From aa55c76b2c7e6f2f9405e1875ae5a0d02aa939c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:28:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 2378 ++++ .../en/ios/groups_and_channels.json | 9737 ++++++++++++++++- .../en/ios/passport.json | 1627 ++- .../en/ios/private_chats.json | 1894 +++- .../en/ios/profile.json | 672 +- .../en/macos/login.json | 571 +- .../en/tdesktop/general.json | 4644 +++++++- 7 files changed, 21517 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index 55ac767bdc..d6d6288def 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -9680,6 +9680,7 @@ "AccessDenied.LocationAlwaysDenied", "AccessDenied.LocationDenied", "AccessDenied.LocationDisabled", + "AccessDenied.LocationPreciseDenied", "AccessDenied.LocationTracking", "AccessDenied.MicrophoneRestricted", "AccessDenied.PhotosAndVideos", @@ -9690,17 +9691,27 @@ "AccessDenied.Settings", "AccessDenied.Settings", "AccessDenied.Title", + "AccessDenied.Title", "AccessDenied.VideoCallCamera", "AccessDenied.VideoMessageCamera", "AccessDenied.VideoMessageMicrophone", "AccessDenied.VideoMicrophone", + "AccessDenied.VoiceMicrophone", "AccessDenied.Wallpapers", + "Activity.ChoosingSticker", "Activity.EnjoyingAnimations", "Activity.PlayingGame", + "Activity.RecordingAudio", + "Activity.RecordingVideoMessage", "Activity.TappingInteractiveEmoji", + "Activity.UploadingDocument", + "Activity.UploadingPhoto", + "Activity.UploadingVideo", + "Activity.UploadingVideoMessage", "AddContact.ContactWillBeSharedAfterMutual", "AddContact.SharedContactException", "AddContact.SharedContactExceptionInfo", + "AddContact.StatusSuccess", "Appearance.AccentColor", "Appearance.Animations", "Appearance.AppIcon", @@ -9847,11 +9858,46 @@ "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle2", "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle3", "ArchivedPacksAlert.Title", + "Attachment.AllMedia", "Attachment.Camera", + "Attachment.CameraAccessText", + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertNo", + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertText", + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertYes", + "Attachment.Contact", "Attachment.DeselectedItems", "Attachment.DeselectedPhotos", + "Attachment.DeselectedVideos", "Attachment.DiscardPasteboardAlertText", + "Attachment.DragToReorder", + "Attachment.File", + "Attachment.FilesIntro", + "Attachment.FilesSearchPlaceholder", + "Attachment.Gallery", + "Attachment.Grouped", + "Attachment.LimitedMediaAccessText", + "Attachment.Location", + "Attachment.LocationAccessText", + "Attachment.LocationAccessTitle", + "Attachment.Manage", + "Attachment.MediaAccessText", + "Attachment.MediaAccessTitle", + "Attachment.MediaTypes", + "Attachment.MessagePreview", + "Attachment.MessagesPreview", + "Attachment.MyAlbums", + "Attachment.OpenCamera", + "Attachment.OpenSettings", "Attachment.Pasteboard", + "Attachment.Poll", + "Attachment.RecentlySentFiles", + "Attachment.SearchWeb", + "Attachment.SelectFromFiles", + "Attachment.SelectFromGallery", + "Attachment.SelectedMedia", + "Attachment.SendAsFile", + "Attachment.SendAsFiles", + "Attachment.Ungrouped", "AttachmentMenu.File", "AttachmentMenu.PhotoOrVideo", "AttachmentMenu.Poll", @@ -9909,13 +9955,17 @@ "AuthSessions.View.AcceptSecretChats", "AuthSessions.View.AcceptTitle", "AuthSessions.View.Application", + "AuthSessions.View.Application", "AuthSessions.View.Browser", "AuthSessions.View.Device", "AuthSessions.View.IP", + "AuthSessions.View.IP", + "AuthSessions.View.Location", "AuthSessions.View.Location", "AuthSessions.View.LocationInfo", "AuthSessions.View.Logout", "AuthSessions.View.OS", + "AuthSessions.View.TerminateSession", "AutoDownloadSettings.AutoDownload", "AutoDownloadSettings.AutodownloadFiles", "AutoDownloadSettings.AutodownloadPhotos", @@ -9980,7 +10030,12 @@ "AutoNightTheme.Title", "AutoNightTheme.UpdateLocation", "AutoNightTheme.UseSunsetSunrise", + "AutoremoveSetup.TimeSectionHeader", + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerInfoChannel", "AutoremoveSetup.TimerInfoChat", + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerValueAfter", + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerValueNever", + "AutoremoveSetup.Title", "BlockedUsers.AddNew", "BlockedUsers.BlockTitle", "BlockedUsers.BlockUser", @@ -9994,8 +10049,11 @@ "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsAdmin", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsMember", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertAdd", + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertAdd", + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextChannel", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextGroup", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTitle", + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTitle", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminRights", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertAdd", "Bot.AddToChat.Add.MemberAlertTextChannel", @@ -10010,10 +10068,25 @@ "Bot.DescriptionTitle", "Bot.DescriptionTitle", "Bot.GenericBotStatus", + "Bot.GenericSupportStatus", + "Bot.GroupStatusDoesNotReadHistory", + "Bot.GroupStatusReadsHistory", "Bot.Start", "Bot.Stop", "Bot.Unblock", + "Broadcast.AdminLog.EmptyText", + "BroadcastGroups.Cancel", + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Convert", + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Text", + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Title", + "BroadcastGroups.Convert", + "BroadcastGroups.IntroText", + "BroadcastGroups.IntroTitle", + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.LearnMore", "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.SettingsTip", + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.Text", + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.Title", + "BroadcastGroups.Success", "CHANNEL_MESSAGES", "CHANNEL_MESSAGES_SEPARATED", "CHANNEL_MESSAGE_AUDIO", @@ -10142,9 +10215,17 @@ "Calendar.ShortWed", "Calendar.ShortWednesday", "Call.Accept", + "Call.AnsweringWithAccount", "Call.Audio", + "Call.AudioRouteHeadphones", + "Call.AudioRouteHide", "Call.AudioRouteMute", + "Call.AudioRouteSpeaker", "Call.BatteryLow", + "Call.CallAgain", + "Call.CallInProgressLiveStreamMessage", + "Call.CallInProgressMessage", + "Call.CallInProgressTitle", "Call.CallInProgressTitle", "Call.CallInProgressVoiceChatMessage", "Call.Camera", @@ -10153,9 +10234,14 @@ "Call.CameraOff", "Call.CameraOrScreenTooltip", "Call.CameraTooltip", + "Call.ConnectionErrorMessage", + "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", + "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle", "Call.Days", "Call.Decline", + "Call.EmojiDescription", + "Call.EncryptionKey.Title", "Call.End", "Call.ExternalCallInProgressMessage", "Call.Flip", @@ -10164,8 +10250,13 @@ "Call.IncomingVideoCall", "Call.IncomingVoiceCall", "Call.LiveStreamInProgressCallMessage", + "Call.LiveStreamInProgressMessage", + "Call.LiveStreamInProgressTitle", + "Call.Message", "Call.MicrophoneOff", + "Call.Minutes", "Call.Mute", + "Call.ParticipantVersionOutdatedError", "Call.ParticipantVideoVersionOutdatedError", "Call.PhoneCallInProgressMessage", "Call.PrivacyErrorMessage", @@ -10174,15 +10265,26 @@ "Call.RemoteVideoPaused", "Call.ReportIncludeLog", "Call.ReportIncludeLogDescription", + "Call.ReportPlaceholder", "Call.ReportSend", "Call.ReportSkip", "Call.Seconds", + "Call.Seconds", "Call.ShareStats", "Call.ShortMinutes", "Call.ShortSeconds", "Call.Speaker", "Call.StatusBar", + "Call.StatusBusy", + "Call.StatusConnecting", + "Call.StatusEnded", + "Call.StatusFailed", "Call.StatusIncoming", + "Call.StatusNoAnswer", + "Call.StatusOngoing", + "Call.StatusRequesting", + "Call.StatusRinging", + "Call.StatusWaiting", "Call.VoiceChatInProgressCallMessage", "Call.VoiceChatInProgressMessage", "Call.VoiceChatInProgressMessageCall", @@ -10236,8 +10338,12 @@ "Calls.NoVoiceAndVideoCallsPlaceholder", "Calls.NotNow", "Calls.NotNow", + "Calls.NotNow", + "Calls.RatingFeedback", + "Calls.RatingTitle", "Calls.RatingTitle", "Calls.StartNewCall", + "Calls.SubmitRating", "Calls.TabTitle", "Camera.Discard", "Camera.FlashAuto", @@ -10250,6 +10356,8 @@ "Camera.Title", "Camera.VideoMode", "CancelResetAccount.Success", + "CancelResetAccount.TextSMS", + "CancelResetAccount.Title", "ChangePhone.ErrorOccupied", "ChangePhoneNumberCode.CallTimer", "ChangePhoneNumberCode.Called", @@ -10262,38 +10370,143 @@ "ChangePhoneNumberNumber.NewNumber", "ChangePhoneNumberNumber.NumberPlaceholder", "ChangePhoneNumberNumber.Title", + "Channel.About.Help", + "Channel.About.Placeholder", + "Channel.About.Title", "Channel.AboutItem", "Channel.AddAdminKickedError", + "Channel.AddBotAsAdmin", + "Channel.AddBotErrorHaveRights", "Channel.AddBotErrorNoRights", "Channel.AddUserKickedError", + "Channel.AddUserLeftError", + "Channel.AdminLog.AddMembers", "Channel.AdminLog.AllowedNewMembersToSpeak", + "Channel.AdminLog.AllowedReactionsUpdated", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanEmbedLinks", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanReadMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendGifs", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendMedia", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendStickers", + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendStickersAndGifs", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanAddAdmins", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanBanUsers", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanBeAnonymous", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanChangeInfo", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanChangeInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteMessages", "Channel.AdminLog.CanDeleteMessagesOfOthers", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanEditMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanInviteUsers", "Channel.AdminLog.CanInviteUsersViaLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanManageCalls", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanManageLiveStreams", "Channel.AdminLog.CanManageTopics", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanPinMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.CanSendMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.CaptionEdited", + "Channel.AdminLog.ChangeInfo", "Channel.AdminLog.ChannelEmptyText", "Channel.AdminLog.CreatedInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.DefaultRestrictionsUpdated", + "Channel.AdminLog.DeletedInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.DisabledSlowmode", + "Channel.AdminLog.EditedInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyFilterQueryText", + "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyFilterText", + "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyFilterTitle", + "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyMessageText", "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyText", + "Channel.AdminLog.EmptyTitle", + "Channel.AdminLog.EndedLiveStream", "Channel.AdminLog.EndedVoiceChat", + "Channel.AdminLog.EndedVoiceChat", + "Channel.AdminLog.InfoPanelAlertText", + "Channel.AdminLog.InfoPanelAlertTitle", + "Channel.AdminLog.InfoPanelChannelAlertText", + "Channel.AdminLog.InfoPanelTitle", "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaPublicRequest", + "Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaRequest", "Channel.AdminLog.ManageTopics", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminName", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAddedAdminNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageAdmin", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutRemove", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutSet", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelAbout", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelUsername", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedChannelUsernames", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupAbout", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupGeoLocation", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupStickerPack", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupUsername", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupUsernames", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedLinkedChannel", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedLinkedGroup", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeRemove", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeSet", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedUnlinkedChannel", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedUnlinkedGroup", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageDeleted", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageEdited", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageGroupPreHistoryHidden", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageGroupPreHistoryVisible", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageGroupPreHistoryVisible", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageInvitedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageInvitedNameUsername", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageKickedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageKickedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageKickedNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePinned", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousCaption", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousDescription", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousLink", "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousLinks", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePreviousMessage", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePromotedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessagePromotedNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRank", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRankName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRankUsername", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminName", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedAdminNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedChannelUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedGroupStickerPack", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRemovedGroupUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestricted", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedForever", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedNewSetting", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedUntil", "Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleInvitesOff", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleInvitesOn", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleNoForwardsOff", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleNoForwardsOn", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleSignaturesOff", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageToggleSignaturesOn", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageTransferedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageTransferedNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnkickedName", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnkickedNameUsername", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnpinned", + "Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnpinnedExtended", "Channel.AdminLog.MutedNewMembers", "Channel.AdminLog.MutedParticipant", + "Channel.AdminLog.PinMessages", + "Channel.AdminLog.PollStopped", + "Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsDisabled", "Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsEnabled", + "Channel.AdminLog.RevokedInviteLink", + "Channel.AdminLog.SendPolls", + "Channel.AdminLog.SetSlowmode", + "Channel.AdminLog.StartedLiveStream", "Channel.AdminLog.StartedVoiceChat", + "Channel.AdminLog.TitleAllEvents", + "Channel.AdminLog.TitleSelectedEvents", "Channel.AdminLog.TopicChangedIcon", "Channel.AdminLog.TopicClosed", "Channel.AdminLog.TopicCreated", @@ -10308,39 +10521,145 @@ "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsDisabled", "Channel.AdminLog.TopicsEnabled", "Channel.AdminLog.UnmutedMutedParticipant", + "Channel.AdminLog.UpdatedParticipantVolume", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.AdminsAll", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.AdminsTitle", "Channel.AdminLogFilter.ChannelEventsInfo", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAdmins", "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAll", "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsCalls", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsCalls", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsDeletedMessages", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsEditedMessages", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsInfo", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsInviteLinks", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsLeaving", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsLeavingSubscribers", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsLiveStreams", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsNewMembers", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsNewSubscribers", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsPinned", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsRestrictions", + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsSentMessages", "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsTitle", "Channel.AdminLogFilter.Title", + "Channel.BanList.BlockedTitle", + "Channel.BanList.RestrictedTitle", "Channel.BanUser.BlockFor", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionAddMembers", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionChangeGroupInfo", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionEmbedLinks", "Channel.BanUser.PermissionReadMessages", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendMedia", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendMessages", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendPolls", + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendStickersAndGifs", "Channel.BanUser.PermissionsHeader", "Channel.BanUser.Title", "Channel.BanUser.Unban", + "Channel.BlackList.Title", "Channel.BotDoesntSupportGroups", "Channel.ChannelSubscribersHeader", "Channel.CommentsGroup.Header", + "Channel.CommentsGroup.HeaderGroupSet", + "Channel.CommentsGroup.HeaderSet", + "Channel.DiscussionGroup", + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.Create", + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.Header", + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.HeaderGroupSet", + 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"Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionChangeInfo", "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionCreateTopics", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionDeleteMessages", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionDeleteMessagesOfOthers", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEditMessages", "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEnabledByDefault", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteMembers", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteSubscribers", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteUsers", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteViaLink", "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionManageTopics", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionPinMessages", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionPostMessages", + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionsHeader", "Channel.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership", "Channel.EditMessageErrorGeneric", "Channel.ErrorAccessDenied", + "Channel.ErrorAccessDenied", + "Channel.ErrorAddBlocked", + "Channel.ErrorAddTooMuch", "Channel.ErrorAdminsTooMuch", + "Channel.Info.Banned", + "Channel.Info.BlackList", "Channel.Info.Description", + "Channel.Info.Management", + "Channel.Info.Members", + "Channel.Info.Stickers", + "Channel.Info.Subscribers", "Channel.JoinChannel", "Channel.LeaveChannel", + "Channel.LeaveChannel", + "Channel.LinkItem", + "Channel.Management.AddModerator", + "Channel.Management.AddModeratorHelp", + "Channel.Management.LabelAdministrator", + "Channel.Management.LabelCreator", "Channel.Management.LabelEditor", + "Channel.Management.LabelOwner", + "Channel.Management.PromotedBy", + "Channel.Management.RemovedBy", + "Channel.Management.RestrictedBy", + "Channel.Management.Title", + "Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorBlacklisted", + "Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorNotAMember", + "Channel.Members.AddBannedErrorAdmin", + "Channel.Members.AddMembers", + "Channel.Members.AddMembersHelp", + "Channel.Members.Contacts", + "Channel.Members.InviteLink", + "Channel.Members.Other", + "Channel.Members.Title", + "Channel.MessagePhotoRemoved", "Channel.MessagePhotoUpdated", + "Channel.MessagePhotoUpdated", + "Channel.MessageTitleUpdated", "Channel.MessageVideoUpdated", + "Channel.Moderator.AccessLevelRevoke", + "Channel.Moderator.Title", "Channel.NotificationLoading", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ChangeOwner", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.DescriptionInfo", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText", "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted", "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPublicChannelsTooMuch", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.PasswordPlaceholder", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.Title", + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.TransferCompleted", "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertShow", "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertText", "Channel.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle", @@ -10348,20 +10667,81 @@ "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide", "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertText", "Channel.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle", + "Channel.Setup.LinkTypePrivate", + "Channel.Setup.LinkTypePublic", "Channel.Setup.LinksOrder", "Channel.Setup.LinksOrderInfo", "Channel.Setup.PublicLink", + "Channel.Setup.PublicNoLink", "Channel.Setup.Title", "Channel.Setup.TypeHeader", + "Channel.Setup.TypePrivate", + "Channel.Setup.TypePrivateHelp", + "Channel.Setup.TypePublic", + "Channel.Setup.TypePublicHelp", + "Channel.SignMessages", + "Channel.SignMessages.Help", + "Channel.Status", + "Channel.Stickers.CreateYourOwn", + "Channel.Stickers.NotFound", + "Channel.Stickers.NotFoundHelp", + "Channel.Stickers.Placeholder", + "Channel.Stickers.Searching", + "Channel.Stickers.YourStickers", + "Channel.Subscribers.Title", + "Channel.TitleInfo", "Channel.TooMuchBots", + "Channel.TypeSetup.Title", + "Channel.UpdatePhotoItem", + "Channel.Username.CheckingUsername", + "Channel.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp", + "Channel.Username.CreatePublicLinkHelp", + "Channel.Username.Help", + "Channel.Username.InvalidCharacters", "Channel.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore", + "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithNumber", "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore", + "Channel.Username.InvalidTaken", + "Channel.Username.InvalidTooShort", + "Channel.Username.LinkHint", "Channel.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo", + "Channel.Username.Title", + "Channel.Username.UsernameIsAvailable", "Channel.Username.UsernamePurchaseAvailable", "ChannelInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation", + "ChannelInfo.ChannelForbidden", + "ChannelInfo.ConfirmLeave", + "ChannelInfo.CreateExternalStream", + "ChannelInfo.CreateLiveStream", "ChannelInfo.CreateVoiceChat", + "ChannelInfo.CreateVoiceChat", + "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannel", + "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannelConfirmation", + "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroup", "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroupConfirmation", + "ChannelInfo.FakeChannelWarning", + "ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text", + "ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning", + "ChannelInfo.ScheduleLiveStream", + "ChannelInfo.ScheduleVoiceChat", + "ChannelInfo.Stats", + "ChannelIntro.CreateChannel", + "ChannelIntro.Text", + "ChannelIntro.Title", + "ChannelMembers.ChannelAdminsTitle", + "ChannelMembers.GroupAdminsTitle", + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers", + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers.Admins", + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers.AllMembers", + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembersAdminsHelp", + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembersAllHelp", + "ChannelRemoved.RemoveInfo", + "Chat.AttachmentLimitExceeded", "Chat.AttachmentLimitReached", + "Chat.AttachmentMultipleFilesDisabled", + "Chat.AttachmentMultipleForwardDisabled", + "Chat.AudioTranscriptionFeedbackTip", + "Chat.AudioTranscriptionRateAction", "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertAction", "Chat.ClearReactionsAlertText", "Chat.ContextReactionCount", @@ -10374,39 +10754,61 @@ "Chat.GenericPsaTooltip", "Chat.Gifs.SavedSectionHeader", "Chat.Gifs.TrendingSectionHeader", + "Chat.JumpToDate", "Chat.Message.TopicAuthorBadge", + "Chat.MessageRangeDeleted.ForBothSides", + "Chat.MessageRangeDeleted.ForMe", + "Chat.MessagesUnpinned", "Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled", "Chat.MultipleTypingMore", "Chat.MultipleTypingPair", "Chat.NavigationNoChannels", "Chat.NextChannelArchivedSwipeAction", + "Chat.NextChannelArchivedSwipeProgress", "Chat.NextChannelFolderSwipeAction", + "Chat.NextChannelFolderSwipeProgress", "Chat.NextChannelSameLocationSwipeAction", + "Chat.NextChannelSameLocationSwipeProgress", "Chat.NextChannelUnarchivedSwipeAction", + "Chat.NextChannelUnarchivedSwipeProgress", "Chat.OutgoingContextMixedReactionCount", "Chat.OutgoingContextReactionCount", + "Chat.PanelCustomStatusInfo", "Chat.PanelForumModeReplyText", + "Chat.PanelHidePinnedMessages", "Chat.PanelRestartTopic", "Chat.PanelTopicClosedText", + "Chat.PanelUnpinAllMessages", "Chat.PinnedListPreview.HidePinnedMessages", "Chat.PinnedListPreview.ShowAllMessages", "Chat.PinnedListPreview.UnpinAllMessages", "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenText", "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenTitle", + "Chat.PremiumReactionToastAction", + "Chat.PremiumReactionToastTitle", "Chat.PsaTooltip.covid", "Chat.PsaTooltip.psa", "Chat.ReactionSection.Popular", "Chat.ReactionSection.Recent", + "Chat.SaveForNotifications", "Chat.SlowmodeAttachmentLimitReached", "Chat.SlowmodeSendError", + "Chat.SlowmodeTooltip", "Chat.SlowmodeTooltipPending", + "Chat.TitlePinnedMessages", "Chat.UnsendMyMessages", "Chat.UnsendMyMessagesAlertTitle", + "ChatAdmins.AdminLabel", + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdmins", + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdminsOffHelp", + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdminsOnHelp", + "ChatAdmins.Title", "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSet", "ChatContextMenu.EmojiSetSingle", "ChatContextMenu.MessageViewsPrivacyTip", "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSet", "ChatContextMenu.ReactionEmojiSetSingle", + "ChatContextMenu.TextSelectionTip", "ChatImport.CreateGroupAlertImportAction", "ChatImport.CreateGroupAlertText", "ChatImport.CreateGroupAlertTitle", @@ -10440,6 +10842,7 @@ "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Text", "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Title", "ChatList.ChatTypesSection", + "ChatList.ClearChatConfirmation", "ChatList.ClearSearchHistory", "ChatList.CloseAction", "ChatList.Context.AddToContacts", @@ -10448,6 +10851,7 @@ "ChatList.Context.Back", "ChatList.Context.CloseTopic", "ChatList.Context.Delete", + "ChatList.Context.Delete", "ChatList.Context.HideArchive", "ChatList.Context.JoinChannel", "ChatList.Context.JoinChat", @@ -10470,8 +10874,10 @@ "ChatList.DeleteConfirmation", "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembers", "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembersConfirmationText", + "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribers", "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText", "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser", + "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser", "ChatList.DeleteForEveryone", "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationAction", "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationText", @@ -10508,6 +10914,7 @@ "ChatList.MessageVideos", "ChatList.Mute", "ChatList.PeerTypeBot", + "ChatList.PeerTypeChannel", "ChatList.PeerTypeContact", "ChatList.PeerTypeGroup", "ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact", @@ -10523,6 +10930,7 @@ "ChatList.RemovedFromFolderTooltip", "ChatList.ReorderTabs", "ChatList.Search.FilterChats", + "ChatList.Search.FilterDownloads", "ChatList.Search.FilterFiles", "ChatList.Search.FilterLinks", "ChatList.Search.FilterMedia", @@ -10757,10 +11165,19 @@ "ClearCache.StorageUsage", "ClearCache.Success", "Clipboard.SendPhoto", + "CloudStorage.Title", + "CommentsGroup.ErrorAccessDenied", "Common.ActionNotAllowedError", "Common.Back", "Common.Back", "Common.Back", + "Common.Back", + "Common.Back", + "Common.Back", + "Common.Cancel", + "Common.Cancel", + "Common.Cancel", + "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", @@ -10768,8 +11185,11 @@ "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.ChoosePhoto", + "Common.ChoosePhoto", "Common.Close", "Common.Close", + "Common.Close", + "Common.Create", "Common.Create", "Common.Delete", "Common.Delete", @@ -10780,32 +11200,49 @@ "Common.Done", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", + "Common.Done", + "Common.Done", + "Common.Edit", "Common.Edit", "Common.Edit", "Common.More", "Common.Next", "Common.Next", + "Common.Next", + "Common.No", + "Common.NotNow", "Common.NotNow", "Common.NotNow", "Common.OK", "Common.OK", "Common.OK", "Common.OK", + "Common.OK", + "Common.Save", "Common.Search", "Common.Search", "Common.Select", + "Common.Select", "Common.TakePhoto", "Common.TakePhotoOrVideo", + "Common.Yes", "Common.edit", "Common.of", + "Compose.ChannelMembers", + "Compose.ChannelTokenListPlaceholder", + "Compose.Create", "Compose.GroupTokenListPlaceholder", "Compose.NewChannel", + "Compose.NewChannel", "Compose.NewEncryptedChat", "Compose.NewEncryptedChatTitle", "Compose.NewGroup", + "Compose.NewGroup", + "Compose.NewGroupTitle", "Compose.NewGroupTitle", "Compose.NewMessage", "Compose.TokenListPlaceholder", + "Compose.TokenListPlaceholder", "ContactInfo.BirthdayLabel", "ContactInfo.Job", "ContactInfo.Note", @@ -10839,6 +11276,7 @@ "Contacts.InviteFriends", "Contacts.InviteSearchLabel", "Contacts.InviteToTelegram", + "Contacts.MemberSearchSectionTitleGroup", "Contacts.NotRegisteredSection", "Contacts.PermissionsAllow", "Contacts.PermissionsAllowInSettings", @@ -10848,6 +11286,8 @@ "Contacts.PermissionsSuppressWarningTitle", "Contacts.PermissionsText", "Contacts.PermissionsText", + "Contacts.PermissionsText", + "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", "Contacts.PhoneNumber", @@ -10869,23 +11309,39 @@ "Contacts.TabTitle", "Contacts.Title", "Contacts.TopSection", + "Contacts.TopSection", "Contacts.VoiceOver.AddContact", + "Conversation.AddContact", "Conversation.AddMembers", + "Conversation.AddNameToContacts", + "Conversation.AddToContacts", "Conversation.AddToReadingList", + "Conversation.AddToReadingList", + "Conversation.Admin", + "Conversation.AlsoClearCacheTitle", "Conversation.ApplyLocalization", "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipNormal", "Conversation.AudioRateTooltipSpeedUp", + "Conversation.AutoremoveActionEdit", "Conversation.AutoremoveActionEnable", "Conversation.AutoremoveChanged", + "Conversation.AutoremoveChanged", "Conversation.AutoremoveOff", "Conversation.AutoremoveRemainingDays", "Conversation.AutoremoveRemainingTime", + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedChannel", + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedGroup", "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedUser", "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedUserYou", + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetChannel", + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetGroup", "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetToastText", "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUser", "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserYou", + "Conversation.BlockUser", "Conversation.BotInteractiveUrlAlert", + "Conversation.Bytes", + "Conversation.Call", "Conversation.CancelForwardCancelForward", "Conversation.CancelForwardSelectChat", "Conversation.CancelForwardText", @@ -10894,40 +11350,90 @@ "Conversation.ChatBackground", "Conversation.ChecksTooltip.Delivered", "Conversation.ChecksTooltip.Read", + "Conversation.ClearAll", + "Conversation.ClearCache", + "Conversation.ClearChannel", "Conversation.ClearChatConfirmation", + "Conversation.ClearGroupHistory", + "Conversation.ClearPrivateHistory", + "Conversation.ClearSecretHistory", + "Conversation.ClearSelfHistory", + "Conversation.CloudStorage.ChatStatus", + "Conversation.CloudStorageInfo.Title", + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description1", + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description2", + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description3", + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description4", "Conversation.Contact", + "Conversation.ContextMenuBan", "Conversation.ContextMenuBlock", "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelEditing", "Conversation.ContextMenuCancelSending", "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy", + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopyLink", "Conversation.ContextMenuCopyLink", "Conversation.ContextMenuDelete", "Conversation.ContextMenuDiscuss", "Conversation.ContextMenuForward", "Conversation.ContextMenuListened", "Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp", + "Conversation.ContextMenuMention", + "Conversation.ContextMenuMore", "Conversation.ContextMenuMore", "Conversation.ContextMenuNoViews", "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyListened", "Conversation.ContextMenuNobodyWatched", + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannel", + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannelProfile", + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenProfile", + "Conversation.ContextMenuReply", + "Conversation.ContextMenuReply", "Conversation.ContextMenuReply", "Conversation.ContextMenuReport", "Conversation.ContextMenuSeen", "Conversation.ContextMenuSelect", + "Conversation.ContextMenuSelect", "Conversation.ContextMenuSelectAll", + "Conversation.ContextMenuSendMessage", "Conversation.ContextMenuShare", "Conversation.ContextMenuSpeak", + "Conversation.ContextMenuStickerPackAdd", "Conversation.ContextMenuStickerPackInfo", "Conversation.ContextMenuTranslate", "Conversation.ContextMenuWatched", + "Conversation.ContextViewReplies", + "Conversation.ContextViewStats", + "Conversation.ContextViewThread", "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledBot", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledChannel", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledGroup", "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledSecret", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionInfoChannel", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionInfoGroup", "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledBot", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledChannel", + "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledGroup", "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledSecret", + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedInline", + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedMedia", + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedStickers", + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedText", + "Conversation.DeleteAllMessagesInChat", + "Conversation.DeleteManyMessages", + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesFor", + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForEveryone", + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe", + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe", + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.Apply", + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.Disable", + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.SetupTitle", "Conversation.DeletedFromContacts", "Conversation.Dice", "Conversation.Dice.", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3AF", + "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B0", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B2", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B3", "Conversation.Dice.u1F3C0", @@ -10935,6 +11441,8 @@ "Conversation.DiscardVoiceMessageAction", "Conversation.DiscardVoiceMessageDescription", "Conversation.DiscardVoiceMessageTitle", + "Conversation.DiscussionNotStarted", + "Conversation.DiscussionStarted", "Conversation.Edit", "Conversation.EditingCaptionPanelTitle", "Conversation.EditingMessageMediaChange", @@ -10944,11 +11452,21 @@ "Conversation.EditingMessagePanelTitle", "Conversation.EditingPhotoPanelTitle", "Conversation.EmailCopied", + "Conversation.EmojiCopied", "Conversation.EmojiTooltip", "Conversation.EmptyGifPanelPlaceholder", "Conversation.EmptyPlaceholder", + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription1", + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription2", + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription3", + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription4", + "Conversation.EncryptedDescriptionTitle", + "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleIncoming", + "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing", "Conversation.EncryptionCanceled", "Conversation.EncryptionProcessing", + "Conversation.EncryptionWaiting", + "Conversation.ErrorInaccessibleMessage", "Conversation.FileDropbox", "Conversation.FileHowToText", "Conversation.FileICloudDrive", @@ -11001,6 +11519,7 @@ "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One", "Conversation.GifTooltip", "Conversation.GigagroupDescription", + "Conversation.GreetingText", "Conversation.HashtagCopied", "Conversation.HoldForAudio", "Conversation.HoldForVideo", @@ -11010,22 +11529,36 @@ "Conversation.IncreaseSpeed", "Conversation.Info", "Conversation.Info", + "Conversation.Info", + "Conversation.InfoGroup", "Conversation.InputMenu", + "Conversation.InputTextAnonymousPlaceholder", + "Conversation.InputTextBroadcastPlaceholder", "Conversation.InputTextCaptionPlaceholder", + "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholder", + "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderComment", "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderReply", + "Conversation.InputTextSilentBroadcastPlaceholder", "Conversation.InstantPagePreview", + "Conversation.InstantPagePreview", + "Conversation.InteractiveEmojiSyncTip", "Conversation.InviteRequestAdminChannel", "Conversation.InviteRequestAdminGroup", "Conversation.InviteRequestInfo", "Conversation.InviteRequestInfoConfirm", "Conversation.JoinVoiceChat", + "Conversation.JoinVoiceChatAsListener", + "Conversation.JoinVoiceChatAsSpeaker", "Conversation.JumpToDate", "Conversation.Kilobytes", "Conversation.LargeEmojiDisabledInfo", "Conversation.LargeEmojiEnable", "Conversation.LargeEmojiEnabled", "Conversation.LinkCopied", + "Conversation.LinkCopied", "Conversation.LinkDialogCopy", + "Conversation.LinkDialogCopy", + "Conversation.LinkDialogOpen", "Conversation.LinkDialogOpen", "Conversation.LinkDialogSave", "Conversation.LinksCopied", @@ -11041,72 +11574,159 @@ "Conversation.MessageCopied", "Conversation.MessageDeliveryFailed", "Conversation.MessageDialogDelete", + "Conversation.MessageDialogDelete", + "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", "Conversation.MessageDialogRetry", "Conversation.MessageDialogRetryAll", "Conversation.MessageDoesntExist", "Conversation.MessageEditedLabel", + "Conversation.MessageLeaveComment", "Conversation.MessageLeaveCommentShort", "Conversation.MessageViaUser", + "Conversation.MessageViewComments", + "Conversation.MessageViewCommentsFormat", + "Conversation.Moderate.Ban", + "Conversation.Moderate.Delete", + "Conversation.Moderate.DeleteAllMessages", + "Conversation.Moderate.Report", "Conversation.Mute", + "Conversation.Mute", + "Conversation.Mute", + "Conversation.Mute.ApplyMuteUntil", + "Conversation.Mute.SetupTitle", + "Conversation.NoticeInvitedByInChannel", + "Conversation.NoticeInvitedByInGroup", + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkAllowMessages", "Conversation.OpenBotLinkAllowMessages", "Conversation.OpenBotLinkLogin", + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkLogin", + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkOpen", + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkText", "Conversation.OpenBotLinkText", "Conversation.OpenBotLinkTitle", + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkTitle", "Conversation.OpenFile", + "Conversation.Owner", "Conversation.PeerNearbyDistance", + "Conversation.PeerNearbyText", + "Conversation.PeerNearbyTitle", + "Conversation.PhoneCopied", + "Conversation.Pin", "Conversation.Pin", "Conversation.PinMessageAlert.OnlyPin", + "Conversation.PinMessageAlert.OnlyPin", "Conversation.PinMessageAlert.PinAndNotifyMembers", + "Conversation.PinMessageAlertGroup", + "Conversation.PinMessageAlertPin", + "Conversation.PinMessagesFor", + "Conversation.PinMessagesForMe", + "Conversation.PinOlderMessageAlertText", + "Conversation.PinOlderMessageAlertTitle", + "Conversation.PinnedMessage", + "Conversation.PinnedPoll", + "Conversation.PinnedPreviousMessage", "Conversation.PinnedQuiz", "Conversation.PremiumUploadFileTooLarge", "Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound", + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertJoin", + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertText", + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertTitle", + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTooltip", + "Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopied", "Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopiedLong", "Conversation.Processing", + "Conversation.ReadAllReactions", "Conversation.ReplyMessagePanelTitle", + "Conversation.Report", + "Conversation.ReportGroupLocation", "Conversation.ReportMessages", + "Conversation.ReportSpam", + "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave", "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave", "Conversation.ReportSpamChannelConfirmation", + "Conversation.ReportSpamConfirmation", "Conversation.ReportSpamGroupConfirmation", "Conversation.RequestToJoinChannel", "Conversation.RequestToJoinGroup", + "Conversation.RequestsToJoin", + "Conversation.RestrictedInline", + "Conversation.RestrictedInlineTimed", "Conversation.RestrictedMedia", + "Conversation.RestrictedMediaTimed", + "Conversation.RestrictedStickers", + "Conversation.RestrictedStickersTimed", + "Conversation.RestrictedText", + "Conversation.RestrictedTextTimed", + "Conversation.SaveGif", + "Conversation.SavedMessages", "Conversation.ScamWarning", "Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendOn", "Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendToday", "Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendTomorrow", "Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendWhenOnline", "Conversation.ScheduleMessage.Title", + "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStream", "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsOn", "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsToday", "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsTomorrow", + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChat", "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOn", + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOnShort", "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsToday", + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTodayShort", "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrow", + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrowShort", "Conversation.Search", "Conversation.Search", + "Conversation.Search", + "Conversation.SearchByName.Placeholder", + "Conversation.SearchByName.Prefix", + "Conversation.SearchNoResults", "Conversation.SearchPlaceholder", "Conversation.SecretChatContextBotAlert", + "Conversation.SecretLinkPreviewAlert", "Conversation.SelectMessages", "Conversation.SelectedMessages", "Conversation.SendDice", + "Conversation.SendMesageAs", + "Conversation.SendMesageAsPremiumInfo", + "Conversation.SendMessage", "Conversation.SendMessage.ScheduleMessage", "Conversation.SendMessage.SendSilently", + "Conversation.SendMessage.SetReminder", + "Conversation.SendMessageErrorFlood", "Conversation.SendMessageErrorGroupRestricted", "Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled", "Conversation.SendingOptionsTooltip", + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindOn", + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindToday", + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindTomorrow", + "Conversation.SetReminder.Title", "Conversation.ShareBotContactConfirmation", "Conversation.ShareBotContactConfirmationTitle", "Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmation", "Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmationTitle", "Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmationTitle", "Conversation.ShareInlineBotLocationConfirmation", + "Conversation.ShareMyContactInfo", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumber.StatusSuccess", "Conversation.ShareMyPhoneNumberConfirmation", + "Conversation.SilentBroadcastTooltipOff", + "Conversation.SilentBroadcastTooltipOn", + "Conversation.SlideToCancel", + "Conversation.StatusKickedFromChannel", + "Conversation.StatusKickedFromGroup", + "Conversation.StatusLeftGroup", + "Conversation.StatusMembers", + "Conversation.StatusOnline", + "Conversation.StatusSubscribers", + "Conversation.StatusTyping", "Conversation.StickerAddedToFavorites", "Conversation.StickerRemovedFromFavorites", + "Conversation.StopLiveLocation", "Conversation.StopPoll", "Conversation.StopPollConfirmation", "Conversation.StopPollConfirmationTitle", @@ -11116,47 +11736,81 @@ "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintText", "Conversation.SwipeToReplyHintTitle", "Conversation.TapAndHoldToRecord", + "Conversation.TextCopied", "Conversation.Theme", "Conversation.Theme.Apply", "Conversation.Theme.DismissAlert", "Conversation.Theme.DismissAlertApply", "Conversation.Theme.DontSetTheme", "Conversation.Theme.NoTheme", + "Conversation.Theme.PreviewDark", + "Conversation.Theme.PreviewLight", "Conversation.Theme.Reset", + "Conversation.Theme.Subtitle", "Conversation.Theme.SwitchToDark", "Conversation.Theme.SwitchToLight", "Conversation.Theme.Title", "Conversation.Timer.Send", "Conversation.Timer.Title", + "Conversation.TitleComments", "Conversation.TitleCommentsEmpty", + "Conversation.TitleCommentsFormat", "Conversation.TitleMute", + "Conversation.TitleNoComments", + "Conversation.TitleReplies", + "Conversation.TitleRepliesEmpty", "Conversation.TitleRepliesFormat", + "Conversation.TitleUnmute", "Conversation.Unarchive", "Conversation.UnarchiveDone", + "Conversation.Unblock", + "Conversation.UnblockUser", + "Conversation.Unmute", "Conversation.Unpin", + "Conversation.UnpinMessageAlert", "Conversation.UnreadMessages", "Conversation.UnsupportedMedia", "Conversation.UnsupportedMediaPlaceholder", "Conversation.UnvotePoll", "Conversation.UpdateTelegram", "Conversation.UploadFileTooLarge", + "Conversation.UserSendMessage", + "Conversation.UsernameCopied", "Conversation.UsersTooMuchError", "Conversation.ViewBackground", "Conversation.ViewBot", "Conversation.ViewChannel", "Conversation.ViewContactDetails", "Conversation.ViewGroup", + "Conversation.ViewMessage", "Conversation.ViewPost", "Conversation.ViewReply", "Conversation.ViewTheme", + "Conversation.VoiceChat", "Conversation.VoiceChatMediaRecordingRestricted", "Conversation.VoiceMessagesRestricted", "Conversation.typing", "ConversationMedia.Title", + "ConversationProfile.ErrorCreatingConversation", + "ConversationProfile.LeaveDeleteAndExit", + "ConversationProfile.UnknownAddMemberError", + "ConversationProfile.UsersTooMuchError", + "ConvertToSupergroup.HelpText", + "ConvertToSupergroup.HelpTitle", + "ConvertToSupergroup.Note", + "ConvertToSupergroup.Title", "Core.ServiceUserStatus", "Coub.TapForSound", + "CreateExternalStream.ServerUrl", + "CreateExternalStream.StartStreaming", + "CreateExternalStream.StartStreamingInfo", + "CreateExternalStream.StreamKey", "CreateExternalStream.StreamKeyTitle", + "CreateExternalStream.Text", + "CreateExternalStream.Title", + "CreateGroup.ChannelsTooMuch", "CreateGroup.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch", + "CreateGroup.SoftUserLimitAlert", "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions", @@ -11242,6 +11896,9 @@ "DeleteAccount.SavedMessages", "DeleteAccount.Success", "DialogList.AdLabel", + "DialogList.AdNoticeAlert", + "DialogList.AwaitingEncryption", + "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", "DialogList.DeleteBotConfirmation", @@ -11257,6 +11914,7 @@ "DialogList.LiveLocationSharingTo", "DialogList.MultipleTyping", "DialogList.MultipleTypingPair", + "DialogList.MultipleTypingSuffix", "DialogList.NoMessagesText", "DialogList.NoMessagesTitle", "DialogList.PasscodeLockHelp", @@ -11265,6 +11923,7 @@ "DialogList.ProxyConnectionIssuesTooltip", "DialogList.Read", "DialogList.RecentTitlePeople", + "DialogList.Replies", "DialogList.SavedMessages", "DialogList.SavedMessagesHelp", "DialogList.SavedMessagesTooltip", @@ -11292,11 +11951,21 @@ "DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError", "DialogList.Unpin", "DialogList.Unread", + "DialogList.You", "DoNotTranslate.Title", "Document.TargetConfirmationFormat", + "DownloadList.CancelDownloading", "DownloadList.Clear", + "DownloadList.ClearAlertText", + "DownloadList.ClearAlertTitle", + "DownloadList.ClearDownloadList", + "DownloadList.DeleteFromCache", "DownloadList.DownloadedHeader", + "DownloadList.DownloadingHeader", "DownloadList.IncreaseSpeed", + "DownloadList.OptionManageDeviceStorage", + "DownloadList.PauseAll", + "DownloadList.RaisePriority", "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertRemove", "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertText", "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertTitle", @@ -11304,6 +11973,7 @@ "DownloadingStatus", "ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE", "ENCRYPTION_ACCEPT", + "ENCRYPTION_REQUEST", "EditProfile.NameAndPhotoHelp", "EditProfile.NameAndPhotoOrVideoHelp", "EditProfile.Title", @@ -11344,6 +12014,7 @@ "EditTheme.UploadNewTheme", "Embed.PlayingInPIP", "Emoji.ClearRecent", + "Emoji.FrequentlyUsed", "EmojiInput.AddPack", "EmojiInput.PanelTitleEmoji", "EmojiInput.PanelTitlePremium", @@ -11368,9 +12039,21 @@ "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedText", "EmojiPackActionInfo.RemovedTitle", "EmojiPacksSettings.Title", + "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsEmptyResult", + "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsPlaceholder", + "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesEmptyResult", + "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesPlaceholder", "EmojiStatusSetup.SetUntil", "EmojiStatusSetup.TimerOther", "EmojiStickerSettings.Info", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line1", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line2", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line3", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line4", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Subtitle", + "EmptyGroupInfo.Title", + "EncryptionKey.Description", + "EncryptionKey.Title", "EnterPasscode.ChangeTitle", "EnterPasscode.EnterCurrentPasscode", "EnterPasscode.EnterNewPasscodeChange", @@ -11381,6 +12064,7 @@ "EnterPasscode.RepeatNewPasscode", "EnterPasscode.TouchId", "Exceptions.AddToExceptions", + "ExplicitContent.AlertChannel", "ExplicitContent.AlertTitle", "External.OpenIn", "FastTwoStepSetup.EmailHelp", @@ -11412,6 +12096,7 @@ "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DoneAction", "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Text", "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Title", + "Forward.ChannelReadOnly", "Forward.ConfirmMultipleFiles", "Forward.ErrorDisabledForChat", "Forward.ErrorPublicPollDisabledInChannels", @@ -11425,6 +12110,7 @@ "ForwardedGifs", "ForwardedLocations", "ForwardedMessages", + "ForwardedMessages", "ForwardedPhotos", "ForwardedPolls", "ForwardedStickers", @@ -11440,6 +12126,7 @@ "Gallery.SaveVideo", "Gallery.VideoSaved", "Gallery.WaitForVideoDownoad", + "Generic.ErrorMoreInfo", "Generic.OpenHiddenLinkAlert", "Gif.Emotion.Angry", "Gif.Emotion.Cool", @@ -11454,58 +12141,214 @@ "Gif.NoGifsFound", "Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder", "Gif.Search", + "Group.About.Help", + "Group.AdminLog.EmptyText", + "Group.ApplyToJoin", + "Group.DeleteGroup", + "Group.Edit.PrivatePublicLinkAlert", + "Group.EditAdmin.PermissionChangeInfo", + "Group.EditAdmin.RankAdminPlaceholder", + "Group.EditAdmin.RankInfo", + "Group.EditAdmin.RankOwnerPlaceholder", + "Group.EditAdmin.RankTitle", + "Group.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership", "Group.ErrorAccessDenied", + "Group.ErrorAddBlocked", + "Group.ErrorAddTooMuchAdmins", + "Group.ErrorAddTooMuchBots", "Group.ErrorAdminsTooMuch", + "Group.ErrorNotMutualContact", "Group.ErrorSendRestrictedMedia", + "Group.ErrorSendRestrictedStickers", "Group.ErrorSupergroupConversionNotPossible", "Group.GroupMembersHeader", + "Group.Info.AdminLog", + "Group.Info.Members", + "Group.JoinGroup", "Group.LeaveGroup", + "Group.LeaveGroup", + "Group.LinkedChannel", + "Group.Location.ChangeLocation", + "Group.Location.CreateInThisPlace", + "Group.Location.Info", + "Group.Location.Title", + "Group.Management.AddModeratorHelp", + "Group.Members.AddMemberBotErrorNotAllowed", + "Group.Members.AddMembers", + "Group.Members.AddMembersHelp", + "Group.Members.Contacts", + "Group.Members.Other", + "Group.Members.Title", + "Group.MessagePhotoRemoved", + "Group.MessagePhotoUpdated", "Group.MessageVideoUpdated", + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.DescriptionInfo", "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorAdminsTooMuch", + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch", + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted", + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.Title", + "Group.PublicLink.Info", + "Group.PublicLink.Placeholder", + "Group.PublicLink.Title", + "Group.RequestToJoinSent", + "Group.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup", "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertShow", "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertText", "Group.Setup.ActivateAlertTitle", "Group.Setup.ActiveLimitReachedError", + "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembers", + "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembersInfo", + "Group.Setup.BasicHistoryHiddenHelp", "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertHide", "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertText", "Group.Setup.DeactivateAlertTitle", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfo", "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfoDisabled", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelTitle", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingDisabled", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingEnabled", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfo", "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfoDisabled", + "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupTitle", + "Group.Setup.HistoryHeader", + "Group.Setup.HistoryHidden", + "Group.Setup.HistoryHiddenHelp", + "Group.Setup.HistoryTitle", + "Group.Setup.HistoryVisible", + "Group.Setup.HistoryVisibleHelp", "Group.Setup.LinkActive", "Group.Setup.LinkInactive", "Group.Setup.LinksOrder", "Group.Setup.LinksOrderInfo", "Group.Setup.PublicLink", + "Group.Setup.TypeHeader", + "Group.Setup.TypePrivate", + "Group.Setup.TypePrivateHelp", + "Group.Setup.TypePublic", + "Group.Setup.TypePublicHelp", + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Everyone", + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.OnlyMembers", + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Title", + "Group.Status", + "Group.UpgradeConfirmation", + "Group.UpgradeNoticeHeader", + "Group.UpgradeNoticeText1", + "Group.UpgradeNoticeText2", + "Group.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp", + "Group.Username.CreatePublicLinkHelp", "Group.Username.InvalidEndsWithUnderscore", + "Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithNumber", "Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithUnderscore", + "Group.Username.InvalidTooShort", "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesFinalInfo", + "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesInfo", "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesNoPremiumInfo", "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesOrExtendInfo", "Group.Username.RevokeExistingUsernamesInfo", + "GroupInfo.ActionPromote", + "GroupInfo.ActionRestrict", + "GroupInfo.AddParticipant", + "GroupInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation", + "GroupInfo.AddParticipantTitle", + "GroupInfo.AddUserLeftError", + "GroupInfo.Administrators", "GroupInfo.Administrators.Title", + "GroupInfo.ChannelListNamePlaceholder", + "GroupInfo.ChatAdmins", + "GroupInfo.ConvertToSupergroup", + "GroupInfo.DeactivatedStatus", + "GroupInfo.DeleteAndExit", + "GroupInfo.DeleteAndExitConfirmation", "GroupInfo.FakeGroupWarning", + "GroupInfo.GroupHistory", + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryHidden", + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryShort", + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryVisible", + "GroupInfo.GroupNamePlaceholder", + "GroupInfo.GroupType", + "GroupInfo.InvitationLinkAcceptChannel", "GroupInfo.InvitationLinkDoesNotExist", + "GroupInfo.InvitationLinkGroupFull", + "GroupInfo.InviteByLink", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.CopyAlert.Success", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.CopyLink", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.Help", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.LinkSection", "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Revoke", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Success", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeLink", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.ShareLink", + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.Title", + "GroupInfo.InviteLinks", + "GroupInfo.LabelAdmin", + "GroupInfo.LabelOwner", + "GroupInfo.LeftStatus", + "GroupInfo.Location", + "GroupInfo.MemberRequests", "GroupInfo.Notifications", + "GroupInfo.ParticipantCount", + "GroupInfo.Permissions", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.AddException", "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvert", "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastConvertInfo", "GroupInfo.Permissions.BroadcastTitle", "GroupInfo.Permissions.EditingDisabled", "GroupInfo.Permissions.Exceptions", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Exceptions", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Removed", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SearchPlaceholder", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SectionTitle", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeHeader", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeInfo", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeValue.Off", + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Title", "GroupInfo.PublicLink", "GroupInfo.PublicLinkAdd", + "GroupInfo.ScamGroupWarning", + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhoto", "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete", + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete", + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoStop", + "GroupInfo.SetSound", "GroupInfo.SharedMedia", "GroupInfo.SharedMediaNone", "GroupInfo.ShowMoreMembers", "GroupInfo.Sound", "GroupInfo.Sound", + "GroupInfo.Title", + "GroupInfo.UpgradeButton", "GroupPermission.AddMembersNotAvailable", + "GroupPermission.AddSuccess", + "GroupPermission.AddedInfo", + "GroupPermission.ApplyAlertAction", + "GroupPermission.ApplyAlertText", + "GroupPermission.Delete", + "GroupPermission.Duration", "GroupPermission.EditingDisabled", + "GroupPermission.NewTitle", + "GroupPermission.NoAddMembers", + "GroupPermission.NoChangeInfo", "GroupPermission.NoManageTopics", + "GroupPermission.NoPinMessages", + "GroupPermission.NoSendGifs", + "GroupPermission.NoSendLinks", + "GroupPermission.NoSendMedia", + "GroupPermission.NoSendMessages", + "GroupPermission.NoSendPolls", + "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInPublicGroups", "GroupPermission.PermissionDisabledByDefault", "GroupPermission.PermissionGloballyDisabled", + "GroupPermission.SectionTitle", + "GroupPermission.Title", + "GroupRemoved.AddToGroup", + "GroupRemoved.DeleteUser", + "GroupRemoved.Remove", + "GroupRemoved.RemoveInfo", + "GroupRemoved.Title", + "GroupRemoved.UsersSectionTitle", "GroupRemoved.ViewChannelInfo", + "GroupRemoved.ViewUserInfo", "HashtagSearch.AllChats", "ImportStickerPack.AddToExistingStickerSet", "ImportStickerPack.CheckingLink", @@ -11568,17 +12411,93 @@ "IntentsSettings.SuggestedChatsPrivateChats", "IntentsSettings.SuggestedChatsSavedMessages", "IntentsSettings.Title", + "Invitation.JoinGroup", + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChat", + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChatAsListener", + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChatAsSpeaker", + "Invitation.Members", + "Invite.ChannelsTooMuch", "Invite.LargeRecipientsCountWarning", + "InviteLink.AdditionalLinks", + "InviteLink.ContextCopy", "InviteLink.ContextDelete", + "InviteLink.ContextEdit", + "InviteLink.ContextGetQRCode", + "InviteLink.ContextRevoke", + "InviteLink.ContextShare", + "InviteLink.Create", + "InviteLink.Create.EditTitle", + "InviteLink.Create.LinkName", + "InviteLink.Create.LinkNameInfo", + "InviteLink.Create.LinkNameTitle", + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApproval", + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoChannel", "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoGroup", + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoChannel", "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoGroup", + "InviteLink.Create.Revoke", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimit", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryDate", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryDateNever", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryTime", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitInfo", + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitNoLimit", + "InviteLink.Create.Title", + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimit", + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitInfo", + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNoLimit", + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNumberOfUsers", + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNumberOfUsersUnlimited", + "InviteLink.CreateInfo", + "InviteLink.CreatePrivateLinkHelp", + "InviteLink.CreatePrivateLinkHelpChannel", + "InviteLink.CreatedBy", + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinks", + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinksAlert.Action", + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinksAlert.Text", + "InviteLink.DeleteLinkAlert.Action", + "InviteLink.DeleteLinkAlert.Text", + "InviteLink.Expired", + "InviteLink.ExpiredLink", + "InviteLink.ExpiredLinkStatus", + "InviteLink.ExpiresIn", + "InviteLink.InviteLink", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkCopiedText", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.Chat.One", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One", + "InviteLink.InviteLinkRevoked", + "InviteLink.InviteLinks", + "InviteLink.Manage", + "InviteLink.OtherAdminsLinks", + "InviteLink.OtherPermanentLinkInfo", + "InviteLink.PeopleCanJoin", + "InviteLink.PeopleJoined", + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedNone", + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShort", + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShortNone", + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShortNoneExpired", + "InviteLink.PeopleRemaining", "InviteLink.PermanentLink", + "InviteLink.PublicLink", + "InviteLink.QRCode.Info", "InviteLink.QRCode.InfoChannel", + "InviteLink.QRCode.Share", + "InviteLink.QRCode.Title", + "InviteLink.ReactivateLink", + "InviteLink.Revoked", + "InviteLink.RevokedLinks", + "InviteLink.Share", + "InviteLink.Title", + "InviteLink.UsageLimitReached", + "InviteLinks.InviteLinkExpired", "InviteText.ContactsCount", "InviteText.ContactsCountText", "InviteText.SingleContact", "InviteText.URL", "Items.NOfM", + "Join.ChannelsTooMuch", "KeyCommand.ChatInfo", "KeyCommand.EnterFullscreen", "KeyCommand.ExitFullscreen", @@ -11601,18 +12520,63 @@ "KeyCommand.Share", "KeyCommand.SwitchToPIP", "LOCKED_MESSAGE", + "LastSeen.ALongTimeAgo", + "LastSeen.AtDate", + "LastSeen.HoursAgo", + "LastSeen.JustNow", + "LastSeen.JustNow", "LastSeen.Lately", + "LastSeen.Lately", + "LastSeen.Lately", + "LastSeen.MinutesAgo", + "LastSeen.Offline", + "LastSeen.TodayAt", + "LastSeen.WithinAMonth", + "LastSeen.WithinAWeek", + "LastSeen.YesterdayAt", "LiveLocation.MenuChatsCount", "LiveLocation.MenuStopAll", "LiveLocationUpdated.JustNow", "LiveLocationUpdated.MinutesAgo", "LiveLocationUpdated.TodayAt", "LiveStream.AnonymousDisabledAlertText", + "LiveStream.CancelConfirmationText", + "LiveStream.CancelConfirmationTitle", "LiveStream.ChatFullAlertText", + "LiveStream.CreateNewVoiceChatText", + "LiveStream.DisplayAsSuccess", + "LiveStream.EditTitle", + "LiveStream.EditTitleRemoveSuccess", + "LiveStream.EditTitleSuccess", + "LiveStream.EditTitleText", + "LiveStream.EndConfirmationText", + "LiveStream.EndConfirmationTitle", "LiveStream.InvitedPeerText", + "LiveStream.LeaveAndCancelVoiceChat", + "LiveStream.LeaveAndEndVoiceChat", + "LiveStream.LeaveConfirmation", + "LiveStream.LeaveVoiceChat", "LiveStream.Listening.Members", + "LiveStream.NoSignalAdminText", + "LiveStream.NoSignalUserText", + "LiveStream.NoViewers", + "LiveStream.PeerJoinedText", + "LiveStream.RecordTitle", + "LiveStream.RecordingInProgress", + "LiveStream.RecordingSaved", "LiveStream.RecordingStarted", + "LiveStream.RemoveAndBanPeerConfirmation", + "LiveStream.StartRecording", + "LiveStream.StartRecordingText", + "LiveStream.StartRecordingTextVideo", + "LiveStream.StartRecordingTitle", + "LiveStream.ViewCredentials", + "LiveStream.ViewerCount", "LiveStream.Watching.Members", + "LocalGroup.ButtonTitle", + "LocalGroup.IrrelevantWarning", + "LocalGroup.Text", + "LocalGroup.Title", "Localization.ChooseLanguage", "Localization.DoNotTranslate", "Localization.DoNotTranslateInfo", @@ -11627,9 +12591,22 @@ "Localization.ShowTranslateInfo", "Localization.ShowTranslateInfoExtended", "Localization.TranslateMessages", + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.Description", + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.ShareLocation", + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.Title", + "Location.ProximityAlertCancelled", "Location.ProximityAlertSetText", + "Location.ProximityAlertSetTextGroup", + "Location.ProximityAlertSetTitle", + "Location.ProximityGroupTip", + "Location.ProximityNotification.AlreadyClose", + "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceKM", + "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceM", "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceMI", + "Location.ProximityNotification.Notify", "Location.ProximityNotification.NotifyLong", + "Location.ProximityNotification.Title", + "Location.ProximityTip", "Login.AddEmailPlaceholder", "Login.AddEmailText", "Login.AddEmailTitle", @@ -11746,9 +12723,11 @@ "LoginPassword.ForgotPassword", "LoginPassword.ForgotPassword", "LoginPassword.InvalidPasswordError", + "LoginPassword.InvalidPasswordError", "LoginPassword.PasswordHelp", "LoginPassword.PasswordPlaceholder", "LoginPassword.ResetAccount", + "LoginPassword.ResetAccount", "LoginPassword.Title", "LoginPassword.Title", "LogoutOptions.AddAccountText", @@ -11799,6 +12778,7 @@ "MESSAGE_ROUND", "MESSAGE_ROUND_SEPARATED", "MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT", + "MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT", "MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT_SEPARATED", "MESSAGE_STICKER", "MESSAGE_STICKER_SEPARATED", @@ -11872,6 +12852,7 @@ "MaskStickerSettings.Title", "Media.LimitedAccessChangeSettings", "Media.LimitedAccessManage", + "Media.LimitedAccessManage", "Media.LimitedAccessSelectMore", "Media.LimitedAccessText", "Media.LimitedAccessTitle", @@ -11892,11 +12873,34 @@ "MediaPicker.Send", "MediaPicker.Send", "MediaPicker.TapToUngroupDescription", + "MediaPicker.TimerTooltip", "MediaPicker.UngroupDescription", "MediaPicker.VideoMuteDescription", "MediaPicker.Videos", "MediaPlayer.UnknownArtist", "MediaPlayer.UnknownTrack", + "MemberRequests.AddToChannel", + "MemberRequests.AddToGroup", + "MemberRequests.DescriptionChannel", + "MemberRequests.DescriptionGroup", + "MemberRequests.Dismiss", + "MemberRequests.NoRequests", + "MemberRequests.NoRequestsDescriptionChannel", + "MemberRequests.NoRequestsDescriptionGroup", + "MemberRequests.PeopleRequested", + "MemberRequests.PeopleRequestedShort", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinChannel", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinDescriptionChannel", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinDescriptionGroup", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinGroup", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSent", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionChannel", + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup", + "MemberRequests.SearchPlaceholder", + "MemberRequests.Title", + "MemberRequests.UserAddedToChannel", + "MemberRequests.UserAddedToGroup", + "MemberSearch.BotSection", "Message.Animation", "Message.Audio", "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorEmpty", @@ -11906,12 +12910,15 @@ "Message.AuthorPinnedGame", "Message.Contact", "Message.FakeAccount", + "Message.File", + "Message.ForwardedMessage", "Message.ForwardedMessageShort", "Message.ForwardedMessageShort", "Message.ForwardedPsa.covid", "Message.ForwardedPsa.psa", "Message.Game", "Message.GenericForwardedPsa", + "Message.ImageExpired", "Message.ImportedDateFormat", "Message.InvoiceLabel", "Message.LiveLocation", @@ -11941,11 +12948,13 @@ "Message.StickerText", "Message.Theme", "Message.Video", + "Message.VideoExpired", "Message.VideoMessage", "Message.Wallpaper", "MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForTheseDays", "MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForThisDay", "MessageCalendar.DaysSelectedTitle", + "MessageCalendar.DeleteAlertText", "MessageCalendar.DeleteConfirmation", "MessageCalendar.EmptySelectionTooltip", "MessageCalendar.Title", @@ -11957,16 +12966,36 @@ "MessagePoll.NoVotes", "MessagePoll.QuizCount", "MessagePoll.QuizNoUsers", + "MessagePoll.SubmitVote", "MessagePoll.ViewResults", "MessagePoll.VotedCount", "MessagePoll.VotedCount", + "MessageTimer.Custom", + "MessageTimer.Days", + "MessageTimer.Days", "MessageTimer.Days", "MessageTimer.Forever", + "MessageTimer.Forever", + "MessageTimer.Hours", + "MessageTimer.Hours", + "MessageTimer.Minutes", "MessageTimer.Months", + "MessageTimer.Months", + "MessageTimer.Seconds", + "MessageTimer.ShortDays", + "MessageTimer.ShortHours", + "MessageTimer.ShortMinutes", "MessageTimer.ShortMonths", + "MessageTimer.ShortSeconds", + "MessageTimer.ShortWeeks", + "MessageTimer.ShortYears", "MessageTimer.Weeks", + "MessageTimer.Weeks", + "MessageTimer.Weeks", + "MessageTimer.Years", "Month.GenApril", "Month.GenAugust", + "Month.GenAugust", "Month.GenDecember", "Month.GenFebruary", "Month.GenJanuary", @@ -11990,7 +13019,16 @@ "Month.ShortOctober", "Month.ShortSeptember", "MusicPlayer.VoiceNote", + "MuteExpires.Days", + "MuteExpires.Hours", + "MuteExpires.Minutes", + "MuteFor.Days", + "MuteFor.Days", "MuteFor.Forever", + "MuteFor.Hours", + "MuteFor.Hours", + "MutedForTime.Days", + "MutedForTime.Hours", "MutedForTime.Minutes", "NEW_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_SEPARATED", "NEW_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS_SEPARATED", @@ -12020,20 +13058,32 @@ "NetworkUsageSettings.WifiUsageSince", "NewContact.Title", "Notification.CallBack", + "Notification.CallCanceled", "Notification.CallCanceledShort", + "Notification.CallFormat", + "Notification.CallIncoming", + "Notification.CallIncoming", "Notification.CallIncoming", "Notification.CallIncomingShort", "Notification.CallMissed", "Notification.CallMissed", "Notification.CallMissedShort", + "Notification.CallOutgoing", + "Notification.CallOutgoing", "Notification.CallOutgoingShort", "Notification.CallTimeFormat", + "Notification.ChangedGroupName", "Notification.ChangedGroupPhoto", + "Notification.ChangedGroupPhoto", + "Notification.ChangedGroupVideo", "Notification.ChangedTheme", "Notification.ChannelChangedTheme", "Notification.ChannelDisabledTheme", "Notification.ChannelInviter", "Notification.ChannelInviterSelf", + "Notification.ChannelInviterSelf", + "Notification.ChannelMigratedFrom", + "Notification.CreatedChannel", "Notification.CreatedChat", "Notification.CreatedChatWithTitle", "Notification.CreatedGroup", @@ -12079,40 +13129,88 @@ "Notification.GameScoreSimple", "Notification.GroupInviter", "Notification.GroupInviterSelf", + "Notification.GroupInviterSelf", + "Notification.Invited", "Notification.Invited", "Notification.InvitedMultiple", "Notification.Joined", + "Notification.JoinedChannel", "Notification.JoinedChannelByRequestYou", + "Notification.JoinedChat", "Notification.JoinedGroupByLink", "Notification.JoinedGroupByLinkYou", + "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequest", + "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequestYou", + "Notification.Kicked", + "Notification.LeftChannel", + "Notification.LeftChat", "Notification.LiveStreamEnded", + "Notification.LiveStreamScheduled", "Notification.LiveStreamScheduledToday", + "Notification.LiveStreamScheduledTomorrow", "Notification.LiveStreamStarted", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1d", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1d", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1h", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1m", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1w", + "Notification.MessageLifetime1w", + "Notification.MessageLifetime2s", + "Notification.MessageLifetime5s", + "Notification.MessageLifetimeChanged", + "Notification.MessageLifetimeChangedOutgoing", + "Notification.MessageLifetimeRemoved", + "Notification.MessageLifetimeRemovedOutgoing", + "Notification.Mute1h", "Notification.Mute1hMin", "Notification.NewAuthDetected", "Notification.OverviewTopicClosed", "Notification.OverviewTopicCreated", "Notification.OverviewTopicReopened", + "Notification.PassportValueAddress", + "Notification.PassportValueEmail", + "Notification.PassportValuePersonalDetails", + "Notification.PassportValuePhone", + "Notification.PassportValueProofOfAddress", + "Notification.PassportValueProofOfIdentity", + "Notification.PassportValuesSentMessage", "Notification.PaymentSent", "Notification.PaymentSentNoTitle", "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInit", "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringInitNoTitle", "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsed", "Notification.PaymentSentRecurringUsedNoTitle", + "Notification.PinnedAnimationMessage", + "Notification.PinnedAudioMessage", "Notification.PinnedContactMessage", + "Notification.PinnedDeletedMessage", + "Notification.PinnedDocumentMessage", "Notification.PinnedLiveLocationMessage", + "Notification.PinnedLocationMessage", + "Notification.PinnedMessage", + "Notification.PinnedPhotoMessage", + "Notification.PinnedPollMessage", "Notification.PinnedQuizMessage", + "Notification.PinnedRoundMessage", "Notification.PinnedStickerMessage", + "Notification.PinnedTextMessage", + "Notification.PinnedVideoMessage", "Notification.PremiumGift.Months", "Notification.PremiumGift.Sent", "Notification.PremiumGift.SentYou", "Notification.PremiumGift.Subtitle", "Notification.PremiumGift.Title", "Notification.PremiumGift.View", + "Notification.ProximityReached", + "Notification.ProximityReachedYou", + "Notification.ProximityYouReached", + "Notification.RemovedGroupPhoto", "Notification.RenamedChannel", "Notification.RenamedChat", "Notification.RenamedGroup", "Notification.Reply", + "Notification.SecretChatMessageScreenshot", + "Notification.SecretChatMessageScreenshotSelf", "Notification.SecretChatScreenshot", "Notification.TopicClosed", "Notification.TopicClosedAuthor", @@ -12125,15 +13223,23 @@ "Notification.TopicRenamedAuthor", "Notification.TopicReopened", "Notification.TopicReopenedAuthor", + "Notification.VideoCallCanceled", + "Notification.VideoCallIncoming", + "Notification.VideoCallMissed", + "Notification.VideoCallOutgoing", "Notification.VideoCallOutgoing", "Notification.VoiceChatEnded", "Notification.VoiceChatEndedGroup", "Notification.VoiceChatInvitation", "Notification.VoiceChatInvitationForYou", "Notification.VoiceChatScheduled", + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledChannel", "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledToday", + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTodayChannel", "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrow", + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrowChannel", "Notification.VoiceChatStarted", + "Notification.VoiceChatStartedChannel", "Notification.WebAppSentData", "Notification.YouChangedTheme", "Notification.YouDisabledTheme", @@ -12207,6 +13313,7 @@ "Notifications.PermissionsAllow", "Notifications.PermissionsAllowInSettings", "Notifications.PermissionsEnable", + "Notifications.PermissionsEnable", "Notifications.PermissionsKeepDisabled", "Notifications.PermissionsOpenSettings", "Notifications.PermissionsSuppressWarningText", @@ -12221,13 +13328,19 @@ "Notifications.ResetAllNotifications", "Notifications.ResetAllNotificationsHelp", "Notifications.ResetAllNotificationsText", + "Notifications.SaveSuccess.Text", "Notifications.SystemTones", "Notifications.TelegramTones", "Notifications.TextTone", "Notifications.Title", + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Text", + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Title", + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Text", + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Title", "Notifications.UploadSound", "Notifications.UploadSuccess.Text", "Notifications.UploadSuccess.Title", + "Notifications.UploadSuccess.Title", "NotificationsSound.Alert", "NotificationsSound.Aurora", "NotificationsSound.Bamboo", @@ -12250,13 +13363,19 @@ "NotificationsSound.Tremolo", "NotificationsSound.Tritone", "OldChannels.ChannelFormat", + "OldChannels.ChannelsHeader", "OldChannels.GroupEmptyFormat", "OldChannels.GroupFormat", "OldChannels.InactiveMonth", "OldChannels.InactiveWeek", + "OldChannels.InactiveYear", "OldChannels.Leave", "OldChannels.LeaveCommunities", "OldChannels.NoticeCreateText", + "OldChannels.NoticeText", + "OldChannels.NoticeTitle", + "OldChannels.NoticeUpgradeText", + "OldChannels.Title", "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateFinalText", "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateNoPremiumText", "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesCreateText", @@ -12266,13 +13385,21 @@ "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeFinalText", "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeNoPremiumText", "OldChannels.TooManyCommunitiesUpgradeText", + "OpenFile.PotentiallyDangerousContentAlert", + "OpenFile.Proceed", + "OwnershipTransfer.ComeBackLater", "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword", "OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText", + "OwnershipTransfer.SecurityCheck", + "OwnershipTransfer.SecurityRequirements", + "OwnershipTransfer.SetupTwoStepAuth", + "OwnershipTransfer.Transfer", "PHONE_CALL_MISSED", "PHONE_CALL_MISSED_SEPARATED", "PHONE_CALL_REQUEST", "PHONE_CALL_REQUEST_SEPARATED", "PINNED_AUDIO", + "PINNED_AUDIO", "PINNED_AUDIO_SEPARATED", "PINNED_CONTACT", "PINNED_CONTACT_SEPARATED", @@ -12292,13 +13419,17 @@ "PINNED_NOTEXT_SEPARATED", "PINNED_PHOTO", "PINNED_PHOTO_SEPARATED", + "PINNED_POLL", "PINNED_POLL_SEPARATED", "PINNED_ROUND", + "PINNED_ROUND", "PINNED_ROUND_SEPARATED", "PINNED_STICKER", "PINNED_STICKER_SEPARATED", "PINNED_TEXT", + "PINNED_TEXT", "PINNED_TEXT_SEPARATED", + "PINNED_VIDEO", "PINNED_VIDEO_SEPARATED", "PUSH_ALBUM", "PUSH_AUTH_REGION", @@ -12396,6 +13527,7 @@ "PUSH_CHAT_REQ_JOINED", "PUSH_CHAT_RETURNED", "PUSH_CHAT_TITLE_EDITED", + "PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_END", "PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE", "PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE_YOU", "PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_START", @@ -12525,6 +13657,163 @@ "PasscodeSettings.TurnPasscodeOn", "PasscodeSettings.UnlockWithFaceId", "PasscodeSettings.UnlockWithTouchId", + "Passport.AcceptHelp", + "Passport.Address.AddBankStatement", + "Passport.Address.AddPassportRegistration", + "Passport.Address.AddRentalAgreement", + "Passport.Address.AddResidentialAddress", + "Passport.Address.AddTemporaryRegistration", + "Passport.Address.AddUtilityBill", + "Passport.Address.Address", + "Passport.Address.City", + "Passport.Address.CityPlaceholder", + "Passport.Address.Country", + "Passport.Address.CountryPlaceholder", + "Passport.Address.EditBankStatement", + "Passport.Address.EditPassportRegistration", + "Passport.Address.EditRentalAgreement", + "Passport.Address.EditResidentialAddress", + "Passport.Address.EditTemporaryRegistration", + "Passport.Address.EditUtilityBill", + "Passport.Address.OneOfTypeBankStatement", + "Passport.Address.OneOfTypePassportRegistration", + "Passport.Address.OneOfTypeRentalAgreement", + "Passport.Address.OneOfTypeTemporaryRegistration", + "Passport.Address.OneOfTypeUtilityBill", + "Passport.Address.Postcode", + "Passport.Address.PostcodePlaceholder", + "Passport.Address.Region", + "Passport.Address.RegionPlaceholder", + "Passport.Address.ScansHelp", + "Passport.Address.Street", + "Passport.Address.Street1Placeholder", + "Passport.Address.Street2Placeholder", + "Passport.Address.TypeBankStatement", + "Passport.Address.TypeBankStatementUploadScan", + "Passport.Address.TypePassportRegistration", + "Passport.Address.TypePassportRegistrationUploadScan", + "Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement", + "Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreementUploadScan", + "Passport.Address.TypeResidentialAddress", + "Passport.Address.TypeTemporaryRegistration", + "Passport.Address.TypeTemporaryRegistrationUploadScan", + "Passport.Address.TypeUtilityBill", + "Passport.Address.TypeUtilityBillUploadScan", + "Passport.Address.UploadOneOfScan", + "Passport.Authorize", + "Passport.CorrectErrors", + "Passport.DeleteAddress", + "Passport.DeleteAddressConfirmation", + "Passport.DeleteDocument", + "Passport.DeleteDocumentConfirmation", + "Passport.DeletePassport", + "Passport.DeletePassportConfirmation", + "Passport.DeletePersonalDetails", + "Passport.DeletePersonalDetailsConfirmation", + "Passport.DiscardMessageAction", + "Passport.DiscardMessageDescription", + "Passport.DiscardMessageTitle", + "Passport.Email.CodeHelp", + "Passport.Email.Delete", + "Passport.Email.EmailPlaceholder", + "Passport.Email.EnterOtherEmail", + "Passport.Email.Help", + "Passport.Email.Title", + "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmail", + "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmailHelp", + "Passport.FieldAddress", + "Passport.FieldAddressHelp", + "Passport.FieldAddressTranslationHelp", + "Passport.FieldAddressUploadHelp", + "Passport.FieldEmail", + "Passport.FieldEmailHelp", + "Passport.FieldIdentity", + "Passport.FieldIdentityDetailsHelp", + "Passport.FieldIdentitySelfieHelp", + "Passport.FieldIdentityTranslationHelp", + "Passport.FieldIdentityUploadHelp", + "Passport.FieldOneOf.Delimeter", + "Passport.FieldOneOf.FinalDelimeter", + "Passport.FieldOneOf.Or", + "Passport.FieldPhone", + "Passport.FieldPhoneHelp", + "Passport.FloodError", + "Passport.ForgottenPassword", + "Passport.Identity.AddDriversLicense", + "Passport.Identity.AddIdentityCard", + "Passport.Identity.AddInternalPassport", + "Passport.Identity.AddPassport", + "Passport.Identity.AddPersonalDetails", + "Passport.Identity.Country", + "Passport.Identity.CountryPlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.DateOfBirth", + "Passport.Identity.DateOfBirthPlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.DocumentDetails", + "Passport.Identity.DocumentNumber", + "Passport.Identity.DocumentNumberPlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.DoesNotExpire", + "Passport.Identity.EditDriversLicense", + "Passport.Identity.EditIdentityCard", + "Passport.Identity.EditInternalPassport", + "Passport.Identity.EditPassport", + "Passport.Identity.EditPersonalDetails", + "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDate", + "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDateNone", + "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDatePlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.FilesTitle", + "Passport.Identity.FilesUploadNew", + "Passport.Identity.FilesView", + "Passport.Identity.FrontSide", + "Passport.Identity.FrontSideHelp", + "Passport.Identity.Gender", + "Passport.Identity.GenderFemale", + "Passport.Identity.GenderMale", + "Passport.Identity.GenderPlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.IssueDate", + "Passport.Identity.IssueDatePlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.LatinNameHelp", + "Passport.Identity.MainPage", + "Passport.Identity.MainPageHelp", + "Passport.Identity.MiddleName", + "Passport.Identity.MiddleNamePlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.Name", + "Passport.Identity.NamePlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameGenericHelp", + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameGenericTitle", + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameHelp", + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameTitle", + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeDriversLicense", + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeIdentityCard", + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeInternalPassport", + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypePassport", + "Passport.Identity.ResidenceCountry", + "Passport.Identity.ResidenceCountryPlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.ReverseSide", + "Passport.Identity.ReverseSideHelp", + "Passport.Identity.ScansHelp", + "Passport.Identity.Selfie", + "Passport.Identity.SelfieHelp", + "Passport.Identity.Surname", + "Passport.Identity.SurnamePlaceholder", + "Passport.Identity.Translation", + "Passport.Identity.TranslationHelp", + "Passport.Identity.Translations", + "Passport.Identity.TranslationsHelp", + "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicense", + "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicenseUploadScan", + "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCard", + "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCardUploadScan", + "Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassport", + "Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassportUploadScan", + "Passport.Identity.TypePassport", + "Passport.Identity.TypePassportUploadScan", + "Passport.Identity.TypePersonalDetails", + "Passport.Identity.UploadOneOfScan", + "Passport.InfoFAQ_URL", + "Passport.InfoLearnMore", + "Passport.InfoText", + "Passport.InfoTitle", + "Passport.InvalidPasswordError", "", "", "", @@ -12552,6 +13841,7 @@ "", "Passport.Language.ko", "Passport.Language.lo", + "Passport.Language.lo", "", "", "", @@ -12566,57 +13856,158 @@ "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", "", "", "", + "Passport.NotLoggedInMessage", + "Passport.PassportInformation", "Passport.PasswordCompleteSetup", + "Passport.PasswordCreate", + "Passport.PasswordDescription", + "Passport.PasswordHelp", + "Passport.PasswordNext", + "Passport.PasswordPlaceholder", + "Passport.PasswordReset", + "Passport.Phone.Delete", + "Passport.Phone.EnterOtherNumber", + "Passport.Phone.Help", + "Passport.Phone.Title", + "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumber", + "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumberHelp", + "Passport.PrivacyPolicy", + "Passport.RequestHeader", + "Passport.RequestedInformation", + "Passport.ScanPassport", + "Passport.ScanPassportHelp", + "Passport.Scans", + "Passport.Scans.ScanIndex", + "Passport.Scans.Upload", + "Passport.Scans.UploadNew", + "Passport.ScansHeader", + "Passport.Title", + "Passport.UpdateRequiredError", + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertInstall", + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertMessage", + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertNotNow", + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertTitle", + "PassportKit.Button.Title", + "Peer.DeletedUser", + "PeerInfo.AddToContacts", + "PeerInfo.AdjustAutoDelete", + "PeerInfo.AlertLeaveAction", + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllChannelInfo", + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllGroupInfo", + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllText", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionAllInfo", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionNoInfo", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionSomeInfo", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionAllReactions", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionNoReactions", "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.OptionSomeReactions", + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.ReactionListHeader", + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.Title", + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteDisable", + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteInfo", + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteSettingOther", "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessages", "PeerInfo.AutoremoveMessagesDisabled", + "PeerInfo.BioExpand", + "PeerInfo.ButtonAddMember", + "PeerInfo.ButtonCall", "PeerInfo.ButtonDiscuss", "PeerInfo.ButtonLeave", + "PeerInfo.ButtonLiveStream", + "PeerInfo.ButtonMessage", + "PeerInfo.ButtonMore", + "PeerInfo.ButtonMore", + "PeerInfo.ButtonMute", + "PeerInfo.ButtonSearch", "PeerInfo.ButtonStop", "PeerInfo.ButtonUnmute", + "PeerInfo.ButtonUnmute", "PeerInfo.ButtonVideoCall", + "PeerInfo.ButtonVoiceChat", + "PeerInfo.ChangeEmojiStatus", + "PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationGroup", + "PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationUser", + "PeerInfo.ClearMessages", "PeerInfo.CustomizeNotifications", + "PeerInfo.DeleteChannelText", + "PeerInfo.DeleteChannelTitle", + "PeerInfo.DeleteGroupText", + "PeerInfo.DeleteGroupTitle", "PeerInfo.DeleteToneText", "PeerInfo.DeleteToneTitle", + "PeerInfo.DisableSound", + "PeerInfo.EnableAutoDelete", + "PeerInfo.EnableSound", + "PeerInfo.GiftPremium", "PeerInfo.GroupAboutItem", + "PeerInfo.LabelAllReactions", + "PeerInfo.LeaveChannelText", + "PeerInfo.LeaveChannelTitle", + "PeerInfo.LeaveGroupText", + "PeerInfo.LeaveGroupTitle", + "PeerInfo.MuteFor", + "PeerInfo.MuteForCustom", + "PeerInfo.MuteForever", "PeerInfo.NotificationMemberAdded", "PeerInfo.NotificationMultipleMembersAdded", + "PeerInfo.NotificationsCustomize", "PeerInfo.OptionTopics", "PeerInfo.OptionTopicsText", "PeerInfo.PaneAudio", + "PeerInfo.PaneFiles", "PeerInfo.PaneGifs", + "PeerInfo.PaneGroups", + "PeerInfo.PaneLinks", + "PeerInfo.PaneMedia", + "PeerInfo.PaneMembers", "PeerInfo.PaneVoice", "PeerInfo.PaneVoiceAndVideo", "PeerInfo.PrivateShareLinkInfo", "PeerInfo.QRCode.Title", + "PeerInfo.Reactions", + "PeerInfo.ReactionsDisabled", "PeerInfo.ReportProfilePhoto", "PeerInfo.ReportProfileVideo", + "PeerInfo.SetEmojiStatus", + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedFor", + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedForever", + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedUntil", + "PeerInfo.TooltipSoundDisabled", + "PeerInfo.TooltipSoundEnabled", + "PeerInfo.TooltipUnmuted", "PeerInfo.TopicHeaderLocation", "PeerInfo.TopicNotificationExceptions", "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedDiscussionGroups", "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedParticipantCountText", "PeerSelection.ImportIntoNewGroup", + "PeerStatusExpiration.AtDate", "PeerStatusExpiration.Hours", + "PeerStatusExpiration.Minutes", + "PeerStatusExpiration.TomorrowAt", + "PeerStatusSetup.NoTimerTitle", + "PeopleNearby.CreateGroup", + "PeopleNearby.Description", "PeopleNearby.DiscoverDescription", "PeopleNearby.Groups", + "PeopleNearby.Groups", "PeopleNearby.MakeInvisible", "PeopleNearby.MakeVisible", "PeopleNearby.MakeVisibleDescription", "PeopleNearby.MakeVisibleTitle", + "PeopleNearby.NoMembers", "PeopleNearby.ShowMorePeople", "PeopleNearby.Title", + "PeopleNearby.Title", "PeopleNearby.Users", + "PeopleNearby.Users", + "PeopleNearby.UsersEmpty", "PeopleNearby.VisibleUntil", "Permissions.CellularDataAllowInSettings.v0", "Permissions.CellularDataText.v0", @@ -12624,6 +14015,7 @@ "Permissions.ContactsAllow.v0", "Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0", "Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0", + "Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0", "Permissions.ContactsText.v0", "Permissions.ContactsTitle.v0", "Permissions.NotificationsAllow.v0", @@ -12642,6 +14034,7 @@ "Permissions.SiriTitle.v0", "Permissions.Skip", "PhoneLabel.Title", + "PhoneLabel.Title", "PhoneNumberHelp.Alert", "PhoneNumberHelp.ChangeNumber", "PhoneNumberHelp.Help", @@ -12713,6 +14106,8 @@ "Premium.FasterSpeed.Proceed", "Premium.FasterSpeedInfo", "Premium.FasterSpeedStandaloneInfo", + "Premium.FileTooLarge", + "Premium.Free", "Premium.Free", "Premium.Gift.Description", "Premium.Gift.GiftSubscription", @@ -12730,10 +14125,12 @@ "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.12Month", "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.3Month", "Premium.GiftedTitleYou.6Month", + "Premium.IncreaseLimit", "Premium.InfiniteReactions", "Premium.InfiniteReactionsInfo", "Premium.LimitReached", "Premium.LimitReached", + "Premium.LimitReached", "Premium.Limits.Accounts", "Premium.Limits.AccountsInfo", "Premium.Limits.Bio", @@ -12757,10 +14154,14 @@ "Premium.Limits.Title", "Premium.MaxAccountsFinalText", "Premium.MaxAccountsNoPremiumText", + "Premium.MaxAccountsText", "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderFinalText", "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderNoPremiumText", "Premium.MaxChatsInFolderText", + "Premium.MaxFavedStickersFinalText", "Premium.MaxFavedStickersText", + "Premium.MaxFavedStickersTitle", + "Premium.MaxFileSizeFinalText", "Premium.MaxFileSizeNoPremiumText", "Premium.MaxFileSizeText", "Premium.MaxFoldersCountFinalText", @@ -12770,11 +14171,16 @@ "Premium.MaxPinsNoPremiumText", "Premium.MaxPinsText", "Premium.MaxSavedGifsFinalText", + "Premium.MaxSavedGifsText", + "Premium.MaxSavedGifsTitle", "Premium.Monthly", "Premium.NoAds", "Premium.NoAds.Proceed", "Premium.NoAdsInfo", "Premium.NoAdsStandaloneInfo", + "Premium.PersonalDescription", + "Premium.PersonalTitle", + "Premium.Premium", "Premium.Premium", "Premium.PricePerMonth", "Premium.PricePerYear", @@ -12783,7 +14189,10 @@ "Premium.Purchase.ErrorNotAllowed", "Premium.Purchase.ErrorUnknown", "Premium.Reactions", + "Premium.Reactions.Proceed", "Premium.ReactionsInfo", + "Premium.ReactionsStandalone", + "Premium.ReactionsStandaloneInfo", "Premium.Restore.ErrorUnknown", "Premium.Restore.Success", "Premium.Semiannual", @@ -12803,10 +14212,14 @@ "Premium.VoiceToTextInfo", "Premium.VoiceToTextStandaloneInfo", "", + "", + "", "Preview.CopyAddress", "Preview.DeleteGif", + "Preview.DeletePhoto", "Preview.OpenInInstagram", "Preview.SaveGif", + "Preview.SaveToCameraRoll", "Privacy.AddNewPeer", "Privacy.Calls", "Privacy.Calls.AlwaysAllow", @@ -12850,6 +14263,9 @@ "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.AlwaysAllow.Title", "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.CustomHelp", "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.CustomShareHelp", + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToChannelError", + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToChannelMultipleError", + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToGroupError", "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.NeverAllow", "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.NeverAllow.Placeholder", "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.NeverAllow.Title", @@ -12950,8 +14366,22 @@ "PrivacySettings.TwoStepAuth", "PrivacySettings.WebSessions", "PrivateDataSettings.Title", + "Profile.About", + "Profile.AddToExisting", "Profile.AdditionalUsernames", "Profile.BotInfo", + "Profile.CreateEncryptedChatError", + "Profile.CreateNewContact", + "Profile.EncryptionKey", + "Profile.MessageLifetime1d", + "Profile.MessageLifetime1h", + "Profile.MessageLifetime1m", + "Profile.MessageLifetime1w", + "Profile.MessageLifetime2s", + "Profile.MessageLifetime5s", + "Profile.MessageLifetimeForever", + "Profile.ShareContactButton", + "Profile.Username", "Profile.Username", "ProfilePhoto.MainPhoto", "ProfilePhoto.MainVideo", @@ -12964,26 +14394,51 @@ "ProxyServer.VoiceOver.Active", "QuickSend.Photos", "Replies.BlockAndDeleteRepliesActionTitle", + "RepliesChat.DescriptionText", "Report.AdditionalDetailsPlaceholder", "Report.AdditionalDetailsText", "Report.Report", "Report.Succeed", + "ReportGroupLocation.Report", + "ReportGroupLocation.Text", + "ReportGroupLocation.Title", "ReportPeer.AlertSuccess", + "ReportPeer.ReasonChildAbuse", + "ReportPeer.ReasonCopyright", "ReportPeer.ReasonFake", + "ReportPeer.ReasonIllegalDrugs", + "ReportPeer.ReasonOther", "ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Placeholder", "ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Placeholder", "ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Send", "ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Title", "ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Title", + "ReportPeer.ReasonPersonalDetails", + "ReportPeer.ReasonPornography", + "ReportPeer.ReasonSpam", + "ReportPeer.ReasonViolence", "ReportPeer.Report", "ReportPeer.Report", + "ReportPeer.ReportReaction", + "ReportSpam.DeleteThisChat", "Resolve.ErrorNotFound", "SaveIncomingPhotosSettings.From", "SaveIncomingPhotosSettings.Title", + "ScheduleLiveStream.ChannelText", + "ScheduleLiveStream.Title", "ScheduleVoiceChat.ChannelText", + "ScheduleVoiceChat.GroupText", + "ScheduleVoiceChat.ScheduleOn", + "ScheduleVoiceChat.ScheduleToday", + "ScheduleVoiceChat.ScheduleTomorrow", + "ScheduleVoiceChat.Title", "ScheduleVoiceChatChannel.Title", + "ScheduledIn.Days", + "ScheduledIn.Hours", + "ScheduledIn.Minutes", "ScheduledIn.Months", "ScheduledIn.Seconds", + "ScheduledIn.Weeks", "ScheduledIn.Years", "ScheduledMessages.BotActionUnavailable", "ScheduledMessages.ClearAll", @@ -12996,11 +14451,24 @@ "ScheduledMessages.ReminderNotification", "ScheduledMessages.RemindersTitle", "ScheduledMessages.ScheduledDate", + "ScheduledMessages.ScheduledOnline", "ScheduledMessages.ScheduledToday", "ScheduledMessages.SendNow", "ScheduledMessages.Title", + "ScheduledMessages.Title", "SearchImages.NoImagesFound", "SearchImages.Title", + "SecretChat.Title", + "SecretGIF.NotViewedYet", + "SecretGif.Title", + "SecretImage.NotViewedYet", + "SecretImage.Title", + "SecretTimer.ImageDescription", + "SecretTimer.VideoDescription", + "SecretVideo.NotViewedYet", + "SecretVideo.Title", + "ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended", + "ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended", "ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfSimple", "ServiceMessage.GameScoreSimple", "SetTimeoutFor.Days", @@ -13028,6 +14496,7 @@ "Settings.CallSettings", "Settings.CancelUpload", "Settings.ChangePhoneNumber", + "Settings.ChangeProfilePhoto", "Settings.ChatBackground", "Settings.ChatFolders", "Settings.ChatSettings", @@ -13087,6 +14556,7 @@ "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", "Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo", + 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@@ "State.Updating", "State.WaitingForNetwork", "State.connecting", + "Stats.EnabledNotifications", + "Stats.Followers", + "Stats.FollowersBySourceTitle", + "Stats.FollowersTitle", + "Stats.GroupActionsTitle", + "Stats.GroupGrowthTitle", + "Stats.GroupLanguagesTitle", + "Stats.GroupMembers", + "Stats.GroupMembersTitle", + "Stats.GroupMessages", + "Stats.GroupMessagesTitle", + "Stats.GroupNewMembersBySourceTitle", + "Stats.GroupOverview", + "Stats.GroupPosters", "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins", "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopInviters", + "Stats.GroupShowMoreTopPosters", + "Stats.GroupTopAdmin.Actions", + "Stats.GroupTopAdmin.Promote", + "Stats.GroupTopAdminBans", + "Stats.GroupTopAdminDeletions", + "Stats.GroupTopAdminKicks", + "Stats.GroupTopAdminsTitle", + "Stats.GroupTopHoursTitle", + "Stats.GroupTopInviter.History", + "Stats.GroupTopInviter.Promote", + "Stats.GroupTopInviterInvites", + "Stats.GroupTopInvitersTitle", + "Stats.GroupTopPoster.History", + "Stats.GroupTopPoster.Promote", + "Stats.GroupTopPosterChars", + "Stats.GroupTopPosterMessages", + "Stats.GroupTopPostersTitle", + "Stats.GroupTopWeekdaysTitle", + "Stats.GroupViewers", + "Stats.GrowthTitle", + "Stats.InstantViewInteractionsTitle", + "Stats.InteractionsTitle", + "Stats.LanguagesTitle", + "Stats.LoadingText", + "Stats.LoadingTitle", + "Stats.Message.PrivateShares", + "Stats.Message.PublicShares", + "Stats.Message.Views", "Stats.MessageForwards", "Stats.MessageInteractionsTitle", + "Stats.MessageOverview", + "Stats.MessagePublicForwardsTitle", + "Stats.MessageTitle", "Stats.MessageViews", + "Stats.NotificationsTitle", + "Stats.Overview", + "Stats.PostsTitle", + "Stats.SharesPerPost", + "Stats.Total", + "Stats.ViewsByHoursTitle", + "Stats.ViewsBySourceTitle", + "Stats.ViewsPerPost", + "Stats.ZoomOut", "StickerPack.Add", "StickerPack.Add", "StickerPack.AddEmojiCount", @@ -13325,6 +14871,7 @@ "StickerPack.AddMaskCount", "StickerPack.AddStickerCount", "StickerPack.BuiltinPackName", + "StickerPack.CopyLink", "StickerPack.CopyLinks", "StickerPack.EmojiCount", "StickerPack.ErrorNotFound", @@ -13376,11 +14923,17 @@ "Stickers.Favorites", "Stickers.FrequentlyUsed", "Stickers.Gifs", + "Stickers.GroupChooseStickerPack", + "Stickers.GroupStickers", + "Stickers.GroupStickersHelp", "Stickers.Install", "Stickers.Install", "Stickers.Install", "Stickers.Installed", "Stickers.NoStickersFound", + "Stickers.PremiumPackInfoText", + "Stickers.PremiumPackView", + "Stickers.PremiumStickers", "Stickers.Recent", "Stickers.RemoveFromFavorites", "Stickers.Search", @@ -13395,6 +14948,9 @@ "Stickers.TrendingPremiumStickers", "StickersList.ArchivedEmojiItem", "StickersList.EmojiItem", + "Target.InviteToGroupConfirmation", + "Target.InviteToGroupErrorAlreadyInvited", + "Target.SelectGroup", "Target.ShareGameConfirmationGroup", "Target.ShareGameConfirmationPrivate", "TextFormat.AddLinkPlaceholder", @@ -13429,6 +14985,7 @@ "Time.AtDate", "Time.HoursAgo", "Time.JustNow", + "Time.MediumDate", "Time.MinutesAgo", "Time.MonthOfYear_m1", "Time.MonthOfYear_m10", @@ -13452,6 +15009,7 @@ "Time.PreciseDate_m5", "Time.PreciseDate_m6", "Time.PreciseDate_m7", + "Time.PreciseDate_m7", "Time.PreciseDate_m8", "Time.PreciseDate_m9", "Time.TodayAt", @@ -13471,7 +15029,13 @@ "Tour.Title4", "Tour.Title5", "Tour.Title6", + "Translate.ChangeLanguage", + "Translate.CopyTranslation", + "Translate.Languages.Original", "Translate.Languages.Title", + "Translate.Languages.Translation", + "Translate.More", + "Translate.Title", "TwoFactorRemember.CheckPassword", "TwoFactorRemember.Done.Action", "TwoFactorRemember.Done.Text", @@ -13565,6 +15129,7 @@ "TwoStepAuth.HintPlaceholder", "TwoStepAuth.PasswordChangeSuccess", "TwoStepAuth.PasswordRemoveConfirmation", + "TwoStepAuth.PasswordRemovePassportConfirmation", "TwoStepAuth.PasswordSet", "TwoStepAuth.PendingEmailHelp", "TwoStepAuth.ReEnterPasswordDescription", @@ -13608,6 +15173,8 @@ "TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCodeAlert", "TwoStepAuth.Title", "Undo.ChatCleared", + 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"UserInfo.FirstNamePlaceholder", "UserInfo.FirstNamePlaceholder", + "UserInfo.GenericPhoneLabel", + "UserInfo.GroupsInCommon", "UserInfo.GroupsInCommon", "UserInfo.Invite", "UserInfo.InviteBotToGroup", @@ -13651,20 +15232,37 @@ "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One", "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One", "UserInfo.LinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One", + "UserInfo.NotificationsDefault", "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultDisabled", "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultEnabled", "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound", + "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound", + "UserInfo.NotificationsDisable", + "UserInfo.NotificationsDisable", "UserInfo.NotificationsDisabled", + "UserInfo.NotificationsEnable", + "UserInfo.NotificationsEnabled", + "UserInfo.PhoneCall", + "UserInfo.ScamBotWarning", "UserInfo.ScamUserWarning", "UserInfo.SendMessage", "UserInfo.SendMessage", + "UserInfo.SendMessage", "UserInfo.ShareBot", "UserInfo.ShareContact", "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo", "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo", + 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+1,9736 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "AccessDenied.LocationPreciseDenied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",432,426,426,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "To share your specific location in this chat, please go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Telegram and set Precise Location to On." + } + }, + "AccessDenied.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",436,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please Allow Access" + } + }, + "Attachment.AllMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",87,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All" + } + }, + "Attachment.CameraAccessText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",340,466,466,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos." + } + }, + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertNo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",441,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No" + } + }, + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",378,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel selection?" + } + }, + "Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertYes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",441,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Yes" + } + }, + "Attachment.Contact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",982,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact" + } + }, + "Attachment.DeselectedVideos": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",699,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ video unselected.", + "plural": "%@ videos unselected." + } + }, + "Attachment.DragToReorder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",626,282,282,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Drag media to reorder" + } + }, + "Attachment.File": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",982,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "File" + } + }, + "Attachment.FilesIntro": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",606,573,573,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send and receive files of any type, up to 2 GB
in size each, access them instantly
on your other devices." + } + }, + "Attachment.FilesSearchPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",82,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search sent files" + } + }, + "Attachment.Gallery": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",984,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Gallery" + } + }, + "Attachment.Grouped": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",225,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Grouped" + } + }, + "Attachment.LimitedMediaAccessText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",373,414,414,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have limited Telegram from accessing your photos." + } + }, + "Attachment.Location": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",982,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Location" + } + }, + "Attachment.LocationAccessText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",612,425,425,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share places or your live location." + } + }, + "Attachment.LocationAccessTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",650,313,313,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Access Your Location" + } + }, + "Attachment.Manage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",417,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage" + } + }, + "Attachment.MediaAccessText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",576,485,485,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share an unlimited number of photos
and videos of up to 2 GB each." + } + }, + "Attachment.MediaAccessTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",536,474,474,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Access Your Photos and Videos" + } + }, + "Attachment.MediaTypes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",484,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Media Types" + } + }, + "Attachment.MessagePreview": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message Preview" + } + }, + "Attachment.MessagesPreview": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Messages Preview" + } + }, + "Attachment.MyAlbums": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",149,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "My Albums" + } + }, + "Attachment.OpenCamera": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",870,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Camera" + } + }, + "Attachment.OpenSettings": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",791,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Go to Settings" + } + }, + "Attachment.Poll": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",982,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Poll" + } + }, + "Attachment.RecentlySentFiles": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",317,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Recently Sent Files" + } + }, + "Attachment.SearchWeb": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Web" + } + }, + "Attachment.SelectFromFiles": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",233,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select from Files" + } + }, + "Attachment.SelectFromGallery": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",179,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select from Gallery" + } + }, + "Attachment.SelectedMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",87,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ Selected", + "plural": "%@ Selected" + } + }, + "Attachment.SendAsFile": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",159,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send as File" + } + }, + "Attachment.SendAsFiles": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",159,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send as Files" + } + }, + "Attachment.Ungrouped": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ungrouped" + } + }, + "AuthSessions.View.Application": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",581,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Application" + } + }, + "AuthSessions.View.IP": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",687,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "IP Address" + } + }, + "AuthSessions.View.Location": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",633,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Location" + } + }, + "AuthSessions.View.TerminateSession": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",772,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Terminate Session" + } + }, + "AutoremoveSetup.TimeSectionHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",326,316,316,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "AUTO-DELETE MESSAGES" + } + }, + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerInfoChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",267,600,651,258,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Automatically delete new messages sent in this channel after a certain period of time." + } + }, + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerValueAfter": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",386,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "After %@" + } + }, + "AutoremoveSetup.TimerValueNever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",386,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Never" + } + }, + "AutoremoveSetup.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",51,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Auto-Deletion" + } + }, + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertAdd": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",552,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add as Admin" + } + }, + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",428,386,386,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to add the bot as an admin in **%@**?" + } + }, + "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",438,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Bot as Admin?" + } + }, + "Bot.GroupStatusDoesNotReadHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",648,400,400,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "has no access to messages" + } + }, + "Bot.GroupStatusReadsHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",696,356,356,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "has access to messages" + } + }, + "Broadcast.AdminLog.EmptyText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",379,576,576,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No notable actions by channel admins in the last 48 hours." + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",303,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave as regular group" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Convert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",72,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Convert" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,600,354,272,160", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Regular members of the group (non-admins) will **permanently** lose their right to send messages in the group.

