"lng_action_add_users_and_last": [
"{accumulated} and {user}"
"lng_action_add_users_and_one": [
"{accumulated}, {user}"
"lng_action_add_you": [
"{from} added you to this channel"
"lng_action_add_you_group": [
"{from} added you to this group"
"lng_action_changed_photo": [
"{from} updated group photo"
"lng_action_changed_title_channel": [
"Channel name was changed to «{title}»"
"lng_action_created_chat": [
"{from} created the group «{title}»"
"lng_action_group_call_finished_group": [
"{from} ended the video chat ({duration})"
"lng_action_group_call_scheduled_channel": [
"Live stream scheduled for {date}"
"lng_action_group_call_scheduled_group": [
"{from} scheduled a video chat for {date}"
"lng_action_group_call_started_channel": [
"Live stream started"
"lng_action_group_call_started_group": [
"{from} started a video chat"
"lng_action_proximity_reached": [
"{from} is now within {distance} from {user}"
"lng_action_ttl_changed_channel": [
"Messages in this channel will be automatically deleted after {duration}"
"lng_action_ttl_changed_you": [
"You set messages to auto-delete in {duration}"
"lng_action_ttl_removed_channel": [
"Messages in this channel will no longer be automatically deleted"
"lng_action_ttl_removed_you": [
"You disabled the auto-delete timer"
"lng_action_user_joined_by_request": [
"{from} was accepted to the group"
"lng_action_you_joined_by_request_channel": [
"Your request to join the channel was approved"
"lng_action_you_proximity_reached": [
"You are now within {distance} from {user}"
"lng_admin_badge": [
"lng_admin_log_about": [
"What is this?"
"lng_admin_log_about_text_channel": [
"This is a list of all service actions taken by the channel's admins in the last 48 hours."
"lng_admin_log_admin_change_info": [
"Change info"
"lng_admin_log_admin_invite_users": [
"Add users"
"lng_admin_log_admin_manage_calls_channel": [
"Manage live streams"
"lng_admin_log_admin_pin_messages": [
"Pin messages"
"lng_admin_log_banned_embed_links": [
"Embed links"
"lng_admin_log_banned_send_media": [
"Send media"
"lng_admin_log_banned_send_messages": [
"Send messages"
"lng_admin_log_banned_send_polls": [
"Send polls"
"lng_admin_log_banned_send_stickers": [
"Send stickers & GIFs"
"lng_admin_log_changed_default_permissions": [
"changed default permissions"
"lng_admin_log_changed_link_group": [
"{from} changed group link:"
"lng_admin_log_changed_linked_channel": [
"{from} changed the linked channel to «{chat}»"
"lng_admin_log_changed_linked_chat": [
"{from} changed the discussion group to «{chat}»"
"lng_admin_log_changed_location_chat": [
"{from} changed the group location to {address}"
"lng_admin_log_changed_slow_mode": [
"{from} changed slow mode to {duration}"
"lng_admin_log_changed_stickers_group": [
"{from} changed the group {sticker_set}"
"lng_admin_log_changed_stickers_set": [
"sticker set"
"lng_admin_log_delete_invite_link": [
"{from} deleted the invite link {link}"
"lng_admin_log_discarded_group_call_channel": [
"{from} ended the live stream"
"lng_admin_log_edited_invite_link": [
"edited invite link {link}"
"lng_admin_log_edited_media": [
"{from} edited media:"
"lng_admin_log_edited_media_and_caption": [
"{from} edited media and caption:"
"lng_admin_log_edited_media_and_removed_caption": [
"{from} edited media and removed caption:"
"lng_admin_log_filter": [
"lng_admin_log_filter_all_actions": [
"All actions"
"lng_admin_log_filter_invite_links": [
"Invite links"
"lng_admin_log_filter_voice_chats_channel": [
"Live stream"
"lng_admin_log_forwards_disabled": [
"{from} restricted saving content"
"lng_admin_log_forwards_enabled": [
"{from} allowed saving content"
"lng_admin_log_history_made_hidden": [
"{from} made the group history hidden for new members"
"lng_admin_log_history_made_visible": [
"{from} made group history visible for new members"
"lng_admin_log_invite_link_expire_date": [
"Expiry date: {previous} → {limit}"
"lng_admin_log_invite_link_label": [
"Name: {previous} → {limit}"
"lng_admin_log_invite_link_request_needed": [
"Admin approval is now required to join."
"lng_admin_log_invite_link_request_not_needed": [
"Admin approval no longer required to join."
"lng_admin_log_invite_link_usage_limit": [
"Usage limit: {previous} → {limit}"
"lng_admin_log_invited": [
"invited {user}"
"lng_admin_log_messages_ttl_changed": [
"{from} changed messages auto-delete period from {previous} to {duration}"
"lng_admin_log_messages_ttl_removed": [
"{from} disabled messages auto-deletion after {duration}"
"lng_admin_log_messages_ttl_set": [
"{from} enabled messages auto-delete after {duration}"
"lng_admin_log_muted_participant_channel": [
"{from} muted {user} in a live stream"
"lng_admin_log_no_events_text": [
"No notable actions taken by the members and admins of this group in the last 48 hours."
"lng_admin_log_no_events_text_channel": [
"No notable actions taken
by the admins of this channel
in the last 48 hours."
"lng_admin_log_no_events_title": [
"No actions yet"
"lng_admin_log_participant_approved_by_link": [
"{from} was approved to join the group via {link} by {user}"
"lng_admin_log_participant_approved_by_link_channel": [
"{from} was approved to join the channel via {link} by {user}"
"lng_admin_log_participant_joined": [
"{from} joined the group"
"lng_admin_log_participant_volume": [
"{from} changed video chat volume for {user} to {percent}"
"lng_admin_log_participant_volume_channel": [
"{from} changed live stream volume for {user} to {percent}"
"lng_admin_log_promoted": [
"changed privileges for {user}"
"lng_admin_log_reactions_disabled": [
"{from} disabled reactions"
"lng_admin_log_reactions_updated": [
"{from} updated the list of allowed reactions to: {emoji}"
"lng_admin_log_removed_link_group": [
"{from} removed group link"
"lng_admin_log_removed_linked_channel": [
"{from} removed the linked channel"
"lng_admin_log_removed_linked_chat": [
"{from} removed the discussion group"
"lng_admin_log_removed_photo_group": [
"{from} removed group photo"
"lng_admin_log_removed_slow_mode": [
"{from} disabled slow mode"
"lng_admin_log_removed_stickers_group": [
"{from} removed the group sticker set"
"lng_admin_log_restricted": [
"changed restrictions for {user} {until}"
"lng_admin_log_restricted_forever": [
"lng_admin_log_revoke_invite_link": [
"{from} revoked invite link {link}"
"lng_admin_log_slow_mode_minutes": [
"{count} minute",
"{count} minutes"
"lng_admin_log_slow_mode_seconds": [
"{count} second",
"{count} seconds"
"lng_admin_log_started_group_call_channel": [
"{from} started a new live stream"
"lng_admin_log_stopped_poll": [
"{from} stopped poll:"
"lng_admin_log_transferred": [
"transferred ownership to {user}"
"lng_admin_log_unmuted_participant_channel": [
"{from} unmuted {user} in a live stream"
"lng_admin_log_user_with_username": [
"{name} ({mention})"
"lng_banned_list_title": [
"Banned users"
"lng_blocked_list_not_found": [
"No users found."
