@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
"PeerInfo.username" = "username";
"PeerInfo.about" = "about";
"PeerInfo.bio" = "bio";
"PeerInfo.birthday" = "birthday";
"PeerInfo.scam" = "scam";
"PeerInfo.fake" = "fake";
"PeerInfo.info" = "info";
@ -682,6 +683,8 @@
"Chat.EmptyChat" = "No messages here yet";
"Chat.EmptyChat.Info" = "Send a message or click on the greeting below";
"Chat.List.Sticker" = "%@ Sticker";
"Chat.List.Voice" = "Voice message";
@ -817,6 +820,7 @@
"PrivacySettings.VoiceMessages" = "Voice Messages";
"PrivacySettings.Messages" = "Messages";
"PrivacySettings.Bio" = "Bio";
"PrivacySettings.Birthday" = "Birthday";
"PrivacySettings.Messages.MyContacts" = "My Contacts And Premium";
@ -1597,6 +1601,14 @@
"PrivacySettingsController.Bio.NeverShareWith.Title" = "Never Share With";
"PrivacySettingsController.Birthday.WhoCanSee" = "WHO CAN SEE MY DATE OF BIRTH";
"PrivacySettingsController.Birthday.CustomHelp" = "You can restrict who can see your birth with granular precision.";
"PrivacySettingsController.Birthday.AlwaysShareWith.Title" = "Always Share With";
"PrivacySettingsController.Birthday.NeverShareWith.Title" = "Never Share With";
"PrivacySettingsController.Birthday.AddHeader" = "You haven't entered your date of birth yet.\n[Add my birthday >]()";
"PrivacySettingsController.Forwards.WhoCanForward" = "WHO CAN FORWARD MY MESSAGES";
"PrivacySettingsController.Forwards.CustomHelp" = "When forwarded to other chats, messages you send will not link back to your account.";
"PrivacySettingsController.Forwards.AlwaysAllow.Title" = "Always Allow";
@ -2542,6 +2554,9 @@
"PrivacySettings.LastSeenContactsMinusPlus" = "My Contacts (-%@, +%@)";
"PrivacySettings.LastSeenNobodyPlus" = "Nobody (+%@)";
"PrivacySettings.PremiumUsers" = "Premium";
"PrivacySettings.DeleteAccountHeader" = "DELETE MY ACCOUNT";
"PrivacySettings.DeleteAccountDescription" = "If you do not come online at least once within this period, your account will be deleted along with all messages and contacts.";
"PrivacySettings.DeleteAccount" = "If Away For";
@ -3049,6 +3064,10 @@
"EditAccount.ChangeNumber" = "Change Number";
"EditAccount.NameDesc" = "Enter your name and add a profile photo.";
"EditAccount.AddAccount" = "Add Account";
"EditAccount.PersonalChannel" = "Personal Channel";
"EditAccount.PersonalChannel.Add" = "Add";
"EditAccount.Title" = "Edit Profile";
@ -6964,6 +6983,7 @@
"WebApp.Access.AudioVideo" = "Are you sure you want to grant access to %@ to your microphone and camera?";
"WebApp.Access.Allow" = "Allow";
"WebApp.Access.Deny" = "Deny";
"ChatList.Context.Sound" = "Sound";
@ -7759,6 +7779,25 @@
"InviteFailed.Text.Cant.Multiple_other" = "%d users can only be invited via link, but you don't nave permission to share invite links to this group.";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Title" = "Upgrade to Premium";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Action" = "Subscribe to Telegram Premium";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.Single" = "**%@** accepts invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.Multiple" = "**%@** only accepts invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_countable" = "%@ %d";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_zero" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more people invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_one" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more person invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_two" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more people invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_few" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more people invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_many" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more people invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"InviteFailed.Premium.Text.MultipleAnd_other" = "**%1$@** and %2$d accepts more people invitations to groups from contacts and **Premium** users";
"ChatEmpty.Topic" = "Send first message to start this topic.";
"ChatEmpty.SavedMessages" = "No Saved Messages";
@ -8510,6 +8549,8 @@
"Stats.Statistics" = "Statistics";
"Stats.Boosts" = "Boosts";
"Stats.Monetization" = "Monetization";
"Stats.Boosts.BoostersNone" = "BOOSTERS";
"Stats.Boosts.NoBoostersYet" = "No users currently boost your channel";
@ -9031,6 +9072,15 @@
"ChatMessage.Recommended.Title" = "Recommended";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.Report" = "Report Ad";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.About" = "About This Ad";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.Report.Aready" = "This Ad is already reported";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.Report.OptionTitle" = "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS AD?";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.Report.Success" = "Telegram moderators will review your report. Thank you.";
"ChatMessage.Sponsored.Report.LearnMore" = "Learn more about [Telegram Ad Policies and Guidelines](telegram.org).";
"Message.GiveawayOngoing" = "Giveaway: %1$@ on %2$@";
@ -9386,6 +9436,12 @@
