When interacting with HTML5 games and the websites of payment gateways, Telegram apps should expose the following JS APIs.
diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api.html
index ef1e273a5e..23ef85899a 100644
--- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api.html
+++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api.html
@@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ This allows the server to filter messages based on a text query, and even on the
When interacting with HTML5 games and the websites of payment gateways, Telegram apps should expose the following JS APIs.
diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/bots/buttons.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/bots/buttons.html
index 719efccd32..89057f7113 100644
--- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/bots/buttons.html
+++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/bots/buttons.html
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ This article describes the full button flow, using the MTProto API.
Both reply and inline keyboards are composed of a vector of rows, each row containing a vector of buttons, for each column.
Each row can have a different number of columns, and user clients should properly handle clicking buttons of every type.