mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 20:04:24 +01:00
Update content of files
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 13315 additions and 8 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1 +1,540 @@
"ActionBotDocumentAddress": [
"ActionBotDocumentBankStatement": [
"Bank Statement"
"ActionBotDocumentDriverLicence": [
"Driver Licence"
"ActionBotDocumentEmail": [
"Email Address"
"ActionBotDocumentIdentity": [
"Personal details"
"ActionBotDocumentIdentityCard": [
"Identity Card"
"ActionBotDocumentInternalPassport": [
"Internal Passport"
"ActionBotDocumentPassport": [
"ActionBotDocumentPassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"ActionBotDocumentPhone": [
"Phone Number"
"ActionBotDocumentRentalAgreement": [
"Rental Agreement"
"ActionBotDocumentTemporaryRegistration": [
"Temporary Registration"
"ActionBotDocumentUtilityBill": [
"Utility Bill"
"ActionBotDocuments": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> received the following documents: <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"AppName": [
"AttachPhoto": [
"Cancel": [
"ChooseCountry": [
"Choose a country"
"Close": [
"DiscardChanges": [
"Discard changes?"
"Files": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> files"
"ForgotPassword": [
"Forgot password?"
"OK": [
"PassportAddAddressUploadInfo": [
"To confirm your address, please upload a scan or photo of the selected document (all pages)."
"PassportAddAgreement": [
"Add Tenancy Agreement"
"PassportAddAgreementInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your tenancy agreement."
"PassportAddBank": [
"Add Bank Statement"
"PassportAddBankInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your bank statement."
"PassportAddBill": [
"Add Utility Bill"
"PassportAddBillInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your utility bill."
"PassportAddCard": [
"Add Identity Card"
"PassportAddDriverLicenceInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your driver's license."
"PassportAddIdentityCardInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your identity card."
"PassportAddInternalPassport": [
"Add Internal Passport"
"PassportAddInternalPassportInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your internal passport."
"PassportAddLicence": [
"Add Driver's License"
"PassportAddPassport": [
"Add Passport"
"PassportAddPassportInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your passport."
"PassportAddPassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"PassportAddPassportRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your passport registration page."
"PassportAddTemporaryRegistration": [
"Temporary Registration"
"PassportAddTemporaryRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your temporary registration."
"PassportAddTranslationAgreementInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your tenancy agreement."
"PassportAddTranslationBankInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your bank statement."
"PassportAddTranslationBillInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your utility bill."
"PassportAddTranslationPassportRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your passport registration page."
"PassportAddTranslationTemporaryRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your temporary registration."
"PassportAddTranslationUploadInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of the selected document."
"PassportAddress": [
"PassportAddressHeader": [
"PassportAddressInfo": [
"Upload proof of your address"
"PassportAddressNoUploadInfo": [
"Provide your address"
"PassportAuthorize": [
"PassportBirthdate": [
"Date of Birth"
"PassportCitizenship": [
"PassportCity": [
"PassportCorrectErrors": [
"Tap to correct errors."
"PassportCountry": [
"PassportDeleteAddressAlert": [
"Do you want to delete address details?"
"PassportDeleteDocument": [
"Delete Document"
"PassportDeleteDocumentAddress": [
"Delete address details"
"PassportDeleteDocumentAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this document?"
"PassportDeleteDocumentPersonal": [
"Delete personal details"
"PassportDeleteEmailAlert": [
"Delete email?"
"PassportDeleteInfo": [
"PassportDeletePersonalAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete personal details?"
"PassportDeletePhoneAlert": [
"Delete phone number?"
"PassportDeleteScan": [
"Delete scan?"
"PassportDeleteScanAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this scan?"
"PassportDeleteSelfie": [
"Delete selfie?"
"PassportDeleteSelfieAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this selfie?"
"PassportDiscard": [
"PassportDiscardChanges": [
"Are you sure you want to discard all information you've entered?"
"PassportDocument": [
"Document Details"
"PassportDocumentNumber": [
"Document Number"
"PassportDocuments": [
"PassportEmail": [
"PassportEmailCode": [
"PassportEmailInfo": [
"Enter your email address"
"PassportEmailUploadInfo": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the email address you provide."
"PassportEmailVerifyInfo": [
"Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"PassportExpired": [
"Expiry Date"
"PassportFemale": [
"PassportFrontSide": [
"Front Side"
"PassportFrontSideInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the front side of the document"
"PassportGender": [
"PassportIdentityDocument": [
"Identity Document"
"PassportIdentityDocumentInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your passport or other ID"
"PassportIdentityDriverLicence": [
"Upload a scan of your driver's license"
"PassportIdentityID": [
"Upload a scan of your identity card"
"PassportIdentityInternalPassport": [
"Upload a scan of your internal passport"
"PassportIdentityPassport": [
"Upload a scan of your passport"
"PassportInfo": [
"With Telegram Passport you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.<br/><br/>Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.<br/><br/>You can visit our FAQ to learn more."
"PassportInfo2": [
"With Telegram Passport you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.<br/><br/>Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.<br/><br/>You can visit our *FAQ* to learn more."
"PassportInfoTitle": [
"What is Telegram Passport?"
