
Wallpaper settings

wallPaperSettings#1dc1bca4 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int second_background_color:flags.4?int third_background_color:flags.5?int fourth_background_color:flags.6?int intensity:flags.3?int rotation:flags.4?int = WallPaperSettings;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
blur flags.1?true If set, the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12
motion flags.2?true If set, the background needs to be slightly moved when device is rotated
background_color flags.0?int If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the color chosen by the user: the main color of the background in RGB24 format
second_background_color flags.4?int If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the first and second background colors (RGB24 format) in a top-bottom gradient
third_background_color flags.5?int If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the first, second and third background colors (RGB24 format) in a freeform gradient
fourth_background_color flags.6?int If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the first, second, third and fourth background colors (RGB24 format) in a freeform gradient
intensity flags.3?int Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the main background color, 0-100
rotation flags.4?int Clockwise rotation angle of the gradient, in degrees; 0-359. Should be always divisible by 45

