diff --git a/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html b/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html index 19a94c757f..709727188f 100644 --- a/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html +++ b/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html @@ -80,6 +80,14 @@ While help.getConfig returns MTProto-specif
- Whether the login screen should show a QR code login option, possibly as default login method (string, "disabled", "primary" or "secondary")dialog_filters_enabled
- Whether clients should show an option for managing dialog filters AKA folders (boolean)dialog_filters_tooltip
- Whether clients should actively show a tooltip, inviting the user to configure dialog filters AKA folders; typically this happens when the chat list is long enough to start getting cluttered. (boolean)autoarchive_setting_available
- Whether clients can invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings with globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue
, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts. (boolean)pending_suggestions
- Contains a list of suggestions that should be actively shown as a tooltip to the user. Array of strings, possible values show below:"AUTOARCHIVE_POPULAR"
- Users should invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings with globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue
, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts."VALIDATE_PASSWORD"
- Users should make sure they still remember their 2-step verification password."VALIDATE_PHONE_NUMBER"
- Users should check whether their authorization phone number is correct and change the phone number if it is inaccessible."NEWCOMER_TICKS"
- Show the user a hint about the meaning of one and two ticks on sent messages.Example value:
@@ -183,14 +191,16 @@ While help.getConfig returns MTProto-specif
"stickers_emoji_suggest_only_api": false,
"stickers_emoji_cache_time": 86400,
"groupcall_video_participants_max": 1000,
- "youtube_pip": "inapp",
"qr_login_camera": false,
"qr_login_code": "disabled",
"dialog_filters_enabled": true,
"dialog_filters_tooltip": false,
"autoarchive_setting_available": false,
"pending_suggestions": [
"autologin_token": "yPsoJyg7wwd1xOC7GJchrRjcH8S-vnyc-NgdjPbnNy5hYb6CFgAAAABGkwcvAKSBUUgM3V0NdMeDpfmRzGyqTigcHSU0zwly2_EAJ9YN",
"autologin_domains": [
diff --git a/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/srp.html b/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/srp.html
index 4e99f20f61..42ed2822dc 100644
--- a/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/srp.html
+++ b/data/corefork.telegram.org/api/srp.html
@@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ Use account.resendPasswordEmailaccount.cancelPasswordEmail to cancel the verification code.
To get the current recovery email, use account.getPasswordSettings.
Email recovery
-In order to recover a forgotten 2FA password, an email must be sent to the previously specified address using the auth.requestPasswordRecovery method.
In order to recover a forgotten 2FA password, an email must be sent to the previously specified address using the auth.requestPasswordRecovery method.
+Use auth.checkRecoveryPassword to make sure that the user provided a valid code.
Then use auth.recoverPassword with the received code to delete the current 2FA password, to set a new one follow these instructions.
Related pages
SRP design
diff --git a/data/corefork.telegram.org/method/payments.getPaymentForm b/data/corefork.telegram.org/method/payments.getPaymentForm
index 42413c7142..1cdc375d91 100644
--- a/data/corefork.telegram.org/method/payments.getPaymentForm
+++ b/data/corefork.telegram.org/method/payments.getPaymentForm
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
+A JSON object with the following keys, containing color theme information (integers, RGB24) to pass to the payment provider, to apply in eventual verification pages:
- Background color
- Text color
- Hint text color
- Link color
- Button color
- Button text color