From a3482466376556eacf7a9648bd24c0608f59b953 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 02:40:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 2188 ------- .../en/android/bots_and_payments.json | 1380 +--- .../en/android/private_chats.json | 2814 +------- .../en/android/profile.json | 1052 +-- .../en/ios/camera_and_media.json | 1405 +--- .../en/ios/profile.json | 944 +-- .../en/macos/chat_list.json | 1997 +----- .../en/macos/private_chats.json | 1413 +--- .../en/tdesktop/login.json | 735 +-- .../en/tdesktop/unsorted.json | 5786 +---------------- .../en/unigram/profile.json | 139 +- 11 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 19843 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index 03a538ccec..2bcb40fd94 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ { "android": [ - "ALongTimeAgo", "ALongTimeAgo", "Abort", "AbortEmail", @@ -180,15 +179,11 @@ "AccountAlreadyLoggedIn", "AccountSettings", "AccountSwitch", - 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"VoipAudioRoutingSpeaker", "VoipBackCamera", - "VoipBusy", - "VoipCallEnded", "VoipCamera", "VoipChannelCancelChat", "VoipChannelChatJoined", @@ -6348,19 +5721,14 @@ "VoipChatStartsIn", "VoipChatStopScreenCapture", "VoipChatUserJoined", - "VoipConnecting", "VoipDeclineCall", "VoipEditBio", "VoipEditDescription", "VoipEditName", "VoipEditTitle", "VoipEditTitleHint", - "VoipEndCall", "VoipErrorUnknown", - "VoipExchangingKeys", "VoipFailed", - "VoipFailed", - "VoipFeedbackCommentHint", "VoipFlip", "VoipFrontCamera", "VoipGroupAdd", @@ -6479,10 +5847,8 @@ "VoipGroupVolume", "VoipGroupYouCanNowSpeak", "VoipGroupYouCanNowSpeakIn", - "VoipHangingUp", "VoipHoldAndTalk", "VoipHoldAndTalk", - "VoipInCallBranding", "VoipInCallBrandingWithName", "VoipInVideoCallBranding", "VoipInVideoCallBrandingWithName", @@ -6505,29 +5871,19 @@ "VoipNoiseCancellationDisabled", "VoipNoiseCancellationEnabled", "VoipNotificationSettings", - "VoipNotificationSettings", "VoipOffline", - "VoipOfflineAirplane", - "VoipOfflineAirplaneTitle", - "VoipOfflineOpenSettings", "VoipOfflineTitle", - "VoipOngoingAlert", "VoipOngoingAlert2", "VoipOngoingAlertTitle", - "VoipOngoingAlertTitle", "VoipOngoingChatAlert", "VoipOngoingChatAlert2", "VoipOngoingChatAlertTitle", - "VoipOutgoingCall", "VoipOutputDevices", - "VoipPeerIncompatible", - "VoipPeerOutdated", "VoipPeerVideoOutdated", "VoipPeerVideoOutdatedMakeVoice", "VoipPhoneScreen", "VoipQuickReplies", "VoipQuickRepliesExplain", - "VoipRateCallAlert", "VoipReconnecting", "VoipRecordAudio", "VoipRecordLandscape", @@ -6535,13 +5891,10 @@ "VoipRecordStart", "VoipRecordVoiceChat", "VoipRecordVoiceChatInfo", - "VoipRequesting", - "VoipRinging", "VoipRingtoneInfo", "VoipSelectAudioOutput", "VoipSetNewPhoto", "VoipSettingsRingtone", - "VoipSettingsRingtone", "VoipShareVideo", "VoipSpeaker", "VoipSpeaker", @@ -6566,18 +5919,14 @@ "VoipVideoScreenStopSharing", "VoipVideoUnavailable", "VoipVoiceChat", - "VoipWaiting", "Vote", "Vote", "WaitMore", "WaitingForNetwork", - "WallpaperNotification", - "WallpaperPreview", "WallpaperSameNotification", "WantsToSpeak", "Warmth", "Warning", - "WebAppDisclaimerUrl", "WebSessionsTitle", "Weeks", "Weeks", @@ -6607,8 +5956,6 @@ "WidgetShortcuts", "WillUnmuteIn", "WillUnmuteIn", - "WithinAMonth", - "WithinAWeek", "WrongCode", "WrongCodeTitle", "WrongCountry", @@ -6699,7 +6046,6 @@ "login_with_telegram", "messages", "messages", - "messages", "telegram_passport" ], "android_x": [ @@ -11311,7 +10657,6 @@ "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertYes", "Attachment.Contact", "Attachment.DeselectedItems", - "Attachment.DeselectedPhotos", "Attachment.DeselectedVideos", "Attachment.DisableSpoiler", "Attachment.DiscardPasteboardAlertText", @@ -11347,22 +10692,12 @@ "Attachment.SendAsFile", "Attachment.SendAsFiles", "Attachment.Ungrouped", - "AttachmentMenu.File", - "AttachmentMenu.PhotoOrVideo", - "AttachmentMenu.Poll", - "AttachmentMenu.SendAsFile", "AttachmentMenu.SendAsFiles", - "AttachmentMenu.SendGif", - "AttachmentMenu.SendItem", - "AttachmentMenu.SendPhoto", - "AttachmentMenu.SendVideo", "AttachmentMenu.WebSearch", "AuthCode.Alert", "AuthSessions.AddDevice", "AuthSessions.AddDevice.InvalidQRCode", "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanInfo", - "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanInstallInfo", - "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanTitle", "AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanTitle", "AuthSessions.AddDevice.UrlLoginHint", "AuthSessions.AddDeviceIntro.Action", @@ -11505,18 +10840,7 @@ "Autosave.TypesSection", "Autosave.VideoInfo", "Autosave.VideoSizeSection", - "AvatarEditor.Background", - "AvatarEditor.Emoji", - "AvatarEditor.EmojiOrSticker", - "AvatarEditor.Set", - "AvatarEditor.SetChannelPhoto", - "AvatarEditor.SetGroupPhoto", - "AvatarEditor.SetProfilePhoto", - "AvatarEditor.Stickers", "AvatarEditor.Suggest", - "AvatarEditor.SuggestProfilePhoto", - "AvatarEditor.SwitchToEmoji", - "AvatarEditor.SwitchToStickers", "BlockedUsers.AddNew", "BlockedUsers.BlockTitle", "BlockedUsers.BlockUser", @@ -11711,8 +11035,6 @@ "Call.BatteryLow", "Call.CallAgain", "Call.CallInProgressLiveStreamMessage", - "Call.CallInProgressMessage", - "Call.CallInProgressTitle", "Call.CallInProgressTitle", "Call.CallInProgressVoiceChatMessage", "Call.Camera", @@ -11721,8 +11043,6 @@ "Call.CameraOff", "Call.CameraOrScreenTooltip", "Call.CameraTooltip", - "Call.ConnectionErrorMessage", - "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", "Call.Days", @@ -11741,7 +11061,6 @@ "Call.LiveStreamInProgressTitle", "Call.Message", "Call.MicrophoneOff", - "Call.Minutes", "Call.Mute", "Call.ParticipantVersionOutdatedError", "Call.ParticipantVideoVersionOutdatedError", @@ -11834,19 +11153,7 @@ "Calls.StartNewCall", "Calls.SubmitRating", "Calls.TabTitle", - "Camera.Discard", - "Camera.FlashAuto", - "Camera.FlashOff", - "Camera.FlashOn", - "Camera.PhotoMode", - "Camera.Retake", - "Camera.SquareMode", - "Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo", - "Camera.Title", - "Camera.VideoMode", "CancelResetAccount.Success", - "CancelResetAccount.TextSMS", - "CancelResetAccount.Title", "ChangePhone.ErrorOccupied", "ChangePhoneNumberCode.CallTimer", "ChangePhoneNumberCode.Called", @@ -12270,7 +11577,6 @@ "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroupConfirmation", "ChannelInfo.FakeChannelWarning", "ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text", - "ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning", "ChannelInfo.ScheduleLiveStream", "ChannelInfo.ScheduleVoiceChat", "ChannelInfo.Stats", @@ -12286,7 +11592,6 @@ "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembersAllHelp", "ChannelRemoved.RemoveInfo", "Chat.AttachmentLimitExceeded", - "Chat.AttachmentLimitReached", "Chat.AttachmentMultipleFilesDisabled", "Chat.AttachmentMultipleForwardDisabled", "Chat.AudioTranscriptionFeedbackTip", @@ -12811,7 +12116,6 @@ "ClearCache.StorageTitle", "ClearCache.StorageUsage", "ClearCache.Success", - "Clipboard.SendPhoto", "CloudStorage.Title", "CommentsGroup.ErrorAccessDenied", "Common.ActionNotAllowedError", @@ -12820,7 +12124,6 @@ "Common.Back", "Common.Back", "Common.Back", - "Common.Back", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", @@ -12829,9 +12132,6 @@ "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", - "Common.Cancel", - "Common.Cancel", - "Common.ChoosePhoto", "Common.ChoosePhoto", "Common.Close", "Common.Close", @@ -12868,14 +12168,11 @@ "Common.Paste", "Common.Save", "Common.Search", - "Common.Search", - "Common.Select", "Common.Select", "Common.TakePhoto", "Common.TakePhotoOrVideo", "Common.Yes", "Common.edit", - "Common.of", "Compose.ChannelMembers", "Compose.ChannelTokenListPlaceholder", "Compose.Create", @@ -13024,8 +12321,6 @@ "Conversation.ContextMenuBan", "Conversation.ContextMenuBlock", "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelEditing", - "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelSending", - "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", "Conversation.ContextMenuCopyLink", @@ -13088,12 +12383,10 @@ "Conversation.DeleteTimer.Disable", "Conversation.DeleteTimer.SetupTitle", "Conversation.DeletedFromContacts", - "Conversation.Dice", "Conversation.Dice.", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3AF", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B0", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B2", - "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B3", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3C0", "Conversation.Dice.u26BD", "Conversation.DiscardVoiceMessageAction", @@ -13103,16 +12396,11 @@ "Conversation.DiscussionStarted", "Conversation.Edit", "Conversation.EditingCaptionPanelTitle", - "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaChange", - "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaEditCurrentPhoto", - "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaEditCurrentVideo", "Conversation.EditingMessagePanelMedia", "Conversation.EditingMessagePanelTitle", - "Conversation.EditingPhotoPanelTitle", "Conversation.EmailCopied", "Conversation.EmojiCopied", "Conversation.EmojiTooltip", - "Conversation.EmptyGifPanelPlaceholder", "Conversation.EmptyPlaceholder", "Conversation.EncryptedDescription1", "Conversation.EncryptedDescription2", @@ -13281,7 +12569,6 @@ "Conversation.PeerNearbyDistance", "Conversation.PeerNearbyText", "Conversation.PeerNearbyTitle", - "Conversation.PhoneCopied", "Conversation.Pin", "Conversation.Pin", "Conversation.PinMessageAlert.OnlyPin", @@ -13305,7 +12592,6 @@ "Conversation.PrivateChannelTooltip", "Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopied", "Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopiedLong", - "Conversation.Processing", "Conversation.ReadAllReactions", "Conversation.ReplyMessagePanelTitle", "Conversation.Report", @@ -13362,7 +12648,6 @@ "Conversation.SendDice", "Conversation.SendMesageAs", "Conversation.SendMesageAsPremiumInfo", - "Conversation.SendMessage", "Conversation.SendMessage.ScheduleMessage", "Conversation.SendMessage.SendSilently", "Conversation.SendMessage.SendWhenOnline", @@ -13387,7 +12672,6 @@ "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.Chat.One", "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.ManyChats.One", "Conversation.ShareLinkTooltip.TwoChats.One", - "Conversation.ShareMyContactInfo", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber.StatusSuccess", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation", @@ -13404,9 +12688,6 @@ "Conversation.StickerAddedToFavorites", "Conversation.StickerRemovedFromFavorites", "Conversation.StopLiveLocation", - "Conversation.StopPoll", - "Conversation.StopPollConfirmation", - "Conversation.StopPollConfirmationTitle", "Conversation.StopQuiz", "Conversation.StopQuizConfirmation", "Conversation.StopQuizConfirmationTitle", @@ -13484,18 +12765,15 @@ "Conversation.Unarchive", "Conversation.UnarchiveDone", "Conversation.Unblock", - "Conversation.UnblockUser", "Conversation.Unmute", "Conversation.Unpin", "Conversation.UnpinMessageAlert", "Conversation.UnreadMessages", "Conversation.UnsupportedMedia", "Conversation.UnsupportedMediaPlaceholder", - "Conversation.UnvotePoll", "Conversation.UpdateTelegram", "Conversation.UploadFileTooLarge", "Conversation.UserSendMessage", - "Conversation.UsernameCopied", "Conversation.UsersTooMuchError", "Conversation.ViewBackground", "Conversation.ViewBot", @@ -13511,8 +12789,6 @@ "Conversation.VoiceChatMediaRecordingRestricted", "Conversation.VoiceMessagesRestricted", "Conversation.typing", - "ConversationMedia.Title", - "ConversationProfile.ErrorCreatingConversation", "ConversationProfile.LeaveDeleteAndExit", "ConversationProfile.UnknownAddMemberError", "ConversationProfile.UsersTooMuchError", @@ -13540,15 +12816,10 @@ "CreateGroup.SoftUserLimitAlert", "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", - "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", "CreatePoll.AddOption", "CreatePoll.AddOption", - "CreatePoll.AddOption", - "CreatePoll.AllOptionsAdded", "CreatePoll.Anonymous", "CreatePoll.Anonymous", - "CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation", - "CreatePoll.Create", "CreatePoll.Create", "CreatePoll.Create", "CreatePoll.Explanation", @@ -13557,8 +12828,6 @@ "CreatePoll.MultipleChoice", "CreatePoll.MultipleChoiceQuizAlert", "CreatePoll.OptionPlaceholder", - "CreatePoll.OptionPlaceholder", - "CreatePoll.OptionsHeader", "CreatePoll.Quiz", "CreatePoll.QuizInfo", "CreatePoll.QuizOptionsHeader", @@ -13566,10 +12835,7 @@ "CreatePoll.QuizTitle", "CreatePoll.QuizTitle", "CreatePoll.TextHeader", - "CreatePoll.TextHeader", "CreatePoll.TextPlaceholder", - "CreatePoll.TextPlaceholder", - "CreatePoll.Title", "CreatePoll.Title", "CreateTopic.Create", "CreateTopic.CreateTitle", @@ -13721,7 +12987,6 @@ "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertText", "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertTitle", "DownloadList.ResumeAll", - "DownloadingStatus", "ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE", "ENCRYPTION_ACCEPT", "ENCRYPTION_REQUEST", @@ -13802,8 +13067,6 @@ "EmojiSearch.SearchEmojiPlaceholder", "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsEmptyResult", "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsPlaceholder", - "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesEmptyResult", - "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesPlaceholder", "EmojiSearch.SearchStickersEmptyResult", "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsEmptyResult", "EmojiSearch.SearchTopicIconsPlaceholder", @@ -13845,13 +13108,8 @@ "FastTwoStepSetup.Title", "FeatureDisabled.Oops", "FeaturedStickerPacks.Title", - "FeaturedStickers.OtherSection", - "FileSize.B", - "FileSize.GB", "FileSize.GB", "FileSize.KB", - "FileSize.KB", - "FileSize.MB", "FileSize.MB", "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonAddFolder", "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonDoNotJoinChats", @@ -13957,7 +13215,6 @@ "ForwardedVideos", "Gallery.AirPlay", "Gallery.AirPlayPlaceholder", - "Gallery.GifSaved", "Gallery.ImageSaved", "Gallery.ImagesAndVideosSaved", "Gallery.SaveImage", @@ -13985,9 +13242,6 @@ "Gif.Emotion.Surprised", "Gif.Emotion.ThumbsDown", "Gif.Emotion.ThumbsUp", - "Gif.NoGifsFound", - "Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder", - "Gif.Search", "GifSearch.SearchGifPlaceholder", "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsPlaceholder", "GlobalAutodeleteSettings.ApplyChatsSubject", @@ -14177,11 +13431,8 @@ "GroupInfo.Permissions.Title", "GroupInfo.PublicLink", "GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd", - "GroupInfo.ScamGroupWarning", "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhoto", "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete", - "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete", - "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete", "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoStop", "GroupInfo.SetSound", "GroupInfo.SharedMedia", @@ -14429,7 +13680,6 @@ "LastSeen.Lately", "LastSeen.MinutesAgo", "LastSeen.Offline", - "LastSeen.TodayAt", "LastSeen.WithinAMonth", "LastSeen.WithinAWeek", "LastSeen.YesterdayAt", @@ -14778,7 +14028,6 @@ "MaskPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle", "MaskStickerSettings.Info", "MaskStickerSettings.Title", - "MaskStickerSettings.Title", "Media.LimitedAccessChangeSettings", "Media.LimitedAccessManage", "Media.LimitedAccessManage", @@ -14787,11 +14036,6 @@ "Media.LimitedAccessTitle", "Media.SendWithTimer", "Media.SendingOptionsTooltip", - "Media.ShareItem", - "Media.SharePhoto", - "Media.ShareThisPhoto", - "Media.ShareThisVideo", - "Media.ShareVideo", "MediaEditor.AddAudio", "MediaEditor.AddGif", "MediaEditor.AddLocation", @@ -14799,18 +14043,12 @@ "MediaEditor.Audio", "MediaEditor.Draft", "MediaEditor.RemoveAudio", - "MediaPicker.AddCaption", "MediaPicker.AddImage", - "MediaPicker.CameraRoll", "MediaPicker.ConvertToJpeg", - "MediaPicker.GroupDescription", "MediaPicker.JpegConversionText", "MediaPicker.KeepHeic", - "MediaPicker.LivePhotoDescription", "MediaPicker.Recents", "MediaPicker.Send", - "MediaPicker.Send", - "MediaPicker.TapToUngroupDescription", "MediaPicker.Timer.Description", "MediaPicker.Timer.DoNotDelete", "MediaPicker.Timer.Photo.KeepTooltip", @@ -14822,9 +14060,6 @@ "MediaPicker.Timer.Video.ViewOnceTooltip", "MediaPicker.Timer.ViewOnce", "MediaPicker.TimerTooltip", - "MediaPicker.UngroupDescription", - "MediaPicker.VideoMuteDescription", - "MediaPicker.Videos", "MediaPicker.VoiceOver.Camera", "MediaPlayer.UnknownArtist", "MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack", @@ -14877,7 +14112,6 @@ "Message.Location", "Message.PaymentSent", "Message.Photo", - "Message.Photo", "Message.PinnedAnimationMessage", "Message.PinnedAudioMessage", "Message.PinnedContactMessage", @@ -14911,18 +14145,14 @@ "MessageCalendar.DeleteConfirmation", "MessageCalendar.EmptySelectionTooltip", "MessageCalendar.Title", - "MessagePoll.LabelAnonymous", "MessagePoll.LabelAnonymousQuiz", - "MessagePoll.LabelClosed", "MessagePoll.LabelPoll", "MessagePoll.LabelQuiz", - "MessagePoll.NoVotes", "MessagePoll.QuizCount", "MessagePoll.QuizNoUsers", "MessagePoll.SubmitVote", "MessagePoll.ViewResults", "MessagePoll.VotedCount", - "MessagePoll.VotedCount", "MessageTimer.Custom", "MessageTimer.Days", "MessageTimer.Days", @@ -14979,14 +14209,9 @@ "Month.ShortOctober", "Month.ShortSeptember", "MusicPlayer.VoiceNote", - "MuteExpires.Days", - "MuteExpires.Hours", - "MuteExpires.Minutes", - "MuteFor.Days", "MuteFor.Days", "MuteFor.Forever", "MuteFor.Hours", - "MuteFor.Hours", "MutedForTime.Days", "MutedForTime.Hours", "MutedForTime.Minutes", @@ -15021,18 +14246,15 @@ "Notification.BotWriteAllowedMenu", "Notification.BotWriteAllowedRequest", "Notification.CallBack", - "Notification.CallCanceled", "Notification.CallCanceledShort", "Notification.CallFormat", "Notification.CallIncoming", "Notification.CallIncoming", - "Notification.CallIncoming", "Notification.CallIncomingShort", "Notification.CallMissed", "Notification.CallMissed", "Notification.CallMissedShort", "Notification.CallOutgoing", - "Notification.CallOutgoing", "Notification.CallOutgoingShort", "Notification.CallTimeFormat", "Notification.ChangedGroupName", @@ -15140,7 +14362,6 @@ "Notification.MessageLifetimeChangedOutgoing", "Notification.MessageLifetimeRemoved", "Notification.MessageLifetimeRemovedOutgoing", - "Notification.Mute1h", "Notification.Mute1hMin", "Notification.NewAuthDetected", "Notification.OverviewTopicClosed", @@ -15625,35 +14846,20 @@ "PUSH_STORY_NOTEXT", "PUSH_VIDEO_CALL_MISSED", "PUSH_VIDEO_CALL_REQUEST", - "Paint.Arrow", "Paint.Bubble", - "Paint.Clear", - "Paint.ClearConfirm", "Paint.ColorGrid", "Paint.ColorOpacity", "Paint.ColorSliders", "Paint.ColorSpectrum", "Paint.ColorTitle", - "Paint.Delete", "Paint.Draw", - "Paint.Duplicate", - "Paint.Edit", "Paint.Ellipse", "Paint.Flip", - "Paint.Framed", - "Paint.Marker", - "Paint.Masks", "Paint.MoveForward", - "Paint.Neon", - "Paint.Outlined", - "Paint.Pen", - "Paint.RecentStickers", "Paint.Rectangle", - "Paint.Regular", "Paint.Star", "Paint.Sticker", "Paint.Stickers", - "Paint.Stickers", "Paint.Text", "Paint.ZoomOut", "Passcode.AppLockedAlert", @@ -15967,7 +15173,6 @@ "PeerInfo.CancelSelectionAlertNo", "PeerInfo.CancelSelectionAlertText", "PeerInfo.CancelSelectionAlertYes", - "PeerInfo.ChangeEmojiStatus", "PeerInfo.Channel.ArchivedStories", "PeerInfo.ChannelAutoDeleteInfo", "PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationGroup", @@ -15983,7 +15188,6 @@ "PeerInfo.DisableSound", "PeerInfo.EnableAutoDelete", "PeerInfo.EnableSound", - "PeerInfo.GiftPremium", "PeerInfo.GroupAboutItem", "PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedParticipantCountText", "PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedRights", @@ -16016,7 +15220,6 @@ "PeerInfo.ReactionsDisabled", "PeerInfo.ReportProfilePhoto", "PeerInfo.ReportProfileVideo", - "PeerInfo.SetEmojiStatus", "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedFor", "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedForever", "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedUntil", @@ -16029,11 +15232,7 @@ "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedDiscussionGroups", "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedParticipantCountText", "PeerSelection.ImportIntoNewGroup", - "PeerStatusExpiration.AtDate", "PeerStatusExpiration.Hours", - "PeerStatusExpiration.Minutes", - "PeerStatusExpiration.TomorrowAt", - "PeerStatusSetup.NoTimerTitle", "PeopleNearby.CreateGroup", "PeopleNearby.Description", "PeopleNearby.DiscoverDescription", @@ -16076,44 +15275,13 @@ "Permissions.SiriTitle.v0", "Permissions.Skip", "PhoneLabel.Title", - "PhoneLabel.Title", "PhoneNumberHelp.Alert", "PhoneNumberHelp.ChangeNumber", "PhoneNumberHelp.Help", - "PhotoEditor.BlurToolLinear", - "PhotoEditor.BlurToolOff", "PhotoEditor.BlurToolPortrait", - "PhotoEditor.BlurToolRadial", - "PhotoEditor.ContrastTool", - "PhotoEditor.CropAspectRatioOriginal", - "PhotoEditor.CropAspectRatioSquare", - "PhotoEditor.CropAuto", - "PhotoEditor.CropReset", - "PhotoEditor.CurvesAll", - "PhotoEditor.CurvesBlue", - "PhotoEditor.CurvesGreen", - "PhotoEditor.CurvesRed", - "PhotoEditor.DiscardChanges", - "PhotoEditor.EnhanceTool", - "PhotoEditor.ExposureTool", - "PhotoEditor.FadeTool", - "PhotoEditor.GrainTool", - "PhotoEditor.HighlightsTint", - "PhotoEditor.HighlightsTool", - "PhotoEditor.Original", - "PhotoEditor.QualityTool", - "PhotoEditor.SaturationTool", - "PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrame", "PhotoEditor.SelectCoverFrameSuggestion", "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyPhoto", "PhotoEditor.SetAsMyVideo", - "PhotoEditor.ShadowsTint", - "PhotoEditor.ShadowsTool", - "PhotoEditor.SharpenTool", - "PhotoEditor.SkinTool", - "PhotoEditor.TiltShift", - "PhotoEditor.VignetteTool", - "PhotoEditor.WarmthTool", "PlaybackSpeed.Normal", "PlaybackSpeed.Title", "PollResults.Collapse", @@ -16188,7 +15356,6 @@ "Premium.FasterSpeedStandaloneInfo", "Premium.FileTooLarge", "Premium.Free", - "Premium.Free", "Premium.Gift.Description", "Premium.Gift.GiftSubscription", "Premium.Gift.Info", @@ -16207,12 +15374,10 @@ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.12Month", "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.3Month", "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.6Month", - "Premium.IncreaseLimit", "Premium.InfiniteReactions", "Premium.InfiniteReactionsInfo", "Premium.LimitReached", "Premium.LimitReached", - "Premium.LimitReached", "Premium.Limits.Accounts", "Premium.Limits.AccountsInfo", "Premium.Limits.Bio", @@ -16236,7 +15401,6 @@ "Premium.Limits.Title", "Premium.MaxAccountsFinalText", "Premium.MaxAccountsNoPremiumText", - "Premium.MaxAccountsText", "Premium.MaxChannelsFinalText", "Premium.MaxChannelsNoPremiumText", "Premium.MaxChannelsText", @@ -16279,9 +15443,6 @@ "Premium.NoAds.Proceed", "Premium.NoAdsInfo", "Premium.NoAdsStandaloneInfo", - "Premium.PersonalDescription", - "Premium.PersonalTitle", - "Premium.Premium", "Premium.Premium", "Premium.PricePerMonth", "Premium.PricePerYear", @@ -16340,13 +15501,8 @@ "Premium.VoiceToTextStandaloneInfo", "", "", - 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"QuickSend.Photos", "Replies.BlockAndDeleteRepliesActionTitle", "RepliesChat.DescriptionText", "Report.AdditionalDetailsPlaceholder", @@ -16574,7 +15717,6 @@ "ReportPeer.ReasonViolence", "ReportPeer.Report", "ReportPeer.Report", - "ReportPeer.ReportReaction", "ReportSpam.DeleteThisChat", "RequestPeer.BotsAllEmpty", "RequestPeer.ChannelsAllEmpty", @@ -16664,8 +15806,6 @@ "ScheduledMessages.SendNow", "ScheduledMessages.Title", "ScheduledMessages.Title", - "SearchImages.NoImagesFound", - "SearchImages.Title", "SecretChat.Title", "SecretGIF.NotViewedYet", "SecretGif.Title", @@ -16729,7 +15869,6 @@ "Settings.CallSettings", "Settings.CancelUpload", "Settings.ChangePhoneNumber", - "Settings.ChangeProfilePhoto", "Settings.ChatBackground", "Settings.ChatFolders", "Settings.ChatSettings", @@ -16787,7 +15926,6 @@ "Settings.RaiseToListenInfo", "Settings.RemoveConfirmation", "Settings.RemoveVideo", - "Settings.RemoveVideo", "Settings.SaveEditedPhotos", "Settings.SaveIncomingPhotos", "Settings.SaveToCameraRollInfo", @@ -16799,7 +15937,6 @@ "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", - "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetProfilePhoto", "Settings.SetProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetUsername", @@ -16952,44 +16089,17 @@ "ShareMenu.Send", "ShareMenu.Send", "ShareMenu.ShareTo", - "SharedMedia.CalendarTooltip", - "SharedMedia.CategoryDocs", "SharedMedia.CategoryDocs", "SharedMedia.CategoryLinks", - "SharedMedia.CategoryLinks", "SharedMedia.CategoryMedia", - "SharedMedia.CategoryMedia", - "SharedMedia.CategoryOther", - "SharedMedia.CommonGroupCount", - "SharedMedia.DeleteItemsConfirmation", - "SharedMedia.EmptyFilesText", - "SharedMedia.EmptyLinksText", - "SharedMedia.EmptyMusicText", - "SharedMedia.EmptyText", "SharedMedia.EmptyTitle", - "SharedMedia.EmptyTitle", - "SharedMedia.FastScrollTooltip", - "SharedMedia.File", - "SharedMedia.FileCount", - "SharedMedia.Generic", - "SharedMedia.GifCount", - "SharedMedia.Link", - "SharedMedia.LinkCount", - "SharedMedia.MusicCount", - "SharedMedia.Photo", "SharedMedia.PhotoCount", - "SharedMedia.SearchNoResults", - "SharedMedia.SearchNoResultsDescription", "SharedMedia.ShowCalendar", "SharedMedia.ShowPhotos", "SharedMedia.ShowVideos", "SharedMedia.TitleAll", - "SharedMedia.TitleAll", - "SharedMedia.Video", "SharedMedia.VideoCount", "SharedMedia.ViewInChat", - "SharedMedia.ViewInChat", - "SharedMedia.VoiceMessageCount", "SharedMedia.ZoomIn", "SharedMedia.ZoomOut", "Shortcut.SwitchAccount", @@ -17127,7 +16237,6 @@ "Stats.ViewsPerPost", "Stats.ZoomOut", "StickerPack.Add", - "StickerPack.Add", "StickerPack.AddEmojiCount", "StickerPack.AddEmojiPacksCount", "StickerPack.AddMaskCount", @@ -17149,7 +16258,6 @@ "StickerPack.ShowStickers", "StickerPack.StickerCount", "StickerPack.StickerCount", - "StickerPack.StickerCount", "StickerPack.ViewPack", "StickerPackActionInfo.AddedText", "StickerPackActionInfo.AddedTitle", @@ -17192,7 +16300,6 @@ "StickerSettings.MaskContextInfo", "StickerSettings.MaskContextInfo", "Stickers.AddToFavorites", - "Stickers.ClearRecent", "Stickers.EmojiPackInfoText", "Stickers.FavoriteStickers", "Stickers.Favorites", @@ -17203,15 +16310,11 @@ "Stickers.GroupStickersHelp", "Stickers.Install", "Stickers.Install", - "Stickers.Install", - 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"UserInfo.ResetCustomPhoto", "UserInfo.ResetCustomVideo", - "UserInfo.ResetToOriginalAlertReset", - "UserInfo.ResetToOriginalAlertText", - "UserInfo.ScamBotWarning", "UserInfo.ScamUserWarning", "UserInfo.SendMessage", "UserInfo.SendMessage", - "UserInfo.SendMessage", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertPhotoText", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertSet", "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertVideoText", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.SuccessPhotoText", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.SuccessVideoText", - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhotoTitle", "UserInfo.ShareBot", "UserInfo.ShareContact", "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo", "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo", - "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo", "UserInfo.StartSecretChat", - "UserInfo.StartSecretChatConfirmation", - "UserInfo.StartSecretChatStart", - "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto", "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertPhotoText", "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertSuggest", "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto.AlertVideoText", "UserInfo.SuggestPhotoTitle", - "UserInfo.TapToCall", - "UserInfo.TelegramCall", - 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"ChatList.Filter.Add.Done", - "ChatList.Filter.AddChats", - "ChatList.Filter.AddToFolder", "ChatList.Filter.All", - "ChatList.Filter.AllChats", - "ChatList.Filter.Archive", "ChatList.Filter.Back", - "ChatList.Filter.Bots", "ChatList.Filter.Categories.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Channels", - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.OK", - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Text", - "ChatList.Filter.Contacts", - "ChatList.Filter.Delete", - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Cancel", - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.OK", - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Text", "ChatList.Filter.Done", - "ChatList.Filter.Done", - "ChatList.Filter.Edit", - "ChatList.Filter.EditFilters", - "ChatList.Filter.Empty", - "ChatList.Filter.Error.Empty", "ChatList.Filter.Error.LikeChats", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.AddChat", - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.AddChat", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Header", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Header", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.LimitReached", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.LimitReached.New", "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.RemoveChat", "ChatList.Filter.ExcludeMuted", "ChatList.Filter.ExcludeRead", - "ChatList.Filter.Groups", - "ChatList.Filter.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Hide", "ChatList.Filter.Hide_countable", "ChatList.Filter.Include.AddChat", - "ChatList.Filter.Include.AddChat", "ChatList.Filter.Include.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.Include.