"PassportInfoUrl": [
"PassportMainPage": [
"Main Page"
"PassportMainPageInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the main page of the document"
"PassportMale": [
"PassportMidname": [
"Middle name"
"PassportMidnameCountry": [
"Middle name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportMidnameLatin": [
"Middle name (latin)"
"PassportName": [
"PassportNameCheckAlert": [
"Please check if this name is correct:<br/><br/><mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> <mark class=\"token\">%3$s</mark>"
"PassportNameCountry": [
"Name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportNameLatin": [
"Name (latin)"
"PassportNativeHeader": [
"Your name"
"PassportNativeHeaderLang": [
"Your name in <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PassportNativeInfo": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)."
"PassportNoDocuments": [
"You have no documents yet"
"PassportNoDocumentsAdd": [
"Add a Document"
"PassportNoDocumentsInfo": [
"You can add your phone number, email address, identity document or residential address."
"PassportNoExpireDate": [
"PassportNoPolicy": [
"You are sending your documents directly to <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> and allowing their @<mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> to send you messages."
"PassportPersonal": [
"Personal Details"
"PassportPersonalDetails": [
"Personal Details"
"PassportPersonalDetailsInfo": [
"Fill in your personal details"
"PassportPersonalUploadInfo": [
"The document must contain your photograph, first and last name, date of birth, document number, country of issue, and expiry date."
"PassportPhone": [
"Phone Number"
"PassportPhoneInfo": [
"Enter your phone number"
"PassportPhoneUploadInfo": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide."
"PassportPhoneUseOther": [
"Or enter a new phone number"
"PassportPhoneUseSame": [
"Use <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PassportPhoneUseSameEmailInfo": [
"Use the same email as on Telegram."
"PassportPhoneUseSameInfo": [
"Use the same phone number as on Telegram."
"PassportPolicy": [
"You accept the *<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> Privacy Policy* and allow their @<mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> to send you messages."
"PassportPostcode": [
"PassportProvidedInformation": [
"Provided Information"
"PassportRequest": [
"**<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** requests access to your personal data to sign you up for their services."
"PassportRequestPasswordInfo": [
"Enter your Telegram Password to decrypt your data."
"PassportRequestedInformation": [
"Requested Information"
"PassportRequiredDocuments": [
"Required Documents"
"PassportResidence": [
"PassportResidentialAddress": [
"Residential Address"
"PassportReverseSide": [
"Reverse Side"
"PassportReverseSideInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the reverse side of the document"
"PassportSDK_Cancel": [
"PassportSDK_DownloadTelegram": [
"You need Telegram to log in to **<mark class=\"token\">%s</mark>**. Would you like to install it now?"
"PassportSDK_LogInWithTelegram": [
"Log in with Telegram"
"PassportSDK_OpenGooglePlay": [
"Open Google Play"
"PassportSDK_TelegramPassport": [
"Telegram Passport"
"PassportScanPassport": [
"Scan Your Passport"
"PassportScanPassportInfo": [
"Scan your passport or identity card's machine-readable zone to fill in your details automatically."
"PassportSelectBithdayDate": [
"Select Date of Birth"
"PassportSelectExpiredDate": [
"Select Expiry Date"
"PassportSelectGender": [
"Select Gender"
"PassportSelectNotExpire": [
"Does not Expire"
"PassportSelfRequest": [
"Please enter your password to access your personal data."
"PassportSelfie": [
"PassportSelfieInfo": [
"Upload a selfie of yourself holding the document"
"PassportState": [
"PassportStreet1": [
"PassportStreet2": [
"PassportSurname": [
"Last name"
"PassportSurnameCountry": [
"Last name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportSurnameLatin": [
"Last name (latin)"
"PassportTranslation": [
"PassportTwoDocuments": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> or <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"PassportUploadAdditinalDocument": [
"Upload Additional Scans"
"PassportUploadDocument": [
"Upload Scans"
"PassportUploadMaxReached": [
"You can't upload more than <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"PassportUploadNotImage": [
"You can only upload image files."
"PassportUseLatinOnly": [
"Please use latin characters only."
"PleaseLoginPassport": [
"Please log in to your Telegram account to use Telegram Passport."
"SelectAccount": [
"Select Account"
"Set": [
"TelegramPassport": [
"Telegram Passport"
"TelegramPassportCreatePassword": [
"TelegramPassportCreatePasswordInfo": [
"Please create a password to secure your personal data with end-to-end encryption.<br/><br/>This password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device."
"TelegramPassportDelete": [
"Delete Telegram Passport"
"TelegramPassportDeleteAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your Telegram Passport?"
"TurnPasswordOffPassport": [
"Warning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost!"
"TurnPasswordOffQuestion": [
"Are you sure you want to disable your password?"
"UpdateApp": [
"Update app"
"UpdateAppAlert": [
"Sorry, your Telegram app is out of date and can't handle this request. Please update Telegram."
"_tg_cancel": [
"_tg_open_google_play": [
"Open Google Play"
"download_telegram_text": [
"You need Telegram to log in to **<mark class=\"token\">%s</mark>**. Would you like to install it now?"
"login_with_telegram": [
"Log in with Telegram"
@ -1 +1,596 @@
"AddCaption": [
"Add a caption…"
"AllMedia": [
"All media"
"AllVideos": [
"All videos"
"AppName": [
"Telegram X"
"ArchivePack": [
"Archive pack"
"ArchiveStickerSet": [
"Archive sticker set <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>? You can restore it later in Settings > Stickers > Archived."