"lng_bot_already_in_group": [
"The bot is already a member of the group."
"lng_box_leave": [
"lng_box_ok": [
"lng_cancel": [
"lng_cant_do_this": [
"Sorry, this action is unavailable."
"lng_cant_invite_banned": [
"Sorry, only admins can add this user."
"lng_cant_invite_make_admin": [
"Make admin"
"lng_cant_invite_offer_admin": [
"Bots can only be added to channels as admins."
"lng_cant_invite_privacy": [
"Sorry, you cannot add this user to groups because of their privacy settings."
"lng_cant_invite_privacy_channel": [
"Sorry, you cannot add this user to channels because of their privacy settings."
"lng_cant_more_info": [
"More info »"
"lng_channel_add_admin": [
"Add Administrator"
"lng_channel_add_exception": [
"Add exception"
"lng_channel_add_members": [
"Add members"
"lng_channel_add_removed": [
"Remove user"
"lng_channel_add_users": [
"Add users"
"lng_channel_admin_status_not_admin": [
"not admin"
"lng_channel_admins": [
"lng_channel_banned_status_removed_by": [
"Removed by {user}"
"lng_channel_banned_status_restricted_by": [
"Restricted by {user}"
"lng_channel_blocked_list_about": [
"Banned users are removed from the channel.
Invite links don't work for them."
"lng_channel_discuss": [
"lng_channel_members_link": [
"{count} member",
"{count} members"
"lng_channel_mute": [
"lng_channel_not_accessible": [
"Sorry, this channel is not accessible."
"lng_channel_removed_list_about": [
"Users removed from the channel by admins can't rejoin via invite links."
"lng_channel_status": [
"lng_channel_unmute": [
"lng_chat_status_members": [
"{count} member",
"{count} members"
"lng_chat_status_members_online": [
"{members_count}, {online_count}"
"lng_chat_status_online": [
"{count} online",
"{count} online"
"lng_chat_status_subscribers": [
"{count} subscriber",
"{count} subscribers"
"lng_chat_status_unaccessible": [
"group is inaccessible"
"lng_close": [
"lng_cloud_password_enter_old": [
"Enter current password"
"lng_comments_open_count": [
"{count} comment",
"{count} comments"
"lng_comments_open_none": [
"Leave a comment"
"lng_context_about_private_link": [
"This link will only work for members of this chat."
"lng_context_add_to_group": [
"Add to group"
"lng_context_auto_delete_in": [
"auto-deletes in {duration}"
"lng_context_copy_message_link": [
"Copy Message Link"
"lng_context_delete_all_files": [
"Delete all files"
"lng_context_delete_from_disk": [
"Delete from disk"
"lng_context_edit_permissions": [
"Edit admin rights"
"lng_context_forward_msg": [
"lng_context_mark_read_mentions_all": [
"Mark all mentions as read"
"lng_context_mark_read_reactions_all": [
"Read all reactions"
"lng_context_pin_msg": [
"lng_context_promote_admin": [
"Promote to admin"
"lng_context_remove_from_group": [
"Remove from group"
"lng_context_reply_msg": [
"lng_context_report_msg": [
"lng_context_restrict_user": [
"Restrict user"
"lng_context_save_custom_sound": [
"Save for Notifications"
"lng_context_select_msg": [
"lng_context_set_as_quick": [
"Set As Quick"
"lng_context_view_channel": [
"View channel info"
"lng_context_view_profile": [
"View profile"
"lng_create_channel_link_about": [
"You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
Minimum length is 5 characters."
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols": [
"Only 0-9, a-z, and underscores allowed."
"lng_create_channel_link_copied": [
"Link copied to clipboard."
"lng_create_group_description": [
"Description (optional)"
"lng_create_invite_link_title": [
"Invite link"
"lng_create_permanent_link_title": [
"Primary link"
"lng_create_private_channel_about": [
"Only people with an invite link can join."
"lng_create_private_channel_title": [
"Private Channel"
"lng_create_private_group_about": [
"People can only join if they are added or have an invite link"
"lng_create_private_group_title": [
"Private Group"
"lng_create_public_channel_about": [
"Anyone can find the channel in search and join"
"lng_create_public_channel_title": [
"Public Channel"
"lng_create_public_group_about": [
"Anyone can find the group in search and join, chat history is available to everybody"
"lng_create_public_group_title": [
"Public Group"
"lng_days": [
"{count} day",
"{count} days"
"lng_days_tiny": [
"lng_delete_all_from_user": [
"Delete all from {user}"
"lng_delete_clear_for_me": [
"This will clear history just for you, not for other participants of the chat."
"lng_delete_for_everyone_hint": [
"This will delete it for everyone in this chat.",
"This will delete them for everyone in this chat."
"lng_dialogs_text_with_from": [
"{from_part} {message}"
"lng_disable_notifications_from_tray": [
"Disable notifications"
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name": [
"Channel name"
"lng_dlg_new_group_name": [
"Group name"
"lng_dlg_search_from": [
"From: {user}"
"lng_dlg_search_in": [
"Search messages in"
"lng_download_sure_stop": [
"Are you sure you want to stop downloading your files?
If you do, you'll need to start over."
"lng_downloads_delete_in_cloud": [
"They will be deleted from your disk, but will remain accessible in the cloud."
"lng_downloads_delete_in_cloud_one": [
"It will be deleted from your disk, but will remain accessible in the cloud."
"lng_downloads_delete_sure": [
"Do you want to delete {count} file?",
"Do you want to delete {count} files?"
"lng_downloads_delete_sure_all": [
"Do you want to delete all files?"
