"AccountSettings.Passport": [
"Telegram Passport"
"Alert.OK": [
"Chat.Poll.Tooltip.Votes_countable": [
"Chat.Service.SecureId.AccessGranted": [
"%@ received the following documents: %@"
"InputData.Date.Day.Placeholder1": [
"InputData.Date.Month.Placeholder1": [
"InputData.Date.Year.Placeholder1": [
"Login.InvalidCountryCode": [
"Invalid Country Code"
"Login.phoneFieldPlaceholder": [
"phone number"
"Navigation.Done": [
"Passport.ResetPassword.Confirm.Header": [
"Forgotten Password"
"Passport.ResetPassword.Confirm.OK": [
"Passport.ResetPassword.Confirm.Text": [
"All documents uploaded to your Telegram Passport will be lost. You will be able to upload new documents."
"SecureId.Accept.Help": [
"You are sending your documents directly to **%@** and allowing their **%@** to send you messages."
"SecureId.Accept.Policy": [
"You accept the [Login Widget Example Privacy Policy](_applyPolicy_) and allow their **%@** to send you messages."
"SecureId.Add.BankStatement": [
"Add Bank Statement"
"SecureId.Add.DriverLicense": [
"Add Driver's License"
"SecureId.Add.ID": [
"Add Identity Card"
"SecureId.Add.InternalPassport": [
"Add Internal Passport"
"SecureId.Add.Passport": [
"Add Passport"
"SecureId.Add.PassportRegistration": [
"Add Passport Registration"
"SecureId.Add.PersonalDetails": [
"Add Personal Details"
"SecureId.Add.RentalAgreement": [
"Add Rental Agreement"
"SecureId.Add.ResidentialAddress": [
"Add Residential Address"
"SecureId.Add.TemporaryRegistration": [
"Add Temporary Registration"
"SecureId.Add.TenancyAgreement": [
"Add Tenancy Agreement"
"SecureId.Add.UtilityBill": [
"Add Utility Bill"
"SecureId.Address.City.InputPlaceholder": [
"SecureId.Address.City.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Country.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Header": [
"SecureId.Address.Postcode.InputPlaceholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Postcode.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Region.InputPlaceholder": [
"State / Republic / Region"
"SecureId.Address.Region.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Scans": [
"%d scan",
"%d scans"
"SecureId.Address.Scans_countable": [
"SecureId.Address.Street.InputPlaceholder": [
"Street and Number, PO Box"
"SecureId.Address.Street.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Address.Street1.InputPlaceholder": [
"Apt, suite, unit, building, floor"
"SecureId.AppVersionOutdated": [
"Sorry, your Telegram app is out of date and can't handle this request. Please update Telegram."
"SecureId.Confirm.Cancel": [
"Are you sure you want to stop the authorization process?"
"SecureId.Confirm.DeleteAddress": [
"Delete Address"
"SecureId.Confirm.DeleteDocument": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this document?"
"SecureId.CorrectErrors": [
"Please correct errors"
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Description": [
"Please create a password to protect your passport info. You will also be asked to enter it when you log in to Telegram."
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Email.Description": [
"Please add your valid email. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password."
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Email.Header": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Email.InputPlaceholder": [
"Your email"
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Email.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Header": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Hint.Header": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Hint.InputPlaceholder": [
"Hint for your password"
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Hint.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Intro": [
"Please create a password which will be used to encrypt your personal data.
This password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device."
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Intro.Header": [
"**%@ requests access to your personal data**
to sign you up for their services"
"SecureId.CreatePassword.PasswordInputPlaceholder": [
"Enter your password"
"SecureId.CreatePassword.PasswordPlaceholder": [
"SecureId.CreatePassword.Title": [
"Password & Email"
"SecureId.Delete.Confirm.PersonalDetails": [
"Are you sure you want to delete personal details?"
"SecureId.Delete.PersonalDetails": [
"Delete Personal Details"
"SecureId.DeleteAddress": [
"Delete Address"
"SecureId.DeleteIdentity": [
"Delete Document"
"SecureId.DeletePassport": [
"Delete Telegram Passport"
"SecureId.DiscardChanges.Header": [
"Discard Changes"
"SecureId.DiscardChanges.Text": [
"Are you sure you want to discard all changes?"