"ChannelBoost.Table.Wallpaper.Group_other" = "%d Group Backgrounds";
"ChannelBoost.Table.NoAds" = "Switch Off Ads";
"ChannelBoost.NoAds" = "Switch Off Ads";
"ChannelBoost.EnableNoAdsLevelText" = "Your channel needs **Level %1$@** to switch off ads.";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileLogo" = "Custom Logo for Channel Cover";
"ChannelBoost.Table.ProfileLogo.Group" = "Custom Logo for Group Cover";
@ -9615,6 +9671,8 @@
"ChatInput.Business.Greeting" = "Greeting Message...";
"ChatInput.Business.QuickReply" = "Quick Reply Message...";
"ChatInput.Business.Link" = "Add a present message...";
"Chat.InputContext.EditQuickReply" = "Edit Quick Replies";
@ -9665,6 +9723,8 @@
"PremiumBoarding.Business.GreetingMessages" = "Greeting Messages";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.AwayMessages" = "Away Messages";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.ChatBots" = "ChatBots";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Intro" = "Intro";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Links" = "Links to Chat";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness" = "Telegram Business";
"PremiumBoarding.TagFolders" = "Tag Your Chats";
@ -9678,6 +9738,8 @@
"PremiumBoarding.Business.AwayMessages.Info" = "Define messages that are automatically sent when you are off.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.ChatBots.Info" = "Add any third party chatbots that will process customer interactions.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.TelegramBusiness.Info" = "Upgrade your account with business features such as location, opening hours and quick replies.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Intro.Info" = "Customize the message people see before they start a chat with you.";
"PremiumBoarding.Business.Links.Info" = "Create links that start a chat with you, suggesting the first message.";
"PremiumBoarding.TagFolders.Info" = "Add colorful labels to chats for faster access in chat list.";
@ -9763,6 +9825,14 @@
"Business.Message.Recepients.Exclude" = "Exclude Chats...";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Include" = "Select Chats...";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Exclude.Info" = "Select chats or entire chat categories which the bot **WILL NOT** have access to.";
"Business.Message.Recepients.Include.Info" = "Select chats or entire chat categories which the bot **WILL** have access to.";
"Business.Message.Recepients.ExcludeUsers" = "Exclude Users...";
"Business.Message.Recepients.ExcludeUsers.Info" = "Select users which the bot **WILL NOT** have access to.";
"Business.Message.SelectPeers.ChatTypes" = "CHAT TYPES";
"Business.Message.SelectPeers.Chats" = "CHAT";
@ -9868,3 +9938,268 @@
"AccountSettings.TelegramBusiness" = "Telegram Business";
"EditAccount.Birthday.Info.OnlyContacts" = "Only your contacts will see your birthday. [Change >]()";
"EditAccount.Birthday.Info.Everyone" = "Everyone will see your birthday. [Change >]()";
"EditAccount.Birthday.Date" = "Date of Birthday";
"EditAccount.Birthday.Remove" = "Remove";
"EditAccount.Birthday.Add" = "Add";
"Birthday.Alert.Added" = "Date of birth added";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_countable" = "%d";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_zero" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURES";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_one" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURE";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_two" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURES";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_few" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURES";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_many" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURES";
"PremiumBoarding.MoreBusinessHeader_other" = "+%d MORE TELEGRAM PREMIUM FEATURES";
"Chat.Context.BusinessLink.EditName" = "Edit Link Name";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Title" = "Download speed limited";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_countable" = "%d";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_zero" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d times.";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_one" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d time.";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_two" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d times.";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_few" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d times.";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_many" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d times.";
"Chat.DownloadLimit.Text_other" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase download speeds %d times.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Title" = "Upload speed limited";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_countable" = "%d";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_zero" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d times.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_one" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d time.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_two" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d times.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_few" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d times.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_many" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d times.";
