diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html index 95718eca3f..adb5f9740e 100644 --- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html +++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html @@ -722,8 +722,7 @@ A full list of these parameters can be seen in the - Suggests the user to gift Telegram Premium subscriptions to friends for Christmas.
  • "PREMIUM_GRACE" - Suggests the user to extend their expiring Telegram Premium subscription
  • "BIRTHDAY_SETUP" - Suggests the user to set a birthday ».
  • -
  • "STARS_SUBSCRIPTION_LOW_BALANCE" - Suggests the user to extend their expiring Telegram Star subscriptions. -Invoke payments.getStarsSubscriptions with the missing_balance flag set to get the number of expiring subscriptions and the number of required to buy Telegram Stars
  • +
  • "STARS_SUBSCRIPTION_LOW_BALANCE" - When we get close to the end of the subscription period of one or more active subscriptions, and the current Telegram Star balance is not high enough to autorenew at least one of them, this suggestion will be activated: when the user clicks on the suggestion, the client should fetch and display the list of expiring subscriptions by invoking payments.getStarsSubscriptions, passing inputPeerSelf to peer and setting the missing_balance flag: the returned subscriptions may be renewed by filling up the current Telegram Star balance with at least payments.starsStatus.subscriptions_missing_balance stars.
  • diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/invites.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/invites.html index 52737e36fa..7984847c02 100644 --- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/invites.html +++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/invites.html @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Currently the only allowed subscription period is 30*24*60*60, i.e.

    If the user decides to leave the channel without cancelling the subscription (or before the end of the current cancelled subscription period), subsequent calls to messages.checkChatInvite will return a chatInvite with the can_refulfill_subscription flag set, indicating that they may re-join the channel using payments.fulfillStarsSubscription (passing inputPeerSelf to peer and the starsSubscription.id to subscription_id) without repeating the payment; the subscription_pricing will also be returned, but no subscription_form_id will be returned.

    To obtain a list of all active and cancelled subscriptions invoke payments.getStarsSubscriptions, passing inputPeerSelf to peer: this will return a vector of starsSubscription constructors, containing info about each subscription.

    To cancel an active subscription, invoke payments.changeStarsSubscription passing inputPeerSelf to peer, the starsSubscription.id to subscription_id and boolTrue to canceled; to resubscribe, invoke the same method passing boolFalse to canceled.


    When we get close to the end of the subscription period of an active subscription, the "STARS_SUBSCRIPTION_LOW_BALANCE" suggestion » will be activated: when the user clicks on the suggestion, the client should fetch and display the list of expiring subscriptions by invoking payments.getStarsSubscriptions, passing inputPeerSelf to peer and setting the missing_balance flag: the returned subscriptions may be renewed by following the payment flow described above, using the chat_invite_hashes from the returned starsSubscriptions.


    When we get close to the end of the subscription period of one or more active subscriptions, and the current Telegram Star balance is not high enough to autorenew at least one of them, the "STARS_SUBSCRIPTION_LOW_BALANCE" suggestion » will be activated: when the user clicks on the suggestion, the client should fetch and display the list of expiring subscriptions by invoking payments.getStarsSubscriptions, passing inputPeerSelf to peer and setting the missing_balance flag: the returned subscriptions may be renewed by filling up the current Telegram Star balance with at least payments.starsStatus.subscriptions_missing_balance stars.

    Join requests

    channel#fe4478bd flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true slowmode_enabled:flags.22?true call_active:flags.23?true call_not_empty:flags.24?true fake:flags.25?true gigagroup:flags.26?true noforwards:flags.27?true join_to_send:flags.28?true join_request:flags.29?true forum:flags.30?true flags2:# stories_hidden:flags2.1?true stories_hidden_min:flags2.2?true stories_unavailable:flags2.3?true signature_profiles:flags2.12?true id:long access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int restriction_reason:flags.9?Vector<RestrictionReason> admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int usernames:flags2.0?Vector<Username> stories_max_id:flags2.4?int color:flags2.7?PeerColor profile_color:flags2.8?PeerColor emoji_status:flags2.9?EmojiStatus level:flags2.10?int subscription_until_date:flags2.11?int = Chat;
    diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/layers.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/layers.html
    index 5ac53484ed..9728b373ac 100644
    --- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/layers.html
    +++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/layers.html
    @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@

    Schema changes

    New Methods