diff --git a/data/web/blogfork.telegram.org/bots.html b/data/web/blogfork.telegram.org/bots.html index 08c5277565..e6f05bdb8f 100644 --- a/data/web/blogfork.telegram.org/bots.html +++ b/data/web/blogfork.telegram.org/bots.html @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
+Try @DurgerKingBot – or check out the dedicated guide to Web Apps to build your own.
Telegram Business users can connect Telegram bots to process and answer messages on their behalf, via their personal account. This allows businesses to seamlessly integrate any existing tools and workflows, or add new AI assistants to increase productivity.
+As we continue to expand the set of free tools available to bots through this integration, we encourage all developers to innovate and develop useful applications and services for businesses on Telegram.
++Developers can turn on Business Mode in @BotFather if their bot supports integration with Telegram Business accounts.
Bots can receive payments from more than 200 countries through more than 20 integrated payment providers (which include support for Apple Pay and Google Pay). These payments are securely processed by the providers and Telegram takes no commission.
+Try @DurgerKingBot – or check out the dedicated guide to Web Apps to build your own.
Telegram Business users can connect Telegram bots to process and answer messages on their behalf, via their personal account. This allows businesses to seamlessly integrate any existing tools and workflows, or add new AI assistants to increase productivity.
+As we continue to expand the set of free tools available to bots through this integration, we encourage all developers to innovate and develop useful applications and services for businesses on Telegram.
++Developers can turn on Business Mode in @BotFather if their bot supports integration with Telegram Business accounts.
Bots can receive payments from more than 200 countries through more than 20 integrated payment providers (which include support for Apple Pay and Google Pay). These payments are securely processed by the providers and Telegram takes no commission.
--This document explores the Telegram Ad Platform in greater detail, for basic information about sponsored messages, please see this page.
The Telegram Ad Platform is a tool to create sponsored messages in public one-to-many channels with 1000+ subscribers. With this tool you can easily manage your ads and budgets, choose where your ads will be displayed and monitor their performance. For step-by-step instructions on how to create, publish and manage your ads, continue reading below.
-To start creating ads on the platform, you must first log in. This requires that you have an existing Telegram account – if you do not yet have an account, download one of our mobile apps for Android or iOS and sign up. Once you have an account, enter the account’s phone number on the login page, after which you instantly receive a message in Telegram (from our verified service account) to confirm your login to the platform.
-Once you've logged in on the platform, you can proceed either with your Personal Account or by Creating an Organization.
-Organizations are built around Telegram Groups and Channels – linking your group or channel as an organization gives all admins of that chat the ability to manage advertisements created by the organization.
---Only the owner of the Group or Channel is allowed to create an organization for that chat.
After logging in, you can click Create Ad to start designing a sponsored message or Manage Budget to add funds to your account.
-Click ‘Create a new ad’ to start building your advertisement. There you will see a template with several fields to fill in – such as giving your ad a Title, Text, and URL.
-All links included in the Text and URL field must link to a channel or bot on Telegram, using the format t.me/link or @link. Links to external sites are not allowed.
---The link entered in the URL field will be added to a button underneath your sponsored message. If you include a link in the text as well, it must go to the same destination as the link in the URL field.
Once the text of your sponsored message is completed, you can set a CPM (Cost-Per-Mille) for the ad, which is the price for one thousand views of your ad. The minimum CPM for a sponsored message is €2.
-Your ad budget is the amount of funds you are willing to spend on a particular sponsored message. The sponsored message will continue to be shown until it reaches this amount.
---To increase an ad's budget, open it or click the budget field right from your homepage.
-To decrease an ad's budget, stop and delete the ad – the remaining funds will be returned to your overall budget.
Sponsored messages are displayed in public channels with 1000+ subscribers. To better customize which channels can host your advertisements, select languages and topics that suit your audience – for example English and Spanish channels related to Movies and Music. You are able to combine several languages and topics, or even leave the fields blank if you prefer.
-If there are individual channels in which you would specifically like your sponsored message to appear, you can include them via their unique link, such as t.me/durov. Certain topics and channels can also be excluded, giving even more customization. When you are ready, check the box to confirm you have read the Ad Platform Terms of Service and click ‘Create Ad’.