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.Include.Header", "ChatList.Filter.Include.Header", "ChatList.Filter.Include.LimitReached", "ChatList.Filter.Include.LimitReached.New", - "ChatList.Filter.Include.RemoveChat", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink", - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Delete", - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Delete.Confirm", - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Desc", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Desc", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Desc_countable", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.IncludeExcludeError", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Info", - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Info", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Share", "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.header", - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.header", - "ChatList.Filter.List.AddNew", - "ChatList.Filter.List.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.List.Header", "ChatList.Filter.List.Remove", - "ChatList.Filter.List.Title", "ChatList.Filter.Loading", - "ChatList.Filter.MuteAll", - "ChatList.Filter.MutedChats", "ChatList.Filter.Name.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Name.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.Name.Placeholder", - "ChatList.Filter.NewTitle", "ChatList.Filter.NewTitle", "ChatList.Filter.NonContacts", - "ChatList.Filter.NonContacts", - "ChatList.Filter.ReadAll", - "ChatList.Filter.ReadChats", - "ChatList.Filter.Recommended.Add", - "ChatList.Filter.Recommended.Header", "ChatList.Filter.RemoveFromFolder", "ChatList.Filter.SecretChat", "ChatList.Filter.Setup", "ChatList.Filter.SetupEmpty", - "ChatList.Filter.Share", - "ChatList.Filter.ShowMore", - "ChatList.Filter.ShowMore_countable", "ChatList.Filter.SmallGroups", - "ChatList.Filter.TabBar.Desc", - "ChatList.Filter.TabBar.Header", - "ChatList.Filter.TabBar.OnTheLeft", - "ChatList.Filter.TabBar.OnTheTop", "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.Bots", "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.Channels", "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.Contacts", @@ -19968,11 +18847,8 @@ "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.NonContacts", "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.Unmuted", "ChatList.Filter.Tilte.Default.Unread", - "ChatList.Filter.Title", "ChatList.Filter.Tooltip", - "ChatList.Filter.UnmuteAll", "ChatList.FolderUpdates.Info", - "ChatList.FolderUpdates.Title", "ChatList.FolderUpdates.Title_countable", "ChatList.GroupChannel", "ChatList.HideMuted", @@ -19982,88 +18858,39 @@ "ChatList.Mute.4Hours", "ChatList.Mute.8Hours", "ChatList.Mute.Forever", - "ChatList.Mute.Until", - "ChatList.Mute.Until.OK", - "ChatList.Mute.Until.Title", "ChatList.Popover.Confirm", - "ChatList.Popover.ReadAll", - "ChatList.RevealAction.Collapse", - "ChatList.RevealAction.Expand", "ChatList.RevealAction.Hide", "ChatList.RevealAction.Pin", - "ChatList.Search.Placeholder", - "ChatList.SecretChat.Created", - "ChatList.SecretChat.ExKeys", - "ChatList.SecretChat.Joined", - "ChatList.SecretChat.Terminated", "ChatList.Service.Call.Cancelled", - "ChatList.Service.Call.Missed", - "ChatList.Service.Call.incoming", - "ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing", - "ChatList.Service.DestructingPhoto", - "ChatList.Service.DestructingVideo", - "ChatList.Service.GameScored1", "ChatList.Service.GameScored1_countable", - "ChatList.Service.VideoCall.Cancelled", - "ChatList.Service.VideoCall.Missed", - "ChatList.Service.VideoCall.incoming", "ChatList.Service.VideoCall.outgoing", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatFinished.Channel", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatFinished.Channel1", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatInvitation", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatInvitationByYou", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatInvitationForYou", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduled", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduled.Channel", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduled.Channel1", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduledYou", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatStarted", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatStarted.Channel", - "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatStarted.Channel1", "ChatList.Service.VoiceChatStartedYou", "ChatList.SponsoredChannel", "ChatList.SponsoredChannel", - "ChatList.SponsoredChannel", "ChatList.Story", "ChatList.Story.Expired", "ChatList.Story.Unsupported", "ChatList.StoryMentioned", - "ChatList.Swiping.Archive", - "ChatList.Swiping.Delete", - "ChatList.Swiping.Mute", - "ChatList.Swiping.Pin", - "ChatList.Swiping.Read", - "ChatList.Swiping.Unarchive", - "ChatList.Swiping.Unmute", - "ChatList.Swiping.Unpin", - "ChatList.Swiping.Unread", "ChatList.TitleFeed", "ChatList.UnhideMuted", - "ChatList.UnsupportedMessage", - "ChatList.You", "ChatMessage.BoostChannel", - "ChatMessage.Folder.Expired", "ChatMessage.OpenApp", "ChatMessage.Tooltip.Views", - "ChatMessage.ViewChatList", - "ChatService.ChangedToSameWallpaper", - "ChatService.ChangedWallpaper", "ChatService.ChannelCreated", "ChatService.JoinedChannelByRequest", "ChatService.JoinedGroupByRequest", "ChatService.Suggest.Success", "ChatService.Suggest.View", - "ChatService.UpdateBackground", "ChatService.UploadingWallpaper", "ChatService.UserJoinedChannelByRequest", "ChatService.UserJoinedGroupByRequest", - "ChatService.ViewBackground", - "ChatService.YouChangedToSameWallpaper", - "ChatService.YouChangedWallpaper", "ChatTheme.Colorful", "ChatTheme.Theme", - "ChatTheme.Theme", - "ChatTheme.Theme.Info", "ChatTitle.ReportMessages", "ChatWallpaper.Empty", "Checkout.2FA.Text", @@ -20158,21 +18985,15 @@ "ChoosePeer.Title.Channel", "ChoosePeer.Title.Group", "ChoosePeer.Title.User", - "Compose.Confirm.StartSecretChat", "Compose.Create", "Compose.CreateGroup.LimitError", "Compose.Next", - "Compose.Popover.NewChannel", - "Compose.Popover.NewGroup", - "Compose.Popover.NewSecretChat", - "Compose.Select.SecretChat", "Compose.SelectGroupUsers.Placeholder", "Compose.SelectUsers", "Confirm.AddBotToGroup", "Confirm.Delete", "Confirm.Delete", "Confirm.DeleteAdminedChannel", - "Confirm.DeleteChatUser", "Confirm.Desc.PermissionInlineBotContact", "Confirm.Header.PermissionInlineBotContact", "Confirm.LeaveGroup", @@ -20205,8 +19026,6 @@ "Contacts.ContacsSeparator", "Contacts.FirstName.Placeholder", "Contacts.LastName.Placeholder", - "Contacts.NotRegistredDescription", - "Contacts.NotRegistredTitle", "Contacts.PhoneNumber.Invalid", "Contacts.PhoneNumber.NotRegistred", "Contacts.PhoneNumber.Placeholder", @@ -20285,7 +19104,6 @@ "DataAndStorage.NetworkUsage", "DataAndStorage.StorageUsage", "Date.Today", - "Date.Today", "DefaultSoundName", "DeleteChat.DeleteGroupForAll", "Deprecated.Alert.Text", @@ -20336,10 +19154,6 @@ "DisplayMeAs.Text.Group", "DisplayMeAs.Title", "DownloadsManager.Control.Navigate", - "DownloadsManager.Control.Title", - "DownloadsManager.Control.Title_countable", - "DownloadsManager.Recently", - "DownloadsManager.Recently.Clear", "Dv1-io-Yv7.title", "Edit.Message.EditCurrentPhoto", "EditAccount.AddAccount", @@ -20451,8 +19265,6 @@ "EmptyGroupInfo.Subtitle", "EmptyGroupInfo.Title", "EmptyPeer.Description", - "EmptyPeer.Description", - "EncryptionKey.Description", "Entertainment.Emoji", "Entertainment.Emoji", "Entertainment.Emoji.New", @@ -20531,12 +19343,6 @@ "ExportedInvitation.Status.ExpiresIn", "ExportedInvitation.Status.Revoked", "ExportedInvitation.Title", - "FastSettings.DisableDarkMode", - "FastSettings.EnableDarkMode", - "FastSettings.LockTelegram", - "FastSettings.Mute2Hours", - "FastSettings.SetPasscode", - "FastSettings.Unmute", "FileSize.B", "FileSize.GB", "FileSize.KB", @@ -20556,10 +19362,7 @@ "ForumTopic.New.TopicName", "ForumTopic.Title.Create", "ForumTopic.Title.Edit", - "Forward.ToSavedMessages", - "ForwardModalAction.Title", "ForwardModalAction.Title_countable", - "ForwardModalAction.description", "ForwardModalAction.description_countable", "Gallery.Contact.PhotoByYou", "Gallery.Context.CopyToClipboard", @@ -20608,7 +19411,6 @@ "GeneralSettings.EmojiAndStickers", "GeneralSettings.EmojiPrediction", "GeneralSettings.EmojiPrediction.Disable", - "GeneralSettings.EmojiPrediction.DisableText", "GeneralSettings.EmojiReplacements", "GeneralSettings.EnableSidebar", "GeneralSettings.EnergySaving", @@ -20753,11 +19555,8 @@ "InactiveChannels.InactiveYear_countable", "InactiveChannels.OK", "InactiveChannels.Title", - "InlineModalAction.Desc", - "InlineModalAction.Title", "InputAttach.Popover.File", "InputAttach.Popover.File", - "InputAttach.Popover.Gift", "InputAttach.Popover.Location", "InputAttach.Popover.Music", "InputAttach.Popover.Photo", @@ -20839,7 +19638,6 @@ "Language.TranslateMessages.Channel.Premium", "Language.TranslateMessages.DoNotTranslate", "Language.TranslateMessages.Header", - "LastSeen.HoursAgo", "LastSeen.HoursAgo_countable", "Legacy.Intro.Description1", "Legacy.Intro.Description2", @@ -21021,10 +19819,7 @@ "MediaSender.DiscardChanges.Text", "Message.AccessoryPanel.Forwarded", "Message.AccessoryPanel.Forwarded_countable", - "Message.ActionsPanel.Delete", "Message.ActionsPanel.EmptySelected", - "Message.ActionsPanel.Forward", - "Message.ActionsPanel.SelectedCount", "Message.ActionsPanel.SelectedCount_countable", "Message.Context.Confirm.NotifyPin", "Message.Context.Confirm.Pin1", @@ -21036,7 +19831,6 @@ "Message.Context.Forward", "Message.Context.ForwardToCloud", "Message.Context.ForwardToCloud", - "Message.Context.Goto", "Message.Context.OpenWith", "Message.Context.Pin", "Message.Context.Pin", @@ -21063,10 +19857,7 @@ "Message.Placeholder.Edit", "Message.ReplyActionButtonShowReceipt", "Message.Status.Archive.Failed", - "Message.Status.Archive.FailedSizeLimit", - "Message.Status.ArchivePreparing", "Message.Status.Archived", - "Message.Status.Archiving", "Message.Text.CopyMusicTitle", "MessageContext.CopyMessageLink1", "MessageTimer.ShortDays", @@ -21076,12 +19867,10 @@ "MessageTimer.ShortSeconds", "MessageTimer.ShortWeeks", "Messages.DeletedMessage", - "Messages.DeletedMessage", "Messages.File.State.FetchingIn_1", "Messages.File.State.FetchingOut_1", "Messages.File.State.Local", "Messages.File.State.Remote", - "Messages.File.State.Remote", "Messages.ForwardHeader", "Messages.Placeholder.Anonymous", "Messages.Placeholder.Broadcast", @@ -21094,7 +19883,6 @@ "Messages.Placeholder.SilentBroadcast", "Messages.ReplyLoading.Header", "Messages.ReplyLoading.Loading", - "Messages.UnreadMark", "Modal.Apply", "Modal.Cancel", "Modal.Cancel", @@ -21125,7 +19913,6 @@ "Navigation.Done", "Navigation.Done", "Navigation.Done", - "Navigation.Done", "Navigation.Edit", "Navigation.Edit", "Navigation.Next", @@ -21151,16 +19938,6 @@ "NetworkUsage.Title.Generic", "NetworkUsage.Title.Images", "NetworkUsage.Title.Videos", - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber", - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber", - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber.Desc", - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber.Desc", - "NewContact.Phone", - "NewContact.Phone", - "NewContact.Phone.Hidden", - "NewContact.Phone.Hidden.Text", - "NewContact.Title", - "NewContact.Title", "NewPoll.Anonymous", "NewPoll.DisacardConfirm", "NewPoll.DisacardConfirm.No", @@ -21183,19 +19960,10 @@ "NewPoll.QuestionPlaceholder", "NewPoll.Quiz", "NewPoll.QuizDesc", - "NewPoll.QuizMultiple.Error", "NewPoll.QuizTooltip", "NewPoll.Title", "NewPoll.Title.Quiz", - "NewSessionReview.Accept.Text", - "NewSessionReview.Accept.Title", - "NewSessionReview.Item.Text", - "NewSessionReview.Item.Title", - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Button", "NewSessionReview.Modal.Button.Timeout", - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Header", - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Text", - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Title", "NewTheme.Create", "NewTheme.Desc", "NewTheme.EmptyTextError", @@ -21203,7 +19971,6 @@ "NewTheme.Title", "Notification.Contact.Reacted", "Notification.Group.Reacted", - "Notification.Input.Reply", "Notification.LockedPreview", "Notification.MarkAsRead", "Notification.ProximityReached", @@ -21212,10 +19979,8 @@ "Notification.ProximityReached_1", "Notification.ProximityYouReached_1", "Notification.Reminder", - "Notification.Reply", "Notification.ScheduledTitle", "Notification.StoryReply", - "Notification.Title.Reply", "NotificationSettings.AllAccounts", "NotificationSettings.BadgeDesc", "NotificationSettings.BadgeEnabled", @@ -21395,11 +20160,6 @@ "Peer.Activity.User.ChoosingSticker", "Peer.Activity.User.EnjoyingAnimations", "Peer.Activity.User.PlayingGame", - "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingAudio", - "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingVideo", - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingFile", - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingPhoto", - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingVideo", "Peer.Activity.User.TypingText", "Peer.CreatePeer.Context.RemovePhoto", "Peer.CreatePeer.Context.UpdatePhoto", @@ -21414,10 +20174,7 @@ "Peer.Media.SharedMusicEmptyList", "Peer.Media.SharedVoiceEmptyList", "Peer.RepliesNotifications", - "Peer.SavedMessages", - "Peer.SavedMessages", "Peer.ServiceNotifications", - "Peer.Status.LastSeenAt", "Peer.Status.Member", "Peer.Status.Member", "Peer.Status.Member.Online", @@ -21425,54 +20182,34 @@ "Peer.Status.Member_countable", "Peer.Status.Subscribers", "Peer.Status.Subscribers_countable", - "Peer.Status.Today", - "Peer.Status.Yesterday", "", "", "", "Peer.Status.justNow", - "Peer.Status.lastMonth", - "Peer.Status.lastWeek", - "Peer.Status.longTimeAgo", "Peer.Status.minAgo", "Peer.Status.minAgo_countable", "", "", "", - "", - "Peer.Status.recently", - "Peer.Status.recently", "PeerInfo.About.Placeholder", "PeerInfo.Action.AddMembers", - "PeerInfo.Action.Call", "PeerInfo.Action.DeleteGroup", "PeerInfo.Action.Discussion", "PeerInfo.Action.GiftPremium", "PeerInfo.Action.Leave", "PeerInfo.Action.LiveStream", - "PeerInfo.Action.Message", - "PeerInfo.Action.More", "PeerInfo.Action.Mute", "PeerInfo.Action.Report", - "PeerInfo.Action.SecretChat", - "PeerInfo.Action.Share", "PeerInfo.Action.Statistics", "PeerInfo.Action.Statistics", - "PeerInfo.Action.Unmute", - "PeerInfo.Action.VideoCall", "PeerInfo.Action.VoiceChat", "PeerInfo.AddContact", "PeerInfo.AddMember", - "PeerInfo.AddUserToContact", "PeerInfo.AdminLabel", "PeerInfo.Administrators", "PeerInfo.Admins", "PeerInfo.AnonymousPhone", "PeerInfo.BlackList", - "PeerInfo.Block.Header", - "PeerInfo.Block.OK", - "PeerInfo.Block.Text", - "PeerInfo.BlockUser", "PeerInfo.BlockUser", "PeerInfo.Bot.AddToGroup", "PeerInfo.Bot.Help", @@ -21492,18 +20229,14 @@ "PeerInfo.ChannelReported", "PeerInfo.ChannelTitle.Pleceholder", "PeerInfo.ChannelType", - "PeerInfo.ChannelType", - "PeerInfo.ChatBackground", "PeerInfo.ChatColors", "PeerInfo.Confirm.Add", "PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMember", "PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMembers1", "PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMembers1_countable", - "PeerInfo.Confirm.Clear", "PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteChat", "PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteContact", "PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteGroupConfirmation", - "PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteUserChat", "PeerInfo.Confirm.LeaveChannel", "PeerInfo.Confirm.LeaveGroup", "PeerInfo.Confirm.RemovePeer", @@ -21511,19 +20244,16 @@ "PeerInfo.Confirm.SecretChat.OK", "PeerInfo.Confirm.ShareInfo", "PeerInfo.Confirm.StartSecretChat", - "PeerInfo.Confirm.StartSecretChat", "PeerInfo.Context.OpenPhoto", "PeerInfo.ConvertToSupergroup", "PeerInfo.DeleteAndExit", "PeerInfo.DeleteChannel", "PeerInfo.DeleteContact", "PeerInfo.DeleteGroup", - "PeerInfo.DeleteSecretChat", "PeerInfo.Description.Placeholder", "PeerInfo.Discussion", "PeerInfo.Discussion.Add", "PeerInfo.Discussion.Desc", - "PeerInfo.EncryptionKey", "PeerInfo.FakeWarning", "PeerInfo.FirstName.Placeholder", "PeerInfo.Forum", @@ -21599,7 +20329,6 @@ "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedParticipantCountText", "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedParticipantCountText_countable", "PeerInfo.Translate", - "PeerInfo.Unarchive", "PeerInfo.UnblockUser", "PeerInfo.Usernames.List", "PeerInfo.Verified.Tooltip", @@ -21655,7 +20384,6 @@ "PhoneNumber.Info", "PhoneNumber.SendCode", "PhoneNumber.Title", - "PlaybackSpeed.SetToDefault", "Poll.Forward.Error", "PollResults.Collapse", "PollResults.LoadMore", @@ -21768,7 +20496,6 @@ "Premium.Limit.Locked.SavedGifs.Info", "Premium.Limit.Locked.SharedFolders.Info", "Premium.Limit.Locked.SharedFoldersInvites.Info", - "Premium.Limit.Pin.Info", "Premium.Limit.PinInArchive.Info", "Premium.Limit.PinInFolders.Info", "Premium.Limit.Premium", @@ -21777,7 +20504,6 @@ "Premium.Limit.SavedGifs.Info", "Premium.Limit.SharedFolders.Info", "Premium.Limit.SharedFoldersInvites.Info", - "Premium.Limit.SharedFoldersInvites.Info", "Premium.Offset.AlreadyHave", "Premium.Period.Annual", "Premium.Period.Monthly", @@ -21805,12 +20531,9 @@ "PremiumBoarding.Stories.StealthMode.Title", "PremiumGift.ButtonText", "PremiumGift.Month", - "Presence.Support", - "", "", "Preview.Dragging.AddItems", "Preview.Dragging.AddItems_countable", - "PreviewSender.ArchiveTooltip", "PreviewSender.CaptionPlaceholder", "PreviewSender.CollageTooltip", "PreviewSender.CommentPlaceholder", @@ -21992,7 +20715,6 @@ "ProxySettings.UseForCalls", "ProxySettings.Username", "QuickLook.Preview", - "QuickSwitcher.Description", "QuickSwitcher.Popular", "QuickSwitcher.Recently", "R4o-n2-Eq4.title", @@ -22012,10 +20734,6 @@ "Reactions.Preview.Premium", "Reactions.Preview.Unlock", "Reactions.RecentlyUsed", - "RecentCalls.Delete", - "RecentCalls.DeleteCalls", - "RecentCalls.DeleteForMeAnd", - "RecentCalls.DeleteHeader", "RecentCalls.Empty", "RecentSessions.Confirm.Revoke", "RecentSessions.Confirm.TerminateOthers", @@ -22067,10 +20785,8 @@ "SavedAs.ModalOk", "Schedule.SendDate", "Schedule.SendToday", - "Schedule.SendWhenOnline", "ScheduleController.Title", "", - "Search.Confirm.ClearHistory", "Search.Filter.ClearFilter", "Search.Filter.Files", "Search.Filter.GIFs", @@ -22080,24 +20796,12 @@ "Search.Filter.Videos", "Search.Filter.Voice", "Search.Global.Channel1", - "Search.Global.Channel1", "Search.Global.Channel1_countable", - "Search.Global.Group1", "Search.Global.Group1_countable", - "Search.Popular.Articles", - "Search.Popular.Delete", - "Search.Popular.SavedMessages", - "Search.Separator.ChatsAndContacts", - "Search.Separator.GlobalPeers", - "Search.Separator.Messages", - "Search.Separator.Popular", - "Search.Separator.Recent", "Search.Separator.Topics", "SearchField.Search", "SearchField.Search", "SearchField.Search", - "SearchField.Search", - "SecretTimer.Off", "SecureId.Accept.Help", "SecureId.Accept.Policy", "SecureId.Add.BankStatement", @@ -22304,14 +21008,8 @@ "SelectPeers.Title.SelectChat", "SelectPeers.Title.SelectGroup", "SelectPeers.Title.SelectGroupOrChannel", - "Separator.Clear", - "Separator.ShowLess", - "Separator.ShowMore", - "ServiceMessage.DesturctingPhoto", "ServiceMessage.DesturctingPhoto.You", - "ServiceMessage.DesturctingVideo", "ServiceMessage.DesturctingVideo.You", - "ServiceMessage.ExpiredFile", "ServiceMessage.ExpiredPhoto", "ServiceMessage.ExpiredVideo", "SessionPreview.Accept.Calls", @@ -22419,7 +21117,6 @@ "SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Watch", "Share.Link.Copied", "ShareCallLogs", - "ShareExtension.Cancel", "ShareExtension.Passcode.Next", "ShareExtension.Passcode.Placeholder", "ShareExtension.Search", @@ -22427,7 +21124,6 @@ "ShareExtension.Share", "ShareExtension.Unauthorized.Description", "ShareExtension.Unauthorized.OK", - "ShareExtension.Unauthorized.OK", "ShareFolder.Context.Delete", "ShareFolder.Context.NameLink", "ShareFolder.DeselectAll", @@ -22463,46 +21159,15 @@ "ShareModal.Search.ForwardPlaceholder", "ShareModal.Search.Placeholder", "ShareModal.Select", - "SharedFolder.Alert.AlreadyMember.Channel", - "SharedFolder.Alert.AlreadyMember.Group", - "SharedFolder.Confirm.Delete", - "SharedFolder.Confirm.Delete.Text", - "SharedFolder.CreateLink", - "SharedFolder.DeselectAll", - "SharedFolder.Done.AddFolder", - "SharedFolder.Done.DonNotJoinChats", - "SharedFolder.Done.JoinChats", - "SharedFolder.Done.RemoveFolder", - "SharedFolder.Done.RemoveFolderAndChats", "SharedFolder.Error.SomeUserTooMany", - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Already", "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Already_countable", - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.ChatsToJoin", "SharedFolder.ListHeader.ChatsToJoin_countable", "SharedFolder.ListHeader.InviteLinks", - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Quit", "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Quit_countable", - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Updates", "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Updates_countable", - "SharedFolder.SelectAll", - "SharedFolder.Status.AddChats", - "SharedFolder.Status.AddChats_ZeroValueHolder", "SharedFolder.Status.AddChats_countable", - "SharedFolder.Status.AddNew", - "SharedFolder.Status.FullyAdded", - "SharedFolder.Status.Links", - "SharedFolder.Status.Remove", - "SharedFolder.Title.AddChats", "SharedFolder.Title.AddChats_countable", - "SharedFolder.Title.AddFolder", - "SharedFolder.Title.AllChats", - "SharedFolder.Title.Personal", - "SharedFolder.Title.RemoveFolder", - "SharedFolder.Title.ShareFolder", - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Added.Text", "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Added.Text_countable", - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Added.Title", - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Updated.Text", "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Updated.Text_countable", "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Updated.Title", "ShortcutsController.Chat", @@ -22630,8 +21295,6 @@ "Stickers.Confirm.ClearRecentOK", "Stickers.Confirm.ClearRecentText", "Stickers.Context.Archive", - "Stickers.Count", - "Stickers.Count_countable", "Stickers.Favorite", "Stickers.GroupStickers", "Stickers.Premium", @@ -22858,8 +21521,6 @@ "Supergroup.DeleteRestriction.DeleteMessage", "Supergroup.DeleteRestriction.ReportSpam", "Supergroup.DeleteRestriction.Title", - 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"RegisterText2", "Regular", "Reminders", "Remove", @@ -29968,7 +27791,6 @@ "Revoked", "Saturation", "Save", - "Save", "SaveAs", "SaveChangesAlertText", "SaveChangesAlertTitle", @@ -30047,13 +27869,6 @@ "SetColor", "SetCustomTime", "SetEmojiStatus", - "SetEmojiStatusUntil1Hour", - "SetEmojiStatusUntil2Days", - "SetEmojiStatusUntil2Hours", - "SetEmojiStatusUntil8Hours", - "SetEmojiStatusUntilButton", - "SetEmojiStatusUntilOther", - "SetEmojiStatusUntilTitle", "SetPasscode", "SetPasscodeInfo", "SetPhoto", @@ -30390,8 +28205,6 @@ "UseSystemSpellChecker", "UserAcceptedToGroupAction", "UserBio", - "UserBio", - "UserBioInfo", "UserBioInfo", "UserRestricted", "UserRestrictions", @@ -30417,7 +28230,6 @@ "Username", "Username", "Username", - "Username", "UsernameActivateLink", "UsernameActivateLinkProfileMessage", "UsernameAlso", diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index bfaefa06c3..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,1379 +1 @@ -{ - "ActionBotAllowed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,1076,1174,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionBotAllowedApp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,582,582,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on \"%1$s\" app." - } - }, - "ActionBotWebViewData": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1190,1131,1131,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Data from the \"%1$s\" button was transferred to the bot." - } - }, - "ActionRequestedPeer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,600,653,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You shared un1 with un2" - } - }, - "ActionUserScored": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",745,307,307,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 scored %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionYouScored": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",723,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You scored %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionYouScoredInGame": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1072,559,559,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You scored %1$s in un2" - } - }, - "AddAsAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add as admin" - } - }, - "AddBotAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",459,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add bot as admin" - } - }, - "AddBotButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",878,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add bot" - } - }, - "AddBotButtonAsMember": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",878,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "as Member" - } - }, - "AddBotMessageAdminChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",397,532,532,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add this bot as an admin to the channel **%1$s**? It will have access to lists of channel admins and subscribers." - } - }, - "AddBotMessageAdminGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",320,524,524,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to add this bot as an admin to the group **%1$s**? It will have access to the list of anonymous admins." - } - }, - "AddShortcut": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Home Screen" - } - }, - "AddToTheGroupTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",261,596,596,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %1$s to the chat %2$s?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteThisChatWithBotWithCheckmark": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,497,497,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete the chat with **%1$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureSendChatToBotMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",334,520,520,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to send **%1$s** to **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureSendChatToBotTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",305,455,455,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send %1$s to %2$s?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureShareMyContactInfoBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",295,526,526,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services." - } - }, - "AutoDeletePopupTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-Delete" - } - }, - "BlockBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",522,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block bot" - } - }, - "Bot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",26,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "bot" - } - }, - "BotAddToGroupOrChannelInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",348,570,570,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot is able to manage a group or channel." - } - }, - "BotAddToMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1491,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Menu" - } - }, - "BotAttachMenuShortcatAddedAttach": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,560,560,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** shortcut added in attachment menu." - } - }, - "BotAttachMenuShortcatAddedAttachAndSide": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",5,532,532,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** shortcuts added in attachment menu and side menu." - } - }, - "BotCantAddToAttachMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",710,397,397,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." - } - }, - "BotCantJoinGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,392,392,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot can't join groups." - } - }, - "BotChangeSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Bot Settings" - } - }, - "BotEditCommands": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",456,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Commands" - } - }, - "BotEditIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",396,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Intro" - } - }, - "BotHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",487,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Help" - } - }, - "BotInfoTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,379,379,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What can this bot do?" - } - }, - "BotInvite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",141,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Group" - } - }, - "BotManageInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",507,389,389,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use @BotFather to manage this bot." - } - }, - "BotName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",121,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot Name" - } - }, - "BotOpenPageMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",341,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** would like to open its web app to proceed.