"AsOneMessage": [
"as one message"
"AsSeparateMessages": [
"as separate messages"
"AsXMessages": [
"as <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> message",
"as <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> messages"
"AttachMediasSuffix": [
" media",
" media"
"AttachPhotosSuffix": [
" photo",
" photos"
"AttachVideosSuffix": [
" video",
" videos"
"Audio": [
"AudioUnknownArtist": [
"Unknown Artist"
"CameraButtonHint": [
"Tap for photo, hold for video"
"Cancel": [
"ChatCamera": [
"ClearDrawing": [
"Clear drawing"
"ClearRecentStickers": [
"Clear Recent Stickers"
"ClearX": [
"Clear <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"CloudDownload": [
"Download <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"CloudPause": [
"Pause Download"
"Contrast": [
"CreateQuiz": [
"New Quiz"
"CropFree": [
"CropOriginal": [
"CropSquare": [
"Delete": [
"DeleteFileHint": [
"Note: you will be able to download this file any time later."
"DeleteFromCache": [
"Clear from cache"
"DeleteMultipleFilesHint": [
"Note: you will be able to download these files any time later."
"DeletePack": [
"Delete pack"
"Directions": [
"Discard": [
"DiscardCurrentChanges": [
"Discard current changes?"
"DiscardEditCaption": [
"Discard caption"
"DiscardEditCaptionHint": [
"Are you sure you want to discard edited caption? These changes will be lost."
"DiscardMediaHint": [
"Are you sure you want to discard edited media? These changes will be lost."
"DiscardMediaHint2": [
"Are you sure you want to discard all captions? These changes will be lost."
"DiscardMediaHint3": [
"Are you sure you want to discard captions and edited media? These changes will be lost."
"DiscardMediaMsg2": [
"Discard captions"
"DiscardMediaMsg3": [
"Discard changes"
"DiscardVideoMessageDescription": [
"Are you sure you want to discard your video message?"
"DiscardVideoMessageTitle": [
"Discard Video Message"
"DownloadedToPath": [
"Successfully downloaded: <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"EMail": [
"Enhance": [
"Exposure": [
"Fade": [
"Folder": [
"FolderDoesNotExist": [
"This folder doesn't exist"
"FolderEmpty": [
"This folder is empty"
"GifHasBeenSavedToGallery": [
"GIF saved to Gallery"
"GifPlaybackUnsupported": [
"GIF format is not supported."
"GifSaved": [
"GIF is now available in the media keyboard"
"Grain": [
"Highlights": [
"HoldToTone": [
"Hold & keep for black, white and any color tone."
"Link": [
"NoAnswers": [
"No answers yet"
"NoDocumentsToShow": [
"No documents to show"
"NoDocumentsToShowInChat": [
"Share files and documents in this chat and<br/>access them on any of your devices."
"NoGifsToShow": [
"No GIFs to show"
"NoGifsToShowInChannel": [
"Published GIFs will be shown here."
"NoGifsToShowInChat": [
"Share GIFs in this chat and<br/>access them on any device you have."
"NoLinksToShow": [
"No links to show"
"NoLinksToShowInChat": [
"Share links in this chat and<br/>access them on any device you have."
"NoMediaToShow": [
"No media to show"
"NoMediaToShowInChannel": [
"Published photos and videos<br/>will be shown here."
"NoMediaToShowInChat": [
"Share photos and videos in this chat and<br/>access them on any of your devices."
"NoMusicFilesFound": [
"No music files found"
"NoMusicToShow": [
"No music to show"
"NoMusicToShowInChat": [
"Share music and audio files in this chat and<br/>access them on any device you have."
"NoPhotosToShow": [
"No photos to show"
"NoPhotosToShowInChat": [
"Share photos in this chat and<br/>access them on any of your devices."
"NoVoiceToShow": [
"No voice messages to show"
"NoVoiceToShowInChannel": [
"Published voice messages<br/>will be shown here."
"NoVoiceToShowInChat": [
"Share voice messages in this chat and<br/>access them on any device you have."
"Notifications": [
"PaintModeArrow": [
"PaintModeDoodle": [
"PaintModeFill": [
"Fill color"
"PaintModeRect": [
"PastWeek": [
"Past week"
"Photo": [
"PhotoHasBeenSavedToGallery": [
"Photo saved to Gallery"
"Pin": [
"PlayListAdd": [
"Play Next"
"PlayListHighlight": [
"Highlight in List"
"PlayListRemove": [
"PlayListRemoveTrack": [
"Remove <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from current playlist?"
"PlayListReverse": [
"Reverse Order"
"Poll": [
"PollOption": [
"PollOptionsAdd": [
"Add an option…"
"PollOptionsLimit": [
"You can add <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> more option",
"You can add <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> more options"
"PollPublic": [
"PollQuestion": [
"PollQuestionEmpty": [
"Ask a Question"
"PollSettingAnonymous": [
"Anonymous Voting"
"PollSettingMultiple": [
"Multiple Answers"
"PollSettingQuiz": [
"Quiz Mode"
"PollSettingQuizInfo": [
"Polls in Quiz Mode have one correct answer. Users can't revoke their answers."
"ProcessingFile": [
"ProfilePhoto": [
"Profile photo"
"Quiz": [
"QuizExplanation": [
"QuizExplanationEmpty": [
"Add an explanation"
"QuizExplanationInfo": [
"Quiz participants will see this text after choosing the wrong option (good for educational purposes)."
