import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import { AppearanceProvider } from 'AppearanceProvider'; import { useSCWAddresses } from 'query/scw/address'; import { useCountryToCurrency, useSupportedCurrencies, } from 'query/wallet/currencies'; import { useKycLimits } from 'query/wallet/kyc/useKycLimits'; import { usePurchaseSettings } from 'query/wallet/purchase'; import { useLastUsedPaymentCurrencies } from 'query/wallet/user'; import { Suspense, lazy, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { Route, Routes, To, createSearchParams, generatePath, matchPath, } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import { BaseOfferRestDtoTypeEnum } from 'api/p2p/generated-common'; import { KycStatusPublicDtoLevelEnum } from 'api/p2p/generated-userservice'; import API from 'api/wallet'; import APIV2 from 'api/wallet-v2'; import { AccessToken, FrontendCryptoCurrencyEnum } from 'api/wallet/generated'; import { Amplitude } from 'types/amplitude'; import { InvoiceStatus, WebApp, WebView } from 'types/webApp'; import routePaths from 'routePaths'; import { RootState, useAppSelector } from 'store'; import { resetCampaignParticipation, resetGift, setCampaignParticipation, setGift, } from 'reducers/gift/giftSlice'; import { updateKyc } from 'reducers/kyc/kycSlice'; import { setLocation } from 'reducers/location/locationSlice'; import { setDefaultCurrencies } from 'reducers/p2p/adFormSlice'; import { setFilters } from 'reducers/p2p/domSlice'; import { setP2P } from 'reducers/p2p/p2pSlice'; import { setUser } from 'reducers/p2p/userSlice'; import { updatePasscode } from 'reducers/passcode/passcodeSlice'; import { cleanPurchase, updatePurchase } from 'reducers/purchase/purchaseSlice'; import { updateSCW } from 'reducers/scw/scwSlice'; import { updateFiatCurrency, updateLanguage, updatePreferredAsset, } from 'reducers/settings/settingsSlice'; import { setAuthorized, setIsRussian, updateFeatureFlags, updatePermissions, updatePurchaseByCard, } from 'reducers/user/userSlice'; import { updateWallet } from 'reducers/wallet/walletSlice'; import { updateWarningsVisibility } from 'reducers/warningsVisibility/warningsVisibilitySlice'; import Error from 'pages/Error/Error'; import { NotFound } from 'pages/NotFound'; // import SendGift from 'pages/SendGift/SendGift'; import Settings from 'pages/Settings/Settings'; import SettingsLanguage from 'pages/SettingsLanguage/SettingsLanguage'; import Unavailable from 'pages/Unavailable'; import UnknownError from 'pages/UnknownError'; import { CollectiblePageFallback } from 'pages/collectibles/CollectiblePage/CollectiblePageFallback'; import { CollectiblesPageFallback } from 'pages/collectibles/CollectiblesPage/CollectiblesPageFallback'; import CountryForbidden from 'pages/p2p/CountryForbidden'; import { HomePageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/HomePage/HomePageFallback'; import { OfferPageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/OfferPage/OfferPageFallback'; import { OfferPreviewPageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/OfferPreviewPage/OfferPreviewPageFallback'; import { OffersListPageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/OffersListPage/OffersListPageFallback'; import OperationsUnavailable from 'pages/p2p/OperationsUnavailable/OperationsUnavailable'; import { OrderPageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/OrderPage/OrderPageFallback'; import { UserProfilePageFallback } from 'pages/p2p/UserProfilePage/UserProfilePageFallback'; import { BetaWaitlistSuccess } from 'pages/scw/BetaWaitlistSuccess/BetaWaitlistSuccess'; import Asset from 'pages/wallet/Assets/Asset/Asset'; import Assets from 'pages/wallet/Assets/Assets'; import ChooseAsset from 'pages/wallet/Assets/ChooseAsset/ChooseAsset'; import Purchase from 'pages/wallet/Assets/Purchase/Purchase'; import { ReceiverSearch } from 'pages/wallet/Assets/ReceiverSearch/ReceiverSearch'; import Send from 'pages/wallet/Assets/Send/Send'; import { SendRequestConfirmation } from 'pages/wallet/Assets/SendRequestConfirmation/SendRequestConfirmation'; import { SendRequestStatus } from 