GroupEmojiTooltip",
+ "Chat.InputPlaceholderMessageInTopic",
+ "Chat.InputPlaceholderReplyInTopic",
+ "Chat.Message.TopicAuthorBadge",
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.ExpiredStoryHeader",
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.StoryHeader",
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.UnavailableStoryHeader",
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.Date",
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.TodayAt",
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.YesterdayAt",
+ "Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled",
+ "Chat.MultipleTypingMore",
+ "Chat.MultipleTypingPair",
@@ -14815,20 +15137,28 @@
+ "Chat.OpenStory",
+ "Chat.OutgoingContextReactionCount",
+ "Chat.PanelForumModeReplyText",
+ "Chat.PanelRestartTopic",
+ "Chat.PanelTopicClosedText",
+ "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenText",
+ "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenTitle",
+ "Chat.PlaceholderTextNotAllowed",
@@ -14843,6 +15173,8 @@
+ "Chat.PsaTooltip.covid",
+ "Chat.PsaTooltip.psa",
@@ -14852,26 +15184,59 @@
+ "Chat.ReactionSection.Recent",
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Remove",
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Text",
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Title",
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessage",
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessageFrom",
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToYourMessage",
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.HintReplyOptionsShort",
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.ReplyTo",
+ "Chat.ReplyStoryPrivateChannel",
+ "Chat.SavedMessagesChatsTooltip",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentPeerText",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentText",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeFile",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeMusic",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypePhoto",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeSticker",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeText",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideo",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideoMessage",
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVoiceMessage",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedAudioMessage",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedFile",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedMusic",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedPeerText",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedPhoto",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedText",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedVideo",
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedVideoMessage",
+ "Chat.SimilarChannels.JoinedChannel",
+ "Chat.SlowmodeAttachmentLimitReached",
+ "Chat.SlowmodeSendError",
+ "Chat.SlowmodeTooltipPending",
@@ -14883,38 +15248,60 @@
+ "Chat.TagsHeaderPanel.Unlock",
+ "Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Action",
+ "Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Text",
+ "Chat.ToastMessagesTagged.Text",
+ "Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Action",
+ "Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Text",
+ "Chat.ToastPhoneNumberCopied",
+ "Chat.TopicIsClosedLabel",
+ "Chat.UnsendMyMessages",
+ "Chat.UnsendMyMessagesAlertTitle",
+ "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSet",
+ "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSetSingle",
+ "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSet",
+ "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSetSingle",
+ "ChatContextMenu.TextSelectionTip2",
+ "ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationGroupWithoutTitle",
+ "ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationUserWithoutTitle",
+ "ChatImport.SelectionErrorGroupGeneric",
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorInvalidChatType",
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorLimitExceeded",
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorNotAdmin",
+ "ChatImportActivity.OpenApp",
@@ -14922,6 +15309,7 @@
+ "ChatList.AddedToFolderTooltip",
@@ -14931,6 +15319,9 @@
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.OpenSettings",
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Text",
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Title",
@@ -14941,8 +15332,11 @@
+ "ChatList.CloseAction",
+ "ChatList.Context.AddToContacts",
+ "ChatList.Context.Back",
@@ -14956,6 +15350,9 @@
+ "ChatList.Context.ReopenTopic",
+ "ChatList.Context.Select",
+ "ChatList.Context.Unarchive",
@@ -14972,7 +15369,9 @@
+ "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembersConfirmationText",
+ "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText",
@@ -14989,19 +15388,43 @@
+ "ChatList.DeleteThreadsConfirmation",
+ "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationAction",
+ "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationText",
+ "ChatList.DeletedChats",
+ "ChatList.DeletedThreads",
+ "ChatList.EditFolders",
+ "ChatList.EmptyChatFilterList",
+ "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeader",
+ "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeaderHide",
+ "ChatList.EmptyListTooltip",
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsCreate",
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsDescription",
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsShowAsMessages",
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsTitle",
+ "ChatList.FolderAllChats",
+ "ChatList.GeneralHidden",
+ "ChatList.GeneralHiddenInfo",
+ "ChatList.GeneralUnhidden",
+ "ChatList.GeneralUnhiddenInfo",
+ "ChatList.GenericPsaAlert",
+ "ChatList.GenericPsaLabel",
+ "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteAfter",
+ "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteDisabled",
+ "ChatList.MaxThreadPinsFinalText",
@@ -15012,12 +15435,26 @@
+ "ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact",
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountText",
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountTitle",
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeText",
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeTitle",
+ "ChatList.PremiumGraceText",
+ "ChatList.PremiumGraceTitle",
+ "ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountText",
+ "ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountTitle",
+ "ChatList.PsaAlert.covid",
+ "ChatList.PsaAlert.psa",
+ "ChatList.PsaLabel.covid",
+ "ChatList.PsaLabel.psa",
+ "ChatList.RemoveFolder",
@@ -15029,10 +15466,19 @@
+ "ChatList.Search.FilterTopics",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFilter",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerFiles",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerLinks",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMedia",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMusic",
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerVoice",
+ "ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Text",
+ "ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Title",
@@ -15040,16 +15486,25 @@
+ "ChatList.SelectedTopics",
+ "ChatList.StartAction",
+ "ChatList.StartMessaging",
+ "ChatList.StorageHintText",
+ "ChatList.StorageHintTitle",
+ "ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders",
+ "ChatList.Tabs.All",
+ "ChatList.ThreadHideAction",
+ "ChatList.ThreadUnhideAction",
@@ -15062,10 +15517,14 @@
+ "ChatList.UserReacted",
+ "ChatListFilter.AddChatsSearchPlaceholder",
+ "ChatListFilter.CreateLinkErrorSomeoneHasChannelLimit",
+ "ChatListFilter.CreateLinkUnknownError",
@@ -15074,6 +15533,7 @@
+ "ChatListFilter.ShowMoreChats",
@@ -15083,6 +15543,7 @@
+ "ChatListFilterList.CreateFolder",
@@ -15118,9 +15579,11 @@
+ "ChatListFolder.NameNonMuted",
+ "ChatListFolder.NameUnread",
@@ -15133,6 +15596,8 @@
+ "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAll",
+ "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAllAction",
@@ -15179,6 +15644,7 @@
+ "ChatState.ConnectingToProxy",
@@ -15203,6 +15669,7 @@
+ "ChatbotSetup.Title",
@@ -15225,6 +15692,7 @@
+ "Checkout.OptionalTipItemPlaceholder",
@@ -15233,6 +15701,7 @@
+ "Checkout.PaymentLiabilityBothAlert",
@@ -15280,27 +15749,37 @@
+ "ClearCache.Clear",
+ "ClearCache.Description",
+ "ClearCache.NoProgress",
+ "ClearCache.StorageServiceFiles",
+ "ClearCache.StorageTitle",
+ "ClearCache.StorageUsage",
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.ButtonCopyPhone",
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneText",
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneTitle",
+ "Common.ActionNotAllowedError",
@@ -15351,6 +15830,7 @@
+ "Common.Paste",
@@ -15395,8 +15875,10 @@
+ "ContactList.Context.VideoCall",
+ "ContactList.DeletedContacts",
@@ -15411,8 +15893,10 @@
+ "Contacts.InviteSearchLabel",
+ "Contacts.NotRegisteredSection",
@@ -15434,6 +15918,9 @@
+ "Contacts.Sort",
+ "Contacts.Sort.ByLastSeen",
+ "Contacts.Sort.ByName",
@@ -15443,6 +15930,7 @@
+ "Contacts.VoiceOver.AddContact",
@@ -15452,7 +15940,11 @@
+ "Conversation.AudioRateOptionsTooltip",
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltip15X",
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipCustom",
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipSpeedUp",
@@ -15468,11 +15960,14 @@
+ "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobal",
+ "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobalYou",
+ "Conversation.BotApp",
@@ -15480,12 +15975,15 @@
+ "Conversation.CantPhoneCallAnonymousNumberError",
+ "Conversation.ChatBackground",
+ "Conversation.ClearChatConfirmation",
@@ -15498,9 +15996,13 @@
+ "Conversation.ContactAddContactLong",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuAddFactCheck",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuBlock",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelEditing",
@@ -15509,11 +16011,16 @@
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuEditFactCheck",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNoViews",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyListened",
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyWatched",
@@ -15522,6 +16029,7 @@
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuReportFalsePositive",
@@ -15534,15 +16042,20 @@
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuWatched",
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledBot",
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledSecret",
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledBot",
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledSecret",
@@ -15565,6 +16078,8 @@
+ "Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageAction",
+ "Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageDescription",
@@ -15581,6 +16096,7 @@
+ "Conversation.EmojiTooltip",
@@ -15594,6 +16110,8 @@
+ "Conversation.FactCheck.Description",
+ "Conversation.FactCheck.InnerDescription",
@@ -15619,13 +16137,20 @@
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardHidden",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardVisible",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardHidden",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardVisible",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.SenderNamesRemoved",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.TapForOptionsShort",
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.Text",
@@ -15636,18 +16161,29 @@
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.Chat.Many",
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.ManyChats.Many",
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.TwoChats.Many",
+ "Conversation.FreeTranscriptionCooldownTooltip",
+ "Conversation.FreeTranscriptionWaitOrSubscribe",
+ "Conversation.GigagroupDescription",
+ "Conversation.HoldForAudioOnly",
+ "Conversation.HoldForVideoOnly",
+ "Conversation.ImportProgress",
+ "Conversation.ImportedMessageHint",
+ "Conversation.IncreaseSpeed",
@@ -15658,11 +16194,15 @@
+ "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderReply",
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestAdminChannel",
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestInfo",
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestInfoConfirm",
@@ -15671,6 +16211,7 @@
+ "Conversation.LaunchApp",
@@ -15679,10 +16220,14 @@
+ "Conversation.LinksCopied",
+ "Conversation.LiveLocationYouAndOther",
+ "Conversation.LiveStream",
+ "Conversation.LiveStreamMediaRecordingRestricted",
@@ -15694,8 +16239,10 @@
+ "Conversation.MessageDoesntExist",
+ "Conversation.MessageLeaveCommentShort",
@@ -15714,6 +16261,7 @@
+ "Conversation.Messages",
@@ -15727,6 +16275,7 @@
+ "Conversation.OpenBotApp",
@@ -15738,7 +16287,9 @@
+ "Conversation.OpenLink",
+ "Conversation.PeerNearbyDistance",
@@ -15754,11 +16305,16 @@
+ "Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished",
+ "Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished.Winners",
+ "Conversation.PinnedQuiz",
+ "Conversation.PremiumUploadFileTooLarge",
+ "Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound",
@@ -15767,6 +16323,7 @@
+ "Conversation.ReadMore",
@@ -15774,16 +16331,22 @@
+ "Conversation.ReportSpamChannelConfirmation",
+ "Conversation.ReportSpamGroupConfirmation",
+ "Conversation.RequestToJoinChannel",
+ "Conversation.RequestToJoinGroup",
+ "Conversation.RestrictedMedia",
+ "Conversation.SaveToFiles",
@@ -15792,9 +16355,15 @@
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsOn",
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsToday",
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsTomorrow",
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOn",
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsToday",
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrow",
@@ -15817,6 +16386,11 @@
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorNonPremiumForbidden",
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFast",
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFastTitle",
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled",
+ "Conversation.SendWhenOnlineTooltip",
@@ -15828,8 +16402,13 @@
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.Chat.One",
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.ManyChats.One",
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.TwoChats.One",
+ "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber.StatusSuccess",
+ "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation",
@@ -15858,6 +16437,22 @@
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccess",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccessText",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoText",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextExpanded",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextYou",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTitle",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoView",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccess",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccessText",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoText",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextExpanded",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextYou",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTitle",
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoView",
+ "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintText",
+ "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintTitle",
@@ -15869,7 +16464,9 @@
+ "Conversation.Theme.PreviewDarkShort",
+ "Conversation.Theme.PreviewLightShort",
@@ -15878,16 +16475,33 @@
+ "Conversation.Theme.SwitchToLight",
+ "Conversation.Timer.Send",
+ "Conversation.Timer.Title",
+ "Conversation.TitleCommentsEmpty",
+ "Conversation.TitleRepliesFormat",
+ "Conversation.Translation.ChooseLanguage",
+ "Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslate",
+ "Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslateOther",
+ "Conversation.Translation.Hide",
+ "Conversation.Translation.Settings",
+ "Conversation.Translation.ShowOriginal",
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslateTo",
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslateToOther",
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChannelText",
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChatText",
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenGroupText",
+ "Conversation.UnarchiveDone",
@@ -15897,6 +16511,7 @@
+ "Conversation.UpdateTelegram",
@@ -15907,10 +16522,15 @@
+ "Conversation.ViewInChannel",
+ "Conversation.ViewPost",
+ "Conversation.ViewReply",
+ "Conversation.VoiceChatMediaRecordingRestricted",
+ "Conversation.VoiceMessagesRestricted",
@@ -15933,10 +16553,17 @@
+ "CreateExternalStream.StreamKeyTitle",
+ "CreateGroup.AutoDeleteText",
+ "CreateGroup.AutoDeleteTitle",
+ "CreateGroup.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch",
+ "CreateGroup.PeersTitleDelimeter",
+ "CreateGroup.PublicLinkInfo",
+ "CreateGroup.PublicLinkTitle",
@@ -15972,6 +16599,16 @@
+ "CreateTopic.Create",
+ "CreateTopic.CreateTitle",
+ "CreateTopic.EditTitle",
+ "CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitle",
+ "CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitlePlaceholder",
+ "CreateTopic.SelectTopicIcon",
+ "CreateTopic.ShowGeneral",
+ "CreateTopic.ShowGeneralInfo",
+ "DataUpgrade.Running",
+ "DataUsage.AutoDownloadSettings",
@@ -15986,6 +16623,7 @@
+ "DataUsage.SettingsHelpCellular",
@@ -16013,6 +16651,7 @@
+ "DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountPremiumText",
@@ -16051,6 +16690,7 @@
+ "DialogList.MultipleTyping",
@@ -16067,11 +16707,16 @@
+ "DialogList.SearchLabelCompact",
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionChats",
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionMessagesIn",
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionTopics",
+ "DialogList.SingleChoosingStickerSuffix",
@@ -16083,6 +16728,7 @@
+ "DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError",
@@ -16096,12 +16742,14 @@
+ "DownloadList.IncreaseSpeed",
+ "DownloadList.ResumeAll",
@@ -16132,25 +16780,69 @@
+ "EditTheme.FileReadError",
+ "EditTheme.ShortLinkInfo",
+ "EditTheme.UploadEditedInfo",
+ "EditTheme.UploadNewInfo",
+ "Emoji.ClearRecent",
+ "EmojiInput.AddPack",
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitleEmoji",
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitlePremium",
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitleRecent",
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Action",
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Text",
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryAction",
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryText",
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitleEmoji",
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitleFavoriteStickers",
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitlePremiumStickers",
+ "EmojiInput.TabEmoji",
+ "EmojiInput.TabGifs",
+ "EmojiInput.TabMasks",
+ "EmojiInput.TabStickers",
+ "EmojiInput.TrendingEmoji",
+ "EmojiInput.UnlockPack",
+ "EmojiPack.Add",
+ "EmojiPack.Added",
+ "EmojiPack.Emoji",
+ "EmojiPack.Title",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedText",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedTitle",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleAddedText",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
+ "EmojiPreview.CopyEmoji",
+ "EmojiPreview.SendEmoji",
+ "EmojiPreview.SetAsStatus",
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiEmptyResult",
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiPlaceholder",
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchStickersEmptyResult",
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsEmptyResult",
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsPlaceholder",
+ "EmojiStatus.AppliedText",
+ "EmojiStatusSetup.SetUntil",
+ "EmojiStatusSetup.TimerOther",
@@ -16173,8 +16865,24 @@
+ "Exceptions.AddToExceptions",
+ "External.OpenIn",
+ "FactCheck.Placeholder",
+ "FactCheck.Remove",
+ "FactCheck.Title",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailHelp",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailPlaceholder",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailSection",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintHelp",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintPlaceholder",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintSection",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordConfirmationPlaceholder",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordHelp",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordPlaceholder",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordSection",
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.Title",
@@ -16227,6 +16935,7 @@
+ "FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailablePublicChannel",
@@ -16250,6 +16959,7 @@
+ "FolderLinkScreen.SaveUnknownError",
@@ -16257,8 +16967,17 @@
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Action",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionCancel",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionOK",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissText",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissTitle",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DoneAction",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Text",
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Title",
+ "Forward.ErrorDisabledForChat",
@@ -16276,16 +16995,28 @@
+ "Gallery.AirPlay",
+ "Gallery.AirPlayPlaceholder",
+ "Gallery.ImagesAndVideosSaved",
+ "Gallery.ViewOncePhotoTooltip",
+ "Gallery.ViewOnceVideoTooltip",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Delete",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Edit",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Fullscreen",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.PictureInPicture",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Share",
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Stickers",
+ "Gif.Emotion.Cool",
@@ -16297,14 +17028,19 @@
+ "GifSearch.SearchGifPlaceholder",
+ "GiftLink.LinkHidden",
+ "GiftLink.NotUsedFooter",
+ "GiftLink.PersonalDescription",
+ "GiftLink.PersonalUsedDescription",
@@ -16312,20 +17048,44 @@
+ "GiftLink.UnclaimedDescription",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsPlaceholder",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsSubject",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsTitle",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsToast",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledChannelSelection",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGenericSelection",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGroupSelection",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoDisabled",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoEnabled",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionTitle",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionsHeader",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmAction",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmText",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmTitle",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastDisabled",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastEnabled",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetCustomTime",
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.Title",
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamFalsePositiveReportedText",
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamText",
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamTitle",
+ "Group.Appearance.EmojiPackUpdated",
+ "Group.Appearance.Wallpaper",
@@ -16342,11 +17102,15 @@
+ "Group.ErrorAccessDenied",
+ "Group.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "Group.ErrorSendRestrictedMedia",
+ "Group.ErrorSupergroupConversionNotPossible",
@@ -16359,6 +17123,9 @@
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpam",
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpamInfo",
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpamMagic",
@@ -16367,7 +17134,9 @@
+ "Group.MessageVideoUpdated",
+ "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
@@ -16376,14 +17145,23 @@
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertText",
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "Group.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfoDisabled",
+ "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfoDisabled",
@@ -16391,6 +17169,11 @@
+ "Group.Setup.LinkActive",
+ "Group.Setup.LinkInactive",
+ "Group.Setup.LinksOrder",
+ "Group.Setup.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "Group.Setup.PublicLink",
@@ -16406,13 +17189,22 @@
+ "Group.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesFinalInfo",
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesNoPremiumInfo",
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesOrExtendInfo",
+ "Group.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo",
+ "GroupBoost.AudioTranscription",
+ "GroupBoost.BoostGroup",
+ "GroupBoost.CustomWallpaper",
@@ -16420,19 +17212,25 @@
+ "GroupBoost.EnableStoriesText",
+ "GroupBoost.Error.BoostTooOftenText",
+ "GroupBoost.IncreaseLimitText",
+ "GroupBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text",
+ "GroupBoost.ProfileIcon",
+ "GroupBoost.Wallpaper",
@@ -16447,6 +17245,7 @@
+ "GroupInfo.FakeGroupWarning",
@@ -16463,6 +17262,7 @@
+ "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Revoke",
@@ -16479,9 +17279,13 @@
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvert",
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvertInfo",
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastTitle",
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.EditingDisabled",
@@ -16491,6 +17295,8 @@
+ "GroupInfo.PublicLink",
+ "GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd",
@@ -16500,19 +17306,27 @@
+ "GroupInfo.ShowMoreMembers",
+ "GroupInfo.TitleMembers",
+ "GroupMembers.HideMembers",
+ "GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOff",
+ "GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOn",
+ "GroupPermission.AddMembersNotAvailable",
+ "GroupPermission.EditingDisabled",
+ "GroupPermission.NoManageTopics",
@@ -16528,7 +17342,11 @@
+ "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInDiscussionGroups",
+ "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInGeoGroups",
+ "GroupPermission.PermissionDisabledByDefault",
+ "GroupPermission.PermissionGloballyDisabled",
@@ -16537,6 +17355,7 @@
+ "GroupRemoved.ViewChannelInfo",
@@ -16550,15 +17369,20 @@
+ "ImportStickerPack.AddToExistingStickerSet",
+ "ImportStickerPack.ChooseStickerSet",
+ "ImportStickerPack.CreateNewEmojiPack",
+ "ImportStickerPack.EmojiCount",
+ "ImportStickerPack.ImportingEmojis",
@@ -16581,22 +17405,34 @@
+ "InstantPage.FontNewYork",
+ "InstantPage.FontSanFrancisco",
+ "InstantPage.OpenInBrowser",
+ "InstantPage.Search",
+ "InstantPage.TapToOpenLink",
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.DecreaseFontSize",
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.IncreaseFontSize",
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.ResetFontSize",
+ "Intents.ErrorLockedTitle",
+ "IntentsSettings.Reset",
+ "IntentsSettings.SuggestedAndSpotlightChatsInfo",
+ "IntentsSettings.Title",
@@ -16606,6 +17442,7 @@
+ "InviteLink.ContextDelete",
@@ -16618,7 +17455,9 @@
+ "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoGroup",
+ "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoGroup",
@@ -16654,6 +17493,7 @@
+ "InviteLink.LabelJoinedViaFolder",
@@ -16664,8 +17504,10 @@
+ "InviteLink.PermanentLink",
+ "InviteLink.QRCode.InfoChannel",
@@ -16686,16 +17528,26 @@
+ "KeyCommand.EnterFullscreen",
+ "KeyCommand.ExitFullscreen",
+ "KeyCommand.LockWithPasscode",
+ "KeyCommand.Pause",
+ "KeyCommand.Play",
+ "KeyCommand.SearchInChat",
+ "KeyCommand.SeekBackward",
+ "KeyCommand.SeekForward",
+ "KeyCommand.Share",
+ "KeyCommand.SwitchToPIP",
@@ -16717,8 +17569,10 @@
+ "LiveStream.AnonymousDisabledAlertText",
+ "LiveStream.ChatFullAlertText",
@@ -16727,10 +17581,13 @@
+ "LiveStream.Expand",
+ "LiveStream.InvitedPeerText",
+ "LiveStream.Listening.Members",
@@ -16738,13 +17595,17 @@
+ "LiveStream.RecordingStarted",
+ "LiveStream.StopLiveStream",
+ "LiveStream.Watching",
+ "LiveStream.Watching.Members",
@@ -16764,57 +17625,104 @@
+ "Location.AddMyLocation",
+ "Location.ProximityAlertSetText",
+ "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceMI",
+ "Location.ProximityNotification.NotifyLong",
+ "Location.TypeLocation",
+ "Login.AddEmailTitle",
+ "Login.Announce.DontNotify",
+ "Login.Announce.Info",
+ "Login.Announce.Notify",
+ "Login.AnonymousNumbers",
+ "Login.BackToCode",
+ "Login.BackToPhrase",
+ "Login.BackToWord",
+ "Login.CallRequestState3",
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerification",
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerificationContinue",
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerificationStop",
+ "Login.CodeExpired",
+ "Login.CodePhonePatternInfoText",
+ "Login.CodeSentCallText",
+ "Login.Email.CantAccess",
+ "Login.Email.ElapsedTime",
+ "Login.Email.Reset",
+ "Login.Email.ResetNowViaSMS",
+ "Login.Email.ResetText",
+ "Login.Email.ResetTitle",
+ "Login.Email.ResetingNow",
+ "Login.Email.WillBeResetIn",
+ "Login.EmailNotAllowedError",
+ "Login.EnterCodeFragmentText",
+ "Login.EnterCodeFragmentTitle",
+ "Login.EnterCodeNewEmailText",
+ "Login.EnterCodeNewEmailTitle",
+ "Login.EnterCodeTelegramText",
+ "Login.EnterCodeTelegramTitle",
+ "Login.EnterMissingDigits",
+ "Login.EnterPhraseBeginningText",
+ "Login.EnterPhraseHint",
+ "Login.EnterPhrasePlaceholder",
+ "Login.EnterPhraseText",
+ "Login.EnterPhraseTitle",
+ "Login.EnterWordBeginningText",
+ "Login.EnterWordPlaceholder",
+ "Login.EnterWordText",
+ "Login.EnterWordTitle",
+ "Login.ErrorAppOutdated",
+ "Login.GetCodeViaFragment",
@@ -16826,6 +17734,9 @@
+ "Login.InvalidEmailAddressError",
+ "Login.InvalidEmailError",
+ "Login.InvalidEmailTokenError",
@@ -16833,15 +17744,20 @@
+ "Login.NewNumber",
+ "Login.OpenFragment",
+ "Login.Paste",
+ "Login.PhoneGenericEmailBody",
+ "Login.PhoneGenericEmailSubject",
@@ -16853,9 +17769,16 @@
+ "Login.ReturnToCode",
+ "Login.ReturnToPhrase",
+ "Login.ReturnToWord",
+ "Login.SendCodeAsSMS",
+ "Login.SendCodeViaCall",
+ "Login.SendCodeViaFlashCall",
+ "Login.ShortCallTitle",
@@ -16868,8 +17791,14 @@
+ "Login.VoiceOver.Password",
+ "Login.VoiceOver.PhoneCountryCode",
+ "Login.VoiceOver.PhoneNumber",
+ "Login.WrongCodeError",
+ "Login.WrongPhraseError",
+ "Login.Yes",
@@ -16912,11 +17841,14 @@
@@ -16939,14 +17871,19 @@
+ "Map.AddressOnMap",
+ "Map.ETADays",
+ "Map.Home",
+ "Map.HomeAndWorkInfo",
+ "Map.HomeAndWorkTitle",
@@ -16978,12 +17915,16 @@
+ "Map.PlacesNearby",
+ "Map.SearchNoResultsDescription",
+ "Map.SendThisPlace",
+ "Map.SetThisPlace",
@@ -16991,7 +17932,11 @@
+ "Map.Work",
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
@@ -17001,6 +17946,7 @@
+ "Media.SendWithTimer",
@@ -17008,14 +17954,19 @@
+ "MediaEditor.AddGif",
+ "MediaEditor.AddLocation",
+ "MediaEditor.Audio",
+ "MediaEditor.Draft",
+ "MediaEditor.HoldToRecordVideo",
@@ -17037,9 +17988,11 @@
+ "MediaEditor.StickersTooMuch",
+ "MediaPicker.AddImage",
@@ -17050,10 +18003,23 @@
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Description",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.DoNotDelete",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.KeepTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.TimerTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.ViewOnceTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Seconds",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.KeepTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.TimerTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.ViewOnceTooltip",
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.ViewOnce",
+ "MediaPicker.VoiceOver.Camera",
+ "MediaPlayer.UnknownArtist",
+ "MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack",
@@ -17076,19 +18042,39 @@
+ "Message.AdRecommendedLabel",
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorEmpty",
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorTooLong",
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremium",
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremiumAction",
+ "Message.FactCheck",
+ "Message.FactCheck.WhatIsThis",
+ "Message.FakeAccount",
+ "Message.ForwardedPsa.covid",
+ "Message.ForwardedPsa.psa",
+ "Message.ForwardedUnavailableStoryShort",
+ "Message.FullDateFormat",
+ "Message.Game",
+ "Message.GenericForwardedPsa",
+ "Message.GiveawayEndedNoWinners",
+ "Message.GiveawayEndedWinners",
+ "Message.GiveawayFinished",
+ "Message.GiveawayFinished.Winners",
+ "Message.GiveawayOngoing",
+ "Message.GiveawayOngoing.Winners",
@@ -17110,13 +18096,16 @@
+ "Message.PinnedPollMessage",
+ "Message.RecommendedLabel",
+ "Message.StickerText",
@@ -17129,6 +18118,7 @@
+ "MessageCalendar.DeleteConfirmation",
@@ -17152,6 +18142,13 @@
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortDays",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortHours",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortMinutes",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortMonths",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortSeconds",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortWeeks",
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortYears",
@@ -17168,13 +18165,17 @@
+ "Monetization.Balance.AvailableInfo",
+ "Monetization.Balance.ComingLaterInfo",
+ "Monetization.BalanceStarsWithdraw",
+ "Monetization.BalanceWithdraw",
@@ -17195,6 +18196,7 @@
+ "Monetization.StarsProceeds.Info",
@@ -17202,10 +18204,27 @@
+ "Monetization.TonTransactions",
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Failed",
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Pending",
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Proceeds",
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Refund",
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Withdrawal",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Failed",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Pending",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Proceeds",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Refund",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.ViewInExplorer",