---Note that once your ad is created, its targeting parameters can’t be changed. But you can always use the 'Create a similar ad' function to quickly create a new ad with the same parameters and tweak whatever you wanted to change.
When you open any of your existing ads, you can use the 'Create similar ad' link next to its name to create a new ad with the same text and parameters. This can be handy if you want to create several ads with slightly different targeting parameters, change targeting parameters in an ad you created, or lower the budget of an ad.
-If you are creating an ad for the first time, you may not have funds in your account yet. When you try to create your ad, you may see a ‘Your balance is too low’ message under the Budget field. Click ‘Add Funds’ to put money on your account – the ad will be saved as a draft so you can easily publish it later.
- - ---You can also publish ads without a budget to get a feel for the platform – then return when you’re ready to launch them.
You can also access the interface by opening the Manage Budget page and clicking Add Funds.
-Fill in the details about your company on the page that opens and click ‘Send Request’ – our team will review your information and contact you via a verified service account on Telegram with the necessary documents for our advertising agreement and deposit transfer.
--- - -You will receive a confirmation in Telegram each time funds are credited to your account.
Once you have submitted an ad, you will see it listed on your account’s homepage. An advertisment can have the following statuses:
-Click any of your ads on the homepage to make changes to its content and CPM, increase its budget, or see statistics. The title, text and URL of your sponsored message can be updated at any time (but not its targeting parameters) – to see a preview of how the sponsored message looks inside a channel, click ‘Preview Ad’.
---If you would like to change the targeting parameters, click ‘Create a similar ad’ – this opens a new template with the same content so you can quickly make a new version.
To increase the budget of your ad, click the ‘Current Budget’ field. You can also change the CPM to be higher or lower from the ‘CPM’ field. If you need to delete your ad (perhaps to resubmit it with new targeting parameters or a lower budget) tap ‘Delete Ad’.
--- - -It is not possible to decrease the budget of an ad once it has been submitted – in this case, it is best to use ‘Create a similar ad’ and submit a new ad with a lower budget.
The budget can also be increased from the ‘Budget’ tab. This tab also contains the ad’s Transaction History, showing the ad's spending as well as any increases to the budget – including the amount and time of the increase.
- - -The ‘Statistics’ tab has an overview of your advertisement, such as the date it was created, CPM, budget and overall views. Underneath, you will see a detailed graph showing views of your sponsored message and the number of times a user joined your channel or started the bot after viewing the sponsored message, able to be displayed in increments of minutes or days.
-Click your name in the top-right corner to open a menu – here you can edit your account info, create a new organization, switch accounts, or log out. On the ‘Edit Account Info’ page, you can change your personal info, such as your email. You can also click the ‘Budget’ tab to see the full transaction history of your account.
- - -The Telegram Ad Platform allows you to be simultaneously logged in to multiple organizations, as well as your personal ad account. To switch accounts, simply click your name in the top-right corner and select ‘Switch to …’ from the menu.
- - -The platform is currently running in test mode. We will be expanding this document with more details.
-Once you've added funds to your account, you will get access to Telegram's dedicated Ad Platform Support.
-These Ad Policies and Guidelines apply to all ads displayed on the Telegram Ad Platform and describe what ad content is allowed on Telegram.
-Advertisers are responsible for their ads and for complying with:
-Each ad consists of an ad text and a button that opens a link to the advertised product. The maximum length of the ad text is 160 characters including spaces.
-Standard requirements of style, clarity, spelling and punctuation apply to all ads. Numbers, marks and symbols must be used properly. The following is not allowed:
-In addition to the main ad link submitted in the ‘URL’ field, ads may also include one optional link in the ad text itself, using the format the format @link
, t.me/link
, or t.me/link/123
. The ad link and the link in the ad text must both lead to the same destination. If the destination is a Telegram bot, links may include start parameters for the bot.
Links must be used properly. Particularly, the following is not allowed:
-To keep all ads beneficial for both Telegram users and advertisers, these Ad Policies and Guidelines set out requirements for proper destinations.