'pages/wallet/Assets/SendRequestStatus/SendRequestStatus'; import { AttachPromo } from 'pages/wallet/AttachPromo/AttachPromo'; import { Exchange } from 'pages/wallet/Exchange/Exchange'; import { ExchangeConfirmation } from 'pages/wallet/Exchange/ExchangeConfirmation/ExchangeConfirmation'; import { ExchangeForm } from 'pages/wallet/Exchange/ExchangeForm/ExchangeForm'; import { FirstDeposit } from 'pages/wallet/FirstDeposit/FirstDeposit'; import { FirstTransaction } from 'pages/wallet/FirstTransaction/FirstTransaction'; import KYCConfirmation from 'pages/wallet/KYC/Confirmation/Confirmation'; import KYCFirstConfirmation from 'pages/wallet/KYC/FirstConfirmation/FirstConfirmation'; import KYC from 'pages/wallet/KYC/KYC'; import KYCSettings from 'pages/wallet/KYC/Settings/Settings'; import Main from 'pages/wallet/Main/Main'; import Onboarding from 'pages/wallet/Onboarding/Onboarding'; import { PurchaseOptions } from 'pages/wallet/PurchaseOptions/PurchaseOptions'; // import OpenGift from 'pages/OpenGift/OpenGift'; import PurchaseStatus from 'pages/wallet/PurchaseStatus/PurchaseStatus'; import { Receive } from 'pages/wallet/Receive/Receive'; import { SelectPaymentCurrency } from 'pages/wallet/SelectPaymentCurrency'; import { SendOptions } from 'pages/wallet/SendOptions/SendOptions'; import { SettingsSelectPaymentCurrency } from 'pages/wallet/SettingsSelectPaymentCurrency'; import Transaction from 'pages/wallet/Transaction/TransactionPage'; import { UsdtRuffleMain } from 'pages/wallet/UsdtRuffle/UsdtRuffleMain/UsdtRuffleMain'; import { UsdtRuffleTicketsPage } from 'pages/wallet/UsdtRuffle/UsdtRuffleTickets/UsdtRuffleTickets'; import { WPAYOrderPaymentSkeleton } from 'pages/wpay/OrderPayment/OrderPaymentSkeleton'; import { DollarsModalProvider } from 'containers/wallet/DollarsModal/DollarsModalProvider'; import PasscodeVerify from 'components/PasscodeVerify/PasscodeVerify'; import SnackbarProvider from 'components/Snackbar/SnackbarProvider'; import { convertLangCodeFromAPItoISO, setLanguage } from 'utils/common/lang'; import { logEvent, setAnalyticsProps } from 'utils/common/logEvent'; import { multiLazy } from 'utils/common/multiLazy'; import { parseStartAttach } from 'utils/common/startattach'; import { refreshBalance } from 'utils/wallet/balance'; import { useDidUpdate } from 'hooks/utils/useDidUpdate'; import { useIsPageReloaded } from 'hooks/utils/useIsPageReloaded'; import { useKycStatus } from './query/wallet/kyc/useKycStatus'; import { updateTransaction } from './query/wallet/transactions/useTransactions'; const KYCSumsub = lazy(() => import('pages/wallet/KYC/Sumsub/Sumsub')); function expandWebview(): void { if (window.Telegram.WebApp.isExpanded) return; window.Telegram.WebApp.expand(); const expandInterval = setInterval(() => { if (window.Telegram.WebApp.isExpanded) { clearInterval(expandInterval); return; } window.Telegram.WebApp.expand(); }, 500); } const SentryRoutes = Sentry.withSentryReactRouterV6Routing(Routes); const [WPAYOrderPayment, WPAYChoosePaymentAsset, WPAYChooseDepositType] = multiLazy([ () => import('pages/wpay/OrderPayment/OrderPayment'), () => import('pages/wpay/ChoosePaymentAsset/ChoosePaymentAsset'), () => import('pages/wpay/ChooseDepositType/ChooseDepositType'), ]); const [ SCWMain, SCWOnboarding, SCWReceiveOptions, SCWQR, SCWSendChooseAsset, SCWSend, SCWSendTonConfirmation, SCWSendJettonConfirmation, SCWSendTonOptions, SCWSendSuccess, SCWReceiverSearch, SCWRoutesGuard, SCWSettings, SCWSettingsLogout, SCWImportChooseMethod, SCWImportConfirmation, SCWImportMnemonic, SCWImportFailedPage, SCWImportSuccessPage, SCWImportExisting, SCWBackupChooseMethod, SCWBackupManual, SCWBackupTest, SCWTestSuccess, SCWBackupSuccess, SCWRecover, SCWUpdate, SCWAsset, SCWTx, ] = multiLazy([ () => import('pages/scw/Main/Main'), () => import('pages/scw/Onboarding/Onboarding'), () => import('pages/scw/ReceiveOptions/ReceiveOptions'), () => import('pages/scw/QR/QR'), () => import('pages/scw/Send/SendChooseAsset'), () => import('pages/scw/Send/Send'), () => import('pages/scw/SendTonConfirmation'), () => import('pages/scw/SendJettonConfirmation'), () => import('pages/scw/SendTonOptions'), () => import('pages/scw/SendSuccess/SendSuccess'), () => import('pages/scw/ReceiverSearch'), () => import('containers/scw/RoutesGuard/RoutesGuard'), () => import('pages/scw/Settings/Settings'), () => import('pages/scw/SettingsLogout/SettingsLogout'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/ChooseMethod/ChooseMethod'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/Confirmation/Confirmation'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/Mnemonic/Mnemonic'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/Failed/Failed'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/Success/Success'), () => import('pages/scw/Import/Existing/Existing'), () => import('pages/scw/Backup/ChooseMethod/ChooseMethod'), () => import('pages/scw/Backup/Manual/Manual'), () => import('pages/scw/Backup/Test/Test'), () => import('pages/scw/Backup/TestSuccess/TestSuccess'), () => import('pages/scw/Backup/BackupSuccess/BackupSuccess'), () => import('pages/scw/Recover/Recover'), () => import('pages/scw/Update/Update'), () => import('pages/scw/Asset/Asset'), () => import('pages/scw/Tx/Tx'), ]); const [ CreatePasscode, ResetPasscode, TurnOnPasscode, SettingsPasscode, PasscodeUnlockDuration, ChangeRecoveryEmail, CreateRecoveryEmail, ] = multiLazy([ () => import('pages/Passcode/CreatePasscode/CreatePasscode'), () => import('pages/Passcode/ResetPasscode/ResetPasscode'), () => import('pages/Passcode/TurnOnPasscode/TurnOnPasscode'), () => import('pages/SettingsPasscode/SettingsPasscode'), () => import('pages/Passcode/PasscodeUnlockDuration/PasscodeUnlockDuration'), () => import('pages/RecoveryEmail/ChangeRecoveryEmail/ChangeRecoveryEmail'), () => import('pages/RecoveryEmail/CreateRecoveryEmail/CreateRecoveryEmail'), ]); const [ HomePage, OffersListPage, CreateEditOfferSuccessPage, CreateOfferPage, EditOfferPage, NotificationPage, OfferPage, OfferDetails, OfferForm, OfferPreviewPage, OrderPage, UserProfilePage, AddComment, AddPaymentDetailsList, AddPaymentDetailsNew, ChoosePaymentMethods, DraftOfferForm, PreviewOffer, SelectFiatCurrency, P2PRoutesGuard, UserPaymentsPage, AddNewPayment, CreatePayment, EditPayment, PaymentsList, OfferSelectPayment, OfferCreatePayment, Collectibles, Collectible, CollectibleReceiverSearch, CollectibleSendConfirmPage, CollectibleSendSuccessPage, ] = multiLazy([ () => import('pages/p2p/HomePage/HomePage'), () => import('pages/p2p/OffersListPage/OffersListPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/CreateEditOfferSuccessPage/CreateEditOfferSuccessPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/CreateOfferPage/CreateOfferPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/EditOfferPage/EditOfferPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/NotificationsPage/NotificationsPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPage/OfferPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPage/components/OfferDetails/OfferDetails'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPage/components/OfferForm/OfferForm'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPreviewPage/OfferPreviewPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/OrderPage/OrderPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserProfilePage/UserProfilePage'), () => import('containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/AddComment/AddComment'), () => import( 'containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/AddPaymentDetails/AddPaymentDetailsList' ), () => import( 'containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/AddPaymentDetails/AddPaymentDetailsNew' ), () => import( 'containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/ChoosePaymentMethods/ChoosePaymentMethods' ), () => import( 'containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/DraftOfferForm/DraftOfferForm' ), () => import( 'containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/PreviewOffer/PreviewOffer' ), () => import('containers/p2p/CreateEditOffer/components/SelectFiatCurrency'), () => import('containers/p2p/RoutesGuard/RoutesGuard'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserPaymentsPage/UserPaymentsPage'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserPaymentsPage/components/AddNewPayment/AddNewPayment'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserPaymentsPage/components/CreatePayment'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserPaymentsPage/components/EditPayment'), () => import('pages/p2p/UserPaymentsPage/components/PaymentsList/PaymentsList'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPage/components/SelectPayment/SelectPayment'), () => import('pages/p2p/OfferPage/components/CreatePayment/CreatePayment'), () => import('pages/collectibles/CollectiblesPage/CollectiblesPage'), () => import('pages/collectibles/CollectiblePage/CollectiblePage'), () => import( 'pages/collectibles/CollectibleReceiverSearch/CollectibleReceiverSearch' ), () => import( 'pages/collectibles/CollectibleSendConfirmPage/CollectibleSendConfirmPage' ), () => import( 'pages/collectibles/CollectibleSendSuccessPage/CollectibleSendSuccessPage' ), ]); declare global { interface Window { WalletAuth: Promise; Telegram: { WebApp: WebApp; WebView: WebView; }; amplitude: Amplitude; } } const ROUTE_PATTERN_TO_FALLBACK = { [routePaths.P2P_OFFER_CREATE]: null, [routePaths.P2P_OFFER_EDIT]: null, [routePaths.P2P_OFFER_DETAILS]: null, [routePaths.P2P_HOME]: HomePageFallback, [routePaths.P2P_OFFERS]: OffersListPageFallback, [routePaths.P2P_ORDER]: OrderPageFallback, [routePaths.P2P_OFFER]: OfferPageFallback, [routePaths.P2P_OFFER_PREVIEW]: OfferPreviewPageFallback, [routePaths.P2P_USER_PROFILE]: UserProfilePageFallback, [routePaths.COLLECTIBLES]: CollectiblesPageFallback, [routePaths.COLLECTIBLE]: CollectiblePageFallback, } as const; const RoutesFallback = () => { const location = useLocation(); const routePattern = Object.keys(ROUTE_PATTERN_TO_FALLBACK).find( (pattern) => { const isMatch = !!matchPath( { path: pattern, }, location.pathname, ); return isMatch; }, ) as keyof typeof ROUTE_PATTERN_TO_FALLBACK | undefined; if (!routePattern) { return null; } const Fallback = ROUTE_PATTERN_TO_FALLBACK[routePattern]; if (!Fallback) { return null; } return ; }; function App() { const { i18n } = useTranslation(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const location = useLocation(); const { isBot, startParam, isYourSelf } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.session, ); const { payment_id: paymentId, purchase_id: purchaseId, method: paymentMethod, status: paymentStatus, assetCurrency: paymentAssetCurrency, } = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.purchase); const { languageCode, preferredAsset } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.settings, ); const authorized = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.user.authorized); const { isRussian, language_code: tgUserLanguageCode, featureFlags: storeFeatureFlags, } = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.user); const { displaySCW: storeDisplaySCW } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.warningsVisibility, ); const { russianCardRestrictionPopup } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.warningsVisibility, ); const purchasePollingTimeout = useRef(); const { id } = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.user); const { userId: p2pUserId, userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.p2pUser, ); const fiatCurrency = useAppSelector((state) => state.settings.fiatCurrency); const scwAddress = useAppSelector((state) => state.scw.address); const { passcodeType, requiredOnOpen, openUnlocked } = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.passcode, ); // Из-за того, что мы сначала попадаем на /wv, а потом на нужный роут, в Sentry при pageload отсылается куча // переходов на /wv, хотя на самом деле юзер находится уже не там. const navigateAndCapture = (to: To) => { navigate(to); Sentry.configureScope((scope) => scope.setTransactionName( typeof to === 'string' ? to : `${String(to.pathname)}?