From c7dab0f648353fdbf6b099ab922b96c40a6c3ea4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GitHub Action account.deleteAccount:password
, calling this method will immediately delete the Telegram account.
If the account has a 2FA password but the user doesn't remember it, password reset may be requested first », or otherwise, the password
field may simply be left empty.
In this case, if the account's 2FA password was modified more than 7 days ago and was active in the last 7 days, account deletion will be delayed for 7 days. -Otherwise, the account will be immediately deleted.
-A service message will be sent to the user, containing a phone number confirmation link ».
+Otherwise, the account will be immediately deleted.When such a link is clicked, account.sendConfirmPhoneCode must be called with the specified hash
, using the account with the specified phone
This will send a phone number verification code to the phone number associated with the account.
The phone code settings are the same as for the login code, and auth.cancelCode with auth.resendCode can be used as well, to resend or cancel the phone code as for the login code.
Specifies the name of the service providing GIF search through gif_search_username (string)
Specifies a list of emojies that should be suggested as search term in a bar above the GIF search box (array of string emojis)
+Specifies a list of emojis that should be suggested as search term in a bar above the GIF search box (array of string emojis)
Specifies that the app should not display local sticker suggestions » for emojis at all and just use the result of messages.getStickers (bool)
The maximum UTF-8 length of bios of Premium users (integer)
Array of string identifiers, indicating the order of Telegram Premium features in the Telegram Premimum promotion popup, see here for the possible values »
+Array of string identifiers, indicating the order of Telegram Premium features in the Telegram Premium promotion popup, see here for the possible values »
Contains the username of the official Telegram Premium bot that may be used to buy a Telegram Premium subscription, see here for detailed instructions » (string)
- Premium users can transcribe voice messages.no_ads
- Premium users see no sponsored messages.unique_reactions
- Premium users have access to more message reactions.premimum_stickers
- Premium users have access to premium stickersets.premium_stickers
- Premium users have access to premium stickersets.animated_emoji
- Premium users can send custom animated emojis.advanced_chat_management
- Premium users can reorder the default folder, auto-archive and hide new chats from non-contacts.profile_badge
- Premium users have a badge next to their name, showing that they are helping support Telegram.rotation
indicates clockwise rotation angle of the gradient
account.getWallPapers#7967d36 hash:long = account.WallPapers;
account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool;
Once you've uploaded your wallpaper or received a wallpaper deep link, it can be installed as follows.
-Note that fill wallpapers cannot be installed using the API, clients should install and keep track of them only locally, without synchronizing the wallpaper list or signalling installations.
+Note that fill wallpapers cannot be installed using the API, clients should install and keep track of them only locally, without synchronizing the wallpaper list or signaling installations.
The API keeps a list of wallpapers that the user can set as chat background, including some preinstalled ones.
To fetch the list use account.getWallPapers.
To save a wallpaper to the list use account.saveWallPaper with unsave=false
diff --git a/data/web/ b/data/web/
index b68d5194db..49722ebc98 100644
--- a/data/web/
+++ b/data/web/
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
Get Telegram Premim promotion information
+Get Telegram Premium promotion information