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Withdrawal",
+ "Monetization.TransactionsTitle",
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.ComeBackLater",
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityCheck",
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityRequirements",
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SetupTwoStepAuth",
@@ -17237,10 +18256,12 @@
+ "MuteFor.Forever",
+ "MutedForTime.Minutes",
@@ -17262,6 +18283,7 @@
+ "MyProfile.ToastPhoneCopied",
@@ -17289,6 +18311,7 @@
+ "NameColor.ChatPreview.Title",
@@ -17298,6 +18321,7 @@
+ "Navigation.AllChats",
@@ -17320,7 +18344,9 @@
+ "Notification.BotWriteAllowed",
+ "Notification.BotWriteAllowedRequest",
@@ -17343,7 +18369,9 @@
+ "Notification.ChannelChangedTheme",
+ "Notification.ChannelDisabledTheme",
@@ -17352,6 +18380,7 @@
+ "Notification.CreatedGroup",
@@ -17386,11 +18415,28 @@
+ "Notification.ForumTopicClosed",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicClosedAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicCreated",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicHidden",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicHiddenAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicIconChanged",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicIconChangedAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamed",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamedAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamedIconChangedAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicReopened",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicReopenedAuthor",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicUnhidden",
+ "Notification.ForumTopicUnhiddenAuthor",
+ "Notification.GameScoreSelfExtended",
+ "Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed",
+ "Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedWinners",
@@ -17400,10 +18446,13 @@
+ "Notification.InvitedMultiple",
+ "Notification.JoinedChannelByRequestYou",
+ "Notification.JoinedGroupByLinkYou",
@@ -17414,6 +18463,8 @@
+ "Notification.LockScreenReactionPlaceholder",
+ "Notification.LockScreenStoryPlaceholder",
@@ -17429,6 +18480,11 @@
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicClosed",
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicCreated",
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicHidden",
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicReopened",
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicUnhidden",
@@ -17437,6 +18493,11 @@
+ "Notification.PaymentSentNoTitle",
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInit",
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInitNoTitle",
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsed",
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsedNoTitle",
@@ -17447,11 +18508,18 @@
+ "Notification.PinnedQuizMessage",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Months",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Sent",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.SentYou",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Subtitle",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Title",
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.View",
@@ -17468,25 +18536,42 @@
+ "Notification.RequestedPeerMultiple",
+ "Notification.TopicClosed",
+ "Notification.TopicClosedAuthor",
+ "Notification.TopicCreated",
+ "Notification.TopicIconChanged",
+ "Notification.TopicIconChangedAuthor",
+ "Notification.TopicIconRemoved",
+ "Notification.TopicIconRemovedAuthor",
+ "Notification.TopicRenamed",
+ "Notification.TopicRenamedAuthor",
+ "Notification.TopicReopened",
+ "Notification.TopicReopenedAuthor",
+ "Notification.VoiceChatEndedGroup",
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduled",
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledToday",
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrow",
+ "Notification.Wallpaper.Remove",
@@ -17534,6 +18619,7 @@
+ "Notifications.DisplayNamesOnLockScreenInfo",
@@ -17613,9 +18699,11 @@
+ "Notifications.SystemTones",
+ "Notifications.TopChats",
@@ -17645,15 +18733,34 @@
+ "OldChannels.ChannelFormat",
+ "OldChannels.GroupEmptyFormat",
+ "OldChannels.GroupFormat",
+ "OldChannels.InactiveMonth",
+ "OldChannels.InactiveWeek",
+ "OldChannels.Leave",
+ "OldChannels.LeaveCommunities",
+ "OldChannels.NoticeCreateText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateFinalText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateNoPremiumText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesFinalText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesNoPremiumText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeFinalText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeNoPremiumText",
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeText",
+ "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword",
+ "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText",
@@ -17677,6 +18784,7 @@
@@ -17696,18 +18804,30 @@
@@ -17715,6 +18835,8 @@
@@ -17722,10 +18844,22 @@
@@ -17733,17 +18867,43 @@
@@ -17754,13 +18914,20 @@
@@ -17768,20 +18935,28 @@
@@ -17790,36 +18965,77 @@
+ "Paint.Bubble",
+ "Paint.ColorGrid",
+ "Paint.ColorOpacity",
+ "Paint.ColorSliders",
+ "Paint.ColorSpectrum",
+ "Paint.ColorTitle",
+ "Paint.Draw",
+ "Paint.Ellipse",
+ "Paint.Flip",
+ "Paint.MoveForward",
+ "Paint.Rectangle",
+ "Paint.Star",
+ "Paint.Sticker",
+ "Paint.Text",
+ "Paint.ZoomOut",
@@ -18055,6 +19271,7 @@
+ "Passport.PasswordCompleteSetup",
@@ -18092,16 +19309,24 @@
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionNoInfo",
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionAllReactions",
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionNoReactions",
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionSomeReactions",
+ "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessages",
+ "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessagesDisabled",
+ "PeerInfo.Bot.Balance",
+ "PeerInfo.Bot.Balance.Stars",
@@ -18115,6 +19340,7 @@
+ "PeerInfo.BusinessHours.StatusOpensInDays",
@@ -18124,6 +19350,8 @@
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonDiscuss",
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonLeave",
@@ -18133,6 +19361,7 @@
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonVideoCall",
@@ -18156,7 +19385,9 @@
+ "PeerInfo.GroupAboutItem",
+ "PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedParticipantCountText",
@@ -18167,11 +19398,15 @@
+ "PeerInfo.NotificationMemberAdded",
+ "PeerInfo.NotificationMultipleMembersAdded",
+ "PeerInfo.OptionTopicsText",
+ "PeerInfo.PaneGifs",
@@ -18179,6 +19414,9 @@
+ "PeerInfo.PaneVoice",
+ "PeerInfo.PaneVoiceAndVideo",
+ "PeerInfo.PrivateShareLinkInfo",
@@ -18192,9 +19430,14 @@
+ "PeerInfo.TopicHeaderLocation",
+ "PeerInfo.TopicIconInfoText",
+ "PeerInfo.TopicNotificationExceptions",
+ "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedDiscussionGroups",
+ "PeerStatusExpiration.Hours",
@@ -18214,6 +19457,7 @@
+ "PeopleNearby.VisibleUntil",
@@ -18221,6 +19465,8 @@
+ "Permissions.ContactsText.v0",
+ "Permissions.ContactsTitle.v0",
@@ -18231,6 +19477,10 @@
+ "Permissions.SiriAllow.v0",
+ "Permissions.SiriAllowInSettings.v0",
+ "Permissions.SiriText.v0",
+ "Permissions.SiriTitle.v0",
@@ -18239,6 +19489,7 @@
+ "PhotoEditor.BlurToolPortrait",
@@ -18260,6 +19511,9 @@
+ "PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrameSuggestion",
+ "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyPhoto",
+ "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyVideo",
@@ -18270,7 +19524,11 @@
+ "PollResults.ShowMore",
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledAction",
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledText",
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledTitle",
@@ -18306,6 +19564,7 @@
+ "Premium.Annual",
@@ -18315,6 +19574,7 @@
+ "Premium.BoostByGiftDescription",
@@ -18338,19 +19598,27 @@
+ "Premium.ChatManagement.Proceed",
+ "Premium.ChatManagementStandaloneInfo",
+ "Premium.Colors.Proceed",
+ "Premium.CurrentPlan",
+ "Premium.Emoji.Description",
+ "Premium.Emoji.Proceed",
+ "Premium.FasterSpeed.Proceed",
+ "Premium.FasterSpeedStandaloneInfo",
@@ -18360,6 +19628,8 @@
+ "Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Text",
+ "Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Title",
@@ -18373,21 +19643,43 @@
+ "Premium.Gift.Description",
+ "Premium.Gift.GiftSubscription",
+ "Premium.Gift.Info",
+ "Premium.Gift.Months",
+ "Premium.Gift.NamesAndMore",
+ "Premium.Gift.PricePerMonth",
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Close",
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Text",
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Title",
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Text",
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Title",
+ "Premium.Gift.UsedLink.Text",
+ "Premium.Gift.Years",
+ "Premium.GiftedDescriptionYou",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.12Month",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.6Month",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.Someone",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.12Month",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.3Month",
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.6Month",
+ "Premium.LastSeen.Proceed",
@@ -18415,28 +19707,57 @@
+ "Premium.MaxAccountsFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxChannelsNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxChannelsText",
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderText",
+ "Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxFavedStickersText",
+ "Premium.MaxFileSizeNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxFileSizeText",
+ "Premium.MaxFoldersCountFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxFoldersCountNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxPinsText",
+ "Premium.MaxSavedGifsFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsText",
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipText",
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyFinalText",
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyNoPremiumText",
+ "Premium.MessagePrivacy.Proceed",
+ "Premium.Monthly",
@@ -18446,11 +19767,22 @@
+ "Premium.PricePerMonth",
+ "Premium.PricePerYear",
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorCantMakePayments",
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorNetwork",
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorNotAllowed",
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorTryLater",
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorUnknown",
+ "Premium.Purchase.OnlyOneSubscriptionAllowed",
+ "Premium.Restore.ErrorUnknown",
+ "Premium.Restore.Success",
+ "Premium.Semiannual",
@@ -18476,6 +19808,7 @@
+ "Premium.SubscribeForAnnual",
@@ -18484,16 +19817,22 @@
+ "Premium.UpgradeDescription",
+ "Premium.UpgradeFor",
+ "Premium.UpgradeForAnnual",
+ "Premium.VoiceToText.Proceed",
+ "Premium.VoiceToTextStandaloneInfo",
+ "PremiumGift.LabelRecipients",
@@ -18505,7 +19844,9 @@
+ "Privacy.Bio.AlwaysShareWith.Title",
+ "Privacy.Bio.NeverShareWith.Title",
@@ -18539,6 +19880,7 @@
+ "Privacy.Exceptions",
@@ -18558,6 +19900,7 @@
+ "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.CustomShareHelp",
@@ -18580,6 +19923,7 @@
+ "Privacy.PaymentsClearInfoDoneHelp",
@@ -18608,6 +19952,7 @@
+ "Privacy.VoiceMessages.CustomShareHelp",
@@ -18616,6 +19961,11 @@
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.AlwaysToast.Text",
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.ButtonTitle",
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.PremiumInfo",
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Text",
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Title",
@@ -18633,6 +19983,7 @@
+ "PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.CustomHelp",
@@ -18662,6 +20013,8 @@
+ "PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriends",
+ "PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriendsPlus",
@@ -18675,6 +20028,7 @@
+ "PrivacySettings.Passcode",
@@ -18684,14 +20038,19 @@
+ "PrivacySettings.SecurityTitle",
+ "PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremium",
+ "PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremiumPlus",
+ "PrivacySettings.WebSessions",
+ "Profile.AdditionalUsernames",
@@ -18708,6 +20067,8 @@
+ "ProfileColorSetup.AccountColorInfoLabel",
+ "ProfileColorSetup.ChannelColorInfoLabel",
@@ -18718,6 +20079,7 @@
+ "ProfilePhoto.OpenInEditor",
@@ -18753,22 +20115,29 @@
+ "ReassignBoost.DescriptionWithLink",
+ "ReassignBoost.OtherGroups",
+ "ReassignBoost.OtherGroupsAndChannels",
+ "Replies.BlockAndDeleteRepliesActionTitle",
+ "ReportAd.Help_URL",
+ "ReportAd.Reported",
@@ -18777,6 +20146,7 @@
+ "ReportPeer.ReasonFake",
@@ -18795,20 +20165,62 @@
+ "RequestPeer.BotsAllEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.ChannelsAllEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.ChannelsEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.ChooseBotTitle",
+ "RequestPeer.ChooseUserTitle",
+ "RequestPeer.GroupsAllEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.GroupsEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.ReachedMaximum",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.CreatorOn",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOff",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOn",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.AddAdmins",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Anonymous",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Delete",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Edit",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Info",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Invite",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Pin",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Topics",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.VideoChats",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ForumOn",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.HasUsernameOn",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ParticipantOn",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.AddAdmins",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Anonymous",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Ban",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Edit",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Info",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Invite",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Pin",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Send",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Topics",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.VideoChats",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOff",
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOn",
+ "RequestPeer.SelectUsers",
+ "RequestPeer.SelectUsers.SearchPlaceholder",
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteText",
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteWithRightsText",
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationSend",
+ "RequestPeer.UsersAllEmpty",
+ "RequestPeer.UsersEmpty",
@@ -18818,23 +20230,29 @@
+ "ScheduleVoiceChat.ChannelText",
+ "ScheduleVoiceChatChannel.Title",
+ "ScheduledIn.Seconds",
+ "ScheduledIn.Years",
+ "ScheduledMessages.DeleteMany",
+ "ScheduledMessages.ReminderNotification",
@@ -18849,12 +20267,30 @@
+ "SecretImage.ViewOnce.Title",
+ "SecretVideo.ViewOnce.Title",
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionClose",
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionInvite",
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionSkip",
+ "SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers",
+ "SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumOneUser",
+ "SendInviteLink.InviteTitle",
+ "SendInviteLink.LinkUnavailableTitle",
+ "SendInviteLink.PremiumOrSendSectionSeparator",
+ "SendInviteLink.SkipAction",
+ "SendInviteLink.StatusAvailableToPremiumOnly",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextAvailableMultipleUsers",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextAvailableSingleUser",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextSendInviteLink",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableMultipleUsers",
+ "SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableSingleUser",
@@ -18864,6 +20300,9 @@
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Days",
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Hours",
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Minutes",
@@ -18873,14 +20312,22 @@
+ "Settings.AddAnotherAccount.PremiumHelp",
+ "Settings.AppLanguage.Unofficial",
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlert",
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlertCredentials",
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlertEnable",
+ "Settings.AutoDeleteInfo",
+ "Settings.AutoDeleteTitle",
+ "Settings.AutosaveMediaOff",
@@ -18895,6 +20342,7 @@
+ "Settings.CancelUpload",
@@ -18910,6 +20358,7 @@
+ "Settings.EditAccount",
@@ -18926,6 +20375,7 @@
+ "Settings.New",
@@ -18944,6 +20394,7 @@
+ "Settings.Privacy.MessageReadTimeRevealedToast",
@@ -18953,6 +20404,7 @@
+ "Settings.PrivacyPolicy_URL",
@@ -18990,15 +20442,22 @@
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordAction",
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordText",
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordTitle",
+ "Settings.Terms_URL",
+ "Settings.TipsUsername",
+ "Settings.ViewVideo",
+ "SettingsSearch.DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccount",
@@ -19013,6 +20472,7 @@
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.ChatSettings.OpenLinksIn",
@@ -19027,6 +20487,8 @@
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.LinkDesktopDevice",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.TerminateOtherSessions",
@@ -19034,6 +20496,8 @@
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.DoNotTranslate",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.ShowTranslateButton",
@@ -19058,6 +20522,20 @@
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AnimatedEmoji",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AppIcon",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Avatar",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Badge",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.ChatManagement",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.DoubledLimits",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.EmojiStatus",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.FasterSpeed",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.NoAds",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Reactions",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Stickers",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.UploadSize",
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.VoiceToText",
@@ -19092,6 +20570,7 @@
+ "Share.MultipleMessagesDisabled",
@@ -19110,6 +20589,7 @@
+ "ShareMenu.SelectTopic",
@@ -19158,6 +20638,7 @@
+ "Shortcut.AppIcon",
@@ -19171,6 +20652,7 @@
+ "SocksProxySetup.PasteFromClipboard",
@@ -19200,17 +20682,34 @@
+ "SocksProxySetup.UseSocks5",
+ "SponsoredMessageInfoScreen.MarkdownText",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Available",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Current",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Info",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Title",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Total",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Revenue.Title",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Title",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Transactions.Title",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Balance",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.BuyAds",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info_URL",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Withdraw",
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.WithdrawShort",
+ "Stars.Intro.Balance",
@@ -19220,12 +20719,20 @@
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title",
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.Unsupported.Title",
@@ -19238,14 +20745,22 @@
+ "Stars.Purchase.Stars",
+ "Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title",
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title",
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentWithdrawal.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title",
@@ -19256,9 +20771,12 @@
+ "Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle",
+ "Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title",
+ "Stars.Transaction.Unsupported.Title",
@@ -19270,11 +20788,14 @@
+ "Stars.Transfer.Purchased.Stars",
+ "Stars.Transfer.PurchasedText",
+ "Stars.Transfer.Unavailable",
@@ -19282,6 +20803,8 @@
+ "Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum",
+ "Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum.Stars",
@@ -19339,6 +20862,8 @@
+ "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins",
+ "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopInviters",
@@ -19368,16 +20893,23 @@
+ "Stats.MessageForwards",
+ "Stats.MessageViews",
+ "Stats.MessageViews.NoViews",
+ "Stats.ReactionsByEmotionTitle",
+ "Stats.ReactionsPerPost",
+ "Stats.ReactionsPerStory",
+ "Stats.SharesPerStory",
@@ -19386,15 +20918,20 @@
+ "Stats.ViewsPerStory",
+ "StickerPack.AddEmojiCount",
+ "StickerPack.AddEmojiPacksCount",
+ "StickerPack.AddSticker",
+ "StickerPack.CopyLinks",
@@ -19410,7 +20947,9 @@
+ "StickerPack.MaskCount",
+ "StickerPack.RemoveEmojiPacksCount",
@@ -19426,16 +20965,22 @@
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText",
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
+ "StickerPacks.DeleteEmojiPacksConfirmation",
+ "StickerPacksSettings.ArchivedMasks.Info",
@@ -19455,6 +21000,7 @@
+ "StickerSettings.EmojiContextInfo",
@@ -19464,6 +21010,7 @@
+ "Stickers.EmojiPackInfoText",
@@ -19492,8 +21039,10 @@
+ "Stickers.TrendingPremiumStickers",
+ "StickersSearch.SearchStickersPlaceholder",
@@ -19545,6 +21094,7 @@
+ "Story.CaptionShowMore",
@@ -19620,6 +21170,7 @@
+ "Story.Editor.TooltipPremiumReaction",
@@ -19634,7 +21185,11 @@
+ "Story.Footer.Views",
+ "Story.ForwardAuthorHiddenTooltip",
+ "Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholder",
+ "Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholderAction",
@@ -19653,6 +21208,8 @@
+ "Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholder",
+ "Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholderAction",
@@ -19727,6 +21284,8 @@
+ "Story.StealthModePlaceholder",
+ "Story.ToastDeletedContact",
@@ -19736,8 +21295,10 @@
+ "Story.ToastRemovedFromGroupText",
+ "Story.ToastSavedToChannelTitle",
@@ -19747,6 +21308,7 @@
+ "Story.ToastUserBlocked",
@@ -19757,6 +21319,7 @@
+ "Story.TooltipUnmuteVideoSound",
@@ -19771,18 +21334,23 @@
+ "Story.ViewList.EmptyTextSearch",
+ "Story.ViewList.NotFullyRecorded",
+ "Story.ViewList.TitleEmpty",
+ "Story.Views.Commented",
+ "Story.Views.ViewsExpired",
@@ -19801,6 +21369,8 @@
+ "StoryFeed.TooltipPremiumPostingLimited",
+ "StoryFeed.TooltipStoryLimit",
@@ -19820,6 +21390,7 @@
+ "StoryList.ItemAction.Edit",
@@ -19845,6 +21416,7 @@
+ "StoryList.TooltipStoriesSavedToGroup",
@@ -19858,6 +21430,7 @@
+ "TextFormat.Format",
@@ -19866,7 +21439,17 @@
+ "Theme.Colors.Accent",
+ "Theme.Colors.Background",
+ "Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarning",
+ "Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarningProceed",
+ "Theme.Colors.Messages",
+ "Theme.Colors.Proceed",
+ "Theme.Context.Apply",
+ "Theme.Context.ChangeColors",
+ "Theme.ThemeChanged",
+ "Theme.ThemeChangedText",
@@ -19874,6 +21457,15 @@
+ "Time.AfterDays",
+ "Time.AfterHours",
+ "Time.AfterMinutes",
+ "Time.AfterMonths",
+ "Time.AfterSeconds",
+ "Time.AfterWeeks",
+ "Time.AfterYears",
+ "Time.AtDate",
+ "Time.AtPreciseDate",
@@ -19906,8 +21498,16 @@
+ "Time.TimerDays",
+ "Time.TimerHours",
+ "Time.TimerMinutes",
+ "Time.TimerMonths",
+ "Time.TimerSeconds",
+ "Time.TimerWeeks",
+ "Time.TimerYears",
+ "Time.TomorrowAt",
@@ -19926,9 +21526,44 @@
+ "Translate.Languages.Title",
+ "Translation.Language.ar",
+ "Translation.Language.be",
+ "Translation.Language.ca",
+ "Translation.Language.cs",
+ "Translation.Language.de",
+ "Translation.Language.en",
+ "Translation.Language.eo",
+ "Translation.Language.es",
+ "Translation.Language.fa",
+ "Translation.Language.fi",
+ "Translation.Language.fr",
+ "Translation.Language.he",
+ "Translation.Language.hr",
+ "Translation.Language.hu",
+ "Translation.Language.id",
+ "Translation.Language.it",
+ "Translation.Language.ja",
+ "Translation.Language.ko",
+ "Translation.Language.ml",
+ "Translation.Language.ms",
+ "Translation.Language.nl",
+ "Translation.Language.no",
+ "Translation.Language.po",
+ "Translation.Language.pt",
+ "Translation.Language.ro",
+ "Translation.Language.ru",
+ "Translation.Language.sk",
+ "Translation.Language.sr",
+ "Translation.Language.sv",
+ "Translation.Language.ta",
+ "Translation.Language.tr",
+ "Translation.Language.uk",
+ "Translation.Language.uz",
+ "Translation.Language.zh",
@@ -19949,7 +21584,9 @@
+ "TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Action",
+ "TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Placeholder",
@@ -19965,6 +21602,7 @@
+ "TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.Action",
@@ -19973,6 +21611,11 @@
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Action",
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Text",
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TextNoPassword",
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Title",
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TitleNoPassword",
@@ -19986,10 +21629,14 @@
+ "TwoStepAuth.ConfirmationText",
+ "TwoStepAuth.Disable",
+ "TwoStepAuth.Email",
+ "TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeExpired",
@@ -20039,6 +21686,7 @@
+ "TwoStepAuth.SetupEmail",
@@ -20050,6 +21698,7 @@
+ "TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCodeAlert",
@@ -20058,16 +21707,25 @@
+ "Undo.DeletedTopic",
+ "Undo.ScheduledMessagesCleared",
+ "Update.AppVersion",
+ "Updated.AtDate",
+ "Updated.HoursAgo",
+ "Updated.JustNow",
+ "Updated.MinutesAgo",
+ "Updated.TodayAt",
+ "Updated.YesterdayAt",
@@ -20075,6 +21733,8 @@
+ "UserInfo.AnonymousNumberInfo",
+ "UserInfo.AnonymousNumberLabel",
@@ -20096,6 +21756,8 @@
+ "UserInfo.FakeBotWarning",
+ "UserInfo.FakeUserWarning",
@@ -20105,6 +21767,10 @@
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.Chat.One",
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One",
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One",
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One",
@@ -20117,8 +21783,11 @@
+ "UserInfo.PublicVideo",
+ "UserInfo.RemoveCustomVideo",
+ "UserInfo.ResetCustomVideo",
@@ -20129,6 +21798,7 @@
+ "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertVideoText",
@@ -20141,6 +21811,10 @@
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertPhotoText",
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertSuggest",
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertVideoText",
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhotoTitle",
@@ -20148,20 +21822,39 @@
+ "Username.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "Username.ActivateAlertText",
+ "Username.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "Username.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "Username.BotActivateAlertText",
+ "Username.BotActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "Username.BotDeactivateAlertText",
+ "Username.BotLinksOrderInfo",
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "Username.LinkCopied",
+ "Username.LinksOrder",
+ "Username.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "Username.TooManyPublicUsernamesError",
+ "Username.Username",
+ "Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable",
@@ -20171,6 +21864,8 @@
+ "VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationText",
+ "VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationTitle",
@@ -20178,10 +21873,12 @@
+ "VoiceChat.ChatFullAlertText",
+ "VoiceChat.CreateNewVoiceChatStart",
@@ -20195,12 +21892,19 @@
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescription",
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionPlaceholder",
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSave",
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSuccess",
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionText",
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionTitle",
+ "VoiceChat.EditTitleTitle",
@@ -20221,6 +21925,7 @@
+ "VoiceChat.InvitePeer",
@@ -20231,6 +21936,7 @@
+ "VoiceChat.MuteForMe",
@@ -20241,12 +21947,16 @@
+ "VoiceChat.OpenGroup",
+ "VoiceChat.Panel.MembersSpeaking",
+ "VoiceChat.PinVideo",
+ "VoiceChat.Reconnecting",
@@ -20262,10 +21972,13 @@
+ "VoiceChat.RemovePeerConfirmationChannel",
+ "VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkSend",
+ "VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkText",
@@ -20274,6 +21987,7 @@
+ "VoiceChat.StartRecordingStart",
@@ -20285,6 +21999,7 @@
+ "VoiceChat.StatusMutedYou",
@@ -20298,25 +22013,36 @@
+ "VoiceChat.TapToViewCameraVideo",
+ "VoiceChat.TapToViewScreenVideo",
+ "VoiceChat.ToastMicrophoneIsMuted",
+ "VoiceChat.UnmuteForMe",
+ "VoiceChat.UnmuteSuggestion",
+ "VoiceChat.UnpinVideo",
+ "VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceeded",
+ "VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceededExtended",
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewDescription",
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewStopScreenSharing",
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewTabletScreen",
@@ -20324,9 +22050,15 @@
+ "VoiceOver.AuthSessions.CurrentSession",
+ "VoiceOver.BotCommands",
+ "VoiceOver.BotKeyboard",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedSticker",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedStickerFrom",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.ChannelInfo",
@@ -20335,15 +22067,20 @@
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Failed",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.GoToOriginalMessage",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.GroupInfo",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipient",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipients",
@@ -20351,41 +22088,61 @@
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipient",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipients",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Profile",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Reply",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.ReplyingToMessage",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Sending",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Size",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Sticker",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.StickerFrom",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.YourAnimatedSticker",
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.YourSticker",
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.Message",
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageEmpty",
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageFrom",
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageRead",
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.OutgoingMessage",
+ "VoiceOver.DismissContextMenu",
+ "VoiceOver.GiftPremium",
+ "VoiceOver.Keyboard",
@@ -20400,10 +22157,18 @@
+ "VoiceOver.MessageSelectionButtonTag",
+ "VoiceOver.ScheduledMessages",
+ "VoiceOver.ScrollStatus",
+ "VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOff",
+ "VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOn",
+ "VoiceOver.SilentPostOff",
+ "VoiceOver.SilentPostOn",
+ "VoiceOver.Stickers",
@@ -20413,6 +22178,7 @@
+ "Wallpaper.ErrorNotFound",
@@ -20431,6 +22197,7 @@
+ "WallpaperPreview.AnimateDescription",
@@ -20448,9 +22215,13 @@
+ "WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternApply",
+ "WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternDiscard",
+ "WallpaperPreview.PreviewInDayMode",
+ "WallpaperPreview.PreviewInNightMode",
@@ -20508,6 +22279,7 @@
+ "Watch.Message.Unsupported",
@@ -20546,9 +22318,15 @@
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentAllowMessages",
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentAlreadyAddedError",
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentSucceeded",
+ "WebApp.AlertBiometryAccessTouchIDText",
+ "WebApp.AllowWriteConfirmation",
+ "WebApp.AllowWriteTitle",
@@ -20557,7 +22335,10 @@
+ "WebApp.LaunchMoreInfo",
+ "WebApp.MessagePreview",
+ "WebApp.Miniapp",
@@ -20570,7 +22351,16 @@
+ "WebApp.SelectChat",
+ "WebApp.Send",
+ "WebApp.Share",
+ "WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumber",
+ "WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation",
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmation",
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmationUnblock",
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneTitle",
+ "WebApp.ShortcutsAdded",
@@ -20587,7 +22377,9 @@
+ "Weekday.Friday",
+ "Weekday.Saturday",
@@ -20596,6 +22388,8 @@
+ "Weekday.Sunday",
+ "Weekday.Thursday",
@@ -20606,9 +22400,12 @@
+ "Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerRemoved",
+ "Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerUpdated",
+ "Widget.UpdatedAt",
diff --git a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.json b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.json
index 9e26dfeeb6..96e69fb41d 100644
--- a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.json
+++ b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted.json
@@ -1 +1,14511 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ "AccessDenied.LocationDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AccessDenied.LocationDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram needs access to your location so that you can share it with your contacts.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Location Services and set it to ON."