"QuizOptions": [
"Quiz options"
"QuizPublic": [
"QuizResults": [
"Final Results"
"RecentStickers": [
"Recently Used"
"RemoveCaptions": [
"Remove captions in copies"
"RemoveStickerSet": [
"Remove sticker set <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>?"
"Reply": [
"Report": [
"Saturation": [
"SaveGif": [
"Save GIF"
"SaveToGallery": [
"Save to Gallery"
"SaveToMusic": [
"Save to Music"
"Select": [
"SelectedAudioSuffix": [
" audio",
" audios"
"SelectedFileSuffix": [
" file",
" files"
"SelectedGifSuffix": [
" GIF",
" GIFs"
"SelectedLinkSuffix": [
" link",
" links"
"SelectedMediaSuffix": [
" media",
" media"
"SelectedPhotoSuffix": [
" photo",
" photos"
"SelectedRoundVideoSuffix": [
" message",
" messages"
"SelectedVoiceSuffix": [
" message",
" messages"
"SendAsCopy": [
"Send as copy"
"SendAsFile": [
"Send as file"
"SendAsXFiles": [
"Send as <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> file",
"Send as <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> files"
"SendDart": [
"Throw a dart"
"SendDartHint": [
"Send a <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> emoji to play darts."
"SendDiceHint": [
"Send a <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> emoji to any chat to get a random number from Telegram."
"SendNoSound": [
"Send without sound"
"SendSchedule": [
"Schedule message"
"SendSticker": [
"Send sticker"
"SendUnknownDice": [
"Try your luck"
"SendUnknownDiceHint": [
"Send a <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> emoji to any chat to try your luck."
"SetAsCurrent": [
"Set as current"
"Shadows": [
"Share": [
"Sharpen": [
"ShowInChat": [
"Show in Chat"
"ShowOnFoursquare": [
"StopQuiz": [
"Stop Quiz"
"StopQuizWarn": [
"If you stop this quiz now, nobody will be able to participate in it anymore.<br/><br/>This action cannot be undone."
"TabAudio": [
"TabDocs": [
"TabEmptyDocs": [
"No documents"
"TabEmptyMedias": [
"No media"
"TabGifs": [
"TabLinks": [
"TabMedia": [
"TabMembers": [
"TabPhoto": [
"TakePhoto": [
"Take Photo"
"TakePhotoError": [
"Error taking picture"
"TakeVideo": [
"Take Video"
"Today": [
"UnknownTrack": [
"Unknown Track"
"UnmutesInX": [
"Unmute in <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"VideoHasBeenSavedToGallery": [
"Video saved to Gallery"
"VideoPlaybackError": [
"Failed to play video, see logs for details."
"ViewMessagesFromYou": [
"Messages from you"
"ViewPackPreview": [
"View Pack"
"ViewPollResults": [
"View Results"
"ViewQuizResults": [
"View Results"
"Vignette": [
"Vote": [
"Warmth": [
"XofY": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> of <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"fileSize_GB": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> GB"
"fileSize_KB": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> KB"
"format_contentAndModifyDate": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>, modified <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"format_fileSizeAndModifiedDate": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"pickFromGallery": [
"Choose from Gallery"
"takePhoto": [
"Take photo"
"timestampShort_date": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> at <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"timestampShort_weekday": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> at <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"timestamp_now": [
"just now"
"timestamp_today": [
"today at <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"xAudios": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> audio",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> audios"
"xFiles": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> files"
"xLinks": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> link",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> links"
"xMedia": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> media",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> media"
"xMembers": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> member",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> members"
"xPhotos": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> photo",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> photos"
"xSubscribers": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> subscriber",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> subscribers"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1 +1,188 @@
"Call.CallInProgressMessage": [
"End call with <mark class=\"token\">%1$@</mark> and start a new one with <mark class=\"token\">%2$@</mark>?"
"Call.CallInProgressTitle": [
"Call in Progress"
"Call.ConnectionErrorMessage": [
"Please check your internet connection and try again."
"Call.ConnectionErrorTitle": [
"Unable to Call"
"Call.Minutes": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> minute",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> minutes"
"CancelResetAccount.TextSMS": [
"Somebody with access to your phone number <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> has requested to delete your Telegram account and reset your 2-Step Verification password.<br/><br/>If it wasn't you, please enter the code we've just sent you via SMS to your number. You can also cancel this by **changing your phone number** to a number you control."
"CancelResetAccount.Title": [
"Cancel Account Reset"
"ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning": [
"<i class=\"emoji\" style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/E29AA0.png')\"><b>⚠️</b></i> Warning: Many users reported this channel as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money."
"Common.Cancel": [
"Common.ChoosePhoto": [
"Choose Photo"
"Conversation.SendMessage": [
"Send Message"
"Conversation.ShareMyContactInfo": [
"Share My Contact Info"
"Conversation.UnblockUser": [
"Unblock User"
"ConversationProfile.ErrorCreatingConversation": [
"An error occurred"
"GroupInfo.ScamGroupWarning": [
"<i class=\"emoji\" style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/E29AA0.png')\"><b>⚠️</b></i> Warning: Many users reported this group as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money."