"SecureId.Edit.BankStatement": [
"Edit Bank Statement"
"SecureId.Edit.DriverLicense": [
"Edit Driver's License"
"SecureId.Edit.ID": [
"Edit Identity Card"
"SecureId.Edit.InternalPassport": [
"Edit Internal Passport"
"SecureId.Edit.Passport": [
"Edit Passport"
"SecureId.Edit.PassportRegistration": [
"Edit Passport Registration"
"SecureId.Edit.PersonalDetails": [
"Edit Personal Details"
"SecureId.Edit.RentalAgreement": [
"Edit Rental Agreement"
"SecureId.Edit.ResidentialAddress": [
"Edit Residential Address"
"SecureId.Edit.TemporaryRegistration": [
"Edit Temporary Registration"
"SecureId.Edit.TenancyAgreement": [
"Edit Tenancy Agreement"
"SecureId.Edit.UtilityBill": [
"Edit Utility Bill"
"SecureId.Email": [
"Email Address"
"SecureId.Email.Email.InputPlaceholder": [
"Enter your email address"
"SecureId.Email.Email.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.Email.UseSame": [
"Use %@"
"SecureId.Email.UseSame.Desc": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code to the email address you provide."
"SecureId.EmailActivate.Code.InputPlaceholder": [
"Enter code"
"SecureId.EmailActivate.Code.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.EmailActivate.Description": [
"Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to %@."
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.Address": [
"Provide your address"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.BankStatement": [
"Upload a scan of your bank statement"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.DriversLicense": [
"Upload a scan of your driver's license"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.IdentityCard": [
"Upload a scan of your identity card"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.InternalPassport": [
"Upload a scan of your internal passport"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.Passport": [
"Upload a scan of your passport"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.PassportRegistration": [
"Upload a scan of your passport registration"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.PersonalDetails": [
"Fill in your personal details"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.TemporaryRegistration": [
"Upload a scan of your temporary registration"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.TenancyAgreement": [
"Upload a scan of your tenancy agreement"
"SecureId.EmptyDescription.UtilityBill": [
"Upload a scan of your utility bill"
"SecureId.Error.ScansLimit": [
"You can't upload more than 20 files"
"SecureId.FileUpload.Progress": [
"%@% Uploaded"
"SecureId.Gender.Female": [
"SecureId.Gender.Male": [
"SecureId.Identity.BankStatement": [
"Bank Statement"
"SecureId.Identity.CardId.InputPlaceholder": [
"Card ID"
"SecureId.Identity.CardId.Placeholder": [
"Card ID"
"SecureId.Identity.DocumentDetailsHeader": [
"SecureId.Identity.DriverLicense": [
"Driver's License"
"SecureId.Identity.Id": [
"Identity Card"
"SecureId.Identity.InputPlaceholder.FirstName": [
"SecureId.Identity.InputPlaceholder.LastName": [
"SecureId.Identity.InputPlaceholder.MiddleName": [
"Middle Name"
"SecureId.Identity.License.InputPlaceholder": [
"SecureId.Identity.License.Placeholder": [
"License ID"
"SecureId.Identity.NameInLatine": [
"Enter your name using the Latin alphabet"
"SecureId.Identity.Passport": [
"SecureId.Identity.Passport.InputPlaceholder": [
"Document Number"
"SecureId.Identity.Passport.Placeholder": [
"Document №"
"SecureId.Identity.PassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.Birthday": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.Citizenship": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.Country": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.ExpiryDate": [
"Expiry Date"
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.FirstName": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.Gender": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.IssuedDate": [
"Issue Date"
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.LastName": [
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.MiddleName": [
"Middle Name"
"SecureId.Identity.Placeholder.Residence": [
"SecureId.Identity.Selfie": [
"SecureId.Identity.SelfieHelp": [
"Upload a photo of yourself holding your document. Make sure the ID and your face are clearly visible."
"SecureId.Identity.SelfieTitle": [
"SecureId.Identity.SelfieUpload": [
"Add Selfie"
"SecureId.Identity.SelfieUploadNew": [
"Retake Selfie"
"SecureId.Identity.TenancyAgreement": [
"Tenancy Agreement"
"SecureId.Identity.UtilityBill": [
"Utility Bill"
"SecureId.IdentityDocument": [
"Identity Document"
"SecureId.IdentityScan.Description": [
"The document must contain your full name and residential address, as well as a stamp/bar code/QR code/logo and the issue date. It must be less than three months old."
"SecureId.Info": [
"With Telegram Passport you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.
Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission."
"SecureId.Info.DeletePassport": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your Telegram Passport? All details will be lost."
"SecureId.Info.More": [
"More Info"
"SecureId.Info.Title": [
"What is Telegram Passport?"