-Ad destinations must have quality, original content and provide a proper user experience. Particularly, the following applies:
-Ad destinations must be functional, technically complete, and active. Particularly, the following applies:
-Destinations must match the ad text and may not be used only for redirecting to other landing pages. Particularly, the following is not allowed:
-The contents of a destination may not be altered to scam users or evade moderation review. Advertisers using manipulated destinations may be suspended without notice. Particularly, the following is not allowed:
-These Ad Policies and Guidelines prohibit some types of content to ensure a safe and pleasant experience for Telegram users. The following requirements apply to ads on the Telegram Ad Platform and to the products they promote, whether implied or explicit. All examples given are non-exhaustive.
-Ads must not promote graphic, shocking, or sexual content, products and services.
-Ads must not promote hatred, intolerance, harassment, discrimination, violence, or abuse.
-Ads and promoted content must not violate third party rights, including trademark, copyright, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights.
-Ads must not contain information that is false, misleading or simply does not match the product. This includes false statements, claims or offers, together with predatory advertising practices.
-Ads must not promote political campaigns, elections, political parties, candidates, political or religious movements. Ads that are related to ongoing sensitive events or sensitive topics can be suspended for the meantime.
-Ads must not promote online or offline gambling, gaming, or casino-based activities involving real money, prizes, or goods of any value.
-Ads must not promote content, products, or services associated with deceptive or harmful financial practices. When ads or destinations promote a paid product, the terms of purchase must be explicit and easy to understand.
-Promoted products must comply with all local regulations and sellers must be properly licensed. Ads must not promote content, products or services implicitly or explicitly related to any unverified health and wellness benefits.
-Ads must not promote psychoactive substances, alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.
-Ads must not promote the sale of weapons, explosives or ammunition, or any related content.
-Ads must not promote content, products, or services that facilitate unsolicited communications, are intended to harm or gain unauthorized access to a user's device, or cause deceptive or unexpected consequences.
-Ads must not promote content, products, or services of questionable legality.
-All examples on this page are non-exhaustive.
-1.1. Account – a personalized record of the Advertiser within the Telegram Ad Platform with unique access details, containing the information on the Services, Statistics, Advertiser’s information, Ads and their status, Balance, operating tools and features.
-1.2. Ad – an advertisement created using the Telegram Ad Platform that specifies where, how, when and which Advertising Materials are to be displayed, including the type and format of the Advertising Materials, their placement (particular channels, groups, games), CPM, Maximum Budget.
-1.3. Advertiser – the person or entity who has entered into the Agreement with the Company.
-1.4. Advertising Materials – any graphic/media file and/or any and all accompanying information supplied by the Advertiser to the Company to be displayed for advertising purposes in Publication Spaces. The Advertiser retains all rights, whether owned by the Advertiser or by a third party, and/or licensed or otherwise used by the Advertiser, in relation to any Advertising Materials and grants to the Company a worldwide, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, serve, copy, reproduce, distribute and display the Advertising Materials, in any known, agreed or hereafter developed manner.
-1.5. Agreement – the present Terms of Service along with the Advertising Agreement reached between the Company and the Advertiser.
-1.6. Auction – the automated system that uses certain algorithms to determine the best offered CPM in relation to an Ad for the provision of the Services.
-1.7. Balance – the amount of money which is available on the Account and can be spent on the Services.
-1.8. Confidential Information – all information of a Party including, without limitation, information and/or personal data provided by a Party, its related corporations, affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, advisors, or consultants, whether disclosed or communicated verbally, in writing or in any other tangible form, and whether relating to a Party’s business, operations, processes, plans, requirements, inventions, product or service information, pricing, know-how, design rights, trade secrets, software, systems, market opportunities, customers and business affairs.
-1.9. CPM – Cost-Per-Mille, the price for one thousand Impressions of an Ad.
-1.10. Company – the legal entity which belongs to Telegram group of companies and has a right to enter the Agreement with the Advertiser for the Services.
-1.11. Data Protection Laws – the following legislations to the extent applicable from time to time: (a) national laws implementing the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (2002/58/EC) (as amended by Directive 2009/136); (b) the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (the GDPR) and the UK GDPR and any national law supplementing the GDPR or UK GDPR (such as, in the UK, the Data Protection Act 2018), and (c) any other data protection or privacy laws, regulations, or regulatory requirements, guidance and codes of practice applicable to the processing of personal data (as amended and/or replaced from time to time).
-1.12. Impression – each occurrence of a display of an Ad to a user in a Publication Space, as evidenced by Statistics.
