Update content of files

This commit is contained in:
GitHub Action 2024-08-13 14:14:45 +00:00
parent ce2a0ca28d
commit c3e247434c
10 changed files with 165 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1287,6 +1287,8 @@
"PeerInfo.SignMessages.Desc" = "Append names of the admins to the messages they post.";
"PeerInfo.SignMessages" = "Sign Messages";
"PeerInfo.ShowAuthorProfiles" = "Show Authors' Profile";
"PeerInfo.SignMessagesAndShowAuthor.Desc" = "Add names and photos of admins to the messages they post, linking to their profiles.";
"PeerInfo.SetChannelPhoto" = "Set Channel Photo";
"PeerInfo.Members" = "Members";
"PeerInfo.Subscribers" = "Subscribers";
@ -2817,12 +2819,12 @@
"DataAndStorage.CateroryFileSize.Unlimited" = "Unlimited";
"DataAndStorage.Confirm.ResetSettings" = "Undo all custom auto-download settings.";
//"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent" = "Show 18+ Content";
//"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Info" = "Do not hide media that contain content suitable only for adults.";
//"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Header" = "18+ Content";
//"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Text" = "Confirm that you are over 18 years old and update your settings to see potentially explicit and sensitive content.";
//"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Ok" = "Confirm";
"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent" = "Show 18+ Content";
"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Info" = "Do not hide media that contain content suitable only for adults.";
"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Header" = "18+ Content";
"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Text" = "Confirm that you are over 18 years old and update your settings to see potentially explicit and sensitive content.";
"DataAndStorage.SensitiveContent.Confirm.Ok" = "Confirm";
"DataAndStorage.AutomaticDownload.GIFs" = "GIFs";
@ -10800,6 +10802,8 @@
"Star.Transaction.From" = "From";
"Star.Transaction.MessageId" = "Media";
"Star.Transaction.ReactionId" = "Message";
"Star.Transaction.Tos" = "Review the [Terms of Services](https://telegram.org) for Stars.";
"Star.Transaction.Copied" = "Transaction ID copied to clipboard.";
@ -10978,3 +10982,149 @@
"Chat.Service.Refund" = "%@ refunded back %@";
//"\(peerName) refunded back \(clown)\(totalAmount)"
"ChannelReactions.EnableStars.Info" = "Switch this on to let your subscribers set paid reactions with Telegram Stars, which you will be able to withdraw later as TON. [Learn More >](https://telegram.org)";
"ChannelReactions.EnableStars" = "Enable Paid Reactions";
"Stars.Subscription.Period.Monthly" = "Monthly subscription fee";
"Stars.Subscription.Period.Daily" = "Daily subscription fee";
"Stars.Subscription.Period.Weekly" = "Weekly subscription fee";
"Stars.Subscription.Period.Unknown" = "Subscription fee";
"Stars.Transaction.ReceivedGift" = "Received Gift";
"Stars.Transaction.SentGift" = "Sent Gift";
"Stars.Transaction.PaidReaction" = "Paid Reaction";
"Star.Buy.Custom_subs" = "Buy stars for your expiring subscriptions.";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Title" = "React with Stars";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Info" = "Choose how many stars you want to send to **%@** to support this post.";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Anonymous" = "Anonymous";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_countable" = "%@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_zero" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_one" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_two" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_few" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_many" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Send_other" = "Send %@%d";
"Stars.ReactScreen.TopSenders" = "Top Senders";
"Stars.ReactScreen.ShowMeInTop" = "Show Me in Top Senders";
"Stars.ReactScreen.Footer" = "By sending Stars you agree to the [Terms of Service](https://telegram.org).";
"InviteLink.Sub.Text" = "Require Monthly Fee";
"InviteLink.Sub.Info.Editing" = "If you need change the subscription fee, create a new invite link with a different price.";
"InviteLink.Sub.Info" = "Charge a subscription fee from people joining your channel via this link. [Learn More >](https://telegram.org)";
"InviteLink.Sub.ReqApproval" = "You can't enable admin approval for links that require a monthly fee.";
"Stars.YouHaveEnough" = "You have enough stars. [Buy More]()";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_countable" = "%@ %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_zero" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_one" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_two" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_few" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_many" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"Chat.Service.RefundedBack_other" = "%@ refunded back %@%d";
"InviteLink.SubFee.Header" = "SUBSCRIPTION FEE";
"InviteLink.Sub.Amount.Placeholder" = "Stars Amount per month";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe" = "Subscribe to the Channel";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Action" = "Subscribe";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_countable" = "%@ %d";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_zero" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Stars per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_one" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Star per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_two" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Stars per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_few" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Stars per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_many" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Stars per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Info_other" = "Do you want to subscribe for **%@** for **%d** Stars per month?";
"Stars.Purchase.Subscribe.Success" = "You have successfully subscribed to **%@**";
"Star.BuyScreen.ProlongSubs" = "Buy Stars to keep your subscription for **%@**.";
"Star.BuyScreen.PurschaseSub" = "Buy Stars to subscribe for **%@**.";
"Star.BuyScreen.Gift" = "With Stars, **%@** will be able to unlock content and services on Telegram. [See Examples >](examples)";
"Star.BuyScreen.MySubs" = "MY SUBSCRIPTIONS";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Cancelled" = "cancelled";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Expired" = "expired";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Active" = "per month";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Cancelled.Info" = "expires on %@";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Expired.Info" = "expired on %@";
"Star.Subscription.Status.Active.Info" = "renews on %@";
"Star.SubScreen.Title" = "Subscription";
"Star.SubScreen.Price" = "%@ / month";
"Star.SubScreen.Row.Sub" = "Subscription";
"Star.SubScreen.Row.Subd" = "Subscribed";
"Star.SubScreen.Row.Renew" = "Renews";
"Star.SubScreen.Status.Active" = "If you cancel now, you can still access your subscription until %@.";
"Star.SubScreen.Status.Active.Cancel" = "Cancel Subscription";
"Star.SubScreen.Status.Cancelled" = "You have cancelled your subscription.";
"Star.SubScreen.Status.Expired" = "Your subscription has been expired.";
"Star.SubScreen.Cancelled.Alert" = "Subscription cancelled";
"Star.SubScreen.Action.Join" = "Join Channel";
"Star.SubScreen.Action.Open" = "Open Channel";
"Star.SubScreen.Action.Renew" = "Renew Subscription";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_countable" = "%d";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_zero" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_one" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_two" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_few" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_many" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance_other" = "%d Stars needed";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance.Single.Title" = "%1$@ for %2$@";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance.Single.Text" = "Insufficient funds to cover your subscription.";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance.Multiple.Title" = "%@ for your subscriptions";
"ChatList.SubscriptionsLowBalance.Multiple.Text" = "Insufficient funds to cover your subscriptions.";

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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