"LastSeen.TodayAt": [
"last seen today at <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark>"
"MuteExpires.Days": [
"in 1 day",
"in <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> days"
"MuteExpires.Hours": [
"in 1 hour",
"in <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> hours"
"MuteExpires.Minutes": [
"in 1 minute",
"in <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> minutes"
"MuteFor.Days": [
"Mute for 1 day",
"Mute for <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> days"
"MuteFor.Hours": [
"Mute for 1 hour",
"Mute for <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> hours"
"Notification.CallCanceled": [
"Cancelled Call"
"Notification.CallIncoming": [
"Incoming Call"
"Notification.CallOutgoing": [
"Outgoing Call"
"Notification.Mute1h": [
"Mute for 1 hour"
"PhoneLabel.Title": [
"Presence.online": [
"Preview.DeletePhoto": [
"Delete Photo"
"Preview.SaveToCameraRoll": [
"Add to Photos"
"Profile.About": [
"Profile.ShareContactButton": [
"Share Contact"
"Profile.Username": [
"SharedMedia.CalendarTooltip": [
"Tap on this icon for calendar view"
"SharedMedia.CommonGroupCount": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> group in common",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> groups in common"
"SharedMedia.FastScrollTooltip": [
"You can hold and move this bar for faster scrolling."
"SharedMedia.FileCount": [
"1 file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> files"
"SharedMedia.GifCount": [
"1 GIF",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> GIFs"
"SharedMedia.LinkCount": [
"1 link",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> links"
"SharedMedia.MusicCount": [
"1 music file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> music files"
"SharedMedia.VoiceMessageCount": [
"1 voice message",
"<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark> voice messages"
"UserInfo.AddContact": [
"Add to Contacts"
"UserInfo.AddToExisting": [
"Add to Existing"
"UserInfo.BlockConfirmation": [
"Block <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark>?"
"UserInfo.CreateNewContact": [
"Create New Contact"
"UserInfo.GenericPhoneLabel": [
"UserInfo.NotificationsDefault": [
"UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound": [
"Default (<mark class=\"token\">%@</mark>)"
"UserInfo.NotificationsDisable": [
"UserInfo.NotificationsEnable": [
"UserInfo.ScamBotWarning": [
"<i class=\"emoji\" style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/E29AA0.png')\"><b>⚠️</b></i> Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money."
"UserInfo.SendMessage": [
"Send Message"
"UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo": [
"Share My Contact Info"
"UserInfo.StartSecretChatConfirmation": [
"Are you sure you want to start a secret chat with<br/><mark class=\"token\">%@</mark>?"
"UserInfo.StartSecretChatStart": [
"UserInfo.TapToCall": [
"Tap to make an end-to-end encrypted call"
"UserInfo.Title": [
"UserInfo.UnblockConfirmation": [
"Unblock <mark class=\"token\">%@</mark>?"
"Weekday.Yesterday": [
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1 +1,765 @@
"cloud_lng_about_psa_covid": [
"This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To remove it from your chat list, right click it and select **Hide**."
"cloud_lng_about_psa_psa": [
"This is an official message from the CEO of Telegram regarding the ongoing conflict."
"cloud_lng_badge_psa_covid": [
"cloud_lng_badge_psa_psa": [
"cloud_lng_forwarded_psa_covid": [
"COVID-19 Notification from <mark class=\"token\">{channel}</mark>"
"cloud_lng_forwarded_psa_psa": [
"cloud_lng_tooltip_psa_covid": [
"This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at https://telegram.org/blog/coronavirus"
"cloud_lng_tooltip_psa_psa": [
"This is an official message from the CEO of Telegram regarding the ongoing conflict."
"lng_about_psa_default": [
"This message provides you with a public service announcement. To remove it from your chat list, right click it and select **Hide**."
"lng_action_proximity_distance_km": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> km",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> km"
"lng_action_you_joined_by_request": [
"Your request to join the group was approved"
"lng_admin_log_allowed_unmute_self_channel": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> allowed new live stream participants to speak"
"lng_admin_log_disallowed_unmute_self_channel": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> muted new live stream participants"
"lng_admin_log_participant_joined_by_link": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> joined the group via <mark class=\"token\">{link}</mark>"
"lng_admin_log_participant_joined_by_link_channel": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> joined the channel via <mark class=\"token\">{link}</mark>"
"lng_admin_log_removed_location_chat": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> removed the group location"
"lng_admin_log_sent_message": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{from}</mark> sent this message:"
"lng_admin_log_unbanned": [
"unbanned <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>"
"lng_archived_chats": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> chat",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> chats"
"lng_archived_last": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{chats}</mark> and <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> more chat",
"<mark class=\"token\">{chats}</mark> and <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> more chats"
"lng_archived_last_list": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{accumulated}</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">{chat}</mark>"
"lng_archived_unread": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{chat}</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">{second_chat}</mark> and <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> more unread chat",
"<mark class=\"token\">{chat}</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">{second_chat}</mark> and <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> more unread chats"
"lng_bad_name": [
"Enter your first and last name."
"lng_badge_psa_default": [
"lng_bot_add_as_admin": [
"Add Bot as Admin"
"lng_bot_add_as_member": [
"Add Bot as Member"
"lng_bot_add_title": [
"Add Bot"
"lng_bot_as_admin_check": [
"Admin rights"
"lng_bot_channels_manage": [
"Channels I manage"
"lng_bot_groups": [
"lng_bot_groups_manage": [
"Groups I manage"
"lng_bot_menu_not_supported": [
"This bot can't be added to the attachment menu."
"lng_bot_sure_add": [
"Add as admin"
"lng_bot_sure_add_text_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to add this bot as an admin in the channel <mark class=\"token\">{group}</mark>?"
"lng_bot_sure_add_text_group": [
"Are you sure you want to add this bot as an admin in the group <mark class=\"token\">{group}</mark>?"