"lng_downloads_delete_sure_one": [
"Do you want to delete this file?"
"lng_downloads_section": [
"lng_downloads_view_in_chat": [
"View in chat"
"lng_downloads_view_in_section": [
"View in downloads"
"lng_edit_auto_delete_settings": [
"Edit Auto-Delete Settings"
"lng_edit_channel_title": [
"Edit channel"
"lng_edit_group": [
"Edit group"
"lng_edit_group_invites_everybody": [
"All members"
"lng_edit_group_invites_only_admins": [
"Only admins"
"lng_edit_group_who_invites": [
"Who can add members?"
"lng_edit_sign_messages": [
"Sign messages"
"lng_enable_auto_delete": [
"Enable Auto-Delete"
"lng_error_admin_limit": [
"Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of admins for this group."
"lng_error_admin_limit_channel": [
"Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of admins for this channel."
"lng_error_cant_add_admin_invite": [
"You can't add this user as an admin because they are not a member of this group and you are not allowed to add them."
"lng_error_cant_add_admin_unban": [
"Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you can't unban them."
"lng_error_cant_add_bot": [
"Sorry, this bot can't be added to groups."
"lng_error_cant_ban_admin": [
"You can't ban this user because they are an admin in this group and you are not allowed to demote them."
"lng_error_nocopy_channel": [
"Sorry, copying from this channel is disabled by admins."
"lng_error_public_groups_denied": [
"Unfortunately, you are banned from participating in public groups.
"lng_exceptions_list_title": [
"lng_export_header_chats": [
"Chat export settings"
"lng_export_limits": [
"From: {from}, to: {till}"
"lng_export_option_choose_format": [
"Choose export format"
"lng_export_option_files": [
"lng_export_option_format_location": [
"Format: {format}, Path: {path}"
"lng_export_option_gifs": [
"lng_export_option_html": [
"Human-readable HTML"
"lng_export_option_json": [
"Machine-readable JSON"
"lng_export_option_photos": [
"lng_export_option_size_limit": [
"Size limit: {size}"
"lng_export_option_stickers": [
"lng_export_option_video_files": [
"lng_export_option_video_messages": [
"Video messages"
"lng_export_option_voice_messages": [
"Voice messages"
"lng_export_start": [
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual": [
"Sorry, if a person is no longer part of a group, you need to add each other to your respective contact lists to be able to add them back.
Note that they could still join via the group's invite link as long as they are not in the Removed users list."
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel": [
"If a person has left a channel in the past, you need to be in their Telegram contacts to add them back.
They can still join via an invite link as long as they are not on the Removed Users list."
"lng_fast_reply": [
"lng_forward_send_files_cant": [
"Sorry, no way to send media here :("
"lng_forwarding_from_two": [
"{user} and {second_user}"
"lng_from_request_body": [
"You received this message because you requested to join {name} on {date}."
"lng_from_request_title_channel": [
"Response to your join request"
"lng_from_request_title_group": [
"Response to your join request"
"lng_from_request_understand": [
"I understand"
"lng_group_about1": [
"Up to 200,000 members"
"lng_group_about2": [
"Persistent chat history"
"lng_group_about3": [
"Public links such as t.me/title"
"lng_group_about4": [
"Admins with different rights"
"lng_group_about_header": [
"You created a group"
"lng_group_about_text": [
"Groups can have:"
"lng_group_blocked_list_about": [
"Banned users are removed from the group and can only come back if added by an admin.
Invite links don't work for them."
"lng_group_call_also_cancel": [
"Abort video chat"
"lng_group_call_also_cancel_channel": [
"Abort live stream"
"lng_group_call_also_end": [
"End video chat"
"lng_group_call_also_end_channel": [
"End live stream"
"lng_group_call_can_speak": [
"You can now speak in {chat}."
"lng_group_call_can_speak_here": [
"You can now speak."
"lng_group_call_cancel": [
"Abort Video Chat"
"lng_group_call_cancel_channel": [
"Abort Live Stream"
"lng_group_call_cancel_reminder": [
"Cancel Reminder"
"lng_group_call_close": [
"lng_group_call_close_sure": [
"Video chat is scheduled. You can abort it or just close this panel."
"lng_group_call_close_sure_channel": [
"Live stream is scheduled. You can abort it or just close this panel."
"lng_group_call_context_pin_camera": [
"Pin video"
"lng_group_call_context_pin_screen": [
"Pin screencast"
"lng_group_call_context_remove": [
"lng_group_call_context_remove_hand": [
"Cancel request to speak"
"lng_group_call_context_unmute_for_me": [
"Unmute for me"
"lng_group_call_context_unpin_camera": [
"Unpin video"
"lng_group_call_context_unpin_screen": [
"Unpin screencast"
"lng_group_call_copy_listener_link": [
"Copy Listener Link"
"lng_group_call_copy_speaker_link": [
"Copy Speaker Link"
"lng_group_call_display_as_header": [
"Display me as..."
"lng_group_call_edit_title": [
"Edit Video Chat Title"
"lng_group_call_edit_title_channel": [
"Edit live stream title"
"lng_group_call_is_recorded": [
"The audio stream is being recorded."
"lng_group_call_is_recorded_channel": [
"Live stream is being recorded."
"lng_group_call_join_as_about": [
"Choose whether you want to be displayed as your personal account or as your channel."
"lng_group_call_join_as_changed": [
"Participants of this video chat will now see you as {name}"
"lng_group_call_join_as_changed_channel": [
"Participants of this live stream will now see you as {name}"
"lng_group_call_join_as_header": [
"Join Video Chat as..."
"lng_group_call_join_as_personal": [
"personal account"
"lng_group_call_join_confirm": [
"Join the video chat {chat}?"
"lng_group_call_late_by": [
"Late by"
"lng_group_call_leave_sure": [
"Do you want to leave this video chat?"
"lng_group_call_leave_sure_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to leave this live stream?"
"lng_group_call_leave_title": [
"Leave video chat"
"lng_group_call_leave_title_channel": [
"Leave live stream"
"lng_group_call_mac_recording": [
"Please allow **Screen Recording** for Telegram in Privacy Settings."
"lng_group_call_mac_screencast_access": [
"Telegram Desktop does not have access to screen recording required for Screen Sharing."
"lng_group_call_muted_by_me_status": [
"muted for you"
"lng_group_call_muted_no_camera": [
"You can't turn on video while you're muted by admin."
"lng_group_call_muted_no_screen": [
"You can't share your screen while you're muted by admin."
