From e8aef4075e1ba0d431ac66700f472e57c1007624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:20:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 1511 -- .../en/android/general.json | 12172 +--------------- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 13682 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index 513bd0de9d..efbf4c79c8 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ { "android": [ - "ALongTimeAgo", "ALongTimeAgo", "Abort", "AbortEmail", @@ -11,107 +10,48 @@ "AboutPremiumTitle", "AboutRevenueSharingAds", "AboutTelegramPremium", - "AccActionCancelDownload", "AccActionChatPreview", "AccActionCloseTranscription", - "AccActionDownload", - "AccActionEnterSelectionMode", - "AccActionMessageOptions", "AccActionOnceActivate", "AccActionOnceDeactivate", - "AccActionOpenFile", "AccActionOpenForwardedOrigin", "AccActionOpenTranscription", - 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"values": { - "singular": "Take one more picture" - } - }, - "AccDescrUserOptions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "User options" - } - }, - "AccDescrVideoMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Record video message" - } - }, - "AccDescrVideoQuality": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video quality" - } - }, - "AccDescrVoiceMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Record voice message" - } - }, - "AcceptCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",669,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Accept" - } - }, - "AccessError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",412,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Access error" - } - }, - "AccountSettings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",613,398,398,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Account Settings" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallEnded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",459,425,425,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat ended (%s)" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallEndedBy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1276,1197,1197,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 ended the video chat (%s)" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallEndedByYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1273,895,895,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You ended the video chat (%s)" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallInvited": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",585,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 invited un2 to the video chat" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallInvitedYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",354,600,623,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 invited you to the video chat" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallScheduled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1318,923,923,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat scheduled for %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallStarted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",544,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 started a video chat" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallStartedByYou": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1269,572,572,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You started a video chat" - } - }, - "ActionGroupCallYouInvited": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",298,600,609,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You invited un2 to the video chat" - } - }, - "ActionPinnedNoText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",290,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 pinned a message" - } - }, - "ActionTTLChannelChanged": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",524,600,646,260,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages in this channel will be automatically deleted after %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionTTLChannelDisabled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",676,511,511,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages in this channel will no longer be automatically deleted" - } - }, - "ActionTTLYouChanged": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You set messages to auto-delete in %1$s" - } - }, - "ActionTTLYouDisabled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",746,384,384,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You disabled the auto-delete timer" - } - }, - "ActionYouAddUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",798,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You added un2" - } - }, - "ActionYouKickUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",765,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You removed un2" - } - }, - "AddAccount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",553,290,290,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Account" - } - }, - "AddContactPhonebookTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",923,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Contact" - } - }, - "AddContactTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",372,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Contact" - } - }, - "AddEffectMessageHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",190,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add an animated effect" - } - }, - "AddMember": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",105,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Members" - } - }, - "AddPeopleNearby": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",339,574,574,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Find People Nearby" - } - }, - "AddRecipient": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add recipient" - } - }, - "AddShortcut": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Home Screen" - } - }, - "AddStickersCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1807,372,372,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %1$s" - } - }, - "AddToContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",492,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to contacts" - } - }, - "AddToExistingContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",471,402,402,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Existing Contact" - } - }, - "AddToFavorites": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",627,381,381,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Favorites" - } - }, - "AddToMasks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",432,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Masks" - } - }, - "AddToStickerPack": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",653,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Sticker Set" - } - }, - "AddToStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",392,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Stickers" - } - }, - "AddedToDoNotTranslate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",690,439,439,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** added to your Do Not Translate list." - } - }, - "AddedToFavorites": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",985,619,619,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sticker added to Favorites." - } - }, - "AlertClearHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",619,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear History" - } - }, - "Allow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",604,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow" - } - }, - "AllowCustomQuickReply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow Custom" - } - }, - "AndOther": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1294,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "and %1$d other", - "plural": "and %1$d others" - } - }, - "ApkRestricted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",291,675,675,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "APK installation is restricted for this app. You can enable this in system settings." - } - }, - "AppName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",239,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram" - } - }, - "AppUpdate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",868,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Update Telegram" - } - }, - "AppUpdateChangelogEmpty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",610,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**What's new?**

• Bug fixes and improvements." - } - }, - "AppUpdateDownloadNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",788,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Download Now" - } - }, - "AppUpdateDownloading": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2089,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Downloading… %1$d%%" - } - }, - "AppUpdateNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",869,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Update Now" - } - }, - "AppUpdateRemindMeLater": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",856,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remind me later" - } - }, - "AppUpdateVersionAndSize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Version %1$s%2$s" - } - }, - "ApplyChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",727,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply Changes" - } - }, - "ApplyTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",556,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply" - } - }, - "ApplyThemeFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",352,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply theme file" - } - }, - "ArchivedStickersAlertInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",125,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Some of your older sticker sets have been archived. You can reactivate them in the Stickers Settings." - } - }, - "ArchivedStickersAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",120,331,331,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Archived stickers" - } - }, - "AreYouSure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",684,320,320,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureClearHistoryWithChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",431,480,480,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to clear the chat history in **%1$s**?" - } - }, - "AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessageMega": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",816,1050,1050,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this message for everyone?" - } - }, - "ArticleByAuthor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "by %1$s" - } - }, - "ArticleDateByAuthor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",502,480,480,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s by %2$s" - } - }, - "AttachDestructingPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",184,756,756,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Self-Destructing Photo" - } - }, - "AttachDestructingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",269,751,751,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Self-Destructing Video" - } - }, - "AttachDocument": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1337,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "File" - } - }, - "AttachGif": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "GIF" - } - }, - "AttachLiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1242,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Live Location" - } - }, - "AttachLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Location" - } - }, - "AttachMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",23,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Attach..." - } - }, - "AudioSpeedFast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",800,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Audio will play two times faster." - } - }, - "AudioSpeedNormal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",800,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Audio will play at normal speed." - } - }, - "August": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",784,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "August" - } - }, - "AuthAnotherClient": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",11,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Scan QR Code" - } - }, - "AuthAnotherClientUrl": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,600,415,272,188", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This code can be used to allow someone to log in to your Telegram account.

To confirm Telegram login, please go to Settings > Devices > Scan QR and scan the code." - } - }, - "AutoDelete1Month": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",277,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 month" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteAlertUserInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",476,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Automatically delete new messages for you and %1$s after a certain period of time." - } - }, - "AutoDeleteConfirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",869,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",626,399,399,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-delete messages in this chat" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteHintOffText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",787,316,316,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-delete is now disabled." - } - }, - "AutoDeleteHintOnText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",787,450,450,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New messages in this chat will be automatically deleted after %1$s." - } - }, - "AutoDeleteIn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1912,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-deletes in %1$s" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",547,600,637,264,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Automatically delete new messages sent in this chat after a certain period of time." - } - }, - "AutoDeletePopupTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Auto-Delete" - } - }, - "AutoDeleteSetInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,493,493,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages in this chat are automatically
deleted %1$s after they are sent." - } - }, - "AutomaticTranslation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,343,343,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Automatic Translation" - } - }, - "AutoplayVideoInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",432,638,638,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Press the volume buttons to turn sound on." - } - }, - "AwayTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1030,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s away" - } - }, - "Back": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",615,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Back" - } - }, - "BackgroundColors": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",819,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Colors" - } - }, - "BackgroundRestricted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",354,468,468,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Background data restricted." - } - }, - "BackgroundToChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",756,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper sent to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "BackgroundToGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",727,390,390,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper sent to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "BackgroundToSavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,463,463,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper sent to **Saved Messages**." - } - }, - "BackgroundToUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1653,799,799,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Wallpaper shared with **%1$s**." - } - }, - "BioCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",843,316,316,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bio copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "BirthdayToday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "🎂 Birthday today" - } - }, - "BirthdayTodaySingleMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",144,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift them Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "BirthdayTodaySingleTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",105,473,473,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "It’s %s’s **birthday** today! 🎂" - } - }, - "BirthdayTomorrow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1209,408,408,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Birthday tomorrow" - } - }, - "BirthdayYesterday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Birthday yesterday" - } - }, - "BoostFeatureSwitchOffAds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",163,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Switch Off Ads" - } - }, - "BoostersInfoDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",560,599,603,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your channel is currently boosted by these users." - } - }, - "BoostingAddChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",224,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Channel" - } - }, - "BoostingAllSubscribers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",425,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All subscribers" - } - }, - "BoostingApplyChangesChannels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the list of channels. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BoostingApplyChangesCountries": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the list of countries. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BoostingApplyChangesUsers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",362,492,492,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the list of users. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BoostingAwardSpecificUsers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",404,310,310,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Award Specific Users" - } - }, - "BoostingBoostsCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d Boost", - "plural": "%1$d Boosts" - } - }, - "BoostingBoostsCountTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",521,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d boost", - "plural": "%d boosts" - } - }, - "BoostingBoostsViaGifts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",201,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Boosts via Gifts" - } - }, - "BoostingChannelWillReceiveBoost": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",142,427,427,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "this channel will receive %d boost", - "plural": "this channel will receive %d boosts" - } - }, - "BoostingChannelsIncludedGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",75,462,462,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channels included in the giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingChooseChannelsNeedToJoin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,600,620,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose the channels users need to join to take part in the giveaway." - } - }, - "BoostingChooseHowMany": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",445,600,611,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose how many Premium subscriptions to give away and boosts to receive." - } - }, - "BoostingChooseLimitGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",408,592,594,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose if you want to limit the giveaway only to those who joined the channel after the giveaway started or to users from specific countries." - } - }, - "BoostingChooseRandom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",534,600,623,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose when %d subscriber of your channel will be randomly selected to receive Telegram Premium.", - "plural": "Choose when %d subscribers of your channel will be randomly selected to receive Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "BoostingConfirm": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",916,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm" - } - }, - "BoostingCongratulations": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",277,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Congratulations!" - } - }, - "BoostingCreateGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",342,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create Giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",803,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Date" - } - }, - "BoostingDateAndTime": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",746,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Date and Time" - } - }, - "BoostingDateWhenGiveawayEnds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",647,347,347,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Date when giveaway ends" - } - }, - "BoostingDurationOfPremium": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",442,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Duration of Premium subscriptions" - } - }, - "BoostingEligibleUsers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",327,413,413,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Users eligible for the giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingFrom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",584,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "From" - } - }, - "BoostingFromAllCountries": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",453,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "from all countries" - } - }, - "BoostingFromAllCountries3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",474,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "from %1$s, %2$s, %3$s" - } - }, - "BoostingGetBoostsViaGifts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",758,288,288,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Get Boosts via Gifts" - } - }, - "BoostingGetMoreBoost": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",179,573,573,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting Premium to your subscribers." - } - }, - "BoostingGetMoreBoosts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",626,534,534,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Get more boosts for your channel by gifting Premium to your subscribers." - } - }, - "BoostingGift": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",279,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift" - } - }, - "BoostingGiftLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",361,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Link" - } - }, - "BoostingGiftLinkForwardedTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",725,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift link forwarded to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "BoostingGiftLinkForwardedToSavedMsg": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",650,519,519,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift link forwarded to **Saved Messages**." - } - }, - "BoostingGiftsCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d Gift", - "plural": "%1$d Gifts" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveAwayAbout": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",242,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "About this giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",125,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayAdditionPrizeCountHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",303,600,622,270,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All prizes: **%1$d** Telegram Premium subscriptions for %2$s.", - "plural": "All prizes: **%1$d** Telegram Premium subscriptions for %2$s." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayAdditionalPrizes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",336,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Additional Prizes" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayEnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",275,293,293,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Giveaway ended" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayEnterYourPrize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",400,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter Your Prize" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayHowItWorksSubText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,517,517,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "On **%2$s**, Telegram will automatically select **%3$s** random user that joined **%4$s**.", - "plural": "On **%2$s**, Telegram will automatically select **%3$s** random users that joined **%4$s**." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayHowItWorksText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",258,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This giveaway is sponsored by the admins of **%2$s**, who acquired **%3$s Telegram Premium** subscription for %4$s for its followers.", - "plural": "This giveaway is sponsored by the admins of **%2$s**, who acquired **%3$s Telegram Premium** subscriptions for %4$s for its followers." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayHowItWorksTextEnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",263,520,520,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This giveaway was sponsored by the admins of **%2$s**, who acquired **%3$s Telegram Premium** subscription for %4$s for its followers.", - "plural": "This giveaway was sponsored by the admins of **%2$s**, who acquired **%3$s Telegram Premium** subscriptions for %4$s for its followers." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayJustStarted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",100,587,587,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s just started a giveaway of Telegram Premium subscriptions for its followers." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayMsgAllSubsPlural": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",438,377,377,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All subscribers of the channel:", - "plural": "All subscribers of the channels:" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayMsgInfoPlural1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",400,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$d** Telegram Premium", - "plural": "**%1$d** Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayMsgInfoPlural2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",401,335,335,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Subscription for %2$s.", - "plural": "Subscriptions for %2$s." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayMsgParticipants": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",464,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**Participants**" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayNotEligibleAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",470,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are not eligible for this giveaway because you are an admin of a participating channel (**%1$s**)." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayParticipant": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",457,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are participating in this giveaway because you joined the channel **%1$s**." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayPrivateChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel is Private" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayPrivateChannelWarning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to add a private channel? Users won't be able to join it without an invite link." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayPrizes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",376,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**Giveaway Prizes**" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayShortStatusEnded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",835,313,313,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This giveaway has ended." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayShortStatusNotParticipating": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",796,363,363,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can't participate in this giveaway." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayShowWinners": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",553,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Winners" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayShowWinnersHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",410,600,615,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose whether to make the list of winners public when the giveaway ends." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayUsedLinksPlural": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",401,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$d** of the winners already used their gift links.", - "plural": "**%1$d** of the winners already used their gift links." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayViewPrize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",671,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View my prize" - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayYouNotWon": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",525,397,397,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You didn't win a prize in this giveaway." - } - }, - "BoostingGiveawayYouWon": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",475,473,473,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You won a prize in this giveaway 🏆" - } - }, - "BoostingHowItWork": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",644,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "LEARN MORE" - } - }, - "BoostingIncompleteGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",751,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incomplete Giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingLinkAllows": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",339,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link allows you to activate
a **Telegram Premium** subscription." - } - }, - "BoostingLinkAllowsAnyone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",338,461,461,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link allows anyone to activate
a **Telegram Premium** subscription." - } - }, - "BoostingLinkUsed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",339,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link was used to activate
a **Telegram Premium** subscription." - } - }, - "BoostingNewSubscribers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",487,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Only new subscribers" - } - }, - "BoostingNoRecipient": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",641,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No recipient" - } - }, - "BoostingQuantityPrizes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",522,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Quantity of prizes" - } - }, - "BoostingReason": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",748,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reason" - } - }, - "BoostingReceivedGiftDuration": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your gift is a **Telegram Premium**
subscription for %s." - } - }, - "BoostingReceivedGiftFrom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You've received a gift
from **%s**." - } - }, - "BoostingReceivedGiftNoName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",471,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You received a gift." - } - }, - "BoostingReceivedGiftOpenBtn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",400,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Gift Link" - } - }, - "BoostingSaveRecipients": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",926,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Save Recipients" - } - }, - "BoostingSelectCountry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",97,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select Countries" - } - }, - "BoostingSelectDateTime": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",471,382,382,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select Date and Time" - } - }, - "BoostingSelectRecipients": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",446,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "select recipients" - } - }, - "BoostingSelectUpToPlural": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",263,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select up to %1$d channel", - "plural": "Select up to %1$d channels" - } - }, - "BoostingSelectUpToWarningCountriesPlural": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,499,499,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can select up to %1$d country.", - "plural": "You can select up to %1$d countries." - } - }, - "BoostingSendLinkToAnyone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",607,568,568,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also **send this link** to anyone as a gift." - } - }, - "BoostingSendLinkToFriends": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",604,572,572,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also **send this link** to a friend as a gift." - } - }, - "BoostingShortMonths": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",150,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$dm" - } - }, - "BoostingShowMoreBoosts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",749,316,316,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show %1$d More Boost", - "plural": "Show %1$d More Boosts" - } - }, - "BoostingStartGiveaway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",926,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Giveaway" - } - }, - "BoostingStoriesFeaturesAndTerms": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",536,600,632,264,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can review the list of features and more details about Telegram Premium **here**." - } - }, - "BoostingTelegramPremiumFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",606,405,405,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Premium for %s" - } - }, - "BoostingTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",639,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "To" - } - }, - "BoostingToBeDistributed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",512,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "To be distributed" - } - }, - "BoostingUnclaimed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",121,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unclaimed" - } - }, - "BoostingUnclaimedPrize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unclaimed Prize" - } - }, - "BoostingUnclaimedPrizeDuration": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",305,321,321,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This prize is a **Telegram Premium** subscription for %s." - } - }, - "BoostingUseLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",925,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use Link" - } - }, - "BoostingUsedGiftLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",362,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Used Gift Link" - } - }, - "BoostingUsedLinkDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",672,492,492,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link was used on %s." - } - }, - "BoostingWinnersDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",548,312,312,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**Winners Selection Date**" - } - }, - "BoostingWinnersRandomly": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",337,369,369,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "winners are chosen randomly" - } - }, - "BoostingYouHaveUnclaimedPrize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",210,334,334,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have an unclaimed prize from a giveaway by **%s**." - } - }, - "BoostingYouWereSelected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",646,414,414,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You were selected by the channel" - } - }, - "BotCloseAllTabs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close All Tabs" - } - }, - "BusinessAway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,429,429,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Away Message" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayCreate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",694,622,622,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create an Away Message" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1811,551,551,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Away Message" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,765,765,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Automatically reply with a message when you are away." - } - }, - "BusinessAwayIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1074,523,523,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add messages that will be automatically sent when you are off." - } - }, - "BusinessAwayIntroTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1012,440,440,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Away Message" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayOnlyOffline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1892,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Only if Offline" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayOnlyOfflineInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1462,1122,1122,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Don’t send the away message if you’ve recently been online." - } - }, - "BusinessAwaySchedule": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",969,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Schedule" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleAlways": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1058,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Always" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1268,436,436,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Custom Schedule" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustomEnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1752,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "End Time" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustomEndTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1107,525,525,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose end time" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustomSetButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2019,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustomStart": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1616,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Time" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleCustomStartTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1089,555,555,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose start time" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayScheduleOutsideHours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1045,658,658,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outside of Business Hours" - } - }, - "BusinessAwaySend": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",573,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Away Message" - } - }, - "BusinessAwayUnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,448,448,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the business away message settings. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BusinessBotChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",797,645,645,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats accessible for the bot" - } - }, - "BusinessBotChatsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",931,1180,1181,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select chats or entire chat categories which the bot will have access to." - } - }, - "BusinessBotLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",570,558,558,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot Username or URL" - } - }, - "BusinessBotLinkInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",497,1064,1064,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter the link to the Telegram bot that you want to automatically process your chats." - } - }, - "BusinessBotNotFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",760,394,394,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chatbot not found" - } - }, - "BusinessBotNotSupportedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",755,841,841,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This bot doesn’t support **Telegram Business** yet." - } - }, - "BusinessBotNotSupportedTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",917,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Oops" - } - }, - "BusinessBotPermissions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1694,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bot permissions" - } - }, - "BusinessBotPermissionsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1122,1200,1254,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "The bot can only reply on your behalf in chats that were active during the last 24h." - } - }, - "BusinessBotPermissionsReply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1715,467,467,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reply to Messages" - } - }, - "BusinessBots": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chatbots" - } - }, - "BusinessBotsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",315,890,890,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a bot to your account to help you automatically process and respond to the messages you receive. **Learn more >**" - } - }, - "BusinessBotsInfoLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",520,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "BusinessChatsAllPrivateExcept": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",907,600,600,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All 1-to-1 Chats Except..." - } - }, - "BusinessChatsExcluded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1322,352,352,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Excluded chats" - } - }, - "BusinessChatsExcludedAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1419,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Exclude chats" - } - }, - "BusinessChatsIncluded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1248,341,341,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Included chats" - } - }, - "BusinessChatsIncludedAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1362,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select chats" - } - }, - "BusinessChatsOnlySelected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1080,496,496,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Only Selected Chats" - } - }, - "BusinessGreet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",36,512,512,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Greeting Message" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetCreate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",577,666,666,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a Greeting Message" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",255,925,925,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Greet customers when they message you the first time or after a period of no activity." - } - }, - "BusinessGreetPeriod": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1549,462,462,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Period of no activity" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetPeriodInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1232,1135,1135,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose how many days should pass after your last interaction with a recipient to send them a greeting in response to their message." - } - }, - "BusinessGreetRecipientsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",949,1091,1091,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Select chats or entire chat categories for sending greeting messages." - } - }, - "BusinessGreetSend": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",466,587,587,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Greeting Message" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetUnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",683,987,987,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the business greeting message settings. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetingEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1940,414,414,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a Greeting" - } - }, - "BusinessGreetingIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1052,554,554,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create greetings that will be automatically sent to new customers." - } - }, - "BusinessGreetingIntroTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",979,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Greeting Message" - } - }, - "BusinessHours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",34,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Business Hours" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursCopyFooter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",737,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "In %s timezone" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursCopyHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",600,350,350,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%s's opening hours:" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",719,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a Set of Hours" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayCloseHour": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",484,329,329,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Closing Time" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayCloseHourPicker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1064,634,634,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose closing time" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayClosed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1243,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Closed" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayFullOpened": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",922,295,295,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open 24 hours" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",641,908,908,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Specify your working hours during the day." - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayOpen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",177,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open On This Day" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayOpenHour": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",351,349,349,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Opening Time" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursDayOpenHourPicker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1049,658,658,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose opening time" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",315,861,861,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn this on to show your opening hours schedule to your customers." - } - }, - "BusinessHoursNextDayPicker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1596,330,330,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Next day, %s" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursShow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",533,541,541,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Business Hours" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursTimezone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2019,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Time Zone" - } - }, - "BusinessHoursTimezonePicker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",813,559,559,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose time zone" - } - }, - "BusinessIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,331,331,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Page" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",746,607,607,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Customize your start page" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",802,1188,1192,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can customize the message people see before they start a chat with you." - } - }, - "BusinessIntroMessageHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1070,391,391,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter Message" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroReset": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1497,398,398,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reset to Default" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1199,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Sticker" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroStickerRandom": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1257,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Random" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroTitleHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",984,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter Title" - } - }, - "BusinessIntroUnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",702,946,946,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed your start page. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BusinessLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",15,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link to Chat" - } - }, - "BusinessLinkDeleted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",927,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat link deleted." - } - }, - "BusinessLinkDiscardChangesMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",333,517,517,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have unsaved changes to preset message, do you want to discard them?" - } - }, - "BusinessLinkDiscardChangesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard changes" - } - }, - "BusinessLinkSaved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",903,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Preset message saved." - } - }, - "BusinessLinks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",35,408,408,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Links to Chat" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",575,513,513,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a Link to Chat" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksDeleteMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",355,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this chat link?" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksDeleteTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete chat link" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1785,579,579,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Preset Message" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksFooterTwoLinks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",657,1200,1227,274,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also use a simple link for a chat with you — %1$s or %2$s." - } - }, - "BusinessLinksInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",284,1027,1027,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Give your customers short links that start a chat with you — and suggest the first message from them to you." - } - }, - "BusinessLinksIntro": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",538,712,712,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a message that will be entered in the message field for anyone who starts a chat with you using the link:" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksNamePlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",656,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link Name" - } - }, - "BusinessLinksRenameMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",392,811,811,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a name for this link that only you will see." - } - }, - "BusinessLinksRenameTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",398,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link Name" - } - }, - "BusinessLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",40,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Location" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationAddress": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",588,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter Address" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationClear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1468,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Location" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationClearMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",657,1034,1034,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove business location?" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationClearTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",800,538,538,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Location" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",375,587,587,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Display the location of your business on your account." - } - }, - "BusinessLocationMap": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",699,510,510,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Location on Map" - } - }, - "BusinessLocationUnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",384,448,448,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have changed the business location. Apply changes?" - } - }, - "BusinessRecipients": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",886,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recipients" - } - }, - "BusinessRecipientsRemoveExcludeMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",664,1026,1026,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove \"%s\" from excluding list?" - } - }, - "BusinessRecipientsRemoveExcludeTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",802,541,541,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove recipient" - } - }, - "BusinessRecipientsRemoveIncludeMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,1024,1024,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove \"%s\" from including list?" - } - }, - "BusinessRecipientsRemoveIncludeTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",802,541,541,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove recipient" - } - }, - "BusinessReplies": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",35,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Quick Replies" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",570,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Quick Reply" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesAddInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",689,926,926,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap and hold on a reply to select or reorder." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesDeleteMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",651,1052,1052,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to remove this quick reply?", - "plural": "Are you sure you want to remove %d quick replies?" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesDeleteTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",774,606,606,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove quick reply", - "plural": "Remove quick replies" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesEditMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",811,648,648,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change the name of your shortcut." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesEditTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",826,406,406,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Shortcut" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1901,457,457,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Quick Reply" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",952,1200,1296,260,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "To use this quick reply in a chat, type / and select the shortcut from the list." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,878,878,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set up shortcuts with rich text and media to respond to messages faster." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesIntro1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",978,570,570,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter a message below that will be sent in chat when you type \"/**%s**\"." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesIntro2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1100,594,594,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can access Quick Replies in any chat by typing \"/\" or using the attachment menu." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesIntroTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",975,371,371,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Quick Reply" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesLimit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",864,358,358,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "Limit of **%d** messages reached." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesMore": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",793,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "+%d more" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesNameBusy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",793,693,693,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This shortcut already exists." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesNamePlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1090,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shortcut" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesNewMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",783,712,712,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add a shortcut for your reply." - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesNewTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",782,522,522,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New Quick Reply" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesRemoveMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",673,1001,1001,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You didn't create a quick reply message. Do you want to exit this page and remove the shortcut?" - } - }, - "BusinessRepliesRemoveTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",780,532,532,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove shortcut" - } - }, - "CallMessageVideoIncoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",338,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming Video Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageVideoIncomingDeclined": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Declined Video Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageVideoIncomingMissed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",189,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Missed Video Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageVideoOutgoing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",699,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Outgoing Video Call" - } - }, - "CallMessageVideoOutgoingMissed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",625,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Canceled Video Call" - } - }, - "CallNotAvailable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",363,474,474,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you cannot call %1$s because of their privacy settings. You can ask them to modify their setting or to call you instead." - } - }, - "CallViaTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Call" - } - }, - "Calls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",150,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Calls" - } - }, - "CameraPermissionText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1284,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to allow access to your Camera" - } - }, - "Cancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel" - } - }, - "CancelForward": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",390,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel Forward" - } - }, - "CancelForwardMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",363,468,468,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to cancel forwarding or to forward messages to a different chat?" - } - }, - "CancelForwardPrivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",336,441,441,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What would you like to do with %1$s from your chat with **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "CancelForwarding": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",540,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel Forwarding" - } - }, - "CancelSending": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",564,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Cancel sending" - } - }, - "CaptionAbove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",88,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Move Caption Up" - } - }, - "CaptionBelow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",87,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Move Caption Down" - } - }, - "ChangeColors": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",278,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change colors" - } - }, - "ChangeLanguageLater": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can change your language later in Settings." - } - }, - "ChangeRecipient": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",921,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Change Recipient" - } - }, - "ChannelJoin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",434,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "JOIN" - } - }, - "ChannelMessageFew": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",386,429,429,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s posted %2$s" - } - }, - "ChannelMessageLiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",520,601,601,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s posted a live location" - } - }, - "ChannelNeedBoostsForSwitchOffAdsDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",327,565,565,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your channel needs to reach **Level %d** to switch off ads.

