diff --git a/data/core.telegram.org/method/auth.sendInvites b/data/core.telegram.org/api/account-deletion.html similarity index 59% rename from data/core.telegram.org/method/auth.sendInvites rename to data/core.telegram.org/api/account-deletion.html index cc47046287..aa4fd3f77a 100644 --- a/data/core.telegram.org/method/auth.sendInvites +++ b/data/core.telegram.org/api/account-deletion.html @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
-Saves information that the current user sent SMS-messages with invitations to its unregistered contacts.
-Name | -Type | -Description | -
phone_numbers | -Vector<string> | -List of phone numbers of message recipients in the international format | -
message | -string | -Message text | -
Code | -Type | -Description | -
400 | -MESSAGE_EMPTY | -The provided message is empty | -
If the user has successfully provided the login code, but they forgot the 2FA password, the account should be reset: this can be done using account.deleteAccount.
+If the account's 2FA password was modified more than 7 days ago and was active in the last 7 days, account deletion will be delayed for 7 days, and a service message will be sent to the user, containing a link in one of the following formats:
When clicked, account.sendConfirmPhoneCode must be called with the specified hash
, using the account with the specified phone
+This will send a phone number verification code to the phone number associated with the account.
+The phone code settings are the same as for the login code, and auth.cancelCode with auth.resendCode can be used as well, to resend or cancel the phone code as for the login code.
Once the SMS code is received, the account.confirmPhone method will have to be called with the SMS code and the phone hash received from the account.sendConfirmPhoneCode method.
+This will cancel deletion of the account and will log out the user that tried to reset it. +Otherwise, if the number isn't confirmed in 7 days, the account will be deleted and the user will be free to recreate it.
+How to register a user's phone to start using the API.
Users can interact with your bot via inline queries, straight from the text input field in any chat.
+This article describes the full inline bot flow, using the MTProto API.
For a simplified description using the HTTP bot API, see here ».
+messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int users:Vector<User> = messages.BotResults;
+messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults;
+When, in a graphical client, the user starts a message with an @
, clients should:
- The bot peerpeer
- The chat where the user made the querygeo_point
- The user's current geolocation, if the bot requires location-based inline results (the bot_inline_geo
flag of the bot's user constructor will be set)query
- What the user typed after the bot's usernameoffset
- If the user scrolls past the first len(results)
results, and next_offset
field is set, the inline query should be repeated with this offset.inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#96929a85 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint heading:flags.0?int period:flags.1?int proximity_notification_radius:flags.3?int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage;
+inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update;
+messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool;
+Bots can answer to incoming updateBotInlineQuery updates using messages.setInlineBotResults.
+Just like its bot API counterpart, the method can be used to send a set of inline results to the user; see the constructor page for more info on the MTProto method parameters ».
In general, the method accepts a vector of InputBotInlineResult constructors, that when chosen, generates a message with optionally attached media, and even inline buttons.
+botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;
+botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;
+botInlineMessageMediaGeo#51846fd flags:# geo:GeoPoint heading:flags.0?int period:flags.1?int proximity_notification_radius:flags.3?int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;
+botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;
+botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;
+botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult;
+botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult;
+messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int users:Vector<User> = messages.BotResults;
+messages.sendInlineBotResult#220815b0 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates;
+The user client should display the results
obtained during querying in a list, making sure to handle eventual bot timeouts in the form of a BOT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
RPC error, by simply not displaying anything.
If the user then chooses a specific BotInlineResult
, the messages.sendInlineBotResult method should be invoked, passing:
from messages.botResults
of the chosen resultpeer
where to send the chosen resultThe resulting message will have the via_bot_id
field set, to indicate that the result was generated by the bot that generated the inline result.
+Graphical clients should display the bot @username
in the header of the message, allowing the user to click on it, automatically starting an inline query by inserting @username
in the text bar.
inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID;
+updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update;
+If feedback collection is enabled, the bot may receive an updateBotInlineSend when the user chooses and sends an inline result.
+Even if the probability setting is set to 100%, not all inline results may be reported due to caching (see the cache_time
parameter in Answering a callback query).
+Feedback collection can also create load issues for popular bots, so adjust the probability setting to a lower value in such cases.