-1.13. Improper Advertising – any act or omission which violates the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 or any other applicable laws or regulations relating to advertising or marketing standards.
-1.14. Intellectual Property Rights – trademarks, service marks, rights in trade names, business names, logos or get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off, patents, supplementary protection certificates, rights in inventions, registered and unregistered design rights, copyrights (including rights in software), database rights, image rights and rights to personality, rights in domain names and URLs and social media presence accounts, and all other similar rights in any part of the world (including in confidential information, trade secrets and know-how) and whether registered or not, including, where such rights are obtained or enhanced by registration, any registration of such rights and applications and rights to apply for such registrations.
-1.15. Maximum Budget – the maximum amount of funds, confirmed by the Advertiser, that can be deducted from the Balance for displaying a particular Ad in a Publication Space. Reaching the Maximum Budget shall result in the Ad being put on hold.
-1.16. Publication Space – a digital space for Advertising Materials made available by the Company including, without limitation, in Telegram channels, Telegram groups and Telegram games.
-1.17. Reporting Period – calendar month. The first Reporting Period commences on the date of signing of the Agreement and lasts up to the last day of the relevant calendar month (as an example, June 10 – June 30), the last Reporting Period commences on the first day of the relevant calendar month and lasts up to the date of the Agreement’s termination (as an example, June 01 – June 15).
-1.18. Services – the display of the Advertising Materials in the context of a particular Ad, in the relevant Publication Space.
-1.19. Statistics – a detailed report on the Advertiser’s Ads, which specifies the scope of the Services provided. It includes the Advertising Materials data, the cost of the Services in the Reporting Period and other data generated by the Company upon the results of automated checks.
-1.20. Telegram App – a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed, including but not limited to mobile apps for iPhone/iPad/Android/Windows phone, desktop apps for PC/Mac/Linux/macOS/Web-browser, Telegram web and all other interfaces and/or versions which exist or will be created in future.
-1.21. Telegram Ad Platform – the software solution which provides the Advertiser with the opportunity to create Ads that participate in Auctions for Publication Spaces, control and terminate their Ads, and access the relevant Statistics within the Account.
-1.22. Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines – Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines as available at: https://promote.telegram.org/guidelines.
-1.23. Telegram Privacy Policy – Telegram Privacy Policy as available at: https://telegram.org/privacy.
-1.24. Telegram Terms of Service – Telegram Terms of Service as available at: https://telegram.org/tos.
-1.25. Terms of Service – Telegram Ad Platform Terms of Service as available at: https://promote.telegram.org/tos.
-2.1. Advertising Materials shall be in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, present Terms of Service, Telegram Terms of Service, Telegram Privacy Policy, Apple App Store terms and rules as may be applicable, and Google Play terms and rules as may be applicable.
-2.2. Advertising Materials shall be in compliance with Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines. Advertising Materials must not relate to the topics as indicated at Ad Policies and Guidelines/Prohibited Content.
-2.3. The Company reserves the right to update Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines and the list of topics at clause 2.2 from time to time.
-(a) pursuant to and in accordance with the Advertiser’s instructions submitted via the Telegram Ad Platform in relation to a particular Ad, provide the Services whenever the Advertiser’s CPM bid wins the Auction for a particular Publication Space, for as long as the Ad’s Maximum Budget and the Advertiser’s Balance allow.
-(a) conduct an audit of the Advertising Materials to verify their compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, present Terms of Service, Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines, Telegram Terms of Service, Telegram Privacy Policy, Apple App Store terms and rules as may be applicable, and Google Play terms and rules as may be applicable. The Company shall not be bound by any time frames in conducting an audit under this clause 3.2(a);
-(b) terminate or suspend the Services without any liability in the event that the Advertising Materials, as may be evidenced by the results of any audit undertaken by the Company under clause 3.2(a) above, are in conflict with any applicable laws, rules and regulations, present Terms of Services, Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines, Telegram Terms of Service, Telegram Privacy Policy, Apple App Store terms and rules as may be applicable, and Google Play terms and rules as may be applicable, and inter alia, contain any elements of Improper Advertising, and/or explicitly violate the generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and/or are inconsistent with the Company’s values and principles, including the Company’s stance on fundamental human rights, freedom of speech and data privacy;
-(c) request any supporting documentation regarding Advertising Materials, including, without limitation, the relevant licenses/permits/certificates for licensed goods/services, agreements with Advertiser’s customers for distribution of goods/services which contain Intellectual Property Rights, and suspend provision of Services until and unless such information is provided to the satisfaction of the Company;
-(d) request any supporting documentation on Advertiser’s legal status, including, but not limited to, its constitutional documents, tax numbers, residency and related details, powers and rights of representatives, and suspend provision of Services until and unless such information is provided to satisfaction of the Company;
-(e) transfer any information concerning Advertiser and the Advertising Materials which is required to be disclosed by any regulatory authority, any auditor of the Parties, by judicial or administrative process or otherwise by applicable law or regulation;
-(f) change the parameters of the Services in the Telegram Ad Platform and, in particular, change the list of available Publication Spaces and minimum CPM; and
-(g) make changes to these Terms of Service at any time by uploading an updated version of the Terms of Service to its website, which can be accessed here: https://promote.telegram.org/tos.
