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synced 2025-03-14 04:51:42 +01:00
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@ -1423,7 +1423,7 @@ basicGroupFullInfo photo:chatPhoto description:string creator_user_id:int53 memb
//@status Status of the current user in the supergroup or channel; custom title will always be empty
//@member_count Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown. Currently, it is guaranteed to be known only if the supergroup or channel was received through
//-getChatSimilarChats, getChatsToSendStories, getCreatedPublicChats, getGroupsInCommon, getInactiveSupergroupChats, getRecommendedChats, getSuitableDiscussionChats,
//-getUserPrivacySettingRules, getVideoChatAvailableParticipants, searchChatsNearby, searchPublicChats, or in chatFolderInviteLinkInfo.missing_chat_ids, or in userFullInfo.personal_chat_id,
//-getUserPrivacySettingRules, getVideoChatAvailableParticipants, searchPublicChats, or in chatFolderInviteLinkInfo.missing_chat_ids, or in userFullInfo.personal_chat_id,
//-or for chats with messages or stories from publicForwards and foundStories
//@boost_level Approximate boost level for the chat
//@has_linked_chat True, if the channel has a discussion group, or the supergroup is the designated discussion group for a channel
@ -2182,13 +2182,6 @@ failedToAddMembers failed_to_add_members:vector<failedToAddMember> = FailedToAdd
createdBasicGroupChat chat_id:int53 failed_to_add_members:failedToAddMembers = CreatedBasicGroupChat;
//@description Describes a chat located nearby @chat_id Chat identifier @distance Distance to the chat location, in meters
chatNearby chat_id:int53 distance:int32 = ChatNearby;
//@description Represents a list of chats located nearby @users_nearby List of users nearby @supergroups_nearby List of location-based supergroups nearby
chatsNearby users_nearby:vector<chatNearby> supergroups_nearby:vector<chatNearby> = ChatsNearby;
//@class PublicChatType @description Describes type of public chat
//@description The chat is public, because it has an active username
@ -2204,17 +2197,13 @@ publicChatTypeIsLocationBased = PublicChatType;
//@can_unarchive If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings
chatActionBarReportSpam can_unarchive:Bool = ChatActionBar;
//@description The chat is a location-based supergroup, which can't be reported anymore
chatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation = ChatActionBar;
//@description The chat is a recently created group chat to which new members can be invited
chatActionBarInviteMembers = ChatActionBar;
//@description The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method setMessageSenderBlockList,
//-or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact. If the chat is a private chat with a user with an emoji status, then a notice about emoji status usage must be shown
//@can_unarchive If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings
//@distance If non-negative, the current user was found by the other user through searchChatsNearby and this is the distance between the users
chatActionBarReportAddBlock can_unarchive:Bool distance:int32 = ChatActionBar;
chatActionBarReportAddBlock can_unarchive:Bool = ChatActionBar;
//@description The chat is a private or secret chat and the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact
chatActionBarAddContact = ChatActionBar;
@ -3659,16 +3648,18 @@ messagePaymentRefunded owner_id:MessageSender currency:string total_amount:int53
//@description Telegram Premium was gifted to a user
//@gifter_user_id The identifier of a user that gifted Telegram Premium; 0 if the gift was anonymous or is outgoing
//@receiver_user_id The identifier of a user that received Telegram Premium; 0 if the gift is incoming
//@text Message added to the gifted Telegram Premium by the sender
//@currency Currency for the paid amount
//@amount The paid amount, in the smallest units of the currency
//@cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency used to pay for the gift; may be empty if none
//@cryptocurrency_amount The paid amount, in the smallest units of the cryptocurrency; 0 if none
//@month_count Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active
//@sticker A sticker to be shown in the message; may be null if unknown
messageGiftedPremium gifter_user_id:int53 receiver_user_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 cryptocurrency:string cryptocurrency_amount:int64 month_count:int32 sticker:sticker = MessageContent;
messageGiftedPremium gifter_user_id:int53 receiver_user_id:int53 text:formattedText currency:string amount:int53 cryptocurrency:string cryptocurrency_amount:int64 month_count:int32 sticker:sticker = MessageContent;
//@description A Telegram Premium gift code was created for the user
//@creator_id Identifier of a chat or a user that created the gift code; may be null if unknown
//@text Message added to the gift
//@is_from_giveaway True, if the gift code was created for a giveaway
//@is_unclaimed True, if the winner for the corresponding Telegram Premium subscription wasn't chosen
//@currency Currency for the paid amount; empty if unknown
@ -3678,7 +3669,7 @@ messageGiftedPremium gifter_user_id:int53 receiver_user_id:int53 currency:string
