@ -369,6 +369,7 @@
"PrivacySettings.LastSeenContactsMinus": "My Contacts (-%@)",
"WebSearch.RecentSectionTitle": "Recent",
"VoiceChat.EndConfirmationTitle": "End voice chat",
"Login.EnterCodeNewEmailTitle": "Check Your New Email",
"VoiceChat.TapToAddPhoto": "tap to add photo",
"InviteLink.PeopleJoinedShort_2": "%@ joined",
"Conversation.ContextMenuListened_1": "1 Listened",
@ -821,6 +822,7 @@
"SharedMedia.Generic_3_10": "%@ media files",
"Conversation.RequestsToJoin_1": "%@ Request to Join",
"Report.Succeed": "Telegram moderators will study your report. Thank you!",
"SetTimeoutFor.Hours_1": "Set for 1 hour",
"Login.ResetAccountProtected.Title": "Reset Account",
"CallFeedback.ReasonDistortedSpeech": "Speech was distorted",
"Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionChangeInfo": "Change Channel Info",
@ -870,6 +872,7 @@
"AutoDownloadSettings.AutodownloadVideos": "AUTO-DOWNLOAD VIDEOS AND GIFS",
"MessageTimer.Seconds_many": "%@ seconds",
"Map.ETAMinutes_2": "%@ min",
"SetTimeoutFor.Minutes_1": "Set for 1 minute",
"Premium.NoAds": "No Ads",
"Checkout.PaymentMethod.Title": "Payment Method",
"SharedMedia.Video_many": "%@ videos",
@ -969,6 +972,7 @@
"VoiceOver.ChatList.OutgoingMessage": "Outgoing Message",
"ForwardedAudios_1": "Forwarded audio",
"Call.Seconds_3_10": "%@ seconds",
"Premium.EmojiStatusText": "Emoji status is a premium feature.\n Other features included in **Telegram Premium**:",
"Time.PreciseDate_m9": "Sep %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@",
"AutoNightTheme.System": "System",
"Call.StatusWaiting": "Waiting...",
@ -1103,6 +1107,7 @@
"Conversation.StatusSubscribers_any": "%@ subscribers",
"Notifications.MessageNotifications": "MESSAGE NOTIFICATIONS",
"MessageTimer.ShortHours_many": "%@h",
"Premium.Semiannual": "Semiannual",
"MessageTimer.ShortMonths_1": "%@mo",
"VoiceChat.StatusStartsIn": "starts in %@",
"PeerInfo.LeaveGroupTitle": "Leave Group",
@ -1212,6 +1217,7 @@
"Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmation": "This will send your current location to the bot.",
"PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.WhoCanSeeMyPhoneNumber": "WHO CAN SEE MY PHONE NUMBER",
"VoiceOver.Editing.ClearText": "Clear text",
"Login.InvalidEmailTokenError": "An error occurred. Please try again.",
"TextFormat.Spoiler": "Spoiler",
"Conversation.Unarchive": "Unarchive",
"Notification.CallOutgoing": "Outgoing Call",
@ -1322,6 +1328,7 @@
"ForwardedContacts_any": "%@ forwarded contacts",
"KeyCommand.JumpToPreviousUnreadChat": "Jump to Previous Unread Chat",
"StickerPack.CopyLinks": "Copy Links",
"Login.EnterCodeTelegramText": "We've sent the code to the **Telegram app** for %@ on your other device.",
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.Title": "Transfer Channel Ownership",
"EditTheme.UploadEditedTheme": "Update from File...",
"Conversation.StatusSubscribers_many": "%@ subscribers",
@ -1463,6 +1470,7 @@
"DialogList.MultipleTypingSuffix": "%d are typing",
"Conversation.AudioRateTooltipSpeedUp": "Audio will play two times faster.",
"ChatAdmins.Title": "Chat Admins",
"Login.EnterCodeEmailText": "Please enter the code we have sent to your email %@.",
"Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.7.Text": "Yes, turn to camera.",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_POLL": "%1$@|posted a poll",
"Common.Done": "Done",
@ -1492,6 +1500,7 @@
"Channel.Management.LabelCreator": "Creator",
