We found someone's letter to Santa and implemented everything on the list:
Hidden Media
Media with spoiler effects. You can wrap photos and videos you send in a fuzzy cover by selecting media in the attachment menu and tapping (⋯) > Hide With Spoiler.
Zero Storage Usage
Auto-remove cached media. You can choose how long cached media is kept in Private Chats, Groups, and Channels – and add exceptions for specific chats.
Removing media by type. Separate tabs with Media, Files, and Music from all chats let you quickly clear the largest files.
Pie charts. The new design helps you see what's taking up space.
Dwarves with calculators. Cache size is now calculated a lot faster.
Reminder: All cached media you remove remains accessible in the cloud and can be re-downloaded if needed.
Profile Pictures for Your Contacts
Setting pictures for your contacts. You can choose your own picture for a contact – only you will see it on their profile.
Suggested profile pictures. When editing your contacts, you can suggest a photo for their profile. It will take them just two taps to add the picture you suggested.
Public profile pictures. If you only allow certain users to see your profile photos, you can set a public picture for everyone else.
Ultimate profile picture privacy. You can set 'Who can see my profile photos' to 'Nobody' and add some users or groups as exceptions.
Hiding Members in Large Groups
Member list privacy. Owners of large groups can hide the list of members.
The letter also mentioned taking over the world and a puppy, but we hope the real Santa will be able to handle that – now that we've done the rest.
9.2.1 2022-12-09
Global Auto-Delete
diff --git a/data/web/osx.telegram.org/updates/versions.xml b/data/web/osx.telegram.org/updates/versions.xml
index beed676824..c645bb0750 100644
--- a/data/web/osx.telegram.org/updates/versions.xml
+++ b/data/web/osx.telegram.org/updates/versions.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
Telegram macOS
+HIDDEN MEDIA, ZERO STORAGE USAGE, NEW DRAWING TOOLS, PROFILE PICTURES FOR YOUR CONTACTS, AND PUPPIES<br><br>We found someone's letter to Santa and implemented everything on the list:<br><br>Hidden Media<br><br>• Media with spoiler effects. You can wrap photos and videos you send in a fuzzy cover by selecting media in the attachment menu and tapping (⋯) > Hide With Spoiler.<br><br>Zero Storage Usage<br><br>• Auto-remove cached media. You can choose how long cached media is kept in Private Chats, Groups, and Channels – and add exceptions for specific chats.<br><br>• Removing media by type. Separate tabs with Media, Files, and Music from all chats let you quickly clear the largest files. <br><br>• Pie charts. The new design helps you see what's taking up space. <br><br>• Dwarves with calculators. Cache size is now calculated a lot faster.<br><br>• Reminder: All cached media you remove remains accessible in the cloud and can be re-downloaded if needed. <br><br>Profile Pictures for Your Contacts<br> <br>• Setting pictures for your contacts. You can choose your own picture for a contact – only you will see it on their profile.<br> <br>• Suggested profile pictures. When editing your contacts, you can suggest a photo for their profile. It will take them just two taps to add the picture you suggested.<br><br>• Public profile pictures. If you only allow certain users to see your profile photos, you can set a public picture for everyone else. <br><br>• Ultimate profile picture privacy. You can set 'Who can see my profile photos' to 'Nobody' and add some users or groups as exceptions.<br><br>Hiding Members in Large Groups<br><br>• Member list privacy. Owners of large groups can hide the list of members. <br><br>The letter also mentioned taking over the world and a puppy, but we hope the real Santa will be able to handle that – now that we've done the rest.
+2022-30-12 16:12:54
+Telegram macOSGLOBAL AUTO-DELETE, TOPICS 2.0 AND MUCH MORE<br><br>Global Auto-Delete<br>• You can set a Global Auto-Delete Timer for all new chats and groups you create.<br>• New messages will be deleted after 1 day, week, month – or a custom duration you choose.<br>• The new menu in Settings > Privacy and Security > Auto-Delete Messages also lets you set up Auto-Delete for any of your existing chats faster.<br><br>Topics 2.0<br>• Admins of groups with 100+ members can organize discussions into separate topics.<br><br>Topics 2.0: Navigation<br>• Topics now have a two-column layout that keeps recent chats easily accessible as you browse topics.<br>• Previews of topic messages in the chat list work like a button – tap to jump to the message or hold to preview the topic.<br>• When in a topic, you can hold the 'Back' button to go back to All Chats.<br><br>Topics 2.0: Organization<br>• Up to 5 topics can be pinned to the top of the list.<br>• Each topic now supports multiple pinned messages.<br>• The 'View as Messages' mode now shows which topic each message belongs to.<br>• Badge counters for topics you never opened will have a lighter, less distracting color.<br><br>Topics 2.0: General Topic<br>• A new 'General' topic is now included by default, containing service messages and the earlier message history from the group.<br>• Admins can rename the General topic or hide it in the topic list.<br><br>Aggressive Anti-Spam for Groups<br>• Large groups can enable 'Aggressive Filtering' in Group Info > Administrators to remove more spam with automated algorithms.<br>• Admins help improve filtering by reporting any false positives in 'Recent Actions'.2022-09-12 17:55:22