-(a) be fully responsible for the compliance of the placed Advertising Materials and the methods of their placement, including the use of any settings and placement parameters of the Telegram Ad Platform, with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, these Terms of Services, Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines, Telegram Terms of Service, Telegram Privacy Policy, Apple App Store terms and rules as may be applicable, and Google Play terms and rules as may be applicable;
-(b) promptly provide the Company with any information, documents and other materials that the Company may request from time to time in accordance with clauses 3.2(c) to 3.2(e) above;
-(c) promptly inform the Company of all changes impacting the Company under this Agreement, including but not limited to the Advertiser’s business, contact details, bank details and authorized persons;
-(d) mark the Advertising Materials, if so required by applicable law, with an indication of the age category of persons for whom it is addressed and any other indications. The Advertiser is solely responsible for correct labelling of the Advertising Materials;
-(e) not permit any third party to put forward a bid at an Auction using its Account; and
-(f) obtain any requisite consents, licences and approvals required in connection with the performance of the Agreement (including the use of any settings and placement parameters of the Telegram Ad Platform), and fully comply with its obligations under the same.
-(a) place requests for the Services by creating Ads on the Telegram Ad Platform;
-(b) use the Telegram Ad Platform interfaces to interact with their Ads, e.g. launch Ads and put them on hold, submit changes to the CPM and Maximum Budget of Ads, etc. Without prejudice to clause 3.2(a), changes will be usually applied after fifteen (15) minutes, but no later than in sixty (60) minutes after the request is registered by the Telegram Ad Platform; and
-(c) be informed of the Statistics.
-4.1. In case of non-compliance or inadequate performance by the Parties of their respective obligations under this Agreement, the Parties will incur liability as provided for under applicable law; except that the Company shall not be liable for failure to fulfill or the improper fulfillment of the Agreement caused by breakdown of telecommunication and energy networks, effects of malicious software or fraudulent acts by the third parties.
-4.2. The Company undertakes all possible effort to provide the best Services it can. Notwithstanding clause 4.1 above, however, these Services are provided "as is” and “as available” and the Company makes no guarantees that the Services always will be error-free, or that they will function without delays and disruptions. The Company disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement.
-4.3. Without prejudice to the generality of clause 4.1 above, the Advertiser shall be liable for security of the access details to the Account and shall compensate the Company for any losses related to such use by the persons not authorized to act on behalf of the Advertiser. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Advertiser is in violation of its obligations under this Agreement, the Advertiser shall reimburse the Company for any and all losses incurred as a result of such violation.
-4.4. The Company's total aggregate liability under this Agreement whether in contract, tort (including negligence), under a warranty, undertaking or representation under statute or otherwise, for any losses or damages suffered or incurred by the Advertiser shall not exceed the total amount of the Advertiser's Balance spent in the previous calendar year.
-4.5. The Company shall not be liable under or in connection with this Agreement whether in contract, tort (including negligence), under a warranty, undertaking or representation under statute or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential losses, any loss of business, business opportunities or goodwill, or any loss of revenue, savings or profits, whether actual or prospective or for any punitive damages, howsoever arising, whether such losses or damage were foreseeable or in the contemplation of the Advertiser or the Company.
-4.6. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude any liability for (i) death or personal injury resulting from negligence, (ii) fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or willful default, or (iii) for any other liability to the extent it cannot be lawfully excluded or limited.
