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- WebK1177 + WebK1541

@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
diff --git a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted.json b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted.json index 0a6941a5e9..b6cdac0fbf 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted.json @@ -31,6 +31,62 @@ "singular": "un1 joined the group" } }, + "ActionAttachMenuBotAllowed": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionAttachMenuBotAllowed", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you added it to your attachment menu." + } + }, + "ActionBotAllowedRequest": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionBotAllowedRequest", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You allowed this bot to message you when you accepted its request." + } + }, + "ActionBotWebViewData": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionBotWebViewData", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Data from the \"%1$s\" button was transferred to the bot." + } + }, + "ActionGiftInbound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionGiftInbound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "un1 sent you a gift for **un2**" + } + }, + "ActionGiftOutbound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionGiftOutbound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You have sent a gift for **un2**" + } + }, + "ActionGiftPremiumSubtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionGiftPremiumSubtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "for %1$s" + } + }, + "ActionGiftPremiumTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionGiftPremiumTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram Premium" + } + }, "ActionTTLChanged": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ActionTTLChanged", "photo_url": null, @@ -119,6 +175,22 @@ "singular": "You scored %1$s in un2" } }, + "AddBannedErrorAdmin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddBannedErrorAdmin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't ban this user because they are an admin in this group and you are not allowed to demote them." + } + }, + "AddBot": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddBot", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Bot" + } + }, "AddContact": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddContact", "photo_url": null, @@ -199,6 +271,14 @@ "singular": "ADD %1$s" } }, + "AddToChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddToChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Channel" + } + }, "AddToFavorites": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddToFavorites", "photo_url": null, @@ -207,6 +287,14 @@ "singular": "Add to Favorites" } }, + "AddToGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddToGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add to Group" + } + }, "AddedToFavorites": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AddedToFavorites", "photo_url": null, @@ -215,6 +303,14 @@ "singular": "Sticker added to Favorites." } }, + "Alert.BotAppDoesntExist": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Alert.BotAppDoesntExist", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this application doesn't exist." + } + }, "Alert.Confirm.Discard": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Alert.Confirm.Discard", "photo_url": null, @@ -288,6 +384,22 @@ "singular": "Reset to Defaults" } }, + "ApproveNewMembers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ApproveNewMembers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Request Admin Approval" + } + }, + "ApproveNewMembersDescription": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ApproveNewMembersDescription", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin." + } + }, "ArchiveAndMute": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ArchiveAndMute", "photo_url": null, @@ -304,6 +416,22 @@ "singular": "Automatically archive and mute new chats, groups and channels from non-contacts." } }, + "ArchivePeerStories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ArchivePeerStories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide Stories" + } + }, + "ArchivedStories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ArchivedStories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Archived Stories" + } + }, "AreYouSureBlockContact2": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/AreYouSureBlockContact2", "photo_url": null, @@ -632,6 +760,22 @@ "singular": "bot" } }, + "BotAlreadyAddedToAttachMenu": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotAlreadyAddedToAttachMenu", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This bot is already added to your attachment menu." + } + }, + "BotCantAddToAttachMenu": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotCantAddToAttachMenu", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." + } + }, "BotInfoTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotInfoTitle", "photo_url": null, @@ -640,6 +784,30 @@ "singular": "What can this bot do?" } }, + "BotOpenPageMessage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotOpenPageMessage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$s** would like to open its web app to proceed.

It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info." + } + }, + "BotOpenPageTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotOpenPageTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open page" + } + }, + "BotRequestAttachPermission": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotRequestAttachPermission", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$s** requests to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat." + } + }, "BotRestart": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotRestart", "photo_url": null, @@ -680,6 +848,46 @@ "singular": "RESTART" } }, + "BotWebViewChangesMayNotBeSaved": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotWebViewChangesMayNotBeSaved", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Changes that you made may not be saved." + } + }, + "BotWebViewCloseAnyway": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotWebViewCloseAnyway", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Close anyway" + } + }, + "BotWebViewDeleteBot": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotWebViewDeleteBot", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove from Menu" + } + }, + "BotWebViewOpenBot": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotWebViewOpenBot", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Bot" + } + }, + "BotWebViewReloadPage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/BotWebViewReloadPage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reload Page" + } + }, "Call": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Call", "photo_url": null, @@ -896,6 +1104,87 @@ "singular": "Outgoing Video Call" } }, + "CanJoin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CanJoin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "", + "plural": "%1$d can join" + } + }, + "CancelPollAlertText": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CancelPollAlertText", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard this poll?" + } + }, + "CancelPollAlertTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CancelPollAlertTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard poll?" + } + }, + "Channel.Admin.AdminAccess": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.Admin.AdminAccess", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This admin will be able to add new admins with equal or fewer rights." + } + }, + "Channel.Admin.AdminRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.Admin.AdminRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This admin will not be able to add new admins." + } + }, + "Channel.Admin.Dismiss": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.Admin.Dismiss", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Dismiss Admin" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.ManageCalls": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.EditAdmin.ManageCalls", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage Video Chats" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.ManageTopics": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.EditAdmin.ManageTopics", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage Topics" + } + }, + "Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteSubscribers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionInviteSubscribers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Subscribers" + } + }, + "Channel.Persmission.MessageBlock": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.Persmission.MessageBlock", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Text is not Allowed" + } + }, "Channel.UsernameAboutChannel": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Channel.UsernameAboutChannel", "photo_url": null, @@ -904,6 +1193,46 @@ "singular": "People can share this link with others and can find your channel using Telegram search." } }, + "ChannelAddSubscribers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelAddSubscribers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Subscribers" + } + }, + "ChannelAntiSpam": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelAntiSpam", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Aggressive Anti-Spam" + } + }, + "ChannelAntiSpamInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelAntiSpamInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram will filter more spam, but may occasionally affect ordinary messages. You can report False Positives in Recent Actions." + } + }, + "ChannelBlacklist": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelBlacklist", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed Users" + } + }, + "ChannelBlockUser": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelBlockUser", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove User" + } + }, "ChannelBroadcast": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelBroadcast", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/a0ca244dcdd/23e17c6858bb51962accc17.jpg?c=61,765,280,280,280,280", @@ -912,6 +1241,14 @@ "singular": "Broadcast" } }, + "ChannelCreator": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelCreator", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Owner" + } + }, "ChannelDelete": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelDelete", "photo_url": null, @@ -920,6 +1257,22 @@ "singular": "Delete Channel" } }, + "ChannelHideMembers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelHideMembers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide Members" + } + }, + "ChannelHideMembersInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelHideMembersInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Switch