+ }
+ },
+ "AccessDenied.QrCode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AccessDenied.QrCode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram needs access to your photo library so that you can scan QR codes.
Please go to your device's settings > Privacy > Photos and set Telegram to ON."
+ }
+ },
+ "AccessDenied.VideoCallCamera": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AccessDenied.VideoCallCamera",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can make video calls.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON."
+ }
+ },
+ "AccessDenied.VideoMessageMicrophone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AccessDenied.VideoMessageMicrophone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone so that you can send video messages.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Microphone and set Telegram to ON."
+ }
+ },
+ "AdsInfo.Launch.Text_URL": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AdsInfo.Launch.Text_URL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "https://ads.telegram.org"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.BubbleCorners.AdjustAdjacent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.BubbleCorners.AdjustAdjacent",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Adjust Adjacent Corners"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.CreateThemeInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.CreateThemeInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "A new theme template has been created from your current theme and was sent to your Saved Messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.Preview": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.Preview",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "CHAT PREVIEW"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.Publish": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.Publish",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Publish"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.RemoveThemeColor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.RemoveThemeColor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.RemoveThemeColorConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.RemoveThemeColorConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove Color"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.ShareThemeColor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.ShareThemeColor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Apply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.TextSize.Apply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Automatic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.TextSize.Automatic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "System"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.TextSize.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.TextSize.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Text Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.TextSize.UseSystem": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.TextSize.UseSystem",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Use System Text Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.TextSizeSetting": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.TextSizeSetting",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Text Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.ThemeDayClassic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.ThemeDayClassic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Day Classic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.3.TextWithLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.3.TextWithLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Is that everything? It seemed like he said [quite a bit more] than that. 😯"
+ }
+ },
+ "Appearance.VoiceOver.Theme": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Appearance.VoiceOver.Theme",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Theme"
+ }
+ },
+ "Application.Update": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Application.Update",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Update"
+ }
+ },
+ "ApplyLanguage.ApplySuccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ApplyLanguage.ApplySuccess",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Language changed"
+ }
+ },
+ "ArchiveInfo.TextKeepArchivedUnmuted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ArchiveInfo.TextKeepArchivedUnmuted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Archived chats will remain in the Archive when you receive a new message. [Tap to change >]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.BoostToUnlock": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.BoostToUnlock",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Boost to Unlock"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.Camera": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.Camera",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Camera"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.DisableSpoiler": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.DisableSpoiler",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/8c82f98f5f7/5d991f1bf8fe75f4c891f17.jpg?c=200,416,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Disable Spoiler"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.DiscardPasteboardAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.DiscardPasteboardAlertText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/35a6891f2ca/f515eb17a3b0268799fa717.jpg?c=136,466,330,330,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Discard pasted items?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.EnableSpoiler": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.EnableSpoiler",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/22e5a400a7d/6482da2eb9b437eb44e6d17.jpg?c=214,478,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide With Spoiler"
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.MediaAccessStoryText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.MediaAccessStoryText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share an unlimited number of photos and videos of up to 2 GB each."
+ }
+ },
+ "Attachment.Pasteboard": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Attachment.Pasteboard",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/35a6891f2ca/f515eb17a3b0268799fa717.jpg?c=160,349,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clipboard"
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthCode.Alert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthCode.Alert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your login code is %@. Enter it in the Telegram app where you are trying to log in.
Do not give this code to anyone."
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.AddDevice.InvalidQRCode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.AddDevice.InvalidQRCode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invalid QR Code"
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTerminate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTerminate",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Terminate"
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.AddedDeviceTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Login Successful"
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.MessageApp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.MessageApp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you opened %@."
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.View.Device": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.View.Device",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Device"
+ }
+ },
+ "AuthSessions.View.OS": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AuthSessions.View.OS",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Operating System"
+ }
+ },
+ "AutoDownloadSettings.OnForContacts": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AutoDownloadSettings.OnForContacts",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "On for contacts"
+ }
+ },
+ "AutoNightTheme.NotAvailable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AutoNightTheme.NotAvailable",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "N/A"
+ }
+ },
+ "AutoNightTheme.System": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AutoNightTheme.System",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "System"
+ }
+ },
+ "Autoremove.OptionOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Autoremove.OptionOff",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=22,337,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Off"
+ }
+ },
+ "Autoremove.SetCustomTime": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Autoremove.SetCustomTime",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/081563cfdca/2a91b8e8e57450f9d76d517.jpg?c=225,612,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Custom Time..."
+ }
+ },
+ "AutoremoveSetup.AdditionalGlobalSettingsInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AutoremoveSetup.AdditionalGlobalSettingsInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/bc5317be8b0/c985e3f82de70f6d27f7d17.jpg?c=184,719,385,385,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can also set a default [self-destruct timer]() for all chats in Settings."
+ }
+ },
+ "AvatarEditor.Suggest": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/AvatarEditor.Suggest",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ "BlockedUsers.SelectUserTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BlockedUsers.SelectUserTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Block User"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Channels.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Channels.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select up to %@ channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.ChannelsAndGroupsInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.ChannelsAndGroupsInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose additional channels or groups users need to join to take part in the giveaway."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.ChannelsOrGroups.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.ChannelsOrGroups.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select maximum %@ channels and groups."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.GiftPremium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.GiftPremium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Check your channel's [Statistics]() to see how this giveaway boosted your channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Giveaway Created"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.DateInfoMembers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.DateInfoMembers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ member",
+ "plural": "%@ members"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.GiveawayCreated.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.GiveawayCreated.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Check your group's [Boosts]() to see how this giveaway boosted your group."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Joined": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.Joined",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "joined %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select maximum %@ members."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Save": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.Save",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Save Recipients"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Search": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.Search",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search Members"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.SectionTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.SectionTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "MEMBERS"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "select up to %@ members"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.Members.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.Members.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Group.PremiumGifted.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Group.PremiumGifted.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Check your groups's [Boosts]() to see how gifts boosted your group."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.GroupsOrChannels.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.GroupsOrChannels.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select maximum %@ groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Members.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Members.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select maximum %@ members."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Check your channel's [Statistics]() to see how the gifts boosted your channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Premium Subscriptions Gifted"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Reduce": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Reduce",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reduce"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't acquire %1$@ %2$@-month subscriptions in the app. Do you want to reduce the quantity to %3$@?"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.ReduceQuantity.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reduce Quantity"
+ }
+ },
+ "BoostGift.Subscribers.MaximumReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BoostGift.Subscribers.MaximumReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select up to %@ subscribers."
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AcceptTermsInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AcceptTermsInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "I accept the [Terms of Service]() of **%1$@**"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.Active": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.Active",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "bot is active now"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsAdmin": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsAdmin",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/012d15915a7/b0f13088ae0dea4784c3017.jpg?c=160,950,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Bot as Admin"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminRights": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminRights",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/012d15915a7/b0f13088ae0dea4784c3017.jpg?c=31,358,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Admin Rights"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertAdd": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertAdd",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add as Member"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as a subscriber in **%@**?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to add the bot as a member in **%@**?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Bot as Member?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.Add.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/012d15915a7/b0f13088ae0dea4784c3017.jpg?c=159,94,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Bot"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.MyChannels": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.MyChannels",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "CHANNELS I MANAGE"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.MyGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.MyGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "GROUPS I MANAGE"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.AddToChat.OtherGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.AddToChat.OtherGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "GROUPS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.Inactive": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.Inactive",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "bot is not active"
+ }
+ },
+ "Bot.Slow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Bot.Slow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "bot replies slowly"
+ }
+ },
+ "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.SettingsTip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.SettingsTip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "If you change your mind, go to your group's Settings > Permissions."
+ }
+ },
+ "Business.Chatbots": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Business.Chatbots",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Coming Later"
+ }
+ },
+ "Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoPhone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoPhone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can also use a simple link for a chat with you — [t.me/+%@](phone)."
+ }
+ },
+ "Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoUsername": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Business.Links.SimpleLinkInfoUsername",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can also use a simple link for a chat with you — [t.me/%@](username)."
+ }
+ },
+ "BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.ResetAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.ResetAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset"
+ }
+ },
+ "BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BusinessHoursSetup.ErrorIntersectingDays.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your business hours overlap. Do you want to reset them?"
+ }
+ },
+ "BusinessLocationSetup.ErrorAddressEmpty.ResetAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/BusinessLocationSetup.ErrorAddressEmpty.ResetAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ posted a giveaway of %2$@x %3$@mo Premium subscriptions"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_MESSAGE_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent a giveaway of %3$@x %4$@mo Premium subscriptions to the group %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTHEME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ set the default theme in the group %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_MESSAGE_RECURRING_PAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|You were charged %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_REACT_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reacted %3$@ in group %2$@ to your giveaway"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ invited %3$@ to a video chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE_YOU",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ invited you to a video chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CHAT_VOICECHAT_START",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ started a video chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "Cache.ClearNone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Cache.ClearNone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clear"
+ }
+ },
+ "Cache.LowDiskSpaceText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Cache.LowDiskSpaceText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your phone has run out of available storage. Please free some space to download or upload media."
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortFriday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortFriday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "F"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortMonday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortMonday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "M"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortSaturday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortSaturday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "S"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortSunday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortSunday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "S"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortThursday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortThursday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "T"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortTuesday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortTuesday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "T"
+ }
+ },
+ "Calendar.ShortWednesday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Calendar.ShortWednesday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "W"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Audio": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Audio",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "audio"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.AudioRouteMute": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.AudioRouteMute",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Mute Yourself"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.BatteryLow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.BatteryLow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@'s battery level is low"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Camera": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Camera",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "camera"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.CameraConfirmationConfirm": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.CameraConfirmationConfirm",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.CameraConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.CameraConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch to video call?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.CameraOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.CameraOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@'s camera is off"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.CameraOrScreenTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.CameraOrScreenTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn on your camera or share your screen"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.CameraTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.CameraTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap here to turn on your camera"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Days": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Days",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ day",
+ "plural": "%@ days"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.End": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.End",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "end"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.ExternalCallInProgressMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.ExternalCallInProgressMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please finish the current call first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Flip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Flip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "flip"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.IncomingVideoCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.IncomingVideoCall",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Incoming Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.IncomingVoiceCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.IncomingVoiceCall",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Incoming Voice Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.MicrophoneOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.MicrophoneOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@'s microphone is off"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Mute": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Mute",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "mute"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.RemoteVideoPaused": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.RemoteVideoPaused",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@'s video is paused"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.ReportIncludeLog": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.ReportIncludeLog",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send technical information"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.ReportSkip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.ReportSkip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Skip"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Speaker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Speaker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "speaker"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.StatusDeclined": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.StatusDeclined",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Call Declined"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.StatusMissed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.StatusMissed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Call Missed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.StatusWeakSignal": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.StatusWeakSignal",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Weak network signal"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.Video": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.Video",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "video"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.Minimize": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.Minimize",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Minimize Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallCanceled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallCanceled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Canceled Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallIncoming": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallIncoming",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Incoming Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallMissed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallMissed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Missed Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallOutgoing": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VideoCallOutgoing",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Outgoing Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallCanceled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallCanceled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Canceled Voice Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallIncoming": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallIncoming",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Incoming Voice Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallMissed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallMissed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Missed Voice Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallOutgoing": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.VoiceOver.VoiceCallOutgoing",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Outgoing Voice Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.WaitingStatusConnecting": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.WaitingStatusConnecting",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Connecting"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.WaitingStatusReconnecting": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.WaitingStatusReconnecting",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reconnecting"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.WaitingStatusRequesting": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.WaitingStatusRequesting",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Requesting"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.WaitingStatusRinging": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.WaitingStatusRinging",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Ringing"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.YourCameraOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.YourCameraOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your camera is off"
+ }
+ },
+ "Call.YourMicrophoneOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Call.YourMicrophoneOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your microphone is off"
+ }
+ },
+ "CallList.DeleteAll": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CallList.DeleteAll",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/00db1c98a51/655efee768666ee85a1ea17.jpg?c=10,66,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete All"
+ }
+ },
+ "CallSettings.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CallSettings.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Calls"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AddAdminKickedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AddAdminKickedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you can't unban them."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AddBotErrorNoRights": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AddBotErrorNoRights",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bots can only be added to channels as admins."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AddUserKickedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AddUserKickedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't add this user because they are on the list of Removed Users and you can't unban them."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamDisabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a50194cfdc8/7407c660695afbf1370c717.jpg?c=118,718,363,363,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ disabled anti-spam"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamEnabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.AntiSpamEnabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a50194cfdc8/7407c660695afbf1370c717.jpg?c=121,693,357,357,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ enabled anti-spam"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteMessagesOfOthers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteMessagesOfOthers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e94f3e1036b/9863c62536e45bc0ab28f17.jpg?c=69,712,392,392,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete Messages of Others"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteStoriesOfOthers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteStoriesOfOthers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e94f3e1036b/9863c62536e45bc0ab28f17.jpg?c=78,825,343,343,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete Stories of Others"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanEditMessagesOfOthers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanEditMessagesOfOthers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e94f3e1036b/9863c62536e45bc0ab28f17.jpg?c=78,771,350,350,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Messages of Others"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanEditStoriesOfOthers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanEditStoriesOfOthers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e94f3e1036b/9863c62536e45bc0ab28f17.jpg?c=81,883,307,307,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Stories of Others"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanManageTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanManageTopics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Manage Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CanPostStories": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CanPostStories",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e94f3e1036b/9863c62536e45bc0ab28f17.jpg?c=63,850,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Post Stories"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameColorAndIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameColorAndIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the name color and link logo to %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedNameIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the channel link logo to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the channel profile color to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColorAndIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileColorAndIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the channel profile color and logo to %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedProfileIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the profile logo to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedWallpaper": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelChangedWallpaper",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ set a new wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelEmptyText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelEmptyText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No service actions were taken by the channel's admins in the last 48 hours."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reset the profile color"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColorAndIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileColorAndIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reset the profile color and icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedProfileIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ removed the profile icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedWallpaper": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ChannelRemovedWallpaper",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ removed the wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.CreatedInviteLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.CreatedInviteLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ created invite link %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.EmptyText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No notable actions taken by the members and admins of this channel in the last 48 hours."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaFolderInviteLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaFolderInviteLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ joined via folder invite link %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ joined via invite link %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ManageTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ManageTopics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Manage Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminName": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminName",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "promoted %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminNameUsername": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminNameUsername",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "promoted %1$@ (%2$@)"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutRemove": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutRemove",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ disabled auto-delete timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelUsernames": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelUsernames",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ changed channel links:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupGeoLocation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupGeoLocation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "changed group location to \"%@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupUsernames": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupUsernames",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ changed group links:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeRemove": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeRemove",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ disabled the chat theme"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeSet": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeSet",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the chat theme to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousLinks": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousLinks",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Previous links"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminName": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminName",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "demoted %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminNameUsername": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminNameUsername",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "demoted %1$@ (%2$@)"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ sent message:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsEnabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsEnabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d481bb21b29/09bda482bd0a3015d350817.jpg?c=137,876,323,323,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ enabled all reactions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicChangedIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicChangedIcon",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa35414584a/22fb62e1995b443c5023017.jpg?c=60,250,481,481,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed topic %2$@ icon to %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicClosed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicClosed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa35414584a/22fb62e1995b443c5023017.jpg?c=64,288,467,467,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ closed topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicCreated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicCreated",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa35414584a/22fb62e1995b443c5023017.jpg?c=65,222,470,470,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ created topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicDeleted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicDeleted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ deleted topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicHidden",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ hid topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicPinned": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicPinned",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ pinned topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRemovedIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicRemovedIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ removed topic %2$@ icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa35414584a/22fb62e1995b443c5023017.jpg?c=56,676,492,492,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ renamed topic %2$@ to %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ renamed topic %2$@ to %3$@ and changed icon to %4$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithRemovedIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicRenamedWithRemovedIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ renamed topic %2$@ to %3$@ and removed icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicReopened": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicReopened",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa35414584a/22fb62e1995b443c5023017.jpg?c=53,613,492,492,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reopened topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnhidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnhidden",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ unhid topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnpinned": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicUnpinned",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ unpinned topic %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicsDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ disabled topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsEnabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLog.TopicsEnabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ enabled topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAll": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAll",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All Actions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "ACTIONS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.AdminLogFilter.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.AdminLogFilter.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Filter"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.BanUser.BlockFor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.BanUser.BlockFor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Block For"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.BanUser.PermissionsHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.BanUser.PermissionsHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "User Restrictions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.BanUser.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.BanUser.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Ban User"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.BanUser.Unban": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.BanUser.Unban",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unban"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.BotDoesntSupportGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.BotDoesntSupportGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this bot is telling us it doesn't want to be added to groups. You can't add this bot unless its developers change their mind."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.ChannelSubscribersHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.ChannelSubscribersHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.CommentsGroup.Header": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.CommentsGroup.Header",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select a group chat that will host comments from your channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroup.PublicChannelLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.DiscussionGroup.PublicChannelLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Make %1$@ the discussion group for %2$@?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroup.SearchPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.DiscussionGroup.SearchPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroupInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.DiscussionGroupInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add a group chat for comments."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEnabledByDefault": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEnabledByDefault",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This option is permitted for all members in Group Permissions."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Transfer Channel Ownership"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.ErrorAdminsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, too many administrators in this channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Info.BoostLevelPlusBadge": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Info.BoostLevelPlusBadge",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Level %@+"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Info.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Info.Description",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "description"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Management.LabelEditor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Management.LabelEditor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "admin"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this channel has too many admins and the new owner can't be added. Please remove one of the existing admins first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPublicChannelsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPublicChannelsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, the target user has too many public groups or channels already. Please ask them to make one of their existing groups or channels private first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertShow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the channel info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Activate Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have too many active public links already. Please hide one of your active public links first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the channel info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deactivate Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.LinksOrder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.LinksOrder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "LINK ORDER"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.LinksOrderInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the channel info page."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.PublicLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.PublicLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "PUBLIC LINK"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Setup.TypeHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Setup.TypeHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "CHANNEL TYPE"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.TooMuchBots": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.TooMuchBots",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "There are too many bots in this group. Please remove some of the bots you're not using first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Channel names can't end with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Channel names can't start with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can revoke the link from one of your older groups or channels, or create a private channel instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Channel.Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2b59603d267/24a8c957260b40efe704d17.jpg?c=19,333,511,511,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**This username is already taken.** However, it is currently available for purchase. [Learn more...]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelMoreRequired": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelMoreRequired",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ needed to be able to post %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.EnableColorsLevelText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.EnableColorsLevelText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to change channel color.
