import asyncio import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import sys import zipfile import hashlib from asyncio.exceptions import TimeoutError from string import punctuation, whitespace from time import time from typing import List import aiofiles import aiohttp from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError, ServerDisconnectedError PROTOCOL = 'https://' ILLEGAL_PATH_CHARS = punctuation.replace('.', '') + whitespace DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK = 'telegram-crawler' INPUT_FILENAME = os.environ.get('INPUT_FILENAME', 'tracked_links.txt') OUTPUT_FOLDER = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_FOLDER', 'data/') TRANSLATIONS_EN_CATEGORY_URL_REGEX = r'/en/[a-z_]+/[a-z_]+/$' PAGE_GENERATION_TIME_REGEX = r'' PAGE_API_HASH_REGEX = r'\?hash=[a-z0-9]+' PAGE_API_HASH_TEMPLATE = f'?hash={DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK}' PASSPORT_SSID_REGEX = r'passport_ssid=[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+' PASSPORT_SSID_TEMPLATE = f'passport_ssid={DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK}' NONCE_REGEX = r'"nonce":"[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+' NONCE_TEMPLATE = f'"nonce":"{DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK}' PROXY_CONFIG_SUB_NET_REGEX = r'\d+\.\d+:8888;' PROXY_CONFIG_SUB_NET_TEMPLATE = 'X.X:8888;' TRANSLATE_SUGGESTION_REGEX = r'
' SPARKLE_SIG_REGEX = r';sig=(.*?);' SPARKLE_SE_REGEX = r';se=(.*?);' SPARKLE_SIG_TEMPLATE = f';sig={DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK};' SPARKLE_SE_TEMPLATE = f';se={DYNAMIC_PART_MOCK};' # unsecure but so simple CONNECTOR = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=False) TIMEOUT = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10) logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_hash(data: bytes) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() async def download_file(url, path, session): async with session.get(url) as response: if response.status != 200: return content = await async with, mode='wb') as f: await f.write(content) async def get_download_link_of_latest_appcenter_release(parameterized_url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession): api_base = '' base_url = f'{api_base}/{parameterized_url}' async def make_req(url): async with session.get(url) as response: if response.status != 200: return return await response.json(encoding='UTF-8') json = await make_req(f'{base_url}/public_releases') if json and json[0]: latest_id = json[0]['id'] else: return json = await make_req(f'{base_url}/releases/{latest_id}') if json: return json['download_url'] return None async def track_additional_files( files_to_track: List[str], input_dir_name: str, output_dir_name: str, encoding='utf-8', save_hash_only=False ): kwargs = {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': encoding} if save_hash_only: kwargs['mode'] = 'rb' del kwargs['encoding'] for file in files_to_track: async with, file), **kwargs) as r_file: content = await if save_hash_only: content = get_hash(content) else: content = re.sub(r'id=".*"', 'id="tgcrawl"', content) content = re.sub(r'name="APKTOOL_DUMMY_.*" id', 'name="tgcrawl" id', content) filename = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, output_dir_name, file) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) async with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w_file: await w_file.write(content) async def download_telegram_macos_beta_and_extract_resources(session: aiohttp.ClientSession): parameterized_url = 'apps/keepcoder/telegram-swift/distribution_groups/public' download_url = await get_download_link_of_latest_appcenter_release(parameterized_url, session) if not download_url: return crawled_data_folder = 'telegram-beta-macos' client_folder_name = 'macos' client_archive_name = '' assets_output_dir = 'macos_assets' assets_filename = '' assets_extractor = 'acextract' tool_archive_name = f'{assets_extractor}.zip' tool_download_url = '' if 'darwin' not in platform.system().lower(): await download_file(download_url, client_archive_name, session) else: await asyncio.gather( download_file(download_url, client_archive_name, session), download_file(tool_download_url, tool_archive_name, session), ) # synced with zipfile.ZipFile(client_archive_name, 'r') as f: f.extractall(client_folder_name) resources_path = '' files_to_track = [ f'{resources_path}/en.lproj/Localizable.strings', ] await track_additional_files(files_to_track, client_folder_name, crawled_data_folder, 'utf-16') _, _, hash_of_files_to_track = next(os.walk(f'{client_folder_name}/{resources_path}')) hash_of_files_to_track = [f'{resources_path}/{i}' for i in hash_of_files_to_track] await track_additional_files(hash_of_files_to_track, client_folder_name, crawled_data_folder, save_hash_only=True) def cleanup1(): os.path.isdir(client_folder_name) and shutil.rmtree(client_folder_name) os.remove(client_archive_name) # .car crawler works only in macOS if 'darwin' not in platform.system().lower(): cleanup1() return # synced with zipfile.ZipFile(tool_archive_name, 'r') as f: f.extractall(assets_extractor) path_to_car = os.path.join(client_folder_name, resources_path, assets_filename) path_to_extractor = os.path.join(assets_extractor, assets_extractor) await (await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('chmod', '+x', path_to_extractor)).communicate() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(path_to_extractor, '-i', path_to_car, '-o', assets_output_dir) await process.communicate() def cleanup2(): cleanup1() os.path.isdir(assets_output_dir) and shutil.rmtree(assets_output_dir) os.path.isdir(assets_extractor) and shutil.rmtree(assets_extractor) os.remove(tool_archive_name) if process.returncode != 0: cleanup2() return _, _, hash_of_files_to_track = next(os.walk(assets_output_dir)) await track_additional_files( hash_of_files_to_track, assets_output_dir, os.path.join(crawled_data_folder, assets_filename), save_hash_only=True ) cleanup2() async def download_telegram_android_beta_and_extract_resources(session: aiohttp.ClientSession): parameterized_url = 'apps/drklo-2kb-ghpo/telegram-beta-2/distribution_groups/all-users-of-telegram-beta-2' download_url = await get_download_link_of_latest_appcenter_release(parameterized_url, session) if not download_url: return await asyncio.gather( download_file('', 'tool.apk', session), download_file(download_url, 'android.apk', session), ) def cleanup(): os.path.isdir('android') and shutil.rmtree('android') os.remove('tool.apk') os.remove('android.apk') process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('java', '-jar', 'tool.apk', 'd', '-s', '-f', 'android.apk') await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: cleanup() return files_to_track = [ 'res/values/strings.xml', 'res/values/public.xml' ] await track_additional_files(files_to_track, 'android', 'telegram-beta-android') cleanup() async def collect_translations_paginated_content(url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> str: headers = {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'} content = list() async def _get_page(offset: int):'Url: {url}, offset: {offset}') data = {'offset': offset, 'more': 1} try: new_offset = None async with f'{PROTOCOL}{url}', data=data, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, timeout=TIMEOUT ) as response: if response.status != 200: logger.debug(f'Resend cuz {response.status}') new_offset = offset else: json = await response.json(encoding='UTF-8') if 'more_html' in json and json['more_html']: content.append(json['more_html']) new_offset = offset + 200 new_offset and await _get_page(new_offset) except (TimeoutError, ClientConnectorError): logger.warning(f'Client or timeout error. Retrying {url}; offset {offset}') await _get_page(offset) await _get_page(0) return '\n'.join(content) async def track_mtproto_configs(): import json from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.raw import functions from pyrogram.raw.types import InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji app = Client( os.environ['TELEGRAM_SESSION'], api_id=int(os.environ['TELEGRAM_API_ID']), api_hash=os.environ['TELEGRAM_API_HASH'], ) await app.start() configs = { 'GetConfig': await app.send(, 'GetCdnConfig': await app.send(, # 'GetInviteText': await app.send(, # 'GetSupport': await app.send(, # 'GetSupportName': await app.send(, # 'GetPassportConfig': await app.send(, 'GetCountriesList': await app.send('en', hash=0)), 'GetAppConfig': await app.send(, # 'GetAppUpdate': await app.send('')), 'AnimatedEmoji': await app.send( functions.messages.GetStickerSet(stickerset=InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji(), hash=0) ), } keys_to_hide = {'access_hash', 'autologin_token', 'file_reference', 'file_reference_base64'} def rem_rec(config): if not isinstance(config, dict): return for key, value in config.