"Chat.UploadLimit.Text_other" = "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() and increase upload speeds %d times.";
"Birthday.YearsOld_countable" = "%d";
"Birthday.YearsOld_zero" = "%d years old";
"Birthday.YearsOld_one" = "%d year old";
"Birthday.YearsOld_two" = "%d years old";
"Birthday.YearsOld_few" = "%d years old";
"Birthday.YearsOld_many" = "%d years old";
"Birthday.YearsOld_other" = "%d years old";
"Birthday.Separator.Today" = "🎂 BIRTHDAY TODAY";
"Birthday.Separator.Tomorrow" = "BIRTHDAY TOMORROW";
"Birthday.Separator.Yesterday" = "BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY";
"ChatList.BirthdaySingleTitle" = "It's %@ **birthday** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_countable" = "%d";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_zero" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_one" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_two" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_few" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_many" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayInfo_other" = "Gift them Telegram Premium.";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_countable" = "%d";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_zero" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_one" = "%d contact have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_two" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_few" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_many" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.BirthdayMultipleTitle_other" = "%d contacts have **birthdays** today! 🎂";
"ChatList.Birthday.Add.Title" = "Add your birthday! 🎂";
"ChatList.Birthday.Add.Info" = "Let your contacts know when you're celebrating.";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Title" = "About These Ads";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Text" = "Telegram Ads are very different from ads on other platforms. Ads such as this one:";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Block.Title" = "Can I Launch an Ad?";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Block.Text" = "Anyone can create an ad to display in this channel — with minimal budgets. Check out the Telegram Ad Platform for details. [Learn More >](https://telegram.org)";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option1.Title" = "Respect Your Privacy";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option1.Info" = "Ads on Telegram do not use your personal information and are based on the channel in which you see them.";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option2.Title" = "Help the Channel Creator";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option2.Info" = "50%% ot the revenue from Telegram Ads goes to the owner of the channel where they are displayed.";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option3.Title" = "Can Be Removed";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.Option3.Info" = "You can turn off ads by subscribing to Telegram Premium, and Level 30 channels can remove them for their subscribers.";
"Fragment.AdsInfo.OK" = "Understood";
"PersonalChannel.Hide" = "Hide Personal Channel";
"PersonalChannel.Title" = "Personal Channel";
"PersonalChannel.Info" = "select your channel";
"PersonalChannel.Tooltip.Updated" = "Personal Channel Updated";
"PersonalChannel.Empty" = "You don't have public channel. [Create >]()";
"PeerInfo.PersonalChannel.Title" = "CHANNEL";
"Business.Intro.Title" = "Intro";
"Business.Intro.Info" = "CUSTOMIZE YOUR INTRO";
"Business.Intro.Reset" = "Reset To Default";
"Business.Intro.Empty.Title" = "No Messages here yet...";
"Business.Intro.Empty.Text" = "Send a message or click on the greeting below";
"Business.Intro.Placeholder.Title" = "Enter Title";
"Business.Intro.Placeholder.Text" = "Enter Message";
"Business.Intro.Sticker.Text" = "Custom Sticker";
"Business.Intro.Sticker.Random" = "Random";
"Business.Intro.Sticker.Info" = "You can customize the message people see before they start a chat with you.";
"ChatEmpty.BusinessLink.Title" = "Link to Chat";
"ChatEmpty.BusinessLink.Text" = "Add a message that will be entered in the message input field for anyone who starts a chat with you using the link:";
"ChatEmpty.BusinessIntro.How" = "**%@** added the message above for all empty chats. [How?]()";
"Chat.BotManager.Context.Manage" = "Manage Bot";
"Chat.BotManager.Context.Revoke" = "Revoke access";
"Chat.BotManager.Paused" = "bot stopped";
"Chat.BotManager.ReadOnly" = "bot manages this chat";
"Chat.BotManager.FullAccess" = "bot manages this chat";
"Chat.BotManager.Start" = "START";
"Chat.BotManager.Stop" = "STOP";
"ChatLink.Unavailable" = "Sorry, this link doesn't seem to exist.";