Ask your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Because your **Telegram Premium** subscription was gifted to you, you can't use it to boost channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.Error.GiftedPremiumNotAllowedTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Can't Boost with Gifted Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReached.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReached.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%1$@** reached **Level %2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and can now post %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedTextAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.MaxLevelReachedTextAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and can now post %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.MoreBoosts.Gift": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.MoreBoosts.Gift",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This channel reached **Level %@** and unlocked new features."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.PremiumUsersCanBoost": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.PremiumUsersCanBoost",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**Premium** users can boost your channel with this link:"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelBoost.Title.Other": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelBoost.Title.Other",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Help Upgrade This Channel"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add %@ to the channel?"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChannelReactions.ToastMaxReactionsReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChannelReactions.ToastMaxReactionsReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select up to 100 reactions."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTextMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTextMultiple",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages Deleted."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTitleSingle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminAction.ToastMessagesDeletedTitleSingle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message Deleted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminAction.ToastRestrictedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminAction.ToastRestrictedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**1** user restricted.",
+ "plural": "**%d** users restricted."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.BanFooterMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminActionSheet.BanFooterMultiple",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fully ban users"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.PermissionsSectionHeaderMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminActionSheet.PermissionsSectionHeaderMultiple",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f03883e9b2e/40cfbf79cb5ff25f3efbf17.jpg?c=32,523,354,354,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "WHAT CAN THESE USERS DO?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.AdminActionSheet.RestrictMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.AdminActionSheet.RestrictMultiple",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f03883e9b2e/40cfbf79cb5ff25f3efbf17.jpg?c=85,489,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Restrict Users"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.BusinessBotPanel.StatusHasAccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.BusinessBotPanel.StatusHasAccess",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "bot has access to this chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ClearReactionsAlertAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a30dce0fe1c/14c74f9f88788f14f9b8e17.jpg?c=146,862,308,308,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clear Recent Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ClearReactionsAlertText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a30dce0fe1c/14c74f9f88788f14f9b8e17.jpg?c=8,574,583,583,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to clear your recent reaction emoji from suggestions?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b844bc3c651/330dcf0aeb8704da7642717.jpg?c=25,614,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Advertiser Info"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfoCopied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextMenu.AdSponsorInfoCopied",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Text copied."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailableBadge": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailableBadge",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "show when"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailablePrefix": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadAvailablePrefix",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "read"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextMenuReadDate.ReadFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "read %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextViewAsMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextViewAsMessages",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b9a96345f1e/140f8537ed23dc42a46ce17.jpg?c=221,182,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View as Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ContextViewAsTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ContextViewAsTopics",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b9a96345f1e/140f8537ed23dc42a46ce17.jpg?c=198,130,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View as Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.CreateTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.CreateTopic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b9a96345f1e/140f8537ed23dc42a46ce17.jpg?c=177,358,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.DeleteMessagesConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.DeleteMessagesConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete message",
+ "plural": "Delete %@ messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.EmptyStateIntroFooterPremiumActionButton": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.EmptyStateIntroFooterPremiumActionButton",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "OK"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.EmptyStateMessagingRestrictedToPremiumDisabled.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.EmptyStateMessagingRestrictedToPremiumDisabled.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to **Premium**
to message **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Text",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/22107f1ce5c/a8e9f7f62ac3eab1f9ba617.jpg?c=144,556,310,310,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send a message
to start the topic."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.EmptyTopicPlaceholder.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/22107f1ce5c/a8e9f7f62ac3eab1f9ba617.jpg?c=159,529,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Almost done!"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ErrorCantBoost": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ErrorCantBoost",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't boost this group or channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ErrorInvoiceNotFound": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ErrorInvoiceNotFound",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invoice not found."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedActionEdit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedActionEdit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** updated the message you are quoting. Edit your quote to make it up-to-date."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ErrorQuoteOutdatedTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Quote Outdated"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.GenericPsaTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.GenericPsaTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This is a public service announcement"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Gifs.SavedSectionHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Gifs.SavedSectionHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "MY GIFS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Gifs.TrendingSectionHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Gifs.TrendingSectionHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "TRENDING GIFS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.AlmostOver": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.AlmostOver",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The giveaway is almost over."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "On **%1$@**, Telegram automatically selected %2$@ of **%3$@** and other listed communities."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNew": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNew",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "On **%1$@**, Telegram automatically selected %2$@ that joined **%3$@** after **%4$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNewMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.EndedNewMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "On **%1$@**, Telegram automatically selected %2$@ that joined **%3$@** and other listed channels after **%4$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.Group.RandomMembers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.Group.RandomMembers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** random member",
+ "plural": "**%@** random members"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotAllowedJoinedEarly": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotAllowedJoinedEarly",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are not eligible to participate in this giveaway because you joined this channel on **%@**, which is before the contest started."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotQualified": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.NotQualified",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "To take part in this giveaway please join the channel **%1$@** before **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OngoingNewMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.OngoingNewMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "On **%1$@**, Telegram will automatically select %2$@ that joined **%3$@** and %4$@ after **%5$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherChannelsAndGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherChannelsAndGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** other listed channel and group",
+ "plural": "**%@** other listed channels and groups"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** other listed group",
+ "plural": "**%@** other listed groups"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroupsAndChannels": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.OtherGroupsAndChannels",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** other listed group and channel",
+ "plural": "**%@** other listed groups and channels"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.ParticipatingMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.ParticipatingMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are participating in this giveaway because you joined the channel **%1$@** (and %2$@)."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Info.Subscriptions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Info.Subscriptions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@ Telegram Premium** subscription",
+ "plural": "**%@ Telegram Premium** subscriptions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesDelimiter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesDelimiter",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": ", "
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesLastDelimiter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.CountriesLastDelimiter",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " and "
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.CustomPrizeQuantity": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.CustomPrizeQuantity",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@",
+ "plural": "%@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.Participants": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.Participants",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All members of this group:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All members of the groups below:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsNewMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.Group.ParticipantsNewMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All users who join the groups below after this date:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All subscribers of the channels below:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsNewMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.ParticipantsNewMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All users who join the channels below after this announcement:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Message.WithSubscriptions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Message.WithSubscriptions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** Telegram Premium Subscription",
+ "plural": "**%@** Telegram Premium Subscriptions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.AlmostOver": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Toast.AlmostOver",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The giveaway is almost over."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.NotQualified": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Toast.NotQualified",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are not qualified for this giveaway yet."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Giveaway.Toast.Participating": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Giveaway.Toast.Participating",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are participating in this giveaway."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.GroupEmojiTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.GroupEmojiTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All members of this group can
use the # **%@** pack"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.InputPlaceholderMessageInTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.InputPlaceholderMessageInTopic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message in %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.InputPlaceholderReplyInTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.InputPlaceholderReplyInTopic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply in %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.Message.TopicAuthorBadge": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.Message.TopicAuthorBadge",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/135474258c7/d95d11bc70fa85a0773b717.jpg?c=140,660,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic Creator"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.ExpiredStoryHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageForwardInfo.ExpiredStoryHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Expired story from"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.StoryHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageForwardInfo.StoryHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Forwarded story from"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageForwardInfo.UnavailableStoryHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageForwardInfo.UnavailableStoryHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Expired story from"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.Date": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.Date",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.TodayAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.TodayAt",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c14b503e968/9d4e08121da6ea554d34a17.jpg?c=179,399,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "today at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.YesterdayAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MessageSeenTimestamp.YesterdayAt",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/171ac8dcad1/7c1bd01a4bbb269cabcb017.jpg?c=201,497,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "yesterday at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MultipleTypingMore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MultipleTypingMore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ and %@ others"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.MultipleTypingPair": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.MultipleTypingPair",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ and %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.OpenStory": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.OpenStory",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "VIEW STORY"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.OutgoingContextReactionCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.OutgoingContextReactionCount",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 reacted",
+ "plural": "%@ reacted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PanelForumModeReplyText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PanelForumModeReplyText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=93,845,413,413,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Swipe left on a message to reply"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PanelRestartTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PanelRestartTopic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d0b0a23d5af/7f0d93894a1cc9bbc6f2a17.jpg?c=160,159,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reopen Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PanelTopicClosedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PanelTopicClosedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The topic is closed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pinned messages will be shown again if a new message is pinned."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pinned Messages Hidden"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PlaceholderTextNotAllowed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PlaceholderTextNotAllowed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2fbca920ef2/8f37824d3bbfdfa807ada17.jpg?c=159,967,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Text not allowed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PsaTooltip.covid": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PsaTooltip.covid",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at https://telegram.org/blog/coronavirus"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.PsaTooltip.psa": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.PsaTooltip.psa",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This is an official message from the CEO of Telegram regarding the ongoing conflict."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReactionSection.Recent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReactionSection.Recent",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a30dce0fe1c/14c74f9f88788f14f9b8e17.jpg?c=160,395,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recently Used"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Remove": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Remove",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to reset the wallpaper?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.RemoveWallpaper.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove Wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply to message."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessageFrom": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToMessageFrom",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply to message. From: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToYourMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyPanel.AccessibilityReplyToYourMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply to your message."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.HintReplyOptionsShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyPanel.HintReplyOptionsShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap here for options"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyPanel.ReplyTo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyPanel.ReplyTo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply to %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ReplyStoryPrivateChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ReplyStoryPrivateChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Private story"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SavedMessagesChatsTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SavedMessagesChatsTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to view your Saved Messages organized by type or source"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentPeerText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentPeerText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The admins of %1$@ only allow sending %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=48,659,517,517,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The admins of this group only allow sending %1$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeFile": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeFile",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=239,878,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "files"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeMusic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeMusic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=281,878,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "music"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypePhoto": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypePhoto",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=151,875,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "photos"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeSticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeSticker",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=96,896,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "stickers & GIFs"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=61,878,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "text messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c15c7c066ed/08b91ae1d123c67c2fc3217.jpg?c=201,876,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "videos"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideoMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVideoMessage",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2fbca920ef2/8f37824d3bbfdfa807ada17.jpg?c=226,896,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "video messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVoiceMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendAllowedContentTypeVoiceMessage",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2fbca920ef2/8f37824d3bbfdfa807ada17.jpg?c=64,898,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "voice messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedAudioMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedAudioMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending voice messages is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedFile": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedFile",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending files is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedMusic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedMusic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending music is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedPeerText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedPeerText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending messages is not allowed in %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedPhoto": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedPhoto",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending photos is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending messages is not allowed in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending videos is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SendNotAllowedVideoMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SendNotAllowedVideoMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending video messages is not allowed in this group"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SimilarChannels.JoinedChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SimilarChannels.JoinedChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You joined channel **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SlowmodeAttachmentLimitReached": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SlowmodeAttachmentLimitReached",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled. You can't select more items."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SlowmodeSendError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SlowmodeSendError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.SlowmodeTooltipPending": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.SlowmodeTooltipPending",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Slow Mode is active. You can't send more than one message at once."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.TagsHeaderPanel.Unlock": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.TagsHeaderPanel.Unlock",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unlock"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastMessageTagged.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message tagged with %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastMessagesTagged.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastMessagesTagged.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages tagged with %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastMessagingRestrictedToPremium.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** only accepts messages from contacts and **Premium** users."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.ToastPhoneNumberCopied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.ToastPhoneNumberCopied",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Phone number copied to clipboard."
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.TopicIsClosedLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.TopicIsClosedLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic \"%1$@\" is closed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.UnsendMyMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.UnsendMyMessages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unsend My Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Chat.UnsendMyMessagesAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Chat.UnsendMyMessagesAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unsending will also delete messages you sent on %@'s side."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSet": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatContextMenu.EmojiSet",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4b292e02923/97944befa988a8ab8d47317.jpg?c=195,896,349,349,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message contains emoji from [%@ pack]().",
+ "plural": "This message contains emoji from [%@ packs]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSetSingle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatContextMenu.EmojiSetSingle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b70ac876f7b/3261cd47b031996f2813517.jpg?c=227,961,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message contains
#[%@]() emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSet": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSet",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/18f0fbc009e/0bcea1be1777928666cd817.jpg?c=177,657,288,288,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message contains reactions from [%@ pack]().",
+ "plural": "This message contains reactions from [%@ packs]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSetSingle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSetSingle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4d4f79b7408/82e1fd05818415657f2d217.jpg?c=72,502,375,375,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message contains
#[%@]() reactions."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatContextMenu.TextSelectionTip2": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatContextMenu.TextSelectionTip2",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hold a word, then move cursor to select more| text to copy or quote."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationGroupWithoutTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationGroupWithoutTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to import messages into **%@**?
Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. All members will see the messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationUserWithoutTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationUserWithoutTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to import messages into the chat with **%@?**
Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. Both sides will see the messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImport.SelectionErrorGroupGeneric": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImport.SelectionErrorGroupGeneric",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't import history to this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorInvalidChatType": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImportActivity.ErrorInvalidChatType",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Wrong type of chat for the messages you are trying to import."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorLimitExceeded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImportActivity.ErrorLimitExceeded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Daily maximum reached,
please come back tomorrow."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImportActivity.ErrorNotAdmin": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImportActivity.ErrorNotAdmin",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You need to be an admin in the group to import messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatImportActivity.OpenApp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatImportActivity.OpenApp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open Telegram"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.AddedToFolderTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.AddedToFolderTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ has been added to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.OpenSettings": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.OpenSettings",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Go to Settings"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are receiving many new chats from users who are not in your Contact List. Do you want to have such chats **automatically muted** and **archived**?"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide new chats?"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.CloseAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.CloseAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Context.AddToContacts": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Context.AddToContacts",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add to Contacts"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Context.Back": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Context.Back",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Back"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Context.ReopenTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Context.ReopenTopic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d0b0a23d5af/7f0d93894a1cc9bbc6f2a17.jpg?c=21,902,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reopen"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Context.Select": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Context.Select",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/083620a617d/a02fd85ea294538b4541f17.jpg?c=20,954,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Context.Unarchive": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Context.Unarchive",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unarchive"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembersConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeleteForAllMembersConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will **delete all messages** in this chat for **all participants**."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will **delete all messages** in this channel for **all subscribers**."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeleteThreadsConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeleteThreadsConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/1b0ec74c1c0/bbe68f5c44162215f6ece17.jpg?c=160,886,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete Topic",
+ "plural": "Delete %@ Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fbe13d18342/1e866ccf800dced23d91c17.jpg?c=160,886,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fbe13d18342/1e866ccf800dced23d91c17.jpg?c=48,635,504,504,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will delete the topic and all its messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeletedChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeletedChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deleted 1 chat",
+ "plural": "Deleted %@ chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.DeletedThreads": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.DeletedThreads",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/269addd2708/67132732a0117a499745f17.jpg?c=65,889,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deleted 1 topic",
+ "plural": "Deleted %@ topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EditFolders": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EditFolders",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Folders"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyChatFilterList": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyChatFilterList",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This folder is empty."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeader",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeaderHide": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeaderHide",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyListTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyListTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send a message or
start a group here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsCreate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyTopicsCreate",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2a046b8cb34/cc2e6cf2fe7e23f6dc0cb17.jpg?c=160,895,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Create New Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyTopicsDescription",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a042dc5c853/a42b87a195cb7c318bfb917.jpg?c=79,470,511,511,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Older messages from this group have been moved to the \"General\" topic."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsShowAsMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyTopicsShowAsMessages",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2a046b8cb34/cc2e6cf2fe7e23f6dc0cb17.jpg?c=160,966,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show as Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.EmptyTopicsTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.EmptyTopicsTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2a046b8cb34/cc2e6cf2fe7e23f6dc0cb17.jpg?c=161,591,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No topics here yet"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.FolderAllChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.FolderAllChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GeneralHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GeneralHidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a042dc5c853/a42b87a195cb7c318bfb917.jpg?c=64,874,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "General topic hidden"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GeneralHiddenInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GeneralHiddenInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a042dc5c853/a42b87a195cb7c318bfb917.jpg?c=67,784,411,411,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pull down to see the general topic."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GeneralUnhidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GeneralUnhidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/44a61b76deb/a954d2fe3656143d7291317.jpg?c=68,874,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "General topic unhidden"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GeneralUnhiddenInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GeneralUnhiddenInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/44a61b76deb/a954d2fe3656143d7291317.jpg?c=57,724,481,481,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Swipe left on the general topic to hide it."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GenericPsaAlert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GenericPsaAlert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This provides public service announcements in your chat list."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.GenericPsaLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.GenericPsaLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "PSA"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteAfter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.LabelAutodeleteAfter",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5df515b3026/bd26a16e271aef0b1ae9417.jpg?c=100,219,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "auto-delete after %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.LabelAutodeleteDisabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5df515b3026/bd26a16e271aef0b1ae9417.jpg?c=95,279,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "auto-delete disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.MaxThreadPinsFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.MaxThreadPinsFinalText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/278308c735e/aa0b1961496760acd533d17.jpg?c=99,446,401,401,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** topic to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned.",
+ "plural": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** topics to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "user"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/76b2cb8da72/7ce117653852ec3ac505f19.jpg?c=7,0,1082,971,280,252",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sign up for the annual payment plan for Telegram Premium now to get the discount."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/76b2cb8da72/7ce117653852ec3ac505f19.jpg?c=5,0,1097,971,280,248",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Premium with a %@ discount"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Upgrade to the annual payment plan for Telegram Premium to get the discount."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumAnnualUpgradeTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Save up to %@ on your subscription"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumGraceText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumGraceText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your exclusive benefits are about to expire."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumGraceTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumGraceTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "⚠️ Don't lose access to Telegram Premium!"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your Telegram Premium has recently expired. Tap here to extend it."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PremiumRestoreDiscountTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Get Premium back with up to %@ off"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PsaAlert.covid": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PsaAlert.covid",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at https://telegram.org/blog/coronavirus"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PsaAlert.psa": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PsaAlert.psa",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This is an official message from the CEO of Telegram regarding the ongoing conflict."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PsaLabel.covid": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PsaLabel.covid",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "COVID-19"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.PsaLabel.psa": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.PsaLabel.psa",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Announcement"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.RemoveFolder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.RemoveFolder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.FilterTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.FilterTopics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFilter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFilter",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Nothing Yet"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerFiles": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerFiles",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Files from all your chats will be shown here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerLinks": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerLinks",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Links from all your chats will be shown here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMedia": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMedia",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Photos and videos from all your chats will be shown here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMusic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMusic",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Music from all your chats will be shown here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerVoice": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerVoice",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Voice and video messages from all your chats will be shown here."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are not currently subscribed to any channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Search.RecommendedChannelsEmpty.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No Channels Yet..."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.SelectedTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.SelectedTopics",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e49c8badd15/1807b6767ff777ae7e06a17.jpg?c=159,66,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Topic Selected",
+ "plural": "%@ Topics Selected"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.StartAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.StartAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Start"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.StartMessaging": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.StartMessaging",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select a chat to start messaging"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.StorageHintText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.StorageHintText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clear storage space on your iPhone"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.StorageHintTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.StorageHintTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Free up to %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hold to organize your chats with folders."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.Tabs.All": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.Tabs.All",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.ThreadHideAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.ThreadHideAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a042dc5c853/a42b87a195cb7c318bfb917.jpg?c=237,234,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.ThreadUnhideAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.ThreadUnhideAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ec8a3aa887a/b7657e397648df3f575b217.jpg?c=298,234,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unhide"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatList.UserReacted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatList.UserReacted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reacted %@ to your message"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFilter.AddChatsSearchPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFilter.AddChatsSearchPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/8b7c3bc4212/bd6d8003ba42a6e88edf217.jpg?c=10,147,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFilter.CreateLinkErrorSomeoneHasChannelLimit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFilter.CreateLinkErrorSomeoneHasChannelLimit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "One of the groups in this folder can’t be added because one of its admins has too many groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFilter.CreateLinkUnknownError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFilter.CreateLinkUnknownError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred while creating the invite link"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFilter.ShowMoreChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFilter.ShowMoreChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show %@ More Chat",
+ "plural": "Show %@ More Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFilterList.CreateFolder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFilterList.CreateFolder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e28207364e8/e59b787350c84fc6925e117.jpg?c=31,378,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Create a Folder"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFolder.NameNonMuted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFolder.NameNonMuted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not Muted"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFolder.NameUnread": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFolder.NameUnread",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unread"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAll": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAll",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d812070f03c/70e23733190ebd698a01b17.jpg?c=65,156,424,424,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to move the \"All Chats\" folder."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAllAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAllAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "More"
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatState.ConnectingToProxy": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatState.ConnectingToProxy",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "connecting to proxy..."
+ }
+ },
+ "ChatbotSetup.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ChatbotSetup.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Coming Later"
+ }
+ },
+ "Checkout.OptionalTipItemPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Checkout.OptionalTipItemPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Custom"
+ }
+ },
+ "Checkout.PaymentLiabilityBothAlert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Checkout.PaymentLiabilityBothAlert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram will not have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, {target}.
Payments will go directly to the developer of {target}. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of {target} or your bank."
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.Clear": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.Clear",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clear"
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.Description",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Media files will be cleared from your disk, but will remain available for re-downloading if necessary."
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.NoProgress": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.NoProgress",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clearing the Cache"
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.StorageServiceFiles": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.StorageServiceFiles",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Service Files"
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.StorageTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.StorageTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ STORAGE"
+ }
+ },
+ "ClearCache.StorageUsage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ClearCache.StorageUsage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Storage Usage"
+ }
+ },
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.ButtonCopyPhone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CollectibleItemInfo.ButtonCopyPhone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Copy Phone Number"
+ }
+ },
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The phone number %1$@ was acquired on %2$@ on %3$@ for %4$@ (%5$@)."
+ }
+ },
+ "CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CollectibleItemInfo.PhoneTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ is a collectible phone number that belongs to"
+ }
+ },
+ "Common.ActionNotAllowedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Common.ActionNotAllowedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you are not allowed to do this."
+ }
+ },
+ "Common.Paste": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Common.Paste",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Paste"
+ }
+ },
+ "ContactList.Context.VideoCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ContactList.Context.VideoCall",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video Call"
+ }
+ },
+ "ContactList.DeletedContacts": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ContactList.DeletedContacts",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deleted %@ Contact",
+ "plural": "Deleted %@ Contacts"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.InviteSearchLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.InviteSearchLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search contacts"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.NotRegisteredSection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.NotRegisteredSection",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Phonebook"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.Sort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.Sort",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/aadabb3df36/2941390c8c8875536460e17.jpg?c=8,66,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sort"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.Sort.ByLastSeen": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.Sort.ByLastSeen",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/aadabb3df36/2941390c8c8875536460e17.jpg?c=29,132,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "by Last Seen"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.Sort.ByName": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.Sort.ByName",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/aadabb3df36/2941390c8c8875536460e17.jpg?c=26,188,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "by Name"
+ }
+ },
+ "Contacts.VoiceOver.AddContact": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Contacts.VoiceOver.AddContact",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Contact"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AudioRateOptionsTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AudioRateOptionsTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2545fe615b8/185b6bbdc05a25299da7117.jpg?c=207,158,384,384,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Long press for more speed options."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltip15X": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AudioRateTooltip15X",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ca09b2a2979/9bdbd82075e0a3caefaa417.jpg?c=73,830,349,349,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Audio will play at 1.5X speed."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipCustom": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AudioRateTooltipCustom",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/bf370071556/c319a59a642a8a04d4e2b17.jpg?c=73,834,344,344,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Audio will play at %@x speed."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipSpeedUp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AudioRateTooltipSpeedUp",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2545fe615b8/185b6bbdc05a25299da7117.jpg?c=70,807,376,376,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Audio will play two times faster."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobal": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobal",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ uses a self-destruct timer for all chats.
All new messages in this chat will be automatically deleted %2$@ after they are sent."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobalYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserGlobalYou",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b86ff13d5c2/4b1fef4b32177061b33f117.jpg?c=3,141,587,587,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You set a self-destruct timer for all chats.
All new messages in this chat will be automatically deleted %1$@ after they're sent."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.BotApp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.BotApp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bot Application"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.CantPhoneCallAnonymousNumberError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.CantPhoneCallAnonymousNumberError",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a1825ebb417/6b2ff94b2da9468f2a08d17.jpg?c=121,449,361,361,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't call this phone number."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ChatBackground": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ChatBackground",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Chat Wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ClearChatConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ClearChatConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Warning, this will delete your **entire chat history** with %@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContactAddContactLong": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContactAddContactLong",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "ADD CONTACT"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuAddFactCheck": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuAddFactCheck",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Fact Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuBlock": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuBlock",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Block User"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelEditing": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuCancelEditing",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Cancel Editing"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuEditFactCheck": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuEditFactCheck",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Fact Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Look Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNoViews": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuNoViews",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Nobody Viewed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyListened": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyListened",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Nobody Listened"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyWatched": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyWatched",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Nobody Watched"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuReportFalsePositive": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuReportFalsePositive",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Report False Positive"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ContextMenuWatched": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ContextMenuWatched",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 Listened",
+ "plural": "%@ Listened"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledBot": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledBot",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Forwarding from this bot is restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledSecret": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledSecret",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Forwarding is restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledBot": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledBot",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Saving content from this bot is restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledSecret": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledSecret",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Saving is restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Discard"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.DiscardRecordedVoiceMessageDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard your voice message?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.EmojiTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.EmojiTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap here to choose more emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.FactCheck.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.FactCheck.Description",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This clarification was provided by a fact checking agency assigned by the department of the government of your country (%@) responsible for combating misinformation."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.FactCheck.InnerDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.FactCheck.InnerDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This clarification was provided by a fact checking agency assigned by the department of the government of your country (%@) responsible for combating misinformation."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardHidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/90c1c211202/155d95e46fcc9100fc05517.jpg?c=77,88,445,445,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recipients won't see that it was forwarded"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardVisible": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessageForwardVisible",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4997657f0f9/901c2b52a33d4c54f15f117.jpg?c=89,95,421,421,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recipients will see that it was forwarded"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardHidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d4380779076/df2610e03cc5fbe097c4e17.jpg?c=80,93,439,439,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recipients won't see they were forwarded"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardVisible": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.RecipientsMessagesForwardVisible",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/43b6c023ded/a91375bbb213180ff76be17.jpg?c=91,92,416,416,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recipients will see they were forwarded"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.SenderNamesRemoved": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.SenderNamesRemoved",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sender names removed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.TapForOptionsShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.TapForOptionsShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap here for options"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardOptions.Text",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/75fdca622ac/1933cfb94f025819efcd217.jpg?c=96,418,406,406,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "What would you like to do with %1$@ from %2$@?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.Chat.Many": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardTooltip.Chat.Many",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages forwarded to **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.ManyChats.Many": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardTooltip.ManyChats.Many",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages sent to **%@** and %@ other chats."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.TwoChats.Many": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ForwardTooltip.TwoChats.Many",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages forwarded to **%@** and **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.FreeTranscriptionCooldownTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.FreeTranscriptionCooldownTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have used your **%@** free transcription this week.",
+ "plural": "You have used your **%@** free transcriptions this week."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.FreeTranscriptionWaitOrSubscribe": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.FreeTranscriptionWaitOrSubscribe",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Wait until **%@** to use it again or subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() now."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.GigagroupDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.GigagroupDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Only admins can send messages in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.HoldForAudioOnly": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.HoldForAudioOnly",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b3f5d495d21/d572d3a022135c652e58f17.jpg?c=318,914,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hold to record audio."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.HoldForVideoOnly": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.HoldForVideoOnly",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a37b5d15393/c9367d065eea17f7a380717.jpg?c=317,914,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hold to record video."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ImportProgress": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ImportProgress",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Importing Messages... %@%"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ImportedMessageHint": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ImportedMessageHint",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message was imported from another app. We can't guarantee it's real."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.IncreaseSpeed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.IncreaseSpeed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/643e5fa35b6/67251799aad5bbe1f049b17.jpg?c=27,466,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Increase Speed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderReply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderReply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestAdminChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.InviteRequestAdminChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ is an admin of %2$@, a channel you requested to join."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.InviteRequestInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You received this message because you requested to join %1$@ on %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.InviteRequestInfoConfirm": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.InviteRequestInfoConfirm",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "I understand"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.LaunchApp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.LaunchApp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "LAUNCH APP"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.LinksCopied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.LinksCopied",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d1d9a00ffca/42d29ce09856723e16d2d17.jpg?c=77,929,303,303,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Links copied to clipboard"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.LiveLocationYouAndOther": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.LiveLocationYouAndOther",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**You** and %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.LiveStream": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.LiveStream",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Live Stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.LiveStreamMediaRecordingRestricted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.LiveStreamMediaRecordingRestricted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't record voice and video messages during a live stream."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.MessageDoesntExist": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.MessageDoesntExist",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message doesn't exist"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.MessageLeaveCommentShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.MessageLeaveCommentShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Comment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Messages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Messages",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b3ff1adfeac/1cc3f212cd1000f1e1ff617.jpg?c=160,81,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ message",
+ "plural": "%@ messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.OpenBotApp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.OpenBotApp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "LAUNCH"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.OpenLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.OpenLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "OPEN LINK"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PeerNearbyDistance": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PeerNearbyDistance",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ is %2$@ away"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ on %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished.Winners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PinnedGiveaway.Finished.Winners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ winner was selected",
+ "plural": "%@ winners were selected"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PinnedQuiz": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PinnedQuiz",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pinned Quiz"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PremiumUploadFileTooLarge": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PremiumUploadFileTooLarge",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "File could not be sent because it is larger than 4 GB.
