"lng_attach_failed": [
"lng_audio_player_reverse": [
"Reverse order"
"lng_audio_player_shuffle": [
"lng_bot_share_location_unavailable": [
"Sorry, location sharing is currently unavailable in Telegram Desktop."
"lng_call_screencast": [
"lng_context_show_in_folder": [
"Show in Folder"
"lng_context_to_msg": [
"Go To Message"
"lng_date_and_duration": [
"{date}, {duration}"
"lng_duration_played": [
"{played} / {duration}"
"lng_edit_caption_voice": [
"Sorry, you can't edit messages when you have an unsent voice message."
"lng_mac_choose_program_menu": [
"lng_media_audio": [
"Voice message"
"lng_media_audio_empty": [
"No voice messages here yet"
"lng_media_download": [
"lng_media_file_empty": [
"No files here yet"
"lng_media_file_empty_search": [
"No files found"
"lng_media_file_title": [
"lng_media_gif_empty": [
"No GIFs here yet"
"lng_media_link_empty": [
"No shared links here yet"
"lng_media_link_empty_search": [
"No shared links found"
"lng_media_open_with": [
"Open With"
"lng_media_photo_empty": [
"No photos here yet"
"lng_media_save_progress": [
"{ready} of {total} {mb}"
"lng_media_selected_audio": [
"{count} Voice message",
"{count} Voice messages"
"lng_media_selected_file": [
"{count} File",
"{count} Files"
"lng_media_selected_gif": [
"{count} GIF",
"{count} GIFs"
"lng_media_selected_link": [
"{count} shared link",
"{count} shared links"
"lng_media_selected_photo": [
"{count} Photo",
"{count} Photos"
"lng_media_selected_song": [
"{count} Audio file",
"{count} Audio files"
"lng_media_selected_video": [
"{count} Video",
"{count} Videos"
"lng_media_song_empty": [
"No music files here yet"
"lng_media_song_empty_search": [
"No music files found"
"lng_media_type_audios": [
"Voice messages"
"lng_media_type_gifs": [
"lng_media_type_links": [
"Shared links"
"lng_media_type_photos": [
"lng_media_type_songs": [
"Audio files"
"lng_media_type_videos": [
"lng_media_video_empty": [
"No videos here yet"
"lng_mediaview_doc_image": [
"lng_mediaview_forward": [
"lng_mediaview_playback_speed": [
"Playback speed: {speed}"
"lng_mediaview_playback_speed_normal": [
"lng_mediaview_rotate_video": [
"Rotate video"
"lng_mediaview_yesterday": [
"yesterday at {time}"
"lng_player_message_today": [
"today at {time}"
"lng_player_message_yesterday": [
"yesterday at {time}"
"lng_polls_anonymous": [
"Anonymous Poll"
"lng_polls_closed": [
"Final results"
"lng_polls_create": [
"Create poll"
"lng_polls_create_button": [
"lng_polls_create_limit": [
"You can add {count} more option.",
"You can add {count} more options."
"lng_polls_create_maximum": [
"You have added the maximum number of options."
"lng_polls_create_option_add": [
"Add an option..."
"lng_polls_create_options": [
"Poll options"
"lng_polls_create_question": [
"lng_polls_create_question_placeholder": [
"Ask a question"
"lng_polls_create_title": [
"New poll"
"lng_polls_retract": [
"Retract vote"
"lng_polls_stop": [
"Stop poll"
"lng_polls_stop_sure": [
"lng_polls_stop_warning": [
"If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone."
"lng_polls_votes_count": [
"{count} vote",
"{count} votes"
"lng_polls_votes_none": [
"No votes"
"lng_profile_audios": [
"{count} voice message",
"{count} voice messages"
"lng_profile_audios_header": [
"Voice messages"
"lng_profile_files": [
"{count} file",
"{count} files"
"lng_profile_files_header": [
"lng_profile_gifs": [
"{count} GIF",
"{count} GIFs"
"lng_profile_photos": [
"{count} photo",
"{count} photos"
"lng_profile_photos_header": [
"lng_profile_shared_links_header": [
"Shared links"
"lng_profile_songs": [
"{count} audio file",
"{count} audio files"
"lng_profile_songs_header": [
"Audio files"
"lng_profile_videos": [
"{count} video",
"{count} videos"
"lng_profile_videos_header": [
"lng_quit_from_tray": [
"Quit Telegram"
"lng_send_album": [
"Send as an album"
"lng_send_compressed": [
"Compress images"
"lng_send_file": [
"Send as a file"
"lng_send_grouped": [
"Group items"
"lng_send_photo": [
"Send as a photo"
"lng_send_separate_photos": [
"Send as separate photos"
"lng_send_separate_photos_videos": [
"Send as separate media"
"lng_stickers_nothing_found": [
"No stickers found"
"lng_stickers_remove_pack_confirm": [
"lng_stickers_search_sets": [
"Search sticker sets"
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu": [
"Choose Default Program..."