on to hide the list of members in this group. Admins will remain visible." + } + }, "ChannelJoin": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelJoin", "photo_url": null, @@ -936,6 +1289,14 @@ "singular": "Are you sure you want to leave **%1$s**?" } }, + "ChannelLinkInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelLinkInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your channel by following this link." + } + }, "ChannelMegaJoined": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelMegaJoined", "photo_url": null, @@ -992,6 +1353,14 @@ "singular": "Sign Messages" } }, + "ChannelSignMessagesInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelSignMessagesInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add names of admins to the messages they post" + } + }, "ChannelSilentBroadcast": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelSilentBroadcast", "photo_url": null, @@ -1000,6 +1369,14 @@ "singular": "Silent Broadcast" } }, + "ChannelTopicsDiscussionForbidden": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelTopicsDiscussionForbidden", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Topics are not yet available in the discussion groups of channels." + } + }, "ChannelVisibility.Confirm.MakePrivate.Channel": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChannelVisibility.Confirm.MakePrivate.Channel", "photo_url": null, @@ -1094,6 +1471,38 @@ "plural": "Show Captions" } }, + "Chat.ChannelBadge": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.ChannelBadge", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "channel" + } + }, + "Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Channel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Channel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam and Leave Channel?" + } + }, + "Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Group": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Group", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam and Leave Group?" + } + }, + "Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Header": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Confirm.ReportSpam.Header", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Spam" + } + }, "Chat.Confirm.Unpin": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Confirm.Unpin", "photo_url": null, @@ -1151,6 +1560,15 @@ "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?" } }, + "Chat.Header.RequestToJoin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Header.RequestToJoin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d Join Request", + "plural": "%d Join Requests" + } + }, "Chat.Input.ReplyToAnswer": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Input.ReplyToAnswer", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2dd00806647/a9b1068566a8f825192dc17.jpg?c=109,671,383,383,280,280", @@ -1183,6 +1601,14 @@ "singular": "Unlike other apps, Telegram never uses your private data to target ads. Sponsored messages on Telegram are based solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored messages.

Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that.

Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:


Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed.

Online ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how a tech company should operate – together." } }, + "Chat.Message.SendMessage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Message.SendMessage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "SEND MESSAGE" + } + }, "Chat.Message.Sponsored.What": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Message.Sponsored.What", "photo_url": null, @@ -1191,6 +1617,14 @@ "singular": "What are sponsored messages?" } }, + "Chat.Message.ViewApp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Message.ViewApp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "OPEN APP" + } + }, "Chat.Message.ViewBot": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Message.ViewBot", "photo_url": null, @@ -1215,6 +1649,14 @@ "singular": "VIEW GROUP" } }, + "Chat.OwnerBadge": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.OwnerBadge", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "owner" + } + }, "Chat.Poll.SubmitVote": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Poll.SubmitVote", "photo_url": null, @@ -1546,6 +1988,38 @@ "singular": "You have just successfully transferred **%1$@** to **%2$@** via recurrent payments" } }, + "Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Ok": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Ok", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send" + } + }, + "Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Permission": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Permission", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to send %1$@ to %2$@? This will also add %3$@ to %4$@ with the following rights: %5$@" + } + }, + "Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Plain": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Service.PeerRequest.Confirm.Plain", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to send %1$@ to %2$@?" + } + }, + "Chat.Service.PeerRequested": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Service.PeerRequested", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You shared %1$@ with %2$@." + } + }, "Chat.Service.TopicEdited.Mixed": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Service.TopicEdited.Mixed", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/f5e80c9903d/06ed012b32298babbde9c17.jpg?c=48,452,503,503,280,280", @@ -1668,6 +2142,30 @@ "plural": "Do you want to unpin all %d messages in this chat?" } }, + "Chat.Voice.Transribe.Error": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.Voice.Transribe.Error", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No speech detected" + } + }, + "Chat.VoiceChat.JoinLink.Participants_ZeroValueHolder": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Chat.VoiceChat.JoinLink.Participants_ZeroValueHolder", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no one joined yet" + } + }, + "ChatAdmin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatAdmin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "admin" + } + }, "ChatHistory": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatHistory", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5ce06e5eadf/b822f91af48c33d9b4f0e17.jpg?c=73,532,431,431,280,280", @@ -1756,6 +2254,14 @@ "singular": "Your chats will appear here" } }, + "ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.A": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.A", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Switch to A version" + } + }, "ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.Webogram": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.Webogram", "photo_url": null, @@ -1876,6 +2382,22 @@ "singular": "You scheduled a video chat for %2$@" } }, + "ChatList.SharedFolder.Subtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatList.SharedFolder.Subtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Tap here to view them" + } + }, + "ChatList.SharedFolder.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatList.SharedFolder.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**You can join %s**" + } + }, "ChatLocation": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatLocation", "photo_url": null, @@ -2012,6 +2534,24 @@ "singular": "Groups nearby" } }, + "ChatsNew": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatsNew", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d new chat", + "plural": "%d new chats" + } + }, + "ChatsSelected": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ChatsSelected", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d chat selected", + "plural": "%d chats selected" + } + }, "Checkout.2FA.Text": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Checkout.2FA.Text", "photo_url": null, @@ -2108,6 +2648,30 @@ "singular": "Clear recent stickers" } }, + "Close": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Close", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Close" + } + }, + "CloseFriendsTooltip": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CloseFriendsTooltip", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You are seeing this story because you have been added to %s's list of close friends." + } + }, + "CloseFriendsTooltipYou": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CloseFriendsTooltipYou", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only people from you close friends list will see this story." + } + }, "CloseTopic": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CloseTopic", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/182c649dba7/658757bef8a689b88182817.jpg?c=147,316,280,280,280,280", @@ -2156,6 +2720,14 @@ "singular": "Reconnect in %ds, %s" } }, + "ConnectionStatus.ReconnectInPlain": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ConnectionStatus.ReconnectInPlain", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reconnect in %ds" + } + }, "ConnectionStatus.Reconnecting": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ConnectionStatus.Reconnecting", "photo_url": null, @@ -2237,6 +2809,14 @@ "singular": "Choose topic name" } }, + "CreateNewLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CreateNewLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a New Link" + } + }, "CreateTopicTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/CreateTopicTitle", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0936c8c7396/71f6bd283b71fa53c55c617.jpg?c=10,68,434,434,280,280", @@ -2278,6 +2858,14 @@ "plural": "%1$d days" } }, + "DaysShortAgo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DaysShortAgo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%dd ago" + } + }, "Deactivated.Subtitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Deactivated.Subtitle", "photo_url": null, @@ -2310,6 +2898,22 @@ "singular": "WebK has updated..." } }, + "DeleteAllFrom": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteAllFrom", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete all from %1$s" + } + }, + "DeleteAllRevokedLinks": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteAllRevokedLinks", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete All Revoked Links" + } + }, "DeleteAndExitButton": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteAndExitButton", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/5ce06e5eadf/b822f91af48c33d9b4f0e17.jpg?c=84,698,340,340,280,280", @@ -2318,6 +2922,14 @@ "singular": "Delete and Leave Group" } }, + "DeleteBanUser": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteBanUser", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Ban user" + } + }, "DeleteForAll": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteForAll", "photo_url": null, @@ -2342,6 +2954,14 @@ "singular": "Remove from Recent" } }, + "DeleteLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Link" + } + }, "DeleteMessagesOption": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteMessagesOption", "photo_url": null, @@ -2366,6 +2986,14 @@ "singular": "Delete %1$s" } }, + "DeleteReportSpam": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteReportSpam", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Report spam" + } + }, "DeleteSelectedTopic": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteSelectedTopic", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b0a74082323/365fac2a33c9ddda6609717.jpg?c=57,289,486,486,280,280", @@ -2382,6 +3010,47 @@ "singular": "Delete message" } }, + "DeleteStoriesSubtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteStoriesSubtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete %d story?", + "plural": "Are you sure you want to delete %d stories?" + } + }, + "DeleteStoriesTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteStoriesTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Stories" + } + }, + "DeleteStorySubtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteStorySubtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this story?" + } + }, + "DeleteStoryTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteStoryTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Story" + } + }, + "DeleteThisChat": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteThisChat", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete this chat" + } + }, "DeleteTopics": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeleteTopics", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/b0a74082323/365fac2a33c9ddda6609717.jpg?c=134,339,280,280,280,280", @@ -2407,6 +3076,14 @@ "singular": "Description (optional)" } }, + "DeselectAll": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DeselectAll", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "deselect all" + } + }, "Devices": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Devices", "photo_url": null, @@ -2439,6 +3116,14 @@ "singular": "Members of the group can’t add any reactions to messages." } }, + "Discard": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Discard", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard" + } + }, "DiscardVoiceMessageAction": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscardVoiceMessageAction", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/6a391c70ca3/b77f2faff93e5476c246b17.jpg?c=257,470,280,280,280,280", @@ -2471,6 +3156,134 @@ "singular": "Disconnect" } }, + "Discussion.Set.Modal.Text.PublicChannelPublicGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Discussion.Set.Modal.Text.PublicChannelPublicGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to make **%@** the discussion board for **%@**?" + } + }, + "Discussion.Set.PrivateChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Discussion.Set.PrivateChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Any member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel." + } + }, + "Discussion.Set.PrivateGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Discussion.Set.PrivateGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone from the channel will be able to see messages in this group." + } + }, + "DiscussionChannelGroupSetHelp2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionChannelGroupSetHelp2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$s** is selected as the group that hosts comments for your channel." + } + }, + "DiscussionChannelHelp2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionChannelHelp2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Everything you post in the channel will be forwarded to this group." + } + }, + "DiscussionChannelHelp3": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionChannelHelp3", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Select a group chat that will host comments from your channel." + } + }, + "DiscussionController.Channel.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionController.Channel.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Discussion Group" + } + }, + "DiscussionController.Group.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionController.Group.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Linked Channel" + } + }, + "DiscussionController.PrivateChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionController.PrivateChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "private channel" + } + }, + "DiscussionController.PrivateGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionController.PrivateGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "private group" + } + }, + "DiscussionCreateGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionCreateGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a New Group" + } + }, + "DiscussionGroupHelp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionGroupHelp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This group is linked as the discussion board for %1$s." + } + }, + "DiscussionGroupHelp2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionGroupHelp2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "All new posts from this channel are forwarded to the group." + } + }, + "DiscussionInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add a group chat for comments" + } + }, + "DiscussionLinkGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionLinkGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Group" + } + }, + "DiscussionLinkGroupAlertHistory": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionLinkGroupAlertHistory", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "\"Chat history for new members\" will be switched to Visible." + } + }, "DiscussionStarted": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionStarted", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2a363b71cfd/ef4e1919898dac306ab3d17.jpg?c=160,709,280,280,280,280", @@ -2479,6 +3292,54 @@ "singular": "Discussion started" } }, + "DiscussionUnlink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionUnlink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlink" + } + }, + "DiscussionUnlinkChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionUnlinkChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlink Channel" + } + }, + "DiscussionUnlinkChannelAlert": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionUnlinkChannelAlert", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to unlink **%1$s** from this channel?" + } + }, + "DiscussionUnlinkGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionUnlinkGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlink Group" + } + }, + "DiscussionUnlinkGroupAlert": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DiscussionUnlinkGroupAlert", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to unlink **%1$s** from this group?" + } + }, + "Dismiss": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Dismiss", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Dismiss" + } + }, "DistanceUnitsKilometers": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DistanceUnitsKilometers", "photo_url": null, @@ -2519,6 +3380,214 @@ "singular": "Quick Reaction" } }, + "DynamicPackOrder": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DynamicPackOrder", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Dynamic Pack Order" + } + }, + "DynamicPackOrderInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/DynamicPackOrderInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Automatically place recently used sticker packs at the front of the panel." + } + }, + "EditAdmin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdmin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Admin Rights" + } + }, + "EditAdminAddAdmins": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminAddAdmins", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add New Admins" + } + }, + "EditAdminAddUsersViaLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminAddUsersViaLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Users via Link" + } + }, + "EditAdminBanUsers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminBanUsers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Ban Users" + } + }, + "EditAdminCantEdit": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminCantEdit", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't edit the rights of this admin." + } + }, + "EditAdminChangeChannelInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminChangeChannelInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Channel Info" + } + }, + "EditAdminChangeGroupInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminChangeGroupInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Group Info" + } + }, + "EditAdminDeleteMessages": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminDeleteMessages", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Messages of Others" + } + }, + "EditAdminEditMessages": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminEditMessages", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Messages of Others" + } + }, + "EditAdminGroupDeleteMessages": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminGroupDeleteMessages", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete Messages" + } + }, + "EditAdminPinMessages": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminPinMessages", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin Messages" + } + }, + "EditAdminPostMessages": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminPostMessages", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Post Messages" + } + }, + "EditAdminPromotedBy": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminPromotedBy", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Promoted by %1$s" + } + }, + "EditAdminRank": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminRank", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Custom title" + } + }, + "EditAdminRankInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminRankInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "A title that members will see instead of '%1$s'." + } + }, + "EditAdminRights": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminRights", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit admin rights" + } + }, + "EditAdminSendAnonymously": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminSendAnonymously", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remain Anonymous" + } + }, + "EditAdminWhatCanDo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditAdminWhatCanDo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "What can this admin do?" + } + }, + "EditBot.Buttons.Commands": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditBot.Buttons.Commands", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Commands" + } + }, + "EditBot.Buttons.Intro": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditBot.Buttons.Intro", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Intro" + } + }, + "EditBot.Buttons.Settings": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditBot.Buttons.Settings", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Change Bot Settings" + } + }, + "EditBot.