It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info." - } - }, - "BotOpenPageTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open page" - } - }, - "BotPermissionGameAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",243,625,625,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow %1$s to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?" - } - }, - "BotPublicLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",336,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Public Link" - } - }, - "BotRemoveFromMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,421,421,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will remove **%1$s** shortcuts from all menus." - } - }, - "BotRemoveFromMenuTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",380,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove bot" - } - }, - "BotRequestAttachPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",906,1034,1034,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** requests to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat." - } - }, - "BotRestart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",264,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Restart Bot" - } - }, - "BotSetPublicLinkHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",109,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set public link" - } - }, - "BotSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",412,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "BotSettingsChangedAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,505,505,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed some settings for this bot. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BotShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",202,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share" - } - }, - "BotStart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",837,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "START" - } - }, - "BotStatusCantRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",593,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "has no access to messages" - } - }, - "BotStatusRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",632,372,372,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "has access to messages" - } - }, - "BotStop": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",265,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Block Bot" - } - }, - "BotUsernameHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",135,600,609,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link cannot be edited. You can acquire additional usernames on *Fragment*." - } - }, - "BotWebAppDisclaimerCheck": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",503,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I agree to the **Terms of Use**" - } - }, - "BotWebAppDisclaimerSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",335,508,508,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are about to use a mini app operated by an independent party **not affiliated with Telegram**. You must agree to the Terms of Use for mini apps to continue." - } - }, - "BotWebViewChangesMayNotBeSaved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",330,502,502,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Changes that you made may not be saved." - } - }, - "BotWebViewCloseAnyway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",526,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close anyway" - } - }, - "BotWebViewDeleteBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",192,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from Menu" - } - }, - "BotWebViewOpenBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Bot" - } - }, - "BotWebViewReloadPage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reload Page" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestAllow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1610,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",936,988,988,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",467,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open.

