import asyncio import logging import os import re from typing import Tuple import aiohttp COMMIT_SHA = os.environ['COMMIT_SHA'] # commits for test alert builder # COMMIT_SHA = '4015bd9c48b45910727569fff5e770000d85d207' # all clients + server and test server + web # COMMIT_SHA = '9cc3f0fb7c390c8cb8b789e9377f10ed5e80a089' # web and web res together # COMMIT_SHA = '4efaf918af43054ba3ff76068e83d135a9a2535d' # web # COMMIT_SHA = 'e2d725c2b3813d7c170f50b0ab21424a71466f6d' # web res TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = os.environ['TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'] DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = os.environ['DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN'] GITHUB_PAT = os.environ['GITHUB_PAT'] REPOSITORY = os.environ.get('REPOSITORY', 'MarshalX/telegram-crawler') ROOT_TREE_DIR = os.environ.get('ROOT_TREE_DIR', 'data') CHAT_ID = os.environ.get('CHAT_ID', '@tgcrawl') DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID = os.environ.get('DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID', '1116390634249523283') BASE_GITHUB_API = '' GITHUB_LAST_COMMITS = 'repos/{repo}/commits/{sha}' BASE_TELEGRAM_API = '{token}/' TELEGRAM_SEND_MESSAGE = 'sendMessage' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) STATUS_TO_EMOJI = { 'added': 'โœ…', 'modified': '๐Ÿ“', 'removed': 'โŒ', 'renamed': '๐Ÿ”„', 'copied': '๐Ÿ“‹', 'changed': '๐Ÿ“', 'unchanged': '๐Ÿ“', } AVAILABLE_HASHTAGS = { 'web_tr', 'web_res', 'web', 'server', 'test_server', 'client', 'ios', 'macos', 'android', 'android_dl', 'mini_app', 'wallet' } HASHTAGS_PATTERNS = { # regex will be more flexible. for example, in issue with double hashtag '#web #web_res' when data/res not changed 'web_tr': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web_tr'), 'web_res': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web_res'), 'web': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web'), 'server': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'server'), 'test_server': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'server', 'test'), 'client': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client'), 'ios': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client', 'ios-beta'), 'macos': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client', 'macos-beta'), 'android': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client', 'android-beta'), 'android_dl': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client', 'android-stable-dl'), 'mini_app': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'mini_app'), 'wallet': os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'mini_app', 'wallet'), } # order is important! PATHS_TO_REMOVE_FROM_ALERT = [ os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web_tr'), os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web_res'), os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'web'), os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'server'), os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'client'), os.path.join(ROOT_TREE_DIR, 'mini_app'), ] FORUM_CHAT_ID = '@tfcrawl' HASHTAG_TO_TOPIC = { 'web': '2200', 'web_tr': '2202', 'web_res': '2206', 'server': '2317', 'ios': '2194', 'macos': '2187', 'android': '2190', 'android_dl': '12235', 'wallet': '5685', } GITHUB_API_LIMIT_PER_HOUR = 5_000 COUNT_OF_RUNNING_WORKFLOW_AT_SAME_TIME = 5 # just random number ;d ROW_PER_STATUS = 5 LAST_PAGE_NUMBER_REGEX = r'page=(\d+)>; rel="last"' async def send_req_until_success(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, **kwargs) -> Tuple[dict, int]: delay = 5 # in sec count_of_retries = int(GITHUB_API_LIMIT_PER_HOUR / COUNT_OF_RUNNING_WORKFLOW_AT_SAME_TIME / delay) last_page_number = 1 retry_number = 1 while retry_number <= count_of_retries: retry_number += 1 res = await session.get(**kwargs) if res.status != 200: await asyncio.sleep(delay) continue json = await res.json() pagination_data = res.headers.get('Link', '') matches = re.findall(LAST_PAGE_NUMBER_REGEX, pagination_data) if matches: last_page_number = int(matches[0]) return json, last_page_number raise RuntimeError('Surprise. Time is over') async def send_telegram_alert(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, text: str, thread_id=None) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse: params = { 