{ "AddContact": [ "Add to contacts" ], "AddShortcut": [ "Add to Home Screen" ], "AddToTheGroup": [ "Add %1$s to the group?" ], "AddToTheGroupForwardCount": [ "Number of previous messages to forward:" ], "AreYouSureBlockContact": [ "Are you sure you want to block this contact?" ], "AreYouSureBlockContact2": [ "Are you sure you want to block **%1$s**?" ], "AreYouSureDeleteContact": [ "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?" ], "AreYouSureDeletePhoto": [ "Are you sure you want to delete this photo?" ], "AreYouSureDeleteVideo": [ "Are you sure you want to delete this video?" ], "AreYouSureDeleteVideoTitle": [ "Delete video" ], "AreYouSureSecretChat": [ "Are you sure you want to start a secret chat?" ], "AreYouSureSecretChatTitle": [ "Secret chat" ], "AreYouSureUnblockContact": [ "Are you sure you want to unblock this user?" ], "AudioAutodownload": [ "Voice messages" ], "AutoDeletePopupTitle": [ "Auto-Delete" ], "BanFromTheGroup": [ "BAN FROM THE GROUP" ], "BlockContact": [ "Block user" ], "BlockUser": [ "Block user" ], "Calendar": [ "Calendar" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortFriday": [ "F" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortMonday": [ "M" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortSaturday": [ "S" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortSunday": [ "S" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortThursday": [ "T" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortTuesday": [ "T" ], "CalendarWeekNameShortWednesday": [ "W" ], "CallViaTelegram": [ "Telegram Call" ], "Cancel": [ "Cancel" ], "ChooseCover": [ "Choose a cover for your profile video" ], "ChoosePhotoOrVideo": [ "Choose photo or video" ], "CommonGroups": [ "%1$d group in common", "%1$d groups in common" ], "CustomNotifications": [ "Custom Notifications" ], "DefaultRingtone": [ "Default" ], "DeleteContact": [ "Delete contact" ], "DescriptionMore": [ "more" ], "EditAdminCantEdit": [ "You can't edit the rights of this admin." ], "EditContact": [ "Edit contact" ], "EditName": [ "Edit name" ], "EventLogOriginalCaptionEmpty": [ "Empty" ], "FilesDataUsage": [ "Files" ], "FirstName": [ "First name (required)" ], "General": [ "General" ], "GroupsInCommon": [ "Groups in Common" ], "GroupsInCommonTitle": [ "Groups in common" ], "Info": [ "Info" ], "InviteToGroupError": [ "Sorry, you can't add this user to groups because of their privacy settings." ], "LastName": [ "Last name (optional)" ], "LastSeen": [ "last seen" ], "MediaShowPhotos": [ "Show Photos" ], "MediaShowVideos": [ "Show Videos" ], "MediaZoomIn": [ "Zoom In" ], "MediaZoomOut": [ "Zoom Out" ], "MessagePreview": [ "Show Message Previews" ], "MuteFor": [ "Mute for %1$s" ], "NoContactsYet": [ "You have no contacts on Telegram yet" ], "NoContactsYetLine1": [ "Invite friends to try Telegram" ], "NoContactsYetLine2": [ "Find people nearby to chat with" ], "NoContactsYetLine3": [ "Search people by username" ], "NoSharedFilesSecret": [ "Files and documents from this chat will be shown here." ], "Notifications": [ "Notifications" ], "NotificationsCustom": [ "Custom" ], "NotificationsCustomize": [ "Customize" ], "NotificationsDefaultOff": [ "Default (Off)" ], "NotificationsDefaultOn": [ "Default (On)" ], "NotificationsEnableCustom": [ "Enable Custom Notifications" ], "NotificationsImportance": [ "Priority" ], "NotificationsOn": [ "On" ], "NotificationsPrioritySettings": [ "Same as in Settings" ], "NotificationsTurnOff": [ "Turn Off" ], "NotificationsTurnOn": [ "Turn On" ], "NumberUnknown": [ "Unknown" ], "OK": [ "OK" ], "PhoneHidden": [ "Unknown" ], "PhoneMobile": [ "Mobile" ], "PopupDisabled": [ "Disabled" ], "PopupEnabled": [ "Enabled" ], "PriorityInfo": [ "Higher priority notifications will work even in Do Not Disturb mode." ], "ProfilePopupNotification": [ "Popup notifications" ], "ProfilePopupNotificationInfo": [ "New messages from this contact will appear on your screen when you are not using Telegram." ], "SetAsMain": [ "Set as Main" ], "SharedAudioFiles": [ "Audio files" ], "SharedContent": [ "Shared content" ], "SharedLinks": [ "Links" ], "SharedMedia": [ "Shared Media" ], "SharedMediaFastScrollHint": [ "You can hold and move this bar for faster scrolling." ], "SharedPhotosAndVideos": [ "Photos and videos" ], "Sound": [ "Sound" ], "SoundDefault": [ "Default" ], "Start": [ "Start" ], "StartEncryptedChat": [ "Start Secret Chat" ], "TodayAtFormatted": [ "at %1$s" ], "Unblock": [ "Unblock user" ], "UserBioInfo": [ "You can add a few lines about yourself. Anyone who opens your profile will see this text." ], "UserBlocked": [ "User blocked." ], "UserUnblocked": [ "User unblocked." ], "Vibrate": [ "Vibrate" ], "VibrationDefault": [ "Default" ], "VideoCallViaTelegram": [ "Telegram Video Call" ], "VoipNotificationSettings": [ "Calls" ], "VoipOfflineAirplane": [ "You have airplane mode enabled. Please turn it off or connect to Wi-Fi to make calls." ], "VoipOfflineAirplaneTitle": [ "Airplane Mode" ], "VoipOfflineOpenSettings": [ "Settings" ], "VoipOngoingAlert": [ "End call with **%1$s** and start a new one with **%2$s**?" ], "VoipOngoingAlertTitle": [ "Another call in progress" ], "VoipSettingsRingtone": [ "Ringtone" ] }