Ask your **Premium** subscribers to boost your channel with this link:" - } - }, - "ChannelPrivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",204,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Private Channel" - } - }, - "ChannelsTab": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",177,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channels" - } - }, - "ChatApplyTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",867,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Apply Theme" - } - }, - "ChatBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1328,407,407,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat Wallpaper" - } - }, - "ChatHints": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People" - } - }, - "ChatHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",658,641,641,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat history for new members" - } - }, - "ChatHistoryHidden": { - 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} - }, - "ChatYourSelf": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "forward here to save" - } - }, - "ChatYourSelfName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You" - } - }, - "ChatsNearbyHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1203,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Groups nearby" - } - }, - "ChooseDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",457,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose date" - } - }, - "ChooseFromGallery": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1377,451,451,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Upload from Gallery" - } - }, - "ChooseFromYourStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",659,655,655,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose from your stickers" - } - }, - "ChoosePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1233,367,367,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose photo" - } - }, - "ChooseStickerSetMy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",344,1200,1244,270,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can create your own custom sticker sets using the @stickers bot." - } - }, - "ChooseStickerSetNotFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",341,672,672,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No such sticker set found" - } - }, - "ChooseStickerSetNotFoundInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",363,819,819,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Try again or choose from the list below" - } - }, - "ChooseStickerSetPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",136,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "stickerset" - } - }, - "ChooseTakePhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1429,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Take photo" - } - }, - "ChoosingSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",27,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - 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} - }, - "Clicks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",764,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d click", - "plural": "%d clicks" - } - }, - "Close": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",925,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Close" - } - }, - "CloseTranslation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",868,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Close Translation" - } - }, - "ColorSepia": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",99,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sepia" - } - }, - "ColorTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",982,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Color theme" - } - }, - "ColorWhite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "White" - } - }, - "CommentsCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",571,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d comment", - "plural": "%1$d comments" - } - }, - "ConfirmDeleteCallLog": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",187,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to delete this entry from the call log?" - } - }, - "ConnectingToProxy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,750,750,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Connecting to proxy" - } - }, - "ContactBirthday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1680,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Birthday" - } - }, - "ContactJob": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1066,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Job" - } - }, - "ContactJobTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1268,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Title" - } - }, - "ContactNotRegistered": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",341,576,576,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is not on Telegram yet, would you like to invite them to join?" - } - }, - "ContactNotRegisteredTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",321,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite to Telegram" - } - }, - "ContactNote": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",755,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Note" - } - }, - "ContactShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "SHARE CONTACT" - } - }, - "ContactShortcutMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",455,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Message %1$s" - } - }, - "ContactShortcutVideoCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",578,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video call %1$s" - } - }, - "ContactShortcutVoiceCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",515,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Voice call %1$s" - } - }, - "ContactUrl": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",668,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "URL" - } - }, - "Contacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",23,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Contacts" - } - }, - "ContactsDeletedUndo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",927,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d contact deleted.", - "plural": "%d contacts deleted." - } - }, - "ContactsPermissionAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",515,930,930,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**Telegram** needs access to your contacts so that you can connect with your friends across all your devices. Your contacts will be continuously synced with Telegram's heavily encrypted cloud servers." - } - }, - "ContactsPermissionAlertContinue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1082,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Continue" - } - }, - "ContactsPermissionAlertNotNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1082,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Not now" - } - }, - "Copy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",265,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy" - } - }, - "CopyCardNumber": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",748,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Card" - } - }, - "CopyCode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",842,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Code" - } - }, - "CopyLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",556,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Link" - } - }, - "CopyNumber": { - 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"singular": "%1$d day", - "plural": "%1$d days" - } - }, - "DaysSchedule": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1787,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d day", - "plural": "%1$d days" - } - }, - "DebugMenuDualOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",688,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Dual Camera" - } - }, - "DebugMenuDualOffToast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",751,356,356,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Dual camera button is hidden" - } - }, - "DebugMenuDualOn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",688,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Dual Camera" - } - }, - "DebugMenuDualOnToast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",689,432,432,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Dual camera is enabled at your peril" - } - }, - "DeclineCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",667,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Decline" - } - }, - "Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "DeleteAccountIfAwayFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "If you're away for" - } - }, - "DeleteAllCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",447,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete All Calls" - } - }, - "DeleteAllCallsText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,500,500,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to delete all recent calls?" - } - }, - "DeleteAndExit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",255,320,320,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete and Leave Group" - } - }, - "DeleteCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete calls" - } - }, - "DeleteCallsForEveryone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",566,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for everyone" - } - }, - "DeleteContactSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",355,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?" - } - }, - "DeleteContactTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete contact" - } - }, - "DeleteContactsSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",385,442,442,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete these contacts?" - } - }, - "DeleteContactsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",391,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete %d contact", - "plural": "Delete %d contacts" - } - }, - "DeleteDays": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete %1$s day", - "plural": "Delete %1$s days" - } - }, - "DeleteFromFavorites": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",577,488,488,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete from Favorites" - } - }, - "DeleteHistoryByDaysMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,484,484,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages for the selected days?" - } - }, - "DeleteMega": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1301,307,307,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Group" - } - }, - "DeleteMessagesOption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",967,545,545,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unsend My Messages" - } - }, - "DeleteMessagesTextGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",603,956,956,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can also delete the %1$s you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\"." - } - }, - "DeleteMessagesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",636,590,590,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete %1$s" - } - }, - "DeleteSelectedCallsText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",356,510,510,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to delete selected calls from recent?" - } - }, - "DeleteSingleMessagesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",915,601,601,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete message" - } - }, - "DeleteSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",768,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Sticker" - } - }, - "DidNotGetTheCode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",351,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Didn't get the code?" - } - }, - "Directions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",815,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Directions" - } - }, - "Discard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",553,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard" - } - }, - "DoNoSetTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Set Theme" - } - }, - "DoNotForward": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",819,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Forward" - } - }, - "DoNotLinkPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",780,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Preview" - } - }, - "DoNotReply": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",783,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Reply" - } - }, - "Done": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",60,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Done" - } - }, - "DontAskAgain": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",539,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Don't ask again" - } - }, - "DownloadSpeedLimited": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,307,307,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Download speed limited" - } - }, - "DownloadSpeedLimitedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",84,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to increase download speeds %d times." - } - }, - "Edit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",9,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit" - } - }, - "EditCaption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",438,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Caption" - } - }, - "EditMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",446,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Message" - } - }, - "EditMessageMedia": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",468,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to edit media" - } - }, - "EditName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",680,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Name" - } - }, - "EditPack": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",676,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "edit" - } - }, - "EditSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",704,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Sticker" - } - }, - "EditStickerPack": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",358,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Sticker Set" - } - }, - "EditWidgetChatsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,600,624,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Display the latest message from the chats you choose.

If no specific chats are selected, your most recent chats will be shown in this widget." - } - }, - "EditedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "edited" - } - }, - "EmailCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",859,382,382,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Email copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "Emoji2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1421,543,543,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Animals and nature" - } - }, - "Emoji3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1507,417,417,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Food and drink" - } - }, - "EmojiBigSize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Draw single big emoji" - } - }, - "EmojiInteractionTapHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",742,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "If **%s** had this chat open right now, they would also see the animation." - } - }, - "EmojiUseDefault": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Use system default emoji" - } - }, - "Enable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1682,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enable" - } - }, - "EnterListName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter list name" - } - }, - "EnterPINorFingerprint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",163,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter your PIN or use a fingerprint" - } - }, - "ErrorOccurred": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "An error occurred." - } - }, - "EventLogChangedStickersSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",879,723,723,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 changed the group sticker set" - } - }, - "EventLogEndedVoiceChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1517,490,490,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 ended the video chat" - } - }, - "EventLogFilterCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1632,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video Chats" - } - }, - "EventLogRemovedStickersSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",887,785,785,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 removed the group sticker set" - } - }, - "EventLogStartedVoiceChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1355,627,627,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 started a video chat" - } - }, - "EventLogToggledInvitesHistoryOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",567,1052,1052,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 made the group history hidden for new members" - } - }, - "EventLogToggledInvitesHistoryOn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",586,1069,1098,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 made the group history visible for new members" - } - }, - "EventLogVoiceChatAllowedToSpeak": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1285,858,858,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 allowed new video chat participants to speak" - } - }, - "EventLogVoiceChatMuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1388,555,555,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 muted un2 in a video chat" - } - }, - "EventLogVoiceChatNotAllowedToSpeak": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1318,742,742,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 muted new video chat participants" - } - }, - "EventLogVoiceChatUnmuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1335,551,551,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "un1 unmuted un2 in a video chat" - } - }, - "ExpiredLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",415,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Expired Link" - } - }, - "ExternalStorage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "External Storage" - } - }, - "FavoriteStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",984,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Favorites" - } - }, - "FavoriteStickersShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",578,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Favorites" - } - }, - "February": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1287,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "February" - } - }, - "FileUploadLimit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",402,903,903,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "File size shouldn't be greater than %1$s" - } - }, - "FilesSavedHintLinked": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",795,363,363,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "File saved to **downloads**.", - "plural": "%1$d files saved to **downloads**." - } - }, - "FilterChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats" - } - }, - "FilterExistingChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",393,351,351,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Existing chats" - } - }, - "FilterNewChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",539,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "New chats" - } - }, - "FilterNoChatsToForward": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",448,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No chats found" - } - }, - "FilterNoChatsToForwardInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",402,448,448,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No chats in this folder to forward to." - } - }, - "FiltersSetupPinAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",542,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set Up Folders" - } - }, - "FingerprintHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1043,361,361,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Touch sensor" - } - }, - "FingerprintInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",649,898,898,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Confirm fingerprint to continue" - } - }, - "FirstName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",249,511,511,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First name (required)" - } - }, - "FontSize": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",397,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Font Size" - } - }, - "FontType": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",775,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Font Type" - } - }, - "FootsAway": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1959,307,307,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s ft away" - } - }, - "ForceSetPasswordAlertMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,298,182,278,170", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proceed without a password? If you do not set a password, you will only be able to log into your account via SMS once every %1$s day.", - "plural": "Proceed without a password? If you do not set a password, you will only be able to log into your account via SMS once every %1$s days." - } - }, - "ForceSetPasswordCancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,278,182,278,182", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Yes, I'm sure" - } - }, - "ForceSetPasswordContinue": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,277,182,278,182", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No, let me set a password" - } - }, - "Forward": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameHidden": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",261,511,511,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s won't see they were forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameHiddenChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,512,512,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recipients won't see they were forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameHiddenGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,511,511,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recipients won't see they were forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameVisible": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,552,552,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s will see that it was forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameVisibleChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",29,498,498,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recipients will see that it was forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardPreviewSendersNameVisibleGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,498,498,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recipients will see that it was forwarded" - } - }, - "ForwardSendMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",983,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Send Messages" - } - }, - "ForwardTo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",15,370,370,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward to..." - } - }, - "ForwardedAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,299,299,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded voice message", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded voice messages" - } - }, - "ForwardedContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded contact", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded contacts" - } - }, - "ForwardedFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded file", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded files" - } - }, - "ForwardedLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded location", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded locations" - } - }, - "ForwardedMessageCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1170,467,467,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded message", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded messages" - } - }, - "ForwardedPhoto": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",521,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded photo", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded photos" - } - }, - "ForwardedPoll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1437,311,311,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded poll", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded polls" - } - }, - "ForwardedRound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded video message", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded video messages" - } - }, - "ForwardedSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded sticker", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded stickers" - } - }, - "ForwardedVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",519,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Forwarded video", - "plural": "%1$d forwarded videos" - } - }, - "ForwardingFromNames": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",830,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "From %s" - } - }, - "FreeOfTotal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",83,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Free %1$s of %2$s" - } - }, - "FromCamera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",259,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "From Camera" - } - }, - "FromChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",107,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "from %1$d chat", - "plural": "from %1$d chats" - } - }, - "FromFormatted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "From %1$s" - } - }, - "FromGalley": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "From Gallery" - } - }, - "FwdMessageToChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",761,413,413,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message forwarded to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "FwdMessageToGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",724,455,455,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message forwarded to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "FwdMessageToUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",741,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message forwarded to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "FwdMessagesToChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",748,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages forwarded to **%1$s**." - } - }, - "FwdMessagesToSavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",639,552,552,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages forwarded to **Saved Messages**." - } - }, - "Gallery": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gallery" - } - }, - "GalleryInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",242,423,423,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "To send images without compression" - } - }, - "GalleryPermissionText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1284,504,504,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to allow access to your Gallery" - } - }, - "GiftPremium": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",141,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Premium" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumAboutThisLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",180,600,652,256,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This link allows you or **anyone you choose** to activate a %1$s." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumAboutThisLinkEnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",273,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**Telegram Premium** subscription" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumActivateForFree": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",923,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Activate For Free" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumChooseRecipientsBtn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",926,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose Recipients" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumFrequentContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",491,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Frequent Contacts" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumGifting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",238,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Premium" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumGiftsSent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Sent!", - "plural": "Gifts Sent!" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumGiftsSentStatus": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",423,443,443,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "They now have access to additional features." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumPrivacyPolicy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",852,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**Privacy Policy**." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumPrivacyPolicyAndTerms": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",596,568,568,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "By gifting Telegram Premium you agree to the **Telegram Terms of Service** and %1$s" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumProceedBtn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",922,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Proceed" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumUseGiftBtn": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",851,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Use Gift" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumUsersGiveAccessManyZero": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",204,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Give %1$s access to exclusive features." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumUsersPurchasedManyZero": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,470,470,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s have been notified about the gifts you purchased." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumUsersSearchHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",337,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Search people to gift Premium to..." - } - }, - "GiftPremiumUsersTwo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",237,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s**, **%2$s**" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumWhatsIncluded": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",620,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What's included" - } - }, - "GiftPremiumWillReceiveBoosts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",288,345,345,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will receive **%1$d** boosts." - } - }, - "GiftSubscriptionCountFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",771,445,445,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift %1$d Subscription for %2$s", - "plural": "Gift %1$d Subscriptions for %2$s" - } - }, - "GiftTelegramPremiumTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",314,414,414,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Gift Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "GotIt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",899,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Got it" - } - }, - "GpsDisabledAlert": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,874,874,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your GPS seems to be disabled, please enable it to access location-based features." - } - }, - "GreetingHow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",571,371,371,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s added the message above for all empty chats **how?**" - } - }, - "GroupAddMembers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",104,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Members" - } - }, - "GroupCreateDiscussionDefaultName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",111,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s chat" - } - }, - "GroupStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1026,344,344,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Group Stickers" - } - }, - "GroupStickersInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",462,1073,1183,254,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can choose a sticker set that will be available to all group members when they are chatting in this group." - } - }, - "HashtagCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",717,384,384,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hashtag copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "HashtagSearchEmptyViewFilteredSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",535,315,315,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "There were no results for %s.