"Business.Links.Title" = "Links to Chat";
"Business.Links.Info" = "Give your customers short links that start a chat with you - and suggest the first message from them to you.";
"Business.Links.Tooltip.Saved" = "Preset message saved.";
"Business.Links.Block" = "LINKS TO CHAT";
"Business.Links.Create" = "Create Link to Chat";
"Business.Links.CreateInfo.Full" = "You can also use a simple link for a chat with you — %1$@ or %2$@.";
"Business.Links.CreateInfo.Phone" = "You can also use a simple link for a chat with you — %1$@.";
"Business.Links.Item.NoText" = "no message";
"Business.Links.Item.EditName" = "Edit Name";
"Business.Links.Item.Share" = "Share";
"Business.Links.Item.Copy" = "Copy";
"Business.Links.Item.Delete" = "Remove";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_countable" = "%d";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_zero" = "%d clicks";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_one" = "%d click";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_two" = "%d clicks";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_few" = "%d clicks";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_many" = "%d clicks";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_other" = "%d clicks";
"Business.Links.Item.Clicks_ZeroValueHolder" = "no clicks";
"Business.Links.ConfirmRemove" = "Are you sure you want to remove this link?";
"Business.Links.Name.Title" = "Link Name";
"Business.Links.Name.Placeholder" = "Name this link...";
"Business.Links.Name.Info" = "Add a name for this link that only you will see.";
"Monetization.Header" = "Telegram shares 50%@ of the revenue from ads displayed in your channel. [Learn More >]()";
"Monetization.ImpressionsTitle" = "AD IMPRESSIONS (BY HOURS)";
"Monetization.AdRevenueTitle" = "AD REVENUE";
"Monetization.OverviewTitle" = "PROCEEDS OVERVIEW";
"Monetization.BalanceTitle" = "AVAILABLE BALANCE";
"Monetization.BalanceInfo" = "You will be able to collect rewards using Fragment, a third-party platform used by the advertizer to pay for the ad. [Learn More >](telegram.org)";
"Monetization.BalanceInfo_URL" = "https://telegram.org";
"Monetization.BalanceWithdraw" = "Withdraw via Fragment";
"Monetization.TransactionsTitle" = "TRANSACTION HISTORY";
"Monetization.Overview.Available" = "Balance Available to Withdraw";
"Monetization.Overview.Current" = "Proceeds Since Last Withdrawal";
"Monetization.Overview.Total" = "Total Lifetime Proceeds";
"Monetization.Transaction.Proceeds" = "Proceeds from Ads";
"Monetization.Transaction.Withdrawal" = "Withdrawal via %@";
"Monetization.Transaction.Refund" = "Refund";
"Monetization.Transaction.Pending" = "Pending";
"Monetization.Transaction.Failed" = "Not Completed";
//"Monetization.Transaction.ShowMoreTransactions_1" = "Show %@ More Transaction";
//"Monetization.Transaction.ShowMoreTransactions_any" = "Show %@ More Transactions";
"Monetization.SwitchOffAds" = "Switch off Ads";
"Monetization.SwitchOffAdsInfo" = "You will not be eligible for any rewards if you switch off ads.";
"Monetization.Withdraw.EnterPassword.Title" = "Enter Password";
"Monetization.Withdraw.EnterPassword.Text" = "Please enter your Two-Step Verification password to complete this action.";
"Monetization.Withdraw.EnterPassword.Done" = "Proceed";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Proceeds" = "Proceeds from Ads displayed in";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Withdrawal" = "Balance Withdrawal via %@";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Pending" = "Pending";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Failed" = "Not Completed";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.Refund" = "Refund";
"Monetization.TransactionInfo.ViewInExplorer" = "View in Blockchain Explorer";
"Monetization.Intro.Title" = "Earn From Your Channel";
"Monetization.Intro.Ads.Title" = "Telegram Ads";
"Monetization.Intro.Ads.Text" = "Telegram can display ads in your channel.";
"Monetization.Intro.Split.Title" = "50:50 Revenue Split";
"Monetization.Intro.Split.Text" = "You receive 50%@ of the ad revenue in TON.";
"Monetization.Intro.Withdrawal.Title" = "Flexible Withdrawals";
"Monetization.Intro.Withdrawal.Text" = "You can withdraw your TON any time.";
"Monetization.Intro.Info.Title" = "What's %@ TON?";
"Monetization.Intro.Info.Text" = "TON is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency that Telegram uses for its record scalability and ultra low commissions on transactions. [Learn More >](ton.org)";
"Monetization.Intro.Understood" = "Understood";
"Monetization.Withdraw.Error.Text" = "Withdraw is only available if:\n\n• 2-Step Verification was enabled for your account more than 7 days ago.\n\n• You have logged in on this device more than 24 hours ago.\n\nPlease come back later.";
"Business.ChatBots.BotNotSupported" = "This bot doesn't support Telegram Business yet.";
"ChatList.Filter.PremiumUsers" = "Premium Users";
"SelectPeers.UserTypes" = "USER TYPES";
"SelectPeers.Chats" = "CHATS";
"WebApp.Biometry.Confirm.TouchId" = "Do you want to allow %@ to use Touch ID?";
"WebApp.Biometry.Confirm.FaceId" = "Do you want to allow %@ to use Touch ID?";