diff --git a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html index 2f580ac6aa..0b5d917165 100644 --- a/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html +++ b/data/web/corefork.telegram.org/api/config.html @@ -69,79 +69,6 @@ help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue;
The help.getAppConfig method returns a JSON object containing rapidly evolving, client-specific configuration parameters.
While help.getConfig returns MTProto-specific configuration with information about server-side limitations and other MTProto-related information, help.getAppConfig returns configuration parameters useful for graphical Telegram clients.
Typical fields included in the resulting JSON object are:
- Animated emojis and animated dice should be scaled by this factor before being shown to the user (float)keep_alive_service
- Whether app clients should start a keepalive service to keep the app running and fetch updates even when the app is closed (boolean)background_connection
- Whether app clients should start a background TCP connection for MTProto update fetching (boolean)emojies_send_dice
- A list of supported animated dice stickers (array of strings).emojies_send_dice_success
- For animated dice emojis other than the basic value
and frame_start
float values)emojies_sounds
- A map of soundbites to be played when the user clicks on the specified animated emoji; the file reference field should be base64-decoded before downloading the file (map of file IDs, with emoji string keys)gif_search_branding
- Specifies the name of the service providing GIF search through gif_search_username (string)gif_search_emojies
- Specifies a list of emojies that should be suggested as search term in a bar above the GIF search box (array of string emojis)stickers_emoji_suggest_only_api
- Specifies that the app should not display local sticker suggestions » for emojis at all and just use the result of messages.getStickers (bool)stickers_emoji_cache_time
- Specifies the validity period of the local cache of messages.getStickers, also relevant when generating the pagination hash when invoking the method. (int)qr_login_camera
- Whether the Settings->Devices menu should show an option to scan a QR login code (boolean)qr_login_code
- Whether the login screen should show a QR code login option, possibly as default login method (string, "disabled", "primary" or "secondary")dialog_filters_enabled
- Whether clients should show an option for managing dialog filters AKA folders (boolean)dialog_filters_tooltip
- Whether clients should actively show a tooltip, inviting the user to configure dialog filters AKA folders; typically this happens when the chat list is long enough to start getting cluttered. (boolean)autoarchive_setting_available
- Whether clients can invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings with globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue
, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts. (boolean)pending_suggestions
- Contains a list of suggestions that should be actively shown as a tooltip to the user. (Array of strings, possible values shown in the suggestions section ». url_auth_domains
- A list of domains that support automatic login with manual user confirmation, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (array of strings)autologin_domains
- A list of Telegram domains that support automatic login with no user confirmation, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (array of strings)autologin_token
- Autologin token, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (string)round_video_encoding
- Contains a set of recommended codec parameters for round videos. chat_read_mark_size_threshold
- Per-user read receipts, fetchable using messages.getMessageReadParticipants, will be available in groups with an amount of participants less or equal to chat_read_mark_size_threshold
. (int)chat_read_mark_expire_period
- To protect user privacy, read receipts are only stored for chat_read_mark_expire_period
seconds after the message was sent. (int)groupcall_video_participants_max
- Maximum number of participants in a group call (livestreams allow ∞ participants) (int)reactions_default
- Default emoji reaction to use in the quick reaction menu, this value can be changed using messages.setDefaultReaction (string)reactions_uniq_max
- Maximum number of unique reaction-emojis for any given message: for example, if there are 2000 ringtone_duration_max
- The maximum duration in seconds of uploadable notification sounds » (integer)ringtone_size_max
- The maximum post-conversion size in bytes of uploadable notification sounds »ringtone_saved_count_max
- The maximum number of saveable notification sounds »message_animated_emoji_max
- Maximum number of custom animated emojis that may be present in a message. (integer)stickers_premium_by_emoji_num
- Defines how many premium stickers to show in the sticker suggestion popup when entering an emoji into the text field, see the sticker docs for more info (integer, defaults to 0)stickers_normal_by_emoji_per_premium_num
- For Premium users, used to define the suggested sticker list, see the sticker docs for more info (integer, defaults to 2)premium_purchase_blocked
- The user can't purchase premium. The app must also hide all Premium features, including stars for other users, et cetera. (boolean)channels_limit_default
- The maximum number of channels and supergroups a non-Premium user may join (integer)channels_limit_premium
- The maximum number of channels and supergroups a Premium user may join (integer)saved_gifs_limit_default
- The maximum number of GIFs a non-Premium user may save (integer)saved_gifs_limit_premium
- The maximum number of GIFs a Premium user may save (integer)stickers_faved_limit_default
- The maximum number of stickers a non-Premium user may add to Favorites » (integer)stickers_faved_limit_premium
- The maximum number of stickers a Premium user may add to Favorites » (integer)dialog_filters_limit_default