Try another hashtag." - } - }, - "HashtagSearchPlaceholder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1051,630,630,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter a hashtag to find messages that contain it." - } - }, - "HiddenSendersNameDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",814,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sender names removed" - } - }, - "HideCaption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",849,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Caption" - } - }, - "HideNewChatsAlertText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2,511,511,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You are receiving many new chats from users who are not in your Contact List. Do you want to have such chats **automatically muted** and **archived**?" - } - }, - "HideNewChatsAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide new chats?" - } - }, - "HideSenderNames": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",713,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Sender Names" - } - }, - "HideSendersName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",721,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Sender Name" - } - }, - "HintRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",259,278,280,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Read" - } - }, - "HintSent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",252,277,280,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delivered" - } - }, - "Hours": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",589,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d hour", - "plural": "%1$d hours" - } - }, - "IUnderstand": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",411,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "I understand" - } - }, - "ImporImportingStickersService": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",416,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Importing stickers..." - } - }, - "Import": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Import" - } - }, - "ImportDone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",728,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Done" - } - }, - "ImportDoneInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",658,502,502,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Save space on your device by importing more chats to Telegram." - } - }, - "ImportDoneTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",744,355,355,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat imported successfully!" - } - }, - "ImportErrorChatInvalidGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,440,440,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The file format is for a user, but you selected a group." - } - }, - "ImportErrorNotAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",716,466,466,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You must be an admin in the group to import messages." - } - }, - "ImportErrorTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",405,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Import Error" - } - }, - "ImportErrorUserBlocked": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,431,431,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unable to import messages due to privacy settings." - } - }, - "ImportHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",94,386,386,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Import messages and media to..." - } - }, - "ImportImportingInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",768,366,366,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please keep Telegram open
until the import is completed." - } - }, - "ImportImportingTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",433,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Importing chat" - } - }, - "ImportMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",354,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Import Messages" - } - }, - "ImportMutualError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",650,538,538,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can only import messages into private chats with users with whom you are mutual contacts." - } - }, - "ImportStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",885,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "IMPORT %1$s" - } - }, - "ImportStickersEnterName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",368,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter name" - } - }, - "ImportStickersEnterNameInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",401,436,436,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please choose a name for your set." - } - }, - "ImportStickersEnterUrlInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores." - } - }, - "ImportStickersImportingTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Importing stickers" - } - }, - "ImportStickersLinkAvailable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",483,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This link is available." - } - }, - "ImportStickersLinkChecking": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Checking link..." - } - }, - "ImportStickersLinkInvalidLong": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",392,449,449,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Link must not exceed 32 characters." - } - }, - "ImportStickersLinkInvalidShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,454,454,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Link must have at least 5 characters." - } - }, - "ImportStickersLinkTaken": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",431,382,382,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, this link is already taken." - } - }, - "ImportStickersProcessing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",836,330,330,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Processing stickers..." - } - }, - "ImportStickersRemove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",855,310,310,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "REMOVE FROM IMPORT" - } - }, - "ImportStickersRemoveMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",863,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from import" - } - }, - "ImportToChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",349,526,526,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to import messages from **%1$s** to the group **%2$s**?

Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. All members will see the messages." - } - }, - "ImportToUserNoTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",365,493,493,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to import messages to the chat with **%1$s**?

Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. Both sides will see the messages." - } - }, - "ImportedInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",615,525,525,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message was imported from another app. We can't guarantee it's real." - } - }, - "ImportedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",334,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Imported" - } - }, - "Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Info" - } - }, - "InstallGoogleMaps": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Install Google Maps?" - } - }, - "InstantView": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",786,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "INSTANT VIEW" - } - }, - "InstantViewReference": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",107,279,280,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Reference" - } - }, - "InternalStorage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",58,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Internal Storage" - } - }, - "Invisible": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "invisible" - } - }, - "Invite": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",583,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite" - } - }, - "InviteExpired": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",427,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This invite link has expired." - } - }, - "InviteFriends": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",137,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite Friends" - } - }, - "InviteFriendsHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1709,895,895,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select contacts to invite them to Telegram" - } - }, - "InviteLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",545,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite Link" - } - }, - "InviteText2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",822,910,904,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat. Join me! Download it here: %1$s" - } - }, - "InviteTextNum": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",414,922,922,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat – and so are %1$d of our other contact. Join us! Download it here: %2$s", - "plural": "Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat – and so are %1$d of our other contacts. Join us! Download it here: %2$s" - } - }, - "InviteToTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1265,444,444,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "INVITE TO TELEGRAM" - } - }, - "InviteToTelegramShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",570,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite To Telegram" - } - }, - "InviteUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",293,666,666,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This user does not have Telegram yet, send an invitation?" - } - }, - "Invited": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",555,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "invited" - } - }, - "IsChoosingSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,352,352,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is ch**oo**sing a sticker" - } - }, - "IsRecordingVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,377,377,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s is recording a video..." - } - }, - "January": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1581,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "January" - } - }, - "July": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1798,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "July" - } - }, - "JumpToDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Jump to Date" - } - }, - "June": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",540,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "June" - } - }, - "KickFromBroadcast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from broadcast list" - } - }, - "LanguageCode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "en" - } - }, - "LastName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",354,505,505,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Last name (optional)" - } - }, - "Lately": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",164,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "last seen recently" - } - }, - "LearnMore": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",856,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Learn More" - } - }, - "LeaveAComment": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",804,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave a comment" - } - }, - "LimitReachedFolderLinks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,579,570,280,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can only create %1$d invite links.
Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to create up to **%2$d**." - } - }, - "LimitReachedSharedFolders": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,579,574,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can only have %1$d shareable folders.
Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to increase this limit to **%2$d**." - } - }, - "LinkAbove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",604,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Move Up" - } - }, - "LinkBelow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",602,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Move Down" - } - }, - "LinkCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",672,363,363,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "LinkMediaLarger": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",661,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enlarge Photo" - } - }, - "LinkMediaSmaller": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",658,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shrink Photo" - } - }, - "LinkPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",193,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Link preview" - } - }, - "LinksCreatedByThisAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",393,385,385,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite links created by this admin" - } - }, - "Listening": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",191,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "listening" - } - }, - "LiveLocationAlertExpandMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",248,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "For how long do you want to extend sharing your location?" - } - }, - "LiveLocationAlertExpandTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",269,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add More Time" - } - }, - "Loading": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Loading..." - } - }, - "LocationUpdatedFormatted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "updated %1$s" - } - }, - "LocationUpdatedJustNow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1264,339,339,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "updated just now" - } - }, - "LowDiskSpaceMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your device is almost out of disk space. To free some space, you can set up Telegram to cache only recent media." - } - }, - "LowDiskSpaceNeverRemove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Never remove" - } - }, - "LowDiskSpaceTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Attention" - } - }, - "LowDiskSpaceTitle2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove media after" - } - }, - "MakeMyselfVisibleInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",304,515,515,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Users nearby will be able to view your profile and send you messages. This may help you find new friends, but could also attract excessive attention. You can stop sharing your profile at any time.

