import asyncio import logging import os import re from asyncio import Queue from asyncio.exceptions import TimeoutError from functools import cache from html import unescape from time import time from typing import Set from urllib.parse import unquote import aiohttp from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError, ServerDisconnectedError PROTOCOL = 'https://' BASE_URL = '' # it's necessary to help crawler to find more links HIDDEN_URLS = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # tdx '', # stable '', # beta '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # web apps beta '', # old '', # new '', # demo 2 # '', # '', # '', # '', # '', '', '', } ADDITIONAL_URLS = { '', '', '', '', '', } BASE_URL_REGEX = r'' # disable crawling sub links for specific domains and url patterns CRAWL_RULES = { # every rule is regex # empty string means match any url # allow rules with higher priority than deny '': { 'allow': { r'^[^/]*$', # root r'org/[^/]*/$', # 1 lvl sub r'/css/[a-z-_.]+$', # css files r'/en/[a-z_]+/$', # 1 lvl after /en/ r'/en/[a-z_]+/[a-z_]+/$', # 2 lvl after /en/. for example, /en/ios/unsorted/ }, 'deny': { '', # all } }, '': { 'deny': { 'updates/Telegram' } }, '': { # crawl first page of cards sorted by rating 'deny': { # r'/c/[0-9]+/[0-9]+', # disable comments '', }, }, '': { 'deny': { r'templates/.+', 'samples/', 'contest', }, }, '': { 'deny': { 'bots/payments', 'tdlib/docs/classtd', 'validatedRequestedInfo', 'constructor/Updates', }, }, '': { 'deny': { 'bots/payments', 'tdlib/docs/classtd', 'validatedRequestedInfo', 'constructor/Updates', }, }, '': { 'deny': { 'bots/payments', 'tdlib/docs/classtd', 'validatedRequestedInfo', 'constructor/Updates', }, }, '': { 'deny': { r'apps$', r'img/emoji/.+', r'img/StickerExample.psd$', r'/privacy$', # geolocation depended r'/tos$', # geolocation depended }, }, '': { 'deny': { '', }, }, '': { 'deny': { '', }, }, } DIRECT_LINK_REGEX = r'([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#]{0,249}' + BASE_URL_REGEX + r')' ABSOLUTE_LINK_REGEX = r'([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#]{0,248}' + BASE_URL_REGEX + r'\b[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)' RELATIVE_LINK_REGEX = r'\/(?!\/)([-a-zA-Z0-9\/@:%._\+~#]{0,249})' RELATIVE_JS_SCRIPTS_REGEX = r'["\'](.*\.js)["\'\?]' DOM_ATTRS = ['href', 'src'] OUTPUT_FILENAME = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_FILENAME', 'tracked_links.txt') OUTPUT_RESOURCES_FILENAME = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_RESOURCES_FILENAME', 'tracked_res_links.txt') OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS_FILENAME = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS_FILENAME', 'tracked_tr_links.txt') STEL_DEV_LAYER = 190 # unsecure but so simple CONNECTOR = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=False, force_close=True, limit=300) TIMEOUT = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10) HEADERS = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'DNT': '1', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cookie': f'stel_ln=en; stel_dev_layer={STEL_DEV_LAYER}', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none', 'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'TE': 'trailers', } logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) VISITED_LINKS = set() LINKS_TO_TRACK = set() LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS = set() LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES = set() WORKERS_COUNT = 30 WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE = Queue() @cache def should_exclude(url: str) -> bool: direct_link = re.findall(DIRECT_LINK_REGEX, url)[0] domain_rules = CRAWL_RULES.get(direct_link) if not domain_rules: return False allow_rules = domain_rules.get('allow', set()) deny_rules = domain_rules.get('deny', set()) exclude = False for regex in deny_rules: if, url): exclude = True break for regex in allow_rules: if, url): exclude = False break if exclude: logger.debug('Exclude %s by rules', url) return exclude def find_absolute_links(html: str) -> Set[str]: absolute_links = set(re.findall(ABSOLUTE_LINK_REGEX, html)) return {link for link in absolute_links if not should_exclude(link)} def find_relative_links(html: str, cur_link: str) -> Set[str]: matches = re.findall(DIRECT_LINK_REGEX, cur_link) if not matches: return set() direct_cur_link = re.findall(DIRECT_LINK_REGEX, cur_link)[0] # optimization. when we want to exclude domain if should_exclude(cur_link): return set() relative_links = set() for attr in DOM_ATTRS: regex = f'{attr}="{RELATIVE_LINK_REGEX}' links = re.findall(regex, html) for link in links: url = f'{direct_cur_link}/{link}' if not should_exclude(url): relative_links.add(url) return relative_links def find_relative_scripts(code: str, cur_link: str) -> Set[str]: matches = re.findall(DIRECT_LINK_REGEX, cur_link) if not matches: return set() direct_cur_link = re.findall(DIRECT_LINK_REGEX, cur_link)[0] relative_links = set() for link in re.findall(RELATIVE_JS_SCRIPTS_REGEX, code): # dirty magic for specific cases if '/' in link: # path to file from the root url = f'{direct_cur_link}/{link}' else: # it is a relative link from the current folder. not from the root current_folder_link, *_ = cur_link.rsplit('/', 1) url = f'{current_folder_link}/{link}' if not should_exclude(url): relative_links.add(url) return relative_links def cleanup_links(links: Set[str]) -> Set[str]: cleaned_links = set() for tmp_link in links: # normalize link link = unquote(tmp_link) link = unescape(link) link = link.replace('www.', '') link = link.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '') link = link.replace('//', '/') # not a universal solution link = link.replace('"', '') # regex fix hack # skip anchor links if '#' in link: continue # remove get params from link if '?' in link: link = ''.join(link.split('?')