This action **cannot** be undone." + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.ConfirmationAlert.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,280,278,280,278", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure?" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.Convert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",275,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Convert to Broadcast Group" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.IntroText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",191,300,306,276,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• No limit on the number of members.

• Only admins can post.

• Can't be turned back into a regular group." + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.IntroTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",160,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Broadcast Groups" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.LearnMore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Learn More" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",37,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your group has reached a limit of **%@** members.

You can increase this limit by converting the group to a **broadcast group** where only admins can post. Interested?" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.LimitAlert.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",22,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit Reached" + } + }, + "BroadcastGroups.Success": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",189,296,299,276,278", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your group can now have more than %@ members." + } + }, + "Call.CallInProgressLiveStreamMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End call with %1$@ and start a live stream in %2$@?" + } + }, + "Call.LiveStreamInProgressMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",448,393,393,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave live stream in %1$@ and start a new one in %2$@?" + } + }, + "Call.LiveStreamInProgressTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,349,349,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live Stream in Progress" + } + }, + "Channel.About.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",262,640,659,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can provide an optional description for your channel." + } + }, + "Channel.About.Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",210,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Description" + } + }, + "Channel.About.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",389,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Description" + } + }, + "Channel.AddBotAsAdmin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",570,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Make Admin" + } + }, + "Channel.AddBotErrorHaveRights": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,395,395,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Bots can only be added to channels as admins." + } + }, + "Channel.AddUserLeftError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",412,428,428,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If a person has left a channel in the past, you need to be in their Telegram contacts to add them back.

They can still join via an invite link as long as they are not on the Removed Users list." + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLog.AddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1000,388,388,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLog.AllowedReactionsUpdated": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",718,504,504,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ updated the list of allowed reactions to: %2$@" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLog.BanEmbedLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",434,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Embed Links" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLog.BanReadMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",267,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Read Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLog.BanSendGifs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",401,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send GIFs" + } + }, + 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"has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsPinned": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",571,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pinned Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsRestrictions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",166,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Restrictions" + } + }, + "Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsSentMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",602,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sent Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.BanList.BlockedTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",434,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "BANNED" + } + }, + "Channel.BanList.RestrictedTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "RESTRICTED" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionAddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1325,388,388,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionChangeGroupInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1477,516,516,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Group Info" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionEmbedLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",758,351,351,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Embed Links" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",528,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Media" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",391,436,436,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendPolls": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",899,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Polls" + } + }, + "Channel.BanUser.PermissionSendStickersAndGifs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",578,571,571,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Stickers & GIFs" + } + }, + "Channel.BlackList.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Banned" + } + }, + "Channel.CommentsGroup.HeaderGroupSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",229,345,345,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ links the group as its discussion board." + } + }, + "Channel.CommentsGroup.HeaderSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",372,1128,1128,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ is selected as the group that will be used to host comments for your channel." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",3,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discussion" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.Create": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",325,343,343,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create New Group" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.Header": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",53,640,699,256,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select a group chat for discussion that will be displayed in your channel." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.HeaderGroupSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",330,1125,1247,252,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This group is linked as the discussion board for %@." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.HeaderLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",797,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discuss" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.HeaderSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",140,640,674,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "A link to %@ is shown to all subscribers in the bottom panel." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",270,634,638,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Everything you post in the channel will be forwarded to this group." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.LinkGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",880,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Group" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.MakeHistoryPublic": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",697,962,962,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Warning: If you set this private group as the discussion group for your channel, all channel subscribers will be able to access the group. \"Chat history for new members\" will be switched to Visible." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.MakeHistoryPublicProceed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1333,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Proceed" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",332,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "private channel" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateChannelLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",571,567,567,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Make %1$@ the discussion board for %2$@?

Any member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel." + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",423,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "private group" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.UnlinkChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1028,424,424,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlink Channel" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroup.UnlinkGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",610,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlink Group" + } + }, + "Channel.DiscussionGroupAdd": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add" + } + }, + "Channel.Edit.AboutItem": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",389,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Description" + } + }, + "Channel.Edit.LinkItem": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",130,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link" + } + }, + "Channel.Edit.PrivatePublicLinkAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",271,526,526,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please note that if you choose a public link for your channel, anyone will be able to find it in search and join.