'chat_id': CHAT_ID, 'parse_mode': 'HTML', 'text': text, 'disable_web_page_preview': 1, } if thread_id: params['chat_id'] = FORUM_CHAT_ID params['message_thread_id'] = thread_id return await session.get( url=f'{BASE_TELEGRAM_API}{TELEGRAM_SEND_MESSAGE}'.format(token=TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN), params=params ) async def send_discord_alert( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, commit_hash: str, commit_url: str, fields: list, hashtags: str ) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse: url = f'{DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID}/messages' headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bot {DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN}', } embed_data = { 'title': f'New changes in Telegram ({commit_hash})', 'color': 0xe685cc, 'url': commit_url, 'fields': fields, 'author': { 'name': 'Marshal', 'url': '', 'icon_url': '', }, 'footer': { 'text': hashtags, } } payload = { 'embed': embed_data } return await, headers=headers, json=payload) async def main() -> None: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: commit_data, last_page = await send_req_until_success( session=session, url=f'{BASE_GITHUB_API}{GITHUB_LAST_COMMITS}'.format(repo=REPOSITORY, sha=COMMIT_SHA), headers={ 'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_PAT}' } ) commit_files = commit_data['files'] coroutine_list = list() for current_page in range(2, last_page + 1): coroutine_list.append(send_req_until_success( session=session, url=f'{BASE_GITHUB_API}{GITHUB_LAST_COMMITS}?page={current_page}'.format( repo=REPOSITORY, sha=COMMIT_SHA ), headers={ 'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_PAT}' } )) paginated_responses = await asyncio.gather(*coroutine_list) for json_response, _ in paginated_responses: commit_files.extend(json_response['files']) commit_files = [file for file in commit_files if '' not in file['filename']] if not commit_files: return commit_hash = commit_data['sha'][:7] html_url = commit_data['html_url'] alert_text = f'New changes of Telegram\n\n' alert_hashtags = set() global AVAILABLE_HASHTAGS available_hashtags = AVAILABLE_HASHTAGS.copy() changes = {k: [] for k in STATUS_TO_EMOJI.keys()} changes_md = {k: [] for k in STATUS_TO_EMOJI.keys()} for file in commit_files: for available_hashtag in available_hashtags: pattern = HASHTAGS_PATTERNS[available_hashtag] if pattern in file['filename']: alert_hashtags.add(available_hashtag) # optimize substring search available_hashtags -= alert_hashtags changed_url = file['filename'].replace('.html', '') for path_to_remove in PATHS_TO_REMOVE_FROM_ALERT: if changed_url.startswith(path_to_remove): changed_url = changed_url[len(path_to_remove) + 1:] break # can't occur more than one time status = STATUS_TO_EMOJI[file['status']] changes[file['status']].append(f'{status} {changed_url}') changes_md[file['status']].append(f'- {changed_url}') discord_embed_fields = [] for i, [status, text_list] in enumerate(changes.items()): if not text_list: continue alert_text += '\n'.join(text_list[:ROW_PER_STATUS]) + '\n' discord_field_value = '\n'.join(changes_md[status][:ROW_PER_STATUS]) + '\n' if len(text_list) > ROW_PER_STATUS: count = len(text_list) - ROW_PER_STATUS alert_text += f'And {count} {status} actions more..\n' discord_field_value += f'And **{count}** {status} actions more..\n' discord_embed_fields.append({ 'name': f'{STATUS_TO_EMOJI[status]} {status.capitalize()}', 'value': discord_field_value, 'inline': False }) alert_text += '\n' link_text = f'GitHub ยท MarshalX/telegram-crawler@{commit_hash}' alert_text += f'{link_text}' if 'web_tr' in alert_hashtags or 'web_res' in alert_hashtags: alert_hashtags.remove('web') for hashtag, topic_thread_id in HASHTAG_TO_TOPIC.items(): if hashtag in alert_hashtags:'Sending alert to the forum. Topic: {topic_thread_id}') telegram_response = await send_telegram_alert(session, alert_text, topic_thread_id) logger.debug(await hashtags = ' '.join([f'#{hashtag}' for hashtag in sorted(alert_hashtags)]) if alert_hashtags: alert_text += '\n\n' + hashtags telegram_response = await send_telegram_alert(session, alert_text) logger.debug(await discord_response = await send_discord_alert(session, commit_hash, html_url, discord_embed_fields, hashtags) logger.debug(await if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main())