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditBot.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Bot" + } + }, + "EditBot.Username.Caption": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditBot.Username.Caption", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This username cannot be edited." + } + }, + "EditCantEditPermissions": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditCantEditPermissions", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You cannot change this permission." + } + }, "EditCantEditPermissionsPublic": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditCantEditPermissionsPublic", "photo_url": null, @@ -2527,6 +3596,46 @@ "singular": "This permission is not available in public groups." } }, + "EditFolder.Toast.ChooseChat": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditFolder.Toast.ChooseChat", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Please choose at least one chat for this folder." + } + }, + "EditInvitation.ExpiryDate": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditInvitation.ExpiryDate", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Expiry Date" + } + }, + "EditInvitation.Never": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditInvitation.Never", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Never" + } + }, + "EditInvitation.NumberOfUsers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditInvitation.NumberOfUsers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Number of Users" + } + }, + "EditInvitation.Unlimited": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditInvitation.Unlimited", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Unlimited" + } + }, "EditTopicHide": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/EditTopicHide", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/43dd441fe95/32e60e190e449bfb4df1217.jpg?c=77,410,280,280,280,280", @@ -2705,6 +3814,78 @@ "singular": "An error occurred. Please try again later." } }, + "Error.RequestPeer.NoRights.Channel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Error.RequestPeer.NoRights.Channel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't add bots to this channel." + } + }, + "Error.RequestPeer.NoRights.Group": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Error.RequestPeer.NoRights.Group", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you can't add bots to this group." + } + }, + "ErrorSendRestrictedPollsAll": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ErrorSendRestrictedPollsAll", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, sending polls is not allowed in this group." + } + }, + "ExpiredStory": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExpiredStory", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Expired Story" + } + }, + "ExpiredStoryMention": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExpiredStoryMention", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "The story you were mentioned in is no longer available" + } + }, + "ExpiredStoryMentionYou": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExpiredStoryMentionYou", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "The story you mentioned %s in is no longer available" + } + }, + "ExpiredStorySubtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExpiredStorySubtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "From: %s" + } + }, + "ExportedInvitation.Status.Expired": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExportedInvitation.Status.Expired", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "expired" + } + }, + "ExportedInvitation.Status.Revoked": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ExportedInvitation.Status.Revoked", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "revoked" + } + }, "FakeMessage": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FakeMessage", "photo_url": null, @@ -2769,6 +3950,38 @@ "singular": "All" } }, + "FilterEdit": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterEdit", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit folder" + } + }, + "FilterEditAll": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterEditAll", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit folders" + } + }, + "FilterExcludeInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterExcludeInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose chats or types of chats that will not appear in this folder." + } + }, + "FilterIncludeInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterIncludeInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose chats or types of chats that will appear in this folder." + } + }, "FilterNameHint": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterNameHint", "photo_url": null, @@ -2793,6 +4006,22 @@ "singular": "No chats currently belong to this folder." } }, + "FilterPersonal": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterPersonal", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Personal" + } + }, + "FilterRemoveChats": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FilterRemoveChats", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove Chats" + } + }, "FiltersSetupPinAlert": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FiltersSetupPinAlert", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/84d20a37b58/8cc3d7f09b0dae8d83eca17.jpg?c=150,484,280,280,280,280", @@ -2882,6 +4111,14 @@ "plural": "%1$d forwarded messages" } }, + "ForwardedStoryFrom": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ForwardedStoryFrom", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Forwarded Story
From: %s" + } + }, "FwdMessageToSavedMessages": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/FwdMessageToSavedMessages", "photo_url": null, @@ -2938,6 +4175,134 @@ "singular": "Suggest Emoji" } }, + "GiftPremium": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GiftPremium", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Gift Premium" + } + }, + "GiftSubscriptionFor": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GiftSubscriptionFor", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Gift Subscription for %1$s" + } + }, + "GiftTelegramPremiumDescription": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GiftTelegramPremiumDescription", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Give **%1$s** access to exclusive features with **Telegram Premium**." + } + }, + "GiftTelegramPremiumTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GiftTelegramPremiumTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Gift Telegram Premium" + } + }, + "GlobalAttachAudioRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachAudioRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending music isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachDocumentsRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachDocumentsRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending documents isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachEmojiRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachEmojiRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Text messages aren't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachGifRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachGifRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending GIFs is not allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachInlineRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachInlineRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending inline content isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachMediaRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachMediaRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending media isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachPhotoRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachPhotoRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending photos isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachPlainRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachPlainRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending text messages isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachRoundRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachRoundRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending round videos isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachStickersRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachStickersRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Stickers aren't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachVideoRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachVideoRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending videos isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, + "GlobalAttachVoiceRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalAttachVoiceRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending voice isn't allowed in this group." + } + }, "GlobalSearch": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalSearch", "photo_url": null, @@ -2946,6 +4311,14 @@ "singular": "Global search" } }, + "GlobalSendMessageRestricted": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GlobalSendMessageRestricted", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sending messages is not allowed in this group." + } + }, "GroupDescription1": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/GroupDescription1", "photo_url": null, @@ -3026,6 +4399,14 @@ "singular": "Hide" } }, + "HideAboveTheList": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/HideAboveTheList", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hide from Chat List" + } + }, "Hours": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Hours", "photo_url": null, @@ -3035,6 +4416,14 @@ "plural": "%1$d hours" } }, + "HoursShortAgo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/HoursShortAgo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%dh ago" + } + }, "IncreaseLimit": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/IncreaseLimit", "photo_url": null, @@ -3059,6 +4448,96 @@ "singular": "This invite link has expired." } }, + "InviteLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Link" + } + }, + "InviteLink.JoinedNew": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLink.JoinedNew", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "", + "plural": "%d