From a7dc2fd08584535e539ad383eef52324372740dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 08:57:16 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 166 ++ .../en/webk/settings.json | 1338 ++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 1503 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index c8fdf158d6..4e61d7b35a 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -39064,6 +39064,10 @@ "AccDescrEditing", "AccDescrQuizExplanation", "AccDescrTopic", + "AccountSettings.Filters", + "AccountSettings.Language", + "AccountSettings.Notifications", + "AccountSettings.PrivacyAndSecurity", "ActionAddUser", "ActionAddUserSelf", "ActionAddUserSelfMega", @@ -39109,6 +39113,7 @@ "ActionYouScoredInGame", "ActionsChartTitle", "AdHidden", + "Add", "AddAnExplanationInfo", "AddBannedErrorAdmin", "AddBot", @@ -39170,6 +39175,9 @@ 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Approximate times will be shown instead (recently, within a week, within a month)." + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.MyContacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",455,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "My Contacts" + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.NeverAllow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",484,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Never Allow" + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.NeverShare": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Never Share With" + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.Nobody": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",722,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Nobody" + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.P2p.Desc": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",621,592,584,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disabling peer-to-peer will relay all calls through Telegram servers to avoid revealing your IP address, but may slightly decrease audio and video quality." + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.PeerInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,600,613,274,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above." + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.PhoneCallDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",229,532,532,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can restrict who can call you with granular precision." + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.ProfilePhoto.CustomHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",182,589,589,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision." + } + }, + "PrivacySettingsController.UserCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",504,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%d user", + "plural": "%d users" + } + }, + "PrivacyTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",373,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Privacy" + } + }, + "RecentSessions.Error.FreshReset": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,442,354,280,224", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "For security reasons, you can't terminate older sessions from a device that you've just connected. Please use an earlier connection or wait for a few hours." + } + }, + "ResendCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",549,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Resend code" + } + }, + "SessionsTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",270,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Active Sessions" + } + }, + "Settings": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",84,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Settings" + } + }, + "Stickers.SuggestStickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",796,343,343,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Suggest Stickers by Emoji" + } + }, + "StickersBotInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Artists are welcome to add their own sticker sets using our @stickers bot." + } + }, + "Telegram.GeneralSettingsViewController": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "General Settings" + } + }, + "Telegram.InstalledStickerPacksController": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",788,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stickers" + } + }, + "Telegram.NotificationSettingsViewController": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",13,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notifications" + } + }, + "Terminate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",107,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Terminate" + } + }, + "TerminateAllSessions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",400,786,786,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Terminate All Other Sessions" + } + }, + "TerminateSessionText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",219,531,531,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to terminate this session?" + } + }, + "TextSize": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",143,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message Text Size" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.ChangeEmail": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",495,323,323,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Recovery Email" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.ChangePassword": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",405,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Password" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.ConfirmEmailCodeDesc": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",208,512,512,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please enter the code we've just emailed to %@." + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeChangeEmail": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",473,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Email" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.GenericHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",181,585,585,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have enabled Two-Step verification.
You'll need the password you set up here to log in to your Telegram account." + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",353,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Code" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeInvalid": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",342,308,308,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invalid code. Please try again." + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.RecoveryTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",10,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Email Code" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.RemovePassword": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",464,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable Password" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.SetupHintPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",326,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hint" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.SetupHintTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Password Hint" + } + }, + "TwoStepVerification": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",179,286,286,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Two-Step Verification" + } + }, + "TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnSettings": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",397,323,323,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Return to Settings" + } + }, + "TwoStepVerificationPasswordSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",15,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Password Set!" + } + }, + "TwoStepVerificationPasswordSetInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",184,597,597,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS." + } + }, + "TwoStepVerificationTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",9,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Two-Step Verification" + } + }, + "Unblock": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",216,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unblock" + } + }, + "UsernameHelpLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",632,384,384,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This link opens a chat with you:
%1$s" + } + }, + "Users": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$d user", + "plural": "%1$d users" + } + }, + "WhoCanAddMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",755,435,435,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Who can add me to group chats?" + } + }, + "WhoCanCallMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",694,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Who can call me?" + } + }, + "YourEmailSkip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",494,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Skip" + } + }, + "YourEmailSkipWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",270,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Warning" + } + }, + "YourEmailSkipWarningText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",246,523,523,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No, seriously.

If you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account. There will be no way to restore it." + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file