${String(}`, ), ); }; useDidUpdate(() => { setLanguage(i18n, languageCode); }, [languageCode, i18n]); useEffect(() => { const navigateToSettings = () => { if (location.pathname === routePaths.SETTINGS_LANGUAGE) { window.history.back(); } else if ( matchPath(`${routePaths.SCW_MAIN}*`, location.pathname) && scwAddress ) { window.Telegram.WebApp.expand(); navigate(routePaths.SCW_SETTINGS); } else if ( location.pathname !== routePaths.SETTINGS && location.pathname !== routePaths.WV ) { window.Telegram.WebApp.expand(); navigate(routePaths.SETTINGS); } }; window.Telegram.WebApp.onEvent('settingsButtonClicked', navigateToSettings); return () => window.Telegram.WebApp.offEvent( 'settingsButtonClicked', navigateToSettings, ); // eslint-disable-next-line }, [location]); useEffect(() => { const handler = ({ status }: { status: InvoiceStatus }) => { if (status === 'cancelled' && typeof purchaseId === 'number') { API.Purchases.cancelPurchase(purchaseId).then(() => { dispatch(cleanPurchase()); }); } }; window.Telegram.WebApp.onEvent('invoiceClosed', handler); return () => { window.Telegram.WebApp.offEvent('invoiceClosed', handler); }; }, [purchaseId, dispatch]); useEffect(() => { const purchaseInfo = () => { paymentId && paymentMethod && paymentAssetCurrency && API.Purchases.purchaseInfo(paymentId, paymentMethod).then((result) => { dispatch(updatePurchase({ status: })); switch ( { case 'success': refreshBalance(); if (isRussian && russianCardRestrictionPopup) { API.WVSettings.setUserWvSettings({ display_ru_card_option: false, }).then(() => { dispatch( updateWarningsVisibility({ russianCardRestrictionPopup: false, }), ); }); } updateTransaction( (transaction) => transaction.purchase_external_id === paymentId, { status: 'success' }, ); break; case 'fail': updateTransaction( (transaction) => transaction.purchase_external_id === paymentId, { status: 'fail' }, ); break; case 'pending': purchasePollingTimeout.current = window.setTimeout(() => { purchaseInfo(); }, 1500); } }); }; clearTimeout(purchasePollingTimeout.current); if (paymentStatus === 'pending' && authorized) { purchaseInfo(); } // eslint-disable-next-line }, [paymentStatus, paymentMethod, paymentId, authorized, dispatch]); const isPageReloaded = useIsPageReloaded(); useEffect(() => { if (!isPageReloaded) { Promise.all([window.WalletAuthPromise, window.WalletLangpackPromise]) .then( ([ { is_new_user: isNewUser, local_currency: localFiatCurrency, accounts, feature_flags: featureFlags, country_alpha2_ip: userCountryAlpha2Code, country_alpha2_phone: userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code, bot_username: botUsername, bot_language: botLanguage, gift: gift, campaign_participation: campaignParticipation, user_id: userId, wv_settings: wvSettings, available_balance_total_fiat_amount: availableBalanceTotalFiatAmount, available_balance_total_fiat_currency: availableBalanceTotalFiatCurrency, permissions, }, data, ]) => { // informs the Telegram app that the Web App is ready to be displayed window.Telegram.WebApp.ready(); const botLangCode = convertLangCodeFromAPItoISO(botLanguage); if (data) { const { langpack } = data; i18n.addResourceBundle(botLangCode, 'translation', langpack); setLanguage(i18n, botLangCode); } else { Sentry.captureException('Langpack was not loaded'); } Sentry.setTag('wallet.language', botLangCode); setAnalyticsProps({ userId, userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code }); dispatch( setUser({ userId, userCountryAlpha2Code, userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code, }), ); dispatch(setAuthorized(true)); dispatch(updateFiatCurrency(localFiatCurrency)); dispatch(updateLanguage(botLangCode)); if ( preferredAsset && !accounts.find((asset) => asset.currency === preferredAsset) ) { dispatch(updatePreferredAsset(FrontendCryptoCurrencyEnum.Ton)); } dispatch( updateWarningsVisibility({ russianCardRestriction: wvSettings.display_ru_card_restriction, russianCardRestrictionPopup: wvSettings.display_ru_card_option, shareGiftIsOver: wvSettings.display_share_gift_is_over, whatAreDollars: wvSettings.display_what_are_dollars, hasScwAddress: wvSettings.has_scw_address, expandCryptocurrency: wvSettings.expand_cryptocurrency, displaySCW: wvSettings.display_scw, }), ); dispatch( setP2P({ isWhyUsdtCalloutShown: !wvSettings.p2p_usdt_info_hidden, isP2pOnboardingShown: wvSettings.p2p_onboarding_completed, }), ); dispatch( updateWallet({ botUsername, totalFiatAmount: availableBalanceTotalFiatAmount, totalFiatCurrency: availableBalanceTotalFiatCurrency, assets: => { return { address: account.addresses[0].address, network: account.addresses[0].network, hasTransactions: account.has_transactions, balance: account.available_balance, currency: account.currency as FrontendCryptoCurrencyEnum, fiatBalance: account.available_balance_fiat_amount!, fiatCurrency: account.available_balance_fiat_currency, }; }), }), ); dispatch(updateFeatureFlags(featureFlags)); dispatch(updatePermissions(permissions)); dispatch( setIsRussian( userCountryAlpha2Code?.toLowerCase() === 'ru' || userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code?.toLowerCase() === 'ru', ), ); if (campaignParticipation) { dispatch( setCampaignParticipation({ isLastWave: campaignParticipation.is_last_wave, campaignEndDate: campaignParticipation.campaign_end_date, shareGiftCount: campaignParticipation.share_gift_count, }), ); } else { dispatch(resetCampaignParticipation()); } if (gift) { dispatch( setGift({ amount: gift.amount, currency: gift.currency, status: gift.status, }), ); } else { dispatch(resetGift()); } if (botLanguage !== tgUserLanguageCode) { Sentry.captureMessage(`tg user language !== wv user language`, { level: 'info', }); } if (startParam) { logEvent('Open Bot', { priority: 'P2', category: 'Admin', startParam, }); } if (startParam) { const { operation, params } = parseStartAttach(startParam); if (operation === 'wpay_order' && featureFlags.wpay_as_payer) { navigateAndCapture( `${routePaths.WPAY_ORDER_PAYMENT}?order_id=${params.orderId}`, ); } else if (operation === 'st') { if ( params.receiverId === window.Telegram.WebApp.initDataUnsafe.user?.id ) { if (isNewUser) { window.Telegram.WebApp.expand(); navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.FIRST_TRANSACTION, search: createSearchParams({ correspondingTransactionId: params.sentTransactionId, }).toString(), }); } else { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.TRANSACTION, search: createSearchParams({ correspondingTransactionId: params.sentTransactionId, from: 'direct_messages', }).toString(), }); } } else if ( params.senderId === window.Telegram.WebApp.initDataUnsafe.user?.id ) { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.TRANSACTION, search: createSearchParams({ transactionId: params.sentTransactionId, from: 'direct_messages', }).toString(), }); } else { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.MAIN); } } else if (isNewUser) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.ONBOARDING); } else if ( operation === 'scw_beta_waitlist_success' && featureFlags.scw_beta_waitlist ) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.SCW_BETA_WAITLIST_SUCCESS); } else if (operation === 'scw_onboarding') { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.SCW_ONBOARDING); } else if (operation === 'receiverSearch') { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: generatePath(routePaths.RECEIVER_SEARCH, { assetCurrency: params.assetCurrency, }), search: createSearchParams({ backPath: routePaths.MAIN, }).toString(), }); } else if (operation === 'chooseAsset') { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: generatePath(routePaths.CHOOSE_ASSET, { type: params.type, }), search: createSearchParams({ backPath: routePaths.MAIN, }).toString(), }); } else if ( operation === 'usdt_raffle' && featureFlags.usdt_raffle && permissions.can_usdt_raffle ) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.USDT_RUFFLE); } else if ( operation === 'usdt_raffle_tickets' && featureFlags.usdt_raffle && permissions.can_usdt_raffle ) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.USDT_RUFFLE_TICKETS); } else if (operation === 'gift' && gift) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.OPEN_GIFT); } else if (operation === 'purchasing' && paymentId) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.OPEN_GIFT); } else if (operation === 