Enable camera access in Settings > Permissions > Camera." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestDontAllow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1573,335,335,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't Allow" - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",928,1002,1002,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",933,1002,1002,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open.

Go to Settings > Permissions and turn **Location** on to share location data." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",935,991,991,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open." - } - }, - "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermissionWithHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to access to your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open.

Enable microphone access in Settings > Permissions > Microphone." - } - }, - "BotWebViewSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "ChooseGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Group" - } - }, - "ChooseUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a User" - } - }, - "CreateGroupForThis": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",191,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a New Group for This" - } - }, - "DeleteAndBlock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",292,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete and Block" - } - }, - "InvoiceCantForwardSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",372,452,452,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, invoices can’t be forwarded to secret chats." - } - }, - "InvoiceCantSendSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",452,457,457,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, invoices can’t be sent to secret chats." - } - }, - "MyChannels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",77,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "My Channels" - } - }, - "MyGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "My Groups" - } - }, - "OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1431,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "OpenUrlAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",276,561,561,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open this link: %1$s?" - } - }, - "PaymentBillingAddress": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1005,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Billing address" - } - }, - "PaymentCardCvv": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",756,537,537,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Security Code (CVV)" - } - }, - "PaymentCardExpireDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",562,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "MM/YY" - } - }, - "PaymentCardInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment info" - } - }, - "PaymentCardName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",627,536,536,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First and Last Name" - } - }, - "PaymentCardNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",394,362,362,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Card Number" - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1216,698,698,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Payment Information" - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1001,1200,1234,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can save your payment info for future use. It will be stored directly with the payment provider. Telegram has no access to your credit card data." - } - }, - "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1102,1157,1157,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please *turn on Two-Step Verification* to enable this." - } - }, - "PaymentCardTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",308,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment card" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckout": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",9,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Checkout" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutAcceptRecurrent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",569,551,551,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I accept the *Terms of Service* of %1$s." - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutEmail": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",433,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Contact address" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment method" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutMethodNewCard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",879,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Bank Card…" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Name" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutPay": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",512,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "PAY %1$s" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutPhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",364,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone number" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutProvider": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment provider" - } - }, - "PaymentCheckoutShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping method" - } - }, - "PaymentConfirmationMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,1074,1144,262,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your card %1$s is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password." - } - }, - "PaymentConfirmationNewCard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,535,535,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Another Card" - } - }, - "PaymentConnectionFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",467,591,591,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unable to reach payment server. Please check your Internet connection and try again." - } - }, - "PaymentFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the payment was declined." - } - }, - "PaymentInfoHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",685,562,562,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You paid **%1$s** for **%2$s**." - } - }, - "PaymentInvoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "INVOICE" - } - }, - "PaymentNoShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, it is not possible to deliver to your address." - } - }, - "PaymentPassword": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,700,700,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password & Email" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmail": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",924,342,342,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your email address" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmailInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,1389,1396,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter a valid email address. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmailTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",777,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recovery email" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",281,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter a password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",230,1420,1546,256,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordReEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",381,696,696,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Re-enter your password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",221,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password" - } - }, - "PaymentPhoneEmailToProvider": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,1078,1115,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone and email address will be passed to %1$s as billing info." - } - }, - "PaymentPrecheckoutFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the payment was canceled by the bot." - } - }, - "PaymentReceipt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",662,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Receipt" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping address" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress1Placeholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",181,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Address 1 (Street)" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingAddress2Placeholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",246,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Address 2 (Street)" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingCityPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "City" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingCountry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Country" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingEmailPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Email" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,361,361,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping Information" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingMethod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",8,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping methods" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",468,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Full Name" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingPhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",570,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone Number" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingReceiver": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",430,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Receiver" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingSave": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",544,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Shipping Information" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingSaveInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",486,536,536,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can save your shipping info for future use." - } - }, - "PaymentShippingStatePlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "State" - } - }, - "PaymentShippingZipPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",501,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Postcode" - } - }, - "PaymentSuccessfullyPaid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",484,600,630,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You successfully transferred %1$s to %2$s for %3$s" - } - }, - "PaymentTestInvoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "TEST INVOICE" - } - }, - "PaymentTip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tip" - } - }, - "PaymentTipOptional": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",310,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tip (Optional)" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",217,403,403,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to transfer %1$s to the bot %2$s for %3$s?" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionMessage2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,475,475,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Transfer **%1$s** to the %2$s bot for **%3$s**?" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionReview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",202,323,323,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Transaction Review" - } - }, - "PaymentTransactionTotal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",460,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Total" - } - }, - "PaymentWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",596,312,312,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning" - } - }, - "PaymentWarningText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,1227,1227,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Neither Telegram, nor %1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementForumFalse": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must have topics turned off." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementGroupCreatorTrue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",115,445,445,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You must be the owner of the group." - } - }, - "PeerRequirementGroupPublicTrue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",87,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must be public." - } - }, - "PeerRequirements": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Requirements" - } - }, - "PermissionOpenSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1692,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "Points": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d", - "plural": "%1$d" - } - }, - "PrivacyClearPayment": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment Info" - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards? Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",373,301,301,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear payment info" - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentInfoCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment info cleared." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentShippingCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",768,405,405,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment and shipping info cleared." - } - }, - "PrivacyPaymentsShippingInfoCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",881,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping info cleared." - } - }, - "Search": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Search" - } - }, - "SecretChatContextBotAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",251,617,617,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please note that inline bots are provided by third-party developers. For the bot to work, the symbols you type after the bot's username are sent to its respective developer." - } - }, - "SendGameTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",601,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share game to %1$s?" - } - }, - "SendGameToGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",510,684,684,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share game to %1$s?" - } - }, - "ShareComment": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",792,327,327,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a comment..." - } - }, - "ShareMyContactInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Contact" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",463,780,780,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will send your current location to the bot." - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationInline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",255,620,620,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results." - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",254,441,441,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Your Location?" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationUnable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "App was unable to determine your current location" - } - }, - "ShareYouLocationUnableManually": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose manually" - } - }, - "ShareYouPhoneNumberTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",216,574,574,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share your phone number?" - } - }, - "TermsOfUse": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",355,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Use" - } - }, - "UnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",402,286,286,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unsaved Changes" - } - }, - "UserAddedAsAdminHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",724,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** added as admin" - } - }, - "ViaBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1050,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "via" - } - }, - "WebAppDisclaimerUrl": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 3a6f5de22e..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,2813 +1 @@ -{ - "ALongTimeAgo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",23,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen a long time ago" - } - }, - "AccurateTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1239,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Accurate to %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionAddUserYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 added you" - } - }, - "ActionChangedTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,454,454,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 changed the group name to un2" - } - }, - "ActionChannelCallEnded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Live stream ended (%s)" - } - }, - "ActionChannelChangedPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",606,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel photo updated" - } - }, - "ActionChannelChangedTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",633,600,637,264,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel name changed to un2" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallEndedByYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",124,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You ended the video chat (%s)" - } - }, - "ActionMigrateFromGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,566,566,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This group was upgraded to a supergroup" - } - }, - "ActionSetSameWallpaperForThisChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,544,544,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s set your wallpaper as their own for this chat." - } - }, - "ActionSetSameWallpaperForThisChatSelf": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",692,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set the same wallpaper as your chat partner." - } - }, - "ActionSetWallpaperForThisChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s set a new wallpaper for this chat." - } - }, - "ActionSetWallpaperForThisChatSelf": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",456,373,373,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set a new wallpaper for this chat." - } - }, - "ActionTakeScreenshoot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",499,304,304,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 took a screenshot!" - } - }, - "ActionTakeScreenshootYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",515,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You took a screenshot!" - } - }, - "ActionUserWithinRadius": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",649,498,498,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 is now within %1$s from you" - } - }, - "ActionUserWithinYouRadius": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",154,439,439,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are now within %1$s from un1" - } - }, - "Add": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",555,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add" - } - }, - "AddCaption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1014,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a caption..." - } - }, - "AddContactChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",105,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "ADD CONTACT" - } - }, - "AddContactFullChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",161,600,600,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "ADD %1$s TO CONTACTS" - } - }, - "AddContactTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Contact" - } - }, - "AddMasks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",558,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Masks" - } - }, - "AddMasksInstalled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",499,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "New masks added" - } - }, - "AddStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",561,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Stickers" - } - }, - "AddStickersInstalled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",496,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "New stickers added" - } - }, - "AddStickersNotFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",736,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Stickers not found" - } - }, - "AddToContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",164,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to contacts" - } - }, - "AppFolderInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",238,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Browse the app's folder" - } - }, - "AppName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1023,319,319,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram" - } - }, - "ApplyBackgroundForThisChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",899,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "APPLY FOR THIS CHAT" - } - }, - "ApplyLocalizationFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",340,332,332,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply localization file" - } - }, - "ApplyTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",561,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply" - } - }, - "AreYouSureClearHistorySavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",433,490,490,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to clear **Saved Messages**? This action cannot be undone." - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteFewMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",631,848,848,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete these messages?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",687,804,804,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this message?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteThisChatSavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",685,857,857,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete **Saved Messages**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",189,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this video?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureShareMyContactInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",442,798,798,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to share your phone number?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureShareMyContactInfoUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",422,482,482,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to share your phone number %1$s with **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "ArticleDateByAuthor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",115,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s by %2$s" - } - }, - "AttachBotsHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",813,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Scroll down for bots" - } - }, - "AttachGame": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",319,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Game" - } - }, - "AttachMediaDragHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",544,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Drag media to reorder" - } - }, - "AttachMediaPhotoDeselected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",910,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Photo unselected." - } - }, - "AttachMediaPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",62,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message preview" - } - }, - "AttachMediaPreviewButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",185,319,319,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show message preview" - } - }, - "AttachMediaVideoDeselected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",910,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video unselected." - } - }, - "AttachPhotoExpired": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",485,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Photo has expired" - } - }, - "AttachVideoExpired": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",521,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video has expired" - } - }, - "AudioUnknownArtist": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",734,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unknown artist" - } - }, - "AudioUnknownTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",700,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unknown title" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteConfirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",988,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm" - } - }, - "AwaitingEncryption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",879,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting for %s to come online..." - } - }, - "BackgroundBlurred": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",860,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Blurred" - } - }, - "BackgroundColorSinglePreviewLine2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",796,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Looks good" - } - }, - "BackgroundColorSinglePreviewLine3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",615,446,446,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply the wallpaper in this chat" - } - }, - "BackgroundColors": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",859,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Colors" - } - }, - "BackgroundDimming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",819,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper dimming" - } - }, - "BackgroundMotion": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",859,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Motion" - } - }, - "BackgroundPattern": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",860,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pattern" - } - }, - "BackgroundPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",12,366,366,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper Preview" - } - }, - "BackgroundPreviewLine2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",793,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Woo-hoo! Thanks" - } - }, - "BlockUserAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",540,995,995,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to block **%1$s** from messaging and calling you on Telegram?" - } - }, - "BlockUserTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",700,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block %1$s" - } - }, - "Bold": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bold" - } - }, - "BotUnblock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",561,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "RESTART" - } - }, - "BotWebAppInstantViewOpen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",800,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Launch" - } - }, - "BotWebViewStartPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",371,490,490,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "To launch this web app, you will connect to its website." - } - }, - "Call": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",23,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call" - } - }, - "CallAgain": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",264,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call Again" - } - }, - "CallBack": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",286,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call Back" - } - }, - "CallEmojiKeyTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,483,483,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If the emoji on %1$s’s screen are the same, this call is 100%% secure." - } - }, - "CallMessageIncoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",419,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageIncomingDeclined": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Declined Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageIncomingMissed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",277,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Missed Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageOutgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",489,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outgoing Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageOutgoingMissed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",482,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Canceled Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageReportProblem": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",314,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Rate Call" - } - }, - "CallReportHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",184,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What went wrong?" - } - }, - "CallReportIncludeLogs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",693,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Include technical information" - } - }, - "CallReportLogsExplain": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",649,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Doesn't reveal chat contents and helps us fix the issue sooner." - } - }, - "CallReportSent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",359,437,437,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Thank you for helping us make Telegram calls better." - } - }, - "CallViaTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Call" - } - }, - "Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",967,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "Caption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",443,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Caption" - } - }, - "ChangeColors": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change colors" - } - }, - "ChatBackgroundHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",487,561,561,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s will be able to apply this wallpaper" - } - }, - "ChatDistanceToPeer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",266,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is %2$s" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfDescription1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",478,783,783,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward messages here to save them" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfDescription2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",547,731,731,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send media and files to store them" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfDescription3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",619,691,691,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Access this chat from any device" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfDescription4": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",674,679,679,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use search to quickly find things" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",574,439,439,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your cloud storage" - } - }, - "ChooseANewWallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",805,337,337,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a New Wallpaper" - } - }, - "ChooseBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",359,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose background" - } - }, - "ChooseBackgroundFromGallery": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",837,387,387,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Wallpaper from Gallery" - } - }, - "ClearForMe": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",624,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear" - } - }, - "ClearHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",237,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear History" - } - }, - "Close": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",561,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close" - } - }, - "ColorDark": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",125,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Dark" - } - }, - "CompatibilityChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is using an older version of Telegram, so disappearing photos will be shown in compatibility mode.

Once %2$s updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in 'Press and hold to view' mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot." - } - }, - "ContactShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "SHARE CONTACT" - } - }, - "ConvertGroupAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,629,629,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This action is irreversible. It is not possible to downgrade a supergroup to a regular group." - } - }, - "ConvertGroupAlertWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",396,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning" - } - }, - "Copy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",828,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy" - } - }, - "CopyLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",231,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Link" - } - }, - "Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",365,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "DeleteAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1106,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete All" - } - }, - "DeleteAllFrom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",597,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete all from %1$s" - } - }, - "DeleteAllMessagesAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",653,918,918,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning! This will **delete all messages** in this chat for **both** participants." - } - }, - "DeleteBanUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",476,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ban user" - } - }, - "DeleteChatUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",307,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete chat" - } - }, - "DeleteForAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",310,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for all members" - } - }, - "DeleteFromRecent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",825,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from Recent" - } - }, - "DeleteMessagesOptionAlso": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",925,473,473,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Also delete for %1$s" - } - }, - "DeleteMessagesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",685,540,540,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete %1$s" - } - }, - "DeleteReportSpam": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",550,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Report spam" - } - }, - "DeleteSingleMessagesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",762,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete message" - } - }, - "DeleteThisChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",836,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete this chat" - } - }, - "DeletedFromYourContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",680,486,486,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%s deleted from your contacts" - } - }, - "DisappearingGif": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",3,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Disappearing GIF" - } - }, - "DisappearingPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",57,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Disappearing Photo" - } - }, - "DisappearingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",57,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Disappearing Video" - } - }, - "DiscardVideoMessageDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",662,1160,1160,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard your video message?" - } - }, - "DiscardVideoMessageTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",695,873,873,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard Video Message" - } - }, - "DiscardVoiceMessageAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1289,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard" - } - }, - "DiscardVoiceMessageDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",662,1161,1161,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard your voice message?" - } - }, - "DiscardVoiceMessageTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",697,867,867,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard Voice Message" - } - }, - "Done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",968,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Done" - } - }, - "Edit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,280,276,280,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit" - } - }, - "EditMessageError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",203,433,433,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't edit this message." - } - }, - "EditedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",838,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "edited" - } - }, - "EncryptedDescription1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",507,329,329,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use end-to-end encryption" - } - }, - "EncryptedDescription2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",520,366,366,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave no trace on our servers" - } - }, - "EncryptedDescription3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",576,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Have a self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "EncryptedDescription4": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",628,301,301,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do not allow forwarding" - } - }, - "EncryptedDescriptionTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",493,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret chats:" - } - }, - "EncryptedPlaceholderTitleIncoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",175,373,373,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%s invited you to join a secret chat." - } - }, - "EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",417,344,344,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You invited %s to join a secret chat." - } - }, - "EncryptionKey": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",9,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Encryption Key" - } - }, - "EncryptionKeyDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",251,540,599,248,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with **%1$s**.

If they look the same on **%2$s's** device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed.

Learn more at" - } - }, - "EncryptionKeyLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",5,839,839,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "EncryptionProcessing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",72,422,422,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Exchanging encryption keys..." - } - }, - "EncryptionRejected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1008,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret chat canceled" - } - }, - "EnjoyngAnimations": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",31,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**oo** watching %1$s" - } - }, - "FilterInviteGroupToast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",607,584,586,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You don’t have the admin rights to share invite links to this group." - } - }, - "FirstName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",141,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First name (required)" - } - }, - "Folder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",85,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Folder" - } - }, - "FolderLinkAlreadyJoined": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",652,461,461,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are already a member of this group." - } - }, - "FolderLinkAlreadySubscribed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",661,450,450,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are already subscribed to this channel." - } - }, - "FolderLinkHeaderAlready": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",730,333,333,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats you already joined" - } - }, - "FolderLinkHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",560,600,607,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can deselect the chats you don’t want to join." - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreviewLeft": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",542,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreviewRight": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",542,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Personal" - } - }, - "FolderLinkSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",426,587,587,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add the chat folder **%s** and join its groups and channels?" - } - }, - "FolderLinkSubtitleAlready": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",459,583,583,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have already added the folder **%s** and all its chats." - } - }, - "FolderLinkTitleAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",567,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Folder" - } - }, - "FolderLinkTitleAlready": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",556,373,373,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Folder already added" - } - }, - "ForwardTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward to..." - } - }, - "ForwardedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",472,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded message" - } - }, - "From": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",490,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "From" - } - }, - "Gallery": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",291,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gallery" - } - }, - "GalleryInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,407,407,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "To send images without compression" - } - }, - "GameCantSendSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",420,523,523,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, games can’t be sent to secret chats." - } - }, - "GettingLinkInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",501,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Getting Link Info..." - } - }, - "GotAQuestion": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",538,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Have a question
about Telegram?" - } - }, - "HidAccount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1214,727,727,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The account was hidden by the user" - } - }, - "HiddenName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",352,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Deleted Account" - } - }, - "HoldToAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",648,581,581,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hold to record audio. Tap to switch to video." - } - }, - "HoldToVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",649,579,579,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hold to record video. Tap to switch to audio." - } - }, - "Hybrid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",119,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hybrid" - } - }, - "IncorrectLocalization": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",440,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Incorrect localization file" - } - }, - "IncorrectTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",639,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, this theme file appears to be corrupted." - } - }, - "InstantViewNightMode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",370,519,517,280,278", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The dark theme will automatically turn on at night" - } - }, - "InternalFolderInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Browse your file system" - } - }, - "InternalStorage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Internal Storage" - } - }, - "IsRecordingAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",26,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is recording a voice message..." - } - }, - "IsRecordingRound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",21,478,478,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is recording a video message..." - } - }, - "IsSendingPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",75,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is sending a photo..." - } - }, - "Italic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",367,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Italic" - } - }, - "JoinToGroupErrorNotExist": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",207,422,422,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, this chat doesn't seem to exist." - } - }, - "JumpToDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",500,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Jump to Date" - } - }, - "KMetersAway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",998,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "km away" - } - }, - "KMetersFromYou2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,330,330,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s km from you" - } - }, - "KMetersShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s km" - } - }, - "LastName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",196,312,312,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Last name (optional)" - } - }, - "LastSeen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen" - } - }, - "LastSeenDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",37,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen" - } - }, - "LastSeenFormatted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",76,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen %1$s" - } - }, - "Lately": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",76,399,399,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen recently" - } - }, - "LocationNotifiation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",487,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proximity alert" - } - }, - "LocationNotifiationButtonUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",765,399,399,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Notify when %1$s is within %2$s" - } - }, - "Map": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",16,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Map" - } - }, - "Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",568,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message" - } - }, - "MessageLifetime": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Self-Destruct Timer" - } - }, - "MessageLifetimeChanged": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",290,538,539,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s set the self-destruct timer to %2$s" - } - }, - "MessageLifetimeChangedOutgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",266,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set the self-destruct timer to %1$s" - } - }, - "MessageLifetimePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",458,600,617,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If you set a timer, the photo will self-destruct after it is viewed." - } - }, - "MessageLifetimeRemoved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",328,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s disabled the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "MessageLifetimeVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",460,600,613,274,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If you set a timer, the video will self-destruct after it is viewed." - } - }, - "MessageLifetimeYouRemoved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",405,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You disabled the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "MessageScheduledUntilOnline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",772,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scheduled until online" - } - }, - "Meters": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1239,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d meter", - "plural": "%1$d meters" - } - }, - "MetersAway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",849,280,278,280,278", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "m away" - } - }, - "MetersFromYou2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s m from you" - } - }, - "MetersShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s m" - } - }, - "MilesFromYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,323,323,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s mi from you" - } - }, - "MoreAboutThisBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",428,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "More about this bot" - } - }, - "MoreInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Learn more" - } - }, - "Mute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "MuteForAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",550,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute notifications for..." - } - }, - "MuteNever": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",789,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Never" - } - }, - "NearbyPeopleGreetingsDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",715,770,770,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send a message or tap on the greeting below to show that you are ready to chat." - } - }, - "NearbyPeopleGreetingsMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",652,579,579,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is %2$s" - } - }, - "NearbyVenue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1480,463,463,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Or choose a venue" - } - }, - "Next": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",616,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Next" - } - }, - "NoAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",212,720,753,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add files to the music library on your device to see them here." - } - }, - "NoFolderFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",861,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No chat folder found." - } - }, - "NoMasks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",338,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No masks yet" - } - }, - "NoMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",289,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No messages here yet..." - } - }, - "NoMessagesGreetingsDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,302,302,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send a message or tap the greeting below." - } - }, - "NoRecentGIFs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",234,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No recent GIFs" - } - }, - "NoRecentPhotos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",224,373,373,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No recent photos" - } - }, - "NoSharedLinksSecret": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Shared links from this chat will be shown here." - } - }, - "NoUsernameFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",936,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Username not found." - } - }, - "NobodyLikesSpam1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",257,598,598,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment." - } - }, - "NotificationContactNewPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s updated profile photo" - } - }, - "NotificationUnrecognizedDevice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",162,1112,1112,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s,
We detected a login to your account from a new device on %2$s

Device: %3$s
Location: %4$s

If this wasn't you, you can go to Settings > Devices and terminate that session.