[:-1]) # skip mailto: link_parts = link.split('.') if '@' in link_parts[0]: continue # fix wildcard if link.startswith('.'): link = link[1:] cleaned_links.add(link) return cleaned_links def _is_x_content_type(content_types_set: Set[str], content_type) -> bool: for match_content_type in content_types_set: if match_content_type in content_type: return True return False def is_translation_url(url: str) -> bool: return '' in url def is_textable_content_type(content_type: str) -> bool: textable_content_type = { 'plain', 'css', 'json', 'text', 'javascript', } return _is_x_content_type(textable_content_type, content_type) def is_trackable_content_type(content_type) -> bool: trackable_content_types = { 'svg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'x-icon', 'gif', 'mp4', 'webm', 'application/octet-stream', # td updates 'application/zip', } return _is_x_content_type(trackable_content_types, content_type) class ServerSideError(Exception): pass async def crawl_worker(session: aiohttp.ClientSession): while not WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE.empty(): url = WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE.get_nowait() try: await _crawl(url, session) except (ServerSideError, ServerDisconnectedError, TimeoutError, ClientConnectorError): logger.warning(f'Client or timeout error. Retrying {url}') WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE.put_nowait(url) if url in VISITED_LINKS: VISITED_LINKS.remove(url) async def _crawl(url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession): if url in VISITED_LINKS: return VISITED_LINKS.add(url) try: logger.debug('[%s] Process %s', len(VISITED_LINKS), url) async with session.get(f'{PROTOCOL}{url}', allow_redirects=False, timeout=TIMEOUT) as response: content_type = response.headers.get('content-type') if 499 < response.status < 600: VISITED_LINKS.remove(url) logger.warning(f'Error 5XX. Retrying {url}') raise ServerSideError() if response.status not in {200, 304}: if response.status != 302: content = await response.text(encoding='UTF-8') logger.warning(f'Skip {url} because status code == {response.status}. Content: {content}') return if is_textable_content_type(content_type): # aiohttp will cache raw content. we don't worry about it raw_content = await content = await response.text(encoding='UTF-8') if is_translation_url(url): LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS.add(url) logger.debug('Add %s to LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS', url) else: LINKS_TO_TRACK.add(url) logger.debug('Add %s to LINKS_TO_TRACK', url) absolute_links = cleanup_links(find_absolute_links(content)) relative_links_finder = find_relative_links if 'javascript' in content_type: relative_links_finder = find_relative_scripts relative_links = cleanup_links(relative_links_finder(content, url)) sub_links = absolute_links | relative_links for sub_url in sub_links: if sub_url not in VISITED_LINKS: WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE.put_nowait(sub_url) elif is_trackable_content_type(content_type): LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES.add(url) logger.debug('Add %s to LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES', url) else: # for example, zip with update of macOS client logger.warning(f'Unhandled type: {content_type} from {url}') # telegram url can work with and without a trailing slash (no redirect). # note: not on every subdomain ;d # so this is a problem when we have random behavior with a link will be added # this if resolve this issue. # if available both links, we prefer without a trailing slash for links_set in (LINKS_TO_TRACK, LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS, LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES): without_trailing_slash = url[:-1:] if url.endswith('/') else url if without_trailing_slash in links_set and f'{without_trailing_slash}/' in links_set: links_set.remove(f'{without_trailing_slash}/') logger.debug('Remove %s/', without_trailing_slash) except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.warning(f'Codec can\'t decode bytes. So it was a tgs file or response with broken content type {url}') if raw_content.startswith(b'GIF'): LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES.add(url) logger.debug('Add %s to LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES (raw content)', url) async def start(url_list: Set[str]): for url in url_list: WORKERS_TASK_QUEUE.put_nowait(url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=CONNECTOR, headers=HEADERS) as session: await asyncio.gather(*[crawl_worker(session) for _ in range(WORKERS_COUNT)]) if __name__ == '__main__': HIDDEN_URLS.add(BASE_URL) LINKS_TO_TRACK = LINKS_TO_TRACK | ADDITIONAL_URLS'Start crawling links...') start_time = time() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(start(HIDDEN_URLS))'Stop crawling links. {time() - start_time} sec.') try: OLD_URL_LIST = set() for filename in (OUTPUT_FILENAME, OUTPUT_RESOURCES_FILENAME, OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS_FILENAME): with open(filename, 'r') as f: OLD_URL_LIST |= set([l.replace('\n', '') for l in f.readlines()]) CURRENT_URL_LIST = LINKS_TO_TRACK | LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES | LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS'Is equal: {OLD_URL_LIST == CURRENT_URL_LIST}')'Deleted ({len(OLD_URL_LIST - CURRENT_URL_LIST)}): {OLD_URL_LIST - CURRENT_URL_LIST}')'Added ({len(CURRENT_URL_LIST - OLD_URL_LIST)}): {CURRENT_URL_LIST - OLD_URL_LIST}') except IOError: pass with open(OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(sorted(LINKS_TO_TRACK))) with open(OUTPUT_RESOURCES_FILENAME, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(sorted(LINKS_TO_TRACKABLE_RESOURCES))) with open(OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS_FILENAME, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(sorted(LINKS_TO_TRANSLATIONS)))