Your phone number will remain hidden." - } - }, - "MakeMyselfVisibleTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",306,301,301,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Your Profile?" - } - }, - "MapPreviewProviderYandex": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Yandex" - } - }, - "March": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",735,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "March" - } - }, - "MarkAsRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",590,420,420,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mark as read" - } - }, - "May": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1464,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "May" - } - }, - "MegaDeleteInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",943,775,775,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You will lose all messages in this group." - } - }, - "MegaPrivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,322,322,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Private Group" - } - }, - "MegaPrivateInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",204,931,931,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link." - } - }, - "MegaPrivateLinkHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",321,1074,1092,274,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time." - } - }, - "MegaPublic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,305,305,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Public Group" - } - }, - "MegaPublicInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",96,944,944,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join." - } - }, - "Members": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",71,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d member", - "plural": "%1$d members" - } - }, - "MembersTalking": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",95,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s member speaking", - "plural": "%1$s members talking" - } - }, - "MembersTalkingNobody": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",95,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to join" - } - }, - "Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,280,280,280,280", - 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"values": { - "singular": "Mobile hidden" - } - }, - "MobileHiddenExceptionInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",479,1389,1389,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone number will be visible once %1$s adds you as a contact." - } - }, - "Monetization": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",372,279,278,278,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Monetization" - } - }, - "MonetizationBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",165,277,280,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Available reward" - } - }, - "MonetizationBalanceInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",232,300,310,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can collect your reward using Fragment, a third-party platform used by advertisers to pay for ads. **Learn more >**" - } - }, - "MonetizationGraphImpressions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",158,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ad impressions" - } - }, - "MonetizationInfo": { - 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"has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Flexible withdrawals" - } - }, - "MonetizationInfoFeature3Text": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",607,392,392,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can collect your TON any time." - } - }, - "MonetizationInfoTONText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",559,588,588,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**TON** is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency that Telegram uses for its high speed and low commissions on transactions." - } - }, - "MonetizationInfoTONTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",757,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What is 💎 TON?" - } - }, - "MonetizationInfoTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",408,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Earn From Your Channel" - } - }, - "MonetizationOverview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",57,277,280,276,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Rewards overview" - 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} - }, - "MonetizationTransactionProceed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",675,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Rewards from ads" - } - }, - "MonetizationTransactions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",638,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Transaction history" - } - }, - "MonetizationWithdraw": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",220,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Collect via Fragment" - } - }, - "Mono": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",219,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mono" - } - }, - "Months": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",670,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d month", - "plural": "%1$d months" - } - }, - "MoreInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",152,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Learn more" - } - }, - "MuteFor": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",309,280,280,280,280", - 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"url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have applications that can handle the file type '%1$s', please install one to continue" - } - }, - "NoMessagesForThisDay": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",124,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No messages for this day" - } - }, - "NoOneJoinedYet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",783,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No one joined yet" - } - }, - "NoPlayerInstalled": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You don't have a video player, please install one to continue" - } - }, - "NoRecent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",750,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No recent" - } - }, - "NoRecentCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",542,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No recent calls" - } - }, - "NoRecentCallsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",542,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your recent voice and video calls
will appear here." - } - }, - "NoResult": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",988,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No results" - } - }, - "NoScheduledMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",760,754,754,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No scheduled messages here yet..." - } - }, - "NoStickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",741,295,295,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No stickers yet" - } - }, - "NoUsernameFound2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",793,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This user doesn’t exist on Telegram" - } - }, - "NobodyLikesSpam3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",493,851,851,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you are currently restricted from posting in this group." - } - }, - "None": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",492,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "None" - } - }, - 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"singular": "This number is not on Telegram" - } - }, - "OK": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",367,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "OK" - } - }, - "Open": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1541,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open" - } - }, - "OpenBackground": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1913,453,453,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW WALLPAPER" - } - }, - "OpenChannelPost": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",818,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW POST" - } - }, - "OpenEmojiSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",547,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW EMOJI" - } - }, - "OpenGift": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",834,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "OPEN" - } - }, - "OpenInBrowser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",862,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "OPEN IN..." - } - }, - "OpenInExternalApp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",28,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open in..." - } - }, - "OpenInMaps": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",205,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Open in Maps" - } - }, - "OpenInstantView": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",465,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Instant View" - } - }, - "OpenMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",561,323,323,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW MESSAGE" - } - }, - "OpenStickerSet": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",781,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW STICKERS" - } - }, - "OpenTheme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1746,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW THEME" - } - }, - "OpenUrlAlert2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",656,1196,1196,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to open %1$s?" - } - }, - "OpenUrlOption1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",946,844,844,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Log in to %1$s as **%2$s**" - } - }, - "OpenUrlOption2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1053,865,865,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow **%1$s** to send me messages" - } - }, - "OpenUrlTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",873,378,378,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Open Link" - } - }, - "OptimizingTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",329,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Optimizing Telegram..." - } - }, - "OptimizingTelegramDescription1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",348,550,550,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "This may take a while, depending on the size of the database. Please keep the app open until the process is finished." - } - }, - "OptimizingTelegramDescription2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",548,348,348,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry for the inconvenience." - } - }, - "OtherLoginCode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Your login code is **%1$s**. Enter it in the Telegram app where you are trying to log in.

Do not give this code to anyone." - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_AR": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Arabic" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_AZ": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Azerbaijani" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_BG": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bulgarian" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_BN": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bangla" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_CS": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Czech" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_DA": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Danish" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_DE": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "German" - } - }, - "PassportLanguage_DV": { - "url": "", - 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It is the only way to recover a forgotten password." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEmailTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",783,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recovery email" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",283,521,521,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Enter a password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",239,1422,1533,260,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in." - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordReEnter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",385,697,697,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Re-enter your password" - } - }, - "PaymentPasswordTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",226,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Password" - } - }, - "PeopleNearby": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",41,549,549,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People Nearby" - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyAccessInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",817,1153,1153,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Quickly add people nearby who are viewing this section and discover local group chats.

Please switch on location access to enable this feature." - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyAllowAccess": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1687,320,320,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow Access" - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyEmpty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",787,797,797,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Looking for users around you..." - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyGps": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1716,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn On" - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyGpsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",810,1166,1166,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Quickly add people nearby who are also viewing this section and discover local group chats.

Please turn on location services to enable this feature." - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",800,402,402,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People nearby" - } - }, - "PeopleNearbyInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",386,1106,1106,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ask your friend nearby to open this page to exchange phone numbers." - } - }, - "PermanentLinkForThisAdmin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",196,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite link for this admin" - } - }, - "PermissionDrawAboveOtherApps": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",575,845,845,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to draw above other apps to play videos in Picture-in-Picture mode." - } - }, - "PermissionDrawAboveOtherAppsGroupCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1026,1015,1015,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Overlay mode lets you use push-to-talk and see who is talking even when you are outside of Telegram." - } - }, - "PermissionDrawAboveOtherAppsGroupCallTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1134,615,615,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat overlay" - } - }, - "PermissionNoAudio": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,861,505,280,164", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs microphone access so that you can send voice messages." - } - }, - "PermissionNoAudioVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone so that you can record videos." - } - }, - "PermissionNoCamera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,929,451,280,136", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos. Please enable it in Settings." - } - }, - "PermissionNoLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",374,953,953,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to your location so that you can share it with your friends." - } - }, - "PermissionNoLocationPosition": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,901,901,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to your location." - } - }, - "PhoneCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",802,450,450,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Phone copied to clipboard" - } - }, - "PhoneHome": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",406,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Home" - } - }, - "PhoneMain": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",319,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Main" - } - }, - "PhoneOther": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Other" - } - }, - "PhoneWork": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",144,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Work" - } - }, - "PinMessageAlertChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",460,785,785,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to pin this message in this channel?" - } - }, - "PinToTopLimitReached2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",335,530,530,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can only pin %1$s to the top in the main list. More chats can be pinned in Chat Folders and your Archive." - } - }, - "PlacesInThisArea": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",142,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Places in this area" - } - }, - "PleaseStreamDownload": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",692,858,858,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Please wait for the video to be fully downloaded." - } - }, - "PremiumBusinessAwayMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",867,383,383,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Away Messages" - } - }, - "PremiumBusinessAwayMessagesDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",736,954,954,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Define messages that are automatically sent when you are off." - } - }, - "PremiumBusinessChatLinks": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",936,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Links to Chat" - } - }, - "PremiumBusinessChatLinksDescription": { - 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"has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Service notifications" - } - }, - "SetReminder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",934,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set a Reminder" - } - }, - "SetThisLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1859,435,435,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Set This Location" - } - }, - "Settings": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1285,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Settings" - } - }, - "ShareFile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",365,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share" - } - }, - "ShareLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",16,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Location" - } - }, - "ShareMyPhone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",67,324,324,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "SHARE MY PHONE NUMBER" - } - }, - "SharePhoneNumberWith": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",740,1028,1028,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share my phone number with %1$s" - } - }, - "ShareQrCode": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",870,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share QR Code" - } - }, - "ShareTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",453,491,491,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Telegram..." - } - }, - "SharedFilesTab": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "FILES" - } - }, - "SharedLinksTab2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Links" - } - }, - "SharedMediaTab2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",68,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Media" - } - }, - "SharedMusicTab2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Music" - } - }, - "SharedPlace": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",21,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Place" - } - }, - "SharingLiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",784,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sharing Location..." - } - }, - "SharingLiveLocationAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",812,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "tap to add more time" - } - }, - "SharingYouAndOtherName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",135,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You and %1$s" - } - }, - "ShowAds": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1691,413,413,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Hide Ads" - } - }, - "ShowAdsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1158,1199,1208,278,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "As a Premium subscriber, you don’t see any ads on Telegram, but you can turn them on, for example, to view your own ads that you launched on the **Telegram Ad Platform >**" - } - }, - "ShowAdsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1629,379,379,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ads in