"Contacts.PermissionsSuppressWarningTitle": "Keep contacts disabled?",
"PrivacySettings.LastSeenContactsMinusPlus": "My Contacts (-%@, +%@)",
"Conversation.EmojiTooltip": "Tap here to choose more emoji",
"Appstore.Private.Chat": "**You**\nNo limits on the size of your cats.",
"Group.GroupMembersHeader": "GROUP MEMBERS",
"Group.PublicLink.Title": "Public Link",
@ -1712,10 +1721,12 @@
"GroupInfo.ActionRestrict": "Restrict",
"Attachment.CancelSelectionAlertYes": "Yes",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.SavedMessages": " ",
"Login.EnterCodeEmailTitle": "Check Your Email",
"Time.PreciseDate_m2": "Feb %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@",
"PeerInfo.ClearConfirmationGroup": "Are you sure you want to delete all messages in %@?",
"VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages_2": "%@ unread messages",
"Notifications.DisplayNamesOnLockScreenInfoWithLink": "Display names in notifications when the device is locked. To disable, make sure that \"Show Previews\" is also set to \"When Unlocked\" or \"Never\" in [iOS Settings]",
"ReportPeer.ReportReaction": "Report Reaction",
"Privacy.VoiceMessages.NeverAllow.Title": "Never Allow",
"Notification.Exceptions.AlwaysOff": "Always Off",
"Conversation.ContextMenuDelete": "Delete",
@ -1825,6 +1836,7 @@
"Tour.Title5": "Cloud-Based",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWD": "%2$@|%1$@ forwarded a message",
"Passport.Language.en": "English",
"Login.WrongCodeError": "Wrong code, please try again.",
"Checkout.Name": "Name",
"ChatImport.Title": "Select Chat",
"Notifications.On": "On",
@ -1876,12 +1888,14 @@
"ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationUserWithoutTitle": "Do you want to import messages into the chat with **%@?**",
"Watch.ChatList.NoConversationsText": "To start messaging,\npress firmly, then tap\nNew Message",
"Group.Members.AddMembersHelp": "Only group admins can see this list.",
"Login.Yes": "Yes",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupStickerPack": "%@ changed group sticker set",
"SecretVideo.Title": "Disappearing Video",
"Stats.GroupShowMoreTopAdmins_1": "Show %@ More",
"StickerPack.RemoveStickerCount_any": "Remove %@ Stickers",
"Notification.PinnedStickerMessage": "%@ pinned a sticker",
"Undo.Undo": "Undo",
"SetTimeoutFor.Hours_any": "Set for %@ hours",
"Watch.Microphone.Access": "Allow Telegram to access the microphone on your phone",
"ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationGroupWithTitle": "Do you want to import messages from **%1$@** into **%2$@**?",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTO": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a photo",
@ -1936,6 +1950,7 @@
"GroupRemoved.ViewChannelInfo": "View Channel",
"StickerPacks.DeleteEmojiPacksConfirmation_any": "Delete %@ Emoji Packs",
"UserInfo.BlockConfirmation": "Block %@?",
"Login.Continue": "Continue",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoAddress2Placeholder": "Address",
"TwoFactorSetup.EmailVerification.Action": "Continue",
"Username.LinkHint": "This link opens a chat with you in Telegram:[\nhttps://t.me/%@]",
@ -1947,6 +1962,7 @@
"FastTwoStepSetup.PasswordHelp": "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in.",
"Conversation.DiscussionNotStarted": "No comments here yet...",
"MemberRequests.RequestToJoinDescriptionChannel": "This channel accepts new subscribers only after they are approved by its admins.",
"SetTimeoutFor.Days_any": "Set for %@ days",