//@month_count Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active after code activation
//@sticker A sticker to be shown in the message; may be null if unknown
//@code The gift code
messagePremiumGiftCode creator_id:MessageSender is_from_giveaway:Bool is_unclaimed:Bool currency:string amount:int53 cryptocurrency:string cryptocurrency_amount:int64 month_count:int32 sticker:sticker code:string = MessageContent;
messagePremiumGiftCode creator_id:MessageSender text:formattedText is_from_giveaway:Bool is_unclaimed:Bool currency:string amount:int53 cryptocurrency:string cryptocurrency_amount:int64 month_count:int32 sticker:sticker code:string = MessageContent;
//@description A giveaway was created for the chat. Use telegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway, storePaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway, telegramPaymentPurposeStarGiveaway, or storePaymentPurposeStarGiveaway to create a giveaway
//@star_count Number of Telegram Stars that will be shared by winners of the giveaway; 0 for Telegram Premium giveaways
@ -3778,10 +3769,10 @@ messageUnsupported = MessageContent;
//@description A mention of a user, a supergroup, or a channel by their username
textEntityTypeMention = TextEntityType;
//@description A hashtag text, beginning with "#"
//@description A hashtag text, beginning with "#" and optionally containing a chat username at the end
textEntityTypeHashtag = TextEntityType;
//@description A cashtag text, beginning with "$" and consisting of capital English letters (e.g., "$USD")
//@description A cashtag text, beginning with "$", consisting of capital English letters (e.g., "$USD"), and optionally containing a chat username at the end
textEntityTypeCashtag = TextEntityType;
//@description A bot command, beginning with "/"
@ -5853,7 +5844,8 @@ storePaymentPurposeGiftedPremium user_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 = St
//@currency ISO 4217 currency code of the payment currency
//@amount Paid amount, in the smallest units of the currency
//@user_ids Identifiers of the users which can activate the gift codes
storePaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes boosted_chat_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 user_ids:vector<int53> = StorePaymentPurpose;
//@text Text to show along with the gift codes; 0-getOption("gift_text_length_max") characters. Only Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Spoiler, and CustomEmoji entities are allowed
storePaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes boosted_chat_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 user_ids:vector<int53> text:formattedText = StorePaymentPurpose;
//@description The user creating a Telegram Premium giveaway
//@parameters Giveaway parameters
@ -5891,7 +5883,8 @@ storePaymentPurposeGiftedStars user_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 star_c
//@amount Paid amount, in the smallest units of the currency
//@user_ids Identifiers of the users which can activate the gift codes
//@month_count Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active for the users
telegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes boosted_chat_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 user_ids:vector<int53> month_count:int32 = TelegramPaymentPurpose;
//@text Text to show along with the gift codes; 0-getOption("gift_text_length_max") characters. Only Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Spoiler, and CustomEmoji entities are allowed
telegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiftCodes boosted_chat_id:int53 currency:string amount:int53 user_ids:vector<int53> month_count:int32 text:formattedText = TelegramPaymentPurpose;
//@description The user creating a Telegram Premium giveaway
//@parameters Giveaway parameters
@ -7976,9 +7969,6 @@ updateConnectionState state:ConnectionState = Update;
//@description New terms of service must be accepted by the user. If the terms of service are declined, then the deleteAccount method must be called with the reason "Decline ToS update" @terms_of_service_id Identifier of the terms of service @terms_of_service The new terms of service
updateTermsOfService terms_of_service_id:string terms_of_service:termsOfService = Update;
//@description The list of users nearby has changed. The update is guaranteed to be sent only 60 seconds after a successful searchChatsNearby request @users_nearby The new list of users nearby
updateUsersNearby users_nearby:vector<chatNearby> = Update;
//@description The first unconfirmed session has changed @session The unconfirmed session; may be null if none
updateUnconfirmedSession session:unconfirmedSession = Update;
@ -8510,9 +8500,6 @@ searchChats query:string limit:int32 = Chats;
//@description Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats via request to the server. Returns chats in the order seen in the main chat list @query Query to search for @limit The maximum number of chats to be returned
searchChatsOnServer query:string limit:int32 = Chats;
//@description Returns a list of users and location-based supergroups nearby. The method was disabled and returns an empty list of chats now @location Current user location
searchChatsNearby location:location = ChatsNearby;