"lng_group_call_no_stream": [
"{group} is currently not broadcasting live stream data to Telegram."
"lng_group_call_no_stream_admin": [
"Oops! Telegram doesn't see any stream coming from your streaming app. Please make sure you entered the right Server URL and Stream Key in your app."
"lng_group_call_noise_suppression": [
"Enable Noise Suppression"
"lng_group_call_or_schedule": [
"You can also {link}."
"lng_group_call_pinned_camera": [
"{user}'s video is pinned."
"lng_group_call_pinned_camera_me": [
"Your video is pinned."
"lng_group_call_pinned_on_top": [
"Live stream is pinned on top."
"lng_group_call_pinned_screen": [
"{user}'s screencast is pinned."
"lng_group_call_pinned_screen_me": [
"Your screencast is pinned."
"lng_group_call_raise_hand_tip": [
"Click if you want to speak"
"lng_group_call_raised_hand": [
"You asked to speak"
"lng_group_call_raised_hand_status": [
"wants to speak"
"lng_group_call_raised_hand_sub": [
"We let the speakers know"
"lng_group_call_recording_saved": [
"Recording of the audio stream saved to Saved Messages."
"lng_group_call_recording_saved_video": [
"Video saved to Saved Messages."
"lng_group_call_recording_start": [
"Start Recording"
"lng_group_call_recording_start_audio_subtitle": [
"This chat will be recorded into an audio file"
"lng_group_call_recording_start_button": [
"lng_group_call_recording_start_checkbox": [
"Also record video"
"lng_group_call_recording_start_field": [
"Recording Title"
"lng_group_call_recording_start_sure": [
"Record this chat and save the result into an audio file?
Participants will see that the chat is being recorded."
"lng_group_call_recording_start_title": [
"Add Title"
"lng_group_call_recording_start_video_subtitle": [
"Choose video orientation"
"lng_group_call_recording_started": [
"Audio recording started."
"lng_group_call_recording_started_channel": [
"Live stream recording started."
"lng_group_call_recording_started_video": [
"Started recording the video stream."
"lng_group_call_recording_stop": [
"Stop Recording"
"lng_group_call_recording_stop_sure": [
"Do you want to stop recording this video chat?"
"lng_group_call_recording_stopped": [
"Recording stopped."
"lng_group_call_recording_stopped_channel": [
"Live stream recording stopped."
"lng_group_call_remove_channel": [
"Remove {channel} from the video chat and ban them?"
"lng_group_call_remove_channel_from_channel": [
"Remove {channel} from the live stream?"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_info": [
"To stream video with another app, enter these Server URL and Stream Key in your streaming app. Software encoding recommended (x264 in OBS).
Once you start broadcasting in your streaming app, click Start Streaming below."
"lng_group_call_rtmp_key_copied": [
"Stream Key copied to clipboard."
"lng_group_call_rtmp_key_copy": [
"Copy Stream Key"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_key_subtitle": [
"Stream Key"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_key_warning": [
"**Never share your Stream Key with anyone or show it on stream!**"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_revoke": [
"Revoke Stream Key"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_revoke_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to revoke your Stream Key?"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_start": [
"Start Streaming"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_title": [
"Stream with other apps"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_url_copied": [
"Server URL copied to clipboard."
"lng_group_call_rtmp_url_copy": [
"Copy Server URL"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_url_subtitle": [
"Server URL"
"lng_group_call_rtmp_viewers": [
"{count} viewer",
"{count} viewers"
"lng_group_call_schedule": [
"schedule a video chat"
"lng_group_call_schedule_notified_channel": [
"Subscribers of the channel will be notified that the live stream starts in {duration}."
"lng_group_call_schedule_notified_group": [
"Members of the group will be notified that the video chat will start in {duration}."
"lng_group_call_schedule_title": [
"Schedule Video Chat"
"lng_group_call_scheduled_status": [
"lng_group_call_scheduled_title": [
"Scheduled Video Chat"
"lng_group_call_scheduled_title_channel": [
"Scheduled Live Stream"
"lng_group_call_screen_share_audio": [
"Share System Audio"
"lng_group_call_screen_share_start": [
"Share Screen"
"lng_group_call_screen_share_stop": [
"Stop Sharing"
"lng_group_call_screen_title": [
"Screen {index}"
"lng_group_call_set_reminder": [
"Set Reminder"
"lng_group_call_settings": [
"lng_group_call_share_button": [
"lng_group_call_share_speaker": [
"Users with this link can speak"
"lng_group_call_start_as_header": [
"Start Video Chat as..."
"lng_group_call_start_now": [
"Start Now"
"lng_group_call_start_now_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to start the video chat now?"
"lng_group_call_start_now_sure_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to start the live stream now?"
"lng_group_call_starts_in": [
"Starts in"
"lng_group_call_starts_short": [
"Starts {when}"
"lng_group_call_starts_short_today": [
"Today, {time}"
"lng_group_call_starts_short_tomorrow": [
"Tomorrow, {time}"
"lng_group_call_starts_today": [
"today at {time}"
"lng_group_call_starts_tomorrow": [
"tomorrow at {time}"
"lng_group_call_sure_screencast": [
"{user} is sharing their screen. This action will pin your screencast for all participants."
"lng_group_call_title_changed": [
"Video chat title changed to {title}"
"lng_group_call_title_changed_channel": [
"Live stream title changed to {title}"
"lng_group_call_title_channel": [
"Live Stream"
"lng_group_call_tooltip_camera": [
"Your camera is off. Click here to enable camera."
"lng_group_call_tooltip_camera_off": [
"Disable camera"
"lng_group_call_tooltip_force_muted": [
"Muted by admin. Click if you want to speak."
"lng_group_call_tooltip_microphone": [
"You are on mute. Click here to speak."
"lng_group_call_tooltip_raised_hand": [
"You asked to speak. We let the speakers know."
"lng_group_call_tooltip_screen": [
"Share screen"
"lng_group_call_unmute_sub": [
"Hold space bar to temporarily unmute."
"lng_group_call_unpinned_camera": [
"{user}'s video is unpinned."
"lng_group_call_unpinned_camera_me": [
"Your video is unpinned."
"lng_group_call_unpinned_on_top": [
"Live stream is unpinned from top."
"lng_group_call_unpinned_screen": [
"{user}'s screencast is unpinned."
"lng_group_call_unpinned_screen_me": [
"Your screencast is unpinned."
"lng_group_call_video": [
"lng_group_full": [
"Sorry, this group is full."
