From 90a76befd1b5de10f95b19fa055b5900c4ff0d65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 22:38:54 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 377 ++-- .../en/android/bots_and_payments.json | 1705 +---------------- .../en/macos/stories.json | 1328 ++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 1493 insertions(+), 1917 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index ee1b5d8e9a..d7090f6802 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -193,8 +193,6 @@ "ActionAddUserSelfYou", "ActionAddUserYou", "ActionAttachMenuBotAllowed", - "ActionBotAllowed", - "ActionBotAllowedApp", "ActionBotAllowedWebapp", "ActionBotDocumentAddress", "ActionBotDocumentBankStatement", @@ -210,7 +208,6 @@ "ActionBotDocumentTemporaryRegistration", "ActionBotDocumentUtilityBill", "ActionBotDocuments", - "ActionBotWebViewData", "ActionChangedPhoto", "ActionChangedTitle", 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"Story.Controls.Menu.Statistics", + "Story.Controls.Menu.StealtMode", + "Story.Controls.Menu.Unarchive", + "Story.Controls.VideoNoSound", + "Story.Controls.YourStory", + "Story.Error.NotExist", + "Story.Input.Attach", + "Story.Input.CantShare", + "Story.Input.File", "Story.Input.Group.Placeholder", + "Story.Input.Placeholder", "Story.Location.Title", + "Story.Media.Unsupported", + "Story.MyInput.CopyLink", "Story.MyInput.Likes", "Story.MyInput.Likes_countable", + "Story.MyInput.RemoveFromProfile", + "Story.MyInput.SaveMedia", + "Story.MyInput.SaveToProfile", + "Story.MyInput.Share", + "Story.MyInput.Views", + "Story.MyInput.Views_ZeroValueHolder", + "Story.MyInput.Views_countable", + "Story.NoReplyInput.NoReply", + "Story.Report.SuccessText", "Story.RepostToMy", "Story.SlowMode.Placeholder", + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Available", + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Enable", + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Unlock", + "Story.StealthMode.First.Info", + "Story.StealthMode.First.Title", + "Story.StealthMode.Info.Subscribe", + "Story.StealthMode.Info.Text", "Story.StealthMode.Placeholder", + "Story.StealthMode.Second.Info", + "Story.StealthMode.Second.Title", + "Story.StealthMode.Title", + "Story.StealthMode.Tooltip.Wait", + "Story.Tooltip.Archive", + "Story.Tooltip.AudioSent", + "Story.Tooltip.Button.ViewInChat", + "Story.Tooltip.CloseFriends", "Story.Tooltip.Contacts", + "Story.Tooltip.GifSent", + "Story.Tooltip.LinkCopied", + "Story.Tooltip.MediaSent", + "Story.Tooltip.MessageSent", + "Story.Tooltip.PhotoSent", + "Story.Tooltip.ReactionSent", + "Story.Tooltip.Removed.Title", + "Story.Tooltip.RemovedFromProfile", + "Story.Tooltip.RemovedFromProfile.Channel", + "Story.Tooltip.SaveToGallery.Premium", + "Story.Tooltip.Saved.Title", + "Story.Tooltip.SavedToProfile", + "Story.Tooltip.SavedToProfile.Channel", + "Story.Tooltip.SelectedContacts", + "Story.Tooltip.StealthMode.Activate", + "Story.Tooltip.StealthMode.Active", + "Story.Tooltip.StickerSent", + "Story.Tooltip.Unarchive", + "Story.Tooltip.VideoSent", + "StoryFeed.TooltipArchive", + "StoryFeed.TooltipUnarchive", "StoryInput.PremiumRequiredState", + "StoryItem.Text.ShowMore", + "StoryList.Context.Archive", + "StoryList.Context.ArchivedStories", "StoryList.Context.OpenChannel", + "StoryList.Context.SavedStories", + "StoryList.Context.SendMessage", + "StoryList.Context.Unarchive", + "StoryList.Context.ViewProfile", + "StoryList.MyStory", + "StoryList.TooltipArchive", + "StoryList.TooltipUnarchive", "StoryMedia.Archive", + "StoryMedia.Archive.Empty.Text", + "StoryMedia.Archive.Empty.Title", + "StoryMedia.ArchiveText", + "StoryMedia.Context.Archive", "StoryMedia.Delete", "StoryMedia.DeleteConfirm", "StoryMedia.DeleteConfirm_countable", + "StoryMedia.Done", + "StoryMedia.Empty.Open", + "StoryMedia.Empty.Text", + "StoryMedia.Empty.Title", "StoryMedia.Pin", + "StoryMedia.Select", + "StoryMedia.Title.Archive", + "StoryMedia.Title.MyStories", "StoryMedia.Tooltip.Limit", "StoryMedia.Tooltip.Limit_countable", "StoryMedia.Tooltip.Pinned", @@ -27766,15 +27702,32 @@ "StorySearch.Subtitle", "StorySearch.Subtitle_ZeroValueHolder", "StorySearch.Subtitle_countable", + "StoryView.ContextMenu.Block", "StoryView.ContextMenu.DeleteContact", + "StoryView.ContextMenu.HideMyStories", + "StoryView.ContextMenu.ShowMyStories", + "StoryView.ContextMenu.Unblock", "StoryView.MediaArea.OpenUrl", + "StoryView.MediaArea.ViewLocation", "StoryView.MediaArea.ViewMessage", + "StoryView.Tooltip.Block", "StoryView.Tooltip.DeleteContact", + "StoryView.Tooltip.HideMyStories", + "StoryView.Tooltip.ShowMyStories", + "StoryView.Tooltip.Unblock", + "StoryViewers.All", "StoryViewers.Contacts", "StoryViewers.NotRecorded", + "StoryViewers.Premium.LearnMore", + "StoryViewers.Premium.Unlock", + "StoryViewers.ReactionsFirst", + "StoryViewers.RecentFirst", "StoryViewers.RepostFirst", "StoryViewers.Viewers", + "StoryViews.Title", "StoryViews.Title.Channel", + "StoryViews.Title_ZeroValueHolder", + "StoryViews.Title_countable", "Suggest.Frequent.Contacts", "Suggest.Frequent.Contacts.Alert", "Suggest.Frequent.Contacts.Desc", diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 23a43c8289..