//@description Returns a list of channel chats recommended to the current user
getRecommendedChats = Chats;
@ -10694,8 +10681,8 @@ getStickerSet set_id:int64 = StickerSet;
//@description Returns name of a sticker set by its identifier @set_id Identifier of the sticker set
getStickerSetName set_id:int64 = Text;
//@description Searches for a sticker set by its name @name Name of the sticker set
searchStickerSet name:string = StickerSet;
//@description Searches for a sticker set by its name @name Name of the sticker set @ignore_cache Pass true to ignore local cache of sticker sets and always send a network request
searchStickerSet name:string ignore_cache:Bool = StickerSet;
//@description Searches for installed sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name @sticker_type Type of the sticker sets to search for @query Query to search for @limit The maximum number of sticker sets to return
searchInstalledStickerSets sticker_type:StickerType query:string limit:int32 = StickerSets;
@ -10854,9 +10841,6 @@ setPersonalChat chat_id:int53 = Ok;
//@description Changes the emoji status of the current user; for Telegram Premium users only @emoji_status New emoji status; pass null to switch to the default badge
setEmojiStatus emoji_status:emojiStatus = Ok;
//@description Changes the location of the current user. Needs to be called if getOption("is_location_visible") is true and location changes for more than 1 kilometer. Must not be called if the user has a business location @location The new location of the user
setLocation location:location = Ok;
//@description Toggles whether the current user has sponsored messages enabled. The setting has no effect for users without Telegram Premium for which sponsored messages are always enabled
//@has_sponsored_messages_enabled Pass true to enable sponsored messages for the current user; false to disable them
toggleHasSponsoredMessagesEnabled has_sponsored_messages_enabled:Bool = Ok;
@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ messageActionSetChatTheme#aa786345 emoticon:string = MessageAction;
messageActionChatJoinedByRequest#ebbca3cb = MessageAction;
messageActionWebViewDataSentMe#47dd8079 text:string data:string = MessageAction;
messageActionWebViewDataSent#b4c38cb5 text:string = MessageAction;
messageActionGiftPremium#c83d6aec flags:# currency:string amount:long months:int crypto_currency:flags.0?string crypto_amount:flags.0?long = MessageAction;
messageActionGiftPremium#6c6274fa flags:# currency:string amount:long months:int crypto_currency:flags.0?string crypto_amount:flags.0?long message:flags.1?TextWithEntities = MessageAction;
messageActionTopicCreate#d999256 flags:# title:string icon_color:int icon_emoji_id:flags.0?long = MessageAction;
messageActionTopicEdit#c0944820 flags:# title:flags.0?string icon_emoji_id:flags.1?long closed:flags.2?Bool hidden:flags.3?Bool = MessageAction;
messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto#57de635e photo:Photo = MessageAction;
messageActionRequestedPeer#31518e9b button_id:int peers:Vector<Peer> = MessageAction;
messageActionSetChatWallPaper#5060a3f4 flags:# same:flags.0?true for_both:flags.1?true wallpaper:WallPaper = MessageAction;
messageActionGiftCode#678c2e09 flags:# via_giveaway:flags.0?true unclaimed:flags.2?true boost_peer:flags.1?Peer months:int slug:string currency:flags.2?string amount:flags.2?long crypto_currency:flags.3?string crypto_amount:flags.3?long = MessageAction;
messageActionGiftCode#56d03994 flags:# via_giveaway:flags.0?true unclaimed:flags.2?true boost_peer:flags.1?Peer months:int slug:string currency:flags.2?string amount:flags.2?long crypto_currency:flags.3?string crypto_amount:flags.3?long message:flags.4?TextWithEntities = MessageAction;
messageActionGiveawayLaunch#a80f51e4 flags:# stars:flags.0?long = MessageAction;
messageActionGiveawayResults#87e2f155 flags:# stars:flags.0?true winners_count:int unclaimed_count:int = MessageAction;
messageActionBoostApply#cc02aa6d boosts:int = MessageAction;
@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ help.premiumPromo#5334759c status_text:string status_entities:Vector<MessageEnti
inputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription#a6751e66 flags:# restore:flags.0?true upgrade:flags.1?true = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentGiftPremium#616f7fe8 user_id:InputUser currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode#a3805f3f flags:# users:Vector<InputUser> boost_peer:flags.0?InputPeer currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode#fb790393 flags:# users:Vector<InputUser> boost_peer:flags.0?InputPeer currency:string amount:long message:flags.1?TextWithEntities = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway#160544ca flags:# only_new_subscribers:flags.0?true winners_are_visible:flags.3?true boost_peer:InputPeer additional_peers:flags.1?Vector<InputPeer> countries_iso2:flags.2?Vector<string> prize_description:flags.4?string random_id:long until_date:int currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentStarsTopup#dddd0f56 stars:long currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentStarsGift#1d741ef7 user_id:InputUser stars:long currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
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