If you think that somebody logged in to your account against your will, you can enable Two-Step Verification in Privacy and Security settings.

The Telegram Team" - } - }, - "NowInContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",864,361,361,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is now in your contacts." - } - }, - "OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1405,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "Online": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "online" - } - }, - "Open": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",753,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open" - } - }, - "PinAlsoFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",503,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Also pin for %1$s" - } - }, - "PinMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin" - } - }, - "PinMessageAlertChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",405,519,519,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to pin this message to the top of the chat?" - } - }, - "PinMessageAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",470,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin message" - } - }, - "PreviewWallpaperNight": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",54,486,486,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Preview this wallpaper in night mode." - } - }, - "ProximityAlertCancelled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",677,351,351,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proximity alert canceled" - } - }, - "ProximityAlertSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",677,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proximity alert set" - } - }, - "ProximityAlertSetInfoGroup2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",661,434,434,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "We will notify you once someone is within %1$s from you." - } - }, - "ProximityAlertSetInfoUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",594,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "We will notify you once %1$s is within %2$s from you." - } - }, - "ProximityTooltioUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",206,354,354,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Alert when %1$s is close" - } - }, - "RateCallDistorted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",461,294,294,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Speech was distorted" - } - }, - "RateCallDropped": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",630,329,329,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call ended unexpectedly" - } - }, - "RateCallEcho": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",273,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I heard my own voice" - } - }, - "RateCallInterruptions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,436,436,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The other side kept disappearing" - } - }, - "RateCallNoise": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",319,340,340,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I heard background noise" - } - }, - "RateCallSilentLocal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",479,379,379,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I couldn't hear the other side" - } - }, - "RateCallSilentRemote": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",514,421,421,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The other side couldn't hear me" - } - }, - "RecentFiles": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",397,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Recent files" - } - }, - "RecordingAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",382,337,337,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "recording voice message..." - } - }, - "RecordingRound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",328,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "recording video message..." - } - }, - "Regular": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",437,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Regular" - } - }, - "RemindDayAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",969,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "'Remind on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm" - } - }, - "RemindDayYearAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",898,377,377,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "'Remind on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm" - } - }, - "RemindTodayAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",991,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "'Remind today at' HH:mm" - } - }, - "Reminders": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",42,305,305,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reminders" - } - }, - "ReportSpam": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "REPORT SPAM" - } - }, - "ReportSpamAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",286,538,538,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to report spam from this user?" - } - }, - "ReportSpamUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",156,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "BLOCK USER" - } - }, - "RestToDefaultBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",926,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Wallpaper" - } - }, - "ReturnToCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "RETURN TO CALL" - } - }, - "Satellite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Satellite" - } - }, - "SavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,450,450,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Saved Messages" - } - }, - "SavedMessagesInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",160,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward here to save" - } - }, - "Schedule": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",718,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Schedule" - 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"values": { - "singular": "%1$d second", - "plural": "%1$d seconds" - } - }, - "SecretChatTimerHours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",85,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "h" - } - }, - "SecretChatTimerMinutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "m" - } - }, - "SecretChatTimerSeconds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",85,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "s" - } - }, - "SecretLinkPreviewAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",813,1034,1034,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enable extended link previews in Secret Chats? Note that link previews are generated on Telegram servers." - } - }, - "SelectFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select File" - } - }, - "SelectTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",630,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select theme" - } - }, - "Send": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",637,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send" - } - }, - "SendAsFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",836,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send as file" - } - }, - "SendAsFiles": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",838,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send as files" - } - }, - "SendLiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1096,746,746,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Live Location for..." - } - }, - "SendLiveLocationInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1138,768,768,280,280", - 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They need to update their app before you can call them." - } - }, - "VoipPeerOutdated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",424,1027,1027,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s**'s app does not support calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." - } - }, - "VoipRateCallAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",222,384,384,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please rate the quality of your Telegram call" - } - }, - "VoipRequesting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Requesting" - } - }, - "VoipRinging": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ringing" - } - }, - "VoipWaiting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting" - } - }, - "WallpaperNotification": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,299,221,280,208", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set a new chat wallpaper" - } - }, - "WallpaperPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper" - } - }, - "WithinAMonth": { - 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"has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %1$s to the group?" - } - }, - "AddToTheGroupForwardCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",187,475,475,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Number of previous messages to forward:" - } - }, - "AreYouSureBlockContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",358,539,539,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to block this contact?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureBlockContact2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",845,968,968,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to block **%1$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",189,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",275,527,527,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this video?" - 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"has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose background" - } - }, - "ChooseCover": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",598,405,405,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a frame for your profile photo" - } - }, - "ChooseEmojiOrSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",313,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose emoji or sticker" - } - }, - "ChoosePhotoOrVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",624,567,567,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose photo or video" - } - }, - "CommonGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",35,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d group in common", - "plural": "%1$d groups in common" - } - }, - "CustomAvatarTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",370,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "photo set by you" - } - }, - "CustomNotifications": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - 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You can ask a friend to gift a Premium subscription for your account **%1$s**" - } - }, - "LoginEmailResetPremiumRequiredTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",140,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Premium Required" - } - }, - "MediaShowPhotos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",275,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Photos" - } - }, - "MediaShowVideos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",336,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Videos" - } - }, - "MediaZoomIn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Zoom In" - } - }, - "MediaZoomOut": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Zoom Out" - } - }, - "MessagePreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,335,335,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Message Previews" - 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"Start": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",345,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start" - } - }, - "StartEncryptedChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Secret Chat" - } - }, - "SuggestUserPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",323,395,395,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggest Photo for %s" - } - }, - "SuggestedPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,312,312,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggested Photo" - } - }, - "SuggestedVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggested Photo" - } - }, - "TodayAtFormatted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",337,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "at %1$s" - } - }, - "Unblock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",483,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unblock user" - } - }, - "UserBioInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,540,548,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can add a few lines about yourself. Choose who can see your bio in Settings." - } - }, - "UserBlocked": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",999,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "User blocked." - } - }, - "UserCustomPhotoSeted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",664,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will now always see this photo for **%s's** account." - } - }, - "UserSetPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set photo for %s" - } - }, - "UserUnblocked": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2131,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "User unblocked." - } - }, - "Vibrate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",443,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Vibrate" - } - }, - "VibrationDefault": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",443,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Default" - } - }, - "VideoCallViaTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",436,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Video Call" - } - }, - "VoipNotificationSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",911,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Calls" - } - }, - "VoipOfflineAirplane": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",180,476,476,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have airplane mode enabled. Please turn it off or connect to Wi-Fi to make calls." - } - }, - "VoipOfflineAirplaneTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",219,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Airplane Mode" - } - }, - "VoipOfflineOpenSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "VoipOngoingAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",808,1036,1036,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "End call with **%1$s** and start a new one with **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "VoipOngoingAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",837,788,788,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Another call in progress" - } - }, - "VoipSettingsRingtone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1026,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ringtone" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index a59e23de2d..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,1404 +1 @@ -{ - 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"has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard All" - } - }, - "Camera.FlashAuto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto" - } - }, - "Camera.FlashOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Off" - } - }, - "Camera.FlashOn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "On" - } - }, - "Camera.PhotoMode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",739,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "PHOTO" - } - }, - "Camera.Retake": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",677,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Retake" - } - }, - "Camera.SquareMode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",739,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SQUARE" - } - }, - "Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",829,353,353,280,280", - 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Enter @gif to search." - } - }, - "Conversation.Processing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",553,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Processing..." - } - }, - "Conversation.StopPoll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1712,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop Poll" - } - }, - "Conversation.StopPollConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1852,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop Poll" - } - }, - "Conversation.StopPollConfirmationTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",997,1125,1181,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone." - } - }, - "Conversation.UnvotePoll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1620,396,396,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Retract Vote" - } - }, - "ConversationMedia.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",102,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Media" - } - }, - "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",843,669,669,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can add 1 more option.", - "plural": "You can add %@ more options." - } - }, - "CreatePoll.AddOption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",870,407,407,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add an Option" - } - }, - "CreatePoll.AllOptionsAdded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1121,1125,1144,274,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have added the maximum number of options." - } - }, - "CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",716,938,938,280,280", - 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— or this paperclip stays unhappy." - } - }, - "SharedMedia.EmptyTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",408,321,321,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No media files yet" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.File": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",240,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 file", - "plural": "%@ files" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.Generic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 media file", - "plural": "%@ media files" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.Link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",240,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 link", - "plural": "%@ links" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.Photo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",171,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 photo", - "plural": "%@ photos" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.SearchNoResults": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1048,324,324,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No Results" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.SearchNoResultsDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",688,1125,1203,262,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "There were no results for \"%@\".
Try a new search." - } - }, - "SharedMedia.TitleAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",43,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Shared Media" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.Video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",171,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 video", - "plural": "%@ videos" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.ViewInChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",999,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show in Chat" - } - }, - "StickerPack.Add": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add" - } - }, - "StickerPack.StickerCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 sticker", - "plural": "%@ stickers" - } - }, - "Stickers.ClearRecent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1517,676,676,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear Recent Stickers" - } - 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"values": { - "singular": "Poll" - } - }, - "WebSearch.GIFs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",112,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "GIFs" - } - }, - "WebSearch.Images": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Images" - } - }, - "WebSearch.RecentClearConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",439,540,540,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to clear recent images?" - } - }, - "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear" - } - }, - "WebSearch.RecentSectionTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Recent" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 65689e26a9..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,943 +1 @@ -{ - "AvatarEditor.Background": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",571,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "BACKGROUND" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.Emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Emoji" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.EmojiOrSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "EMOJI OR STICKER" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.Set": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SetChannelPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",929,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set as Channel Photo" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SetGroupPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",960,288,288,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set as Group Photo" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SetProfilePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",952,293,293,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set as Profile Photo" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.Stickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",692,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Stickers" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SuggestProfilePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",889,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggest as Profile Photo" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SwitchToEmoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",692,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SWITCH TO EMOJI" - } - }, - "AvatarEditor.SwitchToStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SWITCH TO STICKERS" - } - }, - "Call.CallInProgressMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",290,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "End call with %1$@ and start a new one with %2$@?" - } - }, - "Call.CallInProgressTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call in Progress" - } - }, - "Call.ConnectionErrorMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",279,555,555,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please check your Internet connection and try again." - } - }, - "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",364,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unable to Call" - } - }, - "Call.Minutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",146,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ minute", - "plural": "%@ minutes" - } - }, - "CancelResetAccount.TextSMS": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",100,719,770,262,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Somebody with access to your phone number %@ has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If it wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS to your number. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number** to a number you control." - } - }, - "CancelResetAccount.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",4,415,415,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel Account Reset" - } - }, - "ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",259,562,565,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this channel as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." - } - }, - "Common.Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",818,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "Common.ChoosePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",691,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Photo" - } - }, - "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",654,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy" - } - }, - "Conversation.PhoneCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",897,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "Conversation.SendMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Message" - } - }, - "Conversation.ShareMyContactInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",197,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Contact Info" - } - }, - "Conversation.UnblockUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",828,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unblock User" - } - }, - "Conversation.UsernameCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",854,383,383,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Username copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "ConversationProfile.ErrorCreatingConversation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",358,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "An error occurred" - } - }, - "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesEmptyResult": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",337,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No emoji found" - } - }, - "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Search Statuses" - } - }, - "GroupInfo.ScamGroupWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",234,562,565,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this group as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." - } - }, - "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",881,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Photo" - } - }, - "LastSeen.TodayAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",317,570,570,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen today at %@" - } - }, - "MuteExpires.Days": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",745,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "in 1 day", - "plural": "in %@ days" - } - }, - "MuteExpires.Hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",743,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "in 1 hour", - "plural": "in %@ hours" - } - }, - "MuteExpires.Minutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "in 1 minute", - "plural": "in %@ minutes" - } - }, - "MuteFor.Days": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",587,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute for 1 day", - "plural": "Mute for %@ days" - } - }, - "MuteFor.Hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",485,356,356,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute for 1 hour", - "plural": "Mute for %@ hours" - } - }, - "Notification.CallCanceled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",490,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Canceled Call" - } - }, - "Notification.CallIncoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",328,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming Call" - } - }, - "Notification.CallOutgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",286,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outgoing Call" - } - }, - "Notification.Mute1h": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",417,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute for 1 hour" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.ChangeEmojiStatus": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",316,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Emoji Status" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.GiftPremium": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",766,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Premium" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.SetEmojiStatus": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Emoji Status" - } - }, - "PeerStatusExpiration.AtDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",285,386,386,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your status expires on %@" - } - }, - "PeerStatusExpiration.Minutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",263,455,455,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your status expires in 1 minute", - "plural": "Your status expires in %@ minutes" - } - }, - "PeerStatusExpiration.TomorrowAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",239,530,530,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your status expires tomorrow at %@" - } - }, - "PeerStatusSetup.NoTimerTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",307,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Long tap to set a timer" - } - }, - "PhoneLabel.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",43,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Label" - } - }, - "Premium.Free": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Free" - } - }, - "Premium.IncreaseLimit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",957,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Increase Limit" - } - }, - "Premium.LimitReached": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Limit Reached" - } - }, - "Premium.MaxAccountsText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",588,600,608,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** connected accounts. You can add more by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." - } - }, - "Premium.PersonalDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",218,600,621,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Owners of **Telegram Premium** accounts have exclusive access to multiple additional features." - } - }, - "Premium.PersonalTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",199,512,512,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "[%@]() is a subscriber
of Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "Premium.Premium": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Premium" - } - }, - "": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "online" - } - }, - "Preview.DeletePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",715,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Photo" - } - }, - "Preview.SaveToCameraRoll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",592,429,429,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Photos" - } - }, - "Profile.About": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",273,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "bio" - } - }, - "Profile.ShareContactButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Contact" - } - }, - "Profile.Username": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",361,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "username" - } - }, - "ProfilePhoto.OpenGallery": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",670,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Gallery" - } - }, - "ProfilePhoto.PublicPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",979,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "public photo" - } - }, - "ProfilePhoto.PublicVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",980,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "public photo" - } - }, - "ProfilePhoto.SearchWeb": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",810,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Search Web" - } - }, - "ProfilePhoto.SetEmoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Emoji" - } - }, - "ReportPeer.ReportReaction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",620,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Report Reaction" - } - }, - "Settings.ChangeProfilePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,302,302,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Profile Photo" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.CalendarTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",109,401,401,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap on this icon for calendar view" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.CommonGroupCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ group in common", - "plural": "%@ groups in common" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.FastScrollTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",234,354,354,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can hold and move this bar for faster scrolling." - } - }, - "SharedMedia.FileCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",78,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 file", - "plural": "%@ files" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.GifCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 GIF", - "plural": "%@ GIFs" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.LinkCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 link", - "plural": "%@ links" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.MusicCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",74,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 music file", - "plural": "%@ music files" - } - }, - "SharedMedia.VoiceMessageCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "1 voice message", - "plural": "%@ voice messages" - } - }, - "UserInfo.AddContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",564,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Contacts" - } - }, - "UserInfo.AddToExisting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",683,324,324,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Existing" - } - }, - "UserInfo.BlockConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1001,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block %@?" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ChangeCustomPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,385,385,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Photo for %@" - } - }, - "UserInfo.CreateNewContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",512,434,434,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Create New Contact" - } - }, - "UserInfo.CustomPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",67,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "photo set by you" - } - }, - "UserInfo.CustomPhotoInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",331,590,590,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can replace %@’s photo with another photo that only you will see." - } - }, - "UserInfo.CustomVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "photo set by you" - } - }, - "UserInfo.GenericPhoneLabel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",263,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "mobile" - } - }, - "UserInfo.NotificationsDefault": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1224,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Default" - } - }, - "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",929,400,400,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Default (%@)" - } - }, - "UserInfo.NotificationsDisable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",714,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Disable" - } - }, - "UserInfo.NotificationsEnable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Enable" - } - }, - "UserInfo.PhoneCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",599,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone Call" - } - }, - "UserInfo.PublicPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",67,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "public photo" - } - }, - "UserInfo.RemoveCustomPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Photo" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ResetCustomPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",455,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset to Original Photo" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ResetToOriginalAlertReset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",578,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ResetToOriginalAlertText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",444,373,373,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to reset to %@'s original photo?" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ScamBotWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",199,562,565,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." - } - }, - "UserInfo.SendMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",497,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Message" - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",402,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Photo for %@" - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertPhotoText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",455,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to set this photo for %@? It will replace any photo %@ sets – only you will see it." - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.AlertSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",624,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set" - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.SuccessPhotoText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",799,452,452,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will now always see this photo for **%@**." - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhoto.SuccessVideoText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",717,534,534,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You will now always see this photo for **%@**." - } - }, - "UserInfo.SetCustomPhotoTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",365,600,634,264,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to set a custom profile photo for %@?" - } - }, - "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",400,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Contact Info" - } - }, - "UserInfo.StartSecretChatConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",437,383,383,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to start a secret chat with
%@?" - } - }, - "UserInfo.StartSecretChatStart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",580,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Start" - } - }, - "UserInfo.SuggestPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,392,392,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggest Photo for %@" - } - }, - "UserInfo.TapToCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",152,649,649,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to make an end-to-end encrypted call" - } - }, - "UserInfo.TelegramCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",496,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Call" - } - }, - "UserInfo.TelegramVideoCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",546,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Video Call" - } - }, - "UserInfo.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Info" - } - }, - "UserInfo.UnblockConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",484,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unblock %@?" - } - }, - "Username.InvalidValue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",246,343,343,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, this username is invalid." - } - }, - "Weekday.Yesterday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",256,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Yesterday" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 982c77456f..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,1996 +1 @@ -{ - "Alert.Forward.Error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",35,536,536,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't forward messages to this conversation." - } - }, - "Alert.OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "Archive.Tooltip.JustArchive.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1193,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat archived." - } - }, - "Call.StatusCallingAccount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",133,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "calling → %@..." - } - }, - "Chat.ConnectingStatus.connecting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Connecting" - } - }, - "Chat.Context.Archive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1020,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archive" - } - }, - "Chat.Context.Unarchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unarchive" - } - }, - "Chat.DropFolder.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "as an archive" - } - }, - "Chat.DropFolder.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",164,284,284,280,280", - 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"values": { - "singular": "Select chats..." - } - }, - "ChatList.Add.TopSeparator": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "CHAT TYPES" - } - }, - "ChatList.ArchivedChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archived Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Call": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Call" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.ClearHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",218,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear History" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.DeleteAndExit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",263,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete and Leave" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.DeleteChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",247,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Chat" - 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"photo_url": ",55,594,594,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can pin no more than 5 chats to the top." - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.PinErrorNew": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can only pin 5 chats to the top." - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Preview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",27,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Preview" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.ReturnGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",233,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Return to Group" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Sound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",317,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sound" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",271,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Unpin": { - 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"values": { - "singular": "Archived" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Bots": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",34,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bots" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Channels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channels" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",25,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",33,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove this folder? Your chats will not be deleted." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Contacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Contacts" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",40,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",37,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",27,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard Changes" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",37,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Discard.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",19,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Edit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",22,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.EditFilters": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Folders" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Empty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",253,431,431,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**No chats currently match this folder.**