You can send as many files as you like, but each must be smaller than 4 GB."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Press volume button
to unmute the video"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ReadMore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ReadMore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Read More"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ReportSpamChannelConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ReportSpamChannelConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to report this channel for spam?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ReportSpamGroupConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ReportSpamGroupConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to report this group for spam?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.RequestToJoinChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.RequestToJoinChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "REQUEST TO JOIN"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.RequestToJoinGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.RequestToJoinGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "REQUEST TO JOIN"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.RestrictedMedia": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.RestrictedMedia",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73631c0dde/df79227fe66e9a2cd5f5c17.jpg?c=2,489,595,595,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SaveToFiles": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SaveToFiles",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Save to Files"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Live stream starts on %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsToday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsToday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Live stream starts today at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsTomorrow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsTomorrow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Live stream starts tomorrow at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video chat starts %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsToday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsToday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video chat starts today at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video chat starts tomorrow at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorNonPremiumForbidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SendMessageErrorNonPremiumForbidden",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Only Premium users can message %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFast": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFast",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are sending messages too fast. Please wait a bit."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFastTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooFastTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not so fast"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can not schedule more than 100 messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SendWhenOnlineTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SendWhenOnlineTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Long tap to send your message later."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.Chat.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.Chat.One",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5bce2a04857/76537f276bee41b30ac6c17.jpg?c=68,834,405,405,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link shared with **%@**"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.ManyChats.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.ManyChats.One",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/318ded05bc8/f3937c6a5e0ba01e1793317.jpg?c=49,731,517,517,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link shared with **%@** and %@ others."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.TwoChats.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.TwoChats.One",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4865d8385ef/f9c1106356a0aa4833ced17.jpg?c=52,749,504,504,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link shared with **%@** and **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber.StatusSuccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber.StatusSuccess",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ can now see your phone number."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to share your phone number %1$@ with %2$@?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccess",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6a9f7c0e925/62231b721e134ed48432f17.jpg?c=64,877,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Photo updated"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccessText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoSuccessText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6a9f7c0e925/62231b721e134ed48432f17.jpg?c=72,831,356,356,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change it in [Settings]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a0aa5039446/580e7ff0d62761b74086517.jpg?c=145,511,309,309,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** suggests this photo for your Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextExpanded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextExpanded",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a390f2f892f/e0aeb13fe037ac127fa7d17.jpg?c=59,663,481,481,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ suggests this photo for your Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTextYou",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b4ac1f6ec41/28f0e42880cae48da2d7217.jpg?c=143,551,314,314,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You suggested this photo for **%@'s** Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a390f2f892f/e0aeb13fe037ac127fa7d17.jpg?c=160,62,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Suggested Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedPhotoView": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedPhotoView",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b4ac1f6ec41/28f0e42880cae48da2d7217.jpg?c=160,621,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccess",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d6aaaee2963/8ca71dc7b8571c3b0fc8917.jpg?c=63,877,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Profile Photo Updated"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccessText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoSuccessText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d6aaaee2963/8ca71dc7b8571c3b0fc8917.jpg?c=72,831,356,356,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change it in [Settings]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a0aa5039446/580e7ff0d62761b74086517.jpg?c=145,825,309,309,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** suggests this photo for your Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextExpanded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextExpanded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ suggests this photo for your Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoTextYou",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b4ac1f6ec41/28f0e42880cae48da2d7217.jpg?c=143,822,314,314,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You suggested this photo for **%@'s** Telegram profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a1b02815a8b/96c20abe86a3ab98fb6cf17.jpg?c=160,66,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Suggested Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SuggestedVideoView": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SuggestedVideoView",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b4ac1f6ec41/28f0e42880cae48da2d7217.jpg?c=160,895,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Swipe left on any message to reply to it."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Swipe To Reply"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Theme.PreviewDarkShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Theme.PreviewDarkShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to view this theme in night mode."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Theme.PreviewLightShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Theme.PreviewLightShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to view this theme in day mode."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Theme.SwitchToLight": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Theme.SwitchToLight",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch to light appearance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Timer.Send": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Timer.Send",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send With Timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Timer.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Timer.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send With Timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.TitleCommentsEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.TitleCommentsEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Comments"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.TitleRepliesFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.TitleRepliesFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.ChooseLanguage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.ChooseLanguage",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/907f4696249/39b70a827e2be3f2e6eab17.jpg?c=207,184,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose Another Language"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslate",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/907f4696249/39b70a827e2be3f2e6eab17.jpg?c=210,273,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do Not Translate %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslateOther": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.DoNotTranslateOther",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do Not Translate %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.Hide": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.Hide",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/907f4696249/39b70a827e2be3f2e6eab17.jpg?c=153,343,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.Settings": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.Settings",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/10b8061f575/ac4d105760691b31cdf4717.jpg?c=299,889,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Settings"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.ShowOriginal": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.ShowOriginal",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5a9c088aeb7/6389dba83c5a0609e14e417.jpg?c=183,119,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show Original"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslateTo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.TranslateTo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/907f4696249/39b70a827e2be3f2e6eab17.jpg?c=187,119,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Translate to %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslateToOther": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.TranslateToOther",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Translate to %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChannelText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChannelText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/82505196b86/16e8362f2dd272b05986817.jpg?c=63,755,440,440,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The translation bar is now hidden for this channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChatText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChatText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c3728e20dc1/8724261323a3a1991093b17.jpg?c=62,754,441,441,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Translation bar hidden for this chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenGroupText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenGroupText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f980704578a/885561a8f8d5af823248d17.jpg?c=63,756,441,441,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The translation bar is now hidden for this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.UnarchiveDone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.UnarchiveDone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The chat was moved to your main list."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.UpdateTelegram": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.UpdateTelegram",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "UPDATE TELEGRAM"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ViewInChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ViewInChannel",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/dd227d37ed3/e0ac89ad6ae099dd7eb5217.jpg?c=173,710,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View in Channel"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ViewPost": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ViewPost",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "VIEW POST"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.ViewReply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.ViewReply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View in Chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.VoiceChatMediaRecordingRestricted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.VoiceChatMediaRecordingRestricted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't record voice and video messages during a video chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "Conversation.VoiceMessagesRestricted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Conversation.VoiceMessagesRestricted",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2df04f4ad1c/ed0355ecd80be3cae467517.jpg?c=34,664,566,566,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ doesn't accept voice or video messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateExternalStream.StreamKeyTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateExternalStream.StreamKeyTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stream Key"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.AutoDeleteText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.AutoDeleteText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2b6d8ad58cb/ddae38e72a481aad2e69317.jpg?c=6,276,583,583,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Automatically delete messages in this group for everyone after a period of time."
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.AutoDeleteTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.AutoDeleteTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2b6d8ad58cb/ddae38e72a481aad2e69317.jpg?c=33,323,326,326,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-Delete Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have too many location-based groups already. Please delete one of your existing ones first."
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.PeersTitleDelimeter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.PeersTitleDelimeter",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": ", "
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.PublicLinkInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.PublicLinkInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can use **a-z**, **0-9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters."
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateGroup.PublicLinkTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateGroup.PublicLinkTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "SET A PUBLIC LINK"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.Create": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.Create",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Create"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.CreateTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.CreateTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.EditTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.EditTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3fae92b53fb/fa2b35a54844a0908907917.jpg?c=160,86,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3fae92b53fb/fa2b35a54844a0908907917.jpg?c=32,152,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "ENTER TOPIC NAME"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitlePlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.EnterTopicTitlePlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3fae92b53fb/fa2b35a54844a0908907917.jpg?c=86,167,421,421,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "What do you want to discuss?"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.SelectTopicIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.SelectTopicIcon",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3fae92b53fb/fa2b35a54844a0908907917.jpg?c=32,271,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "SELECT TOPIC ICON"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.ShowGeneral": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.ShowGeneral",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d8aa5868a98/58a7c08f723ee2619a28117.jpg?c=31,289,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show in Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "CreateTopic.ShowGeneralInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/CreateTopic.ShowGeneralInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d8aa5868a98/58a7c08f723ee2619a28117.jpg?c=0,224,600,624,270,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "If the \"General\" topic is hidden, group members can pull down in the topic list to view it."
+ }
+ },
+ "DataUpgrade.Running": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DataUpgrade.Running",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Optimizing..."
+ }
+ },
+ "DataUsage.AutoDownloadSettings": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DataUsage.AutoDownloadSettings",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b7ec5161e85/e474d579825c506eb85d717.jpg?c=94,795,348,348,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-Download Settings"
+ }
+ },
+ "DataUsage.SettingsHelpCellular": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DataUsage.SettingsHelpCellular",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b7ec5161e85/e474d579825c506eb85d717.jpg?c=15,698,543,543,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change your auto-download settings to reduce mobile data usage."
+ }
+ },
+ "DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can use up to 4 accounts in one app at the same time."
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.MultipleTyping": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.MultipleTyping",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ and %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.SearchLabelCompact": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.SearchLabelCompact",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.SearchSectionChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionMessagesIn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.SearchSectionMessagesIn",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/20daee8569a/254607ebd633fd2859bec17.jpg?c=13,167,309,309,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages in %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.SearchSectionTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.SearchSectionTopics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.SingleChoosingStickerSuffix": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.SingleChoosingStickerSuffix",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ is choosing a sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin any more chats to the top."
+ }
+ },
+ "DownloadList.IncreaseSpeed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DownloadList.IncreaseSpeed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c8894e75563/fdcf7b03274772cb0a9b517.jpg?c=193,296,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Increase Speed"
+ }
+ },
+ "DownloadList.ResumeAll": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/DownloadList.ResumeAll",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Resume All"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.FileReadError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EditTheme.FileReadError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invalid theme file"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.ShortLinkInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EditTheme.ShortLinkInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link.
Theme links must be longer than 5 characters and can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores."
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.UploadEditedInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EditTheme.UploadEditedInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can update your theme for all users by uploading manual changes from a file."
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.UploadNewInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EditTheme.UploadNewInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The theme will be based on your currently selected colors and wallpaper. Alternatively, you can use a manually edited custom theme file."
+ }
+ },
+ "Emoji.ClearRecent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Emoji.ClearRecent",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/1353abe4ea2/8f569c68f104622ea564f17.jpg?c=145,861,309,309,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Clear Recent Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.AddPack": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.AddPack",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f814d0d821b/81546ea1334e78a65cb8417.jpg?c=159,291,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitleEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PanelTitleEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4bb34452716/454044016259a99430f7117.jpg?c=67,129,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitlePremium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PanelTitlePremium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PanelTitleRecent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PanelTitleRecent",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4bb34452716/454044016259a99430f7117.jpg?c=7,129,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recent"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Action",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c0bce314d6e/58521ac2f32c96e971b7817.jpg?c=300,948,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "More"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.Text",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c0bce314d6e/58521ac2f32c96e971b7817.jpg?c=66,835,413,413,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to Telegram Premium to unlock premium emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5507e3700af/28118e1501c9e5eba777317.jpg?c=300,951,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.PremiumEmojiToast.TryText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5507e3700af/28118e1501c9e5eba777317.jpg?c=68,851,395,395,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Try sending these emoji in your **Saved Messages** for free to test."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitleEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.SectionTitleEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/242df4c5aba/6a2750594bcf32f0005d517.jpg?c=159,175,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitleFavoriteStickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.SectionTitleFavoriteStickers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ef8263d3ac1/82b201caa5b5c3cca7dff17.jpg?c=160,262,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Favorite Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.SectionTitlePremiumStickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.SectionTitlePremiumStickers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c3dccb1a8d/a61b6f557c4bc02b6dbdd17.jpg?c=160,180,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Premium Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.TabEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.TabEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e3530310926/e3b20522e9b17d9fd4ee017.jpg?c=229,979,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.TabGifs": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.TabGifs",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e3530310926/e3b20522e9b17d9fd4ee017.jpg?c=89,976,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "GIFs"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.TabMasks": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.TabMasks",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Masks"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.TabStickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.TabStickers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e3530310926/e3b20522e9b17d9fd4ee017.jpg?c=157,976,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.TrendingEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.TrendingEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e3530310926/e3b20522e9b17d9fd4ee017.jpg?c=159,744,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "TRENDING EMOJI"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiInput.UnlockPack": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiInput.UnlockPack",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c0bce314d6e/58521ac2f32c96e971b7817.jpg?c=133,600,285,285,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unlock %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPack.Add": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPack.Add",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/069b6ec7c88/4a94c683bc7edd73ad26817.jpg?c=300,161,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPack.Added": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPack.Added",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/08dd14aff58/b350296b00b698ae0033817.jpg?c=301,456,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Added"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPack.Emoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPack.Emoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/069b6ec7c88/4a94c683bc7edd73ad26817.jpg?c=8,175,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ emoji",
+ "plural": "%@ emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPack.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPack.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/069b6ec7c88/4a94c683bc7edd73ad26817.jpg?c=160,86,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/11982db184f/8d69141d930e699efeab717.jpg?c=54,710,497,497,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ has been added to your emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.AddedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/11982db184f/8d69141d930e699efeab717.jpg?c=60,873,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji Added"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/aaafa4f2692/af85546816365861051b717.jpg?c=64,915,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji Archived"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleAddedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleAddedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/760727e5e5b/fa65008ad7136412ebada17.jpg?c=41,670,543,543,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ pack has been added to your emoji.",
+ "plural": "%@ packs have been added to your emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ pack is no longer in your emoji.",
+ "plural": "%@ packs are no longer in your emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fccc7342ce5/ee00cad73a5169db1ae4317.jpg?c=63,759,440,440,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ is no longer in your emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fccc7342ce5/ee00cad73a5169db1ae4317.jpg?c=64,873,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Emoji Removed"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPreview.CopyEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPreview.CopyEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/11407a362c8/906c2aac75e202c84c18917.jpg?c=87,654,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Copy Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPreview.SendEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPreview.SendEmoji",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/11407a362c8/906c2aac75e202c84c18917.jpg?c=87,542,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiPreview.SetAsStatus": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiPreview.SetAsStatus",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/11407a362c8/906c2aac75e202c84c18917.jpg?c=92,596,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set as Status"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiEmptyResult": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiEmptyResult",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/701ff897c4b/a9884d24a5c96539d30a017.jpg?c=160,568,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No emoji found"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6d90e7873b1/4412b1eafcb218b81748517.jpg?c=159,695,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchStickersEmptyResult": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiSearch.SearchStickersEmptyResult",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No emoji found"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsEmptyResult": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsEmptyResult",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/38ce103c20b/826b8ec6083cf1d5f08b817.jpg?c=160,568,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No emoji found"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f2c1939202c/202241ef30efcb424fbd717.jpg?c=160,374,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search Topic Icons"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiStatus.AppliedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiStatus.AppliedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fb23f89d7ba/09b94ce374fc21acece8117.jpg?c=63,808,435,435,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your emoji status has been updated."
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiStatusSetup.SetUntil": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiStatusSetup.SetUntil",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/965e488edc7/eba6f4af12c92c0683ec117.jpg?c=160,602,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Until"
+ }
+ },
+ "EmojiStatusSetup.TimerOther": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/EmojiStatusSetup.TimerOther",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b3637d90116/0b150d525b0422072e4fc17.jpg?c=110,610,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Other"
+ }
+ },
+ "Exceptions.AddToExceptions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Exceptions.AddToExceptions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "ADD TO EXCEPTIONS"
+ }
+ },
+ "External.OpenIn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/External.OpenIn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open in %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "FactCheck.Placeholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FactCheck.Placeholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Fact Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "FactCheck.Remove": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FactCheck.Remove",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove"
+ }
+ },
+ "FactCheck.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FactCheck.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fact Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.EmailHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please add a valid email address. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password."
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.EmailPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your email"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailSection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.EmailSection",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "RECOVERY EMAIL"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.HintHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can create an optional hint for your password."
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.HintPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add a hint"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.HintSection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.HintSection",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "HINT"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordConfirmationPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordConfirmationPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Re-enter your password"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in."
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter a password"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordSection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordSection",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "PASSWORD"
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTwoStepSetup.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FastTwoStepSetup.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Password & Email"
+ }
+ },
+ "FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailablePublicChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailablePublicChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have the admin rights to share invite links to this channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "FolderLinkScreen.SaveUnknownError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/FolderLinkScreen.SaveUnknownError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred while updating the link"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set a Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionCancel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionCancel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No, let me set a password"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionOK": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionOK",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Yes, I'm sure"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Proceed without a password? If you do not set a password, you will only be able to log into your account via SMS once every **day**.",
+ "plural": "Proceed without a password? If you do not set a password, you will only be able to log into your account via SMS once every **%@ days**."
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Warning"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DoneAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DoneAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Done"
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "If you want to log into your account frequently, please choose a password."
+ }
+ },
+ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set a Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "Forward.ErrorDisabledForChat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Forward.ErrorDisabledForChat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't forward messages to this chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.AirPlay": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.AirPlay",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "AirPlay"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.AirPlayPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.AirPlayPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This video is playing on the TV using AirPlay"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.ImagesAndVideosSaved": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.ImagesAndVideosSaved",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Media saved to Photos."
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.ViewOncePhotoTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.ViewOncePhotoTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c8490644e34/7002d3b06f962f5719c5f17.jpg?c=305,121,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This photo can only be viewed once."
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.ViewOnceVideoTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.ViewOnceVideoTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ad88353472c/9cb550030065b74662e5417.jpg?c=303,121,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This video can only be viewed once."
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Delete": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.Delete",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Edit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.Edit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Fullscreen": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.Fullscreen",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fullscreen"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.PictureInPicture": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.PictureInPicture",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Picture-in-Picture"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Share": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.Share",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gallery.VoiceOver.Stickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gallery.VoiceOver.Stickers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gif.Emotion.Cool": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Gif.Emotion.Cool",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Cool"
+ }
+ },
+ "GifSearch.SearchGifPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GifSearch.SearchGifPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/427aa5fbac1/cdfca8d0574e29984a6f417.jpg?c=160,692,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search GIFs"
+ }
+ },
+ "GiftLink.LinkHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GiftLink.LinkHidden",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Only the recipient can see the link."
+ }
+ },
+ "GiftLink.NotUsedFooter": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GiftLink.NotUsedFooter",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link hasn't been used yet."
+ }
+ },
+ "GiftLink.PersonalDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GiftLink.PersonalDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link allows **%@** to activate a **Telegram Premium** subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "GiftLink.PersonalUsedDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GiftLink.PersonalUsedDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link allowed **%@** to activate a **Telegram Premium** subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "GiftLink.UnclaimedDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GiftLink.UnclaimedDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link allows anyone to activate a **Telegram Premium** subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5df515b3026/bd26a16e271aef0b1ae9417.jpg?c=0,93,600,625,268,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select chats to apply a %@ self-destruct timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsSubject": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsSubject",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b614329e53c/8da59ba177587d3d7b4b317.jpg?c=50,957,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ chat",
+ "plural": "%@ chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5df515b3026/bd26a16e271aef0b1ae9417.jpg?c=159,86,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsToast": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsToast",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b614329e53c/8da59ba177587d3d7b4b317.jpg?c=36,704,553,553,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You applied the %1$@ self-destruct timer to %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledChannelSelection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledChannelSelection",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/40c7467fd9e/7ea792458ffe43e6cb57817.jpg?c=89,419,424,424,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You need admin rights in this channel to enable auto-delete."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGenericSelection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGenericSelection",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/cee4eb12aa5/85d0a9bda4e1b90ba8afd17.jpg?c=88,419,424,424,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't enable auto-delete in this chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGroupSelection": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.AttemptDisabledGroupSelection",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f526ec6900e/aacb9683be37a0bb8e01917.jpg?c=89,421,424,424,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You must be an admin to enable auto-delete in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoDisabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=0,441,600,602,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "If enabled, all new messages in chats you start will be automatically deleted for everyone at some point after they have been sent. This will not affect your existing chats."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoEnabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.InfoEnabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/bcb742aee14/6474341429949c732142817.jpg?c=1,446,596,596,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All new messages in chats you start will be automatically deleted for everyone %@ after they are sent. You can also [apply this setting for your existing chats]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=27,394,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "After %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionsHeader": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.OptionsHeader",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=34,294,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "SELF-DESTRUCT TIMER"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f3f01df7983/ceda2eed73c8fa8aa5a8017.jpg?c=142,547,315,315,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enable Auto-Deletion"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f3f01df7983/ceda2eed73c8fa8aa5a8017.jpg?c=86,407,427,427,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want all messages in your new private chats and in new groups you create to be automatically deleted for everyone %@ after they are sent?"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f3f01df7983/ceda2eed73c8fa8aa5a8017.jpg?c=152,411,298,298,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Self-Destruct Timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastDisabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/1189c0413fd/cd6e45a3dc8ec162756c417.jpg?c=38,709,550,550,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages in all new chats you start will not be automatically deleted."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastEnabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetConfirmToastEnabled",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/bcb742aee14/6474341429949c732142817.jpg?c=51,750,505,505,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages in all new chats you start will be automatically deleted after %@."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetCustomTime": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.SetCustomTime",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=35,559,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Custom Time..."
+ }
+ },
+ "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GlobalAutodeleteSettings.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=130,62,338,338,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-Delete Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamFalsePositiveReportedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamFalsePositiveReportedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram moderators will review your report. Thank you!"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can manage anti-spam settings in Group Info > [Administrators]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.AdminLog.AntiSpamTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Anti-Spam"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Appearance.EmojiPackUpdated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Appearance.EmojiPackUpdated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group emoji pack updated."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Appearance.Wallpaper": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Appearance.Wallpaper",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group Wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.ErrorAccessDenied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.ErrorAccessDenied",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this group is private."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.ErrorAdminsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, too many administrators in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.ErrorSendRestrictedMedia": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.ErrorSendRestrictedMedia",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.ErrorSupergroupConversionNotPossible": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.ErrorSupergroupConversionNotPossible",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave some before creating a new one."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpam": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Management.AntiSpam",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d44df16fc95/653e62448c4fb08c261cc17.jpg?c=93,198,317,317,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Aggressive Anti-Spam"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpamInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Management.AntiSpamInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d44df16fc95/653e62448c4fb08c261cc17.jpg?c=9,186,573,573,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram will filter more spam but may occasionally affect ordinary messages. You can report false positives in Recent Actions."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Management.AntiSpamMagic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Management.AntiSpamMagic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3fb808ffc04/8db57e86c05f076ef13d617.jpg?c=70,791,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "magic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.MessageVideoUpdated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.MessageVideoUpdated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group photo updated"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this group has too many admins and the new owner can't be added. Please remove one of the existing admins first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertShow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ActivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the group info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Activate Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have too many active public links already. Please hide one of your active public links first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the group info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deactivate Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfoDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfoDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribers won't be able to copy, save or forward content from this channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfoDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfoDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Members won't be able to copy, save or forward content from this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.LinkActive": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.LinkActive",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "active"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.LinkInactive": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.LinkInactive",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.LinksOrder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.LinksOrder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "LINKS ORDER"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.LinksOrderInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the group info page."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Setup.PublicLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Setup.PublicLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "PUBLIC LINK"
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group names can't end with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group names can't start with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesFinalInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesFinalInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking the link from an older group or channel, or create a private one instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesNoPremiumInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesNoPremiumInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking the link from an older group or channel. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesOrExtendInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesOrExtendInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking a link from an older group or channel, or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%@** public links."
+ }
+ },
+ "Group.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Group.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can revoke the link from one of your older groups or channels, or create a private group instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.AudioTranscription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.AudioTranscription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Audio Transcription"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.BoostGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.BoostGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Boost Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.CustomWallpaper": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.CustomWallpaper",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Custom Group Wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.EnableStoriesText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.EnableStoriesText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your group needs %1$@ to enable posting stories."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.Error.BoostTooOftenText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.Error.BoostTooOftenText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change the group you boost only once a day. Next time you can boost is in **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.IncreaseLimitText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.IncreaseLimitText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your group needs %1$@ to post %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.MoreBoostsNeeded.Boosted.Level.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This group reached **Level %@** and unlocked new features."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.ProfileIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.ProfileIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Cover Icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupBoost.Wallpaper": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupBoost.Wallpaper",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Group Wallpaper"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.FakeGroupWarning": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.FakeGroupWarning",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported that this account impersonates a famous person or organization."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Revoke": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Revoke",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Revoke"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Convert to Broadcast Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvertInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvertInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Broadcast groups can have over %@ members, but only admins can send messages in them."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Broadcast Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.Permissions.EditingDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.Permissions.EditingDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You cannot change this permission."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.PublicLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.PublicLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Public Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.ShowMoreMembers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.ShowMoreMembers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show %@ More Member",
+ "plural": "Show %@ More Members"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupInfo.TitleMembers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupInfo.TitleMembers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/92ac1018877/467f5d6c2cfc3d21acda917.jpg?c=160,66,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Member",
+ "plural": "%@ Members"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupMembers.HideMembers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupMembers.HideMembers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/92ac1018877/467f5d6c2cfc3d21acda917.jpg?c=31,151,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide Members"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOff",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/92ac1018877/467f5d6c2cfc3d21acda917.jpg?c=16,150,536,536,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch this on to hide the list of members in this group. Admins will remain visible."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupMembers.MembersHiddenOn",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6cf850a7a04/51009a7cbcd8922eec7ba17.jpg?c=13,144,550,550,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch this off to show the list of members in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.AddMembersNotAvailable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.AddMembersNotAvailable",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have permission to add members."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.EditingDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.EditingDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You cannot edit restrictions of this user."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.NoManageTopics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.NoManageTopics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "no topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInDiscussionGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.NotAvailableInDiscussionGroups",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6b3a727cea1/e04f6470f26c4d6d300c417.jpg?c=135,465,330,330,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This permission is not available in discussion groups."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInGeoGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.NotAvailableInGeoGroups",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fc885325693/f5152b5b8a9289edd204517.jpg?c=104,435,393,393,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This permission is not available in location-based groups."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.PermissionDisabledByDefault": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.PermissionDisabledByDefault",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupPermission.PermissionGloballyDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupPermission.PermissionGloballyDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This permission is disabled in this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "GroupRemoved.ViewChannelInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/GroupRemoved.ViewChannelInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View Channel"
+ }
+ },
+ "ImportStickerPack.AddToExistingStickerSet": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ImportStickerPack.AddToExistingStickerSet",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add to an Existing Sticker Set"
+ }
+ },
+ "ImportStickerPack.ChooseStickerSet": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ImportStickerPack.ChooseStickerSet",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose Sticker Set"
+ }
+ },
+ "ImportStickerPack.CreateNewEmojiPack": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ImportStickerPack.CreateNewEmojiPack",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Create a New Emoji Pack"
+ }
+ },
+ "ImportStickerPack.EmojiCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ImportStickerPack.EmojiCount",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Emoji",
+ "plural": "%@ Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "ImportStickerPack.ImportingEmojis": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ImportStickerPack.ImportingEmojis",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Importing Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.FontNewYork": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.FontNewYork",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New York"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.FontSanFrancisco": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.FontSanFrancisco",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "San Francisco"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.OpenInBrowser": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.OpenInBrowser",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open in %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.Search": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.Search",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.TapToOpenLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.TapToOpenLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to open the link:"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.DecreaseFontSize": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.VoiceOver.DecreaseFontSize",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Decrease Font Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.IncreaseFontSize": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.VoiceOver.IncreaseFontSize",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Increase Font Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "InstantPage.VoiceOver.ResetFontSize": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InstantPage.VoiceOver.ResetFontSize",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset Font Size"
+ }
+ },
+ "Intents.ErrorLockedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Intents.ErrorLockedTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Locked"
+ }
+ },
+ "IntentsSettings.Reset": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/IntentsSettings.Reset",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset"
+ }
+ },
+ "IntentsSettings.SuggestedAndSpotlightChatsInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/IntentsSettings.SuggestedAndSpotlightChatsInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Suggestions will appear in the Share Sheet and Spotlight search results. Archived chats will not be suggested."