'sendOptions') { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.SEND_OPTIONS); } else if (operation === 'kyc_success') { navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.PURCHASE, { assetCurrency: params.assetCurrency, }), ); } else if (operation === 'kyc_retry') { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.KYC); } else if (operation.startsWith('kyc_start')) { const level = startParam.replace('kyc_start_', ''); if (level) { expandWebview(); dispatch( updateKyc({ nextLevel: level as KycStatusPublicDtoLevelEnum, }), ); navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.KYC_CONFIRMATION, search: createSearchParams({ backPath: routePaths.KYC_SETTINGS, }).toString(), }); } } else if (operation.startsWith('kyc_settings')) { const level = startParam.replace('kyc_settings', ''); if (level) { expandWebview(); navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.KYC_SETTINGS, search: createSearchParams({ kycLevel: String(level), backPath: routePaths.MAIN, }).toString(), }); } } else if (operation === 'send_gift' && campaignParticipation) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.SEND_GIFT); } else if (operation === 'send' && !isYourSelf) { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.SEND, search: createSearchParams({ value: String(params.value ?? 0), assetCurrency: params.assetCurrency || '', }).toString(), }); } else if (operation.startsWith('offerid')) { logEvent('Market opened', { category: 'p2p', source: 'link', }); const [offerId, userId] = startParam .replace('offerid_', '') .split('_'); if (offerId) { expandWebview(); if (Number(userId) === p2pUserId) { navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.P2P_OFFER_PREVIEW, { id: offerId, }), ); } else { navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.P2P_OFFER, { id: offerId }), ); } } else { Sentry.captureMessage('Invalid offer id'); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.P2P_HOME); } } else if (operation.startsWith('orderid')) { logEvent('Market opened', { category: 'p2p', source: 'link', }); const orderId = startParam.split('_')[1]; if (orderId) { expandWebview(); navigateAndCapture( `${generatePath(routePaths.P2P_ORDER, { id: orderId, })}?${createSearchParams({ showStatusWithDetails: String(true), }).toString()}`, ); } else { Sentry.captureMessage('Invalid order id'); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.P2P_HOME); } } else if (operation.startsWith('marketads')) { logEvent('Market opened', { category: 'p2p', source: 'bot', }); const offerType = startParam.split( '_', )[1] as BaseOfferRestDtoTypeEnum; expandWebview(); if (offerType) { if ( Object.values(BaseOfferRestDtoTypeEnum).includes(offerType) ) { navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.P2P_OFFERS, { type: offerType, '*': '', }), ); } else { Sentry.captureMessage('Incorrect offer type'); navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.P2P_OFFERS, { type: 'SALE', '*': '', }), ); } } else { Sentry.captureMessage('Not defined offer type'); navigateAndCapture( generatePath(routePaths.P2P_OFFERS, { type: 'SALE', '*': '', }), ); } } else if (operation === 'market') { logEvent('Market opened', { category: 'p2p', source: 'bot', }); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.P2P_HOME); } else if (operation.startsWith('profile')) { logEvent('Market opened', { category: 'p2p', source: 'bot', }); expandWebview(); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.P2P_USER_PROFILE); } else if (operation === 'tonconnect') { // TODO: Check if SCW is setup, and show onboarding if not navigateAndCapture({ pathname: routePaths.SCW_MAIN, search: createSearchParams({ v: String(params.v ?? 2), id: || '', r: params.r, ret: params.ret, }).toString(), }); } else if (operation.startsWith('collectible')) { const address = startParam.split(/_(.