joined" + } + }, + "InviteLink.JoinedRevoked": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLink.JoinedRevoked", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no one joined" + } + }, + "InviteLink.Sticker.TimeLeft": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLink.Sticker.TimeLeft", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "expires in %@" + } + }, + "InviteLinkCount": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinkCount", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$d invite link", + "plural": "%1$d invite links" + } + }, + "InviteLinks": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite Links" + } + }, + "InviteLinks.Additional": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks.Additional", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Additional Links" + } + }, + "InviteLinks.Edit": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks.Edit", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Edit Link" + } + }, + "InviteLinks.ExpiresCaption": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks.ExpiresCaption", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This link expires %s." + } + }, + "InviteLinks.LimitReached": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks.LimitReached", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "limit reached" + } + }, + "InviteLinks.Reactivate": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteLinks.Reactivate", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reactivate Link" + } + }, "InviteToChannelError": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/InviteToChannelError", "photo_url": null, @@ -3091,6 +4570,23 @@ "singular": "Join Group" } }, + "JoinRequests": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/JoinRequests", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$d join request", + "plural": "%1$d join requests" + } + }, + "JustArgument": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/JustArgument", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%@" + } + }, "KMetersAway2": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/KMetersAway2", "photo_url": null, @@ -3099,6 +4595,22 @@ "singular": "%1$s km away" } }, + "KickFromGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/KickFromGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove from group" + } + }, + "KickFromSupergroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/KickFromSupergroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Restrict user" + } + }, "LanguageName": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LanguageName", "photo_url": null, @@ -3131,6 +4643,14 @@ "singular": "Leave channel" } }, + "LimitByPeriod": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitByPeriod", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit by time period" + } + }, "LimitFree": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitFree", "photo_url": null, @@ -3139,6 +4659,14 @@ "singular": "Free" } }, + "LimitNumberOfUses": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitNumberOfUses", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Limit by number of users" + } + }, "LimitPremium": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitPremium", "photo_url": null, @@ -3219,6 +4747,30 @@ "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than %d topics to the top." } }, + "LimitReachedSharedFolderInvites": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitReachedSharedFolderInvites", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%1$d** links. You can double the limit to **%2$d** links by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." + } + }, + "LimitReachedSharedFolderInvitesLocked": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitReachedSharedFolderInvitesLocked", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%1$d** links. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future." + } + }, + "LimitReachedSharedFolderInvitesPremium": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LimitReachedSharedFolderInvitesPremium", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%1$d** links." + } + }, "Link.Taken": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Link.Taken", "photo_url": null, @@ -3227,6 +4779,46 @@ "singular": "Link is already taken" } }, + "LinkCreatedeBy": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkCreatedeBy", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Link created by" + } + }, + "LinkIsExpired": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkIsExpired", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "The time limit for this link has expired." + } + }, + "LinkIsExpiredLimitReached": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkIsExpiredLimitReached", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This link reached its usage limit." + } + }, + "LinkNameHelp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkNameHelp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only admins will see this name." + } + }, + "LinkNameHint": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkNameHint", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Link Name (Optional)" + } + }, "LinkNotFound": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkNotFound", "photo_url": null, @@ -3235,6 +4827,198 @@ "singular": "Unfortunately, you can't access this message. You are not a member of the chat where it was posted." } }, + "LinkedChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinkedChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Linked Channel" + } + }, + "LinksCreatedByOtherAdmins": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinksCreatedByOtherAdmins", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Links created by other admins" + } + }, + "LinksCreatedByThisAdmin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LinksCreatedByThisAdmin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Invite links created by this admin" + } + }, + "LiteMode.DisableAlert": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.DisableAlert", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable Power Saving Mode" + } + }, + "LiteMode.EnableText": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.EnableText", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Power Saving Mode" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Info": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Info", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reduce all power-intensive animations and improve performance." + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.animations.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.animations.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Interface Animations" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.chat.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.chat.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat Animations" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.chat_background.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.chat_background.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Background rotation" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.chat_spoilers.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.chat_spoilers.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Animated spoiler effect" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.effects.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.effects.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Interactive Effects" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.effects_emoji.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.effects_emoji.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Emoji effect" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.effects_premiumstickers.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.effects_premiumstickers.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Premium stickers effect" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.effects_reactions.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.effects_reactions.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reaction effect" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.emoji.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.emoji.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Emoji Animations" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.emoji_messages.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.emoji_messages.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay in messages" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.emoji_panel.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.emoji_panel.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay in panel" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.gif.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.gif.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay GIFs" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.stickers.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.stickers.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sticker Animations" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.stickers_chat.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.stickers_chat.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay in chat" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.stickers_panel.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.stickers_panel.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay in panel" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Key.video.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Key.video.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Autoplay Videos" + } + }, + "LiteMode.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LiteMode.