{ "ActionBotAllowed": [ "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %1$s." ], "ActionBotWebViewData": [ "Data from the \"%1$s\" button was transferred to the bot." ], "ActionUserScored": [ "un1 scored %1$s" ], "ActionYouScored": [ "You scored %1$s" ], "ActionYouScoredInGame": [ "You scored %1$s in un2" ], "AddAsAdmin": [ "Add as admin" ], "AddBotAdmin": [ "Add bot as admin" ], "AddBotButton": [ "Add bot" ], "AddBotButtonAsMember": [ "as Member" ], "AddBotMessageAdminChannel": [ "Do you want to add this bot as an admin to the channel **%1$s**?" ], "AddBotMessageAdminGroup": [ "Are you sure you want to add this bot as an admin to the group **%1$s**?" ], "AddShortcut": [ "Add to Home Screen" ], "AddToTheGroupTitle": [ "Add %1$s to the chat %2$s?" ], "AreYouSureShareMyContactInfoBot": [ "The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services." ], "AutoDeletePopupTitle": [ "Auto-Delete" ], "Bot": [ "bot" ], "BotAddToMenu": [ "Add to Menu" ], "BotCantAddToAttachMenu": [ "This bot can't be added to the attachment menu." ], "BotCantJoinGroups": [ "This bot can't join groups." ], "BotHelp": [ "Help" ], "BotInfoTitle": [ "What can this bot do?" ], "BotInvite": [ "Add to Group" ], "BotOpenPageMessage": [ "**%1$s** would like to open its web app to proceed.

It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info." ], "BotOpenPageTitle": [ "Open page" ], "BotPermissionGameAlert": [ "Allow %1$s to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?" ], "BotRemoveFromMenu": [ "Remove **%1$s** from the attachment menu?" ], "BotRemoveFromMenuTitle": [ "Remove bot" ], "BotRequestAttachPermission": [ "**%1$s** requests to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat." ], "BotRestart": [ "Restart Bot" ], "BotSettings": [ "Settings" ], "BotShare": [ "Share" ], "BotStart": [ "START" ], "BotStatusCantRead": [ "has no access to messages" ], "BotStatusRead": [ "has access to messages" ], "BotStop": [ "Stop Bot" ], "BotWebViewDeleteBot": [ "Remove from Menu" ], "BotWebViewOpenBot": [ "Open Bot" ], "BotWebViewReloadPage": [ "Reload Page" ], "BotWebViewRequestAllow": [ "Allow" ], "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermission": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open." ], "BotWebViewRequestCameraPermissionWithHint": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access your camera?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open.

Enable camera access in Settings > Permissions > Camera." ], "BotWebViewRequestDontAllow": [ "Don't Allow" ], "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermission": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open." ], "BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermissionWithHint": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access your location?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your location when this web app is open.

Go to Settings > Permissions and turn **Location** on to share location data." ], "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermission": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open." ], "BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermissionWithHint": [ "Allow **%1$s** to access to your microphone?

The developer of **%1$s** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open.