Channels" - } - }, - "ShowCaption": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Caption" - } - }, - "ShowForwardingOptions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",447,393,393,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show forwarding options" - } - }, - "ShowInChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1109,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show in chat" - } - }, - "ShowNearbyPlaces": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1094,633,626,280,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull up to see places nearby" - } - }, - "ShowSenderNames": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",649,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Sender Names" - } - }, - "ShowSendersName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",660,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Sender Name" - } - }, - "SinglePhotosHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",241,689,690,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show media as separate messages" - } - }, - "SmsActiveSim": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",252,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Active SIM" - } - }, - "SmsAllowInternational": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",283,278,280,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Also send SMS outside my country" - } - }, - "SmsCostsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,300,314,266,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Please refer to your mobile plan for any SMS costs that you may incur" - } - }, - "SmsDeactivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",330,278,280,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Deactivate Premium for SMS" - } - }, - "SmsHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",253,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SMS History" - } - }, - "SmsHistoryDateCountry": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Date and Country" - } - }, - "SmsHistoryStatus": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Status" - } - }, - "SmsHistoryStatusFailure": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",120,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Failed" - } - }, - "SmsHistoryStatusSuccess": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",99,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sent" - } - }, - "SmsHistorySubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",36,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Here you can see all the SMS automatically sent from your device." - } - }, - "SmsHistoryTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",15,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sent SMS History" - } - }, - "SmsJobsMenu": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",78,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SMS Statistics" - } - }, - "SmsJobsPremiumHintMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",92,583,586,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Help Telegram send SMS codes and get a free Premium subscription." - } - }, - "SmsJobsPremiumHintTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",108,356,356,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Premium **for free**" - } - }, - "SmsLastGiftLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",179,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Last Gift Link Receipt" - } - }, - "SmsOverview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",127,277,280,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Overview" - } - }, - "SmsPremiumActivated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",293,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Premium for SMS activated!" - } - }, - "SmsPremiumActivatedText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",322,284,284,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram will now try to use your device to send SMS codes, words and phrases in your country (**%s**)." - } - }, - "SmsPremiumActivatedText2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",330,300,313,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Check **SMS Statistics** in the left-side menu to see how many SMS have been sent or to change your settings for this Program." - } - }, - "SmsPremiumBenefits": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",230,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Benefits of Premium" - } - }, - "SmsRemaining": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",179,277,280,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SMS Remaining" - } - }, - "SmsStartDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",154,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Date" - } - }, - "SmsStatusFirst": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Premium for SMS" - } - }, - "SmsStatusFirstSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",94,292,292,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Help Telegram send SMS login codes, words and phrases and get **Telegram Premium** gift links." - } - }, - "SmsStatusNoSim": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",267,336,336,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Insert a SIM card" - } - }, - "SmsStatusNoSimSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",230,600,609,276,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "To join this program, please insert a SIM card into the device to start sending SMS." - } - }, - "SmsStatusSending": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",81,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d of %2$d SMS Sent" - } - }, - "SmsStatusSendingSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",88,300,313,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "Only **%d** SMS left to send to receive your **Telegram Premium** gift link." - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeAccept": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",657,493,493,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "I accept the **Terms of Service for P2PLP**" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeActivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",891,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Activate" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeActivateText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",707,580,580,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sending SMS can result in charges. Please read **Terms of Service for Peer-to-Peer Login Program**." - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature1Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",438,510,510,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "", - "plural": "Let Telegram use your phone to send %d login SMS per month." - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature1Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Help Send Login SMS" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature2Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",528,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Receive a 1-month **Premium subscription** each month." - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature2Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",608,298,298,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Get Telegram Premium" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature3Message": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",667,410,410,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Send gift links granting Premium subscriptions to your friends." - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeFeature3Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",661,358,358,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Premium with Friends" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",315,579,579,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You are one of **0.01%** users eligible to take part in Telegram's **Premium for SMS** initiative!" - } - }, - "SmsSubscribeTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",376,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Premium for Free" - } - }, - "SmsToS": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",209,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Service" - } - }, - "SmsTotalSent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",154,277,280,278,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Total SMS Sent" - } - }, - "SortBy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sort By" - } - }, - "SortFirstName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "First name" - } - }, - "SortLastName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Last name" - } - }, - "SortedByLastSeen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",149,364,364,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorted by last seen time" - } - }, - "SortedByName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",161,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorted by name" - } - }, - "Speed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",14,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Speed" - } - }, - "SpeedFast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",214,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Fast" - } - }, - "SpeedNormal": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",150,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Normal" - } - }, - "SpeedSlow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Slow" - } - }, - "SpeedVeryFast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",278,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Very fast" - } - }, - "SpeedVerySlow": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",22,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Very slow" - } - }, - "Spoiler": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",134,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Spoiler" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",791,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "ad" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessage2Recommended": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",464,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recommended" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageAlertLearnMoreUrl": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",614,328,328,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",776,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "What are sponsored
messages?" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageInfoDescription1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",114,600,632,266,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unlike other apps, Telegram never uses your private data to target ads. Sponsored messages on Telegram are based solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown. This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored messages." - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageInfoDescription2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",230,600,638,264,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that." - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageInfoDescription3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,600,631,266,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:" - } - }, - "SponsoredMessageInfoDescription4": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",559,600,614,274,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed.

Online ads should no longer be synonymous with abuse of user privacy. Let us redefine how a tech company should operate – together." - } - }, - "StarsBalance": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",24,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Balance" - } - }, - "StarsCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1114,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d Star", - "plural": "%d Stars" - } - }, - "StarsTOS": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1090,1185,1188,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "By proceeding and purchasing Stars, you agree with the **Terms and Conditions**." - } - }, - "StarsTOSLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1937,286,286,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "" - } - }, - "StartVoipChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",141,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Video chat" - } - }, - "StartVoipChatAlertText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",238,498,498,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start a video chat in this group?" - } - }, - "StartVoipChatTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video Chat" - } - }, - "StickerCreateEmpty": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",363,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create" - } - }, - "Stickers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",712,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d sticker", - "plural": "%1$d stickers" - } - }, - "StickersAddAnExistingSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",549,333,333,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add an Existing Sticker" - } - }, - "StickersCheckStickersBotForMoreOptions": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",823,285,285,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Check the **@stickers** bot for more options" - } - }, - "StickersChooseNameForStickerPack": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",350,424,424,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose a name for your set." - } - }, - "StickersCreateNewSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",504,301,301,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create a New Sticker" - } - }, - "StickersDeleteStickerSetDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",325,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will delete the sticker set for all users." - } - }, - "StickersDeleteStickerSetTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",362,320,320,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Sticker Set" - } - }, - "StickersReorder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",617,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Reorder" - } - }, - "StickersReplaceSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",532,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Replace Sticker" - } - }, - "StickersSetEmojiForSticker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,450,450,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose emojis that match your sticker" - } - }, - "StickersShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",489,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share" - } - }, - "StickersStickerAddedToSetToast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",18,406,406,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sticker added to the %1$s sticker set." - } - }, - "StickersStickerEditedInSetToast": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",18,403,403,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sticker edited in %1$s sticker set." - } - }, - "StopLiveLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1170,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop Sharing Location" - } - }, - "StopLiveLocationAlertToGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,928,928,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to stop sharing live location with %1$s?" - } - }, - "StopLiveLocationAlertToUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",391,929,929,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop sharing your live location with %1$s?" - } - }, - "Strike": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",548,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Strikethrough" - } - }, - "Subscribers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d subscriber", - "plural": "%1$d subscribers" - } - }, - "SwipeToGoNextArchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",754,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull up to go to archived channels" - } - }, - "SwipeToGoNextChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",686,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull up to go to the next unread channel" - } - }, - "SwipeToGoNextFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",708,466,466,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull up to go to the next unread folder" - } - }, - "SwipeToGoNextRecommendedChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1747,608,608,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull up to go to next channel" - } - }, - "SystemRoot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",204,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "System Root" - } - }, - "TapHereGifs": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",608,459,459,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap here to access saved GIFs" - } - }, - "TapToEditWidget": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",664,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "tap to edit widget" - } - }, - "TapToEditWidgetShort": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",248,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "tap to edit" - } - }, - "TapToSendLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",318,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to send this location" - } - }, - "TapToViewAsList": { - 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These features are **temporarily included** with your Premium Subscription." - } - }, - "TelegramBusinessSubtitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",340,905,905,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to unlock these additional business features." - } - }, - "TelegramBusinessSubtitle2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",305,1200,1257,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn your account to a business page with these additional features." - } - }, - "TelegramBusinessSubtitleTemp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",164,600,624,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Turn your account into a **business page** with these additional features.
The benefits of Telegram Business are **temporarily included** with Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "TelegramFeatures": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",636,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Features" - } - }, - "TelegramPremiumUserGiftedPremiumDialogTitleWithPluralSomeone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",174,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Someone has gifted you a %1$s subscription to Telegram Premium." - } - }, - "TelegramStars": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",525,523,523,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Stars" - } - }, - "TelegramStarsChoose": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",845,390,390,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose package" - } - }, - "TelegramStarsInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,847,847,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Buy Stars to unlock content and services
in miniapps on Telegram." - } - }, - "TermsOfService": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",249,486,486,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Terms of Service" - } - }, - "TermsOfServiceLogin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1024,660,660,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "By signing up, you agree
to the *Terms of Service*." - } - }, - "TextCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",664,378,378,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Text copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "TextSelectionHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",650,520,520,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hold a **word**, then move the cursor to select more text to quote or copy." - } - }, - "Theme": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",879,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Theme" - } - }, - "ThemeNotFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",897,426,426,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Theme not found" - } - }, - "ThemeNotSupported": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",646,945,945,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, this color theme doesn’t support your device yet." - } - }, - "TimeToEdit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",55,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s" - } - }, - "TimezoneDetectAutomatically": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",170,512,512,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Detect automatically" - } - }, - "TimezoneDetectAutomaticallyInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",169,1200,1224,274,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The time zone for your business is set to %s." - } - }, - "TimezoneHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",453,499,499,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Select your time zone" - } - }, - "TimezoneNotFound": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",575,468,468,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Timezone not found" - } - }, - "TimezoneTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,338,338,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Time Zone" - } - }, - "TooManyTries": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",799,454,454,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Too many tries.
