
Confirms creation of a secret chat

encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat;
encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat;
encryptedChatRequested#62718a82 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat;
encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat;
encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat;
messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat;


Name Type Description
peer InputEncryptedChat Secret chat ID
g_b bytes B = g ^ b mod p, see Wikipedia
key_fingerprint long 64-bit fingerprint of the received key



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHAT_ID_INVALID The provided chat id is invalid
400 ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_ACCEPTED Secret chat already accepted
400 ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED The secret chat was already declined