*)/s)[1]; if (address) { navigateAndCapture({ pathname: generatePath(routePaths.COLLECTIBLE, { address }), search: createSearchParams({ backPath: routePaths.MAIN, }).toString(), }); } } else if (operation.startsWith('firstDeposit')) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.FIRST_DEPOSIT); } else if (operation.startsWith('settings')) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.SETTINGS); } else { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.MAIN); } } else if (isNewUser) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.ONBOARDING); } else { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.MAIN); } }, ) .catch((error) => { window.WalletLangpackPromise.then((data) => { if (data) { const { langpack, language } = data; i18n.addResourceBundle(language, 'translation', langpack); setLanguage(i18n, language); } else { Sentry.captureException('Langpack was not loaded'); } }).finally(() => { if (error?.status >= 500) { Sentry.captureException(error); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.ERROR); } else if (error?.status === 404) { Sentry.captureException(error); navigateAndCapture(routePaths.UNKNOWN_ERROR); } else if ( error?.status === 403 && error?.data?.code === 'content_unavailable' ) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.UNAVAILABLE); } else if ( error?.status === 403 && error?.data?.code === 'country_is_forbidden' ) { navigateAndCapture(routePaths.COUNTRY_FORBIDDEN); } else if ( error?.status === 401 && error?.data?.code === 'user_not_found' ) { window.location.href = error?.data?.detail; if (isBot) { window.Telegram.WebApp.close(); } } else { Sentry.captureException('Unknown auth error'); } }); }); } else { setAnalyticsProps({ userId: id, userCountryPhoneAlpha2Code }); dispatch(setAuthorized(true)); refreshBalance(); logEvent('Reload page', { priority: 'P2', category: 'Admin' }); } // eslint-disable-next-line }, [p2pUserId]); useEffect(() => { // allow scw users to get recovery email address, even if they do not have passcode if ( authorized && (storeFeatureFlags.passcode || storeFeatureFlags.scw || storeDisplaySCW) ) { APIV2.Passcodes.getPasscodeInfo().then((response) => { const { passcodeType, unlockDuration, requiredOnOpen, recoveryEmail } =; dispatch( updatePasscode({ passcodeType, unlockDuration, requiredOnOpen, recoveryEmail, }), ); }); } }, [ dispatch, authorized, storeFeatureFlags.passcode, storeFeatureFlags.scw, storeDisplaySCW, ]); useEffect(() => { dispatch(setLocation({ location })); }, [dispatch, location]); useDidUpdate(() => { if (!authorized) return; API.Users.getPaymentMethods().then(({ data }) => { dispatch( updatePurchaseByCard({ available: data.card_default.is_available, code: data.card_default.reason_code, }), ); }); }, [dispatch, authorized]); useDidUpdate(() => refreshBalance(), [fiatCurrency, dispatch]); useEffect(() => { if (!isPageReloaded) { dispatch( setFilters({ amountValue: undefined, amount: undefined, paymentMethods: undefined, }), ); dispatch( setP2P({ chosenCryptoCurrencyOnAssetPageForDom: undefined, chosenCryptoCurrencyOnAssetPageForAdForm: undefined, }), ); dispatch(updateSCW({ pendingTransactions: [] })); dispatch(updatePasscode({ openUnlocked: false })); } }, []); const { defaultCurrencies } = useAppSelector((state) => state.p2pAdForm); const { filters } = useAppSelector((state) => state.p2pDom); // TODO: remove after backend will remove USD WT-3664 useEffect(() => { dispatch( setDefaultCurrencies({ fiat: === 'USD' ? 'EUR' :, }), ); dispatch( setFilters({ ...filters, fiatCurrency: filters?.fiatCurrency === 'USD' ? 'EUR' : filters?.fiatCurrency, }), ); }, []); // Prefetching useLastUsedPaymentCurrencies(); useSupportedCurrencies(); useCountryToCurrency(); usePurchaseSettings(); useSCWAddresses(); useKycLimits(); useKycStatus(); const { featureFlags } = useAppSelector((state) => state.user); return ( }> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> } /> } > } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } > } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } > } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> {featureFlags.collectibles && ( <> } /> } /> } /> } /> } /> )} {/* if no match show nothing */} } /> {passcodeType && requiredOnOpen && !openUnlocked && location.pathname !== routePaths.PASSCODE_RESET && ( { dispatch(updatePasscode({ openUnlocked: true })); }} /> )} ); } export default Sentry.withProfiler(App);