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): rem_rec(value) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: rem_rec(item) elif key == 'key' and value in keys_to_hide: config['value']['value'] = 'crawler' elif key in keys_to_hide: config[key] = 'crawler' for config_name in {'GetAppConfig', 'AnimatedEmoji'}: configs[config_name] = json.loads(str(configs[config_name])) rem_rec(configs[config_name]) configs[config_name] = json.dumps(configs[config_name], indent=4) configs['GetConfig'].date = 0 configs['GetConfig'].expires = 0 configs['GetConfig'].dc_options = [] output_dir_name = 'telegram-mtproto' for file, content in configs.items(): filename = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, output_dir_name, f'{file}.json') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) async with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w_file: await w_file.write(str(content)) await app.stop() def is_hashable_only_content_type(content_type) -> bool: hashable_only_content_types = ( 'png', 'jpeg', 'x-icon', 'gif', 'mp4', 'webm', 'application/zip', ) for hashable_only_content_type in hashable_only_content_types: if hashable_only_content_type in content_type: return True return False class RetryError(Exception): ... async def crawl(url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession): try: # f*ck this shit. I believe it's temp solution if 'css/telegram.css' in url: return'Process {url}') async with session.get(f'{PROTOCOL}{url}', allow_redirects=False, timeout=TIMEOUT) as response: if response.status // 100 == 5: msg = f'Error 5XX. Retrying {url}' logger.warning(msg) raise RetryError(msg) if response.status not in {200, 304}: if response.status != 302: content = await response.text() logger.debug(f'Skip {url} because status code == {response.status}. Content: {content}') return # bypass external slashes and so on url_parts = [p for p in url.split('/') if p not in ILLEGAL_PATH_CHARS] is_hashable_only = is_hashable_only_content_type(response.content_type) # amazing dirt for media files like # # with response content type HTML instead of image. Shame on you # sometimes it returns correct type. noice load balancing is_sucking_file = '/file/' in url and 'text' in response.content_type # handle pure domains and html pages without ext in url ext = '.html' if '.' not in url_parts[-1] or len(url_parts) == 1 else '' # I don't add ext by content type for images and so on cuz TG servers sucks. # Some servers do not return correct content type. Some servers do... if is_hashable_only or is_sucking_file: ext = '' filename = OUTPUT_FOLDER + '/'.join(url_parts) + ext os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) if is_sucking_file or is_hashable_only: content = await async with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: await f.write(get_hash(content)) return content = await response.text(encoding='UTF-8') if, url): content = await collect_translations_paginated_content(url, session) content = re.sub(PAGE_GENERATION_TIME_REGEX, '', content) content = re.sub(PAGE_API_HASH_REGEX, PAGE_API_HASH_TEMPLATE, content) content = re.sub(PASSPORT_SSID_REGEX, PASSPORT_SSID_TEMPLATE, content) content = re.sub(NONCE_REGEX, NONCE_TEMPLATE, content) content = re.sub(PROXY_CONFIG_SUB_NET_REGEX, PROXY_CONFIG_SUB_NET_TEMPLATE, content) content = re.sub(TRANSLATE_SUGGESTION_REGEX, '', content) content = re.sub(SPARKLE_SIG_REGEX, SPARKLE_SIG_TEMPLATE, content) content = re.sub(SPARKLE_SE_REGEX, SPARKLE_SE_TEMPLATE, content) async with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:'Write to {filename}') await f.write(content) except (ServerDisconnectedError, TimeoutError, ClientConnectorError): logger.warning(f'Client or timeout error. Retrying {url}') await crawl(url, session) async def start(url_list: set[str], mode: int): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=CONNECTOR) as session: mode == 0 and await asyncio.gather( *[crawl(url, session) for url in url_list], download_telegram_android_beta_and_extract_resources(session), download_telegram_macos_beta_and_extract_resources(session), track_mtproto_configs(), ) mode == 1 and await asyncio.gather(*[crawl(url, session) for url in url_list]) mode == 2 and await download_telegram_android_beta_and_extract_resources(session) mode == 3 and await download_telegram_macos_beta_and_extract_resources(session) mode == 4 and await track_mtproto_configs() if __name__ == '__main__': run_mode = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 0 with open(INPUT_FILENAME, 'r') as f: tracked_urls = set([l.replace('\n', '') for l in f.readlines()]) start_time = time()'Start crawling content of {len(tracked_urls)} tracked urls...') asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(start(tracked_urls, run_mode))'Stop crawling content in mode {run_mode}. {time() - start_time} sec.')