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Power Saving" + } + }, + "LocationUpdatedJustNow": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LocationUpdatedJustNow", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "updated just now" + } + }, "LogOut": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LogOut", "photo_url": null, @@ -3283,6 +5067,14 @@ "singular": "Password" } }, + "LoopAnimatedStickersInfo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/LoopAnimatedStickersInfo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Animated stickers will play continuously in chats." + } + }, "MakeMyselfVisible": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MakeMyselfVisible", "photo_url": null, @@ -3307,6 +5099,30 @@ "singular": "Show Your Profile?" } }, + "ManageLinks.Admin.Permanent.Desc": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ManageLinks.Admin.Permanent.Desc", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**%1$@** can see this link and use it to invite new members to **%2$@**." + } + }, + "ManageLinks.DeleteAll.Confirm": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ManageLinks.DeleteAll.Confirm", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all revoked links?" + } + }, + "MarkAllAsRead": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MarkAllAsRead", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Mark all as read" + } + }, "MarkupTooltip.LinkPlaceholder": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MarkupTooltip.LinkPlaceholder", "photo_url": null, @@ -3323,6 +5139,22 @@ "singular": "Download" } }, + "MemberRequests": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MemberRequests", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Requests" + } + }, + "Mention": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Mention", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Mention" + } + }, "Message.Context.Goto": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Message.Context.Goto", "photo_url": null, @@ -3331,6 +5163,14 @@ "singular": "Show in chat" } }, + "Message.Context.Selection.Download": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Message.Context.Selection.Download", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Download selected" + } + }, "Message.ReplyActionButtonShowReceipt": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Message.ReplyActionButtonShowReceipt", "photo_url": null, @@ -3405,6 +5245,22 @@ "plural": "%1$d Seen" } }, + "MessageTimer.ShortHours": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MessageTimer.ShortHours", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%@h" + } + }, + "MessageTimer.ShortMinutes": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MessageTimer.ShortMinutes", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%@m" + } + }, "MetersAway2": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MetersAway2", "photo_url": null, @@ -3430,6 +5286,14 @@ "plural": "%1$d minutes" } }, + "MinutesShortAgo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MinutesShortAgo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%dm ago" + } + }, "MobileHidden": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MobileHidden", "photo_url": null, @@ -3463,6 +5327,46 @@ "plural": "%1$d months" } }, + "MyStories.Archive": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MyStories.Archive", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Archive" + } + }, + "MyStories.ShowArchive": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MyStories.ShowArchive", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Show Archive" + } + }, + "MyStories.Subtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MyStories.Subtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only you can see archived stories unless you choose to save them to your profile." + } + }, + "MyStories.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MyStories.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "My Stories" + } + }, + "MyStory": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/MyStory", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "My Story" + } + }, "NearbyCreateGroup": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NearbyCreateGroup", "photo_url": null, @@ -3495,6 +5399,14 @@ "singular": "You can make your phone visible to %@." } }, + "NewLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NewLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "New Link" + } + }, "NewTopic": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NewTopic", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/0936c8c7396/71f6bd283b71fa53c55c617.jpg?c=83,14,280,280,280,280", @@ -3503,6 +5415,22 @@ "singular": "New Topic" } }, + "NoBlockedChannel2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NoBlockedChannel2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Users removed from the channel by admins can't rejoin via invite links." + } + }, + "NoBlockedGroup2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NoBlockedGroup2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Users removed from the group by admins can't rejoin via invite links." + } + }, "NoMessages": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NoMessages", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2628c73aefc/7e717ebac790e2141a48017.jpg?c=160,405,280,280,280,280", @@ -3543,6 +5471,14 @@ "singular": "No scheduled messages here yet..." } }, + "NoStoryFound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NoStoryFound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this story doesn't seem to exist." + } + }, "NoUsernameFound": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NoUsernameFound", "photo_url": null, @@ -3559,6 +5495,22 @@ "singular": "Nobody viewed" } }, + "NobodyViews": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NobodyViews", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No views yet" + } + }, + "NobodyViewsArchived": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NobodyViewsArchived", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No views available" + } + }, "Notification.Contact.Reacted": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Notification.Contact.Reacted", "photo_url": null, @@ -3593,6 +5545,22 @@ "singular": "New notification" } }, + "NotificationsStoryMute2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NotificationsStoryMute2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do Not Notify
About Stories" + } + }, + "NotificationsStoryUnmute2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/NotificationsStoryUnmute2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Notify About
Stories" + } + }, "OK": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OK", "photo_url": null, @@ -3642,6 +5610,14 @@ "singular": "Open" } }, + "OpenChannel2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenChannel2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Channel" + } + }, "OpenChannelPost": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenChannelPost", "photo_url": null, @@ -3650,6 +5626,14 @@ "singular": "VIEW POST" } }, + "OpenChatlist": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenChatlist", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "VIEW CHAT LIST" + } + }, "OpenGroup": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenGroup", "photo_url": null, @@ -3658,6 +5642,22 @@ "singular": "VIEW GROUP" } }, + "OpenGroup2": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenGroup2", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Group" + } + }, + "OpenInNewTab": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenInNewTab", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open in new tab" + } + }, "OpenMessage": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenMessage", "photo_url": null, @@ -3666,6 +5666,14 @@ "singular": "VIEW MESSAGE" } }, + "OpenStory": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenStory", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "OPEN STORY" + } + }, "OpenUrlAlert2": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/OpenUrlAlert2", "photo_url": null, @@ -4251,6 +6259,14 @@ "singular": "This number is not tied to a SIM card and was acquired on [Fragment]()." } }, + "PeerInfo.SetAboutDescription": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeerInfo.SetAboutDescription", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can provide an optional description for your group." + } + }, "PeerInfo.SharedMedia": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeerInfo.SharedMedia", "photo_url": null, @@ -4267,6 +6283,33 @@ "singular": "Members" } }, + "PeopleCanJoinViaLinkCount": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeopleCanJoinViaLinkCount", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s person can join via this link.", + "plural": "%s people can join via this link." + } + }, + "PeopleJoined": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeopleJoined", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$d person joined", + "plural": "%1$d people joined" + } + }, + "PeopleJoinedRemaining": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeopleJoinedRemaining", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "", + "plural": "%1$d remaining" + } + }, "PeopleNearby": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PeopleNearby", "photo_url": null, @@ -4300,6 +6343,14 @@ "plural": "%d exceptions" } }, + "Permissions.RemoveFromGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Permissions.RemoveFromGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove **%s** from the group?" + } + }, "PhoneNumber.Code.Fragment.Info": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PhoneNumber.Code.Fragment.Info", "photo_url": null, @@ -4542,6 +6593,30 @@ "singular": "Send compressed" } }, + "PricePerMonth": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PricePerMonth", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$s / month" + } + }, + "Privacy.Bio": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Privacy.Bio", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Who can see my bio" + } + }, + "Privacy.BioCaption": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Privacy.BioCaption", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can restrict who can see your bio with granular precision." + } + }, "Privacy.SensitiveContent": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Privacy.SensitiveContent", "photo_url": null, @@ -4647,6 +6722,22 @@ "singular": "Who can send me voice or video messages?" } }, + "ProfileStoriesArchiveHint": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ProfileStoriesArchiveHint", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only you can see archived stories unless you choose to save them to your profile." + } + }, + "PublicStories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PublicStories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Public Stories" + } + }, "PushNotification.Action.Mute1d": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/PushNotification.Action.Mute1d", "photo_url": null, @@ -4727,6 +6818,22 @@ "singular": "Recovery Email" } }, + "Remove": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Remove", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove" + } + }, + "RemoveSharedFolder": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RemoveSharedFolder", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this folder? This will also deactivate all the invite links used to share this folder." + } + }, "RemoveStickersCount": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RemoveStickersCount", "photo_url": null, @@ -4863,6 +6970,14 @@ "singular": "Request to Join" } }, + "RequestJoin.List.SearchEmpty": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RequestJoin.List.SearchEmpty", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "There were no results for \"%@\".