"lng_group_invite_about_approve": [
"Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
"lng_group_invite_about_approve_channel": [
"Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
"lng_group_invite_about_channel": [
"Telegram users will be able to join
your channel by following this link."
"lng_group_invite_about_no_approve": [
"Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
"lng_group_invite_about_no_approve_channel": [
"Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
"lng_group_invite_about_permanent_channel": [
"Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your channel by following this link."
"lng_group_invite_about_permanent_group": [
"Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link."
"lng_group_invite_add": [
"Create a New Link"
"lng_group_invite_add_about": [
"You can generate invite links that expire after they are used."
"lng_group_invite_bad_link": [
"This invite link is invalid or has expired."
"lng_group_invite_can_join": [
"{count} can join",
"{count} can join"
"lng_group_invite_can_join_via_link": [
"{count} person can join via this link.",
"{count} people can join via this link."
"lng_group_invite_context_copy": [
"lng_group_invite_context_delete": [
"lng_group_invite_context_delete_all": [
"Delete all"
"lng_group_invite_context_edit": [
"lng_group_invite_context_qr": [
"Get QR Code"
"lng_group_invite_context_revoke": [
"lng_group_invite_context_share": [
"lng_group_invite_copy": [
"Copy Link"
"lng_group_invite_create": [
"Create an invite link"
"lng_group_invite_create_new": [
"Revoke invite link"
"lng_group_invite_created_by": [
"Link created by"
"lng_group_invite_custom_limit": [
"Enter custom limit"
"lng_group_invite_days_left": [
"{count} day left",
"{count} days left"
"lng_group_invite_delete": [
"Delete Link"
"lng_group_invite_delete_all_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete all revoked links? This action cannot be undone."
"lng_group_invite_delete_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete that revoked link?"
"lng_group_invite_edit_title": [
"Edit Link"
"lng_group_invite_expire_about": [
"You can make the link expire after a certain time."
"lng_group_invite_expire_after": [
"Expire after"
"lng_group_invite_expire_custom": [
"lng_group_invite_expire_never": [
"No limit"
"lng_group_invite_expire_title": [
"Limit by time period"
"lng_group_invite_expired_about": [
"The time limit for this link has expired."
"lng_group_invite_expires_at": [
"This link expires {when}."
"lng_group_invite_joined": [
"{count} joined",
"{count} joined"
"lng_group_invite_label_about": [
"Only admins will see this name."
"lng_group_invite_label_header": [
"Link Name (optional)"
"lng_group_invite_link_expired": [
"lng_group_invite_links_count": [
"{count} link",
"{count} links"
"lng_group_invite_manage": [
"Manage Invite Links"
"lng_group_invite_manage_about": [
"You can create additional invite links that have limited time or number of users."
"lng_group_invite_members": [
"{count} member, among them:",
"{count} members, among them:"
"lng_group_invite_new_title": [
"New Link"
"lng_group_invite_no_joined": [
"No one joined yet"
"lng_group_invite_no_room": [
"Unable to join this group because there are too many members in it already."
"lng_group_invite_other_count": [
"{count} invite link",
"{count} invite links"
"lng_group_invite_other_list": [
"Links created by this admin"
"lng_group_invite_other_title": [
"Links created by other admins"
"lng_group_invite_qr_about": [
"Everyone on Telegram can scan this code to join your group."
"lng_group_invite_qr_copied": [
"QR Code copied to clipboard."
"lng_group_invite_qr_title": [
"Invite by QR Code"
"lng_group_invite_reactivate": [
"Reactivate Link"
"lng_group_invite_remaining": [
"{count} remaining",
"{count} remaining"
"lng_group_invite_request_approve": [
"Request admin approval"
"lng_group_invite_requested": [
"{count} request",
"{count} requests"
"lng_group_invite_requested_full": [
"{count} join request",
"{count} join requests"
"lng_group_invite_revoke_about": [
"Are you sure you want to revoke that invite link?"
"lng_group_invite_revoked_title": [
"Revoked links"
"lng_group_invite_share": [
"Share Link"
"lng_group_invite_title": [
"Invite links"
"lng_group_invite_usage_about": [
"You can make the link work only for a certain number of users."
"lng_group_invite_usage_any": [
"No limit"
"lng_group_invite_usage_custom": [
"lng_group_invite_usage_title": [
"Limit by number of users"
"lng_group_invite_used_about": [
"This link reached its usage limit."
"lng_group_not_accessible": [
"Sorry, this group is not accessible."
"lng_group_removed_list_about": [
"Users removed from the group by admins can't rejoin via invite links."
"lng_group_request_about": [
"This group accepts new members only after they are approved by its admins."
"lng_group_request_about_channel": [
"This channel accepts new subscribers only after they are approved by its admins."
"lng_group_request_sent": [
"You will be added to the group once an admin approves your request."
"lng_group_request_sent_channel": [
"You will be added to the channel once its admins approve your request."
"lng_group_request_to_join": [
"Request to Join"
"lng_group_requests_add": [
"Add to Group"
"lng_group_requests_add_channel": [
"Add to Channel"
"lng_group_requests_dismiss": [
"lng_group_requests_none": [
"There are no pending join requests."
"lng_group_requests_none_channel": [
"There are no pending join requests."
"lng_group_requests_pending": [
"{count} join request",
"{count} join requests"
"lng_group_requests_pending_user": [
"{user} requested to join"
"lng_group_requests_status_date_time": [
"requested to join {date} at {time}"
"lng_group_requests_status_today": [
"requested to join today at {time}"
"lng_group_requests_status_yesterday": [
"requested to join yesterday at {time}"
"lng_group_requests_was_added": [
"{user} has been added to the group."
"lng_group_requests_was_added_channel": [
"{user} has been added to the channel."
"lng_group_stickers": [
"Group stickers"
"lng_group_stickers_add": [
"Choose sticker set"
"lng_group_stickers_description": [
"You can choose a sticker set which will be available for every member while in the group chat."
"lng_hours": [
"{count} hour",
"{count} hours"
"lng_hours_tiny": [
"lng_info_about_label": [
"lng_info_channel_title": [
"Channel Info"
"lng_info_group_title": [
"Group Info"
"lng_info_link_label": [
"lng_info_location_label": [
"lng_inline_switch_cant": [
"Sorry, no way to write here :("
"lng_join_channel_error": [
"Sorry, you have joined too many channels and supergroups. Please leave some before joining this one."
"lng_manage_channel_info": [
"Channel Info"
"lng_manage_channel_title": [
"Manage Channel"
"lng_manage_discussion_group": [
"lng_manage_discussion_group_about": [
"Select a group chat for discussion that will be displayed in your channel."