+ }
+ },
+ "IntentsSettings.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/IntentsSettings.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share Sheet"
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.ContextDelete": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.ContextDelete",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete"
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.LabelJoinedViaFolder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.LabelJoinedViaFolder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "joined via a folder invite link"
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.PermanentLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.PermanentLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invite Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "InviteLink.QRCode.InfoChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/InviteLink.QRCode.InfoChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Everyone on Telegram can scan this code to join your channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.EnterFullscreen": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.EnterFullscreen",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=515,376,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Fullscreen"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.ExitFullscreen": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.ExitFullscreen",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Exit Fullscreen"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.LockWithPasscode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.LockWithPasscode",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=149,530,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Lock with Passcode"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.Pause": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.Pause",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pause Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.Play": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.Play",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=492,416,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Play Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.SearchInChat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.SearchInChat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search in Chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.SeekBackward": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.SeekBackward",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=511,453,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Seek Backward"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.SeekForward": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.SeekForward",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=504,492,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Seek Forward"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.Share": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.Share",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/66c17bd3a1b/66e850417c2fad0db36af19.jpg?c=474,530,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share"
+ }
+ },
+ "KeyCommand.SwitchToPIP": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/KeyCommand.SwitchToPIP",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fb350505352/d877e8e38b685db50e12919.jpg?c=645,326,303,303,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Switch to Picture-in-Picture"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.AnonymousDisabledAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.AnonymousDisabledAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't join live streams as an anonymous admin."
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.ChatFullAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.ChatFullAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this live stream has too many participants at the moment."
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.Expand": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.Expand",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "expand"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.InvitedPeerText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.InvitedPeerText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You invited %@ to the live stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.Listening.Members": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.Listening.Members",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ listening",
+ "plural": "%@ listening"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.RecordingStarted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.RecordingStarted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Live stream recording started."
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.StopLiveStream": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.StopLiveStream",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stop Live Stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.Watching": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.Watching",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "watching"
+ }
+ },
+ "LiveStream.Watching.Members": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/LiveStream.Watching.Members",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ watching",
+ "plural": "%@ watching"
+ }
+ },
+ "Location.AddMyLocation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Location.AddMyLocation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add My Current Location"
+ }
+ },
+ "Location.ProximityAlertSetText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Location.ProximityAlertSetText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We will notify you once %1$@ is within %2$@ from you."
+ }
+ },
+ "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceMI": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceMI",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "mi"
+ }
+ },
+ "Location.ProximityNotification.NotifyLong": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Location.ProximityNotification.NotifyLong",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Notify when %1$@ is within %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Location.TypeLocation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Location.TypeLocation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Location"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.AddEmailTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.AddEmailTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a login email"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Announce.DontNotify": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Announce.DontNotify",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do Not Notify"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Announce.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Announce.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Notify people on Telegram who know my phone number that I signed up."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Announce.Notify": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Announce.Notify",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Notify"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.AnonymousNumbers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.AnonymousNumbers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Anonymous Numbers"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.BackToCode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.BackToCode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Back to entering the code"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.BackToPhrase": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.BackToPhrase",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Back to entering the phrase"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.BackToWord": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.BackToWord",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Back to entering the word"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CallRequestState3": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CallRequestState3",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram dialed your number
[Didn't get the code?]"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerification": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CancelEmailVerification",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to stop the email verification process?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerificationContinue": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CancelEmailVerificationContinue",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Continue"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CancelEmailVerificationStop": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CancelEmailVerificationStop",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stop"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CodeExpired": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CodeExpired",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Code expired, please login again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CodePhonePatternInfoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CodePhonePatternInfoText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please enter the last digits
of the number that called."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.CodeSentCallText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.CodeSentCallText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Calling **%@** to dictate the code."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.CantAccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.CantAccess",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b06804eb530/8d6a4b96073efd3aca3fe17.jpg?c=128,442,343,343,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Can't access this email?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.ElapsedTime": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.ElapsedTime",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "in %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.Reset": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.Reset",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/03a4e9039c5/d267fdcbf6cb83377da2417.jpg?c=226,605,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.ResetNowViaSMS": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.ResetNowViaSMS",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/20c1d3b7e67/3b184a4992e1ac864ea3917.jpg?c=160,490,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset now via SMS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.ResetText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.ResetText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/03a4e9039c5/d267fdcbf6cb83377da2417.jpg?c=82,421,436,436,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change your login email if you are logged into Telegram from another device. Otherwise, if you don't have access to email %1$@, you can reset this email with an **SMS** code **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.ResetTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.ResetTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/03a4e9039c5/d267fdcbf6cb83377da2417.jpg?c=160,421,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset Email"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.ResetingNow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.ResetingNow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please wait..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Email.WillBeResetIn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Email.WillBeResetIn",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/20c1d3b7e67/3b184a4992e1ac864ea3917.jpg?c=65,448,289,289,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Email will be reset %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EmailNotAllowedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EmailNotAllowedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this email can't be used."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeFragmentText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeFragmentText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4cbb0860321/e45e1083be5c8ae0f715717.jpg?c=0,222,600,611,276,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Get the code for **%@** in the Anonymous Numbers section on **Fragment**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeFragmentTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeFragmentTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4cbb0860321/e45e1083be5c8ae0f715717.jpg?c=160,267,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Code"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeNewEmailText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeNewEmailText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please enter the code we have sent to your new email %@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeNewEmailTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeNewEmailTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Check Your New Email"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeTelegramText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeTelegramText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We've sent the code to the **Telegram app** for %@ on your other device."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterCodeTelegramTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterCodeTelegramTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Code"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterMissingDigits": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterMissingDigits",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter the missing digits"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterPhraseBeginningText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterPhraseBeginningText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We've sent you an SMS with a secret phrase that starts with **\"%1$@\"** to your phone **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterPhraseHint": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterPhraseHint",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can copy and paste the phrase here."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterPhrasePlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterPhrasePlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Phrase from SMS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterPhraseText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterPhraseText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We've sent you an SMS with a secret phrase to your phone **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterPhraseTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterPhraseTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Phrase"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterWordBeginningText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterWordBeginningText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We've sent you an SMS with a secret word that starts with **\"%1$@\"** to your phone **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterWordPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterWordPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Word from SMS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterWordText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterWordText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We've sent you an SMS with a secret word to your phone **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.EnterWordTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.EnterWordTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Word"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.ErrorAppOutdated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.ErrorAppOutdated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please update Telegram to the latest version to log in."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.GetCodeViaFragment": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.GetCodeViaFragment",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Get a code via Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.InvalidEmailAddressError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.InvalidEmailAddressError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.InvalidEmailError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.InvalidEmailError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please enter a valid email address."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.InvalidEmailTokenError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.InvalidEmailTokenError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.NewNumber": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.NewNumber",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New Number"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.OpenFragment": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.OpenFragment",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4cbb0860321/e45e1083be5c8ae0f715717.jpg?c=185,614,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Paste": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Paste",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Paste"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.PhoneGenericEmailBody": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.PhoneGenericEmailBody",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "I'm trying to use my mobile phone number: %1$@
But Telegram shows an error. Please help.
Error: %2$@
App version: %3$@
OS version: %4$@
Locale: %5$@
MNC: %6$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.PhoneGenericEmailSubject": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.PhoneGenericEmailSubject",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram iOS error: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.ReturnToCode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.ReturnToCode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Return to entering the code"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.ReturnToPhrase": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.ReturnToPhrase",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Return to entering the phrase"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.ReturnToWord": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.ReturnToWord",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Return to entering the word"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.SendCodeAsSMS": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.SendCodeAsSMS",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send the code as an SMS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.SendCodeViaCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.SendCodeViaCall",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e7846dfb3e7/d6bd880a3cfea6ad03ae717.jpg?c=136,495,329,329,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Get code on this phone"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.SendCodeViaFlashCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.SendCodeViaFlashCall",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Get the code via phone call"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.ShortCallTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.ShortCallTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "In a few seconds you should
receive a short call from:"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.VoiceOver.Password": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.VoiceOver.Password",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.VoiceOver.PhoneCountryCode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.VoiceOver.PhoneCountryCode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Phone country code"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.VoiceOver.PhoneNumber": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.VoiceOver.PhoneNumber",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.WrongCodeError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.WrongCodeError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Wrong code, please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.WrongPhraseError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.WrongPhraseError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Incorrect, please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Login.Yes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Login.Yes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Yes"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MESSAGE_GIFTCODE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent you a Gift Code for %2$@ months of Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MESSAGE_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent you a giveaway of %2$@x %3$@mo Premium subscriptions"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MESSAGE_NOTHEME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the theme back to default"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.AddressOnMap": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.AddressOnMap",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Address On Map"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.ETADays": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.ETADays",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ day",
+ "plural": "%@ days"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.Home": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.Home",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Home"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.HomeAndWorkInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.HomeAndWorkInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram uses the Home and Work addresses from your Contact Card.
Keep your Contact Card up to date for quick access to sending Home and Work addresses."
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.HomeAndWorkTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.HomeAndWorkTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Home & Work Addresses"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.PlacesNearby": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.PlacesNearby",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Places Nearby"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.SearchNoResultsDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.SearchNoResultsDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "There were no results for \"%@\".
Try a new search."
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.SendThisPlace": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.SendThisPlace",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send This Place"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.SetThisPlace": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.SetThisPlace",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set This Place"
+ }
+ },
+ "Map.Work": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Map.Work",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Work"
+ }
+ },
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MaskPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/82b11ea96e4/4ca2ee0a49ccdffb8e14117.jpg?c=65,914,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Masks Archived"
+ }
+ },
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/82b11ea96e4/4ca2ee0a49ccdffb8e14117.jpg?c=63,812,438,438,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ is no longer in your masks."
+ }
+ },
+ "MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ee804cdeba1/13d6da8154a08ec3e788117.jpg?c=66,915,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Masks Removed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Media.SendWithTimer": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Media.SendWithTimer",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send With Timer"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.AddGif": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.AddGif",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add GIF"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.AddLocation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.AddLocation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Location"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.Audio": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.Audio",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Audio"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.Draft": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.Draft",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Draft"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.HoldToRecordVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.HoldToRecordVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hold to record video"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaEditor.StickersTooMuch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaEditor.StickersTooMuch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of stickers in this set. Try a different one."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.AddImage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.AddImage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Image"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Description",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/19012cdf180/60819b51d1479bee06e9417.jpg?c=190,521,378,378,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose how long the media will be kept after opening."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.DoNotDelete": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.DoNotDelete",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/19012cdf180/60819b51d1479bee06e9417.jpg?c=176,846,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do Not Delete"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.KeepTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.KeepTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/49154f81ee8/be9a9dcca0ab3dd0e3f2d17.jpg?c=273,813,310,310,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Photo will be kept in chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.TimerTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.TimerTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a97ab8db55c/f9454bb8076aaea795d8b17.jpg?c=282,827,301,301,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Photo will be deleted
%@ seconds after opening."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.ViewOnceTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.ViewOnceTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2aea8765f15/2b599e6151dc0886cf65917.jpg?c=299,834,282,282,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Photo set to view once."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Seconds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Seconds",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/19012cdf180/60819b51d1479bee06e9417.jpg?c=164,741,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%d Second",
+ "plural": "%d Seconds"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.KeepTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Video.KeepTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a5d3535e6c9/94656f21b6c2ae368edc817.jpg?c=274,814,309,309,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video will be kept in chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.TimerTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Video.TimerTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/4309803f238/5e815ca24c1c0d747db0517.jpg?c=281,827,301,301,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video will be deleted in
%@ seconds after opening."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.ViewOnceTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.Video.ViewOnceTooltip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/8b59dab8594/23f96f2257bf48de9206b17.jpg?c=298,832,284,284,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video set to view once."
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.Timer.ViewOnce": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.Timer.ViewOnce",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/19012cdf180/60819b51d1479bee06e9417.jpg?c=160,635,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View Once"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPicker.VoiceOver.Camera": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPicker.VoiceOver.Camera",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Camera"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPlayer.UnknownArtist": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPlayer.UnknownArtist",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unknown Artist"
+ }
+ },
+ "MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unknown Track"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.AdRecommendedLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.AdRecommendedLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Recommended"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No words recognized."
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorTooLong": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorTooLong",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This voice message is too long to transcribe"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to convert voice to text."
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremiumAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremiumAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "More"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.FactCheck": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.FactCheck",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fact Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.FactCheck.WhatIsThis": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.FactCheck.WhatIsThis",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "what's this?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.FakeAccount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.FakeAccount",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fake"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.ForwardedPsa.covid": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.ForwardedPsa.covid",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "COVID-19 Notification
From: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.ForwardedPsa.psa": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.ForwardedPsa.psa",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Announcement: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.ForwardedUnavailableStoryShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.ForwardedUnavailableStoryShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Private Story
From: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.FullDateFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.FullDateFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@, %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.Game": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.Game",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Game"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GenericForwardedPsa": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GenericForwardedPsa",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Public Service Announcement
From: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayEndedNoWinners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayEndedNoWinners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayEndedWinners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayEndedWinners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ winner of the giveaway was randomly selected by Telegram",
+ "plural": "%@ winners of the giveaway were randomly selected by Telegram"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayFinished": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayFinished",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Giveaway: %1$@ on %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayFinished.Winners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayFinished.Winners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ winner was selected",
+ "plural": "%@ winners were selected"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayOngoing": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayOngoing",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Giveaway: %1$@ on %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.GiveawayOngoing.Winners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.GiveawayOngoing.Winners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ winner to be selected",
+ "plural": "%@ winners to be selected"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.PinnedPollMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.PinnedPollMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "pinned poll"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.RecommendedLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.RecommendedLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "recommended"
+ }
+ },
+ "Message.StickerText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Message.StickerText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageCalendar.DeleteConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageCalendar.DeleteConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages for the selected day?",
+ "plural": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortDays": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortDays",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d1c83403d46/2daf8233bcda85f6a2fd217.jpg?c=36,423,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@d",
+ "plural": "%@d"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortHours": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortHours",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@h",
+ "plural": "%@h"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortMinutes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortMinutes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@m",
+ "plural": "%@m"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortMonths": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortMonths",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d1c83403d46/2daf8233bcda85f6a2fd217.jpg?c=38,232,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@M",
+ "plural": "%@M"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortSeconds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortSeconds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@s",
+ "plural": "%@s"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortWeeks": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortWeeks",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d1c83403d46/2daf8233bcda85f6a2fd217.jpg?c=37,328,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@w",
+ "plural": "%@w"
+ }
+ },
+ "MessageTimer.LargeShortYears": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MessageTimer.LargeShortYears",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@y",
+ "plural": "%@y"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Balance.AvailableInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Balance.AvailableInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can collect your reward using Fragment, a third-party platform used by advertisers to pay for ads. [Terms & Conditions >]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Balance.ComingLaterInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Balance.ComingLaterInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "In the coming weeks, you will be able to collect rewards using Fragment, a third-party platform used by advertisers to pay for ads. [Learn More >]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.BalanceStarsWithdraw": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.BalanceStarsWithdraw",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Withdraw via Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.BalanceWithdraw": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.BalanceWithdraw",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Collect via Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.StarsProceeds.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.StarsProceeds.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "<no value>"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TonTransactions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TonTransactions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "TON Transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Failed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Transaction.Failed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not Completed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Pending": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Transaction.Pending",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pending"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Proceeds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Transaction.Proceeds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Rewards from Ads"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Refund": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Transaction.Refund",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Refund"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Transaction.Withdrawal": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Transaction.Withdrawal",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Collection via %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Failed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.Failed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not Completed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Pending": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.Pending",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pending"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Proceeds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.Proceeds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Rewards from Ads displayed in"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Refund": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.Refund",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Refund"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.ViewInExplorer": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.ViewInExplorer",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View in Blockchain Explorer"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionInfo.Withdrawal": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionInfo.Withdrawal",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Collecting Rewards via %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.TransactionsTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.TransactionsTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.ComeBackLater": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Withdraw.ComeBackLater",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "
Please come back later."
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityCheck": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityCheck",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Security Check"
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityRequirements": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Withdraw.SecurityRequirements",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only collect rewards if:
• 2-Step Verification was enabled for your account more than **7 days** ago.
• You have logged in on this device more than **24 hours** ago."
+ }
+ },
+ "Monetization.Withdraw.SetupTwoStepAuth": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Monetization.Withdraw.SetupTwoStepAuth",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enable 2-Step Verification"
+ }
+ },
+ "MuteFor.Forever": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MuteFor.Forever",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Mute Forever"
+ }
+ },
+ "MutedForTime.Minutes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MutedForTime.Minutes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 minute",
+ "plural": "%@ minutes"
+ }
+ },
+ "MyProfile.ToastPhoneCopied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/MyProfile.ToastPhoneCopied",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Birthday copied to clipboard."
+ }
+ },
+ "NameColor.ChatPreview.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/NameColor.ChatPreview.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "COLOR PREVIEW"
+ }
+ },
+ "Navigation.AllChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Navigation.AllChats",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/86de23cbb22/c526b94d733a0f2918e3617.jpg?c=37,128,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.BotWriteAllowed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.BotWriteAllowed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you added it to your attachment menu."
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.BotWriteAllowedRequest": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.BotWriteAllowedRequest",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you in its web-app."
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ChannelChangedTheme": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ChannelChangedTheme",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Channel theme changed to %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ChannelDisabledTheme": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ChannelDisabledTheme",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Channel theme disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.CreatedGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.CreatedGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group created"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicClosed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicClosed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic closed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicClosedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicClosedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ closed topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicCreated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicCreated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic created"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicHidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/1f925d805da/3b40f27b031549544a0d617.jpg?c=160,887,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic hidden"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicHiddenAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicHiddenAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/406eaec6da3/e405e5ac64e6393190bb817.jpg?c=154,877,291,291,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ hid the topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicIconChanged": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicIconChanged",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic icon changed to %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicIconChangedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicIconChangedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic icon to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicRenamed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic renamed to \"%1$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicRenamedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic name to \"%2$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicRenamedIconChangedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicRenamedIconChangedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic name and icon to %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicReopened": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicReopened",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic reopened"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicReopenedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicReopenedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reopened the topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicUnhidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicUnhidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/1f925d805da/3b40f27b031549544a0d617.jpg?c=159,917,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic unhidden"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.ForumTopicUnhiddenAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.ForumTopicUnhiddenAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/44a61b76deb/a954d2fe3656143d7291317.jpg?c=106,220,349,349,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ unhid the topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.GameScoreSelfExtended": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.GameScoreSelfExtended",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "scored %@ in {game}",
+ "plural": "scored %@ in {game}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** undistributed gift link was forwarded to channel administrators",
+ "plural": "**%@** undistributed gift links were forwarded to channel administrators"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedWinners": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedWinners",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** winner of the giveaway was randomly selected by Telegram and received their gift link in a private message.",
+ "plural": "**%@** winners of the giveaway were randomly selected by Telegram and received their gift links in private messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.InvitedMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.InvitedMultiple",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ invited %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.JoinedChannelByRequestYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.JoinedChannelByRequestYou",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your request to join the channel was approved"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.JoinedGroupByLinkYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.JoinedGroupByLinkYou",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You joined the group via invite link"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.LockScreenReactionPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.LockScreenReactionPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reaction"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.LockScreenStoryPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.LockScreenStoryPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New Story"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicClosed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.OverviewTopicClosed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ closed %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicCreated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.OverviewTopicCreated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ \"%2$@\" was created"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicHidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.OverviewTopicHidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/76a15ac27b7/b80ee58a1f13142af63ce17.jpg?c=141,777,317,317,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ hid %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicReopened": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.OverviewTopicReopened",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reopened %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.OverviewTopicUnhidden": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.OverviewTopicUnhidden",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/76a15ac27b7/b80ee58a1f13142af63ce17.jpg?c=127,785,344,344,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ unhid %2$@ %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PaymentSentNoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PaymentSentNoTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You successfully transferred {amount} to {name}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You successfully transferred {amount} to {name} for {title} and allowed future recurring payments"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInitNoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInitNoTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You successfully transferred {amount} to {name} and allowed future recurring payments"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have just successfully transferred {amount} to {name} for {title} via recurrent payments"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsedNoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsedNoTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have just successfully transferred {amount} to {name} via recurrent payments"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PinnedQuizMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PinnedQuizMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ pinned a quiz"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Months": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.Months",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73a6feb7d2/dd6731eb1a36d3ca3442317.jpg?c=169,846,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ month",
+ "plural": "%@ months"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Sent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.Sent",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/9cb71d3d40b/962eb256d26570c0f8bac17.jpg?c=56,478,485,485,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent you a gift for %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.SentYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.SentYou",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73a6feb7d2/dd6731eb1a36d3ca3442317.jpg?c=156,596,287,287,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You sent a gift for %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73a6feb7d2/dd6731eb1a36d3ca3442317.jpg?c=159,846,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "for %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73a6feb7d2/dd6731eb1a36d3ca3442317.jpg?c=158,827,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.PremiumGift.View": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.PremiumGift.View",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a73a6feb7d2/dd6731eb1a36d3ca3442317.jpg?c=159,890,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.RequestedPeerMultiple": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.RequestedPeerMultiple",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You shared %1$@ with %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicClosed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicClosed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic closed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicClosedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicClosedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=111,551,377,377,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ closed the topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicCreated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicCreated",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=159,548,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic created"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicIconChanged": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicIconChanged",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic icon changed to %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicIconChangedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicIconChangedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=48,465,480,480,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic icon to %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicIconRemoved": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicIconRemoved",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic icon changed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicIconRemovedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicIconRemovedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicRenamed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicRenamed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic renamed to \"%1$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicRenamedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicRenamedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=21,671,558,558,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ changed the topic name to \"%2$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicReopened": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicReopened",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic reopened"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.TopicReopenedAuthor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.TopicReopenedAuthor",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffdf4386026/ce25135e33d80d661e01117.jpg?c=95,734,406,406,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reopened the topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.VoiceChatEndedGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.VoiceChatEndedGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ ended the video chat (%2$@)"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.VoiceChatScheduled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ scheduled a video chat for %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledToday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.VoiceChatScheduledToday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ scheduled a video chat for today at %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ scheduled a video chat for tomorrow at %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notification.Wallpaper.Remove": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notification.Wallpaper.Remove",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notifications.DisplayNamesOnLockScreenInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notifications.DisplayNamesOnLockScreenInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Display names in notifications when the device is locked. To disable, open iOS Settings > Telegram > Notifications, and set \"Show Previews\" to \"When Unlocked\" or \"Never\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "Notifications.SystemTones": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notifications.SystemTones",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "SYSTEM TONES"
+ }
+ },
+ "Notifications.TopChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Notifications.TopChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Top 5"
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.ChannelFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.ChannelFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "channel, "
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.GroupEmptyFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.GroupEmptyFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "group, "
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.GroupFormat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.GroupFormat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ member ",
+ "plural": "%@ members "
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.InactiveMonth": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.InactiveMonth",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "inactive %@ month",
+ "plural": "inactive %@ months"
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.InactiveWeek": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.InactiveWeek",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "inactive %@ week",
+ "plural": "inactive %@ weeks"
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.Leave": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.Leave",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Leave %@ Chat",
+ "plural": "Leave %@ Chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.LeaveCommunities": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.LeaveCommunities",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Leave %@ Community",
+ "plural": "Leave %@ Communities"
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.NoticeCreateText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.NoticeCreateText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you are member of too many groups and channels.
Please leave some before creating a new one."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before creating a new one."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before creating a new one. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before creating a new one — or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%@** groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before joining a new one."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before joining a new one. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. Please leave some before joining a new one — or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%@** groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. For technical reasons, you need to leave some first before changing this setting in your groups."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. For technical reasons, you need to leave some first before changing this setting in your groups. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are a member of **%@** groups and channels. For technical reasons, you need to leave some first before changing this setting in your groups or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%@** groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please enter your Two-Step Verification password to confirm this action."