[Edit Folder](filter)" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Error.Empty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please add some chats or chat types to the folder." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.AddChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",151,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",160,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose chats or types of chats that will not appear in this folder." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Exclude.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "EXCLUDED CHATS" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Groups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Groups" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create folders for different groups of chats and quickly switch between them." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Hide": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide %d Chat", - "plural": "Hide %d Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Include.AddChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",116,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Include.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose chats or types of chats that will appear in this folder." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Include.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",103,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "INCLUDED CHATS" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Include.RemoveChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",498,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Delete.Confirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",46,401,401,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to revoke and delete this invite link?" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",453,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "includes %d chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",510,427,427,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share access to some of this folder's groups and channels with others." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.InviteLink.header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",357,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "INVITE LINK" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.List.AddNew": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",122,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a Custom Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.List.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",133,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Drag and drop folders to change order. Right click to remove." - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.List.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "FOLDERS" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.List.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",18,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat Folders" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.MuteAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",205,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute All" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.MutedChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Muted" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Name.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",76,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "FOLDER NAME" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.Name.Placeholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",88,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Folder Name" - } - }, - "ChatList.Filter.NewTitle": { - 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"singular": "Mute For 2 Hours" - } - }, - "FastSettings.SetPasscode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",858,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set a Passcode" - } - }, - "FastSettings.Unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",996,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "Forward.ToSavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",66,305,305,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward messages here for quick access" - } - }, - "ForwardModalAction.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,473,473,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarding message", - "plural": "Forwarding messages" - } - }, - "ForwardModalAction.description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",162,895,895,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select a user or chat to forward message from %@", - "plural": "Select a user or chat to forward messages from %@" - } - }, - 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"values": { - "singular": "New Contact" - } - }, - "NewPoll.QuizMultiple.Error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",180,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Polls in quiz mode can have only one correct answer." - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Accept.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",203,407,407,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can check the list of your active logins in
[Settings > Active Sessions.]()" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Accept.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",246,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Login Allowed" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Item.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",67,480,480,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "We detected a new login to your account from %1$@, %2$@. Is it you?" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Item.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,434,434,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Someone just got access to your messages!" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",368,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Got It" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",107,438,438,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Never send your login code to anyone or you can lose your Telegram account!" - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",254,390,390,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "We have terminated the login attempt from %1$@, %2$@." - } - }, - "NewSessionReview.Modal.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",291,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Login Prevented" - } - }, - "Peer.SavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",538,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Saved Messages" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.recently": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen recently" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteUserChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,482,256,280,150", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete the chat?" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Unarchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",18,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unarchive" - } - }, - "Premium.Limit.Pin.Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",331,580,580,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%1$@** chats to the top. Unpin some of the currently pinned ones or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **%2$@** chats." - } - }, - "Premium.Limit.SharedFoldersInvites.Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",357,456,456,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can only create **%1$@** invite links. Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to create up to **%2$@**." - } - }, - "Presence.Support": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",197,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "support" - } - }, - "": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",256,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "bot" - } - }, - "PreviewSender.ArchiveTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",177,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Archive all media in one zip file" - } - }, - "RecentCalls.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",23,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "RecentCalls.DeleteCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this call?" - } - }, - "RecentCalls.DeleteForMeAnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",19,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for me and %@" - } - }, - "RecentCalls.DeleteHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",4,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "Schedule.SendWhenOnline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",115,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send When Online" - } - }, - "Search.Confirm.ClearHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,644,644,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to clear your search history?" - } - }, - "Search.Global.Channel1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",132,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@, %d subscriber", - "plural": "%@, %d subscribers" - } - }, - "Search.Global.Group1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@, %d member", - "plural": "%@, %d members" - } - }, - "Search.Popular.Articles": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Articles" - } - }, - "Search.Popular.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",94,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "Search.Popular.SavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Saved" - } - }, - "Search.Separator.ChatsAndContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "contacts and chats" - } - }, - "Search.Separator.GlobalPeers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",75,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "global search" - } - }, - "Search.Separator.Messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",187,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "messages" - } - }, - "Search.Separator.Popular": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People" - } - }, - "Search.Separator.Recent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",154,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recent" - } - }, - "SearchField.Search": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",13,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Search" - } - }, - "Separator.Clear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",154,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "clear" - } - }, - "Separator.ShowLess": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "show less" - } - }, - "Separator.ShowMore": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",72,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "show more" - } - }, - "ServiceMessage.ExpiredFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "file has expired" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Confirm.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Folder?" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Confirm.Delete.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",42,457,457,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this folder? This will also deactivate all the invite links created to share this folder." - } - }, - "SharedFolder.CreateLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",392,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create Invite Link" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.DeselectAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",419,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "DESELECT ALL" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Done.RemoveFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",591,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Done.RemoveFolderAndChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",591,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder and Chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Quit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",417,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d CHATS TO LEAVE", - "plural": "%d CHATS TO LEAVE" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.SelectAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",419,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SELECT ALL" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.Links": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",257,424,424,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create more links to set up different access levels for different people." - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.Remove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",283,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to leave the chats you joined when adding the folder **%1$@**?" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.RemoveFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",239,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.ShareFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",189,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Added.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",427,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You also joined %d new chat", - "plural": "You also joined %d new chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Added.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",404,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Folder %@ Added" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Tooltip.Updated.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",427,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You also joined %d new chat", - "plural": "You also joined %d new chats" - } - }, - "SuspiciousSession.Me": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",148,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Yes, it's me" - } - }, - "SuspiciousSession.NotMe": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",148,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No, it's not me!" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortFriday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",295,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Fri" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortMonday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",719,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mon" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortSaturday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",189,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sat" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortSunday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",77,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sun" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortThursday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",401,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Thu" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortTuesday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",612,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tue" - } - }, - "Weekday.ShortWednesday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wed" - } - }, - "peerInfo.Confirm.ClearHistory.Group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,648,648,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud. Other members of the group will still have them." - } - }, - "peerInfo.Confirm.ClearHistory.User": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",33,663,663,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud. Your chat partner will still have them." - } - }, - "peerInfo.Confirm.ClearHistory.UserBothSides": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",37,601,601,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages in the chat?" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 2deb79a2eb..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,1412 +1 @@ -{ - "Appearance.CustomBackground.FileError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",44,424,424,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The file size must not exceed 10MB and the image dimensions must not exceed 500x500px." - } - }, - "AudioController.voiceMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",108,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "voice message" - } - }, - "AudioRecord.Help.Fixed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1003,409,409,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Click outside of circle to cancel" - } - }, - "AudioRecord.Help.Plain": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",968,444,444,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Release outside of circle to cancel" - } - }, - "Call.Confirm.DiscardCurrent.Description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,572,572,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Finish the call with %@ and start a new one with %@?" - } - }, - "Call.Confirm.DiscardCurrent.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Call in Progress" - } - }, - "Call.ParticipantVersionOutdatedError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",33,611,611,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@'s app does not support calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." - } - }, - "Call.PrivacyErrorMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",18,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you cannot call %@ because of their privacy settings. You can ask them to modify their setting or to call you instead." - } - }, - "Call.Recent.Missed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",808,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Missed" - } - }, - "Call.ShortMinutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",650,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d min", - "plural": "%d min" - } - }, - "Call.ShortSeconds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",812,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d sec", - "plural": "%d sec" - } - }, - "Call.StatusConnecting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",289,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Connecting..." - } - }, - "Call.StatusFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",425,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call Failed" - } - }, - "Chat.Bubbles.ForwardedFrom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",748,327,327,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded from: [%@]()" - } - }, - "Chat.Call.Incoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",780,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming Call" - } - }, - "Chat.Call.Outgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",672,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outgoing Call" - } - }, - "Chat.Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "Chat.ChatTheme.ResetToDefault": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",761,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Wallpaper" - } - }, - "Chat.ChatTheme.SelectBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",761,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Wallpaper" - } - }, - "Chat.Confirm.DeleteMessages1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",107,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete selected message?", - "plural": "Delete selected messages?" - } - }, - "Chat.Confirm.ReportSpamUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,682,682,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to report spam from this user?" - } - }, - "Chat.Context.EditHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",268,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "click on date" - } - }, - "Chat.Context.Scheduled.Reschedule": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Re-schedule" - } - }, - "Chat.Context.Scheduled.SendNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",314,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Now" - } - }, - "Chat.Date.ScheduledFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",294,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scheduled for %@" - } - }, - "Chat.Date.ScheduledForToday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",149,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scheduled for today" - } - }, - "Chat.Empty.LinkPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1099,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link Preview" - } - }, - "Chat.Header.ReportSpam": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Report Spam" - } - }, - "Chat.Input.Accessory.EditMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",827,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Message" - } - }, - "Chat.Input.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",902,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete and Leave" - } - }, - "Chat.Input.SecretChat.WaitingToOnline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",549,556,551,280,278", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting for the other user to come online..." - } - }, - "Chat.Input.SecretChat.WaitingToUserOnline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",724,523,523,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting for %@ to get online..." - } - }, - "Chat.Input.Unblock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",620,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unblock user" - } - }, - "Chat.List.Sticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ Sticker" - } - }, - "Chat.List.Voice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",856,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Voice Message" - } - }, - "Chat.LiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",829,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Live Location" - } - }, - "Chat.LiveLocation.Updated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",814,348,348,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Updated %d minute ago", - "plural": "Updated %d minutes ago" - } - }, - "Chat.LiveLocation.UpdatedNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",858,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Updated just now" - } - }, - "Chat.Message.DeleteForMe": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for Me" - } - }, - "Chat.Message.DeleteForMeAndPerson": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",127,362,362,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for Me and %@" - } - }, - "Chat.Recording.Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,549,252,280,128", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard
your voice message?" - } - }, - "Chat.Right.Context.Reminder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",140,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reminder" - } - }, - "Chat.SecretChat.1Feature": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",355,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": " - Use end-to-end encryption" - } - }, - "Chat.SecretChat.2Feature": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",357,408,408,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": " - Leave no trace on our servers" - } - }, - "Chat.SecretChat.3Feature": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",401,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": " - Have a self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "Chat.SecretChat.4Feature": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",443,329,329,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": " - Do not allow forwarding" - } - }, - "Chat.SecretChat.EmptyHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",367,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret chats:" - } - }, - "Chat.Send.SendWhenOnline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",680,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send When Online" - } - }, - "Chat.Send.SetReminder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",335,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set a Reminder" - } - }, - "Chat.Send.WithoutSound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1226,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Without Sound" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.Call.Cancelled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Canceled" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.Call.Missed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Missed" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.Group.TookScreenshot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",749,351,351,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ took a screenshot!" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.SecretChat.DisabledTimer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",332,548,548,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ disabled the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.SecretChat.DisabledTimer.Self": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",343,526,526,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You disabled the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.SecretChat.SetTimer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",289,636,636,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ set the self-destruct timer to %@" - } - }, - "Chat.Service.SecretChat.SetTimer.Self": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",276,659,659,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set the self-destruct timer to %@" - } - }, - "Chat.Title.Reminder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",3,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reminder" - } - }, - "Chat.Translate.Menu.Hide.User.Tooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",372,366,366,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translation bar hidden.
You can re-enable it on the info page." - } - }, - "Chat.VideoCall.Incoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",195,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming Video Call" - } - }, - "Chat.WP.SelectFromFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",772,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select From File" - } - }, - "Chat.Webpage.MediaCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",845,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d of %d" - } - }, - "ChatList.FolderUpdates.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",111,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d New Chats Available", - "plural": "%d New Chats Available" - } - }, - "ChatList.SecretChat.Created": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",559,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ created a secret chat." - } - }, - "ChatList.SecretChat.ExKeys": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",544,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting to come online" - } - }, - "ChatList.SecretChat.Joined": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",93,430,430,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ joined your secret chat." - } - }, - "ChatList.SecretChat.Terminated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",617,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret chat canceled" - } - }, - "ChatList.Service.Call.Missed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Missed Call" - } - }, - "ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",623,318,318,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outgoing Call (%@)" - } - }, - "ChatMessage.Folder.Expired": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The folder link has expired" - } - }, - "ChatMessage.ViewChatList": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",739,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW CHAT LIST" - } - }, - "ChatService.ChangedToSameWallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",365,431,431,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$@ set the same wallpaper for this chat" - } - }, - "ChatService.ChangedWallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",174,425,425,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$@ set a new wallpaper for this chat" - } - }, - "ChatService.UpdateBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",497,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Update Wallpaper" - } - }, - "ChatService.ViewBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",198,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View Wallpaper" - } - }, - "ChatService.YouChangedToSameWallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",211,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set the same wallpaper as your chat partner" - } - }, - "ChatService.YouChangedWallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",305,358,358,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set a new wallpaper for this chat" - } - }, - "ChatTheme.Theme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",605,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select Theme" - } - }, - "ChatTheme.Theme.Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",555,371,371,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Theme will be also applied for %@" - } - }, - "Compose.Select.SecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret Chat" - } - }, - "Confirm.DeleteChatUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,662,662,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all message history?

This action cannot be undone." - } - }, - "Contacts.NotRegistredDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,675,675,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This person is not registered on Telegram yet.

You will be able to send them a Telegram message as soon as they sign up." - } - }, - "Contacts.NotRegistredTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",8,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Not a Telegram User" - } - }, - "Date.Today": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",438,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Today" - } - }, - "EncryptionKey.Description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",153,1034,1034,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with **%@**.

If they look the same on **%@**'s device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed." - } - }, - "GeneralSettings.EmojiPrediction.DisableText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",45,488,488,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Disable emoji suggestions? You can re-enable them in Settings at any time." - } - }, - "InputAttach.Popover.Gift": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",798,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Premium" - } - }, - "LastSeen.HoursAgo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",31,316,316,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen %d hour ago", - "plural": "last seen %d hours ago" - } - }, - "Message.ActionsPanel.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",906,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "Message.ActionsPanel.Forward": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",906,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward" - } - }, - "Message.ActionsPanel.SelectedCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",834,356,356,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d message selected", - "plural": "%d messages selected" - } - }, - "Message.Context.Goto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": "ttps://", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Message" - } - }, - "Messages.File.State.Remote": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",729,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Download" - } - }, - "Messages.UnreadMark": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",819,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unread messages" - } - }, - "Navigation.Done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",19,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Done" - } - }, - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share My Phone Number" - } - }, - "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber.Desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",79,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can make your phone visible to %@." - } - }, - "NewContact.Phone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",48,279,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "phone number" - } - }, - "NewContact.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Contact" - } - }, - "Notification.Input.Reply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,279,195,280,196", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Type a message..." - } - }, - "Notification.Reply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,278,187,278,188", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reply" - } - }, - "Notification.Title.Reply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,280,195,280,194", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reply" - } - }, - "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",123,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "recording voice" - } - }, - "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",123,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "recording video" - } - }, - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",110,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "sending file" - } - }, - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "sending a photo" - } - }, - "Peer.Activity.User.SendingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "sending a video" - } - }, - "Peer.SavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Saved Messages" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.LastSeenAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,320,320,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen %@ at %@" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.Today": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "today" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.Yesterday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "yesterday" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.lastMonth": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,337,337,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen within a month" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.lastWeek": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,325,325,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen within a week" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.longTimeAgo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",36,342,342,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen a long time ago" - } - }, - "": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": "ttps://", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "online" - } - }, - "Peer.Status.recently": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen recently" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.Call": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",83,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",78,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Message" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.More": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",77,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "More" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.SecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",109,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.Share": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",118,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.Unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",100,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Action.VideoCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",91,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.AddUserToContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",59,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %@ to Contacts" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Block.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block User" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Block.OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",34,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Block" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Block.Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",19,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to block %@ from messaging and calling you on Telegram?" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.BlockUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Block User" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.ChannelType": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": "ttps://", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel Type" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.ChatBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",196,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Wallpaper" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Confirm.Clear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.Confirm.StartSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",33,607,607,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to start a secret chat with \"%@\"?" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.DeleteSecretChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",526,302,302,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Secret Chat" - } - }, - "PeerInfo.EncryptionKey": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",444,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Encryption Key" - } - }, - "PlaybackSpeed.SetToDefault": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",194,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set to Default" - } - }, - "QuickSwitcher.Description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",453,624,624,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**TAB** or **↑ ↓** to navigate, **⮐** to select, **ESC** to dismiss" - } - }, - "SecretTimer.Off": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",456,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Off" - } - }, - "ServiceMessage.DesturctingPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",103,1000,1000,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ sent you a self-destructing photo. Please view it on your mobile." - } - }, - "ServiceMessage.DesturctingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,1103,1103,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ sent you a self-destructing video. Please view it on your mobile device." - } - }, - "ShareExtension.Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": "ttps://", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "ShareExtension.Unauthorized.OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",488,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Alert.AlreadyMember.Channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,418,418,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are already subscribed to this channel." - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Alert.AlreadyMember.Group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",337,389,389,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are already a member of this group." - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Done.AddFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",616,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Done.DonNotJoinChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Join Any Chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Done.JoinChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",540,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join Chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Already": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",447,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d CHAT ALREADY JOINED", - "plural": "%d CHATS ALREADY JOINED" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.ChatsToJoin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",341,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d CHATS TO JOIN", - "plural": "%d CHATS TO JOIN" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.ListHeader.Updates": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",420,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d CHAT TO JOIN", - "plural": "%d CHATS TO JOIN" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.AddChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",314,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add **%1$d** chat to your folder **%2$@**?", - "plural": "Do you want to add **%1$d** chats to your folder **%2$@**?" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.AddChats_ZeroValueHolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",320,382,382,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select chats to add them to your folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.AddNew": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",269,443,443,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add a new chat folder and join its groups and channels?" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Status.FullyAdded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",238,407,407,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have already added this folder and its chats." - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.AddChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",244,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %d chat", - "plural": "Add %d chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.AddFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",165,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Folder" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.AllChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All Chats" - } - }, - "SharedFolder.Title.Personal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Personal" - } - }, - "Stickers.Count": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",74,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d sticker", - "plural": "%d stickers" - } - }, - "Stickers.Count_countable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",73,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d" - } - }, - "Telegram.GroupsInCommonViewController": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",19,313,313,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Groups In Common" - } - }, - "Telegram.SecretChatKeyViewController": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",17,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Encryption Key" - } - }, - "Text.CopyLabel_PhoneNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",102,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Phone Number" - } - }, - "": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",34,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "at" - } - }, - "Time.last_seen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen" - } - }, - "": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "today" - } - }, - "Timer.Days": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",749,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d day", - "plural": "%d days" - } - }, - "Timer.Hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",682,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d hour", - "plural": "%d hours" - } - }, - "Timer.Minutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",617,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d minute", - "plural": "%d minutes" - } - }, - "Timer.Seconds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",521,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d second", - "plural": "%d seconds" - } - }, - "Timer.Weeks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",810,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d week", - "plural": "%d weeks" - } - }, - "Wallpaper.Background.NoApplyToPeer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",434,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$@ will be able to apply this wallpaper" - } - }, - "WallpaperPreview.Header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",133,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper Preview" - } - }, - "You": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",80,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You" - } - }, - "peerInfo.Confirm.ClearHistory.SavedMesssages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,647,647,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud." - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 00bf4b36e0..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,734 +1 @@ -{ - "lng_bad_country_code": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invalid Country Code" - } - }, - "lng_bad_phone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,597,597,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invalid phone number. Please try again." - } - }, - "lng_bad_phone_noreg": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",439,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone number not registered." - } - }, - "lng_code_called": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",224,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram dialed your number" - } - }, - "lng_code_calling": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",354,495,495,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Requesting a call from Telegram..." - } - }, - "lng_code_desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,909,909,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "We've sent an activation code to your phone.
Please enter it below." - } - }, - "lng_code_from_telegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",302,613,613,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "A code was sent **via Telegram** to your other
devices, if you have any connected." - } - }, - "lng_code_no_telegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",293,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send code via SMS" - } - }, - "lng_code_ph": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",307,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Code" - } - }, - "lng_country_code": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",390,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Country Code" - } - }, - "lng_country_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",237,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Country not found" - } - }, - "lng_country_ph": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",119,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Search" - } - }, - "lng_country_select": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",36,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select Country" - } - }, - "lng_error_phone_flood": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",268,637,637,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you have deleted and re-created your account too many times recently. Please wait for a few days before signing up again." - } - }, - "lng_intro_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",187,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Welcome to the official Telegram Desktop app.
It's fast and secure." - } - }, - "lng_intro_finish": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",613,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sign Up" - } - }, - "lng_intro_fragment_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",122,422,422,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Get the code for {phone_number} in the Anonymous Numbers section on Fragment." - } - }, - "lng_intro_fragment_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Fragment" - } - }, - "lng_intro_fragment_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",127,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter code" - } - }, - "lng_intro_next": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",655,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Next" - } - }, - "lng_intro_qr_skip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",324,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Or log in using your phone number" - } - }, - "lng_intro_qr_step1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",265,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Telegram on your phone" - } - }, - "lng_intro_qr_step2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",257,397,397,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Go to Settings > Devices > Link Desktop Device" - } - }, - "lng_intro_qr_step3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",366,288,288,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scan this image to Log In" - } - }, - "lng_intro_qr_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",143,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scan From Mobile Telegram" - } - }, - "lng_intro_submit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",277,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Submit" - } - }, - "lng_menu_settings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "lng_passcode_enter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter your local passcode" - } - }, - "lng_passcode_logout": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",177,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Log out" - } - }, - "lng_passcode_ph": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",90,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your passcode" - } - }, - "lng_passcode_submit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",509,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Submit" - } - }, - "lng_phone_desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",173,556,556,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please confirm your country code
and enter your phone number." - } - }, - "lng_phone_notreg": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,650,650,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "If you don't have a Telegram account yet,
please [b]sign up[/b] with {link_start}Android / iPhone{link_end} or {signup_start}here{signup_end}" - } - }, - "lng_phone_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",156,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your Phone Number" - } - }, - "lng_phone_to_qr": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",426,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Quick log in using QR code" - } - }, - "lng_profile_delete_and_exit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave" - } - }, - "lng_profile_edit_contact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit" - } - }, - "lng_settings_add_sendto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",139,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Place Telegram in \"Send to\" menu" - } - }, - "lng_settings_auto_start": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",109,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Launch Telegram when system starts" - } - }, - "lng_settings_change_lang": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",34,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change language" - } - }, - "lng_settings_check_now": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",63,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Check for updates" - } - }, - "lng_settings_section_advanced_settings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",241,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Advanced Settings" - } - }, - "lng_settings_section_general": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",33,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "General" - } - }, - "lng_settings_section_scale": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",173,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Interface Scale" - } - }, - "lng_settings_update_automatically": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",50,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Update automatically" - } - }, - "lng_settings_workmode_tray": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show tray icon" - } - }, - "lng_settings_workmode_window": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",97,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show taskbar icon" - } - }, - "lng_signin_bad_password": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",262,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have entered a wrong password." - } - }, - "lng_signin_banned_help": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",261,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Help" - } - }, - "lng_signin_banned_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",227,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This phone number is banned." - } - }, - "lng_signin_cant_email_forgot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",284,664,664,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If you can't restore access to the email, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account." - } - }, - "lng_signin_code": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",348,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Code from the email" - } - }, - "lng_signin_desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",117,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter your cloud password." - } - }, - "lng_signin_hint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",191,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hint: {password_hint}" - } - }, - "lng_signin_no_email_forgot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",282,668,668,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Since you didn't provide a recovery email when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account." - } - }, - "lng_signin_password": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",168,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your cloud password" - } - }, - "lng_signin_password_removed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,585,585,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your cloud password was disabled.
You can set up a new one in Settings." - } - }, - "lng_signin_recover": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",211,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forgot password?" - } - }, - "lng_signin_recover_desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",187,543,543,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter the code from the email
{email}" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",605,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_account": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",826,349,349,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset your account" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_cancelled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,661,661,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your recent attempts to reset this account have been canceled by its active user. Please try again in 7 days." - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_days": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",419,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} day", - "plural": "{count} days" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} hour", - "plural": "{count} hours" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_in_days": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,401,401,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{days_count} {hours_count} {minutes_count}" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_in_hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",408,294,294,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{hours_count} {minutes_count}" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_minutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",417,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} minute", - "plural": "{count} minutes" - } - }, - "lng_signin_reset_wait": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,667,667,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Since the account {phone_number} is active and protected by a password, it will be deleted in 1 week. This delay is required for security purposes. You can cancel this process anytime.