-5.1. Warranties – Each Party warrants to the other that:
-(a) to the best of its knowledge, nothing in this Agreement violates any applicable law, including Data Protection Laws;
-(b) it has the necessary financial resources to perform its obligations under this Agreement;
-(c) it has the requisite legal right, power and authority to execute, deliver, and to perform its obligations under this Agreement;
-(d) this Agreement constitutes its binding obligations in accordance with its terms; and
-(e) nothing contained in this Agreement will result in a breach of any provision of its constitutional documents or result in a breach of any agreement, license or other instrument, order, judgment or decree of any court or governmental body to which it is bound.
-5.2. Indemnity – The Advertiser hereby indemnifies, defends and holds harmless on an after tax basis the Company and each of the companies in the Company’s group and its and their directors, employees, officers, contractors, agents and any other related parties (each an Indemnified Person) from and against:
-(a) all or any claims, actions, proceedings, liabilities, investigations, demands, judgements and/or awards (in each case whether or not successful, compromised or settled and whether joint or several) (together Claims and each a Claim) which may be asserted, established, instituted, made, pending, threatened or alleged against or otherwise involve an Indemnified Person in any jurisdiction by any person whatsoever, including without limitation by a third party or by any supervisory or regulatory agency or body; and/or
-(b) all or any loss, damage, cost, liability, demand, charge, expense or tax (including, without limitation, (i) any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of business, business opportunities or goodwill, loss of reputation, (ii) all interest, penalties, legal costs and all other professional costs and expenses, (iii) all losses suffered or incurred in investigating, preparing for or disputing or defending or providing evidence in connection with or settling any Claim and/or in establishing its right to be indemnified pursuant to this clause 5.2 and/or in seeking advice regarding any Claim and/or in any way related to or in connection with the indemnity contained in this clause 5.2) (together Losses and each a Loss) which may be suffered or incurred by an Indemnified Person,
-which, directly or indirectly, arise out of, or are attributable to, or are connected with the performance of the Agreement, the Ads, the Advertising Materials, the advertised goods or services or consumption thereof, or non-compliance by the Advertiser with any terms of this Agreement.
-(a) Each Indemnified Person shall give notice as soon as reasonably practicable to the Advertiser of any action commenced against it after receipt of a written notice of any Claim or the commencement of any action or proceeding in respect of which a Claim for indemnification may be sought hereunder, insofar as may be consistent with any obligation of confidentiality or other legal or regulatory obligation which that Indemnified Person owes to any third party or to any regulatory request that has been made of it, but failure to so notify the Advertiser shall not relieve the Advertiser from any liability or any obligation to indemnify the Advertiser and in any event shall not relieve the Advertiser from any liability which the Advertiser may have. Legal advisers to any Indemnified Person shall be selected by such Indemnified Person in its absolute discretion.
-(b) The Advertiser shall, at the request of any Indemnified Person, conduct the defense of any such action and shall do so at its own expense; provided, however, that legal advisers to the Advertiser shall be reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Persons and shall not (except with the consent of the Indemnified Person) also be legal advisers to the Indemnified Person. If the Advertiser conducts the defense of an action, it shall provide each relevant Indemnified Person with all relevant information in respect of any such action on a timely basis (including, without limitation, on request) and the Advertiser will take such action, in each case, as each relevant Indemnified Person may reasonably request.
-(c) The Advertiser shall not, without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Persons, settle or compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment with respect to any litigation, or any investigation or proceeding by any supervisory or regulatory agency or body, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever in respect of which indemnification could be sought under clause 5.2 (whether or not the Indemnified Persons are actual or potential parties thereto), unless such settlement, compromise or consent: (i) includes an unconditional release of each Indemnified Person from all liability arising out of such Claim; and (ii) does not include a statement as to or an admission of fault, culpability or a failure to act by or on behalf of any Indemnified Person.
-(d) The provisions of this clause 5 shall not affect or be affected by any other agreement to which any Indemnified Person is a party with respect to indemnification.
-5.4. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 – Each Indemnified Person will have the right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce its rights against the Advertiser under this clause 5; provided that only the consent of the specified parties to the Agreement shall be required to make any amendment of the Agreement or give any waiver under the Agreement.