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PINNED_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ pinned a giveaway"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_AUTH_REGION",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New login|Device: %1$@. Location: %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_AUTH_UNKNOWN",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New login|from %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_ALBUM",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|📷📹 Album"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|New message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|📷 Album",
+ "plural": "%1$@|📷 Albums"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "posted a message",
+ "plural": "posted %d messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOCS",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|posted %2$d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "posted a file",
+ "plural": "posted %d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWD",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|Forwarded message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PAID_MEDIA",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent a paid post for %2$@ stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "posted a photo",
+ "plural": "posted %d photos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|posted the quiz \"%2$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "posted a video",
+ "plural": "posted %d videos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_ADD_MEMBER",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ invited %3$@ to the group"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_LIVESTREAM_END",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ ended the live stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_LIVESTREAM_INVITE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ invited %3$@ to the live stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_LIVESTREAM_INVITE_YOU",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ invited you to the live stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_LIVESTREAM_START",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ started a live stream"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: 📷 Album",
+ "plural": "%2$@|%1$@: 📷 Albums"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{author} sent a message",
+ "plural": "{author} sent %d messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ sent %3$d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_FIX1",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a file",
+ "plural": "%2$@|%1$@ sent %3$d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{author} sent a file",
+ "plural": "{author} sent %d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWD",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: Forwarded message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: Forwarded message",
+ "plural": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$d forwarded messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{author} forwarded a message",
+ "plural": "{author} forwarded %d messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTHEME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|disabled the group theme %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PAID_MEDIA",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent a paid post to the group %2$@ for %3$@ stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{author} sent a photo",
+ "plural": "{author} sent %d photos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ sent the quiz \"%3$@\" to the group"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_THEME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|set theme to %3$@ in the group %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{author} sent a video",
+ "plural": "{author} sent %d videos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_AUDIO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your voice message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_CONTACT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your contact %4$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_DOC",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your file"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_GAME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your game"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_GEO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your map"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_GEOLIVE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your live location"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_GIF",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your GIF"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_INVOICE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your invoice"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_NOTEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_PAID_MEDIA",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ %3$@ to your paid post"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_PHOTO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_POLL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your poll \"%4$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your quiz \"%4$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_ROUND",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your video message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_STICKER",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your %4$@sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_STORY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ %3$@ to your story"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your \"%4$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REACT_VIDEO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@: %3$@ to your video"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_REQ_JOINED",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ was accepted into the group"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_CHAT_RETURNED",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ returned to the group"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|New message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGES_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "sent you a message",
+ "plural": "sent you %d messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_ALBUM",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|📷 Album"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_FILES",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|sent you a file",
+ "plural": "%1$@|sent you %2$d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_FILES_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "sent you a file",
+ "plural": "sent you %d files"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_FWD",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|Forwarded message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "forwarded you a message",
+ "plural": "forwarded you %d messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_NOTHEME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|disabled the chat theme"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_PAID_MEDIA",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ sent you a paid post for %2$@ stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "sent you a photo",
+ "plural": "sent you %d photos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|sent you the quiz \"%2$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_RECURRING_PAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|You were charged %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_SAME_WALLPAPER",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ set the same wallpaper for this chat."
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_SUGGEST_USERPIC",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|suggested a photo for your profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "sent you a video",
+ "plural": "sent you %d videos"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_PINNED_GAME_SCORE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ pinned a game score"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_PINNED_PAID_MEDIA",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|pinned a paid post for %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_PINNED_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|pinned a quiz"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_AUDIO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your voice message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_CONTACT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your contact %3$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_DOC",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your file"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_GAME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your game"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_GEO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your map"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_GEOLIVE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your live location"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_GIF",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your GIF"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_HIDDEN",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New reaction to your message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_INVOICE",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your invoice"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_NOTEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_PHOTO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_POLL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your poll \"%3$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_QUIZ",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your quiz \"%3$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_ROUND",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your video message"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_STICKER",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your %3$@sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_STORY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your story"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_STORY_HIDDEN",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New reaction to your story"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_STORY_NAME",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%3$@ %2$@ to your story"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_TEXT",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your \"%3$@\""
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_REACT_VIDEO",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|%2$@ to your video"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_SENDER_YOU",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "📅 You"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_VIDEO_CALL_MISSED",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|You missed a video call"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PUSH_VIDEO_CALL_REQUEST",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@|is calling you!"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Bubble": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Bubble",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=169,692,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bubble"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ColorGrid": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ColorGrid",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c91f712179/30e52a63c6c2bba85f94f17.jpg?c=50,298,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Grid"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ColorOpacity": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ColorOpacity",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c91f712179/30e52a63c6c2bba85f94f17.jpg?c=13,750,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "OPACITY"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ColorSliders": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ColorSliders",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c91f712179/30e52a63c6c2bba85f94f17.jpg?c=275,297,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sliders"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ColorSpectrum": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ColorSpectrum",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c91f712179/30e52a63c6c2bba85f94f17.jpg?c=159,299,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Spectrum"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ColorTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ColorTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0c91f712179/30e52a63c6c2bba85f94f17.jpg?c=160,241,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Colors"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Draw": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Draw",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=73,962,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Draw"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Ellipse": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Ellipse",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=167,641,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Ellipse"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Flip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Flip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Flip"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.MoveForward": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.MoveForward",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/17bfa5e0e29/4f4e2d8211af1836aa08b16.jpg?c=12,139,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Move Forward"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Rectangle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Rectangle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=182,589,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Rectangle"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Star": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Star",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=158,745,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Star"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Sticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Sticker",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=159,962,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.Text",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=244,962,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Text"
+ }
+ },
+ "Paint.ZoomOut": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Paint.ZoomOut",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c7002984288/190c7eef26df025ee71b417.jpg?c=174,74,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Zoom Out"
+ }
+ },
+ "Passport.PasswordCompleteSetup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Passport.PasswordCompleteSetup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Complete Password Setup"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionNoInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionNoInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/25c739a010e/b9018b96ea5143e7f1ed317.jpg?c=15,260,544,544,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Members of the group can't add any reactions to messages."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionAllReactions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionAllReactions",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/25c739a010e/b9018b96ea5143e7f1ed317.jpg?c=28,186,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "All Reactions"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionNoReactions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionNoReactions",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/25c739a010e/b9018b96ea5143e7f1ed317.jpg?c=30,297,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No Reactions"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionSomeReactions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionSomeReactions",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/25c739a010e/b9018b96ea5143e7f1ed317.jpg?c=32,242,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Some Reactions"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-Delete Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessagesDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessagesDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Never"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.Bot.Balance": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.Bot.Balance",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.Bot.Balance.Stars": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.Bot.Balance.Stars",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Star",
+ "plural": "%@ Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.BusinessHours.StatusOpensInDays": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.BusinessHours.StatusOpensInDays",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Opens in 1 day",
+ "plural": "Opens in %d days"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonDiscuss": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.ButtonDiscuss",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Discuss"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonLeave": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.ButtonLeave",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Leave"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.ButtonVideoCall": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.ButtonVideoCall",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.GroupAboutItem": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.GroupAboutItem",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "about"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedParticipantCountText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedParticipantCountText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/92ac1018877/467f5d6c2cfc3d21acda917.jpg?c=36,702,554,554,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Only groups with more than **%d member** can hide members.",
+ "plural": "Only groups with more than **%d members** can hide members."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.NotificationMemberAdded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.NotificationMemberAdded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%1$@** added to the group."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.NotificationMultipleMembersAdded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.NotificationMultipleMembersAdded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%d** member added to the group.",
+ "plural": "**%d** members added to the group."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.OptionTopicsText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.OptionTopicsText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The group chat will be divided into topics created by admins or users."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.PaneGifs": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.PaneGifs",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "GIFs"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.PaneVoice": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.PaneVoice",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Voice Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.PaneVoiceAndVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.PaneVoiceAndVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Voice"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.PrivateShareLinkInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.PrivateShareLinkInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link will only work for group members."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.TopicHeaderLocation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.TopicHeaderLocation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "in %1$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.TopicIconInfoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.TopicIconInfoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d0fd7e70afc/0ece9be2ae4d7301be6a817.jpg?c=70,857,382,382,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This topic's icon is from **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.TopicNotificationExceptions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.TopicNotificationExceptions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "[1 topic]() is listed as an exception.",
+ "plural": "[%d topics]() are listed as exceptions."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedDiscussionGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedDiscussionGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topics are not yet available in the discussion groups of channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "PeerStatusExpiration.Hours": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeerStatusExpiration.Hours",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ae8f226fd07/64e96aca52193a9b29ce617.jpg?c=91,276,416,416,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your status expires in 1 hour",
+ "plural": "Your status expires in %@ hours"
+ }
+ },
+ "PeopleNearby.VisibleUntil": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PeopleNearby.VisibleUntil",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "visible until %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.ContactsText.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.ContactsText.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "See who's on Telegram and switch seamlessly, without having to \"add\" your friends."
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.ContactsTitle.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.ContactsTitle.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sync Your Contacts"
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.SiriAllow.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.SiriAllow.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn Siri ON"
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.SiriAllowInSettings.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.SiriAllowInSettings.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn ON in Settings"
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.SiriText.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.SiriText.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Use Siri to send messages and make calls."
+ }
+ },
+ "Permissions.SiriTitle.v0": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Permissions.SiriTitle.v0",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Turn ON Siri"
+ }
+ },
+ "PhotoEditor.BlurToolPortrait": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PhotoEditor.BlurToolPortrait",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Portrait"
+ }
+ },
+ "PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrameSuggestion": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrameSuggestion",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/63d6c30c686/56546e1bc28cbb50b887817.jpg?c=123,853,351,351,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a frame for this profile photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyPhoto": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PhotoEditor.SetAsMyPhoto",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a390f2f892f/e0aeb13fe037ac127fa7d17.jpg?c=159,897,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set as My Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PhotoEditor.SetAsMyVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set as My Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "PollResults.ShowMore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PollResults.ShowMore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show More (%@)",
+ "plural": "Show More (%@)"
+ }
+ },
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PowerSaving.AlertEnabledAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/86bf473af50/50e5177dcc981c613ed9717.jpg?c=299,885,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Disable"
+ }
+ },
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PowerSaving.AlertEnabledText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/86bf473af50/50e5177dcc981c613ed9717.jpg?c=78,896,282,282,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@% battery remaining."
+ }
+ },
+ "PowerSaving.AlertEnabledTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PowerSaving.AlertEnabledTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/86bf473af50/50e5177dcc981c613ed9717.jpg?c=73,813,354,354,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Power Saving Mode Enabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Annual": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Annual",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Annual"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.BoostByGiftDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.BoostByGiftDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.ChatManagement.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.ChatManagement.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.ChatManagementStandaloneInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.ChatManagementStandaloneInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribers of **Telegram Premium** can set a default folder, auto-archive and hide new chats from non-contacts."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Colors.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Colors.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.CurrentPlan": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.CurrentPlan",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "your current plan"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Emoji.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Emoji.Description",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unlock this emoji and many more by subscribing to Telegram Premium."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Emoji.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Emoji.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unlock Premium Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.FasterSpeed.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.FasterSpeed.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/97bf520de23/347b389eb95fe9a43a25717.jpg?c=113,875,373,373,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.FasterSpeedStandaloneInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.FasterSpeedStandaloneInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/97bf520de23/347b389eb95fe9a43a25717.jpg?c=26,650,547,547,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to download media and files at the fastest possible speed."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can activate this gift link after **%@** or [send the link]() to a friend."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.ApplyLink.AlreadyHasPremium.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You already have Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Description": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Description",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=0,146,600,646,260,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Give **%@** access to exclusive features with **Telegram Premium**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.GiftSubscription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.GiftSubscription",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=71,593,460,460,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Subscription for %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Info",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=4,419,592,592,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can review the list of features and more details about Telegram Premium [here]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Months": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Months",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=79,447,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Month",
+ "plural": "%@ Months"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.NamesAndMore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.NamesAndMore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " and %@ more",
+ "plural": " and %@ more"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.PricePerMonth": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.PricePerMonth",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=87,566,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ / month"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Close": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Sent.Close",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@%2$@ have been notified about the gifts you purchased.
They now have access to additional features."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Sent.Multiple.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gifts Sent!"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ has been notified about the gift you purchased.
They now have access to additional features."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Sent.One.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Sent!"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.UsedLink.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.UsedLink.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This link was used to activate a **Telegram Premium** subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Gift.Years": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Gift.Years",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ba4ac09a4d3/c10eb196ea4b61fa4b65c17.jpg?c=72,356,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Year",
+ "plural": "%@ Years"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedDescriptionYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedDescriptionYou",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/32d51a9057d/d71ab6baf3ff81d611cc217.jpg?c=7,67,586,586,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "They now have access to additional features."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/32d51a9057d/d71ab6baf3ff81d611cc217.jpg?c=152,51,295,295,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.12Month": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitle.12Month",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "[%@]() has gifted you a 12-month subscription to Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.6Month": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitle.6Month",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "[%@]() has gifted you a 6-month subscription to Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitle.Someone": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitle.Someone",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Someone"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.12Month": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitleYou.12Month",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You gifted [%@]() a 12-month subscription to Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.3Month": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitleYou.3Month",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You gifted [%@]() a 3-month subscription to Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.6Month": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.GiftedTitleYou.6Month",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You gifted [%@]() a 6-month subscription to Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.LastSeen.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.LastSeen.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxAccountsFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxAccountsFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** connected accounts."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxChannelsNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxChannelsNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only join **%1$@** groups and channels. This limit may increase in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxChannelsText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxChannelsText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only join **%1$@** groups and channels. Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to join up to **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxChatsInFolderFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **%@** chats to a folder."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxChatsInFolderNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **%1$@** chats to a folder. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxChatsInFolderText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **%1$@** chats to a folder. You can increase this limit to **%2$@** by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You've reached the limit of **%@** stories in **24** hours."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxExpiringStoriesNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You've reached the limit of **%@** stories in **24** hours."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxFavedStickersText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxFavedStickersText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An older sticker was replaced with this one. You can [increase the limit]() to %@ stickers."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxFileSizeNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxFileSizeNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The document can't be sent, because it is larger than **%@**. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxFileSizeText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxFileSizeText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Double this limit to %@ per file by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxFoldersCountFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxFoldersCountFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't create more than **%1$@** folders."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxFoldersCountNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxFoldersCountNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%1$@** folders. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxPinsText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxPinsText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't pin more than **%1$@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned – or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%2$@** chats."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSavedGifsFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSavedGifsFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An older GIF was replaced with this one."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSavedPinsFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSavedPinsNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSavedPinsText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSavedPinsText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%1$@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%2$@** chats."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can only create **%1$@** invite links"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only create **%1$@** invite links. This number may increase in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you can only add **%1$@** shareable folders."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only add **%1$@** shareable folders. This limit may increase in the future."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/e92830957da/d3c088ea44feaca677d7917.jpg?c=0,595,600,600,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can only add **%1$@** shareable folders. Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to add up to **%2$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** stories per month."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxStoriesMonthlyNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** stories per month."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyFinalText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyFinalText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** stories per week."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyNoPremiumText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MaxStoriesWeeklyNoPremiumText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** stories per week."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.MessagePrivacy.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.MessagePrivacy.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Monthly": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Monthly",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Monthly"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.PricePerMonth": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.PricePerMonth",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@/month"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.PricePerYear": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.PricePerYear",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@/year"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorCantMakePayments": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.ErrorCantMakePayments",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "In-app purchases are not allowed on this device."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorNetwork": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.ErrorNetwork",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please check your Internet connection and try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorNotAllowed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.ErrorNotAllowed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The device is not allowed to make the payment."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorTryLater": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.ErrorTryLater",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorUnknown": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.ErrorUnknown",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Purchase.OnlyOneSubscriptionAllowed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Purchase.OnlyOneSubscriptionAllowed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You have already purchased Telegram Premium for another account. You can only have one Telegram Premium subscription on one Apple ID."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Restore.ErrorUnknown": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Restore.ErrorUnknown",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Restore.Success": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Restore.Success",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Done"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.Semiannual": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.Semiannual",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Semiannual"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.SubscribeForAnnual": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.SubscribeForAnnual",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe for %@ / year"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.UpgradeDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.UpgradeDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your current **Telegram Premium** plan can be upgraded at a **discount**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.UpgradeFor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.UpgradeFor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Upgrade for %@ / month"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.UpgradeForAnnual": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.UpgradeForAnnual",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Upgrade for %@ / year"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.VoiceToText.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.VoiceToText.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "Premium.VoiceToTextStandaloneInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Premium.VoiceToTextStandaloneInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to be able to convert voice and video messages to text."
+ }
+ },
+ "PremiumGift.LabelRecipients": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PremiumGift.LabelRecipients",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 recipient",
+ "plural": "%d recipients"
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.Bio.AlwaysShareWith.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.Bio.AlwaysShareWith.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Always Share With"
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.Bio.NeverShareWith.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.Bio.NeverShareWith.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Never Share With"
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.Exceptions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.Exceptions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "EXCEPTIONS"
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.CustomShareHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.CustomShareHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "These users will or will not be able to add you to groups and channels regardless of the settings above."
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.PaymentsClearInfoDoneHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.PaymentsClearInfoDoneHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Payment & shipping info cleared."
+ }
+ },
+ "Privacy.VoiceMessages.CustomShareHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Privacy.VoiceMessages.CustomShareHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "These users will or will not be able to send you voice messages regardless of the settings above."
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.AlwaysToast.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.AlwaysToast.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set **Last Seen** privacy to 'Nobody' or 'My Contacts.'"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.ButtonTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.ButtonTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show My Read Time"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.PremiumInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.PremiumInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribing will let you see **%@'s** read time without showing yours."
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "To see when **%@** read the message, either start showing your own read time:"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyInfo.ShowReadTime.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show Your Read Time"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.CustomHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.CustomHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram."
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriends": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriends",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close Friends"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriendsPlus": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.LastSeenCloseFriendsPlus",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close Friends (+%@)"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.Passcode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.Passcode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Passcode Lock"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.SecurityTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.SecurityTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "SECURITY"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close Friends, Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremiumPlus": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.ValueCloseFriendsAndPremiumPlus",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close Friends, Premium +%@"
+ }
+ },
+ "PrivacySettings.WebSessions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/PrivacySettings.WebSessions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Active Websites"
+ }
+ },
+ "Profile.AdditionalUsernames": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Profile.AdditionalUsernames",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/8d7581dc674/e1646e1424cf88a71f7f717.jpg?c=26,460,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "also %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileColorSetup.AccountColorInfoLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ProfileColorSetup.AccountColorInfoLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a color for your profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileColorSetup.ChannelColorInfoLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ProfileColorSetup.ChannelColorInfoLabel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a color for the channel's profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfilePhoto.OpenInEditor": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ProfilePhoto.OpenInEditor",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open in Editor"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/REACT_GIVEAWAY",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ reacted %2$@ to your giveaway"
+ }
+ },
+ "ReassignBoost.DescriptionWithLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReassignBoost.DescriptionWithLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "To boost **%1$@**, reassign a previous boost or [gift Telegram Premium]() to a friend to get **%2$@** additional boosts."
+ }
+ },
+ "ReassignBoost.OtherGroups": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReassignBoost.OtherGroups",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ other group",
+ "plural": "%@ other groups"
+ }
+ },
+ "ReassignBoost.OtherGroupsAndChannels": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReassignBoost.OtherGroupsAndChannels",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ other group and channel",
+ "plural": "%@ other groups and channels"
+ }
+ },
+ "Replies.BlockAndDeleteRepliesActionTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Replies.BlockAndDeleteRepliesActionTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Block and Delete Replies"
+ }
+ },
+ "ReportAd.Help_URL": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReportAd.Help_URL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "https://ads.telegram.org/guidelines"
+ }
+ },
+ "ReportAd.Reported": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReportAd.Reported",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "We will review this ad to ensure it matches our [Ad Policies and Guidelines]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "ReportPeer.ReasonFake": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ReportPeer.ReasonFake",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fake Account"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.BotsAllEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.BotsAllEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have any bots."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.ChannelsAllEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.ChannelsAllEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have any channels."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.ChannelsEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.ChannelsEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have channels that meet the following requirements:"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.ChooseBotTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.ChooseBotTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a Bot"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.ChooseUserTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.ChooseUserTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Choose a User"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.GroupsAllEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.GroupsAllEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have any groups."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.GroupsEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.GroupsEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't have groups that meet the following requirements:"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.ReachedMaximum": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.ReachedMaximum",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can select up to %@ user.",
+ "plural": "You can select up to %@ users."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.CreatorOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.CreatorOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You must be the owner of the channel."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The channel must be private."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.HasUsernameOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The channel must be public."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.AddAdmins": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.AddAdmins",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "add new admins"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Anonymous": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Anonymous",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "remain anonymous"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Delete": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Delete",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "delete messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Edit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Edit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "edit messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "change channel info"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Invite": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Invite",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "invite users via link"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Pin": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Pin",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "pin messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Topics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.Topics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "manage topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.VideoChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Channel.Rights.VideoChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "manage live streams"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ForumOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ForumOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The group must have topics turned on."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.HasUsernameOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.HasUsernameOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The group must be public."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ParticipantOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.ParticipantOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The bot must be in the group."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.AddAdmins": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.AddAdmins",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "add new admins"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Anonymous": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Anonymous",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "remain anonymous"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Ban": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Ban",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "ban users"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Edit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Edit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "edit messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "change group info"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Invite": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Invite",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "add members"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Pin": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Pin",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "pin messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Send": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Send",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "post messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Topics": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.Topics",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "manage topics"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.VideoChats": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.Group.Rights.VideoChats",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "manage video chats"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The user must not have a Premium subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.Requirement.UserPremiumOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The user must have a Premium subscription."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.SelectUsers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.SelectUsers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select Users"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.SelectUsers.SearchPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.SelectUsers.SearchPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will also add %1$@ to %2$@."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteWithRightsText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationInviteWithRightsText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will also add %1$@ to %2$@ with the following rights:
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationSend": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.SelectionConfirmationSend",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send"
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.UsersAllEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.UsersAllEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't know any users."
+ }
+ },
+ "RequestPeer.UsersEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/RequestPeer.UsersEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You don't know users who meet the following requirements:"
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduleVoiceChat.ChannelText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduleVoiceChat.ChannelText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribers of the channel will be notified that the live stream starts in %@."
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduleVoiceChatChannel.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduleVoiceChatChannel.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Schedule Video Chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduledIn.Seconds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduledIn.Seconds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ second",
+ "plural": "%@ seconds"
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduledIn.Years": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduledIn.Years",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ year",
+ "plural": "%@ years"
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduledMessages.DeleteMany": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduledMessages.DeleteMany",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete Scheduled Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "ScheduledMessages.ReminderNotification": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ScheduledMessages.ReminderNotification",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "📅 Reminder"
+ }
+ },
+ "SecretImage.ViewOnce.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SecretImage.ViewOnce.Title",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/975bdfaacc9/a13287235d5cdaacd373e17.jpg?c=153,65,293,293,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Disappearing Photo"
+ }
+ },
+ "SecretVideo.ViewOnce.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SecretVideo.ViewOnce.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Disappearing Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionClose": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.ActionClose",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/9b0587f06fc/608e304abfe7cbb5b04fa17.jpg?c=160,946,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Close"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionInvite": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.ActionInvite",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6535aab6873/66f84445739a0884d9d6917.jpg?c=160,947,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send Invite Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.ActionSkip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.ActionSkip",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f1e750f872b/3b66de34d8c85cbe3ca5e17.jpg?c=160,949,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Skip"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{user_list}, and **%d** more person only accept invitations to channels from contacts and **Premium** users.",
+ "plural": "{user_list}, and **%d** more people only accept invitations to channels from contacts and **Premium** users."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumOneUser": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.ChannelTextContactsAndPremiumOneUser",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** accepts invitations to channels from contacts and **Premium** users."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.InviteTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.InviteTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f1e750f872b/3b66de34d8c85cbe3ca5e17.jpg?c=160,568,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invite via Link"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.LinkUnavailableTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.LinkUnavailableTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/9b0587f06fc/608e304abfe7cbb5b04fa17.jpg?c=137,491,326,326,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't create a link"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.PremiumOrSendSectionSeparator": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.PremiumOrSendSectionSeparator",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "or"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.SkipAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.SkipAction",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6535aab6873/66f84445739a0884d9d6917.jpg?c=12,568,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Skip"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.StatusAvailableToPremiumOnly": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.StatusAvailableToPremiumOnly",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Available only to Premium users"
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextAvailableMultipleUsers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextAvailableMultipleUsers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/de6cc80360f/fff759f46e1c7ca91062817.jpg?c=20,505,560,560,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%d user** restricts adding them to groups.
You can send them an invite link instead.",
+ "plural": "**%d users** restrict adding them to groups.
You can send them an invite link instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextAvailableSingleUser": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextAvailableSingleUser",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f1e750f872b/3b66de34d8c85cbe3ca5e17.jpg?c=19,558,560,560,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** restricts adding them to groups.
You can send them an invite link instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextContactsAndPremiumMultipleUsers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "{user_list}, and **%d** more person only accept invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users.",
+ "plural": "{user_list}, and **%d** more people only accept invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextSendInviteLink": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextSendInviteLink",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can try to send an invite link instead."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableMultipleUsers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableMultipleUsers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/9b0587f06fc/608e304abfe7cbb5b04fa17.jpg?c=14,499,572,572,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%d user** can only be invited via link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group.",
+ "plural": "**%d users** can only be invited via link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableSingleUser": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SendInviteLink.TextUnavailableSingleUser",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3d7b5d9a786/5a8ab5ca91df9677b603517.jpg?c=14,552,572,572,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** can only be invited via invite link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group."
+ }
+ },
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Days": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SetTimeoutFor.Days",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b3637d90116/0b150d525b0422072e4fc17.jpg?c=135,557,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set for 1 day",
+ "plural": "Set for %@ days"
+ }
+ },
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Hours": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SetTimeoutFor.Hours",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b3637d90116/0b150d525b0422072e4fc17.jpg?c=133,390,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set for 1 hour",
+ "plural": "Set for %@ hours"
+ }
+ },
+ "SetTimeoutFor.Minutes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SetTimeoutFor.Minutes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set for 1 minute",
+ "plural": "Set for %@ minutes"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.AddAnotherAccount.PremiumHelp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.AddAnotherAccount.PremiumHelp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can add up to four accounts with different phone numbers."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.AppLanguage.Unofficial": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.AppLanguage.Unofficial",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "UNOFFICIAL"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.ApplyProxyAlert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to enable this proxy?
Server: %1$@
Port: %2$@
You can change your proxy server later in Settings > Data and Storage."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlertCredentials": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.ApplyProxyAlertCredentials",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to enable this proxy?