Try a new search." + } + }, "RequestToJoinChannelApproved": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RequestToJoinChannelApproved", "photo_url": null, @@ -4903,6 +7018,14 @@ "singular": "Join request sent" } }, + "RequestedToJoinAt": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RequestedToJoinAt", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "requested to join %1$s" + } + }, "Reset": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Reset", "photo_url": null, @@ -4967,6 +7090,14 @@ "singular": "Members won't be able to copy, save or forward content from this group." } }, + "RevokedLinks": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/RevokedLinks", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Revoked Links" + } + }, "Save": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Save", "photo_url": null, @@ -4975,6 +7106,14 @@ "singular": "Save" } }, + "SavedStories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SavedStories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Posted Stories" + } + }, "SavingContentTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SavingContentTitle", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/914867f3a48/c5b19502ad3a70250afc217.jpg?c=13,563,280,280,280,280", @@ -5039,6 +7178,14 @@ "singular": "Chats" } }, + "SearchEmptyViewTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SearchEmptyViewTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No Results" + } + }, "SearchGifsTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SearchGifsTitle", "photo_url": null, @@ -5055,6 +7202,14 @@ "singular": "Messages" } }, + "SearchPlaceholder": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SearchPlaceholder", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Search..." + } + }, "Seconds": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Seconds", "photo_url": null, @@ -5064,6 +7219,14 @@ "plural": "%1$d seconds" } }, + "SecondsShortAgo": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SecondsShortAgo", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%ds ago" + } + }, "SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.ExpiryDate": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.ExpiryDate", "photo_url": null, @@ -5072,6 +7235,14 @@ "singular": "Expiry Date" } }, + "SelectAll": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SelectAll", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "select all" + } + }, "Send": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Send", "photo_url": null, @@ -5112,6 +7283,14 @@ "singular": "Do you want to send this contact to **%1$s**?" } }, + "SendMessage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SendMessage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Message" + } + }, "SendMessageAsTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SendMessageAsTitle", "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/2628c73aefc/7e717ebac790e2141a48017.jpg?c=26,658,280,280,280,280", @@ -5160,6 +7339,14 @@ "singular": "The official Telegram app is available for Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS and Linux." } }, + "SetAsAdmin": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SetAsAdmin", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Promote to admin" + } + }, "SetColor": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SetColor", "photo_url": null, @@ -5184,6 +7371,22 @@ "singular": "Share contact" } }, + "ShareFile": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ShareFile", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share" + } + }, + "ShareLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ShareLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Link" + } + }, "ShareModal.Search.Placeholder": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ShareModal.Search.Placeholder", "photo_url": null, @@ -5200,6 +7403,270 @@ "singular": "Share your phone number?" } }, + "SharedFolder.Cant.Share": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Cant.Share", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "you can't invite others here" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Cant.ShareBots": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Cant.ShareBots", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "you can't share chats with bots" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Cant.ShareUsers": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Cant.ShareUsers", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "you can't share chats with users" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.CreateLink": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.CreateLink", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Create a New Link" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Description": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Description", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Give your friends and colleagues access to the entire folder including all of its group and channels where you have the necessary rights." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Edit.Description": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Edit.Description", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Anyone with this link can add **%s** folder and the %s selected below" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Edit.Subtitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Edit.Subtitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can only share groups and channels in which you are allowed to create invite links." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Edit.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Edit.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share Folder" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Includes": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Includes", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Includes %s" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.ChannelAlready": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.ChannelAlready", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "you are already subscribed" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.ChatAlready": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.ChatAlready", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "you are already a member" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Chats": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Chats", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s in folder to join" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.ChatsAdd": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.ChatsAdd", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s to join" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.ChatsAlready": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.ChatsAlready", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s in this folder" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.ChatsRemove": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.ChatsRemove", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s to quit" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Description": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Description", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to add a new chat folder and join its groups and channels?" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionAdd": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionAdd", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to join **%s** and add them to your folder **%s**?" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionAlready": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionAlready", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You have already added this folder and its chats." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionRemove": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.DescriptionRemove", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to quit the chats you joined when adding the folder **%s**?" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Expired": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Expired", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "The folder link has expired." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Join": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Join", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "JOIN CHATS" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Remove": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Remove", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove Folder and Chats" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Folder" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.TitleAdd": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.TitleAdd", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Add Chats to Folder" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Link.TitleRemove": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Link.TitleRemove", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove Folder" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.NoChats": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.NoChats", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "There are no chats in this folder that you can share with others." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.NoChats.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.NoChats.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "These chats cannot be shared" + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NeedName": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NeedName", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Shared folders must have a name." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NoAdminChannel": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NoAdminChannel", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You don't have the admin rights to share invite links to this channel." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NoAdminGroup": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NoAdminGroup", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You don't have the admin rights to share invite links to this group chat." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NoExcluded": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NoExcluded", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Excluded chats are not supported in shared folders." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NoPrivate": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NoPrivate", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't share private chats." + } + }, + "SharedFolder.Toast.NoTypes": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SharedFolder.Toast.NoTypes", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Chat types are not supported in shared folders." + } + }, "Show": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Show", "photo_url": null, @@ -5224,6 +7691,14 @@ "singular": "sponsored" } }, + "StartVoipChatPermission": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StartVoipChatPermission", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Manage Live Streams" + } + }, "Sticker.Premium.Click.Info": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Sticker.Premium.Click.Info", "photo_url": null, @@ -5265,6 +7740,14 @@ "singular": "Artists are welcome to add their own sticker sets using our @stickers bot." } }, + "StickersName": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StickersName", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Stickers and Emoji" + } + }, "StopShowingMe": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StopShowingMe", "photo_url": null, @@ -5273,6 +7756,217 @@ "singular": "Stop Showing Me" } }, + "Stories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Stories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Stories" + } + }, + "StoriesCount": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoriesCount", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$d story", + "plural": "%1$d stories" + } + }, + "Story": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Story" + } + }, + "Story.AddToProfile": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.AddToProfile", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Save to Profile" + } + }, + "Story.ExpiredToast": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.ExpiredToast", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This