Either way, feedback collection should only be used for statistical purposes rather than functional.
+The updateBotInlineSend will contain:
- The ID of the chosen resultmsg_id
- The ID of the sent inline messageuser_id
- The ID of the user that chose the resultquery
- The query string that was used to obtain the resultgeo
- For bots requiring location-based inline results, the user's locationupdateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update;
+inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID;
+messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool;
+Sent inline messages can be edited by the bot, for example in response to a button press callback query.
+Simply pass the inputBotInlineMessageID specified in the updateInlineBotCallbackQuery to messages.editInlineBotMessage along with the new message, making sure to send the query to the datacenter specified in inputBotInlineMessageID.dc_id
Telegram supports sending animated dice emojis.
+This is implemented by using the dice constructors:
inputMediaDice#e66fbf7b emoticon:string = InputMedia;
+messageMediaDice#3f7ee58b value:int emoticon:string = MessageMedia;
+inputStickerSetDice#e67f520e emoticon:string = InputStickerSet;
+messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet;
+messages.sendMedia#3491eba9 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates;
+messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet;
+help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue;
+On startup, clients should fetch app configuration using help.getAppConfig.
+Then, for each dice emoji contained in the emojies_send_dice
field, clients should fetch the dice emoji stickerset by calling the messages.getStickerSet method, providing the properly populated inputStickerSetDice to the stickerset
+The returned stickerset will contain a set of animated stickers, one for each of the dice outcomes, plus a first looping sticker that should be shown as preview to the user before actually sending the dice.
If a user attempts to send a single emoji from the ones specified in emojies_send_dice
, the dice should be sent using messages.sendMedia, providing the dice emoji to the emoticon
Incoming dice stickers will be received as a messageMediaDice constructor, along with a randomly generated server-side value, ranging from 1 to the maximum allowed value for this type of dice.
+Clients should display the correct dice animated sticker for the specified value: since dice values start from 1, and the first animated sticker in dice stickerset is the preview, value
can be used to directly index the documents
sticker array from the animated stickerset.
The emojies_send_dice_success
configuration parameter contains more info about dice emojis other than the basic :
"emojies_send_dice_success": {
+ "\ud83c\udfaf": {
+ "value": 6,
+ "frame_start": 62
+ },
+ "\ud83c\udfc0": {
+ "value": 5,
+ "frame_start": 110
+ }
+ }
+For each of the dice emojis, a maximum "winning" value is specified, along with the frame number at which to show the fireworks .
+Please note that dice animated stickers should loop only once, right after being sent/received for the first time; clicking on the dice sticker should bring up a popup, inviting the user to send a new dice of the same type.
To be able to send APNS notifications to Apple servers or GCM notifications to Google servers, application certificates (APNS) or an application key (GCM) must be specified in the application settings.
-To subscribe to notifications, the client must invoke the account.registerDevice query, passing in token_type and token as parameters that identify the current device. It is useful to repeat this query at least once every 24 hours or when restarting the application. Use account.unregisterDevice to unsubscribe.
-The following modes are supported:
- APNS (device token for apple push)2
- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)3
- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)4
- Deprecated: Simple push (endpoint for firefox's simple push API)5
- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)6
- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)7
- MTProto separate session8
- WNS (windows push)9
- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)10
- Web push (web push, see below)11
- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)12
- Tizen (token for tizen push)For 10
web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object with the following keys:
: Absolute URL exposed by the push service where the application server can send push messageskeys
: P-256 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman parameters in the following objectp256dh
: Base64url-encoded P-256 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman public keyauth
: Base64url-encoded authentication secretFor FCM and APNS VoIP, an optional encryption key used to encrypt push notifications can be passed to account.registerDevice (secret
). This key (auth_key
) is used to encrypt the payloads using MTProto v2.
The FCM payload will be a JSON payload, containing a p
field with the base64-encoded encrypted MTProto payload. After decryption, the result will be a JSON object, prefixed by a 32-bit little-endian integer with the length of the JSON payload. As usual, make sure to follow all security checks as described in the MTProto docs.
As mentioned above, payloads can also be encrypted using P-256 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman when using web push.
