Update theme
theme#e802b8dc flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true for_chat:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long slug:string title:string document:flags.2?Document settings:flags.3?ThemeSettings installs_count:flags.4?int = Theme;
account.updateTheme#5cb367d5 flags:# format:string theme:InputTheme slug:flags.0?string title:flags.1?string document:flags.2?InputDocument settings:flags.3?InputThemeSettings = Theme;
Name | Type | Description |
flags | # | Flags, see TL conditional fields |
format | string | Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client |
theme | InputTheme | Theme to update |
slug | flags.0?string | Unique theme ID |
title | flags.1?string | Theme name |
document | flags.2?InputDocument | Theme file |
settings | flags.3?InputThemeSettings | Theme settings |