"lng_manage_discussion_group_about_chosen": [
"A link to {group} is shown to all subscribers in the bottom panel."
"lng_manage_discussion_group_add": [
"Add a group"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_create": [
"Create a new group"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_link": [
"Link group"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_posted": [
"Everything you post in the channel is forwarded to this group."
"lng_manage_discussion_group_private": [
"Anyone from the channel will be able to see messages in this group."
"lng_manage_discussion_group_private_status": [
"private group"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_sure": [
"Do you want to make {group} the discussion board for {channel}?"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_unlink": [
"Unlink group"
"lng_manage_discussion_group_visible": [
"lng_manage_discussion_group_warning": [
"\"Chat history for new members\" will be switched to **Visible**."
"lng_manage_group_info": [
"Group Info"
"lng_manage_group_title": [
"Manage group"
"lng_manage_history_visibility_hidden": [
"lng_manage_history_visibility_hidden_about": [
"New members won't see earlier messages."
"lng_manage_history_visibility_hidden_legacy": [
"New members won't see more than 100 previous messages."
"lng_manage_history_visibility_shown": [
"lng_manage_history_visibility_shown_about": [
"New members will see messages that were sent before they joined."
"lng_manage_history_visibility_title": [
"Chat history for new members"
"lng_manage_linked_channel": [
"Linked channel"
"lng_manage_linked_channel_about": [
"This group is linked as the discussion board for {channel}."
"lng_manage_linked_channel_posted": [
"All new posts from this channel are forwarded to the group."
"lng_manage_linked_channel_private": [
"Any member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel."
"lng_manage_linked_channel_private_status": [
"private channel"
"lng_manage_linked_channel_restore": [
"Restore linked channel"
"lng_manage_linked_channel_unlink": [
"Unlink channel"
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_after1": [
"1 day"
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_after2": [
"1 week"
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_after_custom": [
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_disable": [
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_menu": [
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_never": [
"lng_manage_messages_ttl_title": [
"Auto-delete messages"
"lng_manage_peer_administrators": [
"lng_manage_peer_banned_users": [
"Banned users"
"lng_manage_peer_channel_type": [
"Channel type"
"lng_manage_peer_exceptions": [
"lng_manage_peer_group_type": [
"Group type"
"lng_manage_peer_invite_links": [
"Invite links"
"lng_manage_peer_link_expired": [
"Expired link"
"lng_manage_peer_link_invite": [
"Invite link"
"lng_manage_peer_link_permanent": [
"Permanent link"
"lng_manage_peer_link_type": [
"Link type"
"lng_manage_peer_members": [
"lng_manage_peer_no_forwards": [
"Restrict saving content"
"lng_manage_peer_no_forwards_about": [
"Members won't be able to copy, save and forward content from this group."
"lng_manage_peer_no_forwards_about_channel": [
"Subscribers won't be able to copy, save and forward content from this channel."
"lng_manage_peer_no_forwards_title": [
"Content protection"
"lng_manage_peer_permissions": [
"lng_manage_peer_reactions": [
"lng_manage_peer_reactions_about": [
"Allow members to react to group messages."
"lng_manage_peer_reactions_about_channel": [
"Allow subscribers to react to channel posts."
"lng_manage_peer_reactions_available": [
"Available reactions"
"lng_manage_peer_reactions_enable": [
"Enable Reactions"
"lng_manage_peer_reactions_off": [
"lng_manage_peer_recent_actions": [
"Recent actions"
"lng_manage_peer_removed_users": [
"Removed users"
"lng_manage_peer_requests": [
"Join Requests"
"lng_manage_peer_requests_channel": [
"Join Requests"
"lng_manage_peer_restricted_users": [
"Restricted users"
"lng_manage_peer_subscribers": [
"lng_manage_private_group_title": [
"lng_manage_private_peer_title": [
"lng_manage_public_group_title": [
"lng_manage_public_peer_title": [
"lng_many_playing_game": [
"{count} person is playing a game",
"{count} people are playing a game"
"lng_media_selected_link": [
"{count} shared link",
"{count} shared links"
"lng_mediaview_report_profile_photo": [
"lng_mediaview_set_userpic": [
"Set as Main"
"lng_menu_start_group_call": [
"Start video chat"
"lng_menu_start_group_call_channel": [
"Start live stream"
"lng_menu_start_group_call_scheduled": [
"Schedule video chat"
"lng_menu_start_group_call_scheduled_channel": [
"Schedule live stream"
"lng_menu_start_group_call_with": [
"Stream with..."
"lng_menu_start_group_call_with_channel": [
"Stream with..."
"lng_message_not_found": [
"Message doesn't exist."
"lng_migrate_error": [
"This action will convert the group to a supergroup. Unfortunately, you are a member of too many supergroups and channels. Please leave some of the channels or groups you don't need before proceeding."
"lng_minutes": [
"{count} minute",
"{count} minutes"
"lng_minutes_tiny": [
"lng_month_day_year": [
"{month} {day}, {year}"
"lng_months": [
"{count} month",
"{count} months"
"lng_mute_box_title": [
"Mute notifications for..."
"lng_mute_menu_duration": [
"Mute for..."
"lng_mute_menu_duration_any": [
"Mute for {duration}"
"lng_mute_menu_duration_forever": [
"Mute forever"
"lng_mute_menu_mute": [
"lng_mute_menu_sound_off": [
"Disable sound"
"lng_mute_menu_sound_on": [
"Enable sound"
"lng_mute_menu_sound_select": [
"Select tone"
"lng_new_contact_from_request_channel": [
"{user} is an admin of {name}, a channel you requested to join."
"lng_new_contact_from_request_group": [
"{user} is an admin of {name}, a group you requested to join."
"lng_no_clear_history_channel": [
"In channels you can enable auto-delete for messages."
"lng_no_clear_history_group": [
"In public groups you can enable auto-delete for messages."
"lng_owner_badge": [
"lng_participant_invite": [
"lng_participant_invite_sorry": [
"Sorry, you can only add the first {count} subscriber to a channel personally.
From now on, people will need to join via your invite link.",
"Sorry, you can only add the first {count} subscribers to a channel personally.
From now on, people will need to join via your invite link."
"lng_pinned_hide_all_hide": [
"lng_pinned_hide_all_sure": [
"Do you want to hide the pinned message bar? It will stay hidden until a new message is pinned."