Do not create this link if you want your channel to stay private." + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.CannotEdit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",452,615,615,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't edit the rights of this admin." + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissinAddAdminOff": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",457,590,590,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This admin will not be able to add new admins." + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissinAddAdminOn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",491,545,545,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This admin will be able to add new admins with equal or fewer rights." + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionAddAdmins": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",598,320,320,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add New Admins" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionBanUsers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",488,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ban Users" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionChangeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",375,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Channel Info" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionDeleteMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",401,319,319,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionDeleteMessagesOfOthers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",495,397,397,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Messages of Others" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEditMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",462,359,359,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Messages of Others" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1099,373,373,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteSubscribers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",614,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteUsers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",730,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Users" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteViaLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",363,294,294,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Users via Link" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionPinMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",560,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionPostMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",444,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Post Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionsHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",231,455,455,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "WHAT CAN THIS ADMIN DO?" + } + }, + "Channel.ErrorAccessDenied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",769,831,831,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this channel is private." + } + }, + "Channel.ErrorAddBlocked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",411,448,448,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't add this user to channels because of their privacy settings." + } + }, + "Channel.ErrorAddTooMuch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",274,525,525,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can only add the first 200 subscribers to a channel. Note that an unlimited number of people may join via the channel's link." + } + }, + "Channel.Info.Banned": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Banned" + } + }, + "Channel.Info.BlackList": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",674,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed Users" + } + }, + "Channel.Info.Management": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",387,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Admins" + } + }, + "Channel.Info.Members": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",456,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "Channel.Info.Stickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",73,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Sticker Set" + } + }, + "Channel.Info.Subscribers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.LeaveChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",729,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Channel" + } + }, + "Channel.LinkItem": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",251,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "share link" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.AddModerator": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",297,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Admin" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.AddModeratorHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",384,526,526,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can add admins to help you manage your channel." + } + }, + "Channel.Management.LabelAdministrator": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",390,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.LabelCreator": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",532,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Owner" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.LabelOwner": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",320,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "owner" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.PromotedBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",610,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Promoted by %@" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.RemovedBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",381,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed by %@" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.RestrictedBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",338,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "restricted by %@" + } + }, + "Channel.Management.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",73,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Admins" + } + }, + "Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorBlacklisted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",409,447,447,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you can't unban them." + } + }, + "Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorNotAMember": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",206,640,662,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't add this user as an admin because they are not a member of this group and you are not allowed to add them." + } + }, + "Channel.Members.AddBannedErrorAdmin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",356,560,560,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't ban this user because they are an admin in this group and you are not allowed to demote them." + } + }, + "Channel.Members.AddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",210,468,468,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.Members.AddMembersHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",191,575,575,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only channel admins can see this list." + } + }, + "Channel.Members.Contacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",306,344,344,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CONTACTS IN THIS CHANNEL" + } + }, + "Channel.Members.InviteLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",232,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite via Link" + } + }, + "Channel.Members.Other": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",678,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OTHER SUBSCRIBERS" + } + }, + "Channel.Members.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "Channel.MessagePhotoRemoved": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",717,350,350,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel photo removed" + } + }, + "Channel.MessagePhotoUpdated": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",310,376,376,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel photo updated" + } + }, + "Channel.MessageTitleUpdated": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",535,707,707,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel renamed to \"%@\"" + } + }, + "Channel.Moderator.AccessLevelRevoke": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",831,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Dismiss Admin" + } + }, + "Channel.Moderator.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Admin" + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ChangeOwner": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1171,442,442,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Owner" + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.DescriptionInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",738,844,844,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will transfer the full **owner rights** for **%1$@** to **%2$@**.

You will no longer be considered the creator of the channel. The new owner will be free to remove any of your admin privileges or even ban you." + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter Password" + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",408,428,428,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please enter your Two-Step Verification password to complete this action." + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",760,844,844,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this user is not a member of this channel and their privacy settings prevent you from adding them manually." + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.PasswordPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Password" + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,840,840,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Transfer Channel Ownership" + } + }, + "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.TransferCompleted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",771,478,478,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$@** is now the owner of **%2$@**." + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.LinkTypePrivate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",206,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Private" + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.LinkTypePublic": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",151,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public" + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.PublicNoLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",261,545,545,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please choose a link for your public channel, so that people can find it in search and share with others.

If you're not interested, we suggest creating a private channel instead." + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.TypePrivate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Private" + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.TypePrivateHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",197,635,638,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Private channels can only be joined via invite link." + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.TypePublic": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public" + } + }, + "Channel.Setup.TypePublicHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,599,599,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them." + } + }, + "Channel.SignMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",410,282,282,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sign Messages" + } + }, + "Channel.SignMessages.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",275,640,655,274,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add names of admins to the messages they post." + } + }, + "Channel.Status": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "channel" + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.CreateYourOwn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",208,573,573,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can create your own custom sticker set using the @stickers bot." + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.NotFound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",215,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sticker set not found" + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.NotFoundHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",195,481,481,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Try again or choose from the list below" + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "stickerset" + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.Searching": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",255,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Searching..." + } + }, + "Channel.Stickers.YourStickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",344,387,387,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CHOOSE FROM YOUR STICKERS" + } + }, + "Channel.Subscribers.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",19,361,361,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.TitleInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel Info" + } + }, + "Channel.TypeSetup.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel Type" + } + }, + "Channel.UpdatePhotoItem": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",239,344,344,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Channel Photo" + } + }, + "Channel.Username.CheckingUsername": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",240,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Checking name..." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",325,640,669,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People can join your channel by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.CreatePublicLinkHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",343,580,580,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you set a public link, other people will be able to find and join your channel.

You can use a–z, 0–9 and underscores.
Minimum length is 5 characters." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",139,621,622,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can choose a channel name on **Telegram**. If you do, other people will be able to find your channel by this name.

You can use **a–z**, **0–9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.InvalidCharacters": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",376,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this name is invalid." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithNumber": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",378,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public links can't start with a number." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.InvalidTaken": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",410,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this link is already taken." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.InvalidTooShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",346,506,506,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public links must have at least 5 characters." + } + }, + "Channel.Username.LinkHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",775,683,683,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This link opens your channel:[]" + } + }, + "Channel.Username.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",43,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link" + } + }, + "Channel.Username.UsernameIsAvailable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",331,392,392,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ is available." + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.ChannelForbidden": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,550,550,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, the channel \"%@\" is no longer accessible." + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.ConfirmLeave": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,319,319,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Channel" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.CreateExternalStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",570,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stream With..." + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.CreateLiveStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",376,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Live Stream" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.CreateVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",424,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Video Chat" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",674,329,329,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Channel" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannelConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",393,596,596,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Deleting this channel will remove all subscribers and all posts will be lost. Delete the channel anyway?" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1969,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Group" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.FakeChannelWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",416,559,559,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported that this account impersonates a famous person or organization." + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",338,600,636,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the channel using it." + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.ScheduleLiveStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",419,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Schedule Live Stream" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.ScheduleVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",462,307,307,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Schedule Video Chat" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.Stats": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",65,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Statistics" + } + }, + "ChannelIntro.CreateChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",791,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create Channel" + } + }, + "ChannelIntro.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",555,457,457,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channels are a one-to-many tool
for broadcasting your messages
to unlimited audiences." + } + }, + "ChannelIntro.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",507,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "What is a Channel?" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.ChannelAdminsTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",248,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CHANNEL ADMINS" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.GroupAdminsTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",387,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "GROUP ADMINS" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",199,400,400,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Who can add members" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers.Admins": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",720,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only Admins" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembers.AllMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All Members" + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembersAdminsHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",200,550,550,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only admins can add new members." + } + }, + "ChannelMembers.WhoCanAddMembersAllHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",207,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Everybody can add new members." + } + }, + "ChannelRemoved.RemoveInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",99,640,668,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Users removed from the channel by admins can't rejoin via invite links." + } + }, + "Chat.AttachmentLimitExceeded": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",928,752,752,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't select more items at once." + } + }, + "Chat.AttachmentMultipleFilesDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",424,408,408,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple files at once." + } + }, + "Chat.AttachmentMultipleForwardDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",931,752,752,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Slow Mode is enabled. You can't forward multiple messages at once." + } + }, + "Chat.AudioTranscriptionFeedbackTip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",828,351,351,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Thank you for your feedback." + } + }, + "Chat.AudioTranscriptionRateAction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",427,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Rate Transcription" + } + }, + "Chat.MessagesUnpinned": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",872,294,294,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message unpinned.", + "plural": "%@ messages unpinned." + } + }, + "Chat.NextChannelArchivedSwipeProgress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",853,404,404,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pull up to go to archived channels" + } + }, + "Chat.NextChannelFolderSwipeProgress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",822,436,436,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pull up to go to the %@ folder" + } + }, + "Chat.NextChannelSameLocationSwipeProgress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",787,474,474,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pull up to go to the next unread channel" + } + }, + "Chat.NextChannelUnarchivedSwipeProgress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",826,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pull up to go to unarchived channels" + } + }, + "Chat.PanelHidePinnedMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",632,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Don't Show Pinned Messages" + } + }, + "Chat.PremiumReactionToastAction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",947,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "More" + } + }, + "Chat.PremiumReactionToastTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",824,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to unlock this reaction." + } + }, + "Chat.SaveForNotifications": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",557,305,305,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save for Notifications" + } + }, + "Chat.SlowmodeTooltip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",781,428,428,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Slow Mode is active. You can send
your next message in %@." + } + }, + "ChatAdmins.AdminLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",386,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdmins": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",133,449,449,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All Members Are Admins" + } + }, + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdminsOffHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",126,640,672,266,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only admins can add and remove members, edit name and photo of the group." + } + }, + "ChatAdmins.AllMembersAreAdminsOnHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",140,625,627,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All members can add new members, edit name and photo of the group." + } + }, + "ChatAdmins.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat Admins" + } + }, + "ChatList.Context.Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",577,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete" + } + }, + "ChatList.PeerTypeChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",148,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "channel" + } + }, + "ChatList.Search.FilterDownloads": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",126,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Downloads" + } + }, + "CommentsGroup.ErrorAccessDenied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",313,600,608,276,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't access this chat because you were banned by an admin." + } + }, + "Common.Back": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Back" + } + }, + "Common.Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",818,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "Common.Create": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",8,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create" + } + }, + "Common.Done": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",744,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Done" + } + }, + "Common.Edit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",6,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit" + } + }, + "Common.Next": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",74,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Next" + } + }, + "Common.No": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",494,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No" + } + }, + "Common.OK": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",639,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OK" + } + }, + "Common.Save": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",52,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save" + } + }, + "Common.Yes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",494,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Yes" + } + }, + "Compose.ChannelMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "Compose.ChannelTokenListPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",71,555,555,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search for contacts or usernames" + } + }, + "Compose.Create": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create" + } + }, + "Compose.NewChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Channel" + } + }, + "Compose.NewGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Group" + } + }, + "Compose.NewGroupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",139,335,335,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Group" + } + }, + "Compose.TokenListPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",144,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Who would you like to add?" + } + }, + "Contacts.MemberSearchSectionTitleGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",101,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Members" + } + }, + "Contacts.PermissionsText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",171,600,631,266,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please allow Telegram access to your phonebook to seamlessly find all your friends." + } + }, + "Contacts.PermissionsTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",215,295,295,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Access to Contacts" + } + }, + "Contacts.TopSection": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",273,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CONTACTS" + } + }, + "Conversation.Admin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",938,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, + "Conversation.AlsoClearCacheTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",258,600,623,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can use \"clear cache\" to remove unnecessary media — and re-downloaded files if you need them again." + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveActionEdit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",559,426,426,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Auto-Delete Settings" + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveChanged": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",850,387,387,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Auto-Delete timer set to %@." + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",156,496,496,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Messages in this channel will no longer be automatically deleted" + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerRemovedGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,547,547,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "A group admin disabled the auto-delete timer" + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,600,637,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Messages in this channel will be automatically deleted after %1$@" + } + }, + "Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",118,553,553,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "A group admin set messages to automatically delete after %1$@" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearCache": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",17,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear Cache" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear Channel" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearGroupHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",368,570,570,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud. Other members of the group will still have them." + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuBan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1822,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Restrict" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",351,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopyLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",846,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy Link" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuMention": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1956,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mention" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuMore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "More..." + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1823,320,320,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Channel" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannelProfile": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1746,282,282,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Profile" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuOpenProfile": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1747,281,281,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Profile" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuReply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",350,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reply" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuSelect": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",482,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuSendMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1814,331,331,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextViewReplies": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",347,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View %@ Reply", + "plural": "View %@ Replies" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextViewStats": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",646,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View Statistics" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextViewThread": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",426,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View Thread" + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",726,490,490,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwards from this channel are restricted" + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionForwardingDisabledGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",748,467,467,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwards from this group are restricted" + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionInfoChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",914,327,327,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copying and forwarding is not allowed in this channel." + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionInfoGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",926,316,316,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copying and forwarding is not allowed in this group." + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",770,442,442,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saving from this channel is restricted" + } + }, + "Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",790,419,419,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saving from this group is restricted" + } + }, + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedInline": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",664,566,566,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending inline content isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",707,513,513,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending media isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedStickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",764,449,449,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stickers aren’t allowed in this group." + } + }, + "Conversation.DefaultRestrictedText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",723,541,541,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending messages is not allowed in this group." + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteAllMessagesInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",235,585,585,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages in %@?" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteManyMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",487,365,365,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Messages" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForEveryone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",621,426,426,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for everyone" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",622,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for me" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.Apply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",877,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Auto-Delete" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.Disable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",936,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable Auto-Delete" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteTimer.SetupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",519,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Auto-Delete After..." + } + }, + "Conversation.DiscussionNotStarted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1882,510,510,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No comments here yet..." + } + }, + "Conversation.DiscussionStarted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1863,390,390,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discussion started" + } + }, + "Conversation.EmojiCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",927,306,306,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Emoji copied to clipboard" + } + }, + "Conversation.ErrorInaccessibleMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",716,938,938,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unfortunately, you can't access this message. You aren't a member of the chat where it was posted." + } + }, + "Conversation.InfoGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group" + } + }, + "Conversation.InputTextAnonymousPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1998,498,498,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send anonymously" + } + }, + "Conversation.InputTextBroadcastPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",965,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Broadcast" + } + }, + "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholderComment": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",515,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Comment" + } + }, + "Conversation.InputTextSilentBroadcastPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",966,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Silent Broadcast" + } + }, + "Conversation.JoinVoiceChatAsListener": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",711,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "JOIN AS LISTENER" + } + }, + "Conversation.JoinVoiceChatAsSpeaker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",450,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "JOIN AS SPEAKER" + } + }, + "Conversation.LinkCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",860,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "Conversation.MessageDialogDelete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",690,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete" + } + }, + "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",689,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit" + } + }, + "Conversation.MessageLeaveComment": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",714,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave a Comment" + } + }, + "Conversation.MessageViewComments": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",264,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@]Comment", + "plural": "[%@]Comments" + } + }, + "Conversation.MessageViewCommentsFormat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",264,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ %2$@" + } + }, + "Conversation.Moderate.Ban": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",526,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ban User" + } + }, + "Conversation.Moderate.Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",421,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.Moderate.DeleteAllMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",475,533,533,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete All From %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.Moderate.Report": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",601,281,281,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam" + } + }, + "Conversation.Mute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",965,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute" + } + }, + "Conversation.Mute.ApplyMuteUntil": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",852,383,383,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute until %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.Mute.SetupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute Until..." + } + }, + "Conversation.NoticeInvitedByInChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",151,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ invited you to this channel" + } + }, + "Conversation.NoticeInvitedByInGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,351,351,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ invited you to this group" + } + }, + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkAllowMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1014,656,656,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow **%@** to send me messages" + } + }, + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkLogin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",919,619,619,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Log in to **%1$@** as %2$@" + } + }, + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkOpen": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1388,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open" + } + }, + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",769,661,661,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to open
**%@**?" + } + }, + "Conversation.OpenBotLinkTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",811,317,317,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Link" + } + }, + "Conversation.Owner": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",2112,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "owner" + } + }, + "Conversation.Pin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinMessageAlert.OnlyPin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",494,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only Pin" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinMessageAlertGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",280,524,524,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin this message and notify all group members?" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinnedMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pinned Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinnedPoll": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",245,295,295,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pinned Poll" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinnedPreviousMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",77,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Previous Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertJoin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",548,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join" + } + }, + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",409,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This channel is private. Please join it to continue viewing its content." + } + }, + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",433,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Channel" + } + }, + "Conversation.PrivateChannelTooltip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",991,532,532,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This channel is private" + } + }, + "Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1022,637,637,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This link will only work for chat members" + } + }, + "Conversation.ReadAllReactions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",957,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Read All Reactions" + } + }, + "Conversation.ReportGroupLocation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",198,746,746,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group unrelated to location?" + } + }, + "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",114,336,336,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam and Leave" + } + }, + "Conversation.RequestsToJoin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",129,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ Join Request", + "plural": "%@ Join Requests" + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedInline": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",602,600,632,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedInlineTimed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",605,600,631,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content until %@." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedMediaTimed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",326,603,603,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media until %@." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedStickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",564,600,672,250,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedStickersTimed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",566,600,672,250,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers until %@." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",425,640,711,248,278", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send messages." + } + }, + "Conversation.RestrictedTextTimed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",695,578,578,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted you from messaging until %@." + } + }, + "Conversation.SaveGif": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",790,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save GIF" + } + }, + "Conversation.ScheduledLiveStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",128,308,308,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled Live Stream" + } + }, + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",103,306,306,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled Video Chat" + } + }, + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsOnShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",122,319,319,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Starts %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTodayShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",129,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Starts today at %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.ScheduledVoiceChatStartsTomorrowShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",125,298,298,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Starts tomorrow at %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.SearchByName.Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Members" + } + }, + "Conversation.SearchByName.Prefix": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "from: " + } + }, + "Conversation.SendMesageAs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",767,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Message As..." + } + }, + "Conversation.SendMesageAsPremiumInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",769,424,424,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to be able to comment on behalf of your channels in any group chat." + } + }, + "Conversation.SilentBroadcastTooltipOff": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",684,539,539,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribers will receive a silent notification." + } + }, + "Conversation.SilentBroadcastTooltipOn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",695,529,529,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribers will be notified when you post." + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusKickedFromChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",53,415,415,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "you were removed from the channel" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusKickedFromGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",49,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "you were removed" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusLeftGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",57,340,340,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "you have left the group" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 member", + "plural": "%@ members" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusOnline": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",59,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 online", + "plural": "%@ online" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusSubscribers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",88,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ subscriber", + "plural": "%@ subscribers" + } + }, + "Conversation.TextCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",859,310,310,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Text copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleComments": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@]Comment", + "plural": "[%@]Comments" + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleCommentsFormat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ %2$@" + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleNoComments": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Comments" + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleReplies": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@]Reply", + "plural": "[%@]Replies" + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleRepliesEmpty": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Replies" + } + }, + "Conversation.Unmute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",902,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unmute" + } + }, + "Conversation.UnpinMessageAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",282,522,522,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Would you like to unpin this message?" + } + }, + "Conversation.ViewMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",612,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "VIEW MESSAGE" + } + }, + "Conversation.VoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",300,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video Chat" + } + }, + "ConversationProfile.UnknownAddMemberError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",274,534,534,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "An unexpected error has occurred. Our wizards have been notified and will fix the problem soon. Sorry." + } + }, + "ConversationProfile.UsersTooMuchError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",374,525,525,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this group is full. You cannot add any more members here." + } + }, + "ConvertToSupergroup.HelpText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",106,640,663,270,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• New members can see the full message history
• Deleted messages will disappear for all members
• Admins can add a description to the group
• Creator can set a public link for the group" + } + }, + "ConvertToSupergroup.HelpTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",116,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "**In supergroups:**" + } + }, + "ConvertToSupergroup.Note": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",337,522,522,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "**Note**: this action can't be undone." + } + }, + "ConvertToSupergroup.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Supergroup" + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.ServerUrl": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",424,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "server URL" + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.StartStreaming": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",759,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Streaming" + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.StartStreamingInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",414,600,604,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Once you start broadcasting in your streaming
app, tap Start Streaming below." + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.StreamKey": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",498,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "stream key" + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",216,546,546,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "To stream video with another app, enter
these Server URL and Stream Key in your
steaming app." + } + }, + "CreateExternalStream.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",51,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stream With..." + } + }, + "CreateGroup.ChannelsTooMuch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",411,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave some before creating a new one." + } + }, + "CreateGroup.SoftUserLimitAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",259,567,567,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will be able to add more members after you create the group." + } + }, + "DialogList.AdNoticeAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",112,537,537,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This channel is shown by your proxy server. To remove this channel from your chat list, disable the proxy in Telegram Settings > Data and Storage." + } + }, + "DialogList.MultipleTypingSuffix": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%d are typing" + } + }, + "DialogList.Replies": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Replies" + } + }, + "DownloadList.CancelDownloading": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",442,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel Download" + } + }, + "DownloadList.ClearAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",499,600,604,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram allows to store all received and sent
documents in the cloud and save storage
space on your device." + } + }, + "DownloadList.ClearAlertTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",656,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Downloaded Files" + } + }, + "DownloadList.ClearDownloadList": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",843,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear Download List" + } + }, + "DownloadList.DeleteFromCache": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",367,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete from Cache" + } + }, + "DownloadList.DownloadingHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",173,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Downloading" + } + }, + "DownloadList.OptionManageDeviceStorage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",729,387,387,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage Device Storage" + } + }, + "DownloadList.PauseAll": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",173,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pause All" + } + }, + "DownloadList.RaisePriority": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",384,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Prioritize Download" + } + }, + "Emoji.FrequentlyUsed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",682,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Recently Used" + } + }, + "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsEmptyResult": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",337,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No emoji found" + } + }, + "EmojiSearch.SearchReactionsPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",177,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Reactions" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",510,308,308,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Up to 200,000 members" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",557,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Persistent chat history" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",546,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public links such as" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Line4": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",589,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Admins with different rights" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Subtitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Groups can have:" + } + }, + "EmptyGroupInfo.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",458,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You created a group" + } + }, + "ExplicitContent.AlertChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't access this channel because it violates App Store rules." + } + }, + "ForwardedMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1945,558,558,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwarded message", + "plural": "%@ forwarded messages" + } + }, + "Group.About.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,640,659,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can provide an optional description for your group." + } + }, + "Group.AdminLog.EmptyText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",368,600,600,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No notable actions taken by the members and admins of this group in the last 48 hours." + } + }, + "Group.ApplyToJoin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",966,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Apply to Join Group" + } + }, + "Group.DeleteGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",684,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Group" + } + }, + "Group.Edit.PrivatePublicLinkAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",250,420,420,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please note that if you choose a public link for your group, anyone will be able to find it in search and join.

Do not create this link if you want your group to stay private." + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.PermissionChangeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",322,348,348,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Group Info" + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.RankAdminPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",802,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.RankInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",630,546,546,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "A title that members will see instead of '%@'." + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.RankOwnerPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",766,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "owner" + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.RankTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",754,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CUSTOM TITLE" + } + }, + "Group.EditAdmin.TransferOwnership": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",832,389,389,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Transfer Group Ownership" + } + }, + "Group.ErrorAddBlocked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",266,558,558,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't add this user to groups." + } + }, + "Group.ErrorAddTooMuchAdmins": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",272,543,543,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of admins for this group." + } + }, + "Group.ErrorAddTooMuchBots": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",361,557,557,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of bots for this group." + } + }, + "Group.ErrorNotMutualContact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",346,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can only add mutual contacts to groups at the moment." + } + }, + "Group.ErrorSendRestrictedStickers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",358,494,494,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers." + } + }, + "Group.Info.AdminLog": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",161,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Recent Actions" + } + }, + "Group.Info.Members": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",502,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "Group.JoinGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",970,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Group" + } + }, + "Group.LeaveGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1313,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Group" + } + }, + "Group.LinkedChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",480,286,286,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Linked Channel" + } + }, + "Group.Location.ChangeLocation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1529,475,475,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Location" + } + }, + "Group.Location.CreateInThisPlace": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",492,394,394,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a group in this place" + } + }, + "Group.Location.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",713,1106,1113,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People can find your group using People Nearby section." + } + }, + "Group.Location.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1397,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Location" + } + }, + "Group.Management.AddModeratorHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",413,621,622,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can add admins to help you manage your group." + } + }, + "Group.Members.AddMemberBotErrorNotAllowed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",297,488,488,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you don't have the necessary permissions to add bots to this group." + } + }, + "Group.Members.AddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "Group.Members.AddMembersHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,335,324,280,272", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only group admins can see this list." + } + }, + "Group.Members.Contacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",279,315,315,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CONTACTS IN THIS GROUP" + } + }, + "Group.Members.Other": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",711,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OTHER MEMBERS" + } + }, + "Group.Members.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,280,279,280,278", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "Group.MessagePhotoRemoved": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",736,330,330,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group photo removed" + } + }, + "Group.MessagePhotoUpdated": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",352,316,316,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group photo updated" + } + }, + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.DescriptionInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",400,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will transfer the full **owner rights** for **%1$@** to **%2$@**.

You will no longer be considered the creator of the group. The new owner will be free to remove any of your admin privileges or even ban you." + } + }, + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",408,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, the target user owns too many location-based groups. Please ask them to delete or transfer an existing one first." + } + }, + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",759,847,847,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this user is not a member of this group and their privacy settings prevent you from adding them manually." + } + }, + "Group.OwnershipTransfer.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",336,398,398,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Transfer Group Ownership" + } + }, + "Group.PublicLink.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",290,1125,1179,266,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People can share this link with others and find your group using Telegram search.

You can use **a–z**, **0–9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters." + } + }, + "Group.PublicLink.Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",353,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "link" + } + }, + "Group.PublicLink.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",138,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public Link" + } + }, + "Group.RequestToJoinSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",856,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Request to join sent" + } + }, + "Group.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",690,518,518,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will be able to send messages once the admins approve your request." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",737,334,334,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Approve New Members" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembersInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",596,580,580,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to be able to send messages only after they are approved by an admin." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.BasicHistoryHiddenHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",427,1110,1110,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New members won't see more than 100 previous messages." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",643,578,578,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Subscribers will be able to copy, save and forward content from this channel." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingChannelTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",698,399,399,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saving And Copying Content" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",822,335,335,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Restrict Saving Content" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingEnabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",793,305,305,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow Saving Content" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",709,527,527,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members will be able to copy, save and forward content from this group." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.ForwardingGroupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,390,390,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwarding From This Group" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",104,572,572,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "CHAT HISTORY FOR NEW MEMBERS" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryHidden": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",278,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hidden" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryHiddenHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",218,656,656,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New members won't see earlier messages." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",36,417,417,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat History Settings" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryVisible": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",205,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Visible" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.HistoryVisibleHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",197,734,738,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New members will see messages that were sent before they joined." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.TypeHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",144,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "GROUP TYPE" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.TypePrivate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",268,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Private" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.TypePrivateHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",178,640,686,260,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.TypePublic": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",198,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.TypePublicHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",111,640,657,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join." + } + }, + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Everyone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Everyone" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.OnlyMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",678,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only Members" + } + }, + "Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",543,338,338,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "WHO CAN SEND MESSAGES?" + } + }, + "Group.Status": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",65,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "group" + } + }, + "Group.UpgradeConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,546,546,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Warning: this action is irreversible. It is not possible to downgrade a supergroup to a regular group." + } + }, + "Group.UpgradeNoticeHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",383,340,340,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "MEMBERS LIMIT REACHED" + } + }, + "Group.UpgradeNoticeText1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",288,578,580,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "To go over the limit and get additional features, upgrade to a supergroup:" + } + }, + "Group.UpgradeNoticeText2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",359,567,567,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• Supergroups can get up to {supergroup_member_limit} members
• New members see the entire chat history
• Admins delete messages for everyone
• Notifications are muted by default" + } + }, + "Group.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",330,640,663,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time." + } + }, + "Group.Username.CreatePublicLinkHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",295,633,637,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People can share this link with others and find your group using Telegram search." + } + }, + "Group.Username.InvalidStartsWithNumber": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",271,604,604,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public links can't start with a number." + } + }, + "Group.Username.InvalidTooShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",322,526,526,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group names must have at least 5 characters." + } + }, + "Group.Username.RemoveExistingUsernamesInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",285,593,593,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking the link from an older group or channel, or create a private one instead." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ActionPromote": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",666,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Promote" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ActionRestrict": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",666,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Restrict" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.AddParticipant": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1029,400,400,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.AddParticipantConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",313,457,457,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add %@ to the group?" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.AddParticipantTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contacts" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.AddUserLeftError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",406,446,446,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, if a person is no longer part of a group, you need to add each other to your respective contact lists to be able to add them back.