"SecureId.InputError.LatinOnly": [
"Please use latin characters only"
"SecureId.InsertPassword.Description": [
"Please enter your password to access your personal data"
"SecureId.InsertPassword.Next": [
"SecureId.InsertPassword.Password": [
"Enter your password"
"SecureId.InsertPassword.Settings.Description": [
"Enter your Telegram password to decrypt your data"
"SecureId.InstallEmail.Title": [
"SecureId.InstallPhone.Title": [
"Phone Number"
"SecureId.LoginText": [
"Please log in to your account to use Telegram Passport"
"SecureId.NameNative.Desc.Empty": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence"
"SecureId.NameNative.Desc.Language": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence (%@)."
"SecureId.NameNative.Header": [
"SecureId.NameNative.HeaderEmpty": [
"SecureId.Password.Error.Invalid": [
"Invalid password, please try again."
"SecureId.Password.Error.Limit": [
"Too many attempts, please try again later."
"SecureId.PhoneNumber": [
"Phone Number"
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.ConfirmCode.Desc": [
"Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to %@ via SMS"
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.ConfirmCode.InputPlaceholder": [
"Enter the code"
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.ConfirmCode.Placeholder": [
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.Header": [
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.Note": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide."
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.UseSame": [
"Use %@"
"SecureId.PhoneNumber.UseSame.Desc": [
"Use the phone number you use for Telegram"
"SecureId.RecoverPassword": [
"Password Recovery"
"SecureId.RecoverPassword.SentEmailCode": [
"Code was sent to %@"
"SecureId.RemoveEmail": [
"Remove this email address?"
"SecureId.RemovePhoneNumber": [
"Remove this phone number?"
"SecureId.Request.Accept": [
"SecureId.Request.CreatePassword": [
"Create a Password"
"SecureId.Request.Header1": [
"**%@** requests access to your personal data to sign you up for their services."
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Address.Empty": [
"Upload proof of your address"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.BankStatement": [
"Bank Statement"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.DriversLicense": [
"Driver's License"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Email": [
"Email Address"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Email.Empty": [
"Provide your contact email address"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.IDCard": [
"Identity Card"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Identity.Empty": [
"Upload a scan of your passport or other ID"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.IdentityDocument": [
"Identity Document"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.InternalPassport": [
"Internal Passport"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Passport": [
"SecureId.Request.Permission.PassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.PersonalDetails": [
"Personal Details"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Phone": [
"Phone Number"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.Phone.Empty": [
"Provide your contact phone number"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.ResidentialAddress": [
"Residential Address"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.TemporaryRegistration": [
"Temporary Registration"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.TenancyAgreement": [
"Tenancy Agreement"
"SecureId.Request.Permission.UtilityBill": [
"Utility Bill"
"SecureId.Request.TwoDocuments.Title": [
"%@ or %@"
"SecureId.Request.Upload.Selfie": [
"Upload a selfie with your document"
"SecureId.Request.Upload.Translation": [
"Upload a translation of your document"
"SecureId.RequestedInformation.Header": [
"SecureId.ResidentialAddress": [
"Residential Address"
"SecureId.ScanNumber": [
"Scan %d"
"SecureId.Scans.Header": [
"SecureId.Translation.Desc": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of the document."
"SecureId.Translation.Header": [
"SecureId.Upload.Front": [
"Upload a photo of the front side of the document"
"SecureId.Upload.Main": [
"Upload the main page of the document"
"SecureId.Upload.Reverse": [
"Upload a photo of the reverse side of the document"
"SecureId.Upload.Selfie": [
"Upload a selfie of yourself holding the document"
"SecureId.Upload.Title.FrontSide": [
"Front Side"
"SecureId.Upload.Title.MainPage": [
"Main Page"
"SecureId.Upload.Title.ReverseSide": [
"Reverse Side"
"SecureId.UploadAdditionalScan": [
"Upload Additional Scan"
"SecureId.UploadScan": [
"Upload Scan"
"SecureId.UploadScan.Multi": [
"Upload a scan of %@ or %@"
"SecureId.UploadScan.Single": [
"Upload a scan of %@"
"SecureId.Warning.DataLost": [
"Warning! All data saved in your Telegram passport will be lost!"
"SecureId.forgotPassword.NoEmail": [
"Since you didn't provide a recovery email when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account."
"Telegram.PassportController": [
"UpdateApp.TelegramUpdate": [
"Telegram Update"