"lng_pinned_messages_title": [
"{count} pinned message",
"{count} pinned messages"
"lng_pinned_pin_old_sure": [
"Do you want to pin an older message while leaving a more recent one pinned?"
"lng_pinned_pin_sure_group": [
"Pin this message in the group?"
"lng_pinned_poll": [
"Pinned poll"
"lng_pinned_previous": [
"Previous message"
"lng_pinned_unpin_all": [
"Unpin {count} message",
"Unpin all {count} messages"
"lng_pinned_unpin_all_sure": [
"Do you want to unpin all messages?"
"lng_polls_closed": [
"Final results"
"lng_polls_create_one_answer": [
"Quiz has only one right answer."
"lng_polls_poll_results_title": [
"Poll results"
"lng_polls_quiz_results_title": [
"Quiz results"
"lng_polls_submit_votes": [
"lng_polls_votes_count": [
"{count} vote",
"{count} votes"
"lng_profile_add_more_after_create": [
"You will be able to add more members after you create the group."
"lng_profile_add_more_after_upgrade": [
"You will be able to add up to {count} member after you upgrade your group to a supergroup.",
"You will be able to add up to {count} members after you upgrade your group to a supergroup."
"lng_profile_add_participant": [
"Add Members"
"lng_profile_add_via_link": [
"Invite via Link"
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit": [
"Delete and leave"
"lng_profile_clear_history": [
"Clear history"
"lng_profile_delete_channel": [
"Delete channel"
"lng_profile_delete_group": [
"Delete group"
"lng_profile_delete_removed": [
"lng_profile_enable_notifications": [
"lng_profile_export_channel": [
"Export channel history"
"lng_profile_export_chat": [
"Export chat history"
"lng_profile_invite_link_section": [
"Invite link"
"lng_profile_join_channel": [
"Join Channel"
"lng_profile_leave_channel": [
"Leave channel"
"lng_profile_leave_group": [
"Leave group"
"lng_profile_manage_admins": [
"Manage admins"
"lng_profile_manage_restrictedlist": [
"Manage restricted users"
"lng_profile_migrate_body": [
"To add more members, you can upgrade your group to a supergroup."
"lng_profile_migrate_button": [
"Convert to supergroup"
"lng_profile_migrate_learn_more": [
"Learn more »"
"lng_profile_migrate_reached": [
"{count} member limit reached",
"{count} members limit reached"
"lng_profile_participants_section": [
"lng_profile_recent_actions": [
"Recent actions"
"lng_profile_report": [
"lng_profile_search_members": [
"Search members"
"lng_profile_subscribers_section": [
"lng_profile_view_channel": [
"View Channel"
"lng_profile_view_discussion": [
"View discussion"
"lng_proxy_sponsor": [
"Proxy sponsor"
"lng_proxy_sponsor_about": [
"This channel is shown by your proxy server.
To remove this channel from your chat list,
disable the proxy in Telegram Settings."
"lng_removed_list_title": [
"Removed users"
"lng_replies_view": [
"View {count} Reply",
"View {count} Replies"
"lng_reply_cant_forward": [
"Sorry, you can't reply to a message that was sent before the group was upgraded to a supergroup. Do you wish to forward it and add your comment?"
"lng_report_button": [
"lng_report_details": [
"Additional Details"
"lng_report_details_about": [
"Please enter any additional details relevant to your report."
"lng_report_group_title": [
"Report Group"
"lng_report_message_title": [
"Report message"
"lng_report_please_select_messages": [
"Please select messages to report."
"lng_report_profile_photo_title": [
"Report profile photo"
"lng_report_reason_child_abuse": [
"Child Abuse"
"lng_report_reason_copyright": [
"lng_report_reason_fake": [
"Fake Account"
"lng_report_reason_illegal_drugs": [
"Illegal Drugs"
"lng_report_reason_other": [
"lng_report_reason_personal_details": [
"Personal Details"
"lng_report_reason_pornography": [
"lng_report_reason_spam": [
"lng_report_reason_violence": [
"lng_report_spam_ok": [
"lng_restricted_send_gifs_all": [
"Posting GIFs isn't allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_gifs_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send GIFs until {date}, {time}."
"lng_restricted_send_inline_all": [
"Sending inline content isn't allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_inline_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content until {date}, {time}."
"lng_restricted_send_media_all": [
"Sending media isn't allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_media_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media until {date}, {time}."
"lng_restricted_send_message_all": [
"Sending messages is not allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_message_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted you from sending messages until {date}, {time}."
"lng_restricted_send_public_polls": [
"Sorry, polls with visible votes can't be forwarded to channels."
"lng_restricted_send_stickers_all": [
"Stickers aren’t allowed in this group."
"lng_restricted_send_stickers_until": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers until {date}, {time}."
"lng_rights_about_add_admins_no": [
"This admin will not be able to add new admins."
"lng_rights_about_add_admins_yes": [
"This admin will be able to add new admins with equal or fewer rights."
"lng_rights_about_restriction_cant_edit": [
"You cannot change the restrictions for this user."
"lng_rights_add_admins": [
"Add new admins"
"lng_rights_channel_delete": [
"Delete messages of others"
"lng_rights_channel_edit": [
"Edit messages of others"
"lng_rights_channel_info": [
"Change channel info"
"lng_rights_channel_manage_calls": [
"Manage live streams"
"lng_rights_channel_post": [
"Post messages"
"lng_rights_chat_add_members": [
"Add members"
"lng_rights_chat_send_links": [
"Embed links"
"lng_rights_chat_send_media": [
"Send media"
"lng_rights_chat_send_polls": [
"Send polls"
"lng_rights_chat_send_stickers": [
"Send stickers & GIFs"
"lng_rights_chat_send_text": [
"Send messages"
"lng_rights_default_restrictions_header": [
"What can members of this group do?"
"lng_rights_edit_admin": [
"Admin rights"
"lng_rights_edit_admin_header": [
"What can this admin do?"
"lng_rights_edit_admin_rank_about": [
"A title that members will see instead of '{title}'."
"lng_rights_edit_admin_rank_name": [
"Custom title"
"lng_rights_group_anonymous": [
"Remain anonymous"
"lng_rights_group_ban": [
"Ban users"
"lng_rights_group_delete": [
"Delete messages"
"lng_rights_group_info": [
"Change group info"
"lng_rights_group_invite": [
"Add members"
"lng_rights_group_invite_link": [
"Invite users via link"
"lng_rights_group_pin": [
"Pin messages"
"lng_rights_permission_cant_edit": [
"You cannot change this permission."