-An (optionally encrypted) notification is provided as a JSON object in the following format:
- "data": {
- "loc_key": "CHAT_MESSAGE_CONTACT",
- "loc_args": ["John Doe", "My magical group", "Contact Exchange"],
- "user_id": 14124122,
- "custom": {
- "chat_id": 241233,
- "msg_id": 123
- },
- "sound": "sound1.mp3",
- }
-Each notification has several parameters that describe it.
-data.loc_key - A string literal in the form /[A-Z_0-9]+/
, which summarizes the notification. For example, CHAT_MESSAGE_TEXT
data.loc_args - A list or arguments which, when inserted into a template, produce a readable notification.
-data.custom - Parameters which are be passed into the application when a notification is opened.
-data.sound - The name of an audio file to be played.
-data.user_id - ID of the account to which the PUSH notification should be delivered, in case of clients with multiple accounts active and running.
-In principle, data.loc_key, data.custom, and an Internet connection are sufficient to generate a notification. Obviously, if possible, when generating a visual notification you need not use all of the transmitted data and may rely on the information already stored on the client. But if a user or a chat is not cached locally, the values passed in loc_args may also be used. data.user_id is the ID of the account to which the PUSH notification should be delivered, in case of clients with multiple accounts active and running.
-The following notifications can be used to update app settings.
-Type | -Extra custom arguments | -Description | -
DC_UPDATE | -dc - number of the data-center addr - server address with port number in the format |
-In case the client gets this notification, it is necessary to add the received server address to the list of possible addresses. In case the address of the first DC was passed (dc=1 ), it is recommended to call it immediately using help.getConfig to update dc-configuration. |
MESSAGE_DELETED | -channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier from_id: For PMs, Author identifier messages: Comma-separated IDs of messages that were deleted |
-Messages were deleted, remove multiple notifications for this chat | -
READ_HISTORY | -channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier from_id: For PMs, Author identifier max_id: Maximum ID of read messages |
-Message history was read, remove multiple notifications for this chat | -
GEO_LIVE_PENDING | -- | Any of the live locations currently being shared should be updated | -
SESSION_REVOKE | -- | Logout and remove DB for specified session by data.user_id, only apply if coming from an MTProto-encrypted payload | -
MESSAGE_MUTED | -- | Sent rarely, every 10th message in chats or once per 15 sec in PM, to update badge or download messages | -
Type | -Template example | -Arguments | -Extra custom arguments | -
MESSAGE_PLAYLIST | -{1} sent you {2} music files | -1. User name 2. Number of audio files that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_DOCS | -{1} sent you {2} files | -1. User name 2. Number of documents that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) from_id: Author identifier (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYLIST | -{1} sent {3} music files to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Number of audio files that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS | -{1} sent {3} files to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Number of documents that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) chat_id: Chat identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PLAYLIST | -{1} posted {2} music files | -1. Channel name 2. Number of audio files that were posted |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOCS | -{1} posted {2} files | -1. Channel name 2. Number of documents that were posted |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
MESSAGE_TEXT | -{1}: {2} | -1. Message author 2. Message body |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_NOTEXT | -{1} sent you a message | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_PHOTO | -{1} sent you a photo | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_PHOTO_SECRET | -{1} sent you a self-destructing photo | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_VIDEO | -{1} sent you a video | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_VIDEO_SECRET | -{1} sent you a self-destructing video | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT | -{1} took a screenshot | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_ROUND | -{1} sent you a video message | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_DOC | -{1} sent you a file | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_STICKER | -{1} sent you a {2}sticker | -1. User name 2. Sticker emoji with included trailing space or empty string |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_AUDIO | -{1} sent you a voice message | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_CONTACT | -{1} shared a contact {2} with you | -1. User name 2. Contact name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_QUIZ | -{1} sent you a quiz {2} | -1. User name 2. Quiz name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_GEO | -{1} sent you a map | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_GEOLIVE | -{1} started sharing their live location | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_POLL | -{1} sent you a poll {2} | -1. User name 2. Poll name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_GIF | -{1} sent you a GIF | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_GAME | -{1} invited you to play {2} | -1. User name 2. Game name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE | -{1} scored {3} in game {2} | -1. User name 2. Game name 3. Score |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_INVOICE | -{1} sent you an invoice for {2} | -1. User name 2. Product |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
MESSAGE_FWDS | -{1} forwarded you {2} messages | -1. User name 2. Number of messages that were forwarded |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) from_id: Author identifier (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
MESSAGE_PHOTOS | -{1} sent you {2} photos | -1. User name 2. Number of photos that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) from_id: Author identifier (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
MESSAGE_VIDEOS | -{1} sent you {2} videos | -1. User name 2. Number of videos that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) from_id: Author identifier (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
MESSAGES | -{1} sent you an album | -1. User name | -from_id: author identifier | -
