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GitHub Action 2024-02-07 23:55:39 +00:00
parent 0e33429974
commit f570f2adb4
4 changed files with 10 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ The attachment/side menu list should also be refreshed if the user changes the a
<li>If the <a href="/constructor/attachMenuBot">attachMenuBot</a>.<code>inactive</code> flag:<ul>
<li>...is set, the attachment/side menu entry is not installed.<br>
Thus, before launching the mini app when clicking on a <a href="/api/links#bot-attachment-or-side-menu-links">attachment/side menu deep link</a>, the client should show a prompt to the user, asking to add the mini app to the attachment/side menu.<br>
Note that if the <a href="/constructor/attachMenuBot">attachMenuBot</a>.<code>side_menu_disclaimer</code> flag is set, an additional mandatory checkbox to accept the <a href="https://telegram.org/tos/mini-apps">mini apps TOS</a> and a disclaimer indicating that this Mini App is not affiliated to Telegram should be shown in the installation prompt.<br>
Note that if the <a href="/constructor/attachMenuBot">attachMenuBot</a>.<code>side_menu_disclaimer_needed</code> flag is set, an additional mandatory checkbox to accept the <a href="https://telegram.org/tos/mini-apps">mini apps TOS</a> and a disclaimer indicating that this Mini App is not affiliated to Telegram should be shown in the installation prompt.<br>
If the user accepts, invoke <a href="/method/messages.toggleBotInAttachMenu">messages.toggleBotInAttachMenu</a> and proceed to the next step, otherwise abort the process. </li>
<li>...is not set, proceed to the next step unconditionally. </li>

View file

@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
<a href='/method/account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis'>account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis</a>#35a9e0d5 hash:<a href='/type/long'>long</a> = <a href='/type/EmojiList'>EmojiList</a>;</code></pre>
<p>After reaching at least the <a href="/api/boost">boost level</a> specified in the <a href="/api/config#channel-emoji-status-level-min"><code>channel_emoji_status_level_min</code> config parameter</a>, channels gain the ability to change their status emoji <a href="#setting-an-emoji-status">just as described above</a>. </p>
<p>The only difference is that some specific <a href="/api/custom-emoji">custom emojis</a> cannot be used as channel statuses: use <a href="/method/account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis">account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis</a> to fetch the full list of IDs of custom emojis that cannot be used in channel statuses.</p>
<p>Only custom emoji <a href="/constructor/stickerSet">stickersets</a> with the <code>channel_emoji_status</code> flag set can be used in channel custom emoji statuses.</p>
<p>Channel custom emoji <a href="/constructor/stickerSet">stickersets</a>, i.e. <a href="/constructor/stickerSet">stickersets</a> with the <code>channel_emoji_status</code> flag set, can be used in channel custom emoji statuses. </p>
<p>Note, however, that some specific <a href="/api/custom-emoji">custom emojis</a> from channel custom emoji stickersets cannot be used as channel statuses: use <a href="/method/account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis">account.getChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis</a> to fetch the full list of IDs of custom emojis that cannot be used in channel statuses.</p>
<p>Note that channels gain the ability to change their status emoji only after reaching at least the <a href="/api/boost">boost level</a> specified in the <a href="/api/config#channel-emoji-status-level-min"><code>channel_emoji_status_level_min</code> config parameter</a>. </p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#featured-emoji-status-stickersets" id="featured-emoji-status-stickersets" name="featured-emoji-status-stickersets"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Featured emoji status stickersets</h3>
<pre><code><a href='/constructor/emojiStatus'>emojiStatus</a>#929b619d document_id:<a href='/type/long'>long</a> = <a href='/type/EmojiStatus'>EmojiStatus</a>;