- The maximum number of folders a non-Premium user may create (integer)dialog_filters_limit_premium
- The maximum number of folders a Premium user may create (integer)dialog_filters_chats_limit_default
- The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may add to a folder (integer)dialog_filters_chats_limit_premium
- The maximum number of chats a Premium user may add to a folder (integer)dialogs_pinned_limit_default
- The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may pin (integer)dialogs_pinned_limit_premium
- The maximum number of chats a Premium user may pin (integer)dialogs_folder_pinned_limit_default
- The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may pin in a folder (integer)dialogs_folder_pinned_limit_premium
- The maximum number of chats a Premium user may pin in a folder (integer)channels_public_limit_default
- The maximum number of public channels or supergroups a non-Premium user may create (integer)channels_public_limit_premium
- The maximum number of public channels or supergroups a Premium user may create (integer)caption_length_limit_default
- The maximum UTF-8 length of media captions sendable by non-Premium users (integer)caption_length_limit_premium
- The maximum UTF-8 length of media captions sendable by non-Premium users (integer)upload_max_fileparts_default
- The maximum size of files uploadable by non-Premium users (integer, indicates the number of 512kb file parts, so the size in bytes is determined by multiplying by 524288
- The maximum size of files uploadable by Premium users (integer, indicates the number of 512kb file parts, so the size in bytes is determined by multiplying by 524288
- The maximum UTF-8 length of bios of non-Premium users (integer)about_length_limit_premium
- The maximum UTF-8 length of bios of Premium users (integer)premium_promo_order
- Array of string identifiers, indicating the order of Telegram Premium features in the Telegram Premimum promotion popup, possible values:double_limits
- Should open a secondary popup with a list of the default/premium limits mentioned abovemore_upload
- Premium users can upload bigger files, as specified by the upload_max_fileparts_*
config keysfaster_download
- Premium users have no download speed limitsvoice_to_text
- Premium users can transcribe voice messagesno_ads
- Premium users see no Sponsored Messagesunique_reactions
- Premium users have access to more message reactionspremimum_stickers
- Premium users have access to premium stickersetsanimated_emoji
- Premium users can send custom animated emojisadvanced_chat_management
- Premium users can reorder the default folder, auto-archive and hide new chats from non-contacts.profile_badge
- Premium users have a badge next to their name, showing that they are helping support Telegramanimated_userpics
- Animated profile pictures of Premium users will play in-chat and when browsing the dialog listapp_icons
- Premium users can change the default icon of the Telegram apppremium_bot_username
- Contains the username of the official Telegram Premium bot that may be used to buy a Telegram Premium subscription (string)Example value:
"test": 1,
@@ -323,6 +250,135 @@ While help.getConfig returns MTProto-specif
"premium_bot_username": "PremiumBot"
+Typical fields included in the resulting JSON object are:
Animated emojis and animated dice should be scaled by this factor before being shown to the user (float)
Whether app clients should start a keepalive service to keep the app running and fetch updates even when the app is closed (boolean)
Whether app clients should start a background TCP connection for MTProto update fetching (boolean)
A list of supported animated dice stickers (array of strings).
For animated dice emojis other than the basic , indicates the winning dice value and the final frame of the animated sticker, at which to show the fireworks
(object with emoji keys and object values, containing
and frame_start
float values)
A map of soundbites to be played when the user clicks on the specified animated emoji; the file reference field should be base64-decoded before downloading the file (map of file IDs, with emoji string keys)
Specifies the name of the service providing GIF search through gif_search_username (string)
Specifies a list of emojies that should be suggested as search term in a bar above the GIF search box (array of string emojis)
Specifies that the app should not display local sticker suggestions » for emojis at all and just use the result of messages.getStickers (bool)
Specifies the validity period of the local cache of messages.getStickers, also relevant when generating the pagination hash when invoking the method. (int)
Whether the Settings->Devices menu should show an option to scan a QR login code (boolean)
Whether the login screen should show a QR code login option, possibly as default login method (string, "disabled", "primary" or "secondary")
Whether clients should show an option for managing dialog filters AKA folders (boolean)
Whether clients should actively show a tooltip, inviting the user to configure dialog filters AKA folders; typically this happens when the chat list is long enough to start getting cluttered. (boolean)
Whether clients can invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings with globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue
, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts. (boolean)
Contains a list of suggestions that should be actively shown as a tooltip to the user. (Array of strings, possible values shown in the suggestions section ».
A list of domains that support automatic login with manual user confirmation, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (array of strings)
A list of Telegram domains that support automatic login with no user confirmation, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (array of strings)
Autologin token, click here for more info on URL authorization ». (string)
Contains a set of recommended codec parameters for round videos.