"Notification.CallMissedShort": "Missed",
"Notification.JoinedGroupByLink": "%@ joined the group via invite link",
"Conversation.DeleteMessagesForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
@ -1959,6 +1975,7 @@
"AttachmentMenu.WebSearch": "Web Search",
"OldChannels.InactiveMonth_any": "inactive %@ months",
"Bot.Stop": "Stop Bot",
"Premium.Monthly": "Monthly",
"Contacts.QrCode.NoCodeFound": "No valid QR code found in the image. Please try again.",
"Conversation.PrivateChannelTimeLimitedAlertTitle": "Join Channel",
"ReportGroupLocation.Report": "Report",
@ -2108,6 +2125,7 @@
"StickerPacks.ArchiveStickerPacksConfirmation_many": "Archive %@ Sticker Sets",
"Conversation.ScheduledLiveStreamStartsTomorrow": "Live stream starts tomorrow at %@",
"Attachment.LocationAccessTitle": "Access Your Location",
"Login.InvalidEmailError": "Please enter a valid e-mail address.",
"StickerPacksSettings.ShowStickersButton": "Show Stickers Tab",
"AuthSessions.Title": "Active Sessions",
"Notification.VoiceChatEnded": "Voice chat ended (%@)",
@ -2160,6 +2178,7 @@
"WebApp.OpenBot": "Open Bot",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a message to the group",
"ChatList.EmptyChatListEditFilter": "Edit Folder",
"SetTimeoutFor.Minutes_any": "Set for %@ minutes",
"MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForTheseDays": "Clear History For These Days",
"Chat.DeleteMessagesConfirmation_1": "Delete message",
"MemberRequests.NoRequestsDescriptionChannel": "You have no pending requests to join the channel.",
@ -2331,6 +2350,7 @@
"EditTheme.ShortLink": "link",
"VoiceChat.InviteLink.InviteSpeakers_any": "[%@] Invite Speakers",
"Notification.PremiumGift.Months_1": "%@ month",
"Premium.PricePerYear": "%@/year",
"MessagePoll.VotedCount_0": "%@ votes",
"AutoDownloadSettings.PhotosTitle": "Photos",
"Watch.LastSeen.MinutesAgo_0": "%@ minutes ago",
@ -2645,6 +2665,7 @@
"Passport.Language.da": "Danish",
"Chat.SlowmodeSendError": "Slowmode is enabled.",
"Notifications.ExceptionMuteExpires.Minutes_0": "In %@ minutes",
"Login.EnterNewEmailTitle": "Enter New Email",
"Application.Update": "Update",
"SocksProxySetup.SaveProxy": "Save Proxy",
"PUSH_AUTH_REGION": "New login|from unrecognized device %1$@, location: %2$@",
@ -2676,6 +2697,7 @@
"GroupInfo.Permissions.Removed": "Removed Users",
"DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation": "Clear History",
"StickerPack.AddMaskCount_0": "Add %@ Masks",
"Login.AddEmailText": "Please enter your valid email address to protect your account.",
"Contacts.Title": "Contacts",
"Notification.Invited": "%@ invited %@",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended_0": "You scored %@ in {game}",
@ -2689,6 +2711,7 @@
"PUSH_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE": "%1$@ scored %3$@ in game %2$@",
"VoiceChat.RecordPortrait": "Portrait",
"ContactInfo.PhoneLabelPager": "pager",
"Login.AddEmailTitle": "Add Email",
"Gallery.SaveToGallery": "Save to Gallery",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.FAQ": " ",
"Call.CallAgain": "Call Again",
@ -2967,6 +2990,7 @@
"Call.Camera": "camera",
"VoiceChat.Panel.Members_2": "%@ participants",
"GroupInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the group using it.",
"Conversation.EmojiCopied": "Emoji copied to clipboard",
"Group.Location.Info": "People can find your group using People Nearby section.",
"Watch.LastSeen.WithinAMonth": "within a month",
"Appstore.Creative.Chat.Name": "**Gabriella**",
