{ "AudioController.voiceMessage": [ "voice message" ], "AudioRecord.Help.Fixed": [ "Click outside of circle to cancel" ], "AudioRecord.Help.Plain": [ "Release outside of circle to cancel" ], "Call.Confirm.DiscardCurrent.Description": [ "Finish the call with %@ and start a new one with %@?" ], "Call.Confirm.DiscardCurrent.Header": [ "Call in Progress" ], "Call.ParticipantVersionOutdatedError": [ "%@'s app does not support calls. They need to update their app before you can call them." ], "Call.PrivacyErrorMessage": [ "Sorry, you cannot call %@ because of their privacy settings. You can ask them to modify their setting or to call you instead." ], "Call.Recent.Missed": [ "Missed" ], "Call.ShortMinutes": [ "%d min", "%d min" ], "Call.ShortSeconds": [ "%d sec", "%d sec" ], "Call.StatusConnecting": [ "Connecting..." ], "Call.StatusFailed": [ "Call Failed" ], "Chat.Bubbles.ForwardedFrom": [ "Forwarded from: [%@]()" ], "Chat.Call.Incoming": [ "Incoming Call" ], "Chat.Call.Outgoing": [ "Outgoing Call" ], "Chat.Cancel": [ "Cancel" ], "Chat.Confirm.DeleteMessages1": [ "Delete selected message?", "Delete selected messages?" ], "Chat.Confirm.ReportSpamUser": [ "Are you sure you want to report spam from this user?" ], "Chat.Context.EditHelp": [ "click on date" ], "Chat.Context.Scheduled.Reschedule": [ "Re-schedule" ], "Chat.Context.Scheduled.SendNow": [ "Send Now" ], "Chat.Date.ScheduledFor": [ "Scheduled for %@" ], "Chat.Date.ScheduledForToday": [ "Scheduled for today" ], "Chat.Empty.LinkPreview": [ "Link Preview" ], "Chat.Header.ReportSpam": [ "Report Spam" ], "Chat.Input.Accessory.EditMessage": [ "Edit Message" ], "Chat.Input.Delete": [ "Delete and Leave" ], "Chat.Input.SecretChat.WaitingToOnline": [ "Waiting for the other user to come online..." ], "Chat.Input.SecretChat.WaitingToUserOnline": [ "Waiting for %@ to get online..." ], "Chat.Input.Unblock": [ "Unblock user" ], "Chat.List.Sticker": [ "%@ Sticker" ], "Chat.List.Voice": [ "Voice Message" ], "Chat.LiveLocation": [ "Live Location" ], "Chat.LiveLocation.Updated": [ "Updated %d minute ago", "Updated %d minutes ago" ], "Chat.LiveLocation.UpdatedNow": [ "Updated just now" ], "Chat.Message.DeleteForMe": [ "Delete for Me" ], "Chat.Message.DeleteForMeAndPerson": [ "Delete for Me and %@" ], "Chat.Recording.Cancel": [ "Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard
your voice message?" ], "Chat.Right.Context.Reminder": [ "Reminder" ], "Chat.SecretChat.1Feature": [ " - Use end-to-end encryption" ], "Chat.SecretChat.2Feature": [ " - Leave no trace on our servers" ], "Chat.SecretChat.3Feature": [ " - Have a self-destruct timer" ], "Chat.SecretChat.4Feature": [ " - Do not allow forwarding" ], "Chat.SecretChat.EmptyHeader": [ "Secret chats:" ], "Chat.Send.SetReminder": [ "Set a Reminder" ], "Chat.Send.WithoutSound": [ "Send Without Sound" ], "Chat.Service.Call.Cancelled": [ "Cancelled" ], "Chat.Service.Call.Missed": [ "Missed" ], "Chat.Service.Group.TookScreenshot": [ "%@ took a screenshot!" ], "Chat.Service.SecretChat.DisabledTimer": [ "%@ disabled the self-destruct timer" ], "Chat.Service.SecretChat.DisabledTimer.Self": [ "You disabled the self-destruct timer" ], "Chat.Service.SecretChat.SetTimer": [ "%@ set the self-destruct timer to %@" ], "Chat.Service.SecretChat.SetTimer.Self": [ "You set the self-destruct timer to %@" ], "Chat.Title.Reminder": [ "Reminder" ], "Chat.VideoCall.Incoming": [ "Incoming Video Call" ], "Chat.Webpage.MediaCount": [ "%d of %d" ], "ChatList.SecretChat.Created": [ "%@ created a secret chat." ], "ChatList.SecretChat.ExKeys": [ "Waiting to come online" ], "ChatList.SecretChat.Joined": [ "%@ joined your secret chat." ], "ChatList.SecretChat.Terminated": [ "Secret chat cancelled" ], "ChatList.Service.Call.Missed": [ "Missed Call" ], "ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing": [ "Outgoing Call (%@)" ], "Compose.Select.SecretChat": [ "Secret Chat" ], "Confirm.DeleteChatUser": [ "Are you sure you want to delete all message history?