Per-user read receipts, fetchable using messages.getMessageReadParticipants, will be available in groups with an amount of participants less or equal to chat_read_mark_size_threshold
. (int)
To protect user privacy, read receipts are only stored for chat_read_mark_expire_period
seconds after the message was sent. (int)
Maximum number of participants in a group call (livestreams allow ∞ participants) (int)
Default emoji reaction to use in the quick reaction menu, this value can be changed using messages.setDefaultReaction (string)
Maximum number of unique reaction-emojis for any given message: for example, if there are 2000 and 1000
reactions and reactions_uniq_max = 2, you can't add a
reaction, because that would raise the number of unique reaction-emojis to 3 > 2. (integer)
The maximum duration in seconds of uploadable notification sounds » (integer)
The maximum post-conversion size in bytes of uploadable notification sounds »
The maximum number of saveable notification sounds »
Maximum number of custom animated emojis that may be present in a message. (integer)
Defines how many premium stickers to show in the sticker suggestion popup when entering an emoji into the text field, see the sticker docs for more info (integer, defaults to 0)
For Premium users, used to define the suggested sticker list, see the sticker docs for more info (integer, defaults to 2)
The user can't purchase premium. The app must also hide all Premium features, including stars for other users, et cetera. (boolean)
The maximum number of channels and supergroups a non-Premium user may join (integer)
The maximum number of channels and supergroups a Premium user may join (integer)
The maximum number of GIFs a non-Premium user may save (integer)
The maximum number of GIFs a Premium user may save (integer)
The maximum number of stickers a non-Premium user may add to Favorites » (integer)
The maximum number of stickers a Premium user may add to Favorites » (integer)
The maximum number of folders a non-Premium user may create (integer)
The maximum number of folders a Premium user may create (integer)
The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may add to a folder (integer)
The maximum number of chats a Premium user may add to a folder (integer)
The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may pin (integer)
The maximum number of chats a Premium user may pin (integer)
The maximum number of chats a non-Premium user may pin in a folder (integer)
The maximum number of chats a Premium user may pin in a folder (integer)
The maximum number of public channels or supergroups a non-Premium user may create (integer)
The maximum number of public channels or supergroups a Premium user may create (integer)
The maximum UTF-8 length of media captions sendable by non-Premium users (integer)
The maximum UTF-8 length of media captions sendable by non-Premium users (integer)
The maximum size of files uploadable by non-Premium users (integer, indicates the number of 512kb file parts, so the size in bytes is determined by multiplying by 524288
The maximum size of files uploadable by Premium users (integer, indicates the number of 512kb file parts, so the size in bytes is determined by multiplying by 524288
The maximum UTF-8 length of bios of non-Premium users (integer)
The maximum UTF-8 length of bios of Premium users (integer)
Array of string identifiers, indicating the order of Telegram Premium features in the Telegram Premimum promotion popup, possible values:
- Should open a secondary popup with a list of the default/premium limits mentioned abovemore_upload
- Premium users can upload bigger files, as specified by the upload_max_fileparts_*
config keysfaster_download
- Premium users have no download speed limitsvoice_to_text
- Premium users can transcribe voice messagesno_ads
- Premium users see no Sponsored Messagesunique_reactions
- Premium users have access to more message reactionspremimum_stickers
- Premium users have access to premium stickersetsanimated_emoji
- Premium users can send custom animated emojisadvanced_chat_management
- Premium users can reorder the default folder, auto-archive and hide new chats from non-contacts.profile_badge
- Premium users have a badge next to their name, showing that they are helping support Telegramanimated_userpics
- Animated profile pictures of Premium users will play in-chat and when browsing the dialog listapp_icons
- Premium users can change the default icon of the Telegram apppremium_bot_username
Contains the username of the official Telegram Premium bot that may be used to buy a Telegram Premium subscription (string)
Contains an invoice slug that may be used to buy a Telegram Premium subscription (string)
The API can return a set of useful suggestions for users of graphical clients.
This page describes how should client apps handle Premium features: for a user-friendly overview of Telegram Premium features, see the Telegram Premium FAQ.
+Apps should implement a Telegram Premium modal, listing the Premium features contained in the premium_promo_order
app configuration parameter ».
Here's how to pay for a Telegram Premium subscription, when the user clicks on the subscribe button:
field is set, call messages.startBot, specifying the following parameters:peer
and bot
: The bot mentioned in premium_bot_username
: One of the following values:double_limits
+Then, when the user clicks on the subscribe button in the sent invoice, follow the usual payment flow for message invoices. premium_invoice_slug
field is set, handle the payment as you would handle a t.me/$premium_invoice_slug
invoice deep link.If the premium_purchase_blocked
app configuration parameter is set, the user can't purchase a Premium account, and all Telegram Premium features must be hidden (like the stars of Premium users, Telegram Premium purchase buttons, and so on).
Telegram supports automatic authorization on certain websites upon opening an HTTP URL in-app, upon clicking a link in a message or clicking on a keyboardButtonUrl.
Clients should automatically authenticate users when opening official Telegram websites, listed in the url_auth_domains
key of the client configuration object ».
Clients should automatically authenticate users when opening official Telegram websites, listed in the autologin_domains
key of the client configuration object ».
Upon clicking a link, the URL must be modified by appending the autologin_token
from the client configuration object » to the query string, like so:
Original URL: https://somedomain.telegram.org/path?query=string#fragment=value
Modified URL: https://somedomain.telegram.org/path?query=string&autologin_token=$autologin_token#fragment=value