{ "AuthSessions.Message": [ "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %@." ], "Bot.AddToChat": [ "Add to Group or Channel" ], "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AddAsMember": [ "Add Bot as Member" ], "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertAdd": [ "Add as Admin" ], "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTextGroup": [ "Do you want to add the bot as an admin in **%@**?" ], "Bot.AddToChat.Add.AdminAlertTitle": [ "Add Bot as Admin?" ], "Bot.AddToChat.Title": [ "Add to Group or Channel" ], "Bot.AddToChatInfo": [ "This bot is able to manage a group or channel." ], "Bot.DescriptionTitle": [ "What can this bot do?" ], "Bot.GenericBotStatus": [ "bot" ], "Bot.Start": [ "Start" ], "Bot.Stop": [ "Stop Bot" ], "Bot.Unblock": [ "Restart Bot" ], "Checkout.Email": [ "Email" ], "Checkout.EnterPassword": [ "Enter Password" ], "Checkout.ErrorGeneric": [ "An error occurred while processing your payment. Your card has not been billed." ], "Checkout.ErrorInvoiceAlreadyPaid": [ "You have already paid for this item." ], "Checkout.ErrorPaymentFailed": [ "Payment failed. Your card has not been billed." ], "Checkout.ErrorPrecheckoutFailed": [ "The bot couldn't process your payment. Your card has not been billed." ], "Checkout.ErrorProviderAccountInvalid": [ "This bot can't accept payments at the moment. Please try again later." ], "Checkout.ErrorProviderAccountTimeout": [ "This bot can't process payments at the moment. Please try again later." ], "Checkout.LiabilityAlert": [ "Neither Telegram, nor %1$@ will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$@.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$@. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$@ or your bank." ], "Checkout.LiabilityAlertTitle": [ "Warning" ], "Checkout.Name": [ "Name" ], "Checkout.NewCard.CardholderNamePlaceholder": [ "Cardholder Name" ], "Checkout.NewCard.CardholderNameTitle": [ "CARDHOLDER" ], "Checkout.NewCard.PaymentCard": [ "PAYMENT CARD" ], "Checkout.NewCard.PostcodePlaceholder": [ "Zip Code" ], "Checkout.NewCard.PostcodeTitle": [ "BILLING ADDRESS" ], "Checkout.NewCard.SaveInfo": [ "Save Payment Information" ], "Checkout.NewCard.SaveInfoEnableHelp": [ "You can save your payment information for future use.
Please [turn on Two-Step Verification] to enable this." ], "Checkout.NewCard.SaveInfoHelp": [ "You can save your payment info for future use. It will be stored directly with the payment provider. Telegram has no access to your credit card data." ], "Checkout.NewCard.Title": [ "New Card" ], "Checkout.OptionalTipItem": [ "Tip (Optional)" ], "Checkout.PasswordEntry.Pay": [ "Pay" ], "Checkout.PasswordEntry.Text": [ "Your card %@ is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password." ], "Checkout.PasswordEntry.Title": [ "Payment Confirmation" ], "Checkout.PayNone": [ "Pay" ], "Checkout.PayPrice": [ "Pay %@" ], "Checkout.PayWithFaceId": [ "Pay with Face ID" ], "Checkout.PayWithTouchId": [ "Pay with Touch ID" ], "Checkout.PaymentLiabilityAlert": [ "Neither Telegram, nor {target} will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, {payment_system}.

Payments will go directly to the developer of {target}. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of {target} or your bank." ], "Checkout.PaymentMethod": [ "Payment Method" ], "Checkout.PaymentMethod.New": [ "New Card..." ], "Checkout.PaymentMethod.Title": [ "Payment Method" ], "Checkout.Phone": [ "Phone" ], "Checkout.Receipt.Title": [ "Receipt" ], "Checkout.SavePasswordTimeout": [ "Would you like to save your password for %@?" ], "Checkout.SavePasswordTimeoutAndFaceId": [ "Would you like to save your password for %@ and use Face ID instead?" ], "Checkout.SavePasswordTimeoutAndTouchId": [ "Would you like to save your password for %@ and use Touch ID instead?" ], "Checkout.ShippingAddress": [ "Shipping Information" ], "Checkout.ShippingMethod": [ "Shipping Method" ], "Checkout.ShippingOption.Title": [ "Shipping Method" ], "Checkout.SuccessfulTooltip": [ "You paid %1$@ for %2$@." ], "Checkout.TipItem": [ "Tip" ], "Checkout.Title": [ "Checkout" ], "Checkout.TotalAmount": [ "Total" ], "Checkout.TotalPaidAmount": [ "Total Paid" ], "Checkout.WebConfirmation.Title": [ "Complete Payment" ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorCityInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid city." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorEmailInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid email address." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorNameInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid name." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorPhoneInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid phone number." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorPostcodeInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid postcode." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorShippingNotAvailable": [ "Shipping to the selected country is not available." ], "CheckoutInfo.ErrorStateInvalid": [ "Please enter a valid state." ], "CheckoutInfo.Pay": [ "Pay" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoEmail": [ "Email" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoEmailPlaceholder": [ "Email" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoName": [ "Name" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoNamePlaceholder": [ "First and Last Name" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoPhone": [ "Phone" ], "CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoTitle": [ "RECEIVER" ], "CheckoutInfo.SaveInfo": [ "Save Info" ], "CheckoutInfo.SaveInfoHelp": [ "You can save your shipping information for future use." ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoAddress1": [ "Address 1" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoAddress1Placeholder": [ "Address" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoAddress2": [ "Address 2" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoAddress2Placeholder": [ "Address" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCity": [ "City" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCityPlaceholder": [ "City" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCountry": [ "Country" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCountryPlaceholder": [ "Country" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoPostcode": [ "Postcode" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoPostcodePlaceholder": [ "Postcode" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoState": [ "State" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoStatePlaceholder": [ "State" ], "CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoTitle": [ "SHIPPING ADDRESS" ], "CheckoutInfo.Title": [ "Shipping Information" ], "Common.Cancel": [ "Cancel" ], "Common.Done": [ "Done" ], "Common.OK": [ "OK" ], "Conversation.BotInteractiveUrlAlert": [ "Allow %@ to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?" ], "Conversation.Edit": [ "Edit" ], "Conversation.Info": [ "Info" ], "Conversation.Search": [ "Search" ], "Conversation.SecretChatContextBotAlert": [ "Please note that inline bots are provided by third-party developers. For the bot to work, the symbols you type after the bot's username are sent to the respective developer." ], "Conversation.ShareBotContactConfirmation": [ "The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services." ], "Conversation.ShareBotContactConfirmationTitle": [ "Share Your Phone Number?" ], "Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmation": [ "This will send your current location to the bot." ], "Conversation.ShareBotLocationConfirmationTitle": [ "Share Your Location?" ], "CreatePoll.AddMoreOptions": [ "You can add 1 more option.", "You can add %@ more options." ], "CreatePoll.AddOption": [ "Add an Option" ], "CreatePoll.Anonymous": [ "Anonymous Voting" ], "CreatePoll.Create": [ "Send" ], "CreatePoll.Explanation": [ "Add a Comment (Optional)" ], "CreatePoll.ExplanationHeader": [ "EXPLANATION" ], "CreatePoll.ExplanationInfo": [ "Users will see this comment after choosing a wrong answer, good for educational purposes." ], "CreatePoll.QuizTitle": [ "New Quiz" ], "GroupInfo.Notifications": [ "Notifications" ], "GroupInfo.SharedMedia": [ "Shared Media" ], "GroupInfo.Sound": [ "Sound" ], "Message.InvoiceLabel": [ "INVOICE" ], "Message.ReplyActionButtonShowReceipt": [ "Show Receipt" ], "Notification.PaymentSent": [ "You successfully transferred {amount} to {name} for {title}" ], "Notification.WebAppSentData": [ "Data from the \"%@\" button was transferred to the bot." ], "PeerInfo.ButtonStop": [ "Stop" ], "Profile.BotInfo": [ "about" ], "Profile.Username": [ "username" ], "ReportPeer.Report": [ "Report" ], "ShareMenu.CopyShareLinkGame": [ "Copy link to game" ], "UserInfo.BotPrivacy": [ "Privacy Policy" ], "UserInfo.BotSettings": [ "Settings" ], "UserInfo.InviteBotToGroup": [ "Add To Group" ], "UserInfo.NotificationsDisabled": [ "Disabled" ], "UserInfo.SendMessage": [ "Send Message" ], "UserInfo.ShareBot": [ "Share" ], "UserInfo.ShareMyContactInfo": [ "Share My Contact Info" ], "WebApp.AddToAttachmentAdd": [ "Add" ], "WebApp.AddToAttachmentText": [ "%@ requests your permission to be added as an option to your attachment menu, so you can access it from any chat." ], "WebApp.AddToAttachmentUnavailableError": [ "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." ], "WebApp.OpenBot": [ "Open Bot" ], "WebApp.OpenWebViewAlertText": [ "**%@** would like to open its web app to proceed.

It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info." ], "WebApp.OpenWebViewAlertTitle": [ "Open Web App" ], "WebApp.ReloadPage": [ "Reload Page" ], "WebApp.RemoveBot": [ "Remove From Menu" ], "WebApp.RemoveConfirmationText": [ "Remove **%@** from the attachment menu?" ], "WebApp.RemoveConfirmationTitle": [ "Remove Bot" ], "Your_card_has_expired": [ "Your card has expired." ], "Your_card_was_declined": [ "Your card was declined." ], "Your_cards_expiration_month_is_invalid": [ "You've entered an invalid expiration month." ], "Your_cards_expiration_year_is_invalid": [ "You've entered an invalid expiration year." ], "Your_cards_number_is_invalid": [ "You've entered an invalid card number." ], "Your_cards_security_code_is_invalid": [ "You've entered an invalid security code." ] }