"lng_rights_permission_for_all": [
"This option is enabled for all members in Group Permissions."
"lng_rights_permission_unavailable": [
"This permission is not available in public groups."
"lng_rights_restriction_for_all": [
"This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions."
"lng_rights_slowmode_about": [
"Members will be able to send only one message per this interval."
"lng_rights_slowmode_about_interval": [
"Members will be able to send only one message {interval}."
"lng_rights_slowmode_header": [
"Slow mode"
"lng_rights_slowmode_hours": [
"lng_rights_slowmode_interval_minutes": [
"every {count} minute",
"every {count} minutes"
"lng_rights_slowmode_interval_seconds": [
"every {count} second",
"every {count} seconds"
"lng_rights_slowmode_minutes": [
"lng_rights_slowmode_off": [
"lng_rights_slowmode_seconds": [
"lng_rights_transfer_about": [
"This will transfer the full **owner rights** for {group} to {user}. The new owner will be free to remove any of your admin privileges or even ban you."
"lng_rights_transfer_channel": [
"Transfer channel ownership"
"lng_rights_transfer_check": [
"Security check"
"lng_rights_transfer_check_about": [
"You can transfer this group to {user} only if you have:"
"lng_rights_transfer_check_later": [
"Please come back later."
"lng_rights_transfer_check_password": [
"• Enabled **Two-Step Verification** more than **7 days** ago."
"lng_rights_transfer_check_session": [
"• Logged in on this device more than **24 hours** ago."
"lng_rights_transfer_done_channel": [
"{user} is now the owner of the channel."
"lng_rights_transfer_done_group": [
"{user} is now the owner of the group."
"lng_rights_transfer_group": [
"Transfer group ownership"
"lng_rights_transfer_password_description": [
"Please enter your password to complete the transfer."
"lng_rights_transfer_password_title": [
"Two-step verification"
"lng_rights_transfer_set_password": [
"Set password"
"lng_rights_transfer_sure": [
"Change owner"
"lng_ringtones_toast_added": [
"Sound added!"
"lng_selected_clear": [
"lng_selected_delete_sure": [
"Do you want to delete {count} message?",
"Do you want to delete {count} messages?"
"lng_selected_forward": [
"lng_send_action_upload_file": [
"sending a file"
"lng_send_anonymous_ph": [
"Send anonymously..."
"lng_send_as_anonymous_admin": [
"Anonymous admin"
"lng_send_as_title": [
"Send message as..."
"lng_settings_save": [
"lng_share_cant": [
"Sorry, no way to share here :("
"lng_signin_hint": [
"Hint: {password_hint}"
"lng_signin_recover": [
"Forgot password?"
"lng_slowmode_enabled": [
"Slow Mode is active.
You can send your next message in {left}."
"lng_slowmode_no_many": [
"Slow mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at a time."
"lng_slowmode_too_long": [
"This text is too long to send as one message.
Slow mode is active. You can't send more than one message at once."
"lng_status_lastseen_date": [
"last seen {date}"
"lng_stickers_group_from_featured": [
"Choose from trending stickers"
"lng_stickers_group_from_your": [
"Choose from your stickers"
"lng_stickers_group_set": [
"Group sticker set"
"lng_stickers_remove_group_set": [
"Remove group sticker set?"
"lng_sure_add_admin_invite": [
"This user is not a member of this group. Add them to the group and promote them to admin?"
"lng_sure_add_admin_invite_channel": [
"This user is not a subscriber of this channel. Add them to the channel and promote them to admin?"
"lng_sure_add_admin_unban": [
"This user is currently restricted or banned. Are you sure you want to unban and promote them?"
"lng_sure_add_admin_unremove": [
"This user is currently restricted or removed. Are you sure you want to promote them?"
"lng_sure_ban_user_channel": [
"Ban {user} from the channel?"
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit": [
"Are you sure you want to delete all message history and leave «{group}»?
This action cannot be undone."
"lng_sure_delete_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this channel? All subscribers will be removed and all messages will be lost."
"lng_sure_delete_group": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this group? All members will be removed, and all messages will be lost."
"lng_sure_delete_group_history": [
"Are you sure you want to delete all messages in \"{group}\"?
This action cannot be undone."
"lng_sure_leave_channel": [
"Are you sure you want to leave
this channel?"
"lng_sure_leave_group": [
"Are you sure you want to leave this group?"
"lng_sure_remove_user_channel": [
"Remove {user} from the channel?"
"lng_sure_remove_user_group": [
"Remove {user} from the group?"
"lng_text_copied": [
"Text copied to clipboard."
"lng_ttl_about_duration1": [
"1 day"
"lng_ttl_about_duration2": [
"1 week"
"lng_ttl_about_tooltip": [
"New messages in this chat will be automatically deleted after {duration}."
"lng_ttl_about_tooltip_channel": [
"New messages in this chat will be automatically deleted after {duration}."
"lng_ttl_about_tooltip_off": [
"Auto-delete is now disabled."
"lng_ttl_edit_about_channel": [
"Automatically delete new messages sent in this channel after a certain period of time."
"lng_ttl_edit_about_group": [
"Automatically delete new messages sent in this chat after a certain period of time."
"lng_upload_show_file": [
"Show file"
"lng_upload_sure_stop": [
"Are you sure you want to stop uploading your files?
If you do, you'll need to start over."
"lng_user_action_record_video": [
"{user} is recording a video"
"lng_user_action_upload_audio": [
"{user} is sending a voice message"
"lng_user_action_upload_file": [
"{user} is sending a file"
"lng_user_action_upload_photo": [
"{user} is sending a photo"
"lng_user_action_upload_round": [
"{user} is sending a video message"
"lng_user_action_upload_video": [
"{user} is sending a video"
"lng_user_playing_game": [
"{user} is playing a game"
"lng_username_by_phone_not_found": [
"User {phone} not found."
"lng_users_typing": [
"{user} and {second_user} are typing"
"lng_view_button_channel": [
"View channel"
"lng_view_button_group": [
"View group"
"lng_view_button_message": [
"View message"
"lng_voice_speed_fast": [
"lng_voice_speed_normal": [
"lng_voice_speed_slow": [
"lng_voice_speed_very_fast": [
"Very fast"
"lng_weeks": [
"{count} week",
"{count} weeks"
"lng_weeks_tiny": [
"lng_wont_be_notified": [
"Subscribers will receive a silent notification."
"lng_years": [
"{count} year",
"{count} years"
"lng_years_tiny": [