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_TEXT | -{1}: {2} | -1. Channel name 2. Message body |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NOTEXT | -{1} posted a message | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTO | -{1} posted a photo | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEO | -{1} posted a video | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUND | -{1} posted a video message | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOC | -{1} posted a file | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_STICKER | -{1} posted a {2}sticker | -1. Channel name 2. Sticker emoji with included trailing space or empty string |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_AUDIO | -{1} posted a voice message | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_CONTACT | -{1} posted a contact {2} | -1. Message author 2. Contact name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEO | -{1} posted a map | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE | -{1} posted a live location | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_POLL | -{1} posted a poll {2} | -1. Channel name 2. Poll name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_QUIZ | -{1} posted a quiz {2} | -1. Channel name 2. Quiz name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GIF | -{1} posted a GIF | -1. Channel name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME | -{1} invited you to play {2} | -1. Message author 2. Game name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE | -{1} scored {3} in game {2} | -1. User 2. Game name 3. Score |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS | -{1} posted {2} forwarded messages | -1. Message author 2. Number of forwarded messages |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTOS | -{1} posted {2} photos | -1. Channel name 2. Number of photos that was sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEOS | -{1} posted {2} videos | -1. Channel name 2. Number of videos that were posted |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHANNEL_MESSAGES | -{1} posted an album | -1. Message author | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) channel_id: Channel/supergroup identifier (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_TEXT | -{1}@{2}: {3} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name 3. Message body |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT | -{1} sent a message to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTO | -{1} sent a photo to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEO | -{1} sent a video to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUND | -{1} sent a video message to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_DOC | -{1} sent a file to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_STICKER | -{1} sent a {3}sticker to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Sticker emoji with included trailing space or empty string |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_AUDIO | -{1} sent a voice message to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_CONTACT | -{1} shared a contact {3} in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Contact name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_GEO | -{1} sent a map to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE | -{1} started sharing their live location with {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_POLL | -{1} sent a poll {3} to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Poll name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_QUIZ | -{1} sent a quiz {3} to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Quiz name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_GIF | -{1} sent a GIF to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME | -{1} invited the group {2} to play {3}. | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Game name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE | -{1} scored {4} in game {3} in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Game name 4. Score |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_INVOICE | -{1} sent an invoice to the group {2} for {3} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Product name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message scheduled: Whether this is a scheduled message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CHAT_CREATED | -{1} invited you to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_TITLE_EDITED | -{1} edited the group's {2} name | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_PHOTO_EDITED | -{1} edited the group's {2} photo | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-chat_from_id: Message author identifier chat_id: chat identifier msg_id: ID of the message |
CHAT_ADD_MEMBER | -{1} invited {3} to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name 3. New participant name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_ADD_YOU | -{1} invited you to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_DELETE_MEMBER | -{1} kicked {3} from the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name 3. Dropped participant name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_DELETE_YOU | -{1} kicked you from the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_LEFT | -{1} has left the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_RETURNED | -{1} has returned to the group {2} | -1. Message author 2. Chat name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_JOINED | -{1} has joined the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-chat_id: chat identifier | -
CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS | -{1} forwarded {3} messages to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Number of messages that were forwarded |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) chat_id: Chat identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS | -{1} sent {3} photos to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Number of photos that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) chat_id: Chat identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS | -{1} sent {3} videos to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Number of videos that were sent |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media (related to the first message) chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier (related to the first message) chat_id: Chat identifier (related to the first message) edit_date: When was the message last edited (related to the first message) mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message (related to the first message) msg_id: ID of the message (related to the first message) silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) (related to the first message) |
CHAT_MESSAGES | -{1} sent an album to the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-chat_from_id: Message author identifier chat_id: chat identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message |