You'll be able to reset your account in:
{when}" - } - }, - "lng_signin_sure_reset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",132,667,667,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will lose all your Telegram chats, messages, media and files if you proceed.

Do you want to reset your account?" - } - }, - "lng_signin_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",97,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cloud password check" - } - }, - "lng_signin_try_password": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",363,542,542,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unable to access your email?" - } - }, - "lng_signin_wrong_code": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",248,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have entered an invalid code." - } - }, - "lng_signup_desc": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",198,417,417,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter your name and
upload a photo." - } - }, - "lng_signup_firstname": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",367,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First name" - } - }, - "lng_signup_lastname": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",443,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Last name" - } - }, - "lng_signup_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",156,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your Info" - } - }, - "lng_start_msgs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Messaging" - } - }, - "lng_switch_to_this": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1010,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Continue in English" - } - }, - "lng_terms_age": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I confirm that I am {count} or over", - "plural": "I confirm that I am {count} or over" - } - }, - "lng_terms_agree": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",758,330,330,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Agree & Continue" - } - }, - "lng_terms_agree_to_proceed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Agree and proceed to {bot}." - } - }, - "lng_terms_back": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Back" - } - }, - "lng_terms_decline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",806,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Decline" - } - }, - "lng_terms_decline_and_delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",262,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Decline & Delete" - } - }, - "lng_terms_delete_now": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete now" - } - }, - "lng_terms_delete_warning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning, this will irreversibly delete your Telegram account and all the data you store in the Telegram cloud.

Important: You can Cancel now and export your data first instead of losing it. (To do this, open the latest version of Telegram Desktop and go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.)" - } - }, - "lng_terms_header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",108,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Service" - } - }, - "lng_terms_signup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",346,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "By signing up,
you agree to the {link}." - } - }, - "lng_terms_signup_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Service" - } - }, - "lng_terms_signup_sorry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unfortunately, this means you can't sign up for Telegram.

Unlike other apps, Telegram does not use user data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how your data is used (e.g., delete synced contacts) in Privacy & Security settings.

If you are not comfortable with Telegram's modest needs, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this service." - } - }, - "lng_terms_update_sorry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "We're very sorry, but this means we must part ways here. Unlike others, we don't use your data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a secure and feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how we use your data in Privacy & Security settings.

But if you're generally not OK with Telegram's modest requirements, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this service. You can delete your account now — or look around some more and delete it later if you feel you're not happy with the way we use your data." - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 61e5c67c94..9e26dfeeb6 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1,5785 +1 @@ -{ - "cloud_lng_about_psa_covid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To remove it from your chat list, right click it and select **Hide**." - } - }, - "cloud_lng_about_psa_psa": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This is an official message from the CEO of Telegram regarding the ongoing conflict." - } - }, - "cloud_lng_badge_psa_covid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "COVID-19" - } - }, - "cloud_lng_badge_psa_psa": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Announcement" - } - }, - "cloud_lng_forwarded_psa_covid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "COVID-19 Notification from {channel}" - } - }, - "cloud_lng_forwarded_psa_psa": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Announcement" - } - }, - "cloud_lng_language_ar": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Arabic" - 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"url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "unbanned {user}" - } - }, - "lng_animated_emoji_saved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",529,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Try sending these emoji in **Saved Messages** for free to test." - } - }, - "lng_animated_emoji_saved_open": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",552,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Open" - } - }, - "lng_animated_emoji_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",511,341,341,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to unlock this emoji." - } - }, - "lng_archived_chats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} chat", - "plural": "{count} chats" - } - }, - "lng_archived_last": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{chats} and {count} more chat", - "plural": "{chats} and {count} more chats" - } - }, - "lng_archived_last_list": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{accumulated}, {chat}" - } - }, - "lng_archived_unread": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{chat}, {second_chat} and {count} more unread chat", - "plural": "{chat}, {second_chat} and {count} more unread chats" - } - }, - "lng_audio_transcribe_long": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This voice message is too long." - } - }, - "lng_bad_name": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter your first and last name." - } - }, - "lng_badge_psa_default": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "PSA" - } - }, - "lng_boost_channel_title_max": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Maximum level reached" - } - }, - "lng_boost_channel_you_first": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This channel needs **{count}** more boost
to enable stories.", - "plural": "This channel needs **{count}** more boosts
to enable stories." - } - }, - "lng_boost_channel_you_more": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This channel needs **{count}** more boost
to be able to {post}.", - "plural": "This channel needs **{count}** more boosts
to be able to {post}." - } - }, - "lng_boost_error_already_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You are already boosting this channel." - } - }, - "lng_boost_error_already_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Already Boosted!" - } - }, - "lng_boost_error_gifted_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Because your **Telegram Premium** subscription was gifted to you, you can't use it to boost channels." - } - }, - "lng_boost_error_gifted_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Can't boost with gifted Premium!" - } - }, - "lng_bot_allow_write": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to allow this bot to send you messages?" - } - }, - "lng_bot_allow_write_confirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow" - } - }, - "lng_bot_allow_write_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow messaging" - } - }, - "lng_bot_menu_not_supported": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." - } - }, - "lng_bot_remove_from_menu_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove {bot} from the attachment menu?" - } - }, - "lng_bot_remove_from_side_menu_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot removed from the main menu." - } - }, - "lng_bot_sure_add": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add as admin" - } - }, - "lng_bot_sure_add_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add bot as admin" - } - }, - "lng_bot_usernames_activate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the bot info page?" - } - }, - "lng_bot_usernames_deactivate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the bot info page?" - } - }, - "lng_bot_usernames_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the bot info page." - } - }, - "lng_bots_password_confirm_check_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can complete this action only if you have:" - } - }, - "lng_bots_password_confirm_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please enter your password to confirm this action." - } - }, - "lng_bots_password_confirm_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Two-step verification" - } - }, - "lng_call_accept": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Accept" - } - }, - "lng_call_box_groupcalls_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Active video chats" - } - }, - "lng_call_cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "lng_call_decline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Decline" - } - }, - "lng_call_error_camera_not_started": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can switch to video call once you're connected." - } - }, - "lng_call_error_camera_outdated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user}'s app does not support video calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." - } - }, - "lng_call_error_no_camera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No camera could be found. Please make sure that your camera is connected to the computer." - } - }, - "lng_call_microphone_off": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user}'s microphone is off" - } - }, - "lng_call_mute_audio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "lng_call_redial": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Redial" - } - }, - "lng_call_start": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",619,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Call" - } - }, - "lng_call_start_video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",619,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Video" - } - }, - "lng_call_status_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",281,482,482,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Click on the Camera icon if you want to start a video call." - } - }, - "lng_call_stop_video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop Video" - } - }, - "lng_call_unmute_audio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "lng_cant_invite_bot_to_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bots can only be added to channels as admins." - } - }, - "lng_channel_badge": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "channel" - } - }, - "lng_channel_invite_private": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This channel is private.
Please join it to continue viewing its content." - } - }, - "lng_channel_usernames_activate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the channel info page?" - } - }, - "lng_channel_usernames_deactivate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the channel info page?" - } - }, - "lng_channel_usernames_deactivate_error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't deactivate this link from the channel info page." - } - }, - "lng_channel_usernames_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the channel info page." - } - }, - "lng_channel_usernames_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link order" - } - }, - "lng_channels_leave": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave {count} community", - "plural": "Leave {count} communities" - } - }, - "lng_channels_leave_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You've left the selected communities." - } - }, - "lng_channels_limit2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please leave some before joining a new one — or upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **{count}** group or channel.", - "plural": "Please leave some before joining a new one — or upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to double the limit to **{count}** groups and channels." - } - }, - "lng_channels_too_much_located_other": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the target user has too many location-based groups already. Please ask them to delete or transfer one of their existing ones first." - } - }, - "lng_channels_too_much_public_other": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the target user has too many public groups or channels already. Please ask them to make one of their existing groups or channels private first." - } - }, - "lng_chat_theme_dont": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Set Theme" - } - }, - "lng_chat_theme_reset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset Theme" - } - }, - "lng_chat_theme_wallpaper": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Wallpaper" - } - }, - "lng_cloud_password_expired": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please re-enter your password." - } - }, - "lng_cloud_password_reset_cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel password reset" - } - }, - "lng_cloud_password_reset_cancel_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel reset" - } - }, - "lng_cloud_password_reset_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset password" - } - }, - "lng_code_register_phone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If you already signed up for Telegram, please enter the code which was sent to your mobile app.

If you haven’t signed up yet, please register from your phone or tablet first." - } - }, - "lng_code_telegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "We've sent a code [b]via Telegram[/b]
to your other devices. Please enter it below." - } - }, - "lng_context_animated_emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",430,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message contains emoji from **{name} pack**." - } - }, - "lng_context_animated_emoji_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",386,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message contains emoji from **{count} pack**.", - "plural": "This message contains emoji from **{count} packs**." - } - }, - "lng_context_animated_reaction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",501,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This reaction is from the **{name}** pack." - } - }, - "lng_context_animated_reactions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reactions contain emoji from **{name} pack**." - } - }, - "lng_context_animated_reactions_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reactions contain emoji from **{count} pack**.", - "plural": "Reactions contain emoji from **{count} packs**." - } - }, - "lng_context_copy_topic_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Topic Link" - } - }, - "lng_context_disable_spoiler": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",273,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Spoiler" - } - }, - "lng_context_hide_psa": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide this announcement" - } - }, - "lng_context_mark_read_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mark all chats as read" - } - }, - "lng_context_mark_read_all_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to mark all chats as read?" - } - }, - "lng_context_new_window": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",142,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open in new window" - } - }, - "lng_context_save_documents_selected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",414,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Download Selected" - } - }, - "lng_context_save_images_selected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",469,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Selected" - } - }, - "lng_context_seen_listened_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Nobody Listened" - } - }, - "lng_context_seen_reacted_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Nobody Reacted" - } - }, - "lng_context_seen_text_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Nobody Viewed" - } - }, - "lng_context_seen_watched": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} Listened", - "plural": "{count} Listened" - } - }, - "lng_context_seen_watched_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Nobody Listened" - } - }, - "lng_context_spoiler_effect": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",259,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide with Spoiler" - } - }, - "lng_context_translate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",409,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate" - } - }, - "lng_context_translate_selected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",359,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate Selected Text" - } - }, - "lng_context_view_topic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",193,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "View topic info" - } - }, - "lng_create_channel_link_pending": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",316,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Checking name..." - } - }, - "lng_create_group_ttl_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Automatically delete messages in this group for everyone after a period of time." - } - }, - "lng_create_invite_link_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "People can be added, or join via invite link or \"Groups nearby\"" - } - }, - "lng_custom_emoji_count": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",126,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} emoji", - "plural": "{count} emoji" - } - }, - "lng_custom_emoji_remove_pack_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Emoji" - } - }, - "lng_custom_emoji_used_sets": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sets of used emoji" - } - }, - "lng_delete_for_other_my": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unsend my messages" - } - }, - "lng_dialogs_text_from_in_topic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{from} {topic}" - } - }, - "lng_download_path_clear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear all" - } - }, - "lng_download_path_label": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Download path:" - } - }, - "lng_download_path_unset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unset" - } - }, - "lng_edit_limit_reached": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",247,390,390,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You've reached the message text limit. Please make the text shorter by {count} character.", - "plural": "You've reached the message text limit. Please make the text shorter by {count} characters." - } - }, - "lng_edit_media_album_error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This file cannot be saved as a part of an album." - } - }, - "lng_edit_media_invalid_file": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, no way to use this file." - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_about_always_empty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Always share with" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_about_always_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Always Share With" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_about_never_empty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Never share with" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_about_never_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Never Share With" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_calls_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can restrict who can call you:" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_profile_photo_public_toast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This photo will be shown to users who are restricted from seeing your real photos." - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_voices_always_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Always allow" - } - }, - "lng_edit_privacy_voices_never_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Never Allow" - } - }, - "lng_emoji_featured_unlock": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",345,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unlock" - } - }, - "lng_emoji_premium_restore": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",203,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Restore" - } - }, - "lng_emoji_status_for_submit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",435,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Status" - } - }, - "lng_emoji_status_for_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",200,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Status for..." - } - }, - "lng_emoji_status_menu_duration_any": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",206,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Status for {duration}" - } - }, - "lng_error_nocopy_story": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, the creator of this story disabled copying." - } - }, - "lng_error_noforwards_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, forwarding from this channel is disabled by admins." - } - }, - "lng_error_noforwards_group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, forwarding from this group is disabled by admins." - } - }, - "lng_export_option_only_my": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Only my messages" - } - }, - "lng_export_option_private_channels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Private channels" - } - }, - "lng_export_option_public_groups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Public groups" - } - }, - "lng_export_skip_file": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Skip this file" - } - }, - "lng_fake_badge": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "FAKE" - } - }, - "lng_filter_chats_exlude_limit1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't exclude more than **{count}** chat from a folder.", - "plural": "Sorry, you can't exclude more than **{count}** chats from a folder." - } - }, - "lng_filter_chats_limit1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **{count}** chat to a folder.", - "plural": "Sorry, you can't add more than **{count}** chats to a folder." - } - }, - "lng_filter_chats_limit2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can increase this limit to **{count}** by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**.", - "plural": "You can increase this limit to **{count}** by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." - } - }, - "lng_filter_chats_limit_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Limit Reached" - } - }, - "lng_filters_add": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Done" - } - }, - "lng_filters_add_box_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to..." - } - }, - "lng_filters_default": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please change at least one rule for this folder." - } - }, - "lng_filters_error_pinned_max": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin any more chats to the top." - } - }, - "lng_filters_link_group_admin_error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "One of the groups in this folder can’t be added because one of its admins has too many groups and channels." - } - }, - "lng_filters_link_inaccessible": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "chat is inaccessible" - } - }, - "lng_filters_menu_remove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from folder" - } - }, - "lng_filters_name_unmuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmuted" - } - }, - "lng_filters_no_chats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No chats" - } - }, - "lng_forum_choose_title_and_icon": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",180,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a topic name and icon" - } - }, - "lng_forum_create_topic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",75,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create topic" - } - }, - "lng_forum_discard_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",206,432,432,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard this topic?" - } - }, - "lng_forum_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",47,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} message", - "plural": "{count} messages" - } - }, - "lng_forum_no_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No messages" - } - }, - "lng_forum_no_topics": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",94,399,399,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No topics currently created in this group." - } - }, - "lng_forum_pin_limit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",264,568,568,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **{count}** topic to the top.", - "plural": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **{count}** topics to the top." - } - }, - "lng_forum_replies_only": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",482,354,353,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can reply to messages in topics." - } - }, - "lng_forum_show_topics_list": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",338,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Topics List" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_close": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",257,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close Topic" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_closed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",572,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This topic is closed." - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_created_body": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",326,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send a message
to start the topic." - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_created_body_my": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",434,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send a message to
start the topic." - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_created_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",293,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Topic started!" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_created_title_my": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Almost done!" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",287,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_delete_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",209,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this topic?" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_edit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",106,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Topic" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_new": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",82,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Topic" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_reopen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reopen Topic" - } - }, - "lng_forum_topic_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Topic Name" - } - }, - "lng_forum_view_as_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",151,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View as Messages" - } - }, - "lng_forwarded_psa_default": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded from {channel}" - } - }, - "lng_forwards_tooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Shares: {count}", - "plural": "Shares: {count}" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_convert_feature1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No limit on the number of members." - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_convert_feature2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Only admins can send messages." - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_convert_feature3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Can't be turned back into a regular group." - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_convert_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Convert" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_convert_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Broadcast Groups" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your group can now have more than 200,000 members." - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_suggest_more": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Learn more" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_suggest_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your group has reached a limit of **200,000** members.

You can increase this limit by converting the group to a **broadcast group** where only admins can post. Interested?" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_suggest_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Limit reached" - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_warning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Regular members of the group (non-admins) will **permanently** lose their right to send messages in the group.

This action **can't** be undone." - } - }, - "lng_gigagroup_warning_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure?" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_chat_no_camera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can't turn on video in this chat." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_chat_no_screen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can't share your screen in this chat." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_create_sure_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to start a live stream in this channel as your personal account?" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_edit_title_header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat title" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_failed_camera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Couldn't enable camera. Another app may be already using the camera. Try closing other apps first." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_failed_screen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "An error occurred. Screencast has stopped." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_is_recorded_video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The video stream is being recorded." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_join_as_header_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join Live Stream as..." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_join_confirm_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to join the live stream {chat}?" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_join_sure_personal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to join this video chat as your personal account?" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_leave_channel_to_other_sure_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to leave your active live stream and join a live stream in this channel?" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_limit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "To watch the video stream, update
Telegram to the latest version.", - "plural": "To watch the video stream, update
Telegram to the latest version." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_mac_accessibility": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please allow **Accessibility** for Telegram in Privacy Settings.