story is no longer available" + } + }, + "Story.NoSound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.NoSound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This video has no sound" + } + }, + "Story.RemoveFromProfile": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.RemoveFromProfile", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remove from Profile" + } + }, + "Story.ReplyPlaceholder": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.ReplyPlaceholder", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Reply Privately..." + } + }, + "Story.ReportTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Story.ReportTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Report Story" + } + }, + "StoryArchived": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryArchived", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d story removed from your profile", + "plural": "%d stories removed from your profile" + } + }, + "StoryArchivedFromProfile": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryArchivedFromProfile", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This story is hidden from your profile." + } + }, + "StoryCantReply": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryCantReply", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can't reply to this story" + } + }, + "StoryCloseFriendsHint": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryCloseFriendsHint", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You are seeing this story because **%s** added you to their list of Close Friends." + } + }, + "StoryContactsHint": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryContactsHint", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only **%s’s** contacts can view this story." + } + }, + "StoryJustNow": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryJustNow", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "just now" + } + }, + "StoryMention": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryMention", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%s mentioned you in a story" + } + }, + "StoryMentionView": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryMentionView", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "View Story" + } + }, + "StoryMentionYou": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryMentionYou", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You mentioned %s in a story" + } + }, + "StoryPinnedToProfile": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryPinnedToProfile", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Story saved to your profile." + } + }, + "StorySavedTitle": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StorySavedTitle", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%d story saved to your profile", + "plural": "%d stories saved to your profile" + } + }, + "StorySelectedContactsHint": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StorySelectedContactsHint", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Only some contacts **%s** selected can view this story." + } + }, + "StoryViewLocation": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/StoryViewLocation", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "View Location" + } + }, + "SubscribeRequests": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SubscribeRequests", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Join Requests" + } + }, + "SuggestStickersAll": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SuggestStickersAll", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "All Sets" + } + }, + "SuggestStickersInstalled": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SuggestStickersInstalled", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "My Sets" + } + }, + "SuggestStickersNone": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SuggestStickersNone", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "None" + } + }, "SupportStatus": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/SupportStatus", "photo_url": null, @@ -5409,6 +8103,14 @@ "singular": "tomorrow at %@" } }, + "TimeLimitHelp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/TimeLimitHelp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can make the link expire after a certain time." + } + }, "TodayAtFormattedWithToday": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/TodayAtFormattedWithToday", "photo_url": null, @@ -5505,6 +8207,14 @@ "singular": "Public" } }, + "UnarchiveStories": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UnarchiveStories", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Unhide Stories" + } + }, "UnpinMessage": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UnpinMessage", "photo_url": null, @@ -5537,6 +8247,15 @@ "singular": "UPDATE" } }, + "UpdatedMinutes": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UpdatedMinutes", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "updated %1$d minute ago", + "plural": "updated %1$d minutes ago" + } + }, "Updating": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Updating", "photo_url": null, @@ -5553,6 +8272,22 @@ "singular": "User blocked" } }, + "UserRemovedBy": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRemovedBy", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Removed by %1$s" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsBy": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsBy", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Restricted by %1$s" + } + }, "UserRestrictionsDisabled": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsDisabled", "photo_url": null, @@ -5601,6 +8336,14 @@ "singular": "can't send messages" } }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendDocs": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendDocs", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no files" + } + }, "UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia", "photo_url": null, @@ -5609,6 +8352,22 @@ "singular": "no media" } }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendMusic": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendMusic", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no music" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendPhotos": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendPhotos", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no photos" + } + }, "UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls", "photo_url": null, @@ -5617,6 +8376,14 @@ "singular": "no polls" } }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendRound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendRound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no round" + } + }, "UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers", "photo_url": null, @@ -5625,6 +8392,22 @@ "singular": "no stickers & GIFs" } }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendVideos": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendVideos", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no videos" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsNoSendVoice": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsNoSendVoice", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "no voice" + } + }, "UserRestrictionsRead": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsRead", "photo_url": null, @@ -5633,6 +8416,54 @@ "singular": "Read Messages" } }, + "UserRestrictionsSendFiles": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendFiles", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Files" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsSendMusic": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendMusic", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Music" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsSendPhotos": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendPhotos", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Photos" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsSendRound": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendRound", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Video Messages" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsSendVideos": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendVideos", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Videos" + } + }, + "UserRestrictionsSendVoices": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserRestrictionsSendVoices", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send Voice Messages" + } + }, "UserUnblocked": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UserUnblocked", "photo_url": null, @@ -5673,6 +8504,14 @@ "singular": "Activate link" } }, + "UsernameActivateLinkBotMessage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameActivateLinkBotMessage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to show this link on the bot info page?" + } + }, "UsernameActivateLinkChannelMessage": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameActivateLinkChannelMessage", "photo_url": null, @@ -5705,6 +8544,14 @@ "singular": "Deactivate link" } }, + "UsernameDeactivateLinkBotMessage": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameDeactivateLinkBotMessage", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Do you want to hide this link from the bot info page?" + } + }, "UsernameDeactivateLinkChannelMessage": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameDeactivateLinkChannelMessage", "photo_url": null, @@ -5737,6 +8584,14 @@ "singular": "active" } }, + "UsernameLinkBotUsername": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameLinkBotUsername", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "bot username" + } + }, "UsernameLinkEditable": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernameLinkEditable", "photo_url": null, @@ -5761,6 +8616,14 @@ "singular": "You can choose a username on Telegram. If you do, people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without needing your phone number.

You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters." } }, + "UsernamesBotHelp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernamesBotHelp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on the bot info page." + } + }, "UsernamesChannelHelp": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsernamesChannelHelp", "photo_url": null, @@ -5785,6 +8648,14 @@ "singular": "Drag and drop links to change the order in which they will be displayed on your info page." } }, + "UsesLimitHelp": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/UsesLimitHelp", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You can make the link work only for a certain number of users." + } + }, "ViaBot": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/ViaBot", "photo_url": null, @@ -5817,6 +8688,15 @@ "singular": "View in chat" } }, + "Views": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/Views", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$s view", + "plural": "%1$s views" + } + }, "VoiceChat.Chat.Ended": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/VoiceChat.Chat.Ended", "photo_url": null, @@ -6098,6 +8978,46 @@ "singular": "%s's microphone is off" } }, + "WebApp.Attach.Success": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebApp.Attach.Success", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "\"%@\" added to your attachment menu." + } + }, + "WebApp.AttachRemove.Success": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebApp.AttachRemove.Success", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "\"%@\" removed from your attachment menu." + } + }, + "WebApp.InstallBot": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebApp.InstallBot", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Install Bot" + } + }, + "WebApp.WriteAccess.Description": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebApp.WriteAccess.Description", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow %s to send messages?" + } + }, + "WebApp.WriteAccess.Title": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebApp.WriteAccess.Title", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Allow Sending Messages" + } + }, "WebSessionsTitle": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/WebSessionsTitle", "photo_url": null, @@ -6164,6 +9084,14 @@ "singular": "you were removed" } }, + "YourStory": { + "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/YourStory", + "photo_url": null, + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Your story" + } + }, "formatDateAtTime": { "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/webk/unsorted/formatDateAtTime", "photo_url": null,