"lng_action_bot_allowed_from_domain": [
"You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on {domain}."
"lng_action_game_score_no_game": [
"{from} scored {count}",
"{from} scored {count}"
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game": [
"You scored {count}",
"You scored {count}"
"lng_action_payment_done": [
"You successfully transferred {amount} to {user}"
"lng_action_webview_data_done": [
"Data from the \"{text}\" button was transferred to the bot."
"lng_allow_bot": [
"lng_allow_bot_pass": [
"Allow {bot_name} to pass your Telegram name and ID (not your phone number) to the web pages you open via this bot?"
"lng_allow_bot_webview": [
"{bot_name} would like to open its web app to proceed.
It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info."
"lng_attach_document": [
"lng_attach_photo_or_video": [
"Photo or video"
"lng_bot_add_to_menu": [
"{bot} asks your permission to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat."
"lng_bot_add_to_menu_done": [
"Bot added to the menu."
"lng_bot_chats_not_found": [
"No chats found"
"lng_bot_choose_chat": [
"Select a chat"
"lng_bot_menu_already_added": [
"This bot is already added to your attachment menu."
"lng_bot_menu_button": [
"lng_bot_no_webview": [
"Unfortunately, you can't open this menu with your current system configuration."
"lng_bot_remove_from_menu": [
"Remove from menu"
"lng_bot_remove_from_menu_done": [
"Bot removed from the menu."
"lng_bot_share_phone": [
"Do you want to share your phone number with this bot?"
"lng_bot_share_phone_confirm": [
"lng_bot_sure_share_game": [
"Share the game with {user}?"
"lng_bot_sure_share_game_group": [
"Share the game with «{group}»?"
"lng_cancel": [
"lng_clear_payment_info_clear": [
"lng_clear_payment_info_payment": [
"Payment info"
"lng_clear_payment_info_shipping": [
"Shipping info"
"lng_clear_payment_info_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to clear your payment and shipping info?"
"lng_clear_payment_info_title": [
"Clear payment info"
"lng_error_cant_add_member": [
"Sorry, you can't add the bot to this group. Ask a group admin to do it."
"lng_info_about_label": [
"lng_info_bot_title": [
"Bot Info"
"lng_inline_bot_no_results": [
"No results."
"lng_media_video": [
"lng_message_empty": [
"Empty Message"
"lng_open_link": [
"lng_payments_address_city": [
"lng_payments_address_country": [
"lng_payments_address_postcode": [
"lng_payments_address_state": [
"lng_payments_address_street1": [
"Address 1"
"lng_payments_address_street2": [
"Address 2"
"lng_payments_billing_address": [
"Billing Information"
"lng_payments_billing_country": [
"lng_payments_billing_zip_code": [
"Zip Code"
"lng_payments_card_cvc": [
"lng_payments_card_expire_date": [
"MM / YY"
"lng_payments_card_holder": [
"Cardholder name"
"lng_payments_card_number": [
"Card Number"
"lng_payments_card_title": [
"New Card"
"lng_payments_checkout_title": [
"lng_payments_date_label": [
"lng_payments_info_email": [
"lng_payments_info_name": [
"lng_payments_invoice_label": [
"lng_payments_need_password": [
"You can save your payment information for future use. Please turn on Two-Step Verification to enable this."
"lng_payments_new_card": [
"New Card..."
"lng_payments_password_description": [
"Your card {card} is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password."
"lng_payments_password_submit": [
"lng_payments_password_title": [
"Payment Confirmation"
"lng_payments_pay_amount": [
"Pay {amount}"
"lng_payments_payment_method": [
"Payment Method"
"lng_payments_receipt_label": [
"lng_payments_receipt_title": [
"lng_payments_save_information": [
"Save Information for future use"
"lng_payments_shipping_address": [
"Shipping Address"
"lng_payments_shipping_address_title": [
"Shipping Information"
"lng_payments_shipping_method": [
"Shipping Method"
"lng_payments_success": [
"You paid {amount} for {title}."
"lng_payments_sure_close": [
"Are you sure you want to close this payment form? The changes you made will be lost."
"lng_payments_tips_box_title": [
"Add Tip"
"lng_payments_tips_label": [
"Tip (Optional)"
"lng_payments_tips_max": [
"Max possible tip amount: {amount}"
"lng_payments_total_label": [
"lng_payments_warning_body": [
"Neither Telegram, nor {bot1} will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, {provider}.
Payments will go directly to the developer of {bot2}. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of {bot3} or your bank."
"lng_payments_warning_title": [
"lng_payments_webview_switch_mutter": [
"Qt's window embedding doesn't work well with Mutter window manager. Please switch to another window manager or desktop environment."
"lng_playing_game": [
"playing a game"
"lng_profile_block_bot": [
"Stop and block bot"
"lng_profile_bot_help": [
"Bot Help"
"lng_profile_bot_privacy": [
"Bot Privacy Policy"
"lng_profile_bot_settings": [
"Bot Settings"
"lng_profile_clear_history": [
"Clear history"
"lng_profile_common_groups": [
"{count} group in common",
"{count} groups in common"
"lng_profile_delete_conversation": [
"Delete chat"
"lng_profile_enable_notifications": [
"lng_profile_invite_to_group": [
"Add to Group"
"lng_profile_report": [
"lng_profile_send_message": [
"Send Message"
"lng_restricted_send_inline": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content."
"lng_settings_clear_payment_info": [
"Clear Payment and Shipping Info"
"lng_settings_security_bots": [
"Bots and websites"
"lng_share_game_link_copied": [
"Game link copied to clipboard."
"lng_status_bot_not_reads_all": [
"has no access to messages"
"lng_status_bot_reads_all": [
"has access to messages"
"lng_url_auth_allow_messages": [
"Allow {bot} to send me messages"
"lng_url_auth_login_option": [
"Log in to {domain} as {user}"
"lng_url_auth_open_confirm": [
"Do you want to open {link}?"
"lng_users_playing_game": [
"{user} and {second_user} are playing a game"