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,1704 +1 @@ -{ - "ActionBotAllowed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,1076,1174,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionBotAllowedApp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,582,582,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on \"%1$s\" app." - } - }, - "ActionBotWebViewData": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1190,1131,1131,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Data from the \"%1$s\" button was transferred to the bot." - } - }, - "ActionRequestedPeer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,600,653,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You shared un1 with un2" - } - }, - "ActionUserScored": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",745,307,307,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 scored %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionYouScored": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",723,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You scored %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionYouScoredInGame": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1072,559,559,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You scored %1$s in un2" - } - }, - "AddAsAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add as admin" - } - }, - "AddBotAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",459,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add bot as admin" - } - }, - "AddBotButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",878,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add bot" - } - }, - "AddBotButtonAsMember": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",878,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "as Member" - } - }, - "AddBotMessageAdminChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",397,532,532,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add this bot as an admin to the channel **%1$s**? It will have access to lists of channel admins and subscribers." - } - }, - "AddBotMessageAdminGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",320,524,524,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to add this bot as an admin to the group **%1$s**? It will have access to the list of anonymous admins." - } - }, - "AddShortcut": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Home Screen" - } - }, - "AddToTheGroupTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",261,596,596,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %1$s to the chat %2$s?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteThisChatWithBotWithCheckmark": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,497,497,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete the chat with **%1$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureSendChatToBotMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",334,520,520,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to send **%1$s** to **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureSendChatToBotTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",305,455,455,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send %1$s to %2$s?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureShareMyContactInfoBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",295,526,526,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services." - } - }, - "AutoDeletePopupTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-Delete" - } - }, - "BlockBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",522,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block bot" - } - }, - "Bot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",26,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "bot" - } - }, - "BotAddToGroupOrChannelInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",348,570,570,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot is able to manage a group or channel." - } - }, - "BotAddToMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1491,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Menu" - } - }, - "BotAllowBiometryMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",754,643,643,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to allow **%s** to use biometry?" - } - }, - "BotAttachMenuShortcatAddedAttach": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,560,560,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** shortcut added in attachment menu." - } - }, - "BotAttachMenuShortcatAddedAttachAndSide": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",5,532,532,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** shortcuts added in attachment menu and side menu." - } - }, - "BotBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",393,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Balance" - } - }, - "BotCantAddToAttachMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",710,397,397,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." - } - }, - "BotCantJoinGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,392,392,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot can't join groups." - } - }, - "BotChangeSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Bot Settings" - } - }, - "BotEditCommands": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",456,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Commands" - } - }, - "BotEditIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",396,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Intro" - } - }, - "BotHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",487,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Help" - } - }, - "BotInfoTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,379,379,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What can this bot do?" - } - }, - "BotInvite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",141,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Group" - } - }, - "BotManageInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",507,389,389,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use @BotFather to manage this bot." - } - }, - "BotName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",121,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot Name" - } - }, - "BotOpenPageMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",341,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** would like to open its web app to proceed.