Note that they could still join via the group's invite link as long as they are not in the Removed Users list." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Administrators": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1253,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Administrators" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ChannelListNamePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",140,315,315,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel Name" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ChatAdmins": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",946,348,348,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Admins" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ConvertToSupergroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",343,421,421,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Convert to Supergroup" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.DeactivatedStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",396,345,345,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Deactivated" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.DeleteAndExit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",786,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete and Exit" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.DeleteAndExitConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",390,615,615,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will not be able to return to this group unless added by another member." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,576,576,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat History For New Members" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryHidden": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",830,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hidden" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",478,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat History" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupHistoryVisible": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",831,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Visible" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupNamePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",149,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Name" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.GroupType": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",139,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Type" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InvitationLinkAcceptChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",316,443,443,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to join the channel \"%@\"?" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InvitationLinkGroupFull": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",450,368,368,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this group is already full." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteByLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,418,418,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite to Group via Link" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.CopyAlert.Success": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",310,464,464,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.CopyLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",428,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy Link" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",164,640,672,266,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.LinkSection": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",144,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "LINK" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Success": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",260,568,568,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The previous invite link is now inactive. A new invite link has just been generated." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",338,600,636,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the group using it." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",494,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoke Link" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.ShareLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",564,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Link" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLink.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Link" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.InviteLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",421,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Links" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.LabelAdmin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",649,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.LabelOwner": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",950,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "owner" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.LeftStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",356,426,426,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have left the group" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Location": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",698,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Location" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.MemberRequests": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",769,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Requests" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ParticipantCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",870,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 member", + "plural": "%@ members" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1171,333,333,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Permissions" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.AddException": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1688,396,396,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Exception" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Exceptions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1646,310,310,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "EXCEPTIONS" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Removed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1393,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed Users" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SearchPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",132,504,504,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Exceptions" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SectionTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",215,1013,1013,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "WHAT CAN MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP DO?" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1433,307,307,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "SLOW MODE" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1047,1242,1309,266,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose how long each member must wait before sending their next message." + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeValue.Off": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1552,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Off" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Permissions.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",144,350,350,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Permissions" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",472,468,468,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Group Photo" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoDelete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",878,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove Photo" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.SetGroupPhotoStop": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",913,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stop" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.SetSound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",2057,325,325,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Sound" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",139,322,322,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Group Info" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.UpgradeButton": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",584,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upgrade to supergroup" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.AddSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1227,471,471,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Exception Added" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.AddedInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1440,924,924,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Exception added by %1$@ %2$@" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.ApplyAlertAction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",149,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Apply" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.ApplyAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1388,976,976,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have changed this user's rights in %@.
Apply Changes?" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",2000,460,460,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Exception" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.Duration": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1847,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Duration" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NewTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",139,424,424,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Exception" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoAddMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",925,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no add" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoChangeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1925,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no info" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoPinMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",929,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no pinning" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoSendGifs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1925,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no GIFs" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoSendLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1930,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no links" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoSendMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1926,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no media" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoSendMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1910,308,308,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no messages" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NoSendPolls": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1930,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no polls" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.NotAvailableInPublicGroups": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",839,944,944,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This permission is not available in public groups." + } + }, + "GroupPermission.SectionTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",555,721,721,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "WHAT CAN THIS MEMBER DO?" + } + }, + "GroupPermission.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",149,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Exception" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.AddToGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",805,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add To Group" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.DeleteUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",877,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete User" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.Remove": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",129,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove User" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.RemoveInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",106,633,637,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Users removed from the group by admins can't rejoin via invite links." + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",5,304,304,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed Users" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.UsersSectionTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",308,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "REMOVED USERS" + } + }, + "GroupRemoved.ViewUserInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",727,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View User Info" + } + }, + "Invitation.JoinGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",749,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Group" + } + }, + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",183,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Video Chat" + } + }, + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChatAsListener": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",680,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join as Listener" + } + }, + "Invitation.JoinVoiceChatAsSpeaker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join as Speaker" + } + }, + "Invitation.Members": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",509,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 member:", + "plural": "%@ members:" + } + }, + "Invite.ChannelsTooMuch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",26,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, the target user is a member of too many groups and channels. Please ask them to leave some first." + } + }, + "InviteLink.AdditionalLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",632,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Additional Links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ContextCopy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",191,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ContextEdit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ContextGetQRCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",246,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Get QR Code" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ContextRevoke": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",300,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoke" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ContextShare": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",424,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",681,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a New Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.EditTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",52,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.LinkName": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",221,310,310,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Name (Optional)" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.LinkNameInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",254,366,366,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only admins will see this name." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.LinkNameTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",183,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Name" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApproval": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",319,361,361,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Request Admin Approval" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOffInfoChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,548,548,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.RequestApprovalOnInfoChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",273,572,572,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.Revoke": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",691,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoke Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",460,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit By Time Period" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryDate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Expiry Date" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryDateNever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",620,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Never" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryTime": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",345,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Time" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",487,562,562,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can make the link expire after a certain time." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitNoLimit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",508,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Limit" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",93,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",697,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit By Number Of Users" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",751,517,517,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can make the link work only for a certain number of users." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNoLimit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",792,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Limit" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNumberOfUsers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",906,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Number of Users" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNumberOfUsersUnlimited": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",907,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlimited" + } + }, + "InviteLink.CreateInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",230,600,616,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can create additional invite links that have limited time or number of users." + } + }, + "InviteLink.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,453,453,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone on Telegram will be able to join your group by following this link." + } + }, + "InviteLink.CreatePrivateLinkHelpChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",151,573,573,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your channel by following this link." + } + }, + "InviteLink.CreatedBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",723,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Created By" + } + }, + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",475,359,359,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete All Revoked Links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinksAlert.Action": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",680,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete All" + } + }, + "InviteLink.DeleteAllRevokedLinksAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",534,375,375,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will delete all revoked links." + } + }, + "InviteLink.DeleteLinkAlert.Action": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",680,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete" + } + }, + "InviteLink.DeleteLinkAlert.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",383,578,578,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this link? It will be completely gone." + } + }, + "InviteLink.Expired": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "expired" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ExpiredLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",485,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Expired Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ExpiredLinkStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",504,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "time limit has expired" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ExpiresIn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",282,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "expires in %@" + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",310,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkCopiedText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",864,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.Chat.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",800,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link sent to **%@**." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",744,508,508,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link sent to **%@** and %@ other chats." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",803,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link sent to **Saved Messages**." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",766,485,485,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link sent to **%@** and **%@**." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinkRevoked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",640,406,406,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The invite link has been revoked." + } + }, + "InviteLink.InviteLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ invite link", + "plural": "%@ invite links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Manage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",755,293,293,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage Invite Links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.OtherAdminsLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",490,505,505,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Links Created By Other Admins" + } + }, + "InviteLink.OtherPermanentLinkInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",214,600,655,258,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$@** can see this link and use it to invite new members to **%2$@**." + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleCanJoin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",282,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ can join", + "plural": "%@ can join" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleJoined": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",723,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ person joined", + "plural": "%@ people joined" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedNone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no one joined yet" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",553,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ joined", + "plural": "%@ joined" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShortNone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",143,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no one joined yet" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShortNoneExpired": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no one joined" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PeopleRemaining": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",723,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ remaining", + "plural": "%@ remaining" + } + }, + "InviteLink.PublicLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",335,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Public Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.QRCode.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",433,557,557,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Everyone on Telegram can scan this code to join your group." + } + }, + "InviteLink.QRCode.Share": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",756,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share QR Code" + } + }, + "InviteLink.QRCode.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",289,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite by QR Code" + } + }, + "InviteLink.ReactivateLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",660,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reactivate Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Revoked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",608,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "revoked" + } + }, + "InviteLink.RevokedLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",480,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoked Links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Share": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",463,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",31,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Links" + } + }, + "InviteLink.UsageLimitReached": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",553,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "limit reached" + } + }, + "InviteLinks.InviteLinkExpired": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",315,413,413,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This invite link has expired." + } + }, + "Join.ChannelsTooMuch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",411,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave one before joining another." + } + }, + "LastSeen.JustNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",592,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen just now" + } + }, + "LastSeen.Lately": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",665,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen recently" + } + }, + "LiveStream.CancelConfirmationText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",444,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to abort the scheduled live stream?" + } + }, + "LiveStream.CancelConfirmationTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",465,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Abort Live Stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.CreateNewVoiceChatText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",386,386,386,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream ended. Start a new one?" + } + }, + "LiveStream.DisplayAsSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",698,559,559,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Participants of this live stream will now see you as **%@**." + } + }, + "LiveStream.EditTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",206,301,301,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Live Stream Title" + } + }, + "LiveStream.EditTitleRemoveSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",917,314,314,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live Stream title removed." + } + }, + "LiveStream.EditTitleSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",859,379,379,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream title changed to **%@**." + } + }, + "LiveStream.EditTitleText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",246,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discussion topics, notable guests, etc." + } + }, + "LiveStream.EndConfirmationText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,419,419,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to end this live stream?" + } + }, + "LiveStream.EndConfirmationTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",464,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End live stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.LeaveAndCancelVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",799,295,295,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Abort Live Stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.LeaveAndEndVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",810,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End Live Stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.LeaveConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",561,527,527,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to leave this live stream?" + } + }, + "LiveStream.LeaveVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",868,298,298,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Live Stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.NoSignalAdminText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",282,600,636,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Oops! Telegram doesn't see any stream
coming from your streaming app.

Please make sure you entered the right Server
URL and Stream Key in your app." + } + }, + "LiveStream.NoSignalUserText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,592,592,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ is currently not broadcasting live
stream data to Telegram." + } + }, + "LiveStream.NoViewers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",979,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No viewers" + } + }, + "LiveStream.PeerJoinedText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",851,389,389,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ joined the live stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.RecordTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",424,289,289,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Record Live Stream" + } + }, + "LiveStream.RecordingInProgress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",109,355,355,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream is being recorded" + } + }, + "LiveStream.RecordingSaved": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",801,450,450,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream recording saved to **Saved Messages**." + } + }, + "LiveStream.RemoveAndBanPeerConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",589,565,565,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to remove %1$@ from the live stream and ban them in %2$@?" + } + }, + "LiveStream.StartRecording": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",459,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Recording" + } + }, + "LiveStream.StartRecordingText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",226,432,432,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to start recording this live stream and save the result into an audio file?

Participants will see that the chat is being recorded." + } + }, + "LiveStream.StartRecordingTextVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",223,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to start recording this live stream and save the result into a video file?

Other participants will see that the chat is being recorded." + } + }, + "LiveStream.StartRecordingTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Recording" + } + }, + "LiveStream.ViewCredentials": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",221,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View Stream Key" + } + }, + "LiveStream.ViewerCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",979,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 viewer", + "plural": "%@ viewers" + } + }, + "LocalGroup.ButtonTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1549,346,346,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Group" + } + }, + "LocalGroup.IrrelevantWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1200,1125,1194,264,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you start an unrelated group at this location, you may get restricted in creating new location-based groups." + } + }, + "LocalGroup.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",851,1059,1059,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone close to this location (neighbors, co-workers, fellow students, event attendees, visitors of a venue) will see your group in the People Nearby section." + } + }, + "LocalGroup.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",778,823,823,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a Local Group" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityAlertCancelled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",722,323,323,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Proximity alert canceled" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityAlertSetTextGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",511,551,551,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We will notify you once any group member is within %@ from you." + } + }, + "Location.ProximityAlertSetTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",730,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Proximity alert set" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityGroupTip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",182,475,475,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Alert when any group member is close" + } + }, + "Media.LimitedAccessManage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",431,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.AddToChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",474,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Channel" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.AddToGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",475,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Group" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.DescriptionChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",232,490,490,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Some [additional links]() are set up to generate requests to join the channel." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.DescriptionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",232,490,490,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Some [additional links]() are set up to generate requests to join the group." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.Dismiss": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",474,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Dismiss" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.NoRequests": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",629,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Join Requests" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.NoRequestsDescriptionChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",559,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "There are no pending join requests." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.NoRequestsDescriptionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",560,439,439,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "There are no pending join requests." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.PeopleRequested": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",362,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ join request", + "plural": "%@ join requests" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.PeopleRequestedShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",792,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ request", + "plural": "%@ requests" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",798,371,371,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Request to Join Channel" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinDescriptionChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",704,562,562,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This channel accepts new subscribers only after they are approved by its admins." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinDescriptionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",712,554,554,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This group accepts new members only after they are approved by its admins." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",839,329,329,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Request to Join Group" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",851,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Request Sent" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",727,475,475,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will be added to the channel once its admins approve your request." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",717,482,482,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will be added to the group once an admin approves your request." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.SearchPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",79,310,310,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Join Requests" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",94,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Requests" + } + }, + "MemberRequests.UserAddedToChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",758,492,492,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ has been added to the channel." + } + }, + "MemberRequests.UserAddedToGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",760,492,492,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ has been added to the group." + } + }, + "MemberSearch.BotSection": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",488,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "BOTS" + } + }, + "MessagePoll.SubmitVote": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",711,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Vote" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Custom": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",715,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Custom" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",509,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ day", + "plural": "%@ days" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Forever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forever" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",508,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ hour", + "plural": "%@ hours" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Months": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",726,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ month", + "plural": "%@ months" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.ShortYears": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",411,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@y", + "plural": "%@y" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Weeks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",508,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ week", + "plural": "%@ weeks" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Years": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",949,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ year", + "plural": "%@ years" + } + }, + "Month.GenAugust": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",478,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "August" + } + }, + "MuteFor.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1639,481,481,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for 1 day", + "plural": "Mute for %@ days" + } + }, + "MuteFor.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1497,465,465,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for 1 hour", + "plural": "Mute for %@ hours" + } + }, + "MutedForTime.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",951,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 day", + "plural": "%@ days" + } + }, + "MutedForTime.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",948,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 hour", + "plural": "%@ hours" + } + }, + "Notification.ChangedGroupName": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",331,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ changed the group name to \"%@\"" + } + }, + "Notification.ChangedGroupPhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1456,604,604,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ changed group photo" + } + }, + "Notification.ChangedGroupVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",591,338,338,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ changed group video" + } + }, + "Notification.ChannelInviterSelf": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",726,338,338,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You joined this channel" + } + }, + "Notification.ChannelMigratedFrom": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",193,631,631,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This group was upgraded to a supergroup" + } + }, + "Notification.CreatedChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",310,374,374,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Channel created" + } + }, + "Notification.GroupInviterSelf": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",709,321,321,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You joined this group" + } + }, + "Notification.Invited": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1190,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ invited %@" + } + }, + "Notification.JoinedChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",779,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ joined the channel" + } + }, + "Notification.JoinedChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",516,503,503,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ joined the group" + } + }, + "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequest": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",612,520,520,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ was accepted to the group" + } + }, + "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequestYou": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",715,513,513,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your request to join the group was approved" + } + }, + "Notification.Kicked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",750,312,312,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ removed %@" + } + }, + "Notification.LeftChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",971,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ left the channel" + } + }, + "Notification.LeftChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",763,297,297,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ left the group" + } + }, + "Notification.LiveStreamScheduled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",730,488,488,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream scheduled for %@" + } + }, + "Notification.LiveStreamScheduledTomorrow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",686,512,512,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream scheduled for tomorrow at %@" + } + }, + "Notification.MessageLifetime1d": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",444,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 day" + } + }, + "Notification.MessageLifetime1w": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",532,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 week" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedAnimationMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",779,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a GIF" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedAudioMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,480,480,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a voice message" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedDeletedMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",824,446,446,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned deleted message" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedDocumentMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",316,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a file" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedLocationMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",568,330,330,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a map" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",454,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "pinned message" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedPhotoMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",280,313,313,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a photo" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedPollMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",820,377,377,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a poll" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedRoundMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",516,494,494,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a video message" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedTextMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",612,467,467,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned \"%@\"" + } + }, + "Notification.PinnedVideoMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",307,345,345,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ pinned a video" + } + }, + "Notification.ProximityReached": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",413,450,450,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ is now within %2$@ from %3$@" + } + }, + "Notification.RemovedGroupPhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",668,404,404,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ removed group photo" + } + }, + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,415,415,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat scheduled for %@" + } + }, + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTodayChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",460,486,486,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat scheduled for today at %@" + } + }, + "Notification.VoiceChatScheduledTomorrowChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",469,438,438,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat scheduled for tomorrow at %@" + } + }, + "Notification.VoiceChatStartedChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",284,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat started" + } + }, + "Notifications.PermissionsEnable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1462,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable" + } + }, + "Notifications.SaveSuccess.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,526,526,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can use this sound as a notification tone in your [custom notification settings]()." + } + }, + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",896,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "File is over %@." + } + }, + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLarge.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",875,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio is too large" + } + }, + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",804,384,384,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Duration must be less than %@." + } + }, + "Notifications.UploadError.TooLong.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",728,454,454,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio is too long" + } + }, + "Notifications.UploadSuccess.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",854,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sound Added" + } + }, + "OldChannels.ChannelsHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",455,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "LEAST ACTIVE" + } + }, + "OldChannels.InactiveYear": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",520,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "inactive %@ year", + "plural": "inactive %@ years" + } + }, + "OldChannels.NoticeText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",239,544,544,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave one before joining another." + } + }, + "OldChannels.NoticeTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",217,482,482,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Too Many Groups and Channels" + } + }, + "OldChannels.NoticeUpgradeText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",230,585,588,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels.
For technical reasons, you need to leave some first before changing this setting in your groups." + } + }, + "OldChannels.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",85,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit Reached" + } + }, + "OwnershipTransfer.ComeBackLater": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "

Please come back later." + } + }, + "OwnershipTransfer.SecurityCheck": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",350,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Security Check" + } + }, + "OwnershipTransfer.SecurityRequirements": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",404,427,427,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can only confirm this action if:

• 2-Step verification was enabled for your account more than **7 days** ago.

• Your 2-Step Verification password was last changed more than **7 days** ago.

• You logged in on this device more than **24 hours** ago." + } + }, + "OwnershipTransfer.SetupTwoStepAuth": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",579,380,380,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable 2-Step Verification" + } + }, + "OwnershipTransfer.Transfer": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",610,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Confirm" + } + }, + "PINNED_AUDIO": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",642,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ pinned a voice message" + } + }, + "PINNED_POLL": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1793,435,435,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ pinned a poll" + } + }, + "PINNED_ROUND": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",639,436,436,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ pinned a video message" + } + }, + "PINNED_TEXT": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",390,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ pinned \"%2$@\"" + } + }, + "PINNED_VIDEO": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",759,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ pinned a video" + } + }, + "PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_END": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",196,591,593,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%2$@|%1$@ ended the video chat" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AdjustAutoDelete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",410,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Adjust Auto-Delete" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AlertLeaveAction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllChannelInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",163,506,506,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow subscribers to react to channel posts." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllGroupInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",151,516,516,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow members to react to group messages." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",161,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable Reactions" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.ReactionListHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",287,281,281,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "AVAILABLE REACTIONS" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",73,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reactions" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteDisable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",713,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",718,398,398,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Automatically delete new messages sent in this chat after a certain period of time." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AutoDeleteSettingOther": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",658,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Other..." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonAddMember": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Members" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonLiveStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",355,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live Stream" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonMore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",281,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "More" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonSearch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",374,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonUnmute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",375,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unmute" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",373,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video Chat" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",489,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to delete all messages in %@?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ClearMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",525,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear Messages" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.DeleteChannelText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",446,398,398,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to delete the channel **%@** and all of its messages for all subscribers?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.DeleteChannelTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",446,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for All" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.DeleteGroupText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",422,449,449,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to delete the group **%@** and all of its messages for all members?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.DeleteGroupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",455,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for All" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.DisableSound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",470,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable Sound" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.EnableAutoDelete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",408,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable Auto-Delete" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.EnableSound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",470,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable Sound" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.LabelAllReactions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",514,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All Reactions" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.LeaveChannelText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",453,386,386,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to leave the channel **%@**?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.LeaveChannelTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",465,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Channel" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.LeaveGroupText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",430,435,435,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to leave the group **%@**?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.LeaveGroupTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",467,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Group" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.MuteFor": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",408,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for..." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.MuteForCustom": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",681,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute until..." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.MuteForever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute Forever" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.NotificationsCustomize": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",523,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Customize" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.PaneFiles": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",805,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Files" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.PaneLinks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",806,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Links" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.PaneMedia": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",805,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Media" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.PaneMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",805,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Members" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.Reactions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",570,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reactions" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ReactionsDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",571,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disabled" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedFor": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",834,405,405,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notifications are muted for %@." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedForever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",939,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notifications are muted." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipMutedUntil": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",721,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notifications are muted until %@." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipSoundDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",823,416,416,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will receive silent notifications." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipSoundEnabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",764,481,481,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will receive notifications with sound." + } + }, + "PeerInfo.TooltipUnmuted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",913,319,319,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notifications are unmuted." + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.CreateGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1003,586,586,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a Local Group" + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.Description": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",404,941,941,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ask your friend nearby to open this page to exchange phone numbers." + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.Groups": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",984,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Groups Nearby" + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.NoMembers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "no members" + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",130,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People Nearby" + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.Users": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",713,411,411,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "People Nearby" + } + }, + "PeopleNearby.UsersEmpty": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",710,678,678,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Looking for users around you..." + } + }, + "Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",347,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow in Settings" + } + }, + "Premium.FileTooLarge": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",605,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "File Too Large" + } + }, + "Premium.MaxFavedStickersFinalText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",722,536,536,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "An older sticker was replaced with this one." + } + }, + "Premium.MaxFavedStickersTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",865,355,355,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit of %@ Stickers Reached" + } + }, + "Premium.MaxFileSizeFinalText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",612,583,583,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The document can't be sent, because it is larger than **%@**." + } + }, + "Premium.MaxSavedGifsText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",658,548,548,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "An older GIF was replaced with this one. You can [increase the limit]() to %@ GIFs." + } + }, + "Premium.MaxSavedGifsTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",797,342,342,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit of %@ GIFs Reached" + } + }, + "Premium.Reactions.Proceed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",851,395,395,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlock Premium Reactions" + } + }, + "Premium.ReactionsStandalone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",797,307,307,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Additional Reactions" + } + }, + "Premium.ReactionsStandaloneInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",669,534,534,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlock a wider range of reactions on messages by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." + } + }, + "": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "online" + } + }, + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToChannelError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",275,536,536,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you cannot add %@ to channels because of %@'s privacy settings." + } + }, + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToChannelMultipleError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",260,568,568,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't create a group with these users due to their privacy settings." + } + }, + "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToGroupError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",267,552,552,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you cannot add %@ to groups because of %@'s privacy settings." + } + }, + "Profile.CreateEncryptedChatError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",358,356,356,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "An error occurred." + } + }, + "RepliesChat.DescriptionText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",233,600,621,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This chat helps you keep track of replies to your comments in Channels." + } + }, + "ReportGroupLocation.Report": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1221,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report" + } + }, + "ReportGroupLocation.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",858,700,700,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please tell us if this group is not related to this location." + } + }, + "ReportGroupLocation.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",788,707,707,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Unrelated Group" + } + }, + "ReportPeer.ReasonChildAbuse": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",746,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Child Abuse" + } + }, + "ReportPeer.ReasonCopyright": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",801,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copyright" + } + }, + "ReportPeer.ReasonIllegalDrugs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": 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Start a new one?" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.DiscussionGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",762,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "discussion group" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.DisplayAs": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",99,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Display Me As..." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.DisplayAsInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",322,349,349,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose whether you want to be displayed as your personal account or as your channel." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.DisplayAsInfoGroup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",93,349,349,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose whether you want to be displayed as your personal account or as your group." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.DisplayAsSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",732,524,524,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Participants of this video chat will now see you as **%@**." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",663,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Bio" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBioPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",427,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Bio" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBioSave": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBioSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",949,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your bio was updated." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBioText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",287,450,450,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Any details such as age, occupation or city." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditBioTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",329,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Bio" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditNameSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",923,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your name was updated." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditPermissions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",154,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Permissions" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",97,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Video Chat Title" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditTitleRemoveSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",915,315,315,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat title removed." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditTitleSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",785,460,460,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video chat title changed to **%@**." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EditTitleText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",400,448,448,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discussion topics, notable guests, etc." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EndConfirmationEnd": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",435,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EndConfirmationText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",311,391,391,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to end this video chat?" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EndConfirmationTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End video chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.EndLiveStream": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",512,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End Live Stream" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.ImproveYourProfileText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",652,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can improve your profile by adding missing information." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.CopyListenerLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",301,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy Listener Link" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.CopySpeakerLink": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",302,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy Speaker Link" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteListeners": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",666,301,301,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@] Invite Listener", + "plural": "[%@] Invite Listeners" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteSpeakers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",662,305,305,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@] Invite Speaker", + "plural": "[%@] Invite Speakers" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.Listener": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",140,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Listener" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLink.Speaker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",147,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Speaker" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteLinkCopiedText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",865,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite link copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.InviteMemberToChannelFirstText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",303,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ isn't a subscriber of \"%2$@\" yet. Add them to the channel?" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.LateBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",363,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Late by" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.Leave": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",648,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "leave" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.LeaveAndCancelVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",790,296,296,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Abort Video Chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.LeaveAndEndVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",803,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End Video Chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.LeaveConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",542,544,544,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to leave this video chat?" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.LeaveVoiceChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",862,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave Video Chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.Live": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",731,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You're Live" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.MutedByAdmin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",771,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Muted by Admin" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.MutedByAdminHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",783,287,284,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap if you want to speak" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.NoiseSuppression": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",466,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Noise Suppression" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.NoiseSuppressionDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",489,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disabled" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.NoiseSuppressionEnabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",489,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enabled" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.OpenChannel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",233,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Channel" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.OpenChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",369,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.ParticipantIsSpeaking": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",121,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ is speaking" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.PersonalAccount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",459,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "personal account" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordLandscape": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",802,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Landscape" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordOnlyAudio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",548,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Only Audio" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordPortrait": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",800,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Portrait" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordStartRecording": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",872,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Recording" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",428,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Record Video Chat" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordVideoAndAudio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video and Audio" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordingSaved": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",633,416,416,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio saved to **Saved Messages**." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordingStarted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",925,306,306,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio recording started." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordingTitlePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",392,314,314,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Audio Title (Optional)" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RecordingTitlePlaceholderVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",376,303,303,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video Title (Optional)" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.ReminderNotify": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",421,469,469,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We will notify you when it starts." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.RemoveAndBanPeerConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",354,600,616,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to remove %1$@ from the video chat and ban them in %2$@?" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.Scheduled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",227,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.SelectAccount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",169,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select Account" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.SetReminder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",778,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Reminder" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.ShareScreen": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Screen" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.ShareShort": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",727,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "share" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",778,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Now" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartRecording": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",210,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Recording" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartRecordingText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",255,419,419,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Record this chat and save the result into an audio file?