@ -3018,6 +3042,7 @@
"Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannel": "Open Channel",
"Conversation.RequestsToJoin_3_10": "%@ Requests to Join",
"Report.AdditionalDetailsPlaceholder": "Additional details...",
"Premium.EmojiStatusTitle": "This is %1$@'s current status from #[%2$@]().",
"Activity.UploadingVideo": "sending video",
"Watch.LastSeen.HoursAgo_many": "%@ hours ago",
"PrivacyPolicy.AgeVerificationAgree": "Agree",
@ -3076,6 +3101,7 @@
"Notification.MessageLifetime1m": "1 minute",
"Media.SharePhoto_any": "All %@ Photos",
"BlockedUsers.AddNew": "Add New...",
"Premium.SubscribeForAnnual": "Subscribe for %@ / year",
"FastTwoStepSetup.EmailSection": "RECOVERY E-MAIL",
"Settings.SaveEditedPhotos": "Save Edited Photos",
"GroupInfo.GroupNamePlaceholder": "Group Name",
@ -3155,6 +3181,7 @@
"VoiceOver.Chat.VideoMessage": "Video message",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeExpired": "We have sent you a new 6-digit code.",
"Media.SharePhoto_3_10": "All %@ Photos",
"Channel.AdminLog.ReactionsEnabled": "%1$@ enabled all reactions",
"Notification.PinnedPhotoMessage": "%@ pinned a photo",
"PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllChannelInfo": "Allow subscribers to react to channel posts.",
"Passport.InfoLearnMore": "Learn More",
@ -3290,6 +3317,7 @@
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryFailed": "Your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.",
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword": "Enter Password",
"Notification.Exceptions.SoundCustom": "Sound: Custom",
"SetTimeoutFor.Days_1": "Set for 1 day",
"InviteLink.Create.TimeLimitExpiryTime": "Time",
"ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the channel using it.",
"Notification.ChannelChangedTheme": "Channel theme changed to %1$@",
@ -3416,6 +3444,7 @@
"Target.InviteToGroupErrorAlreadyInvited": "The bot is already a member of the group.",
"SocksProxySetup.SavedProxies": "SAVED PROXIES",
"EmojiPacksSettings.Title": "Emoji",
"Login.EnterCodeTelegramTitle": "Enter Code",
"InviteLink.Create.UsersLimitNumberOfUsers": "Number of Uses",
"ApplyLanguage.ChangeLanguageAlreadyActive": "The language %1$@ is already active.",
"Call.Hours_3_10": "%@ hours",
@ -3581,6 +3610,7 @@
"Notifications.Channels": "Channels",
"Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted": "Sorry, this user is not a member of this group and their privacy settings prevent you from adding them manually.",
"VoiceChat.TapToAddBio": "tap to add bio",
"Settings.ChangeProfilePhoto": "Change Profile Photo",
"Channel.AdminLog.AddMembers": "Add Members",
"ForwardedContacts_1": "Forwarded contact",
"Map.SendThisLocation": "Send This Location",
@ -3605,6 +3635,7 @@
"Message.PinnedInvoice": "pinned an invoice",
"ApplyLanguage.LanguageNotSupportedError": "Sorry, this language doesn't seem to exist.",
"VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages_3_10": "%@ unread messages",
"PrivacySettings.LoginEmailInfo": "Change your email address for Telegram login codes.",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a message",
"Notifications.GroupChatsTitle": "Group Chats",
"DeleteAccount.Continue": "Continue",
@ -3812,7 +3843,6 @@
"Login.InfoAvatarAdd": "add",
"DeleteAccount.ConfirmationAlertTitle": "Proceed to Delete Your Account?",
"Month.ShortMay": "May",
"Premium.Gift.PricePerMonth": "%@ / month",
"DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError": "Sorry, you can't pin any more chats to the top.",