It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info." - } - }, - "BotOpenPageTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open page" - } - }, - "BotPermissionGameAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",243,625,625,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow %1$s to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?" - } - }, - "BotPublicLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",336,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Public Link" - } - }, - "BotRemoveFromMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,421,421,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will remove **%1$s** shortcuts from all menus." - } - }, - "BotRemoveFromMenuTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",380,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove bot" - } - }, - "BotRequestAttachPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",906,1034,1034,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** requests to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat." - } - }, - "BotRestart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",264,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Restart Bot" - } - }, - "BotSetPublicLinkHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",109,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set public link" - } - }, - "BotSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",412,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "BotSettingsChangedAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,505,505,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed some settings for this bot. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BotShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",202,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share" - } - }, - "BotStarsChartRevenue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",85,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stars received" - } - }, - "BotStarsOverview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",668,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proceeds overview" - } - }, - "BotStarsOverviewAvailableBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",740,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Available balance" - } - }, - "BotStarsOverviewInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,592,594,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stars from your total balance can be used for ads or withdrawn as rewards 21 days after they are earned." - } - }, - "BotStarsOverviewTotalBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",821,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Lifetime rewards" - } - }, - "BotStart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",837,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "START" - } - }, - "BotStatusCantRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",593,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "has no access to messages" - } - }, - "BotStatusRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",632,372,372,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "has access to messages" - } - }, - "BotStop": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",265,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Block Bot" - } - }, - "BotUsernameHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",135,600,609,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link cannot be edited. You can acquire additional usernames on *Fragment*." - } - }, - "BotWebAppDisclaimerCheck": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",503,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I agree to the **Terms of Use**" - } - }, - "BotWebAppDisclaimerSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",335,508,508,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are about to use a mini app operated by an independent party **not affiliated with Telegram**. You must agree to the Terms of Use for mini apps to continue." - } - }, - "BotWebViewChangesMayNotBeSaved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",330,502,502,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Changes that you made may not be saved." - } - }, - "BotWebViewCloseAnyway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",526,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close anyway" - } - }, - "BotWebViewDeleteBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",192,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from Menu" - } - }, - "BotWebViewOpenBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Bot" - } - }, - "BotWebViewReloadPage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reload Page" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestAllow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1610,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",936,988,988,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",467,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open.

Enable camera access in Settings > Permissions > Camera." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestDontAllow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1573,335,335,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't Allow" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",928,1002,1002,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",933,1002,1002,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open.

Go to Settings > Permissions and turn **Location** on to share location data." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",935,991,991,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access to your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open.