"lng_bot_sure_add_title": [
"Add bot as admin"
"lng_bots_password_confirm_check_about": [
"You can finish this action only if you have:"
"lng_bots_password_confirm_description": [
"Please enter your password to confirm the action."
"lng_bots_password_confirm_title": [
"Two-step verification"
"lng_call_accept": [
"lng_call_cancel": [
"lng_call_decline": [
"lng_call_error_camera_not_started": [
"You can switch to video call once you're connected."
"lng_call_error_camera_outdated": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>'s app does not support video calls. They need to update their app before you can call them."
"lng_call_error_no_camera": [
"No camera could be found. Please make sure that your camera is connected to the computer."
"lng_call_microphone_off": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>'s microphone is off"
"lng_call_mute_audio": [
"lng_call_redial": [
"lng_call_start_video": [
"Start Video"
"lng_call_stop_video": [
"Stop Video"
"lng_call_unmute_audio": [
"lng_cant_invite_bot_to_channel": [
"Bots can only be added to channels as admins."
"lng_channel_badge": [
"lng_channel_invite_private": [
"This channel is private.<br/>Please join it to continue viewing its content."
"lng_channels_too_much_located_other": [
"Sorry, the target user has too many location-based groups already. Please ask them to delete or transfer one of their existing ones first."
"lng_channels_too_much_public_other": [
"Sorry, the target user has too many public groups or channels already. Please ask them to make one of their existing groups or channels private first."
"lng_chat_theme_dont": [
"Do Not Set Theme"
"lng_chat_theme_reset": [
"Reset Theme"
"lng_cloud_password_reset_cancel": [
"Cancel password reset"
"lng_cloud_password_reset_cancel_title": [
"Cancel reset"
"lng_cloud_password_reset_ready": [
"Reset password"
"lng_cloud_password_reset_title": [
"Reset password"
"lng_code_register_phone": [
"If you already signed up for Telegram, please enter the code which was sent to your mobile app.<br/><br/>If you haven’t signed up yet, please register from your phone or tablet first."
"lng_code_telegram": [
"We've sent a code <mark class=\"token\">[b]</mark>via Telegram<mark class=\"token\">[/b]</mark><br/>to your other devices. Please enter it below."
"lng_context_attached_stickers": [
"Attached Stickers"
"lng_context_hide_psa": [
"Hide this announcement"
"lng_context_mark_read_all": [
"Mark all chats as read"
"lng_context_mark_read_all_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to mark all chats as read?"
"lng_context_mark_read_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to mark all chats from this folder as read?"
"lng_context_seen_listened_none": [
"Nobody Listened"
"lng_context_seen_reacted_none": [
"Nobody Reacted"
"lng_context_seen_text_none": [
"Nobody Viewed"
"lng_context_seen_watched": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> Listened",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> Listened"
"lng_context_seen_watched_none": [
"Nobody Listened"
"lng_create_invite_link_about": [
"People can be added, or join via invite link or \"Groups nearby\""
"lng_delete_for_other_my": [
"Unsend my messages"
"lng_download_path_clear": [
"Clear all"
"lng_download_path_label": [
"Download path:"
"lng_edit_media_album_error": [
"This file cannot be saved as a part of an album."
"lng_edit_media_invalid_file": [
"Sorry, no way to use this file."
"lng_edit_privacy_calls_description": [
"You can restrict who can call you:"
"lng_error_noforwards_channel": [
"Sorry, forwarding from this channel is disabled by admins."
"lng_error_noforwards_group": [
"Sorry, forwarding from this group is disabled by admins."
"lng_export_option_only_my": [
"Only my messages"
"lng_export_option_private_channels": [
"Private channels"
"lng_export_option_public_groups": [
"Public groups"
"lng_export_skip_file": [
"Skip this file"
"lng_fake_badge": [
"lng_filters_add": [
"lng_filters_add_box_title": [
"Add to..."
"lng_filters_default": [
"Please change at least one rule for this folder."
"lng_filters_error_pinned_max": [
"Sorry, you can't pin any more chats to the top."
"lng_filters_menu_remove": [
"Remove from folder"
"lng_filters_name_people": [
"lng_filters_name_unmuted": [
"lng_filters_no_chats": [
"No chats"
"lng_forwarded_psa_default": [
"Forwarded from <mark class=\"token\">{channel}</mark>"
"lng_gigagroup_convert_feature1": [
"No limit on the number of members."
"lng_gigagroup_convert_feature2": [
"Only admins can send messages."
"lng_gigagroup_convert_feature3": [
"Can't be turned back into a regular group."
"lng_gigagroup_convert_sure": [
"lng_gigagroup_convert_title": [
"Broadcast Groups"
"lng_gigagroup_done": [
"Your group can now have more than 200,000 members."
"lng_gigagroup_suggest_more": [
"Learn more"
"lng_gigagroup_suggest_text": [
"Your group has reached a limit of **200,000** members.<br/><br/>You can increase this limit by converting the group to a **broadcast group** where only admins can post. Interested?"
"lng_gigagroup_suggest_title": [
"Limit reached"
"lng_gigagroup_warning": [
"Regular members of the group (non-admins) will **permanently** lose their right to send messages in the group.<br/><br/>This action **can't** be undone."
"lng_gigagroup_warning_title": [
"Are you sure?"
"lng_group_call_chat_no_camera": [
"You can't turn on video in this chat."