"PasscodeSettings.AutoLock.IfAwayFor_5hours": "If away for 5 hours",
"TwoStepAuth.EnabledSuccess": "Two-Step verification\nis enabled.",
@ -4131,6 +4161,7 @@
"Channel.AdminLog.AllowedReactionsUpdated": "%1$@ updated the list of allowed reactions to: %2$@",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSimple_any": "{name} scored %@",
"GroupInfo.InvitationLinkGroupFull": "Sorry, this group is already full.",
"Premium.Annual": "Annual",
"Conversation.Contact": "Contact",
"Passport.Identity.ReverseSideHelp": "Upload a reverse side photo of the document",
"Group.ApplyToJoin": "Apply to Join Group",
@ -4354,6 +4385,7 @@
"LiveStream.Listening.Members_0": "%@ listening",
"Conversation.Megabytes": "%.1f MB",
"InviteLink.ReactivateLink": "Reactivate Link",
"Login.PhoneNumberConfirmation": "Is this the correct number?",
"ScheduledIn.Years_1": "%@ year",
"SharedMedia.LinkCount_any": "%@ links",
"Passport.Language.km": "Khmer",
@ -4361,6 +4393,7 @@
"EmptyGroupInfo.Line4": "Admins with different rights",
"Conversation.SelectedMessages_any": "%@ Selected",
"PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.AllowAllGroupInfo": "Allow subscribers to react to group messages.",
"Login.Or": "or",
"Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled": "Sorry, you can not schedule more than 100 messages.",
"Notification.CallCanceledShort": "Cancelled",
"PhotoEditor.FadeTool": "Fade",
@ -4574,6 +4607,7 @@
"Conversation.StatusOnline_1": "1 online",
"ChatSettings.IntentsSettings": "Share Sheet",
"Location.ProximityNotification.DistanceMI": "mi",
"Login.SelectCountry": "Country",
"PhotoEditor.ExposureTool": "Brightness",
"Group.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time.",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Watch": "Apple Watch",
@ -4618,6 +4652,7 @@
"Permissions.NotificationsAllow.v0": "Turn Notifications ON",
"Login.InvalidFirstNameError": "Invalid first name. Please try again.",
"Notifications.Exceptions_1": "%@ chat",
"PrivacySettings.LoginEmail": "Login Email",
"Undo.ChatCleared": "Chat cleared",
"Forward.ConfirmMultipleFiles_3_10": "Send %@ files to {target}?",
"ApplyLanguage.ChangeLanguageUnofficialText": "You are about to apply a custom language pack **%1$@** that is %2$@% complete.\n\nThis will translate the entire interface. You can suggest corrections in the [translation panel]().\n\nYou can change your language back at any time in Settings.",
@ -4681,6 +4716,7 @@
"ForwardedPhotos_1": "Forwarded photo",
"Notifications.GroupChats": "Group Chats",
"Premium.GiftedTitle": "Telegram Premium",
"Login.EnterCodeNewEmailText": "Please enter the code we have sent to your new email %@.",
"Notification.GameScoreSimple_3_10": "scored %@",
"Appstore.Fast.Chat3": "**Digital Nomads**\nJennie\nWe just reached 2,500 members! WOO!",
"NewContact.Title": "New Contact",
@ -4779,6 +4815,7 @@
"VoiceChat.ContextAudio": "Audio",
"WallpaperPreview.AnimateDescription": "Colors will move when you send messages",
"InstantPage.VoiceOver.ResetFontSize": "Reset Font Size",
"Login.EmailChanged": "Your email has been changed.",
"Paint.Arrow": "Arrow",
"InviteLink.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": "Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link.",
"AuthSessions.HeaderInfo": "Link [Telegram Desktop](desktop) or [Telegram Web](web) by scanning a QR code.",
@ -4950,6 +4987,7 @@
"Conversation.DeleteMessagesForMe": "Delete for me",