Enable microphone access in Settings > Permissions > Microphone." - } - }, - "BotWebViewSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "BotWebViewToS": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",216,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Use" - } - }, - "BotWebViewToSLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",215,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "ChooseChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,560,560,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Channel" - } - }, - "ChooseGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Group" - } - }, - "ChooseUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a User" - } - }, - "CreateChannelForThis": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",343,743,743,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a New Channel for This" - } - }, - "CreateGroupForThis": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",191,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a New Group for This" - } - }, - "DeleteAndBlock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",292,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete and Block" - } - }, - "EditAdminGroupDeleteMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",264,375,375,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Messages" - } - }, - "EditAdminPostMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",270,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Post Messages" - } - }, - "InvoiceCantForwardSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",372,452,452,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, invoices can’t be forwarded to secret chats." - } - }, - "InvoiceCantSendSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",452,457,457,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, invoices can’t be sent to secret chats." - } - }, - "MyChannels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",77,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "My Channels" - } - }, - "MyGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "My Groups" - } - }, - "NoSuchGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",758,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No such groups" - } - }, - "NoSuchGroupsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",537,1140,1140,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have groups that meet the requirements for this bot" - } - }, - "OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1431,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "OpenUrlAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",276,561,561,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open this link: %1$s?" - } - }, - "PaymentBillingAddress": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1005,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Billing address" - } - }, - "PaymentCardCvv": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",756,537,537,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Security Code (CVV)" - } - }, - "PaymentCardExpireDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",562,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "MM/YY" - } - }, - "PaymentCardInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment info" - } - }, - "PaymentCardName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",627,536,536,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First and Last Name" - } - }, - "PaymentCardNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",394,362,362,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Card Number" - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1216,698,698,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Payment Information" - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1001,1200,1234,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can save your payment info for future use. It will be stored directly with the payment provider. Telegram has no access to your credit card data." - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1102,1157,1157,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please *turn on Two-Step Verification* to enable this." - } - }, - "PaymentCardTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",308,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment card" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckout": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",9,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Checkout" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutAcceptRecurrent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",569,551,551,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I accept the *Terms of Service* of %1$s." - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutEmail": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",433,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Contact address" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment method" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutMethodNewCard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",879,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Bank Card…" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Name" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutPay": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",512,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "PAY %1$s" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutPhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",364,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone number" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutProvider": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment provider" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping method" - } - }, - "PaymentConfirmationMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,1074,1144,262,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your card %1$s is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password." - } - }, - "PaymentConfirmationNewCard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,535,535,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Another Card" - } - }, - "PaymentConnectionFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",467,591,591,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unable to reach payment server. Please check your Internet connection and try again." - } - }, - "PaymentFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the payment was declined." - } - }, - "PaymentInfoHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",685,562,562,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You paid **%1$s** for **%2$s**." - } - }, - "PaymentInfoHintStars": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",784,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "You paid **%2$s** for **%1$d Stars**." - } - }, - "PaymentInvoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "INVOICE" - } - }, - "PaymentNoShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, it is not possible to deliver to your address." - } - }, - "PaymentPassword": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,700,700,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password & Email" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmail": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",924,342,342,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your email address" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmailInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,1389,1396,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter a valid email address. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmailTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",777,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recovery email" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",281,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter a password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",230,1420,1546,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordReEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",381,696,696,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Re-enter your password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",221,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password" - } - }, - "PaymentPhoneEmailToProvider": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,1078,1115,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone and email address will be passed to %1$s as billing info." - } - }, - "PaymentPrecheckoutFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the payment was canceled by the bot." - } - }, - "PaymentReceipt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",662,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Receipt" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping address" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress1Placeholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",181,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Address 1 (Street)" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress2Placeholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",246,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Address 2 (Street)" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingCityPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "City" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingCountry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Country" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingEmailPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Email" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,361,361,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping Information" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",8,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping methods" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",468,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Full Name" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingPhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",570,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone Number" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingReceiver": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",430,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Receiver" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingSave": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",544,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Shipping Information" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingSaveInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",486,536,536,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can save your shipping info for future use." - } - }, - "PaymentShippingStatePlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "State" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingZipPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",501,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Postcode" - } - }, - "PaymentSuccessfullyPaid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",484,600,630,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You successfully transferred %1$s to %2$s for %3$s" - } - }, - "PaymentTestInvoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "TEST INVOICE" - } - }, - "PaymentTip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tip" - } - }, - "PaymentTipOptional": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",310,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tip (Optional)" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",217,403,403,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to transfer %1$s to the bot %2$s for %3$s?" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionMessage2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,475,475,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Transfer **%1$s** to the %2$s bot for **%3$s**?" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionReview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",202,323,323,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Transaction Review" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionTotal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",460,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Total" - } - }, - "PaymentWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",596,312,312,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning" - } - }, - "PaymentWarningText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,1227,1227,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Neither Telegram, nor %1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementForumFalse": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must have topics turned off." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementGroupCreatorTrue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",115,445,445,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You must be the owner of the group." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementGroupPublicTrue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",87,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must be public." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementUserRight": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",174,996,996,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You must have admin rights to" - } - }, - "PeerRequirements": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Requirements" - } - }, - "PermissionOpenSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1692,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "Points": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d", - "plural": "%1$d" - } - }, - "PrivacyClearPayment": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment Info" - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards? Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",373,301,301,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear payment info" - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentInfoCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment info cleared." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentShippingCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",768,405,405,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment and shipping info cleared." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsShippingInfoCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",881,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping info cleared." - } - }, - "Search": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Search" - } - }, - "SecretChatContextBotAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",251,617,617,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please note that inline bots are provided by third-party developers. For the bot to work, the symbols you type after the bot's username are sent to its respective developer." - } - }, - "SendGameTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",601,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share game to %1$s?" - } - }, - "SendGameToGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",510,684,684,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share game to %1$s?" - } - }, - "ShareComment": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",792,327,327,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a comment..." - } - }, - "ShareMyContactInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Contact" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",463,780,780,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will send your current location to the bot." - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationInline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",255,620,620,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results." - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",254,441,441,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Your Location?" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationUnable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "App was unable to determine your current location" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationUnableManually": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose manually" - } - }, - "ShareYouPhoneNumberTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",216,574,574,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share your phone number?" - } - }, - "StarMediaPurchase": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1011,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Media Purchase" - } - }, - "StarsBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1432,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Balance" - } - }, - "StarsConfirmPurchaseButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1746,572,572,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm and Pay ⭐️ %d Star", - "plural": "Confirm and Pay ⭐️ %d Stars" - } - }, - "StarsConfirmPurchaseText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1386,828,828,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to buy \"**%2$s**\" in **%3$s** for **%1$d star**?", - "plural": "Do you want to buy \"**%2$s**\" in **%3$s** for **%1$d stars**?" - } - }, - "StarsConfirmPurchaseTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1391,718,718,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm Your Purchase" - } - }, - "StarsNeededText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",323,378,378,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Buy **Stars** and use them on **%s** and other miniapps." - } - }, - "StarsNeededTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",295,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d Star Needed", - "plural": "%d Stars Needed" - } - }, - "StarsPurchaseCompleted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1681,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Purchase Completed!" - } - }, - "StarsPurchaseCompletedInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1197,1084,1084,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "You acquired \"**%2$s**\" in **%3$s** for **%1$d Stars**." - } - }, - "StarsRefunded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1707,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Refund" - } - }, - "StarsTOSLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1922,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "StarsTransactionBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1830,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stars Top-Up Bot" - } - }, - "StarsTransactionDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1775,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Date" - 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Please update the app to the latest version." + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.CopyLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy Link" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.RemoveFromProfile": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",449,279,280,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove From Profile" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.SaveMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",471,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Media..." + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.SaveToProfile": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Post to Profile" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.Share": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.Views": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",436,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%d view", + "plural": "%d views" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.Views_ZeroValueHolder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No Views yet" + } + }, + "Story.MyInput.Views_countable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d" + } + }, + "Story.NoReplyInput.NoReply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't reply to this story" + } + }, + "Story.Report.SuccessText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram moderators will review your report. Thank you!" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Available": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Available in %@" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Enable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",426,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable Stealth Mode" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Button.Unlock": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",340,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlock Stealth Mode" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.First.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,342,342,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide my views from the past 5 minutes." + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.First.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",235,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide Recent Views" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Info.Subscribe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",127,418,418,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribe to Telegram Premium to watch stories without appearing in the list of viewers." + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Info.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",185,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Turn Stealth Mode on to watch stories without appearing in the list of viewers." + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Second.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",255,336,336,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide my views for the next 25 minutes." + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Second.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide Upcoming Views" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",163,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stealth Mode" + } + }, + "Story.StealthMode.Tooltip.Wait": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please wait until Stealth Mode is ready to use again." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.Archive": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",333,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Stories from **%@** were moved to the Archive." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.AudioSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.Button.ViewInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View in Chat" + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.CloseFriends": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You are seeing this story because %@ added you
to their list of Close Friends." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.GifSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "GIF Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.LinkCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.MediaSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Media Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.MessageSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.PhotoSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Photo Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.ReactionSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Message Sent." + } + }, + "Story.Tooltip.Removed.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",252,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": 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"photo_url": ",368,518,518,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "To unlock viewer lists for expired and posted stories, subscribe to [Telegram Premium]()." + } + }, + "StoryViewers.ReactionsFirst": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reactions first" + } + }, + "StoryViewers.RecentFirst": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Newest first" + } + }, + "StoryViews.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d view", + "plural": "%d views" + } + }, + "StoryViews.Title_ZeroValueHolder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Views Yet" + } + }, + "StoryViews.Title_countable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file