View file

@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ sponsoredWebPage#3db8ec63 flags:# url:string site_name:string photo:flags.0?Phot
<li><mark><strong>View Bot</strong></mark> — if a bot is being promoted. Tapping the button must open the chat with the bot. If <code>start_param</code> is specified, the app must use the <a href="/api/links#bot-links">deep linking mechanism</a> to open the bot.</li>
<li><mark><strong>View Channel</strong></mark> — if a channel is being promoted. Tapping the button must open the channel using the <code>from_id</code> or by <a href="/api/invites#invite-links">importing</a> the <code>chat_invite_hash</code> <a href="/api/invites#invite-links">invitation link hash »</a>.</li>
<li><mark><strong>View Post</strong></mark> — if a channel is being promoted and <code>channel_post</code> is specified. Tapping the button must open the particular channel post.</li>
<li><mark><strong>Launch App</strong></mark> — if the <code>app</code> flag is set, the specified <a href="/api/bots/webapps">Mini App</a> should be opened when clicking on the button. </li>
<li><mark><strong>Open Website</strong></mark> — If the <code>webpage</code> flag is set, clicking on the button should open the external website specified in <code>webpage.url</code>; a webpage preview must also be shown for the specified website in the message, using the specified <code>webpage.site_name</code> and <code>webpage.photo</code>. </li>
<li>The contents of the <code>button_text</code> field — if the <code>button_text</code> field is set.</li>
<p>The message should be marked as "Recommended" instead of "Sponsored" if the <code>recommended</code> flag is set. </p>
<p>If the <code>show_peer_photo</code> flag is set, a profile photo bubble should be displayed for this message, like for messages sent in groups. The photo shown in the bubble is obtained either from the peer contained in <code>from_id</code>, or from <code>chat_invite</code>. </p>
<p>If the <code>webpage</code> flag is set, an instant view webpage preview must also be shown for the specified website.</p>
<p>If the <code>app</code> flag is set, the specified <a href="/api/bots/webapps">Mini App</a> should be opened when clicking on the button. </p>
<p>If the <code>sponsor_info</code> or <code>additional_info</code> flags are set, an additional "Sponsor info" menu item must be present in the message context menu (the menu that pops up when clicking on a button), that when clicked, displays the contents of the flags. </p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#counting-sponsored-message-views" id="counting-sponsored-message-views" name="counting-sponsored-message-views"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Counting sponsored message views</h4>
<p>Once the entire text is shown on the screen (excluding the button), <a href="/method/channels.viewSponsoredMessage">channels.viewSponsoredMessage</a> must be called with the <code>random_id</code> of the sponsored message.</p>

View file

@ -47,14 +47,12 @@
<p>Telegram apps support generating, sharing and synchronizing chat backgrounds.</p>
<p>Wallpapers must be rendered according to the instructions contained in the wallpaper constructors. </p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#wallpaper-types" id="wallpaper-types" name="wallpaper-types"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Wallpaper types</h3>
<p>There are three main wallpaper types:</p>
<p>There are four main wallpaper types:</p>
<li><a href="#image-wallpapers">Image wallpapers</a></li>
<li><a href="#pattern-wallpapers">Pattern wallpapers</a></li>
<li><a href="#fill-wallpapers">Fill wallpapers</a><ul>
<li><a href="#fill-wallpapers">Channel wallpapers</a></li>
<li><a href="#fill-wallpapers">Fill wallpapers</a></li>
<li><a href="#channel-wallpapers">Channel wallpapers</a></li>
<p>Fill and pattern wallpapers are generated using one of three <a href="#fill-types">fill types</a>.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#image-wallpapers" id="image-wallpapers" name="image-wallpapers"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Image wallpapers</h4>
@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ The <code>settings</code> field describes the transforms that should be applied
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#fill-wallpapers" id="fill-wallpapers" name="fill-wallpapers"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Fill wallpapers</h4>
<pre><code><a href='/constructor/wallPaperNoFile'>wallPaperNoFile</a>#e0804116 id:<a href='/type/long'>long</a> flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> default:flags.1?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> dark:flags.4?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> settings:flags.2?<a href='/type/WallPaperSettings'>WallPaperSettings</a> = <a href='/type/WallPaper'>WallPaper</a>;</code></pre>
<p>Fill wallpapers are simple wallpapers described by the <a href="/constructor/wallPaperNoFile">wallPaperNoFile</a> constructor, containing only the <a href="#fill-types">fill</a> specified by the <code>settings</code> field. </p>
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#channel-wallpapers" id="channel-wallpapers" name="channel-wallpapers"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Channel wallpapers</h5>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#channel-wallpapers" id="channel-wallpapers" name="channel-wallpapers"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Channel wallpapers</h4>
<pre><code><a href='/constructor/wallPaperSettings'>wallPaperSettings</a>#372efcd0 flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> blur:flags.1?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> motion:flags.2?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> background_color:flags.0?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> second_background_color:flags.4?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> third_background_color:flags.5?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> fourth_background_color:flags.6?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> intensity:flags.3?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> rotation:flags.4?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> emoticon:flags.7?<a href='/type/string'>string</a> = <a href='/type/WallPaperSettings'>WallPaperSettings</a>;</code></pre>
<p><a href="#fill-wallpapers">Fill wallpapers</a> with an <code>emoticon</code> contained in the associated wallpaper <code>settings</code> indicate a channel wallpaper, that can be <a href="#installing-wallpapers-in-a-specific-chat-or-channel">installed »</a> in channels that have enough boosts, <a href="#installing-wallpapers-in-a-specific-chat-or-channel">see here »</a> for more info. </p>
<p>The full list of channel wallpapers can be fetched using <a href="/method/account.getChatThemes">account.getChatThemes</a>. </p>