"ChatList.DeleteChat": "Delete Chat",
"Watch.LastSeen.MinutesAgo_3_10": "%@ minutes ago",
"Login.SendCodeAsSMS": "Send the code as an SMS",
"Appstore.Fast.Chat9": "**Digital Nomads**",
"Contacts.ImportersCount_many": "%@ contacts on Telegram",
"Stickers.PremiumPackView": "View",
@ -5028,6 +5066,7 @@
"TwoStepAuth.SetPassword": "Set Additional Password",
"LiveStream.EditTitleText": "Edit a title of this live stream.",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT_1": "posted a file",
"Login.EnterCodeSMSTitle": "Enter Code",
"Login.InvalidPhoneEmailSubject": "Invalid phone number: %@",
"BlockedUsers.Info": "Blocked users can't send you messages or add you to groups. They will not see your profile pictures, online and last seen status.",
"AuthSessions.Sessions": "Sessions",
@ -5502,6 +5541,7 @@
"Notification.PinnedVideoMessage": "%@ pinned a video",
"Map.StopLiveLocation": "Stop Sharing Location",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Data.SaveEditedPhotos": " ",
"Login.EnterCodeSMSText": "We've sent and SMS with an activation code to your phone **%@**.",
"Channel.Username.InvalidCharacters": "Sorry, this name is invalid.",
"Premium.Limits.Bio": "Bio",
"ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionOK": "Yes, I\u2019m sure",
@ -5707,6 +5747,7 @@
"PrivacySettings.Passcode": "Passcode Lock",
"Call.EmojiDescription": "If these emoji are the same on %@'s screen, this call is 100%% secure.",
"MuteFor.Minutes_3_10": "Mute for %@ minutes",
"Login.AddEmailPlaceholder": "Enter your email",
"AutoNightTheme.NotAvailable": "N/A",
"Conversation.PressVolumeButtonForSound": "Press volume button\nto unmute the video",
"VoiceOver.Common.On": "On",
@ -6020,6 +6061,7 @@
"StickerPacksSettings.ManagingHelp": "Artists are welcome to add their own sticker sets using our @stickers bot.\n\nTap on a sticker to view and add the whole set.",
"PeerInfo.DeleteGroupTitle": "Delete for All",
"VoiceOver.Chat.Video": "Video",
"Login.Edit": "Edit",
"Forward.ChannelReadOnly": "Sorry, you can't post to this channel.",
"Appstore.Public": "**Public**\nPublic channels, open groups,\nbots for integrations.",
"StickerPack.HideStickers": "Hide Stickers",
@ -6029,6 +6071,7 @@
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardHidden": "%@ won't see they were forwarded",
"PeerInfo.AutoDeleteSettingOther": "Other...",
"GroupInfo.InviteByLink": "Invite to Group via Link",
"Login.EmailNotAllowedError": "Sorry, this email can't be used.",
"Channel.AdminLog.BanSendStickersAndGifs": "Send Stickers & GIFs",
"Watch.Stickers.RecentPlaceholder": "Your most frequently used stickers will appear here",
"Broadcast.AdminLog.EmptyText": "No service actions were taken by the channel's admins in the last 48 hours.",
@ -6169,6 +6212,7 @@
"Call.Seconds_many": "%@ seconds",
"VoiceChat.Muted": "Muted",
"CallFeedback.ReasonSilentRemote": "The other side couldn't hear me",
"Login.InvalidEmailAddressError": "An error occurred. Please try again.",
"Premium.VoiceToTextInfo": "Ability to read the transcript of any incoming voice message.",
"Passport.Identity.AddPersonalDetails": "Add Personal Details",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfSimple_2": "You scored %@",
@ -6177,5 +6221,6 @@
"ChatSettings.AutoPlayTitle": "AUTO-PLAY MEDIA",
"PeerInfo.DeleteToneText": "Are you sure you want to delete\n**%@** notification sound?",
"Appearance.Animations": "ANIMATIONS",
"Premium.PricePerMonth": "%@/month",
"Appearance.TextSizeSetting": "Text Size"