Enable microphone access in Settings > Permissions > Microphone." ], "Cancel": [ "Cancel" ], "InvoiceCantForwardSecretChat": [ "Sorry, invoices can’t be forwarded to secret chats." ], "InvoiceCantSendSecretChat": [ "Sorry, invoices can’t be sent to secret chats." ], "MyChannels": [ "My Channels" ], "MyGroups": [ "My Groups" ], "OK": [ "OK" ], "OpenUrlAlert": [ "Open this link: %1$s?" ], "PaymentBillingAddress": [ "Billing address" ], "PaymentCardCvv": [ "Security Code (CVV)" ], "PaymentCardExpireDate": [ "MM/YY" ], "PaymentCardInfo": [ "Payment info" ], "PaymentCardName": [ "First and Last Name" ], "PaymentCardNumber": [ "Card Number" ], "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformation": [ "Save Payment Information" ], "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine1": [ "You can save your payment info for future use. It will be stored directly with the payment provider. Telegram has no access to your credit card data." ], "PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine2": [ "Please *turn on Two-Step Verification* to enable this." ], "PaymentCardTitle": [ "Payment card" ], "PaymentCheckout": [ "Checkout" ], "PaymentCheckoutEmail": [ "Contact address" ], "PaymentCheckoutMethod": [ "Payment method" ], "PaymentCheckoutMethodNewCard": [ "New card" ], "PaymentCheckoutName": [ "Name" ], "PaymentCheckoutPay": [ "PAY %1$s" ], "PaymentCheckoutPhoneNumber": [ "Phone number" ], "PaymentCheckoutProvider": [ "Payment provider" ], "PaymentCheckoutShippingMethod": [ "Shipping method" ], "PaymentConfirmationMessage": [ "Your card %1$s is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password." ], "PaymentConfirmationNewCard": [ "Choose Another Card" ], "PaymentConnectionFailed": [ "Unable to reach payment server. Please check your internet connection and try again." ], "PaymentFailed": [ "Sorry, the payment was declined." ], "PaymentInvoice": [ "INVOICE" ], "PaymentNoShippingMethod": [ "Sorry, it is not possible to deliver to your address." ], "PaymentPassword": [ "Password & Email" ], "PaymentPasswordEmail": [ "Your email address" ], "PaymentPasswordEmailInfo": [ "Please enter a valid email address. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password." ], "PaymentPasswordEmailTitle": [ "Recovery email" ], "PaymentPasswordEnter": [ "Enter a password" ], "PaymentPasswordInfo": [ "Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in." ], "PaymentPasswordReEnter": [ "Re-enter your password" ], "PaymentPasswordTitle": [ "Password" ], "PaymentPhoneEmailToProvider": [ "Phone and email address will be passed to %1$s as billing info." ], "PaymentPrecheckoutFailed": [ "Sorry, the payment was cancelled by the bot." ], "PaymentReceipt": [ "Receipt" ], "PaymentShippingAddress": [ "Shipping address" ], "PaymentShippingAddress1Placeholder": [ "Address 1 (Street)" ], "PaymentShippingAddress2Placeholder": [ "Address 2 (Street)" ], "PaymentShippingCityPlaceholder": [ "City" ], "PaymentShippingCountry": [ "Country" ], "PaymentShippingEmailPlaceholder": [ "Email" ], "PaymentShippingInfo": [ "Shipping Information" ], "PaymentShippingMethod": [ "Shipping methods" ], "PaymentShippingName": [ "Full Name" ], "PaymentShippingPhoneNumber": [ "Phone Number" ], "PaymentShippingReceiver": [ "Receiver" ], "PaymentShippingSave": [ "Save Shipping Information" ], "PaymentShippingSaveInfo": [ "You can save your shipping info for future use." ], "PaymentShippingStatePlaceholder": [ "State" ], "PaymentShippingZipPlaceholder": [ "Postcode" ], "PaymentSuccessfullyPaid": [ "You successfully transferred %1$s to %2$s for %3$s" ], "PaymentTestInvoice": [ "TEST INVOICE" ], "PaymentTip": [ "Tip" ], "PaymentTipOptional": [ "Tip (Optional)" ], "PaymentTransactionMessage": [ "Do you really want to transfer %1$s to the %2$s bot for %3$s?" ], "PaymentTransactionReview": [ "Transaction Review" ], "PaymentTransactionTotal": [ "Total" ], "PaymentWarning": [ "Warning" ], "PaymentWarningText": [ "Neither Telegram, nor %1$s will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, %2$s.

Payments will go directly to the developer of %1$s. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of %1$s or your bank." ], "PermissionOpenSettings": [ "SETTINGS" ], "Points": [ "%1$d", "%1$d" ], "PrivacyClearPayment": [ "Payment info" ], "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlert": [ "Delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards? Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data." ], "PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertTitle": [ "Clear payment info" ], "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentInfoCleared": [ "Payment info cleared." ], "PrivacyPaymentsPaymentShippingCleared": [ "Payment and shipping info cleared." ], "PrivacyPaymentsShippingInfoCleared": [ "Shipping info cleared." ], "Search": [ "Search" ], "SecretChatContextBotAlert": [ "Please note that inline bots are provided by third-party developers. For the bot to work, the symbols you type after the bot's username are sent to its respective developer." ], "SendGameTo": [ "Share game to %1$s?" ], "SendGameToGroup": [ "Share game to %1$s?" ], "ShareComment": [ "Write a comment..." ], "ShareMyContactInfo": [ "Share My Contact" ], "ShareYouLocationInfo": [ "This will send your current location to the bot." ], "ShareYouLocationInline": [ "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results." ], "ShareYouLocationTitle": [ "Share Your Location?" ], "ShareYouLocationUnable": [ "App was unable to determine your current location" ], "ShareYouLocationUnableManually": [ "Choose manually" ], "ShareYouPhoneNumberTitle": [ "Share your phone number?" ], "UserAddedAsAdminHint": [ "**%1$s** added as admin" ], "ViaBot": [ "via" ] }