Please try again in %1$s." - } - }, - "TranscriptionTrialEnd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",87,331,331,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have used your **%1$d** free transcription this week.", - "plural": "You have used your **%1$d** free transcriptions this week." - } - }, - "TranscriptionTrialEndWaitOrBuy": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",102,526,526,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wait until %1$s or subscribe to **Telegram Premium** now." - } - }, - "TranscriptionTrialLeftUntil": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",67,512,512,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have **%1$d** free voice transcription left until %2$s.", - "plural": "You have **%1$d** free voice transcriptions left until %2$s." - } - }, - "TranslateMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",686,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate" - } - }, - "TranslateToButton": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",96,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Translate to %s" - } - }, - "TypeMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",567,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Message" - } - }, - "URL": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",242,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "URL" - } - }, - "Underline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",672,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Underline" - } - }, - "UnknownError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unknown error" - } - }, - "UnknownLocation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1947,404,404,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unknown Location" - } - }, - "UnlockToUse": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",152,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unlock to use Telegram" - } - }, - "UnreadMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1378,365,365,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unread Messages" - } - }, - "UnsavedChanges": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",389,323,323,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unsaved Changes" - } - }, - "UnsupportedMedia": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1089,1120,1120,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message is not supported by your version of Telegram. Update the app to view:" - } - }, - "UnsupportedMedia2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",431,541,541,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This message is not supported on your version of Telegram. Please update to the latest version." - } - }, - "UpdateContactsMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",371,967,967,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram has detected many unsynced contacts, would you like to sync them now? Choose 'OK' if you're using your own device, SIM card and Google account." - } - }, - "UpdateContactsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",479,497,497,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Update contacts?" - } - }, - "UpdatedMinutes": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1188,424,424,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "updated %1$d minute ago", - "plural": "updated %1$d minutes ago" - } - }, - "UpdatedQuoteMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",429,447,447,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%s** updated the message you are quoting. Edit your quote to make it up-to-date." - } - }, - "UpdatedQuoteTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",444,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Quote updated" - } - }, - "UploadItems": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Upload %1$s" - } - }, - "UploadSpeedLimited": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",89,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Upload speed limited" - } - }, - "UploadSpeedLimitedMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",86,509,509,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to increase upload speeds %d times." - } - }, - "UsbActive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "USB transfer active" - } - }, - "UseFileManger": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",604,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Use Another App" - } - }, - "UseProxyTelegramError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",639,971,971,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The proxy you are using is not configured correctly and will be disabled. Please find another one." - } - }, - "UsersDeselectAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",267,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Deselect All" - } - }, - "VideoCallViaTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",652,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Video Call" - } - }, - "VideoSavedToDownloadsHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",796,362,362,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video saved to Downloads." - } - }, - "VideoSavedToDownloadsHintLinked": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",796,362,362,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video saved to **downloads**." - } - }, - "ViewChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",656,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "View Channel" - } - }, - "ViewChannelProfile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",811,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "View Channel Info >" - } - }, - "ViewContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",518,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW CONTACT" - } - }, - "ViewDetails": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW CONTACT" - } - }, - "ViewGroupProfile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",813,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "View Group Info >" - } - }, - "ViewPackPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",825,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View Sticker Set" - } - }, - "ViewProfile": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",813,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "View Profile >" - } - }, - "Views": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2210,371,371,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s view", - "plural": "%1$s views" - } - }, - "VoiceCallViaCarrier": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",632,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Call via Carrier" - } - }, - "VoiceCallViaTelegram": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",589,288,288,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Voice Call" - } - }, - "VoipAnsweringAsAccount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",153,332,332,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "answering as %s" - } - }, - "VoipAudioRoutingEarpiece": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1223,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Earpiece" - } - }, - "VoipAudioRoutingSpeaker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",650,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Speaker" - } - }, - "VoipBackCamera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",385,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "BACK CAMERA" - } - }, - "VoipChannelLeaveAlertEndChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",486,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "End live stream" - } - }, - "VoipChannelLeaveAlertText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",348,413,413,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to leave this live stream?" - } - }, - "VoipChannelLeaveAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",338,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave live stream" - } - }, - "VoipChannelStartRecordingVideoText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",295,518,518,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to start recording this live stream and save the result into a video file?

Participants will see that the chat is being recorded." - } - }, - "VoipChannelViewVoiceChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",78,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "VIEW LIVE STREAM" - } - }, - "VoipChatActiveChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Active video chats" - } - }, - "VoipChatJoin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",82,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join" - } - }, - "VoipChatRecentCalls": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",281,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Recent calls" - } - }, - "VoipErrorUnknown": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",385,945,945,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Can't place a Telegram call at the moment." - } - }, - "VoipFailed": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",536,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Failed to connect" - } - }, - "VoipFlip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",790,280,277,280,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Flip" - } - }, - "VoipFrontCamera": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "FRONT CAMERA" - } - }, - "VoipGroupAdd": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1167,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add" - } - }, - "VoipGroupAddMemberText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",626,1054,1054,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add **%1$s** to **%2$s**?" - } - }, - "VoipGroupAddMemberTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",793,470,470,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Member" - } - }, - "VoipGroupAllowToSpeak": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",648,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Allow to speak" - } - }, - "VoipGroupConnecting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",720,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Connecting..." - } - }, - "VoipGroupCopyInviteLink": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",943,403,403,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Copy Invite Link" - } - }, - "VoipGroupCopyInviteLinkCopied": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1534,690,690,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite link copied to clipboard." - } - }, - "VoipGroupEndedStartNew": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",627,991,991,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video chat ended. Start a new one?" - } - }, - "VoipGroupInviteAlreadyParticipant": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",309,503,503,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "The selected user is already in this video chat." - } - }, - "VoipGroupInviteMember": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",203,397,397,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Invite Members" - } - }, - "VoipGroupInvitedUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1644,902,902,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You invited **%1$s** to the video chat." - } - }, - "VoipGroupJoinVoiceChatUrl": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",868,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join Video Chat" - } - }, - "VoipGroupLeave": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",648,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave" - } - }, - "VoipGroupLeaveAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",989,469,469,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave video chat" - } - }, - "VoipGroupMute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",688,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "VoipGroupOffline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",614,1018,1018,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You're currently offline. Please connect to the Internet to join video chats." - } - }, - "VoipGroupRemoveMemberAlertText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",661,977,977,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to remove %1$s from the group chat?" - } - }, - "VoipGroupRemoveMemberAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",761,533,533,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove member" - } - }, - "VoipGroupRemovedFromGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1490,757,757,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** removed from the group." - } - }, - "VoipGroupSaveFileHint": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",532,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recording Title" - } - }, - "VoipGroupSearchMembers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",665,685,685,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Search members to invite..." - } - }, - "VoipGroupStartRecordingTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",299,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Start recording" - } - }, - "VoipGroupUnmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1921,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "VoipGroupUserCanNowSpeak": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1688,539,539,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** can now speak." - } - }, - "VoipGroupUserCantNowSpeak": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1453,771,771,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s** is now muted in this chat." - } - }, - "VoipGroupUserRemove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1160,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove" - } - }, - "VoipGroupVideoRecordSaved": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",713,439,439,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Video saved to **Saved Messages**." - } - }, - "VoipGroupVoiceChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Video Chat" - } - }, - "VoipHoldAndTalk": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1954,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "or hold and speak
" - } - }, - "VoipInCallBrandingWithName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",78,456,456,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Call to %s" - } - }, - "VoipInVideoCallBranding": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",335,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Video Call" - } - }, - "VoipInVideoCallBrandingWithName": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram Video Call to %s" - } - }, - "VoipIncoming": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",98,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Incoming call" - } - }, - "VoipLiveStream": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",392,281,281,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Ongoing Live Stream" - } - }, - "VoipMute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",788,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "VoipNeedMicCameraPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",288,499,499,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone and camera so that you can make video calls.

Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Microphone and Camera on." - } - }, - "VoipNeedMicPermission": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",407,888,888,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone so that you can make calls.

Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Microphone on." - } - }, - "VoipOffline": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",201,434,434,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You're currently offline. Please connect to the Internet in order to make calls." - } - }, - "VoipOfflineTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",219,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Offline" - } - }, - "VoipOutputDevices": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",841,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Output Devices" - } - }, - "VoipPeerVideoOutdated": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",312,538,538,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "**%1$s**'s app does not support video calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." - } - }, - "VoipPeerVideoOutdatedMakeVoice": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",517,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Make a voice call" - } - }, - "VoipPhoneScreen": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "PHONE SCREEN" - } - }, - "VoipShareVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",360,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Video" - } - }, - "VoipSpeaker": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",790,280,277,280,276", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Speaker" - } - }, - "VoipStartVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",788,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Start Video" - } - }, - "VoipStopVideo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",789,280,278,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Stop Video" - } - }, - "VoipSwitch": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",442,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SWITCH" - } - }, - "VoipSwitchToVideoCall": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",378,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Switch to video call?" - } - }, - "VoipTapToMute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1921,315,315,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You're Live" - } - }, - "VoipUnmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",788,280,279,280,278", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "VoipUserCameraIsOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",666,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s's camera is off" - } - }, - "VoipUserMicrophoneIsOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",590,337,337,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%s's microphone is off" - } - }, - "VoipVideoPrivateScreenSharing": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",387,488,488,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Everything on your screen, including notifications, will be shared." - } - }, - "VoipVoiceChat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",834,471,471,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Ongoing Video Chat" - } - }, - "WallpaperSameNotification": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",260,359,359,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Set the same chat Wallpaper" - } - }, - "Warning": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",0,278,182,278,182", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning" - } - }, - "WidgetChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",64,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats" - } - }, - "WidgetLoggedOff": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Account was logged off." - } - }, - "WidgetPasscode2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",434,600,628,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning: Your widgets will show all recent messages, but your passcode will be required to open the app and reply." - } - }, - "WidgetPreview": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",118,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Preview of the widget" - } - }, - "WidgetShortcuts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",38,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Shortcuts" - } - }, - "Years": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",596,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$d year", - "plural": "%1$d years" - } - }, - "YesterdayAt": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",250,433,433,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "yesterday at" - } - }, - "YesterdayAtFormatted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,427,427,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "yesterday at %1$s" - } - }, - "YouCreatedBroadcastList": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You created a broadcast list" - } - }, - "YouHaveNewMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",113,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have a new message" - } - }, - "YourVersionIsLatest": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",803,349,349,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Your version is up to date." - } - }, - "chatDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",136,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "MMMM d" - } - }, - "chatFullDate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "MMMM d, yyyy" - } - }, - "formatDateAtTime": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",593,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$s at %2$s" - } - }, - "formatDateScheduleDay": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "EEE MMM d" - } - }, - "formatDateScheduleYear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1422,314,314,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "MMM d yyyy" - } - }, - "formatterMonthName": { - 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