PINNED_TEXT | -{1} pinned "{2}" | -1. User name 2. Message body |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_TEXT | -{1} pinned "{3}" in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Message body |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_NOTEXT | -{1} pinned a message | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_NOTEXT | -{1} pinned a message in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_PHOTO | -{1} pinned a photo | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_PHOTO | -{1} pinned a photo in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_VIDEO | -{1} pinned a video | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_VIDEO | -{1} pinned a video in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_ROUND | -{1} pinned a video message | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_ROUND | -{1} pinned a video message in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_DOC | -{1} pinned a file | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_DOC | -{1} pinned a file in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_STICKER | -{1} pinned a {2}sticker | -1. User name 2. Sticker emoji with included trailing space or empty string |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_STICKER | -{1} pinned a {3}sticker in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Sticker emoji with included trailing space or empty string |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_AUDIO | -{1} pinned a voice message | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_AUDIO | -{1} pinned a voice message in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_CONTACT | -{1} pinned a contact {2} | -1. User name 2. Contact name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_CONTACT | -{1} pinned a contact {3} in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Contact name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GEO | -{1} pinned a map | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GEO | -{1} pinned a map in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GEOLIVE | -{1} pinned a live location | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GEOLIVE | -{1} pinned a live location in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_POLL | -{1} pinned a poll {2} | -1. User name 2. Poll name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_POLL | -{1} pinned a poll {3} in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Poll name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_QUIZ | -{1} pinned a quiz {2} | -1. User name 2. Quiz name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_QUIZ | -{1} pinned a quiz {3} in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name 3. Quiz name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GAME | -{1} pinned a game | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GAME | -{1} pinned a game in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GAME_SCORE | -{1} pinned a game score | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GAME_SCORE | -{1} pinned a game score in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_INVOICE | -{1} pinned an invoice | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_INVOICE | -{1} pinned an invoice in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GIF | -{1} pinned a GIF | -1. User name | -attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
PINNED_GIF | -{1} pinned a GIF in the group {2} | -1. User name 2. Group name |
-attachb64: Base64-encoded version of the attached media channel_id: For channels and supergroups, Channel/supergroup identifier chat_from_id: Groups only, message author identifier chat_id: For chats, Chat identifier edit_date: When was the message last edited from_id: For PMs, Author identifier mention: Whether the user was mentioned in the message msg_id: ID of the message silent: Whether the message was posted silently (no notification should be issued) |
CONTACT_JOINED | -{1} joined Telegram! | -1. Contact name | -contact_id: contact identifier | -
AUTH_UNKNOWN | -New login from unrecognized device {1} | -1. Device name | -- |
AUTH_REGION | -New login from unrecognized device {1}, location: {2} | -1. Device name 2. Location |
-- |
ENCRYPTION_REQUEST | -You have a new message | -- | encryption_id: secret chat identifier | -
ENCRYPTION_ACCEPT | -You have a new message | -- | encryption_id: secret chat identifier | -
ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE | -You have a new message | -- | encryption_id: secret chat identifier random_id: message identifier |
LOCKED_MESSAGE | -You have a new message | -- | - |
PHONE_CALL_REQUEST | -{1} is calling you! | -1. User name | -call_ah: Call access hash call_id: Call ID |
PHONE_CALL_MISSED | -You missed a call from {1} | -1. User name | -- |
MESSAGE_ANNOUNCEMENT | -{1} | -1. Announcement | -announcement: Announcement: roughly equivalent to a message received from the service notifications (Telegram Notifications, id 777000 ) user, but must be delivered via push notifications, without contacting the API. |
Identifies a localization pack
+Configuration for two-factor authorization
langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage;
+account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password;
Flags, see TL conditional fields | |||||
official | +has_recovery | flags.0?true | -Whether the language pack is official | +Whether the user has a recovery method configured | |
rtl | +has_secure_values | +flags.1?true | +Whether telegram passport is enabled | +||
has_password | flags.2?true | -Is this a localization pack for an RTL language | +Whether the user has a password | ||
beta | -flags.3?true | -Is this a beta localization pack? | +current_algo | +flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo | +The KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication of the current password |
name | -string | -Language name | +srp_B | +flags.2?bytes | +Srp B param for SRP authorization |
native_name | -string | -Language name in the language itself | +srp_id | +flags.2?long | +Srp ID param for SRP authorization |
lang_code | -string | -Language code (pack identifier) | +hint | +flags.3?string | +Text hint for the password |
base_lang_code | -flags.1?string | -Identifier of a base language pack; may be empty. If a string is missed in the language pack, then it should be fetched from base language pack. Unsupported in custom language packs | +email_unconfirmed_pattern | +flags.4?string | +A password recovery email with the specified pattern is still awaiting verification |
plural_code | -string | -A language code to be used to apply plural forms. See https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html for more info | +new_algo | +PasswordKdfAlgo | +The KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication to use when creating new passwords |
strings_count | -int | -Total number of non-deleted strings from the language pack | +new_secure_algo | +SecurePasswordKdfAlgo | +The KDF algorithm for telegram passport |
translated_count | -int | -Total number of translated strings from the language pack | -|||
translations_url | -string | -Link to language translation interface; empty for custom local language packs | +secure_random | +bytes | +Secure random string |
How to login to a user's account if they have enabled 2FA, how to change password.