This action cannot be undone." ], "Contacts.NotRegistredDescription": [ "This person is not registered on Telegram yet.

You will be able to send them a Telegram message as soon as they sign up." ], "Contacts.NotRegistredTitle": [ "Not a Telegram User" ], "Date.Today": [ "Today" ], "EncryptionKey.Description": [ "This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with **%@**.

If they look the same on **%@**'s device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed." ], "LastSeen.HoursAgo": [ "last seen %d hour ago", "last seen %d hours ago" ], "Message.ActionsPanel.Delete": [ "Delete" ], "Message.ActionsPanel.Forward": [ "Forward" ], "Message.ActionsPanel.SelectedCount": [ "%d message selected", "%d messages selected" ], "Message.Context.Goto": [ "Show Message" ], "Messages.File.State.Remote": [ "Download" ], "Messages.UnreadMark": [ "Unread messages" ], "Navigation.Done": [ "Done" ], "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber": [ "Share My Phone Number" ], "NewContact.Exception.ShareMyPhoneNumber.Desc": [ "You can make your phone visible to %@." ], "NewContact.Phone": [ "phone number" ], "NewContact.Title": [ "New Contact" ], "Notification.Input.Reply": [ "Type a message..." ], "Notification.Reply": [ "Reply" ], "Notification.Title.Reply": [ "Reply" ], "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingAudio": [ "recording voice" ], "Peer.Activity.User.RecordingVideo": [ "recording video" ], "Peer.Activity.User.SendingFile": [ "sending file" ], "Peer.Activity.User.SendingPhoto": [ "sending a photo" ], "Peer.Activity.User.SendingVideo": [ "sending a video" ], "Peer.SavedMessages": [ "Saved Messages" ], "Peer.Status.LastSeenAt": [ "last seen %@ at %@" ], "Peer.Status.Today": [ "today" ], "Peer.Status.Yesterday": [ "yesterday" ], "Peer.Status.lastMonth": [ "last seen within a month" ], "Peer.Status.lastWeek": [ "last seen within a week" ], "Peer.Status.longTimeAgo": [ "last seen a long time ago" ], "Peer.Status.online": [ "online" ], "Peer.Status.recently": [ "last seen recently" ], "PeerInfo.Action.Call": [ "Call" ], "PeerInfo.Action.Message": [ "Message" ], "PeerInfo.Action.More": [ "More" ], "PeerInfo.Action.SecretChat": [ "Secret" ], "PeerInfo.Action.Share": [ "Share" ], "PeerInfo.Action.Unmute": [ "Unmute" ], "PeerInfo.Action.VideoCall": [ "Video" ], "PeerInfo.AddUserToContact": [ "Add %@ to Contacts" ], "PeerInfo.Block.Header": [ "Block User" ], "PeerInfo.Block.OK": [ "Block" ], "PeerInfo.Block.Text": [ "Do you want to block %@ from messaging and calling you on Telegram?" ], "PeerInfo.BlockUser": [ "Block User" ], "PeerInfo.ChannelType": [ "Channel Type" ], "PeerInfo.Confirm.Clear": [ "Clear" ], "PeerInfo.Confirm.StartSecretChat": [ "Are you sure you want to start a secret chat with \"%@\"?" ], "PeerInfo.DeleteSecretChat": [ "Delete Secret Chat" ], "PeerInfo.EncryptionKey": [ "Encryption Key" ], "QuickSwitcher.Description": [ "**TAB** or **↑ ↓** to navigate, **⮐** to select, **ESC** to dismiss" ], "SecretTimer.Off": [ "Off" ], "ServiceMessage.DesturctingPhoto": [ "%@ sent you a self-destructing photo. Please view it on your mobile." ], "ServiceMessage.DesturctingVideo": [ "%@ sent you a self-destructing video. Please view it on your mobile device." ], "ShareExtension.Cancel": [ "Cancel" ], "ShareExtension.Unauthorized.OK": [ "OK" ], "Stickers.Count": [ "%d sticker", "%d stickers" ], "Stickers.Count_countable": [ "%d" ], "Telegram.GroupsInCommonViewController": [ "Groups In Common" ], "Telegram.SecretChatKeyViewController": [ "Encryption Key" ], "Text.CopyLabel_PhoneNumber": [ "Copy Phone Number" ], "Time.at": [ "at" ], "Time.last_seen": [ "last seen" ], "Time.today": [ "today" ], "Timer.Days": [ "%d day", "%d days" ], "Timer.Hours": [ "%d hour", "%d hours" ], "Timer.Minutes": [ "%d minute", "%d minutes" ], "Timer.Seconds": [ "%d second", "%d seconds" ], "Timer.Weeks": [ "%d week", "%d weeks" ], "You": [ "You" ], "peerInfo.Confirm.ClearHistory.SavedMesssages": [ "This will delete all messages and media in this chat from your Telegram cloud." ] }