Participants will see that the chat is being recorded." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartRecordingTextVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",223,440,440,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to start recording this chat and save the result into a video file?

Other participants will see that the chat is being recorded." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartRecordingTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",244,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start Recording" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StartsIn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",361,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Starts in" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StatusLateBy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",16,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "late by %@" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StatusListening": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",92,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "listening" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StatusMutedForYou": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",386,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "muted for you" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.StatusSpeaking": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",90,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": 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will be shared" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.VideoPreviewTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video Preview" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.YouAreSharingScreen": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",442,369,369,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You are sharing your screen" + } + }, + "VoiceChat.YouCanNowSpeak": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",217,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can now speak." + } + }, + "VoiceChat.YouCanNowSpeakIn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",635,414,414,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can now speak in **%@**." + } + }, + "VoiceChatChannel.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",384,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live Stream" + } + }, + "VoiceOver.Chat.PollNoVotes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",466,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": 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It must be less than three months old." + } + }, + "Passport.Address.Street": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",410,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Street" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.Street1Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",305,809,809,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Street and number, P.O. box" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.Street2Placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",381,873,873,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Apt., suite, unit, building, floor" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeBankStatement": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",904,451,451,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Bank Statement" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeBankStatementUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",627,884,884,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your bank statement" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypePassportRegistration": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",840,597,597,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Passport Registration" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypePassportRegistrationUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",995,1002,1002,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your passport registration" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",856,560,560,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Rental Agreement" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreementUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",716,969,969,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your tenancy agreement" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeResidentialAddress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",600,468,468,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Residential Address" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeTemporaryRegistration": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",111,680,680,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Temporary Registration" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeTemporaryRegistrationUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",836,1035,1035,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your temporary registration" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeUtilityBill": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",141,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Utility Bill" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.TypeUtilityBillUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",996,731,731,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your utility bill" + } + }, + "Passport.Address.UploadOneOfScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",831,731,731,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Authorize": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1980,298,298,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Authorize" + } + }, + "Passport.CorrectErrors": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",624,513,513,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap to correct errors" + } + }, + "Passport.DeleteAddress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1146,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Address" + } + }, + "Passport.DeleteAddressConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1142,1006,1006,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete your address?" + } + }, + "Passport.DeleteDocument": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1136,490,490,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Document" + } + }, + "Passport.DeleteDocumentConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1058,1100,1100,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this document? All details will be lost." + } + }, + "Passport.DeletePassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",982,713,713,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Telegram Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.DeletePassportConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1131,1011,1011,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete your Telegram Passport? All data will be lost." + } + }, + "Passport.DeletePersonalDetails": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1030,637,637,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Personal Details" + } + }, + "Passport.DeletePersonalDetailsConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1093,1067,1067,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete personal details?" + } + }, + "Passport.DiscardMessageAction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1214,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard" + } + }, + "Passport.DiscardMessageDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",840,720,720,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?" + } + }, + "Passport.DiscardMessageTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",878,490,490,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard Changes" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.CodeHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",254,1125,1223,258,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1526,665,665,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Email Address" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.EmailPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",559,728,728,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter your email address" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.EnterOtherEmail": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",457,829,829,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OR ENTER A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",511,1110,1118,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "A confirmation code will be sent to the email you provide." + } + }, + "Passport.Email.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",141,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Email" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmail": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",253,849,849,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmailHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",320,897,897,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use the same address as on Telegram." + } + }, + "Passport.FieldAddress": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",515,551,551,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Residential Address" + } + }, + "Passport.FieldAddressHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",944,501,501,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Provide your address" + } + }, + "Passport.FieldAddressTranslationHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",687,1028,1028,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add an English translation of your document" + } + }, + "Passport.FieldAddressUploadHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": 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Please try again later." + } + }, + "Passport.ForgottenPassword": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",803,571,571,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forgotten Password" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.AddDriversLicense": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1410,647,647,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Driver's License" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.AddIdentityCard": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1350,553,553,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Identity Card" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.AddInternalPassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1524,674,674,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Internal Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.AddPassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1288,433,433,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.AddPersonalDetails": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1014,652,652,280,280", + 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+ }, + "Passport.Identity.GenderMale": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1747,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Male" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.GenderPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1130,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Gender" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.IssueDate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Issue Date" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.IssueDatePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Issue Date" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.LatinNameHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",190,952,952,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter your name using Latin characters." + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.MainPage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1526,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Main Page" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.MainPageHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",731,827,827,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a photo of the main page of the document" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.MiddleName": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",478,396,396,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Middle Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.MiddleNamePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",477,396,396,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Middle Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.Name": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",748,328,328,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "First Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.NamePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",747,330,330,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "First Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameGenericHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1276,1043,1043,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your name in the language of your country of residence (%@)." + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameGenericTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1090,831,831,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "NAME IN COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1325,984,984,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your name in the language of your country of residence." + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.NativeNameTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1251,593,593,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "YOUR NAME IN %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeDriversLicense": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1020,339,339,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "driver's license" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeIdentityCard": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1040,306,306,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "identity card" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeInternalPassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1039,407,407,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "internal passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.OneOfTypePassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",877,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.ResidenceCountry": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1358,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Residence" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.ResidenceCountryPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1357,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Residence" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.ReverseSide": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",996,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reverse Side" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.ReverseSideHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",822,864,864,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a photo of the reverse side of the document" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.ScansHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",794,1125,1166,270,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "The document must contain your photograph, first and last name, date of birth, document number, country of issue, and expiry date." + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.Selfie": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1715,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Selfie" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.SelfieHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1293,879,879,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a selfie holding this document" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.Surname": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",868,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Last Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.SurnamePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",868,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Last Name" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.Translation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Translation" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TranslationHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a translation of this document" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.Translations": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1484,359,359,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "TRANSLATION" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TranslationsHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1095,1113,1122,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload scans of a certified English translation of the document." + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicense": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",740,448,448,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Driver's License" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicenseUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",632,871,871,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your driver's license" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCard": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",134,385,385,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Identity Card" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCardUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",656,812,812,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your identity card" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",732,477,477,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Internal Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassportUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",616,912,912,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your internal passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypePassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",808,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypePassportUploadScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",689,731,731,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your passport" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.TypePersonalDetails": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",737,455,455,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Personal Details" + } + }, + "Passport.Identity.UploadOneOfScan": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",705,693,693,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload a scan of your %@" + } + }, + "Passport.InfoFAQ_URL": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "" + } + }, + "Passport.InfoLearnMore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1367,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Learn More" + } + }, + "Passport.InfoText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",796,801,801,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "With **Telegram Passport** you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.

Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission." + } + }, + "Passport.InfoTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",598,792,792,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "What is Telegram Passport?" + } + }, + "Passport.InvalidPasswordError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",706,752,752,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invalid password. Please try again." + } + }, + "Passport.Language.lo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Lao" + } + }, + "": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Slovenian" + } + }, + "Passport.NotLoggedInMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",769,812,812,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please log in to your account to use Telegram Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.PassportInformation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",263,619,619,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "PASSPORT INFORMATION" + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordCreate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1714,521,521,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a Password" + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",866,1048,1048,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please create a password to secure your personal data with end-to-end encryption.

This password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device." + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",657,816,816,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter your Telegram Password
to decrypt your data" + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordNext": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1139,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Next" + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",906,488,488,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter your password" + } + }, + "Passport.PasswordReset": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",814,763,763,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "All documents uploaded to your Telegram Passport will be lost. You will be able to upload new documents." + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1504,691,691,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Phone Number" + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.EnterOtherNumber": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",469,788,788,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OR ENTER NEW PHONE NUMBER" + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.Help": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",585,1117,1127,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide." + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",129,442,442,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Phone Number" + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumber": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",284,672,672,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumberHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",288,1043,1043,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use the same phone number as on Telegram." + } + }, + "Passport.PrivacyPolicy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You accept the [%1$@ Privacy Policy] and allow their @%2$@ to send you messages." + } + }, + "Passport.RequestHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",320,1125,1181,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ requests access to your personal data to sign you up for their services." + } + }, + "Passport.RequestedInformation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",582,654,654,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "REQUESTED INFORMATION" + } + }, + "Passport.ScanPassport": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",306,549,549,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scan Your Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.ScanPassportHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,1125,1162,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scan your passport or identity card with machine-readable zone to fill personal details automatically." + } + }, + "Passport.Scans": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1196,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "SCANS" + } + }, + "Passport.Scans.ScanIndex": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1295,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scan %@" + } + }, + "Passport.Scans.Upload": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",395,363,363,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload Scan" + } + }, + "Passport.Scans.UploadNew": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1375,643,643,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Upload Additional Scan" + } + }, + "Passport.ScansHeader": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",165,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "SCANS" + } + }, + "Passport.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Passport" + } + }, + "Passport.UpdateRequiredError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, your Telegram app is out of date and can't handle this request. Please update Telegram." + } + }, + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertInstall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Install" + } + }, + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",276,562,562,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You need to have Telegram Messenger installed to use Telegram Passport" + } + }, + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertNotNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Not Now" + } + }, + "PassportKit.Button.GetTelegramAlertTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",270,482,482,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Get Telegram Messenger" + } + }, + "PassportKit.Button.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,552,352,280,178", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Log in with Telegram" + } + }, + "Time.PreciseDate_m7": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1228,492,492,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Jul %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.PasswordRemovePassportConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",774,781,781,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to disable your password?

Warning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost." + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 9e26dfeeb6..728404d6ab 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1 +1,1893 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "AccessDenied.VoiceMicrophone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",622,969,969,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone so that you can send voice messages.

Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Microphone and set Telegram to ON." + } + }, + "Activity.ChoosingSticker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",73,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "choosing a sticker" + } + }, + "Activity.RecordingAudio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "recording" + } + }, + "Activity.RecordingVideoMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",51,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "recording video" + } + }, + "Activity.UploadingDocument": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",161,306,306,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "sending a file" + } + }, + "Activity.UploadingPhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",152,368,368,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "sending a photo" + } + }, + "Activity.UploadingVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",149,359,359,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "sending a video" + } + }, + "Activity.UploadingVideoMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "sending a video" + } + }, + "AddContact.StatusSuccess": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",556,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ is now in your contacts." + } + }, + "Bot.GenericSupportStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",184,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "support" + } + }, + "Call.AnsweringWithAccount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",198,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Answering as %@" + } + }, + "Call.AudioRouteHeadphones": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Headphones" + } + }, + "Call.AudioRouteHide": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide" + } + }, + "Call.AudioRouteSpeaker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Speaker" + } + }, + "Call.CallAgain": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",794,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call Again" + } + }, + "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",352,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unable to Call" + } + }, + "Call.EmojiDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",362,487,487,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If the emoji on %@'s screen are the same, this call is 100%% secure." + } + }, + "Call.EncryptionKey.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",43,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Encryption Key" + } + }, + "Call.Message": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",618,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message" + } + }, + "Call.ParticipantVersionOutdatedError": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",287,540,540,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@'s app does not support calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." + } + }, + "Call.ReportPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",471,312,312,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "What went wrong?" + } + }, + "Call.Seconds": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",764,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ second", + "plural": "%@ seconds" + } + }, + "Call.StatusBusy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Busy" + } + }, + "Call.StatusConnecting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",157,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Connecting..." + } + }, + "Call.StatusEnded": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",157,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call Ended" + } + }, + "Call.StatusFailed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",157,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call Failed" + } + }, + "Call.StatusNoAnswer": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",157,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Answer" + } + }, + "Call.StatusOngoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram Audio %@" + } + }, + "Call.StatusRequesting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contacting..." + } + }, + "Call.StatusRinging": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ringing..." + } + }, + "Call.StatusWaiting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Waiting..." + } + }, + "Calls.NotNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",573,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Not Now" + } + }, + "Calls.RatingFeedback": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",467,315,315,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Write a comment..." + } + }, + "Calls.RatingTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",262,414,414,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please rate the quality
of your Telegram call" + } + }, + "Calls.SubmitRating": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",573,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Submit" + } + }, + "Chat.JumpToDate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",836,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Jump to Date" + } + }, + "Chat.MessageRangeDeleted.ForBothSides": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",765,428,428,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Messages for 1 day deleted for both sides.", + "plural": "Messages for %@ days deleted for both sides." + } + }, + "Chat.MessageRangeDeleted.ForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,336,336,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Messages for 1 day deleted.", + "plural": "Messages for %@ days deleted." + } + }, + "Chat.PanelCustomStatusInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",63,600,678,248,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This account uses %@ as a custom status next to its name. Such emoji statuses are available to all subscribers of Telegram Premium." + } + }, + "Chat.PanelUnpinAllMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",771,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unpin All Messages" + } + }, + "Chat.TitlePinnedMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",50,296,296,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pinned Message", + "plural": "%@ Pinned Messages" + } + }, + "ChatContextMenu.TextSelectionTip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",627,424,424,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold a word, then move cursor to select more| text to copy." + } + }, + "ChatList.ClearChatConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1171,803,803,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all
messages in the chat with %@?" + } + }, + "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribers": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",564,416,416,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for all subscribers" + } + }, + "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1629,551,551,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete just for me" + } + }, + "CloudStorage.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",431,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cloud Storage" + } + }, + "Common.Back": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Back" + } + }, + "Common.Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",790,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "Common.Close": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",187,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Close" + } + }, + "Common.Done": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",818,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Done" + } + }, + "Common.NotNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",533,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Not Now" + } + }, + "Common.Select": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",954,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select" + } + }, + "Conversation.AddContact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",108,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Contact" + } + }, + "Conversation.AddNameToContacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",79,331,331,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add %@ to Contacts" + } + }, + "Conversation.AddToContacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",82,289,289,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Contacts" + } + }, + "Conversation.AddToReadingList": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",604,420,420,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Reading List" + } + }, + "Conversation.BlockUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",773,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Block User" + } + }, + "Conversation.Bytes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",953,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%d B" + } + }, + "Conversation.Call": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearAll": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear Chat" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearPrivateHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",378,550,550,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud. Your chat partner will still have them." + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearSecretHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",400,507,507,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat for both you and your chat partner." + } + }, + "Conversation.ClearSelfHistory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",379,548,548,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud." + } + }, + "Conversation.CloudStorage.ChatStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "chat with yourself" + } + }, + "Conversation.CloudStorageInfo.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",414,313,313,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your Cloud Storage" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",312,574,574,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• Forward messages here to save them" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",356,536,536,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• Send media and files to store them" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",398,509,509,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• Access this chat from any device" + } + }, + "Conversation.ClousStorageInfo.Description4": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",428,505,505,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "• Use search to quickly find things" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuReply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",490,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reply" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuStickerPackAdd": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",488,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Stickers" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesFor": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",546,516,516,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for me and %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",731,295,295,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for me" + } + }, + "Conversation.Dice.u1F3B0": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,399,399,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send a slot machine emoji to try your luck." + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",481,342,342,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use end-to-end encryption" + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",497,370,370,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave no trace on our servers" + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",553,329,329,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Have a self-destruct timer" + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedDescription4": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",607,298,298,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do not allow forwarding" + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedDescriptionTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",477,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Secret chats:" + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleIncoming": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",272,400,400,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ invited you to join a secret chat." + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",389,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You invited %@ to join a Secret Chat." + } + }, + "Conversation.EncryptionWaiting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1614,737,737,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Waiting for %@ to get online..." + } + }, + "Conversation.GreetingText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",156,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send a message or tap on the greeting below." + } + }, + "Conversation.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Info" + } + }, + "Conversation.InputTextPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",845,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.InstantPagePreview": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",421,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "INSTANT VIEW" + } + }, + "Conversation.InteractiveEmojiSyncTip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",663,543,543,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If %@ had this chat open right now, they would also see the animation." + } + }, + "Conversation.LinkDialogCopy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",628,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy" + } + }, + "Conversation.LinkDialogOpen": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",535,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open" + } + }, + "Conversation.Mute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute" + } + }, + "Conversation.PeerNearbyText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",394,399,399,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send a message or tap on the greeting below to show that you are ready to chat." + } + }, + "Conversation.PeerNearbyTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",391,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ is %2$@ away" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinMessageAlertPin": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",446,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinMessagesFor": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",710,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin for me and %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinMessagesForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",766,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin for me" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinOlderMessageAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",296,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to pin an older message while leaving a more recent one pinned?" + } + }, + "Conversation.PinOlderMessageAlertTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",319,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.Report": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",108,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam" + } + }, + "Conversation.ReportSpam": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",719,281,281,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam" + } + }, + "Conversation.ReportSpamConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",381,618,618,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to report spam from this user?" + } + }, + "Conversation.SavedMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",42,328,328,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saved Messages" + } + }, + "Conversation.Search": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search" + } + }, + "Conversation.SearchNoResults": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",840,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Results" + } + }, + "Conversation.SecretLinkPreviewAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",366,540,540,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Would you like to enable extended link previews in Secret Chats? Note that link previews are generated on Telegram servers." + } + }, + "Conversation.SendMessage.SetReminder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",2066,406,406,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set a Reminder" + } + }, + "Conversation.SendMessageErrorFlood": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",262,560,560,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment." + } + }, + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindOn": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1651,840,840,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind on %@ at %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindToday": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1869,604,604,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind today at %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.SetReminder.RemindTomorrow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1765,710,710,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind tomorrow at %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.SetReminder.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1324,407,407,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set a Reminder" + } + }, + "Conversation.SlideToCancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1951,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Slide to cancel" + } + }, + "Conversation.StatusTyping": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "typing" + } + }, + "Conversation.StopLiveLocation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1555,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stop Sharing" + } + }, + "Conversation.Theme.PreviewDark": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",442,600,610,274,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap to view how %@ will see the chat when using night mode." + } + }, + "Conversation.Theme.PreviewLight": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",409,600,660,254,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap to view how %@ will see the chat when using day mode." + } + }, + "Conversation.Theme.Subtitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",654,385,385,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Theme will be also applied for %@" + } + }, + "Conversation.TitleUnmute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",101,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unmute" + } + }, + "Conversation.Unblock": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",844,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unblock" + } + }, + "Conversation.UserSendMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",900,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "SEND MESSAGE" + } + }, + "ConversationProfile.LeaveDeleteAndExit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",829,294,294,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete and Exit" + } + }, + "DialogList.AwaitingEncryption": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",789,473,473,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Waiting for %@ to come online..." + } + }, + "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",892,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear History" + } + }, + "DialogList.You": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",33,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You" + } + }, + "ENCRYPTION_REQUEST": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",167,542,542,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New secret chat request%1$@" + } + }, + "EncryptionKey.Description": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",396,640,700,256,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with %1$@.

If they look the same on %2$@'s device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed.

Learn more at" + } + }, + "EncryptionKey.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",43,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Encryption Key" + } + }, + "Forward.ChannelReadOnly": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",280,523,523,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't post to this channel." + } + }, + "Generic.ErrorMoreInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",511,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "More Info" + } + }, + "LastSeen.ALongTimeAgo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",51,364,364,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen a long time ago" + } + }, + "LastSeen.AtDate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen %@" + } + }, + "LastSeen.HoursAgo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",60,294,294,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen 1 hour ago", + "plural": "last seen %@ hours ago" + } + }, + "LastSeen.JustNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen just now" + } + }, + "LastSeen.Lately": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen recently" + } + }, + "LastSeen.MinutesAgo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",58,327,327,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen 1 minute ago", + "plural": "last seen %@ minutes ago" + } + }, + "LastSeen.Offline": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",44,366,366,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen a long time ago" + } + }, + "LastSeen.WithinAMonth": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",51,355,355,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen within a month" + } + }, + "LastSeen.WithinAWeek": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",56,338,338,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen within a week" + } + }, + "LastSeen.YesterdayAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",47,446,446,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen yesterday at %@" + } + }, + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.Description": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",313,399,399,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "For the alert to work, please share your live location in this chat." + } + }, + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.ShareLocation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",436,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Location" + } + }, + "Location.LiveLocationRequired.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Location" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityNotification.AlreadyClose": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",616,428,428,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You are already closer than %@" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceKM": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",574,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "km" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceM": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "m" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityNotification.Notify": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",665,378,378,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Notify me within %@" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityNotification.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",408,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Proximity Alert" + } + }, + "Location.ProximityTip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",214,355,355,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Alert when %@ is close" + } + }, + "MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",653,419,419,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$@ took a screenshot!" + } + }, + "MediaPicker.TimerTooltip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,582,582,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can now set a self-destruct timer" + } + }, + "Message.File": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",355,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "File" + } + }, + "Message.ForwardedMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",722,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwarded Message
From: %@" + } + }, + "Message.ImageExpired": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",764,295,295,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Photo has expired" + } + }, + "Message.VideoExpired": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",763,296,296,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video has expired" + } + }, + "MessageCalendar.DeleteAlertText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",522,582,582,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages for the selected day?", + "plural": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages for the selected %@ days?" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ day", + "plural": "%@ days" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",783,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ hour", + "plural": "%@ hours" + } + }, + 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Continue?" + } + }, + "OpenFile.Proceed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",478,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Proceed" + } + }, + "Peer.DeletedUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",153,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Deleted User" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.AddToContacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",476,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Contacts" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.BioExpand": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",720,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "more" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",287,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",288,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Message" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonMore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",288,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "More" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ButtonMute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",287,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",489,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to delete all messages with %@?" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.PaneGroups": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",640,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Groups" + } + }, + "Profile.AddToExisting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",534,504,504,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Existing Contact" + } + }, + "Profile.CreateNewContact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",512,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create New Contact" + } + }, + "Profile.EncryptionKey": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",602,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Encryption Key" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime1d": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1d" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime1h": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1h" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime1m": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1m" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime1w": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1w" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime2s": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "2s" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetime5s": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",842,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "5s" + } + }, + "Profile.MessageLifetimeForever": { + "url": 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",57,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disappearing GIF" + } + }, + "SecretImage.NotViewedYet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",536,600,600,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ hasn't opened this photo yet" + } + }, + "SecretImage.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",36,378,378,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disappearing Photo" + } + }, + "SecretTimer.ImageDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",216,640,646,276,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you set a timer, the photo will self-destruct after it was viewed." + } + }, + "SecretTimer.VideoDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",219,640,641,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you set a timer, the video will self-destruct after it is viewed." + } + }, + "SecretVideo.NotViewedYet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",854,477,477,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ hasn't played this video yet" + } + }, + "SecretVideo.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",36,376,376,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disappearing Video" + } + }, + "ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",573,510,510,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{name} scored %@ in {game}", + "plural": "{name} scored %@ in {game}" + } + }, + "ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",795,430,430,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You scored %@ in {game}", + "plural": "You scored %@ in {game}" + } + }, + "Share.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share" + } + }, + "Undo.ChatClearedForBothSides": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",825,347,347,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat cleared for both sides." + } + }, + "Undo.Undo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Undo" + } + }, + "UserInfo.BlockActionTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1798,343,343,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Block %@" + } + }, + "UserInfo.BlockConfirmationTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",805,1125,1181,268,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to block %@ from messaging and calling you on Telegram?" + } + }, + "UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.Chat.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",571,480,480,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact sent to **%@**." + } + }, + "UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",526,532,532,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact sent to **%@** and %@ other chats." + } + }, + "UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.SavedMessages.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",818,424,424,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact sent to **Saved Messages**." + } + }, + "UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",528,532,532,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact sent to **%@** and **%@**." + } + }, + "UserInfo.GroupsInCommon": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",614,356,356,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Groups In Common" + } + }, + "Watch.Conversation.Unblock": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",111,280,279,280,278", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unblock" + } + }, + "Watch.Conversation.UserInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",46,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Info" + } + }, + "Watch.LastSeen.JustNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",27,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "just now" + } + }, + "Watch.UserInfo.Unmute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",46,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unmute" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 9e26dfeeb6..c2d532a561 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1 +1,671 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "Call.CallInProgressMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",290,533,533,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End call with %1$@ and start a new one with %2$@?" + } + }, + "Call.CallInProgressTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",356,303,303,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Call in Progress" + } + }, + "Call.ConnectionErrorMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",279,555,555,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please check your internet connection and try again." + } + }, + "Call.ConnectionErrorTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",364,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unable to Call" + } + }, + "Call.Minutes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",146,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ minute", + "plural": "%@ minutes" + } + }, + "CancelResetAccount.TextSMS": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",100,719,770,262,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Somebody with access to your phone number %@ has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.