Server: %1$@
Port: %2$@
Username: %3$@
Password: %4$@
You can change your proxy server later in Settings > Data and Storage."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.ApplyProxyAlertEnable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.ApplyProxyAlertEnable",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enable"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.AutoDeleteInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.AutoDeleteInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c06d5cc4358/1e1e6eaa6b76d95dae56117.jpg?c=9,306,569,569,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Automatically delete messages for everyone after a period of time in all new chats you start."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.AutoDeleteTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.AutoDeleteTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/c06d5cc4358/1e1e6eaa6b76d95dae56117.jpg?c=94,357,323,323,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-Delete Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.AutosaveMediaOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.AutosaveMediaOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Off"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.CancelUpload": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.CancelUpload",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Cancel Upload"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.EditAccount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.EditAccount",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Account"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.New": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.New",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "NEW"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.Privacy.MessageReadTimeRevealedToast": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.Privacy.MessageReadTimeRevealedToast",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your read times are now visible."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.PrivacyPolicy_URL": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.PrivacyPolicy_URL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "https://telegram.org/privacy"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Additional Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set a password that will be required each time you log in with this phone number."
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.SuggestSetupPasswordTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Protect Your Account"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.Terms_URL": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.Terms_URL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "https://telegram.org/tos"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.TipsUsername": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.TipsUsername",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "TelegramTips"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings.ViewVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Settings.ViewVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "View Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccount",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.ChatSettings.OpenLinksIn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.ChatSettings.OpenLinksIn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Browser"
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.LinkDesktopDevice": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.LinkDesktopDevice",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Log in
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.TerminateOtherSessions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Devices.TerminateOtherSessions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.DoNotTranslate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.DoNotTranslate",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.ShowTranslateButton": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Language.ShowTranslateButton",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AnimatedEmoji": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AnimatedEmoji",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AppIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.AppIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Avatar": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Avatar",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video Avatar"
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Badge": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Badge",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Star"
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.ChatManagement": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.ChatManagement",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.DoubledLimits": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.DoubledLimits",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.EmojiStatus": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.EmojiStatus",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.FasterSpeed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.FasterSpeed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.NoAds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.NoAds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Reactions": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Reactions",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Stickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.Stickers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.UploadSize": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.UploadSize",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " "
+ }
+ },
+ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.VoiceToText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Premium.VoiceToText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Transcribe"
+ }
+ },
+ "Share.MultipleMessagesDisabled": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Share.MultipleMessagesDisabled",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once."
+ }
+ },
+ "ShareMenu.SelectTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/ShareMenu.SelectTopic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6c461dc6744/f49915e7ccea23fa5441d17.jpg?c=160,480,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select topic"
+ }
+ },
+ "Shortcut.AppIcon": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Shortcut.AppIcon",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit App Icon"
+ }
+ },
+ "SocksProxySetup.PasteFromClipboard": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SocksProxySetup.PasteFromClipboard",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Paste From Clipboard"
+ }
+ },
+ "SocksProxySetup.UseSocks5": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SocksProxySetup.UseSocks5",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Use SOCKS5 Proxy"
+ }
+ },
+ "SponsoredMessageInfoScreen.MarkdownText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/SponsoredMessageInfoScreen.MarkdownText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unlike other apps, Telegram never uses your private data to target ads. [Learn more in the Privacy Policy](https://telegram.org/privacy#5-6-no-ads-based-on-user-data)
You are seeing this message only because someone chose this public one-to-many channel as a space to promote their messages. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored message.
Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can't spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and online platforms should respect that.
Telegram offers free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:
Ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how a tech company should operate — together."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Available": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Available",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Available Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Current": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Current",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Total Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars from your total balance can be used for ads or withdrawn as rewards 21 days after they are earned."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Rewards Overview"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Total": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Proceeds.Total",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Lifetime Proceeds"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Revenue.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Revenue.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Received"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Transactions.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Transactions.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Transaction History"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Balance": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Balance",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Available Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.BuyAds": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.BuyAds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Buy Ads"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can collect rewards for Stars using Fragment, or use Stars to advertise your bot. [Learn More >]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info_URL": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Info_URL",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "https://telegram.org/tos/bot-developers#6-2-2-tpa-balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Withdraw": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.Withdraw",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Withdraw via Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.WithdrawShort": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.BotRevenue.Withdraw.WithdrawShort",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Withdraw"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Balance": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Balance",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Balance"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "via Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "via Play Store"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "via Telegram Ads"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Withdrawal"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Intro.Transaction.Unsupported.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Intro.Transaction.Unsupported.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unsupported"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Purchase.Stars": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Purchase.Stars",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Star",
+ "plural": "%@ Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "App Store"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.FragmentTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.FragmentWithdrawal.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.FragmentWithdrawal.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Play Store"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.GoogleTopUp.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Top-Up"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Subtitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram Ads"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.TelegramAds.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stars Withdrawal"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transaction.Unsupported.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transaction.Unsupported.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unsupported"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transfer.Purchased.Stars": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transfer.Purchased.Stars",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Star",
+ "plural": "%@ Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transfer.PurchasedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transfer.PurchasedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You acquired **%1$@** in **%2$@** for **%3$@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Transfer.Unavailable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Transfer.Unavailable",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, purchasing Stars is not available in your country."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You cannot withdraw less than [%@]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum.Stars": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stars.Withdraw.Withdraw.ErrorMinimum.Stars",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ Star",
+ "plural": "%@ Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show %@ More",
+ "plural": "Show %@ More"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopInviters": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.GroupShowMoreTopInviters",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show %@ More",
+ "plural": "Show %@ More"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.MessageForwards": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.MessageForwards",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ shared",
+ "plural": "%@ shared"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.MessageViews": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.MessageViews",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ view",
+ "plural": "%@ views"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.MessageViews.NoViews": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.MessageViews.NoViews",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No views"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.ReactionsByEmotionTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.ReactionsByEmotionTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "REACTIONS BY EMOTION"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.ReactionsPerPost": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.ReactionsPerPost",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reactions Per Post"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.ReactionsPerStory": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.ReactionsPerStory",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reactions Per Story"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.SharesPerStory": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.SharesPerStory",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Shares Per Story"
+ }
+ },
+ "Stats.ViewsPerStory": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stats.ViewsPerStory",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Views Per Story"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.AddEmojiCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.AddEmojiCount",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/93f9132355e/d220b23ba474489d2a21717.jpg?c=159,957,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add 1 Emoji",
+ "plural": "Add %@ Emoji"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.AddEmojiPacksCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.AddEmojiPacksCount",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/069b6ec7c88/4a94c683bc7edd73ad26817.jpg?c=160,957,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add 1 Emoji Pack",
+ "plural": "Add %@ Emoji Packs"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.AddSticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.AddSticker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Add Sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.CopyLinks": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.CopyLinks",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ca852cf46d0/0f59cdf9b15798409efaa17.jpg?c=179,625,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Copy Links"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.MaskCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.MaskCount",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f19fc2e98ed/867259eb37891fc6a86fb17.jpg?c=73,175,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 mask",
+ "plural": "%@ masks"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPack.RemoveEmojiPacksCount": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPack.RemoveEmojiPacksCount",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/08dd14aff58/b350296b00b698ae0033817.jpg?c=140,934,320,320,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove 1 Emoji Pack",
+ "plural": "Remove %@ Emoji Packs"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPackActionInfo.ArchivedTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers Archived"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPackActionInfo.MultipleRemovedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ pack is no longer in your stickers.",
+ "plural": "%@ packs are no longer in your stickers."
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa6a1dfae68/cd8311bfe588617520dc717.jpg?c=68,791,403,403,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ is no longer in your stickers."
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/fa6a1dfae68/cd8311bfe588617520dc717.jpg?c=69,874,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers Removed"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPacks.DeleteEmojiPacksConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPacks.DeleteEmojiPacksConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/09ec0d6a384/95c849233b24c598ff81917.jpg?c=142,853,317,317,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Delete 1 Emoji Pack",
+ "plural": "Delete %@ Emoji Packs"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerPacksSettings.ArchivedMasks.Info": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerPacksSettings.ArchivedMasks.Info",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can add up to 200 sets of masks.
Unused sets are archived when you add more."
+ }
+ },
+ "StickerSettings.EmojiContextInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickerSettings.EmojiContextInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ffad328cd8c/17d9b0578b96c1b0f1bf317.jpg?c=0,510,600,600,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "If you archive an emoji pack, you can quickly restore it later from the Archived Emoji section."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stickers.EmojiPackInfoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stickers.EmojiPackInfoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/30e7058afe3/f1dedf941ac1b4384ba5f17.jpg?c=66,782,411,411,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This message contains **%@** emoji."
+ }
+ },
+ "Stickers.TrendingPremiumStickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Stickers.TrendingPremiumStickers",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/12e09ac6482/67c7d3955231eca4dab8117.jpg?c=116,158,369,369,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Trending Premium Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "StickersSearch.SearchStickersPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StickersSearch.SearchStickersPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a0aef51946e/2ef1fa9d0f7740ae49a6017.jpg?c=159,693,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Search Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.CaptionShowMore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.CaptionShowMore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show more"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.Editor.TooltipPremiumReaction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.Editor.TooltipPremiumReaction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() to use this reaction."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.Footer.Views": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.Footer.Views",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 view",
+ "plural": "%d views"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ForwardAuthorHiddenTooltip": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ForwardAuthorHiddenTooltip",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This account was hidden by the user"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Comments restricted. Boost the group to unlock."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholderAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.GroupCommentingRestrictedPlaceholderAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Learn More..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ only accepts messages from contacts or Premium users."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholderAction": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.MessagingRestrictedPlaceholderAction",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Learn more..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.StealthModePlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.StealthModePlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stealth Mode active — {m}:{s}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ToastDeletedContact": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ToastDeletedContact",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** has been removed from your contacts."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ToastRemovedFromGroupText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ToastRemovedFromGroupText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Story removed from the group page"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ToastSavedToChannelTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ToastSavedToChannelTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Story posted to the channel page"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ToastUserBlocked": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ToastUserBlocked",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** has been blocked."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.TooltipUnmuteVideoSound": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.TooltipUnmuteVideoSound",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap here to enable sound"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ViewList.EmptyTextSearch": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ViewList.EmptyTextSearch",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No views found"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ViewList.NotFullyRecorded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ViewList.NotFullyRecorded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Information about the other viewers wasn't recorded."
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.ViewList.TitleEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.ViewList.TitleEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "No Views"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.Views.Commented": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.Views.Commented",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": " • commented"
+ }
+ },
+ "Story.Views.ViewsExpired": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Story.Views.ViewsExpired",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "List of viewers becomes unavailable **24 hours** after the story expires."
+ }
+ },
+ "StoryFeed.TooltipPremiumPostingLimited": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StoryFeed.TooltipPremiumPostingLimited",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Posting stories is currently only available to subscribers of [Telegram Premium]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "StoryFeed.TooltipStoryLimit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StoryFeed.TooltipStoryLimit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can't post more than **%@** in **24 hours**."
+ }
+ },
+ "StoryList.ItemAction.Edit": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StoryList.ItemAction.Edit",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit"
+ }
+ },
+ "StoryList.TooltipStoriesSavedToGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/StoryList.TooltipStoriesSavedToGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Story saved to group's profile.",
+ "plural": "%d stories saved to group's profile."
+ }
+ },
+ "TextFormat.Format": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TextFormat.Format",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/25abba849a1/c813c0f4026793770451a17.jpg?c=229,586,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Format"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.Accent": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.Accent",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Accent"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.Background": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.Background",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Background"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarning": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarning",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to change your chat wallpaper to a color?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarningProceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.ColorWallpaperWarningProceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Proceed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.Messages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.Messages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Colors.Proceed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Colors.Proceed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Proceed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Context.Apply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Context.Apply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Apply"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.Context.ChangeColors": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.Context.ChangeColors",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Change Colors"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.ThemeChanged": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.ThemeChanged",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Color Theme Changed"
+ }
+ },
+ "Theme.ThemeChangedText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Theme.ThemeChangedText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can change it back in
[Settings > Appearance]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AfterDays": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterDays",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=72,394,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ day",
+ "plural": "%@ days"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AfterHours": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterHours",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ hour",
+ "plural": "%@ hours"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AfterMinutes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterMinutes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ minute",
+ "plural": "%@ minutes"
+ }
+ },
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+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterMonths",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=67,503,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ month",
+ "plural": "%@ months"
+ }
+ },
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+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterSeconds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ second",
+ "plural": "%@ seconds"
+ }
+ },
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+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/62197e4319e/c204752edd4ddfdc78cc717.jpg?c=74,447,280,280,280,280",
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+ "singular": "%@ week",
+ "plural": "%@ weeks"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AfterYears": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AfterYears",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ year",
+ "plural": "%@ years"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AtDate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AtDate",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.AtPreciseDate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.AtPreciseDate",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.TimerDays": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TimerDays",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@-day",
+ "plural": "%@-day"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.TimerHours": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TimerHours",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
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+ "singular": "%@-hour",
+ "plural": "%@-hour"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.TimerMinutes": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TimerMinutes",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@-minute",
+ "plural": "%@-minute"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.TimerMonths": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TimerMonths",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@-month",
+ "plural": "%@-month"
+ }
+ },
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+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TimerSeconds",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
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+ "singular": "%@-second",
+ "plural": "%@-second"
+ }
+ },
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+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b614329e53c/8da59ba177587d3d7b4b317.jpg?c=154,936,280,280,280,280",
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+ "plural": "%@-week"
+ }
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+ "Time.TimerYears": {
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+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
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+ "singular": "%@-year",
+ "plural": "%@-year"
+ }
+ },
+ "Time.TomorrowAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Time.TomorrowAt",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "tomorrow at %@"
+ }
+ },
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+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Translate.Languages.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
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+ "singular": "Languages"
+ }
+ },
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+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
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+ "singular": "Arabic"
+ }
+ },
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+ "photo_url": null,
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+ "singular": "Belarusian"
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "photo_url": null,
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+ },
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+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Translation.Language.eo",
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+ "has_binding": true,
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+ "singular": "Esperanto"
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+ "photo_url": null,
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+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Uzbek"
+ }
+ },
+ "Translation.Language.zh": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Translation.Language.zh",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Chinese"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Continue"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Placeholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Placeholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Code"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Continue"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Action": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Action",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Continue"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Text": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Text",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get via SMS."
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TextNoPassword": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TextNoPassword",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You can always set a new password in
Settings > Privacy & Security > Two-Step Verification"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Title": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.Title",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "New Password Set!"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TitleNoPassword": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TitleNoPassword",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Password Removed"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.ConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.ConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please check your email and click on the validation link to complete Two-Step Verification setup. Be sure to check the spam folder as well."
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.Disable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.Disable",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Disable"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.Email": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.Email",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Email"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeExpired": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeExpired",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This confirmation code has expired. Please try again."
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.SetupEmail": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.SetupEmail",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Set Recovery Email"
+ }
+ },
+ "TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCodeAlert": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCodeAlert",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The code has been sent. Please check your email. Be sure to check the spam folder as well."
+ }
+ },
+ "Undo.DeletedTopic": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Undo.DeletedTopic",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f43f136b92f/b50a8a513f461f2b6481f17.jpg?c=61,951,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Topic Deleted"
+ }
+ },
+ "Undo.ScheduledMessagesCleared": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Undo.ScheduledMessagesCleared",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Scheduled messages cleared"
+ }
+ },
+ "Update.AppVersion": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Update.AppVersion",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Telegram %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.AtDate": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.AtDate",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.HoursAgo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.HoursAgo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 hour ago",
+ "plural": "%@ hours ago"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.JustNow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.JustNow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "just now"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.MinutesAgo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.MinutesAgo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "1 minute ago",
+ "plural": "%@ minutes ago"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.TodayAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.TodayAt",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "today at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "Updated.YesterdayAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Updated.YesterdayAt",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "yesterday at %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.AnonymousNumberInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.AnonymousNumberInfo",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/13380381650/48bcd0f24f37f1a1a0c9017.jpg?c=211,655,330,330,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This number is not tied to a SIM card and was acquired on [Fragment]()."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.AnonymousNumberLabel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.AnonymousNumberLabel",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/13380381650/48bcd0f24f37f1a1a0c9017.jpg?c=32,407,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "anonymous number"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.FakeBotWarning": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.FakeBotWarning",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported that this account impersonates a famous person or organization."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.FakeUserWarning": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.FakeUserWarning",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported that this account impersonates a famous person or organization."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.Chat.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.Chat.One",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link sent to **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link sent to **%@** and %@ other chats."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link sent to **Saved Messages**."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link sent to **%@** and **%@**."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.PublicVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.PublicVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "public video"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.RemoveCustomVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.RemoveCustomVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Remove Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.ResetCustomVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.ResetCustomVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reset to Original Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertVideoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertVideoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/63d6c30c686/56546e1bc28cbb50b887817.jpg?c=85,456,431,431,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to set this photo for %@? It will replace any photo %@ sets — only you will see it."
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertPhotoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertPhotoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/80deaba2848/4e0e0a066b196f28e1e2f17.jpg?c=89,460,420,420,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to suggest this photo for %@'s Telegram profile?"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertSuggest": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertSuggest",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/80deaba2848/4e0e0a066b196f28e1e2f17.jpg?c=230,608,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertVideoText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertVideoText",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0d0e627598d/21bd21b8602057cdcbdea17.jpg?c=90,460,420,420,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to suggest this photo for %@'s Telegram profile?"
+ }
+ },
+ "UserInfo.SuggestPhotoTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/UserInfo.SuggestPhotoTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to suggest a profile photo for %@?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.ActivateAlertShow": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.ActivateAlertShow",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Show"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.ActivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.ActivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to show this link on your info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.ActivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.ActivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Activate Username"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.ActiveLimitReachedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.ActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have too many active public links already. Please hide one of your active public links first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.BotActivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.BotActivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the bot's info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.BotActiveLimitReachedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.BotActiveLimitReachedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have too many active public links already. Please hide one of the bot's active public links first."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.BotDeactivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.BotDeactivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the bot's info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.BotLinksOrderInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.BotLinksOrderInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the bot info page."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertHide": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.DeactivateAlertHide",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Hide"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.DeactivateAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from your info page?"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.DeactivateAlertTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.DeactivateAlertTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Deactivate Username"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, a username can't end with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, a username can't start with an underscore."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.LinkCopied": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.LinkCopied",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/193556a2d87/c80d3fdcb06ec876ea51c17.jpg?c=76,933,299,299,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Link copied to clipboard."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.LinksOrder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.LinksOrder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "USERNAME ORDER"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.LinksOrderInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.LinksOrderInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on your info page."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.TooManyPublicUsernamesError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.TooManyPublicUsernamesError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, you have reserved too many public usernames."
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.Username": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.Username",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/193556a2d87/c80d3fdcb06ec876ea51c17.jpg?c=25,172,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "USERNAME"
+ }
+ },
+ "Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable",
+ "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/8c6a0c68503/2e9ddeaa41aa05302180517.jpg?c=19,205,511,511,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**This username is already taken.** However, it is currently available for purchase. [Learn more...]()"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to abort the scheduled video chat?"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.CancelConfirmationTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Abort Video Chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.ChatFullAlertText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.ChatFullAlertText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this video chat has too many participants at the moment."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.CreateNewVoiceChatStart": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.CreateNewVoiceChatStart",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Start"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Edit Description"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescriptionPlaceholder",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Description"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSave": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSave",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Save"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSuccess": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescriptionSuccess",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Description is changed."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescriptionText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Any details such as age, occupation or city."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditDescriptionTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditDescriptionTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Description"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.EditTitleTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.EditTitleTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Video Chat Title"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.InvitePeer": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.InvitePeer",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Invite"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.MuteForMe": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.MuteForMe",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Mute for Me"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.OpenGroup": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.OpenGroup",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Open Group"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.Panel.MembersSpeaking": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.Panel.MembersSpeaking",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ participant speaking",
+ "plural": "%@ participants talking"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.PinVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.PinVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Pin Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.Reconnecting": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.Reconnecting",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reconnecting..."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.RemovePeerConfirmationChannel": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.RemovePeerConfirmationChannel",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove %@ from the channel?"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkSend": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkSend",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.SendPublicLinkText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%1$@ isn't a member of \"%2$@\" yet. Send them a public invite link instead?"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.StartRecordingStart": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.StartRecordingStart",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Start"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.StatusMutedYou": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.StatusMutedYou",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "put you on mute"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.TapToViewCameraVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.TapToViewCameraVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to view camera video"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.TapToViewScreenVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.TapToViewScreenVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tap to view screen sharing"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.ToastMicrophoneIsMuted": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.ToastMicrophoneIsMuted",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your microphone is muted."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.UnmuteForMe": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.UnmuteForMe",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unmute for Me"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.UnmuteSuggestion": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.UnmuteSuggestion",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "You are on mute. Tap here to speak."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.UnpinVideo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.UnpinVideo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unpin Video"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceeded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceeded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "To watch the video stream, update
Telegram to the latest version."
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceededExtended": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.VideoParticipantsLimitExceededExtended",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "The video chat is over %@ members.
New participants only have access to audio stream. "
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.VideoPreviewDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to share your video?"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewStopScreenSharing": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.VideoPreviewStopScreenSharing",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stop Screen Sharing"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewTabletScreen": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceChat.VideoPreviewTabletScreen",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "iPad Screen"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.AuthSessions.CurrentSession": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.AuthSessions.CurrentSession",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Current Session"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.BotCommands": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.BotCommands",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bot Commands"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.BotKeyboard": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.BotKeyboard",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bot Keyboard"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedSticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedSticker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Animated sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedStickerFrom": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.AnimatedStickerFrom",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Animated sticker, from: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.ChannelInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.ChannelInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Channel Info"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Failed": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Failed",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Failed to send"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.GoToOriginalMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.GoToOriginalMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Go to message"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.GroupInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.GroupInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Group Info"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipient": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipient",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not played by recipient"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipients": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.NotPlayedByRecipients",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Not played by recipients"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipient": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipient",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Played by recipient"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipients": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.PlayedByRecipients",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Played by recipients"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Profile": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Profile",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Reply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Reply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Reply to message"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.ReplyingToMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.ReplyingToMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "In reply to message: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Sending": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Sending",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sending"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Size": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Size",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Size: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.Sticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.Sticker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.StickerFrom": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.StickerFrom",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sticker, from: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "%@ unread message",
+ "plural": "%@ unread messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.YourAnimatedSticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.YourAnimatedSticker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your animated sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Chat.YourSticker": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Chat.YourSticker",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your sticker"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.Message": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ChatList.Message",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageEmpty": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageEmpty",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Empty"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageFrom": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageFrom",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "From: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageRead": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ChatList.MessageRead",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Read"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ChatList.OutgoingMessage": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ChatList.OutgoingMessage",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Outgoing Message"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.DismissContextMenu": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.DismissContextMenu",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Dismiss Context Menu"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.GiftPremium": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.GiftPremium",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Gift Telegram Premium"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Keyboard": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Keyboard",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Keyboard"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.MessageSelectionButtonTag": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.MessageSelectionButtonTag",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Tag"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ScheduledMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ScheduledMessages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Scheduled Messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.ScrollStatus": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.ScrollStatus",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Row %1$@ of %2$@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Self-destruct Timer Off"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.SelfDestructTimerOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Self-destruct Timer: %@"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.SilentPostOff": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.SilentPostOff",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Silent Broadcast Off"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.SilentPostOn": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.SilentPostOn",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Silent Broadcast On"
+ }
+ },
+ "VoiceOver.Stickers": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/VoiceOver.Stickers",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers"
+ }
+ },
+ "Wallpaper.ErrorNotFound": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Wallpaper.ErrorNotFound",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sorry, this chat wallpaper doesn't seem to exist."
+ }
+ },
+ "WallpaperPreview.AnimateDescription": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WallpaperPreview.AnimateDescription",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Colors will move when you send messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternApply": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternApply",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Apply"
+ }
+ },
+ "WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternDiscard": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WallpaperPreview.PatternPaternDiscard",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Discard"
+ }
+ },
+ "WallpaperPreview.PreviewInDayMode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WallpaperPreview.PreviewInDayMode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Preview this wallpaper in day mode."
+ }
+ },
+ "WallpaperPreview.PreviewInNightMode": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WallpaperPreview.PreviewInNightMode",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Preview this wallpaper in night mode."
+ }
+ },
+ "Watch.Message.Unsupported": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Watch.Message.Unsupported",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Unsupported Message"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentAllowMessages": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AddToAttachmentAllowMessages",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Allow **%@** to send me messages"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentAlreadyAddedError": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AddToAttachmentAlreadyAddedError",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This bot is already added to your attachment menu."
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AddToAttachmentSucceeded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AddToAttachmentSucceeded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** added to your attachment menu."
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AlertBiometryAccessTouchIDText": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AlertBiometryAccessTouchIDText",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to allow %@ to use Touch ID?"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AllowWriteConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AllowWriteConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "This will allow the bot **%@** to message you on Telegram."
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.AllowWriteTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.AllowWriteTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Allow Sending Messages?"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.LaunchMoreInfo": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.LaunchMoreInfo",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "More about this bot"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.MessagePreview": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.MessagePreview",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Message Preview"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.Miniapp": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.Miniapp",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "mini app"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.SelectChat": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.SelectChat",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Select Chat"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.Send": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.Send",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Send"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.Share": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.Share",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumber": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumber",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share My Phone Number"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Are you sure you want to share your phone number **%1$@** with **%2$@**?"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmation": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmation",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services."
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmationUnblock": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.SharePhoneConfirmationUnblock",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services.
This will also unblock the bot."
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.SharePhoneTitle": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.SharePhoneTitle",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Share Phone Number?"
+ }
+ },
+ "WebApp.ShortcutsAdded": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/WebApp.ShortcutsAdded",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "**%@** shortcut added in attachment menu."
+ }
+ },
+ "Weekday.Friday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Weekday.Friday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Friday"
+ }
+ },
+ "Weekday.Saturday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Weekday.Saturday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Saturday"
+ }
+ },
+ "Weekday.Sunday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Weekday.Sunday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Sunday"
+ }
+ },
+ "Weekday.Thursday": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Weekday.Thursday",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Thursday"
+ }
+ },
+ "Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerRemoved": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerRemoved",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-delete timer disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerUpdated": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Widget.MessageAutoremoveTimerUpdated",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Auto-delete timer updated"
+ }
+ },
+ "Widget.UpdatedAt": {
+ "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/ios/unsorted/Widget.UpdatedAt",
+ "photo_url": null,
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Updated {}"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file