"lng_group_call_chat_no_screen": [
"You can't share your screen in this chat."
"lng_group_call_create_sure_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to start a live stream in this channel as your personal account?"
"lng_group_call_edit_title_header": [
"Video chat title"
"lng_group_call_end_channel": [
"End Live Stream"
"lng_group_call_failed_camera": [
"Couldn't enable camera. Another app may be already using the camera. Try closing other apps first."
"lng_group_call_failed_screen": [
"An error occurred. Screencast has stopped."
"lng_group_call_is_recorded_video": [
"The video stream is being recorded."
"lng_group_call_join_as_header_channel": [
"Join Live Stream as..."
"lng_group_call_join_confirm_channel": [
"Do you want to join the live stream <mark class=\"token\">{chat}</mark>?"
"lng_group_call_join_sure_personal": [
"Are you sure you want to join this video chat as your personal account?"
"lng_group_call_leave_channel_to_other_sure_channel": [
"Do you want to leave your active live stream and join a live stream in this channel?"
"lng_group_call_limit": [
"To watch the video stream, update<br/>Telegram to the latest version.",
"To watch the video stream, update<br/>Telegram to the latest version."
"lng_group_call_mac_accessibility": [
"Please allow **Accessibility** for Telegram in Privacy Settings.<br/><br/>You may need to restart the app."
"lng_group_call_more": [
"lng_group_call_over_limit": [
"The video chat is over <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> participant.<br/>New participants only have access to audio stream.",
"The video chat is over <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> participants.<br/>New participants only have access to audio stream."
"lng_group_call_starts": [
"Video Chat starts <mark class=\"token\">{when}</mark>"
"lng_group_call_starts_channel": [
"Live Stream starts <mark class=\"token\">{when}</mark>"
"lng_group_call_starts_date": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{date}</mark> at <mark class=\"token\">{time}</mark>"
"lng_group_call_starts_short_date": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{date}</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">{time}</mark>"
"lng_group_call_switch_done": [
"Participants of this video chat will now see you as **<mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>**"
"lng_group_call_unmute_small": [
"lng_group_call_video_paused": [
"Video is paused"
"lng_group_invite_expired_already": [
"This link has expired."
"lng_group_invite_link_revoked": [
"lng_group_invite_permanent": [
"Permanent link"
"lng_group_invite_permanent_other": [
"Permanent link of this admin"
"lng_group_invite_revoke": [
"Revoke Link"
"lng_linux_menu_help": [
"lng_linux_menu_tools": [
"lng_linux_no_audio_prefs": [
"You don't have any audio configuration applications installed."
"lng_local_storage_limit_weeks": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> week",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> weeks"
"lng_mac_choose_app": [
"Choose Application"
"lng_mac_menu_emoji_and_symbols": [
"Emoji & Symbols"
"lng_mac_menu_player_stop": [
"lng_mac_touchbar_favorite_stickers": [
"Favorite stickers"
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_after4": [
"1 month"
"lng_media_color_theme": [
"Color theme"
"lng_media_music_title": [
"lng_mediaview_video_loading": [
"Loading - <mark class=\"token\">{percent}</mark>"
"lng_months_tiny": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>m",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>m"
"lng_mute_menu_duration_hours": [
"Mute for <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> hour",
"Mute for <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> hours"
"lng_mute_menu_duration_unmute": [
"lng_mute_menu_unmute": [
"lng_new_contact_share_done": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark> can now see your phone number."
"lng_new_contact_share_sure": [
"Do you want to share your phone number <mark class=\"token\">{phone}</mark> with <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>?"
"lng_passcode_autolock_inactive": [
"Auto-Lock if inactive for..."
"lng_passcode_turn_off": [
"Turn off"
"lng_passport_code_sent": [
"A confirmation code was sent to<br/><mark class=\"token\">{email}</mark>"
"lng_passport_email_validate": [
"lng_passport_front_side_name": [
"lng_passport_reverse_side_name": [
"lng_passport_selfie_name": [
"lng_payments_already_paid": [
"You have already paid for this item."
"lng_payments_card_declined": [
"Your card was declined."
"lng_payments_info_phone": [
"lng_payments_payment_failed": [
"Payment failed. Your card has not been billed."
"lng_payments_precheckout_failed": [
"The bot couldn't process your payment. Your card has not been billed."
"lng_payments_processed_by": [
"Processed by <mark class=\"token\">{provider}</mark>"
"lng_payments_shipping_not_available": [
"Shipping to the selected country is not available."
"lng_payments_to_provider_email": [
"Email will be passed to <mark class=\"token\">{provider}</mark> as billing info."
"lng_payments_to_provider_phone": [
"Phone will be passed to <mark class=\"token\">{provider}</mark> as billing info."
"lng_payments_to_provider_phone_email": [
"Phone and Email will be passed to <mark class=\"token\">{provider}</mark> as billing info."
"lng_payments_webview_install_edge": [
"Please install <mark class=\"token\">{link}</mark>."
"lng_payments_webview_install_webkit": [
"Please install WebKitGTK 4 (webkit2gtk-4.0) using your package manager."
"lng_payments_webview_no_card": [
"Unfortunately, you can't add a new card with current system configuration."
"lng_payments_webview_no_use": [
"Unfortunately, you can't use payments with current system configuration."
"lng_payments_webview_switch_wayland": [
"There is no way to embed WebView window on Wayland. Please switch to X11."