If it wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS to your number. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number** to a number you control." + } + }, + "CancelResetAccount.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",4,415,415,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel Account Reset" + } + }, + "ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",259,562,565,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this channel as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." + } + }, + "Common.Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",818,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "Common.ChoosePhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",691,308,308,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose Photo" + } + }, + "Conversation.ContextMenuCopy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",654,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy" + } + }, + "Conversation.PhoneCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",897,336,336,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Phone copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "Conversation.SendMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",155,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Message" + } + }, + "Conversation.ShareMyContactInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",197,412,412,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share My Contact Info" + } + }, + "Conversation.UnblockUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",828,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unblock User" + } + }, + "Conversation.UsernameCopied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",854,383,383,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Username copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "ConversationProfile.ErrorCreatingConversation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",358,355,355,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "An error occurred" + } + }, + "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesEmptyResult": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",337,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No emoji found" + } + }, + "EmojiSearch.SearchStatusesPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Search Statuses" + } + }, + "GroupInfo.ScamGroupWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",234,562,565,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this group as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." + } + }, + "LastSeen.TodayAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",317,570,570,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen today at %@" + } + }, + "MuteExpires.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",745,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "in 1 day", + "plural": "in %@ days" + } + }, + "MuteExpires.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",743,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "in 1 hour", + "plural": "in %@ hours" + } + }, + "MuteExpires.Minutes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "in 1 minute", + "plural": "in %@ minutes" + } + }, + "MuteFor.Days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",587,336,336,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for 1 day", + "plural": "Mute for %@ days" + } + }, + "MuteFor.Hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",485,356,356,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for 1 hour", + "plural": "Mute for %@ hours" + } + }, + "Notification.CallCanceled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",490,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Canceled Call" + } + }, + "Notification.CallIncoming": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",328,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Incoming Call" + } + }, + "Notification.CallOutgoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",286,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Outgoing Call" + } + }, + "Notification.Mute1h": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",417,326,326,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for 1 hour" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.ChangeEmojiStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",316,296,296,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Emoji Status" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.GiftPremium": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",766,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Gift Premium" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.SetEmojiStatus": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",322,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Set Emoji Status" + } + }, + "PeerStatusExpiration.AtDate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",285,386,386,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your status expires on %@" + } + }, + "PeerStatusExpiration.Minutes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",263,455,455,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your status expires in 1 minute", + "plural": "Your status expires in %@ minutes" + } + }, + "PeerStatusExpiration.TomorrowAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",239,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your status expires tomorrow at %@" + } + }, + "PeerStatusSetup.NoTimerTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",307,317,317,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Long tap to set a timer" + } + }, + "PhoneLabel.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",43,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Label" + } + }, + "Premium.Free": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Free" + } + }, + "Premium.IncreaseLimit": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",957,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Increase Limit" + } + }, + "Premium.LimitReached": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit Reached" + } + }, + "Premium.MaxAccountsText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",588,600,608,276,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** connected accounts. You can add more by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." + } + }, + "Premium.PersonalDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",218,600,621,272,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Owners of **Telegram Premium** accounts have exclusive access to multiple additional features." + } + }, + "Premium.PersonalTitle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",199,512,512,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "[%@]() is a subscriber
of Telegram Premium" + } + }, + "Premium.Premium": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Premium" + } + }, + "": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",178,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "online" + } + }, + "Preview.DeletePhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",715,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Photo" + } + }, + "Preview.SaveToCameraRoll": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",592,429,429,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Photos" + } + }, + "Profile.About": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",273,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "bio" + } + }, + "Profile.ShareContactButton": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",296,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Contact" + } + }, + "Profile.Username": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",361,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "username" + } + }, + "ReportPeer.ReportReaction": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",620,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Reaction" + } + }, + "Settings.ChangeProfilePhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",369,302,302,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Profile Photo" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.CalendarTooltip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",109,401,401,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap on this icon for calendar view" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.CommonGroupCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%@ group in common", + "plural": "%@ groups in common" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.FastScrollTooltip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",234,354,354,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can hold and move this bar for faster scrolling." + } + }, + "SharedMedia.FileCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",78,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 file", + "plural": "%@ files" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.GifCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 GIF", + "plural": "%@ GIFs" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.LinkCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 link", + "plural": "%@ links" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.MusicCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",74,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 music file", + "plural": "%@ music files" + } + }, + "SharedMedia.VoiceMessageCount": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 voice message", + "plural": "%@ voice messages" + } + }, + "UserInfo.AddContact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",564,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Contacts" + } + }, + "UserInfo.AddToExisting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,324,324,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Existing" + } + }, + "UserInfo.BlockConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1001,317,317,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Block %@?" + } + }, + "UserInfo.CreateNewContact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",512,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Create New Contact" + } + }, + "UserInfo.GenericPhoneLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",263,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "mobile" + } + }, + "UserInfo.NotificationsDefault": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1224,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Default" + } + }, + "UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",929,400,400,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Default (%@)" + } + }, + "UserInfo.NotificationsDisable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",714,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable" + } + }, + "UserInfo.NotificationsEnable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",349,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable" + } + }, + "UserInfo.PhoneCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",599,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Phone Call" + } + }, + "UserInfo.ScamBotWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",199,562,565,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money." + } + }, + "UserInfo.SendMessage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",497,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Message" + } + }, + "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",400,410,410,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share My Contact Info" + } + }, + "UserInfo.StartSecretChatConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",437,383,383,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to start a secret chat with
%@?" + } + }, + "UserInfo.StartSecretChatStart": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",580,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start" + } + }, + "UserInfo.TapToCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",152,649,649,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap to make an end-to-end encrypted call" + } + }, + "UserInfo.TelegramCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",496,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram Call" + } + }, + "UserInfo.TelegramVideoCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",546,285,285,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram Video Call" + } + }, + "UserInfo.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Info" + } + }, + "UserInfo.UnblockConfirmation": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",484,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unblock %@?" + } + }, + "Weekday.Yesterday": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",256,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Yesterday" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 9e26dfeeb6..fa9a7961eb 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ b/data/web_tr/ @@ -1 +1,570 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "Login.ConnectionError.Header": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",14,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Can't reach server" + } + }, + "Login.ConnectionError.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",23,657,657,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please check your internet connection and try again." + } + }, + "Login.ConnectionError.TryAgain": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",134,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Try Again" + } + }, + "Login.ConnectionError.UseProxy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",134,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use Proxy" + } + }, + "Login.ContinueOnLanguage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1024,412,412,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Continue in English" + } + }, + "Login.EnterCodeFromApp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",265,684,684,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We've sent the code to the Telegram app on your other devices." + } + }, + "Login.EnterPasswordDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",311,699,699,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have Two-Step Verification enabled, so your account is protected with an additional password." + } + }, + "Login.FloodWait": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",374,511,511,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Attempts exceeded, please try again later." + } + }, + "Login.Header.Code": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",130,354,354,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter Code" + } + }, + "Login.Header.Password": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",106,484,484,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter Password" + } + }, + "Login.Header.SignUp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sign Up" + } + }, + "Login.InvalidCountryCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",467,337,337,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invalid Country Code" + } + }, + "Login.JustSentSms": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",291,637,637,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We've sent you a code via SMS. Please enter it above." + } + }, + "Login.New.Cancel.Confirm": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",17,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel logging in and start over?" + } + }, + "Login.New.Code.CodeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We’ve sent the code to the Telegram app
for **%@** on your device · [Edit]()" + } + }, + "Login.New.Code.EnterCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",116,300,302,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Check your Telegram messages" + } + }, + "Login.New.Email.Footer": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",210,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unable to access [%@]()?" + } + }, + "Login.New.Email.Header": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",118,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Email code" + } + }, + "Login.New.Email.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",101,300,347,244,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Check your email and enter the 6-digit code we sent there to deactivate your cloud password." + } + }, + "Login.New.Password.Info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",99,300,350,240,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have two-step verification enabled, so your account is protected with an additional password." + } + }, + "Login.New.Password.Label": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",118,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your Password" + } + }, + "Login.New.PhoneNumber": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",112,300,336,250,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please confirm your country code
and enter your phone number." + } + }, + "Login.Next": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",742,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Next" + } + }, + "Login.PasswordForgot": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",211,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forgot password?" + } + }, + "Login.PhoneCalledCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",273,670,670,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We've just called your number. Please enter the code above." + } + }, + "Login.PhoneDialed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",410,439,439,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram dialed your number" + } + }, + "Login.PhoneNumberAlreadyAuthorized": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",20,600,600,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This account is already logged in from this app." + } + }, + "Login.PhoneNumberAlreadyAuthorized.Switch": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",127,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Switch" + } + }, + "Login.PhoneNumberNotRegistred": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",87,894,894,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This phone number isn't registered. If you don't have a Telegram account yet, please sign up on your mobile device." + } + }, + "Login.QR.Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",132,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Log in by phone Number" + } + }, + "Login.QR.Help1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",105,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Telegram on your phone" + } + }, + "Login.QR.Help2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",112,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Go to **Settings** > **Devices** > **Link Desktop Device**" + } + }, + "Login.QR.Help3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",120,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Point your phone at this screen to confirm login" + } + }, + "Login.QR.Login": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",124,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Log in by QR Code" + } + }, + "Login.QR.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Log in to Telegram by QR Code" + } + }, + "Login.QR1.Help1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",172,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Telegram on your phone" + } + }, + "Login.QR1.Help3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",200,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Point your phone at this screen to confirm login" + } + }, + "Login.QR2.Help2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",177,293,293,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Go to **Settings** → **Devices** → **Link Desktop Device**" + } + }, + "Login.RecoveryMailFailed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Since you didn't provide a recovery email when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account." + } + }, + "Login.ResetAccountDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You will lose all your Telegram chats, messages, media and files if you proceed with resetting your account." + } + }, + "Login.SendSmsIfNotReceivedAppCode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",470,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Didn't get the code?" + } + }, + "Login.Sms.AppErr": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",19,277,280,276,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you already signed up for Telegram, please enter the code which was sent to your mobile app via Telegram.

If you haven’t signed up yet, please register from your phone or tablet first." + } + }, + "Login.Sms.AppErr.GotoSite": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",56,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Site" + } + }, + "Login.WelcomeDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",232,605,605,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Welcome to the macOS application" + } + }, + "Login.YourCodeLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",354,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "your code" + } + }, + "Login.YourPasswordLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",436,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "your password" + } + }, + "Login.YourPhoneLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",274,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "your phone" + } + }, + "Login.codePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",352,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "code" + } + }, + "Login.countryLabel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "country" + } + }, + "Login.passwordPlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",436,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "password" + } + }, + "Login.willCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",460,443,443,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram will call you in %d:%@" + } + }, + "Login.willSendSms": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",312,586,586,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending you an SMS in %d:%@" + } + }, + "Modal.OK": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",405,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "OK" + } + }, + "PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",509,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Incorrect password" + } + }, + "PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",162,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Code expired, please start over." + } + }, + "PHONE_CODE_INVALID": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",430,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invalid code" + } + }, + "PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",644,318,318,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Invalid phone number" + } + }, + "Passcode.EnterPasscodePlaceholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",623,329,329,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter your passcode" + } + }, + "Passcode.Lost.Description": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",830,777,777,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you don't remember your passcode, you can [log out]()" + } + }, + "Passlock.EnterYourPasscode": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",495,399,399,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enter Your Passcode" + } + }, + "PeerInfo.Phone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "phone" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Accept": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Agree & Continue" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.ConfirmAge": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "I confirm that I am %@ or over." + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Disagree": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Decline" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Disagree.OK": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Decline & Delete" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Disagree.Text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unfortunately, there are no other options. Unlike other apps, Telegram does not use user data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. You can adjust how your data is used in Privacy and Security settings.

If you are not comfortable with Telegram's modest needs, it won't be possible for us to provide you with this service." + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Disagree.Text.Last": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Warning, this will irreversibly delete your Telegram account and all the data you store in the Telegram cloud.

Important: You can Cancel now and export your data first instead of losing it. (To do this, open the latest version of Telegram Desktop and go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.)" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Disagree.Text.Last.OK": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Now" + } + }, + "TermsOfService.ProceedBot": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Agree and proceed to %@." + } + }, + "TermsOfService.Title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",298,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Terms of Service" + } + }, + "TwoStepAuth.EnterPasswordHelp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",317,695,695,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have Two-Step Verification enabled, so your account is protected with an additional password." + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/web_tr/ b/data/web_tr/ index 9e26dfeeb6..fb1e57bf75 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/ +++ 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Source code is available on {github_link}." + } + }, + "lng_about_text3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",668,495,495,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Visit the {faq_link} for more info." + } + }, + "lng_about_text3_faq": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",795,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram FAQ" + } + }, + "lng_about_text_1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Official free messaging app based on [a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]
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Source code is available on [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a]." + } + }, + "lng_about_text_3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Visit {faq_open}Telegram FAQ{faq_close} for more info." + } + }, + "lng_about_version": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "version {version}" + } + }, + "lng_action_group_call_finished": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",431,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Live stream finished ({duration})" + } + }, + "lng_action_group_call_started": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",405,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{from} started {chat}" + } + }, + "lng_action_invite_user": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",454,285,285,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{from} invited {user} to {chat}" + } + }, + "lng_action_invite_user_chat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": 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Anyone who opens your profile will see this text." + } + }, + "lng_bio_placeholder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",392,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Bio" + } + }, + "lng_bio_title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Your Bio" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_already_blocked": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",215,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "already blocked" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_confirm_clear": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",714,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete this chat" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_confirm_ok": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",809,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Block" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_confirm_text": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",457,638,638,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to block {name} from messaging and calling you on Telegram?" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_confirm_title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",536,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Block {name}" + } + }, + "lng_blocked_list_not_found": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",282,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No users found." + } + }, + "lng_box_done": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",544,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Done" + } + }, + "lng_calendar_beginning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",600,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Beginning" + } + }, + "lng_call_bar_hangup": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",8,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End call" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_clear_all": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",82,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear All" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_clear_button": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",91,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_clear_sure": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",68,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to completely clear your calls log?" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_status_date": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",132,338,338,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{date} at {time}" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_status_group": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",166,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "({amount}) {status}" + } + }, + "lng_call_box_status_today": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",835,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{time}" + } + }, + "lng_call_cancelled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",800,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Canceled call" + } + }, + "lng_call_declined": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Declined call" + } + }, + "lng_call_duration_info": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",606,314,314,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{time}, {duration}" + } + }, + "lng_call_end_call": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",537,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End Call" + } + }, + "lng_call_error_audio_io": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",192,491,491,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "There seems to be a problem with your sound card. Please make sure that your computer's speakers and microphone are working and try again." + } + }, + "lng_call_error_outdated": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{user}'s app does not support calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." + } + }, + "lng_call_incoming": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",600,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Incoming call" + } + }, + "lng_call_leave_to_other_sure": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",301,599,599,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "End your active call and join this video chat?" + } + }, + "lng_call_leave_to_other_sure_channel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",117,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to end your active call and join a live stream in this channel?" + } + }, + "lng_call_missed": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",802,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Missed call" + } + }, + "lng_call_outgoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",703,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Outgoing call" + } + }, + "lng_call_rate_comment": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",524,333,333,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Comment (optional)" + } + }, + "lng_call_rate_label": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",221,662,662,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please rate the quality of your call" + } + }, + "lng_call_status_busy": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",645,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "line busy" + } + }, + "lng_call_status_connecting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",163,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "connecting..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_ended": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",632,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "call ended" + } + }, + "lng_call_status_exchanging": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",515,464,464,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "exchanging encryption keys..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_hanging": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",648,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "hanging up..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_incoming": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",638,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "is calling you..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_requesting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",646,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "requesting..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_ringing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",646,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "ringing..." + } + }, + "lng_call_status_waiting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",646,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "waiting..." + } + }, + "lng_call_type_and_duration": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",618,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{type} ({duration})" + } + }, + "lng_cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",778,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "lng_channels_too_much_public_about": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",98,697,697,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking the link from an older group or channel, or create a private one instead." + } + }, + "lng_channels_too_much_public_revoke": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",331,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoke" + } + }, + "lng_channels_too_much_public_revoke_confirm_channel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,633,633,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to revoke the link {link}?

The channel «{group}» will become private." + } + }, + "lng_channels_too_much_public_revoke_confirm_group": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",269,633,633,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to revoke the link {link}?

The group «{group}» will become private." + } + }, + "lng_chat_status_members": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",32,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{count} member", + "plural": "{count} members" + } + }, + "lng_choose_file": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose a file" + } + }, + "lng_choose_files": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",188,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose Files" + } + }, + "lng_cloud_password_reset_with_email": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",118,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you don't have access to your recovery email, your remaining options are either to remember your password or wait 7 days until your password resets." + } + }, + "lng_comments_header": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{count} comment", + "plural": "{count} comments" + } + }, + "lng_comments_header_none": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Comments" + } + }, + "lng_confirm_contact_data": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",331,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Contact" + } + }, + "lng_confirm_phone_link_invalid": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",321,530,530,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This link is broken or expired." + } + }, + "lng_connecting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",946,277,276,278,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Connecting..." + } + }, + "lng_contact_not_joined": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",253,749,749,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unfortunately {name} has not joined Telegram yet, but you can send them an invitation.

We will notify you when any of your contacts join Telegram." + } + }, + "lng_contact_phone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",633,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Phone Number" + } + }, + "lng_contact_share_phone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",52,310,310,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share my phone number" + } + }, + "lng_contacts_header": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",37,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Contacts" + } + }, + "lng_contacts_loading": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",237,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Loading..." + } + }, + "lng_contacts_not_found": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",235,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No contacts found" + } + }, + "lng_context_clear_selection": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1173,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Clear 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Would you like to try again?" + } + }, + "lng_edit_caption_attach": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",317,455,455,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't attach new media while editing a message." + } + }, + "lng_edit_deleted": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",458,386,386,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This message was deleted" + } + }, + "lng_edit_error": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",305,465,465,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't edit this message." + } + }, + "lng_edit_photo_editor_hint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",76,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Left-click on the photo to edit." + } + }, + "lng_edited_date": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",698,527,520,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Edited: {date}" + } + }, + "lng_emoji_category0": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",145,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Frequently used" + } + }, + "lng_enter_contact_data": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",327,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "New Contact" + } + }, + "lng_error_nocopy_group": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, copying from this group is disabled by admins." + } + }, + "lng_error_post_link_invalid": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",335,429,429,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Unfortunately, you can't access this message. You aren't a member of the chat where it was posted." + } + }, + "lng_export_about_frequent": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,2026,1060,258,136", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This rating shows which people you are likelier to message frequently. Telegram uses this data to populate the 'People' box at the top of the Search section. This rating is also calculated for inline bots so that the app can suggest the bots you are most likely to use in the attachment menu (or when you start a new message with \"@\").

To delete this data, go to Settings > Privacy & Security and disable 'Suggest Frequent Contacts' (requires Telegram for iOS v.4.8.3 or Telegram for Android v.4.8.10 or higher)." + } + }, + "lng_export_about_web_sessions": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,1011,586,280,162", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "We store this to display the websites where you logged in using authentication via Telegram. This information is shown in Settings > Privacy & Security > Active Sessions." + } + }, + "lng_export_state_gif": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Animated GIF" + } + }, + "lng_export_state_photo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Photo" + } + }, + "lng_export_state_sticker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sticker" + } + }, + "lng_export_state_video_file": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Video file" + } + }, + "lng_export_state_video_message": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Round video message" + } + }, + "lng_export_state_voice_message": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Voice message" + } + }, + "lng_faved_stickers_add": { + 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Add them to the group?" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_add_to_group_one": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",224,489,489,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{user} isn't a member of «{group}». Add them to the group?" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_add_to_group_some": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",219,508,508,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Some of those users aren't members of «{group}». Add them to the group?" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_connecting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",689,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Connecting..." + } + }, + "lng_group_call_context_mute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",217,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_context_mute_for_me": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",87,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Mute for me" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_context_unmute": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",246,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow to speak" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_create_sure": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",415,471,471,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Start a video chat in this group?" + } + }, + "lng_group_call_duration_days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{count} 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Please update to the latest version in Settings > Advanced, or install it from {link}. If you are already using the latest version, this message might depend on a feature that is not yet implemented." + } + }, + "lng_minimize_to_tray": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",37,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Minimize to Tray" + } + }, + "lng_month7": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",253,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "July" + } + }, + "lng_month_day": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",252,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{month} {day}" + } + }, + "lng_month_day1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",97,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "January" + } + }, + "lng_month_day10": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",92,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "October" + } + }, + "lng_month_day11": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",304,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "November" + } + }, + "lng_month_day12": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "December" + } + }, + "lng_month_day2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",821,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "February" + } + }, + "lng_month_day3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",470,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "March" + } + }, + "lng_month_day4": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",123,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "April" + } + }, + "lng_month_day5": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",102,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "May" + } + }, + "lng_month_day6": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",132,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "June" + } + }, + "lng_month_day7": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1038,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "July" + } + }, + "lng_month_day8": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",250,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "August" + } + }, + "lng_month_day9": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "September" + } + }, + "lng_mute_box_tip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",211,602,602,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose for how long you would like to turn off notifications for the following chat" + } + }, + "lng_mute_duration_days": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",722,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "For {count} day", + "plural": "For {count} days" + } + }, + "lng_mute_duration_forever": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",789,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forever" + } + }, + "lng_mute_duration_hours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",509,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "For {count} hour", + "plural": "For {count} hours" + } + }, + "lng_new_authorization": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",322,961,961,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{name},
We detected a login to your account from a new device on {day}, {date} at {time}.

Device: {device}
Location: {location}

If this wasn't you, you can go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Show all sessions and terminate that session.

If you think that somebody logged in to your account against your will, you can enable Two-Step Verification in Privacy and Security settings.

The Telegram Team" + } + }, + "lng_new_version_minor": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "— Bug fixes and other minor improvements" + } + }, + "lng_new_version_wrap": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}


Full version history is available here:
{link}" + } + }, + "lng_no_chats": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",118,340,340,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your chats will be here" + } + }, + "lng_no_chats_filter": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",125,352,352,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No chats currently belong to this folder." + } + }, + "lng_no_contacts": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",212,319,319,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have no contacts" + } + }, + "lng_notification_hide_all": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",332,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide all" + } + }, + "lng_notification_preview": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",39,324,324,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You have a new message" + } + }, + "lng_notification_reminder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",19,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reminder" + } + }, + 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This doesn't reveal any of your Telegram traffic." + } + }, + "lng_proxy_unsupported": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",342,526,526,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Your Telegram Desktop version doesn't support this proxy type or the proxy link is invalid. Please update Telegram Desktop to the latest version." + } + }, + "lng_quit_from_tray": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",97,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Quit Telegram" + } + }, + "lng_reconnecting": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",924,280,276,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reconnect in {count} s...", + "plural": "Reconnect in {count} s..." + } + }, + "lng_reconnecting_try_now": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",924,280,276,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Try now" + } + }, + "lng_record_hold_tip": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Please hold the mouse button pressed to record a voice message." + } + }, + "lng_record_listen_cancel_sure": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",186,337,337,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to discard your recorded voice message?" + } + }, + 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voice message" + } + }, + "lng_save_audio_file": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",26,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Audio File" + } + }, + "lng_save_file": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",187,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save File" + } + }, + "lng_save_photo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",26,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Image" + } + }, + "lng_save_video": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",190,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Video" + } + }, + "lng_saved_forward_here": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",247,591,591,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Forward messages here for quick access" + } + }, + "lng_schedule_at": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",668,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "at" + } + }, + "lng_schedule_button": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": 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",66,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No scheduled messages here yet..." + } + }, + "lng_scheduled_send_now": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",637,309,309,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send message now?" + } + }, + "lng_scheduled_send_now_many": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",617,348,348,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send {count} message now?", + "plural": "Send {count} messages now?" + } + }, + "lng_scheduled_send_until_online": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",225,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send when online" + } + }, + "lng_selected_clear": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",578,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "lng_selected_delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",20,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete" + } + }, + "lng_selected_send_now": { + "url": 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"has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This game was opened from a different user." + } + }, + "lng_signup_firstname": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",434,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "First name" + } + }, + "lng_signup_lastname": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",532,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Last name" + } + }, + "lng_spellchecker_add": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",654,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Dictionary" + } + }, + "lng_spellchecker_ignore": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",698,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Ignore word" + } + }, + "lng_spellchecker_remove": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",821,331,331,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove from Dictionary" + } + }, + "lng_spellchecker_submenu": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",755,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, 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Sponsored messages on Telegram are based solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored messages.

Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that.

Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:" + } + }, + "lng_sponsored_info_description2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",306,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed.

Online ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how a tech company should operate – together." + } + }, + "lng_sponsored_title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",10,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "What are sponsored messages?" + } + }, + "lng_status_lastseen_minutes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "last seen {count} minute ago", + "plural": "last seen {count} minutes ago" + } + }, + "lng_status_service_notifications": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "service notifications" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_add_masks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",279,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Add masks" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_archived_tab": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Archived" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_copied": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",247,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Link copied to clipboard." + } + }, + "lng_stickers_featured_tab": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Trending" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_has_been_archived": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",62,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sticker pack has been archived." + } + }, + "lng_stickers_installed_tab": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Stickers" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_masks_pack": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This is a set of masks. Masks are only supported by mobile versions of Telegram." + } + }, + "lng_stickers_masks_tab": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",6,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Masks" + } + }, + "lng_stickers_packs_archived": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",493,731,731,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Some of your unused stickers were archived to make room for the sets you activated." + } + }, + "lng_stickers_share_masks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",279,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Masks" + } + }, + "lng_sure_enable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",798,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable" + } + }, + "lng_sure_enable_socks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",270,652,652,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to enable this proxy?

Server: {server}
Port: {port}

You can change your proxy server later in Settings > Advanced > Connection Type." + } + }, + "lng_switch_masks": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",30,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Masks" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_background_image": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",247,372,372,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Background Image" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_cant_change_theme": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",337,674,674,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't apply a new theme while editing the color palette. Please close the theme editor first." + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_choose_image": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",192,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose Background Image" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_choose_name": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",272,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Theme File" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_done": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",380,436,436,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Theme exported successfully!" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_export": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",647,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Export" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_export_button": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",929,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Export theme" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_new_keys": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",268,436,436,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Not in the palette yet" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_no_keys": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",99,406,406,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No keys in the palette yet" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_read_from_jpg": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",335,314,314,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "JPEG image, {size}" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_read_from_png": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",345,287,287,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "PNG image, {size}" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_save_palette": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",288,278,280,278,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save Palette File" + } + }, + "lng_theme_editor_saved_to_jpg": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",317,357,357,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saved to JPEG, {size}" + } + }, + "lng_theme_no_desktop": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",204,495,495,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this theme doesn't include a version for Telegram Desktop." + } + }, + "lng_theme_no_desktop_version": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": "ttps://", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this theme doesn't include a version for Telegram Desktop." + } + }, + "lng_theme_preview_apply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",906,337,337,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Apply this theme" + } + }, + "lng_theme_preview_generating": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",363,540,540,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Generating color theme preview..." + } + }, + "lng_theme_preview_title": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",5,282,282,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Theme Preview" + } + }, + "lng_try_other_contact": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",739,330,330,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Try someone else" + } + }, + "lng_ttl_about_duration3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",164,279,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "1 month" + } + }, + "lng_unread_bar": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",81,303,303,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{count} Unread Message", + "plural": "{count} Unread Messages" + } + }, + "lng_update_telegram": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",991,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Update Telegram" + } + }, + "lng_user_action_choose_sticker": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",8,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "{user} is choosing a sticker" + } + }, + "lng_user_action_watching_animations": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "watching {emoji}" + } + }, + "lng_username_link": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",505,491,491,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This link opens a chat with you:" + } + }, + "lng_username_not_found": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",339,651,651,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Username @{user} not found." + } + }, + "lng_view_button_background": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View background" + } + }, + "lng_view_button_theme": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",300,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "View theme" + } + }, + "lng_willbe_history": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",254,374,374,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Select a chat to start messaging" + } + }, + "lng_wnd_menu_redo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Redo" + } + }, + "lng_wnd_menu_undo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",182,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Undo" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file