You may need to restart the app." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_more": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "More" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_over_limit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The video chat is over {count} participant.
New participants only have access to audio stream.", - "plural": "The video chat is over {count} participants.
New participants only have access to audio stream." - } - }, - "lng_group_call_starts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video Chat starts {when}" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_starts_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Live Stream starts {when}" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_starts_date": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{date} at {time}" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_starts_short_date": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{date}, {time}" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_switch_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Participants of this video chat will now see you as **{user}**" - } - }, - "lng_group_call_unmute_small": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - 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"url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Try revoking the link from an older group or channel" - } - }, - "lng_links_limit_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",63,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Too Many Public Links" - } - }, - "lng_links_revoke_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",232,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your public communities" - } - }, - "lng_linux_menu_help": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Help" - } - }, - "lng_linux_menu_tools": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tools" - } - }, - "lng_linux_no_audio_prefs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have any audio configuration applications installed." - } - }, - "lng_local_storage_limit_weeks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} week", - "plural": "{count} weeks" - } - }, - "lng_mac_choose_app": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Application" - } - }, - "lng_mac_menu_emoji_and_symbols": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Emoji & Symbols" - } - }, - "lng_mac_menu_player_stop": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop" - } - }, - "lng_mac_touchbar_favorite_stickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Favorite stickers" - } - }, - "lng_manage_messages_ttl_after4": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 month" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_antispam": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",133,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Aggressive Anti-Spam" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_antispam_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",111,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram will filter more spam but may occasionally affect ordinary messages. You can report False Positives in Recent Actions." - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_antispam_not_enough": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",147,579,579,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Aggressive filtering can be enabled only in groups with more than **{count} member**.", - "plural": "Aggressive filtering can be enabled only in groups with more than **{count} members**." - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_bot_public_links": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Public Links" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",253,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All reactions" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_all_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",276,422,422,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Members of the group can use any emoji as reactions to messages." - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No reactions" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_none_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",160,356,356,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Members of the group can't add any reactions to messages." - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_on": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_some": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",283,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Some reactions" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_some_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",136,433,433,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Members of the group can use only certain approved emoji as reactions to messages." - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_reactions_some_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",240,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Only allow these reactions" - } - }, - "lng_manage_peer_send_only_members_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn this on if you expect users to join your group before being able to send messages." - } - }, - "lng_masks_remove_pack_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Masks" - } - }, - "lng_media_color_theme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Color theme" - } - }, - "lng_media_music_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Music" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_hours_ago": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} hour ago", - "plural": "{count} hours ago" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_just_now": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "just now" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_minutes_ago": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} minute ago", - "plural": "{count} minutes ago" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_profile_public_photo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",603,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Public Photo" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_saved_images_to": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",222,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Images were saved to your {downloads} folder" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",498,280,276,280,276", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Media viewer" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_video_loading": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Loading - {percent}" - } - }, - "lng_mediaview_video_saved_to": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video file was saved to your {downloads} folder" - } - }, - "lng_menu_change_status": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",120,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Emoji Status" - } - }, - "lng_menu_start_group_call_join": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",351,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join video chat" - } - }, - "lng_menu_start_group_call_options": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",275,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat" - } - }, - "lng_months_tiny": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count}m", - "plural": "{count}m" - } - }, - "lng_mute_menu_duration_hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute for {count} hour", - "plural": "Mute for {count} hours" - } - }, - "lng_mute_menu_unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "lng_new_contact_share_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user} can now see your phone number." - } - }, - "lng_new_contact_share_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to share your phone number {phone} with {user}?" - } - }, - "lng_notification_context_remove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove exception" - } - }, - "lng_participant_invite_history": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",303,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show the last 100 messages" - } - }, - "lng_participant_invite_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",273,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to add **{user}** to **{group}**?" - } - }, - "lng_participant_invite_sure_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",268,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to add {count} member to **{group}**?", - "plural": "Are you sure you want to add {count} members to **{group}**?" - } - }, - "lng_passcode_autolock_inactive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-Lock if inactive for..." - } - }, - "lng_passcode_turn_off": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn off" - } - }, - "lng_passport_code_sent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "A confirmation code was sent to
{email}" - } - }, - "lng_passport_email_validate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Validate" - } - }, - "lng_passport_front_side_name": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Scan" - } - }, - "lng_passport_reverse_side_name": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Scan" - } - }, - "lng_passport_selfie_name": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Photo" - } - }, - "lng_payments_already_paid": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have already paid for this item." - } - }, - "lng_payments_card_declined": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your card was declined." - } - }, - "lng_payments_info_phone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone" - } - }, - "lng_payments_payment_failed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Payment failed. Your card has not been billed." - } - }, - "lng_payments_precheckout_failed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The bot couldn't process your payment. Your card has not been billed." - } - }, - "lng_payments_processed_by": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Processed by {provider}" - } - }, - "lng_payments_shipping_not_available": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shipping to the selected country is not available." - } - }, - "lng_payments_terms_text_once": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you accept the Terms of Service of {bot}?" - } - }, - "lng_payments_to_provider_email": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Email will be passed to {provider} as billing info." - } - }, - "lng_payments_to_provider_phone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone will be passed to {provider} as billing info." - } - }, - "lng_payments_to_provider_phone_email": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone and Email will be passed to {provider} as billing info." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_install_edge": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please install {link}." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_install_webkit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please install WebKitGTK (webkitgtk-6.0/webkit2gtk-4.1/webkit2gtk-4.0) using your package manager." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_no_card": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unfortunately, you can't add a new card with current system configuration." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_no_use": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unfortunately, you can't use payments with current system configuration." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_switch_wayland": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "There is no way to embed WebView window on Wayland. Please switch to X11." - } - }, - "lng_payments_webview_update_windows": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please update your system to Windows 8.1 or later." - } - }, - "lng_photo_editor_menu_duplicate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Duplicate" - } - }, - "lng_pinned_hide_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't show pinned messages" - } - }, - "lng_pinned_quiz": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pinned quiz" - } - }, - "lng_polls_create_hint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Click to choose the correct answer" - } - }, - "lng_polls_show_more": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show more ({count})", - "plural": "Show more ({count})" - } - }, - "lng_polls_votes_collapse": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Collapse" - } - }, - "lng_premium_emoji_status_title_colored": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user} set this emoji as their current status." - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Give **{user}** access to exclusive features with **Telegram Premium**." - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",512,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Subscription for {cost}" - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_duration_months": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",477,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "for {count} month", - "plural": "for {count} months" - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_duration_years": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "for {count} year", - "plural": "for {count} years" - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_per": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",294,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{cost} / month" - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_terms": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",317,473,473,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can review the list of features and Terms of Use for Telegram Premium {link}." - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_terms_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",472,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "here" - } - }, - "lng_premium_gift_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",180,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "lng_premium_more_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "About Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "lng_premium_subscribe_months_6": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Semiannual" - } - }, - "lng_premium_success": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",194,517,517,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You've successfully subscribed to Telegram Premium!" - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_about_translation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",261,518,518,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Real-time translation of channels and chats into other languages." - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_bottom_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "While the free version of Telegram already gives its users more than any other messaging application, **Telegram Premium** pushes its capabilities even further.

**Telegram Premium** is a paid option, because most Premium Features require additional expenses from Telegram to third parties such as data center providers and server manufacturers. Contributions from **Telegram Premium** users allow us to cover such costs and also help Telegram stay free for everyone." - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_bottom_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "About Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_new_badge": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "NEW" - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_subtitle_gift": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",152,438,438,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user} has gifted you a {count}-month subscription to Telegram Premium.", - "plural": "{user} has gifted you a {count}-months subscription to Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_subtitle_gift_me": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",142,464,464,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You gifted {user} a {count}-month subscription to Telegram Premium.", - "plural": "You gifted {user} a {count}-months subscription to Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_subtitle_translation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",391,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Real-Time Translation" - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_title_subscribed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are all set!" - } - }, - "lng_premium_summary_user_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Learn More" - } - }, - "lng_premium_unavailable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,280,277,280,276", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This feature requires subscription to **Telegram Premium**.

Unfortunately, **Telegram Premium** is not available in your region." - } - }, - "lng_premium_unlock_emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",689,348,348,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unlock Animated Emoji" - } - }, - "lng_profile_accept_photo_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",221,600,604,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user} suggests this photo for your Telegram profile." - } - }, - "lng_profile_accept_video_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",220,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{user} suggests this photo for your Telegram profile." - } - }, - "lng_profile_changed_photo_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",569,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can change it in {link}." - } - }, - "lng_profile_changed_photo_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "lng_profile_changed_photo_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",555,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Photo updated" - } - }, - "lng_profile_gifs_header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "GIFs" - } - }, - "lng_profile_hide_participants": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",136,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Members" - } - }, - "lng_profile_hide_participants_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",123,466,466,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Switch this on to hide the list of members in this group. Admins will remain visible." - } - }, - "lng_profile_invite_to_group_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot is able to manage a group." - } - }, - "lng_profile_photo_by_you": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "photo set by you" - } - }, - "lng_profile_public_photo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "public photo" - } - }, - "lng_profile_set_for_done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will now always see this photo for {user}'s account." - } - }, - "lng_profile_set_personal_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",136,600,678,248,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Only you will see this photo and it will replace any photo {user} sets for themselves." - } - }, - "lng_profile_set_photo_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",563,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Photo" - } - }, - "lng_profile_set_video_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Photo" - } - }, - "lng_profile_suggest_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",566,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Suggest" - } - }, - "lng_profile_suggest_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",232,529,529,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can suggest {user} to set this photo for their Telegram profile." - } - }, - "lng_reaction_contact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your contact {name}" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_document": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your file" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_game": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your game" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_gif": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your GIF" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_invoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your invoice" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_live_location": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your live location" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_location": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your map" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_notext": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your message" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_photo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your photo" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_poll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your poll \"{title}\"" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_quiz": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your quiz \"{title}\"" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_sticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your {emoji} sticker" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your \"{text}\"" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your video" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_video_message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your video message" - } - }, - "lng_reaction_voice_message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{reaction} to your voice message" - } - }, - "lng_recommended": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "recommended" - } - }, - "lng_remember": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",399,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remember this choice" - } - }, - "lng_replies_header": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} reply", - "plural": "{count} replies" - } - }, - "lng_replies_header_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Replies" - } - }, - "lng_replies_view_thread": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View Thread" - } - }, - "lng_replies_view_topic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",474,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View in Topic" - } - }, - "lng_reply_cant": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can't reply to messages from before this group was upgraded to a supergroup.

Groups get automatically upgraded when they reach 200 members or when you start using advanced features like chat history permissions or granular admin settings." - } - }, - "lng_report_channel_photo_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Report channel photo" - } - }, - "lng_report_channel_video_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Report channel photo" - } - }, - "lng_report_group_photo_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Report group photo" - } - }, - "lng_report_group_video_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Report group photo" - } - }, - "lng_request_bot_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No bots" - } - }, - "lng_request_bot_no_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have any bots." - } - }, - "lng_request_bot_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Bot" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_add_admins": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "add new admins" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_add_subscribers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "add subscribers" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_am_owner": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You must be the owner of the channel." - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_change_info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "change channel info" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_create": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a New Channel for This" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_delete_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "delete messages" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_edit_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "edit messages of others" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_manage_livestreams": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "manage live streams" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No such channels" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_no_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have channels that meet the requirements for this bot." - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_post_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "post messages" - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_public_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The channel must be private." - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_public_yes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The channel must be public." - } - }, - "lng_request_channel_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a Channel" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_add_admins": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "add new admins" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_am_owner": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You must be the owner of the group." - } - }, - "lng_request_group_anonymous": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "remain anonymous" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_ban_users": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "ban users" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_change_info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "change group info" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_delete_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "delete messages" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_invite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "invite users via link" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_manage_topics": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "manage topics" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_manage_video_chats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "manage video chats" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No such groups" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_no_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have groups that meet the requirements for this bot." - } - }, - "lng_request_group_pin_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "pin messages" - } - }, - "lng_request_group_public_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must be private." - } - }, - "lng_request_group_public_yes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must be public." - } - }, - "lng_request_group_topics_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must have topics turned off." - } - }, - "lng_request_group_topics_yes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The group must have topics turned on." - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_confirm_add": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will also add {bot} to {chat}." - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_confirm_rights": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will also add {bot} to {chat} with the following rights: {rights}." - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_confirm_send": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send" - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_requirements": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Requirements" - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_rights": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You must have these admin rights: {rights}." - } - }, - "lng_request_peer_rights_and": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{rights} and {last}" - } - }, - "lng_request_user_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No such users" - } - }, - "lng_request_user_no_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No users found that meet the requirements for this bot." - } - }, - "lng_request_user_premium_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The user must not have a Premium subscription." - } - }, - "lng_request_user_premium_yes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The user must have a Premium subscription." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_files": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending files here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_files_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",241,377,377,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending files isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_files_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending files here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_gifs_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",237,385,385,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending GIFs isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_music": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending music here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_music_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending music isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_music_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending music here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_photos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending photos here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_photos_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",227,405,405,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending photos isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_photos_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending photos here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_polls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send polls." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_polls_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send polls until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_video_messages_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending video messages isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_video_messages_group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending video messages here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_video_messages_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending video messages here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_videos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending videos here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_videos_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending videos isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_videos_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending videos here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_voice_messages_all": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",185,484,484,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending voice messages isn't allowed in this group." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_voice_messages_group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending voice messages here." - } - }, - "lng_restricted_send_voice_messages_until": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group restricted you from sending voice messages here until {date}, {time}." - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_files": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",368,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Files" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_music": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Music" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_photos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",190,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Photos" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_stickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",403,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stickers & GIFs" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_video_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",262,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video messages" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_videos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",225,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video files" - } - }, - "lng_rights_chat_voice_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",334,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Voice messages" - } - }, - "lng_rights_gigagroup_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Broadcast groups can have over 200,000 members, but only admins can send messages in them." - } - }, - "lng_rights_gigagroup_convert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Convert to Broadcast Group" - } - }, - "lng_rights_gigagroup_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Broadcast group" - } - }, - "lng_saved_gif_limit_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "increase the limit" - } - }, - "lng_saved_gif_limit_more": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "An older GIF was replaced with this one.
You can {link} to {count} GIF.", - "plural": "An older GIF was replaced with this one.
You can {link} to {count} GIFs." - } - }, - "lng_saved_gif_limit_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Limit of {count} GIF Reached", - "plural": "Limit of {count} GIFs Reached" - } - }, - "lng_search_messages_n_of_amount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{n} of {amount}" - } - }, - "lng_search_messages_none": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No results" - } - }, - "lng_seconds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} second", - "plural": "{count} seconds" - } - }, - "lng_seconds_tiny": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{count}s", - "plural": "{count}s" - } - }, - "lng_selected_unsend_about_group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also delete the {count} message you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\".", - "plural": "You can also delete the {count} messages you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\"." - } - }, - "lng_selected_unsend_about_group_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also delete the message you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\"." - } - }, - "lng_selected_unsend_about_user": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also delete the {count} message you sent from {user}'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\".", - "plural": "You can also delete the {count} messages you sent from {user}'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\"." - } - }, - "lng_selected_unsend_about_user_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also delete the message you sent from {user}'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\"." - } - }, - "lng_send_compressed_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",361,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Compress the image" - } - }, - "lng_send_image": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",123,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send an image" - } - }, - "lng_send_media_invalid_files": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, no valid files found." - } - }, - "lng_send_text_no": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",548,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Text not allowed." - } - }, - "lng_send_text_no_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",307,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The admins of this group only allow sending {types}." - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_and_last": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{types} and {last}" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_files": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",538,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Files" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_music": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",538,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Music" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_photos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Photos" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_polls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",520,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Polls" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_stickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stickers & GIFs" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_video_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",523,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video Messages" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_videos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",522,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Videos" - } - }, - "lng_send_text_type_voice_messages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Voice Messages" - } - }, - "lng_send_video": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send a video file" - } - }, - "lng_sent_date": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sent: {date}" - } - }, - "lng_settings_add_account_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can add up to four accounts with different phone numbers." - } - }, - "lng_settings_calls_privacy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone calls privacy" - } - }, - "lng_settings_close_sure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to close this page? You didn't save your changes." - } - }, - "lng_settings_cloud_password_email_confirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm and Finish" - } - }, - "lng_settings_cloud_password_email_recovery_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password Recovery" - } - }, - "lng_settings_cloud_password_reset_in": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can reset your password in {duration}." - } - }, - "lng_settings_connected_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Click to disconnect from your Telegram account." - } - }, - "lng_settings_edit_info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit information" - } - }, - "lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Groups and Channels invite settings" - } - }, - "lng_settings_logged_in_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Websites where you've used Telegram to log in." - } - }, - "lng_settings_manage_enabled_dictionary": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Dictionary is enabled" - } - }, - "lng_settings_my_account": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "My Account" - } - }, - "lng_settings_password_reenter_email": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Re-enter recovery email" - } - }, - "lng_settings_peer_to_peer": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Peer-to-Peer" - } - }, - "lng_settings_self_destruct": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Account self-destruct settings" - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_after_hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} hour", - "plural": "{count} hours" - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_after_years": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{count} year", - "plural": "{count} years" - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_select_chats_sorry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't set a self-destruct timer in this chat." - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_select_chats_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "to apply the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_select_chats_subtitle_chosen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "will have the self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "lng_settings_ttl_select_chats_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select Chats" - } - }, - "lng_settings_username_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Username lets people contact you on Telegram without needing your phone number." - } - }, - "lng_signed_author": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Author: {user}" - } - }, - "lng_sponsored_info_menu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",569,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "About this ad" - } - }, - "lng_sponsored_info_submenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",565,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Advertiser: {text}" - } - }, - "lng_stickers_add_emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add emoji" - } - }, - "lng_stickers_attached_sets": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sets of attached stickers" - } - }, - "lng_stickers_copied_emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",276,337,337,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Emoji pack link copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "lng_stickers_remove_pack_button": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Stickers" - } - }, - "lng_stickers_share_emoji": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",381,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Emoji" - } - }, - "lng_suggest_hide_new_about": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are receiving lots of new chats from users who are not in your Contact List.

Do you want to have such chats **automatically muted** and **archived**?" - } - }, - "lng_suggest_hide_new_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide new chats?" - } - }, - "lng_suggest_hide_new_to_settings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Go to Settings" - } - }, - "lng_theme_editor_attach_title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Attach desktop theme" - } - }, - "lng_tooltip_psa_default": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message provides you with a public service announcement." - } - }, - "lng_topic_author_badge": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",537,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Topic Creator" - } - }, - "lng_topics_not_found": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No topics found." - } - }, - "lng_translate_bar_to": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",132,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate to {name}" - } - }, - "lng_translate_bar_to_other": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate to {name}" - } - }, - "lng_translate_box_error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",413,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate failed." - } - }, - "lng_translate_box_original": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Original" - } - }, - "lng_translate_dont_added": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",423,438,438,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "{name} added to the Do Not Translate list." - } - }, - "lng_translate_hidden_channel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translation bar is now hidden for this channel." - } - }, - "lng_translate_hidden_group": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",430,433,433,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translation bar is now hidden for this group." - } - }, - "lng_translate_hidden_user": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",409,416,416,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translation bar hidden for this chat." - } - }, - "lng_translate_menu_dont": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",221,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't translate {name}" - } - }, - "lng_translate_menu_dont_other": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't translate {name}" - } - }, - "lng_translate_menu_hide": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",253,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide" - } - }, - "lng_translate_menu_to": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",165,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate To" - } - }, - "lng_translate_settings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",576,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "lng_translate_show_original": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",132,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Original" - } - }, - "lng_translate_undo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",572,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Undo" - } - }, - "lng_ttl_edit_about2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",215,493,493,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also set a default {link} for all your chats in Settings." - } - }, - "lng_ttl_edit_about2_link": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",291,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "self-destruct timer" - } - }, - "lng_ttl_edit_save": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm" - } - }, - "lng_username_app_not_found": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot application not found." - } - }, - "lng_usernames_activate_confirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_activate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to show this username on your info page?" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_activate_error": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't activate more than **{count}** usernames.", - "plural": "Sorry, you can't activate more than **{count}** usernames." - } - }, - "lng_usernames_active": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "active" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_deactivate_confirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_deactivate_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to hide this username from your info page?" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_description": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on your info page." - } - }, - "lng_usernames_edit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "click to edit" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_non_active": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "inactive" - } - }, - "lng_usernames_subtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Username order" - } - }, - "lng_via_link_cant": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,282,282,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can't create a link" - } - }, - "lng_via_link_cant_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",52,497,497,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{count} user** can only be invited via link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group.", - "plural": "**{count} users** can only be invited via link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group." - } - }, - "lng_via_link_cant_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",57,485,485,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{user}** can only be invited via link, but you don't have permission to share invite links to this group." - } - }, - "lng_via_link_channel_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,441,441,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{count} user** restricts adding them to channels.
You can send them an invite link as message instead.", - "plural": "**{count} users** restrict adding them to channels.
You can send them an invite link as message instead." - } - }, - "lng_via_link_channel_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{user}** restricts adding them to channels.
You can send them an invite link as message instead." - } - }, - "lng_via_link_group_many": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",63,443,443,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{count} user** restricts adding them to groups.
You can send them an invite link as message instead.", - "plural": "**{count} users** restrict adding them to groups.
You can send them an invite link as message instead." - } - }, - "lng_via_link_group_one": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,492,492,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**{user}** restricts adding them to groups.
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