+Some methods require the client to verify if the data obtained from an external source matches a certain pattern.
An inline bot result
+Settings for setting up a new password
inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings;
Flags, see TL conditional fields | |||||
id | -string | -ID of result | +new_algo | +flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo | +The SRP algorithm to use |
type | -string | -Result type (see bot API docs) | +new_password_hash | +flags.0?bytes | +The computed password hash |
title | +hint | +flags.0?string | +Text hint for the password | +||
flags.1?string | -Result title | +Password recovery email | |||
description | -flags.2?string | -Result description | -|||
url | -flags.3?string | -URL of result | -|||
thumb | -flags.4?InputWebDocument | -Thumbnail for result | -|||
content | -flags.5?InputWebDocument | -Result contents | -|||
send_message | -InputBotInlineMessage | -Message to send when the result is selected | +new_secure_settings | +flags.2?SecureSecretSettings | +Telegram passport settings |
How to login to a user's account if they have enabled 2FA, how to change password.
+Channel/supergroup title was changed
inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult;
+channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction;
id | +prev_value | string | -Result ID | +Previous title |
short_name | +new_value | string | -Game short name | -|
send_message | -InputBotInlineMessage | -Message to send when the result is selected | +New title |
A simple document with a file name
+A poll was stopped
documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute;
+channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction;
file_name | -string | -The file name | +message | +Message | +The poll that was stopped |
Represents a stickerset (stickerpack)
+Data centre
stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet;
+dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption;
Flags, see TL conditional fields | |||||
archived | +ipv6 | +flags.0?true | +Whether the specified IP is an IPv6 address | +||
media_only | flags.1?true | -Whether this stickerset was archived (due to too many saved stickers in the current account) | +Whether this DC should only be used to download or upload files | ||
official | +tcpo_only | flags.2?true | -Is this stickerset official | +Whether this DC only supports connection with transport obfuscation | |
masks | +cdn | flags.3?true | -Is this a mask stickerset | +Whether this is a CDN DC. | |
animated | -flags.5?true | -Is this an animated stickerpack | -|||
installed_date | -flags.0?int | -When was this stickerset installed | +static | +flags.4?true | +If set, this IP should be used when connecting through a proxy |
id | -long | -ID of the stickerset | -|||
access_hash | -long | -Access hash of stickerset | -|||
title | -string | -Title of stickerset | -|||
short_name | -string | -Short name of stickerset to use in tg://addstickers?set=short_name |
thumb | -flags.4?PhotoSize | -Thumbnail for stickerset | -|||
thumb_dc_id | -flags.4?int | -DC ID of thumbnail | -|||
count | int | -Number of stickers in pack | +DC ID | ||
hash | +ip_address | +string | +IP address of DC | +||
port | int | -Hash | +Port | +||
secret | +flags.10?bytes | +If the tcpo_only flag is set, specifies the secret to use when connecting using transport obfuscation |
How to transfer large data batches correctly.