diff --git a/data/core.telegram.org/constructor/updateChatUserTyping.html b/data/core.telegram.org/constructor/updateChatUserTyping.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a87b9f494 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/core.telegram.org/constructor/updateChatUserTyping.html @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + +
+ +The user is preparing a message in a group; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no repeated update received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever he's been doing.
+updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update;
+Name | +Type | +Description | +
chat_id | +int | +Group id | +
user_id | +int | +User id | +
action | +SendMessageAction | +Type of action Parameter added in Layer 17. |
Below you will find information on scheme changes. For more details on the use of layers, see Invoking API methods.
Terminates all user's authorized sessions except for the current one.
+After calling this method it is necessary to reregister the current device using the method account.registerDevice
+boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool;
+boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool;
+auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool;
+This constructor does not require any parameters.
+Code | +Type | +Description | +
406 | +FRESH_RESET_AUTHORISATION_FORBIDDEN | +You can't logout other sessions if less than 24 hours have passed since you logged on the current session | +
Register device to receive PUSH notifications
Deletes communication history.
+messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory;
+messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory;
+Name | +Type | +Description | +
flags | +# | +Flags, see TL conditional fields | +
just_clear | +flags.0?true | +Just clear history for the current user, without actually removing messages for every chat user | +
revoke | +flags.1?true | +Whether to delete the message history for all chat participants | +
peer | +InputPeer | +User or chat, communication history of which will be deleted | +
max_id | +int | +Maximum ID of message to delete | +
Code | +Type | +Description | +
400 | +CHAT_ID_INVALID | +The provided chat id is invalid | +
400 | +MESSAGE_ID_INVALID | +The provided message id is invalid | +
400 | +MSG_ID_INVALID | +Invalid message ID provided | +
400 | +PEER_ID_INVALID | +The provided peer id is invalid | +
A collapsible details block
+pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector<PageBlock> title:RichText = PageBlock;
+Name | +Type | +Description | +
flags | +# | +Flags, see TL conditional fields | +
open | +flags.0?true | +Whether the block is open by default | +
blocks | +Vector<PageBlock> | +Block contents | +
title | +RichText | +Always visible heading for the block | +
Remote document
+webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = WebDocument;
+Name | +Type | +Description | +
url | +string | +Document URL | +
access_hash | +long | +Access hash | +
size | +int | +File size | +
mime_type | +string | +MIME type | +
attributes | +Vector<DocumentAttribute> | +Attributes for media types | +