Create a stickerset, bots only.
messages.stickerSet#6e153f16 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> keywords:Vector<StickerKeyword> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet;
messages.stickerSetNotModified#d3f924eb = messages.StickerSet;
stickers.createStickerSet#9021ab67 flags:# masks:flags.0?true animated:flags.1?true videos:flags.4?true emojis:flags.5?true text_color:flags.6?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.2?InputDocument stickers:Vector<InputStickerSetItem> software:flags.3?string = messages.StickerSet;
Name | Type | Description |
flags | # | Flags, see TL conditional fields |
masks | flags.0?true | Whether this is a mask stickerset |
animated | flags.1?true | Whether this is an animated stickerset |
videos | flags.4?true | Whether this is a video stickerset |
user_id | InputUser | Stickerset owner |
title | string | Stickerset name, 1-64 chars |
short_name | string | Short name of sticker set, to be used in sticker deep links ยป. Can contain only english letters, digits and underscores. Must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and, if called by a bot, must end in "_by_<bot_username>" . <bot_username> is case insensitive. 1-64 characters. |
thumb | flags.2?InputDocument | Thumbnail |
stickers | Vector<InputStickerSetItem> | Stickers |
software | flags.3?string | Used when importing stickers using the sticker import SDKs, specifies the name of the software that created the stickers |
Code | Type | Description |
400 | PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID | Short pack name invalid. |
400 | PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED | A stickerpack with this name already exists. |
400 | PACK_TITLE_INVALID | The stickerpack title is invalid. |
400 | PEER_ID_INVALID | The provided peer id is invalid. |
400 | STICKERS_EMPTY | No sticker provided. |
400 | STICKER_EMOJI_INVALID | Sticker emoji invalid. |
400 | STICKER_FILE_INVALID | Sticker file invalid. |
400 | STICKER_GIF_DIMENSIONS | The specified video sticker has invalid dimensions. |
400 | STICKER_PNG_DIMENSIONS | Sticker png dimensions invalid. |
400 | STICKER_PNG_NOPNG | One of the specified stickers is not a valid PNG file. |
400 | STICKER_TGS_NODOC | You must send the animated sticker as a document. |
400 | STICKER_TGS_NOTGS | Invalid TGS sticker provided. |
400 | STICKER_THUMB_PNG_NOPNG | Incorrect stickerset thumb file provided, PNG / WEBP expected. |
400 | STICKER_THUMB_TGS_NOTGS | Incorrect stickerset TGS thumb file provided. |
400 | STICKER_VIDEO_BIG | The specified video sticker is too big. |
400 | STICKER_VIDEO_NODOC | You must send the video sticker as a document. |
400 | STICKER_VIDEO_NOWEBM | The specified video sticker is not in webm format. |
400 | USER_ID_INVALID | The provided user ID is invalid. |
Telegram clients must handle special tg:// and deep links encountered in messages, link entities and in other apps by registering OS handlers.