"lng_payments_webview_update_windows": [
"Please update your system to Windows 8.1 or later."
"lng_photo_editor_menu_duplicate": [
"lng_pinned_hide_all": [
"Don't show pinned messages"
"lng_pinned_quiz": [
"Pinned quiz"
"lng_polls_create_hint": [
"Click to choose the correct answer"
"lng_polls_show_more": [
"Show more (<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>)",
"Show more (<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>)"
"lng_polls_votes_collapse": [
"lng_profile_add_bot_as_admin": [
"Add to Group or Channel"
"lng_profile_add_bot_as_admin_about": [
"This bot is able to manage a group or channel."
"lng_profile_gifs_header": [
"lng_profile_invite_to_channel": [
"Add to Channel"
"lng_profile_invite_to_channel_about": [
"This bot is able to manage a channel."
"lng_profile_invite_to_group_about": [
"This bot is able to manage a group."
"lng_reaction_contact": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your contact <mark class=\"token\">{name}</mark>"
"lng_reaction_document": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your file"
"lng_reaction_game": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your game"
"lng_reaction_gif": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your GIF"
"lng_reaction_invoice": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your invoice"
"lng_reaction_live_location": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your live location"
"lng_reaction_location": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your map"
"lng_reaction_notext": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your message"
"lng_reaction_photo": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your photo"
"lng_reaction_poll": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your poll \"<mark class=\"token\">{title}</mark>\""
"lng_reaction_quiz": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your quiz \"<mark class=\"token\">{title}</mark>\""
"lng_reaction_sticker": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your <mark class=\"token\">{emoji}</mark> sticker"
"lng_reaction_text": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your \"<mark class=\"token\">{text}</mark>\""
"lng_reaction_video": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your video"
"lng_reaction_video_message": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your video message"
"lng_reaction_voice_message": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{reaction}</mark> to your voice message"
"lng_replies_header": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> reply",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> replies"
"lng_replies_header_none": [
"lng_replies_view_thread": [
"View Thread"
"lng_reply_cant": [
"You can't reply to messages from before this group was upgraded to a supergroup.<br/><br/>Groups get automatically upgraded when they reach 200 members or when you start using advanced features like chat history permissions or granular admin settings."
"lng_restricted_send_polls": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send polls."
"lng_restricted_send_polls_all": [
"Sorry, sending polls is not allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_polls_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send polls until <mark class=\"token\">{date}</mark>, <mark class=\"token\">{time}</mark>."
"lng_rights_gigagroup_about": [
"Broadcast groups can have over 200,000 members, but only admins can send messages in them."
"lng_rights_gigagroup_convert": [
"Convert to Broadcast Group"
"lng_rights_gigagroup_title": [
"Broadcast group"
"lng_ringtones_error_max_duration": [
"Sorry, but your file is too long. The maximum duration for ringtones is <mark class=\"token\">{duration}</mark>."
"lng_ringtones_error_max_size": [
"Sorry, but your file is too big. The maximum size for ringtones is <mark class=\"token\">{size}</mark>."
"lng_search_messages_n_of_amount": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{n}</mark> of <mark class=\"token\">{amount}</mark>"
"lng_search_messages_none": [
"No results"
"lng_seconds": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> second",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> seconds"
"lng_seconds_tiny": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>s",
"<mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark>s"
"lng_selected_unsend_about_group": [
"You can also delete the <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> message you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\".",
"You can also delete the <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> messages you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\"."
"lng_selected_unsend_about_group_one": [
"You can also delete the message you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\"."
"lng_selected_unsend_about_user": [
"You can also delete the <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> message you sent from <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\".",
"You can also delete the <mark class=\"token\">{count}</mark> messages you sent from <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\"."
"lng_selected_unsend_about_user_one": [
"You can also delete the message you sent from <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>'s inbox by checking \"Unsend my messages\"."
"lng_send_media_invalid_files": [
"Sorry, no valid files found."
"lng_sent_date": [
"Sent: <mark class=\"token\">{date}</mark>"
"lng_settings_call_camera": [
"lng_settings_calls_privacy": [
"Phone calls privacy"
"lng_settings_close_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to close this page? You didn't save your changes."
"lng_settings_edit_info": [
"Edit information"
"lng_settings_groups_invite_privacy": [
"Groups and Channels invite settings"
"lng_settings_manage_enabled_dictionary": [
"Dictionary is enabled"
"lng_settings_password_reenter_email": [
"Re-enter recovery email"
"lng_settings_peer_to_peer": [
"lng_settings_self_destruct": [
"Account self-destruct settings"
"lng_signed_author": [
"Author: <mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark>"
"lng_stickers_attached_sets": [
"Sets of attached stickers"
"lng_suggest_hide_new_about": [
"You are receiving lots of new chats from users who are not in your Contact List.<br/><br/>Do you want to have such chats **automatically muted** and **archived**?"
"lng_suggest_hide_new_title": [
"Hide new chats?"
"lng_suggest_hide_new_to_settings": [
"Go to Settings"
"lng_theme_editor_attach_title": [
"Attach desktop theme"
"lng_tooltip_psa_default": [
"This message provides you with a public service announcement."
"lng_ttl_edit_save": [
"lng_unread_bar_some": [
"Unread messages"
"lng_view_button_bot": [
"View bot"
"lng_view_button_request_join": [
"Request to Join"
"lng_view_button_voice_chat": [
"Video chat"
"lng_view_button_voice_chat_channel": [
"Live stream"
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